Are you ready for Shadowbringers? XIV can only go up from this point. Based Yoshida

Are you ready for Shadowbringers? XIV can only go up from this point. Based Yoshida.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want that fucking hoodie man. Also the media tour leaks are kinda underwhelming

EU's dont leak. They're must more well mannered than the NAs.

>Hey guys, MrHappy here, and today I will show you how to lick Yoshi P's cock clean.

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>this opinion

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Summoner Phoenix Egi and MCH Chainsaw

Anything else?

I'm so fucking ready
>he/she/xe does have his/her/xor level 60, 65, 67, 69, 70 tank and ranged sets farmed already

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This wasn't a media tour leak this was one of the Blufever leaks from months and months ago. There haven't been any media tour leaks to speak of yet.

Will this be the expansion where i can land attacks on moving targets as melee? Tripple digit ping life is suffering

Because they're doing a pretty good job of keeping stuff hidden. I mean people don't even know what the plot is going to be like until release. Meanwhile people datamine that shit on WoWs PTR.

>Summoner's get two rezzes
>MCH becomes physical damage RDM
great new updates! not

>Yoshi keeps calling him a bald faggot
>he still licks Yoshi's cock all the time
Truly a faggot.

They are going to do the same thing they did going to SB for AST aren't they? Nerf malific 2 by 20 potency then give you malific 3 with the same potency as the original malific 2 and call it a new skill.

I love lalafell

>they're bigger bootlickers*

>still playing healers in this game
you get what you deserve

200+ping gang where you at

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Why is purple guy not in prison?


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please don't take away tank stances why the fuck would you do that

if there are designated off tanks and main tanks then I want the off tank jobs to lose their tank privileges and just be treated as a dps

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Job icons were made by someone on twitter based on the sticker pack, the rest of that is made up.

>leylines with no CD
too obvious, FAKE NEWS

Don't post something that gay again.

Isn't The Spear a DH buff?

How does a real life person actually want every single thing spoiled to them before playing? Why sub if you're going to get the story spoiled, every dungeon spoiled, and every raid mechanic spoiled?
Luckily SE is either too lazy or ideologically opposed to that shit. They attempted to hide pazuzu feathers from miners once.

No that's crit.

The Spear is a crit buff

Purple is the color of gay, BIG GAY

PLD/DRK are going to be main tanks.
WAR/GUN are going to be off tanks.

They all do the same amount of damage by having skills more suited to their role. Like PLD/DRK gets more DPS from tanking by shield swipes, old reprisal, new skills, job gauge reworks and such. Meanwhile WAR/GUN do the same damage just smacking the enemy unga bunga style.

>when the media tour started on the wednesday after

The only thing that is even remotely believable is the spire change to be honest.

phoenix doesn't res but it does something else to the whole party, try to figure it out :)


It would take me one afternoon to crank out a set of crafted gear for every 5 levels. Im not bothering with that until I know for sure DNC and GUN will even be good.

FFXI is better, remain seething you stupid trannies

>just started playing AST
>having fun passing buffs around
Haven't hit the 60 stuff yet, but that earthly star looks sexy.

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I am ready for DNC

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>leaving astro as buff machine with the benefits of both WHM and SMN
I do not believe it for a second

So what you're saying is, PLD and DRK are going to be in the shed?

i want the gunbreaker thing to be real since that sounds cool


Earthly Star is great, but Sleeve Draw makes me rock hard

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and I'm ready for you to fuck off back to /trash/ thank you

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>God tier character

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I always hoped GUN was a shield based mitigation tank rather than generic % based cooldowns. Hope theres some semblance of truth to it.

>RDM Rez has a 300 second cooldown
>RDM Rez can still be double-casted


What's currently the best way to level up a char to 60?

Also what are currently some of the more engaging jobs, where you don't mindlessly mash in your rotation?

You need phoenix aether to summon phoenix. you get phoenix aether after summoning demi bahamut.

Remember to kick all Hrothgays from your parties

this can't be happening, paladinbros... we were off tanks... OFF TANKS.... FUCK WARRIOR....

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Why the fuck does everyone play healer/tank/DPS? Theres no variety

post actual leaks

all the tanks will do the same damage if they do their proper main or off tank role. getting hit too much as a warrior means you have to swap stances and lose dps, not getting hit at all as a paladin means you miss out on procs and job gauge

BRD has a GCD with a long CD

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The majority of that is inaccurate.

Are you stupid?


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I want to fuck his ass

Can anyone leak the live letter from Stormblood that showed job changes? I want to gauge how much to expect from this and not get my hopes up on too much info.

Yeah, everyone should be playing Blue Mage

fuck you want people to do? hop in the 24-man with a weaver?
clear savage as a fisher?

>tfw had them and turned them in for seals once I got them all to 70


If you don't have every job maxed and the ability to play them on demand you're trash and them being "good" doesn't matter to you

>lets just turn another card into a different flavor of damage buff
yeah that one is definitely real

Looking forward to that too.
Is the lord/lady you get from minor arcana entirely random or dependent on the card you use? I'm doing some pre-reading but nothing I've found gave me a clear answer.

There is no main/off tank.
Theres tank that pulls and tank that currently has CDs up.
Fuck Yoshi for creating this dichotomy that the retarded playerbase will treat as law.

I'm ready to be given an excuse to drop DRK once and for all. Don't disappoint me Yoshi.

I said believable, not real.

WAR removed from the game, Dancer uses scouting gear, Viera have large futa cocks with extremely high-definition textures.

Play GW2

>There is no main/off tank.
there will be now. all tanks can mitigate fine, it's just their damage will be affected if they don't attire to their main/off tank roles.


Who are the shadowbringers?

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Minor Arcana is entirely random, yeah. It's basically just a way to dump cards you don't want and maybe getting some damage or maybe getting some extra healing

>party wide 100% damage buff that lasts until you die
holy fuck...

Here ya go bro

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The scions


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Well, Fisher IS a much better caster than Black Mage, Summoner or Red Mage...


Don't worry about it joblet, play your own way

But Thancred is clearly lightfag.

That sounds pretty neat for gunbreaker so of course they're not doing it.

NIN will lose TA, will receive no potency increase to compensate



I'm actually ok with this, letting tanks shine better in certain roles is fine as long as you don't make them completely incapable of performing the other role when needed.


That would be dumb as shit.
So ofcourse thats whats going to happen.

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Fuck you

>leak an official livestream
cmon man
also it's xxxvi if you want to look through the twitch archives for it

not even the xiv devs are this incompetent

I can work with that. Thanks.

Funny how I don't see you posting this in Giant Bomb threads

Holy shit it only took 7 years or whatever but this shit is slowly becoming a game again.


If there are going to be OT and MT then how will I tank in 4 mans?

TBN is a step in right direction.

No one knows anything yet and just pulling random shit out their ass.

what they mean by it, user, is that 2 tanks will be slightly reworked to function much better in the main tank role and 2 other tanks will be balanced to work better as off tanks.

It won't affect their overall ability to solo tank, as they're still tanks, but we can probably expect the MTs to have better mitigation and defensive CDs, while the OTs will have offensive CDs to take advantage of opening to do big damage.

Dungeons are not threatening in any way shape or form, all tanks will have defensive tools but some will be better as OT and others will be better as MT is what they mean


Dungeons literally do the most tank damage of all content in the game

I meant to say link.

Wouldn't the meta just be two main tanks then? If you do a tank swap with a warrior+paladin in the group then the warrior gets reduced dps for tanking and the paladin gets reduced dps for off tanking.

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The meta would be 2 off tanks for more DPS.

If you're an "offtank" maybe you'll apply more pressure than before and try to trim down the damage you take by dealing it. Maintanks will probably stay the same but maybe more tools to cement that role. Both have defensives and are still tanks so you'll be fine.

You mean both offtanks to maximize damage potential

>the paladin gets reduced dps for off tanking.
>he said this after suggesting 2 MT comp
Real brainlet hour.

>He says while DPS queue is always the longest

You're fucking stupid
One job with a DPS penalty is preferred to two

No the meta would be one of each, since the idea is that the MT tanks will GAIN DPS from the MT position and vice versa instead of the OTs just having better damage no matter what.

I'm not sure what this media tour is meant to accomplish. You're just showing shit to a select few that won't ever even convince new players to buy the game while pissing off the average consumer. What a fucking waste of time and money, but that's the name of this shitty game.

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I been wondering but why does warrior have shake it off? Seems like skill a paladin would have.

I want AoE to return in 5.0


it was originally a bad skill so they changed it into a good skill for some reason

Make both of the offtanks tank stance weaker and their DPS stance stronger, but they are always critically hit by single target attacks in DPS stance. Who am I kidding? They're removing stances anyway.

Because WAR has to be OP forever because they were kinda bad for one patch 6 years ago

WAR isn't allowed to have any bad skills, this should be known by now.

>he's not planning on playing Hrothgar
It's almost like you don't want bunnycunny.

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After the SB embargo, Mizzteq posted videos for each individual job and their new skills and descriptions. So it's not all for nothing.

Make the OT jobs do increased damage when not being aggroed by something. Who cares if they perform slightly worse in dungeons?

Finally getting crafting/gathering leveled. Any good guides out there?

>people who roll on every token in Deltascape
I will never get this fucking bolt.

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>they don't even have real claws

Wouldn't that depend on just how big the gap between MT doing its thing and an OT in the main role is? Having at least one of the tanks always doing max damage after a swap seems like something that people would want to do.

Every AoE skill is going to get the Guren-tier damage reduction so you have to respect the content

What are some indicators that an FC/LS is good?
I'd like to join a small-medium FC but I'm not sure what red flags I should be aware of.

Paladin already has veil

Pre ShB Tank tier
SSS Tier
A Tier

Post ShB Tank tier
SSS Tier
SS Tier
Irrelevant tier

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>not lion bussy
literal faggot

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>You're just showing shit to a select few
Yeah! Who in their right mind would ever invite press to something like this for more exposure later through articles? Shit's bonkers, yo!

>let media people see a bunch of shit in great detail
>give them a week or two to write articles so they arn't rushing things out for muh clicks
>build more hype as autists shill your game for you after you already hyped people up with the live letter

it makes sense, the only reason people are mad is because we know that things are being held back from us, but there is an actual purpose to it

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you can skip to part 8 if you just want gearing and rotations and don't give a shit about how crafting actually works, you'll get the same results either way

Please don't tell me you're farming deltascape for 320 gear

>not GNB

Hrothgar Dancer reporting

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Please daddy, fuck my ass with your barbed dick.

they don't mind calling you a busta ass faggot when you get out of line

But they're just funneling in content creators that only existing players consume. The fucking fanfests get more outside exposure than this garbage.

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The real kicker is when the fuckers "in the know" start humble bragging about it, like shut the fuck asshole.

Reminder to kick all male DNC from your parties

How is MCH? Was pretty much always considered trash when I still played.

>any hrothgar
>not being a gigafaggot

I'm not saying it's all for nothing necessarily, but isn't it redundant after the live letter already tells us everything?

Both are fine, but bunnycunny is better honestly.

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Peak MCH was 3.4 MCH. If you didn't play that nothing will ever come close.

I'm so glad that the devs took time to make some of the headpieces equipable. we really do have the best dev team

Afraid of being out-dps'd ?

Reminder to kick all Lalafels or "Dwarves" as i like to call them

MCH's DPS is actually respectable, the problem is that playing it is boring and overly complicated to the point if you were going to tryhard you would be better off playing literally any other class since you would provide more group utility or damage with less effort.

Worse than bard in every way but also feels like ass

EB me and fuck my boypussy user.

>Posting hetero opinions
>While posting homosexual lion man
Meme to the extreme

He's probably farming the Orchestrion roll instead of just buying it off the MB.

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Bros... should I level GNB to 70 before starting the SO story?
I don't know if I'll be able to make it.....................................

Did you not see me type "both are fine"?

>straight guy posting housamo
Now I've seen everything

Nah, I just don't want gays in my party

Will Hrothgar really have a wolf face option?

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Welp, thought so.

I really don't know what to play. Stopped playing right before Stormblood came out and don't know what to play now


I'm semi-farming Deltascape for a orchestrion roll I need two bolts for. I'm missing one.
>for 320 gear
That's my gripe with new players in this. They clearly roll on tokens to get gear despite there already being better and not hard to get. It's always noobs rolling everything and I rarely see longer players roll on the bolts.

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I'm pretty sure they were a last minute thing, because you don't see them mention at all through the game.

got bad news for you there buddy
you might want to just stop playing

so just ask before the instance begins for people to pass on X loot if they don't need it.

It's one of the two classes confirmed for overhaul though, so it'll play differently in 2 months

Okay phew

>I just don't want gays in my party
>playing ffxiv

>staff said whm rework is CRAZY good

Dare I dream? Is it finally whm's time to shine?

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I don't play with Australians, so this doesn't matter

What's the other one? Dark Knight?

I loved Dark Knight in HW but they destroyed it in SB in my opinion

WHM, SCH, PLD, DRK, MCH, and MNK are all getting reworked to various degrees.

>not GUN

Contrary to what your AIDS-addled brain may believe, most people are not fags, even in 14

Is stormblood beatable in 1 month?

No, get to 80 on something else first so you can get tomes and join hunts while you deal with the 60-70 slog

>mch is hard to play meme
it takes the same effort to play as any other job retard

Isn't it four classes that are getting significant reworks? DRK, MCH, MNK and WHM?

Just the MSQ? Yes, for sure.

to be fair they kinda did the same thing with aura, where they got introduced in hw and late arr and then we actually got to see them in sb
since we're (probably) going to ilsabard in 6.0 we'll see their homelands later

I just play MCH because I like shootan a gun
I think the DPS is fine but I just mostly do casual pve roulette and etc and some pvp so I can't compare to raids and whatnot


it takes a lot more APM than BRD to do the same DPS.

go play dragoon or red mage or samurai and then get back to me and tell me that machinist isn't more difficult
i'll wait
also my point was more that it was boring and badly designed faggot, wildfire eclipses far too much of their design to the point it cripples the entire job

what's the fastest way to level a chocobo
the only relevant tree are heal and dps, right?


It's mainly for press while the content creators are in the minority. They're just more vocal about it because bragging rights.

>Reminder that Fordola had all the right to hate the Ala Mhigans and what they did to her and her family.
>Reminder that Fordola is an amazming character and Yoshida confirmed that she will be back in the MSQ.

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fastest way used to be with blue mage exploit but they patched the exp gain for chocobos. dunno whats the best way now.

It isn't hard. It's fucking tedious for reward that really isn't worth it unless you REALLY like shooting shit.

For maybe 10 seconds. Rest of the time you barely press more than your coinflip combo with a couple different reloads sprinkled in.

So done have any actual leaks or just
>Dude trust me
Discord posters

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The only proven leak we have is the meme image

Fordola is only good as a Garlean cumdumpster

>family sells out to the Garleans
>oh no why do they hate us daddy

Fuck off. All Mhiggers deserve the rope.

You waited this long why not just wait 3 more days.

We've got the Blufever meme image, and a bunch of obvious fakes

DONT bully my WIFE

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Have some fucking patience you little shit

>even in 14
That's hard to believe. You can barely take 10 steps without coming across some hilariously obnoxious faggot advertising their gay discords/FC/LS

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If it ain't Blufever it's a crock of shit.

training at a stable + challenge logs. it still takes forever tho
also yes tank is pretty bad, healer is probably the most useful, attack is ok

off topic but
>garlean troops confirmed to be into rough sex by those cat whores and the talking you over hear when you sneak through ala mhigo

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its not tedious, you just sound bad

cute boy

A handful of fags being loud and obnoxious doesn't mean there's a lot of them

>he doesn't know

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>most people are not fags
>meanwhile the vast majority of players are female miqo'te/au ra characters being played by males
fucking lmao

the only real leaks you got is the blufever shit and that one video europeans uploaded at the media tour where they were reacting to the skill trailer (but not showing it)


>loli elezen cunny

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>My shitpost was included

>pressing 1, 2, and maybe 3 for a minute straight because everything including heat is so perfectly lined up there's barely any variation outside of ping isn't tedious

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A friendly reminder that if your favorite primal isn't Ravana, you have no taste

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Ravana is a jobber, the coolest primal is Sephirot


Source on pic?

I like Shiva


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Most people just play what they want to fuck


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I fucking wish

>implying I won't get lots of bunnygirldick

dps: spam palace of the dead
tank/healer: spam dungeons

I find healing to be pretty engaging when you try to pump out as much dps as possible. I hear smn and drg are pretty involved though if you like that sort of thing. go nuts my dude
s'pretty good shit

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Urth's Fount Extreme FUCKING WHEN

If you have the earrings it's spam current level dungeons with any. If you don't PoTD for DPS and current level dungeons for healers and tanks cuz of insta ques.

I've been leveling up a dragoon as a backup dps incase the MCH rework somehow makes it worse to play. I just got to 50 from spamming POTD and want to do something else.

Whats optimal to level another job from 50-70?

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No, they really should read and learn about how to use specialization.

If that's what you want: I'm sure there will be plenty of providers.

are dungeons actually better for a tank?
i get like half a level for 10 minutes of "work" in potd at level 38ish.

Ah I read this before, just forgot since it's been like 5 years. Thanks though.

See 50-60 without earrings on a dps is PoTD if you got earrings just spam current dungeons. 60-70 will always be stormblood dungeons no exceptions.

Not before lalajews and elfniggers get it.

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Say what you want about Eureka, people there are really helpful and friendly most of the time

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Do your roulettes everyday for exp. Including alliance roulette, that's hella exp for zero effort

too bad they made this outfit only for it to be shown a few times

I wanted this during Heavensward. Same with Proto-Ultima

Hyur are the most powerful race.

You'll benefit from rested XP and any other XP buff inside a dungeon.

It's called a "We appreciate you journalists/influencers feel special" tour. It's massively homosex.

Want to play a caster. Do I level black mage or summoner? Have both at like 50, but don't know which one is more fun at 70

HW: DRK was new so PLD was in the cuckshed
SB: No new tank, DRK was in the cuckshed
ShB: GUN is new tank, WAR is now in the cuckshed

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>ever not being SE's special boy

Black Mage is the most fun
You should level all 3

what an absolute basedboi

>WAR in the cuckshed
>For more than 1 patch

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War will never be in the shed, as they are always apologizing for warrior sucking in 2.0 release.

>WAR is now in the cuckshed
I'm gonna scream until it's let out.

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Hows the PVP in FF14? is it anything close to wow in terms of fluid action

Dungeons with the pre order earring, but as just a dps ur better off POTD until 60, get to 61 with raid and leveling roulettes, then either hope dungeons queues are ok or Heaven on high like the rest of us dps cucks

P sure if that happens WARs have a group suicide pact ready.

>thinking what to do before my sub expires besides clean inventory
>remember I dont have the time to care about levellimg crafters beyond 60 anymore
Guess I'm just excited for pve content as gunbreaker in shb. Who else /tired but pilled on time management/?
It's too daunting playing this for more than 6 hours a week anymore

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I have fond memories of that trial, that and Shiva are my favorites by far.
It was the first time I actually felt like a healer and shat the bed hardcore.

I want to die.

As someone who is currently top 100 in Feast on Aether, it can be A LOT of fun but can also be VERY frustrating. It was very dependent on your team and your personal skill. Try to avoid anyone opinion who hasnt been in feast because they just bandwagon off reddit opinion. Sadly this feast season ends in about 12 hrs, so you should try the daily roulette to get a handle on what jobs you want to try.

If I glamour my healer in full plate armor do you think it'd actually confuse enemies in PvP?

Come up with a Ultimate fight, Yea Forums.

Hardmode: No Thordan/Knight's of the Round, Warring Triad, Four Lords, Omega or Niedhoegg.

>but they patched the exp gain for chocobos.
Their patch for the chocobo EXP gain was to put it on-parity with BLU no matter your job

When's the reveal again? The 23rd?


>dodge aoe at half bar
>get nuked anyway
>people often lectures you about avoiding aoe even though you do

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Why don't you try and tell us the results?

A Garlean gauntlet.
You fight Rhytatyn, Livia, Nero and Gaius and then all four at once.

Sure why not
But I'm 99% sure it will do nothing


that's the excuse yoshi came up with

>MCH, literally anything goes wrong during wildfire, boss phases/Adds spawn/you have to do mechanics while hammering your retarded rotation.
>BLM Spams fire 4 and just Aethers over to other people who do mechanics then Betweens back.

Wow yeah you're right bro.

Play on the right data center then, retard.

Rhitahtyn sas Arvina Ultimate

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the excuse for what?

They better rework Cover if they want to make PLD an MT

They can still see your weapon. Maybe if you're a SCH and there is a SMN on your team, but then all it will take is seeing either of you cast something.

Fuck you guys I'm maining GNB even if it plays like 4.0 machinist hot garbage.

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Thats easy, Bute FUCKING Justice.
Its already stuctured like an ultimate.
Just need to add more to each phase.

That doesn't make you gay bro

there isn't any

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hildebrand ultimate
fighting greg with intermissions of ultros and typhon, enduku, and then final boss of godbert
reward is gold saucer weapons but with some fancy bullshit effects or gold idk

Maybe if names weren't replaced with your job

Fray and Sid.

>tfw european playing on NA DC cause all friends are on there
>my main job is NIN

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Here I am bro. Seeing everything later than the rest.
I guess DNC is going to play in a similar way to mudras so another job I cannot really play.

Is staying the same going up? I guess if you compare it to WoW

Nabriele > Igorym > Lahabrea > Ascian Prime

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>i don't want gays in my party
You better leave when you see a female au ra(male) or a miqo'te of either gender.

how do i gear up now that im 70

>top players from sb and hw played from eurogay on NA servers because small good player pool
>people still blame ping for their purple parses

buy full 380 off the mb
there, you are now ready for shadowbringers.

Buy 380 off the MB.

Do roulettes and dungeons, exchange tomestones for gear.

Try running level 70 content and spending level 70 tomes idiot

50-60 is still POTD
60-61 is just roulettes
61-70 is HOH

You get better experience doing squardons for up to 50.

Can you get orange parses with PF shitters?

How much faster is HOH than roulettes for 61-70?

Alexander ultimate.
>at the midpoint you have the manipulator NISI orb mechanics, Brute Justice Gavel mechanic, and Alexander Prime timestops.

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Anyone on primal want to do some dungeons with a level 68 ninja?

like every orange parse this late into an expansion is catered as fuck, so no

The Yea Forums statement is the only truthful thing in this image

depends of the comp and how many balances you get fed

Just buy the cheapest highest ilvl shit from market board
Don't bother investing heavily into gear because ShB is going to make every SB gear throw into the bin tier

do i look like im made of gil

I want to unlock Alexander but I’m only at A5.

it takes 4 runs of hoh per level roughly, its probably worth it even with a healer/tank class but i'm not sure the comparison to roulettes. maybe one level from doing each of them a day?

I hope Ishgard Restoration will make Steps of Faith available as a (screenshot) map(, like Royal Menagerie).

Damn, I guess I'll forever stay purple.

HoH 61-70 is about 42 runs of floor 21-30.
Just be patient and wait for dungeon queues, it's much better xp, it will take a bit longer because of the dps queues but HoH is mindnumbingly boring at low floors.

Not really
They're echo parses and don't matter though.

Yes if with decent comp and NIN actually knows when to use TA.

why jobs can't equip other jobs gear.

a ss buff is the most useless thing

>Doesn't know how to gear at 70
>Somehow doesn't have 2 Mil gil from the MSQ to just buy shit

Okay then kill yourself I guess, that's probably a good next step.

It's actually very easy now to get orange, but no one cares about parses with echo.

Just thinking about that made my asshole pucker.

>19 years old
I always thought she was older

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I actually prefer brainless grinding over waiting in queues and actually having to pay attention through dungeons, so I'd probably prefer hoh

female highlanders just look like they're nearing 30.

Thornmarch, with twice as many moogles

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>being poor
What did you spend your gil on?

I hope RDM stays about the same. I just find it to be fun to play. We could use a dot though

I'm physically and romantically attracted to moogles

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Based. elezen lolis are cute and funny.

female highlanders look like 15 years old boys though

was she also one of Gaius onaholes?

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You should have more than enough money to buy the left side i380 pieces for your main job by the time you are done with MSQs.
If not, at least make sure you buy the weapon since it's by far the biggest upgrade, and just spam whatever the highest ilvl dungeon is you can do for gear until you get a high enough ilvl to run the 3rd 24man of SB (Orbonne Monastery), which drops i390 pieces.
There's really no shortcuts other if you don't want to or can't spend the money to buy gear outright. Make sure you also cap your Genesis Tomestones every week since you can use that to get gear that's equivalent to the Savage raid drops.

You can also do fates while waiting for a dungeon queues.

The Ultimate Investigation
It's all 3 Hildibrand trials

user... no one does fates...

How do you think she got to be in charge of her own unit?

Gaius had nothing to do with Ala Mhigo and Zenos is too autistic for sex. She probably got raped by some middle-ranking Garlean officers though.

FATEs scale with the number of participants in the zone. Even if you're alone, they'll be easy.

SB Fates are legit thanks to the exp boosters and since no one is doing them they're scaled for 1 player and you finish then in like 2 minutes.

So you'd rather sit in Reach or Kugane while waiting for the que?