Every day every post is the same

Every day every post is the same.

Attached: 4chan oc timeline.png (1200x1025, 214K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah it's depressing
And i can't even leave thus place and neither can you


and the worst part is that they'll get defensive about it and claim that their facebookfrog is edgy because hillary didn't like it


Yea Forums mascots include a pedophile bear and hitler himself
a bald emo and a frog


It's called less effort, same result OP. Similar comparison would be 2000s cartoons to today shitty calarts cartoons.

>every post is the same
Right down to the complaints about every post being the same. If it's so monotonous, go do something else. Otherwise, you're bringing it on yourself.


You mean every day is repost day you newfagggot.


>mascots include a pedophile bear and hitler himself

OC and fun is cringe and bluepilled now, triggering the libtards with irony and memes is based and redpilled.

>tfw moot left this cursed hellhole before you did

OP is a faggot whos part of the problem too

I think half of the posts nowadays either made by bots that make posts so superfluous it doesn't matter what context of the thread is whatsoever or by some complex neural nets

the word "based" used to apply to an oldfag btfoing a newfag as far as I can remember. now its just an upboat

A Sunday newspaper comics tier drawing vs template characters literally made to be used by people so we can make them faster and easier and it's not only the faggots who spend 2 hours on ms paint who make them

Get with the times or go to tumblr to show off your art fag

>Yea Forums comics made now
no such thing, they're all stolen

OC is for fags. Console tan threads aren’t vidya

Remember when people used to make shit like Yea Forums rage comics, back when Moot owned the site. When Zone made content more regularly. When people used to make animations. When every post wasn't some faggot shill veiling some dumbshit political commentary

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wtf are you talking about? It was literally always been used to pretty much just as an ironic upboat

That image is dishonest.

You are the big epic fail guy OP

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>generic "whining about pepes/wojaks" thread #9356
If you want rageface OC so much, go and make it yourself. Yea Forums is not your personal meme factory.

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ah bloo bloo my poor internet pictures are ruined now :'(

haha pepe wojak so funny!

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it wasn't spammed everywhere like it is now

fuck off newfag

Why is the entirety of Yea Forums obsessed with these old reddit memes which only the normalest of normal people would ever post, and why doesn't it go away?

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>bro,,, I remember sitting here in this same spot and seeing epic LUL memes :/ I was around back in 2010 IM SUCH AN OLDFAG
face it all the oldfags have left and if you reply saying they havent you're lying

You allowed it to happen, you allowed those shitposters to infest and taint the site. You're doing nothing to combat them so don't you dare cry about how they ruin the site when you allowed it to happen and aren't doing anything about it.

>Wojack wasn't as popular, only for Feels


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insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Attached: wojak pepe canon timeline low res.jpg (2250x1350, 658K)

Because you focus on the bait threads and ignore the rest.

everything tends toward the least effort

the brazilbornes must be eradicated.

>Off topic post
>Responds with literal child porn

no no no stop posting frogs right now and go make original memes for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

All the drawfags letf or aged out and there was never new blood because why bother when "memes" have been bottom of the barrel and the same shit on every website for the past 8 years.

This what they used to look like on Yea Forums before the staph ruined the board.
>hurr know your meme says
Allow me to retort before you cite snopes or knowyourmeme or any of that shit: youtube.com/watch?v=rdD1HcwgqvQ

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B-but user how am I supposed to farm karma with epik maymays on r/Yea Forums if there's only frogs and wojacks around?

Remember the last time when we tried OC but Nincels were so buttblasted that they ran it into the ground?

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Daily reminder that meme "humour" was never funny, and will never be funny.
Be it old or new memes, posting them makes you come off as a literal parrot child.

Yea Forums memes used to be ants? woah bro...

Attached: damnthatssmall.jpg (620x382, 21K)

Yep and we killed it with Wojaks and Pepe

>he thinks it's being used ironically at this point
Something something retards that think they are in good company.

I remember sonygros being the most ass-blasted by that image. Hence their numerous edits and shitposting.

>le wacky faic reddit humor
The absolute state of this place in 2019

Wasnt it mostly posted on Yea Forums and /pol/

>and Pepe
i remember a joke all wojak edit but i've never seen a pepe edit

If someone starts a thread with Facebook-tier MSPaint shit, you should have carte blanche to post whatever rule-breaking content you want in their thread free of repercussions.

Prove me wrong.

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Phone posters.
Facebookfrog and wojak are prevelant because the majority of people who post on Yea Forums are on their phone so the ability to make OC are something new is limited to a device you use with your fingers like a toddler resulting toddler like behaviour

>I found funneh pic of frog :D i will now post funneh pic of frog haha

YIKES! soulless much?

But le Yea Forums rage guy was so hella epic for the win!!!

It was just generic fotm waifu shit and you know it. Stadia-tan was character with zero lasting power.

Shut the fuck up you retarded trip nigger faggot kike spic. Go kill yourself

It's the worst in classic WoW threads. Instead of OC and old vanilla memes, it's just different variations of wojak.

t. closet furfag who desperately wishes someone would hook him up with some more pokeporn

Right is literally better

>If someone starts a thread with a drawing i don't like i should be able to shitpost all i want
keep up user you're saving this board.

get the fuck out faggot

it's not used ironically anymore, wake up

could be. I rarely go there

>calling other newfriends, newfriends
hello my fellow new friends :)

So this is the kind of person that whines about pepes and wojaks.
Suddenly i don't hate pepe nor wojak anymore. I might even start to save some.

>fling shit at everyone but sony

The absolute state of (You).
No surprise Sony gets voted as the worst fanbase on this board every single fucking time.

That is exactly the problem. You newfags think it's based to shit out memes at the rate of a Chinese production line as if more was better, but it ends up being more of the same.
Don't get me wrong, though. Those thinking that pre2012 Yea Forums was original are also newfags, but it doesn't mean that this EPIC IRONIC BASED newfag trend to make everything a frogpost is actually excusable.

>tfw Chrisposting and Dutchposting were actually fun before Yea Forums ran it into the ground

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Fuck off tripfag
Not even reading ur post
An hero already

Reading the /vg/ Classic thread is like reading twitch chat. Nonstop pepe images

I refuse to believe people saying "based" is not used unironically that cant be.

A majority of people on Yea Forums and Yea Forums use it unironically. Also it is leaking to facebook and twitter at this point.

you can't sneak in, you've already been outed

where did it go so wrong bros...

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When our OC became 'rage faces' people stopped giving a shit about making new shit

invasion of reddit, and fucking up this entire site with politics and epic sjw vs anti-sjw battles.

Should barry become the next new meme?

Attached: Barry.png (876x788, 133K)

who says im trying to sneak in my fellow new friend :)

>muh nincels
the sony character was clearly out of place from the obvious negative aspects theme that all the others had going for them. granted, the "better" one some other guy edited sucked even harder and completely ignored the simple details and shit to throw in as much "thing i don't like" as possible, but why wouldn't you expect constant one-upping when it comes to console war shit?

When posting stopped being something you had to sit down in front of a PC for and became something people literally do while shitting.

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You will fit percectly with the other clowns using it

Pic related

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my fucking sides

whatever you say fellow redditor. i'm going to give this post an epic upboat :)

I'm on the toilet right now writing this post to be honest with you bro. It helps me relax.

;_; cheer up emo duck

Imagine letting two mspaint drawings live in your head rent-free.

I agree with you point but you're still a tranny freak. Kys

Both sides have 3 good memes each

This board will never get over ettes. And its glorious, the biggest oc in years and you faggots reeeed because you couldnt go into paint and put it in a tux or clown outfit to get yous.

>Feels guy and Pepe suck now that they're popular, right fellow Channers
Go back.

>implying Yea Forums still exist
>it isn't just /pol/ bait

Agreed. Being a dumb frogposter is pretty disgusting.


Lmao they were literally Tumblrs favorite maymay

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"Rent-free" turned into "how do you do, fellow kids?" as soon as Clinton used it (despite HER actually being obsessed with HIM)

>I'm playing the game
Fuck you just reading that gave me a nostalgia moment.

If you think any of the garbage on the right is good then you're just as bad as any frogposter.

What the fuck is an ette

I knew something was up with these new cartoons. They just seem off and they all look the same

The frogs aren't real, user. They can't hurt you.

>shiggy diggy is bad
Okay newfaggot

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hello newfrien- I mean oldfriend because you're of course from 08 arent you :)

Wojak and pepe are STILL better than those rage comics. They're both shitty art anyways, the point is the message.

Tfw Yea Forums is Yea Forums now

says the faggot who literally spams ""girl""wojak on Yea Forums

>frog bad
>stick good

Between people spamming them and people rejecting them who do you think has them living in their head?

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I dutifully post "kill yourself wojakposting trannie" every time I see a wojak

Attached: kerillian .png (485x485, 258K)

Found the people that have only been browsing for one year

it would be good if it was Yea Forums. it's /pol/ bait for ironic and non-ironic nazi niggers obsessed with tranny conspiracy theories

That wasn't very Kino of you

Yea Forums is Yea Forums 2.0 but Yea Forums was Yea Forums2.0 like 6 years ago and now /pol/ is actually Yea Forums 3.0

It's possible to convey ideas without them being in a meme greentext format.

Surely you do make OC user, right? You're not just sitting around expecting people to make OC for you while complaining that nobody makes any?

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lmao no they fuking aren't, seething trannie, and the only message they convey is "PLEASE FEEL BAD FOR ME!" which is typical SJW bullshit

go dilate

>implying he's not lurking right now

Invasions. Now, invasions were hilarious and fun, but they're the ultimate component to the newfag invasion that led to Chanology. That was the point of no return.

These cretins have been told to fuck off for almost a decade. What do you expect, me to say it to their face motherfucker not online and see what happens?

>actually implying wojak was ever good

daily reminder

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Good post, user.

of course

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I just love how two cartoon characters trigger the fuck out of people, nigga. Be it here or on Twitter, wojak and pepe are fine false flagging tools.

>Replies to low effort bait posts
I think I did too.


shitty meta thread

Somebody remember that pathetic attempt to spam the Blue wojak ?
Lmao that kid or Discord of autists tried it like 3 weeks and everytime it was deleted by a mod after 3 minutes or so and then they stopped.

>no way fag
Fuck you. But you're right about the rest.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

Godamn shut the fuck up it's a fucking website.

This actually made me laugh, user. Thanks.

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>He still thinks facebookfrog and redditjack are triggering anybody
Lmao delusional redditor.

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yeah you're such a cool edgy badass shock humor guy, a total boogeyman scary guy


Attached: u mad.jpg (549x540, 47K)

Predominate Yea Forums culture, stuff on the Internet was done for the lols
Predominate /pol/ culture, stuff on the Internet is done for some retarded me vs you culture war

Both eras were fucking gay if you lived through them, none of them were video games.

These days Yea Forums is just the stepping stone we need to get our patreons running.
Remember to pledge at least a dollar goy.

Attached: neesan.jpg (468x511, 113K)

>new bad
>old good


Why are pepe and wojak bad?

>new good
>old bad


Be the change you want to be.

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zomg it's teh rei

>Stacey Thundercunt
Okay i'm mad, them I'm laffin, but I'm still mad

I-it's you! The Hero of Kvatch! This is truly an honor.

oh you mean the meme that's prominently featured in "I love my trans girlfriend" pictures

Honestly, this. Yea Forums stopped being elitist and simply let retards be retards and after a while more retards so company here and joined in.
Now look at Yea Forums. You may think of them as faggots, but they stayed true to their elitism and isn't closely the shithole that Yea Forums is nowadays.

The Chad Stride is one of the single funniest things I've ever seen on this website. The fact that it became a "GOOD THING VS BAD THING" meme for people that didn't understand the initial joke sucks ass.

You know maymays are in fact inside jokes for people on the Internet.
I know its hard to comprehend for people who are neets and anti social rejects from society but every company has inside jokes for example or school classes have them.
Now imagine you have the endure the same joke for 8+ years.
And not only that instead of creating something new every few weeks you stick to one shitty inside joke.
And instead doing something new you just change the color.
So its not beating a dead horse you are beating a dead horse and after few months you decide to paint it grey and call it something new.

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>pepe amd wojak are part of Yea Forums's legacy and culture
>this makes the Yea Forums gatekeeper seethe

literally obsessed with trannies

Yea Forums isn't elitist

it's exclusive but the barrier of entry isn't based on good taste

Right looks better

Imagine trollface if instead of lasting 2-3 years it lasted 10 years.

Are people here really not aware that Pepe is the most used Twitch emote?

XD he's so angry XDDDD

I fucking hated the old rage comic style even when I was 13

Being elitist and having good taste aren't synonymous.

>mfw /z/ is gone

Attached: 1529976655917.jpg (256x192, 6K)

>gay anime shit
>just bunch of references to popular culture
>actually creative content, creates culture out of itself

t. literally a trannie

Ah yes I forgot how there are literally only 2 opinions on the subject.

Blind worship of old Yea Forums memes is ridiculous as fuck. People tend to forget old Yea Forums was also full of unfunny trash. Sure, people were more creative back then, but stop pretending that anything new is automatically bad and anything old is automatically good. It just makes you look like a contrarian nihilistic retard.

Yes and go all navy seal on them

They are aware, that's why it's so popular now. You think Twitch kids don't use Yea Forums?

...And why is that bad?

literally projecting

some of those at least took effort compared to "let's draw a bunch of black spots on this wojak, give him glasses and an open mouth, and put something i dont like next to them!"

Attached: beb.png (945x801, 142K)

No they're not. Rage comics are embarrassing cringe but even they aren't as cancerous as the shit that passes for humor here today.

Right is actually funny.

/pol/ac.... i mean Redditors arent aware of many things it seems

Pic related

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>They're both shitty art anyways, the point is the message.
but the message of literally and i mean LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE wokaj/pepe is "thing i don't like"

Yea Forums isn't /r9k/

the elite are by definition the best

Consider suicide.

Because they subvert retarded redditors like who come here expecting le epic meme Klondike ready to be exploited for r/Yea Forums karma.

Still better than the exact same two meme formats used over and over again.

anything that needs to be added?

Attached: pepe wojak canon timeline low res.jpg (7500x4500, 1.57M)

You can be elitist without being part of "the elite".

no u

virgin/chad is the last decent meme we made

Not an argument

Wasn’t the original about insurrection

>they stayed true to their elitism
that's something only the Yea Forumsutists themselves want to believe
>daily template threads
>rampant seasonal waifufaggotery
>shounen generals

Imagine instead of a comedian writing new jokes, they wrote one funny joke and then retold that joke for 10 years. Does that more clearly illustrate the concept for you? It's stagnant and shitty. Wojak and Pepe are for lazy Fortnite kiddies at this point. Celebrities post them on Twitter. They're McDonald's tier goop at this point.

Who likes hearing the same joke over and over? They're also both normalfag as fuck. Now I'm seeing fucking frog and wojak videos showing up in my recommended feed on Youtube with hundreds of thousands of views. Fuck that.

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you realized that another epic troll from the redpilled right?

probably a noose
and put it just right around your neck

it's not about blind worship it's about a simple comparison

old = bad
new= even worse

wojak is literally a badly drawn trollface

Who gives a fuck about Facebookfrog and Redditjack you fag?
Now fuck off

this retard fucked up the format

its not BAD vs GOOD, it's making out that normal things are stupid and virginal while ridiculous stuff is chad

I liked that brief phase when /r9k/ was trying to scare normies away from Pepe with peepee poopoo stories. Those were some quality OC with some effort put in at least

>/fk/ is gone

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Keep seething tranny

Pepe videos are god tier

it's all just so tiresome

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except wojak isn't a good joke and neither is pepe

add a noose to your neck

Honestly I don’t even laugh at wojak I just like how it makes people angry

Which one of these is you?

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I think the point they were trying to make is that even with the format fucked up and the initial concept bastardized people still had to put effort into making that particular edit and edits like it, moreso than frogposting.

Suicide desu

Pepe and wojak are just a medium to express a thought, what's the difference between using those two and using an OC donut steel stick figure like in OP's pic?

nice ive been wanting to see an uptaded one

t. butthurt commie triggered by pepe and wojak

annoyance =/= anger

The only wojak and pepe I acknowledge are tfw no gf and sad pepe. Anything else is trash reddit shit.

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And you are stupid for assuming that Yea Forums produced nothing but pepes and wojaks.

>old = bad
>new= even worse
And your comparison sucks ass. Stop pretending that spamming DESU DESU DESU and LONG CAT IS LOONG on Yea Forums was peak comedy and that anything that came afterwards was shit tier compared to it.

I can't even read half of this shit

>I don’t even laugh at wojak I just like how it makes people angry


Guro turned into technology

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>The right literally reuses the same shitty jokes for 5+ years by now

Attached: 1545989027613.gif (826x647, 622K)

The left one looks like those shitty rage comics that r*dditors like to post

>Pepe and wojak are just a medium to express a thought
Please consider suicide

the difference is that wojak and pepe just scream "sad internet loser who desperately wants to be pitied and loved"

So are you mad because your inner jokes are now mainstream and used by le evil normalfags :(((?

Are you really this autistic?

That isn't the point. The point is that they're beaten to death. It's like saying DA CAKE IS A LIE XD but with sincerity and every single day. ARROW IN THE KNEE AMIRITE? That's the kind of emotion I feel when I see a new Pepe or Wojak corruption at this point.

Pepe belongs to Matt Furie

I miss Hitler ;_;

Remember guys, you're not allowed to discourage shitposting, because that might make people leave, and we gotta make sure we expose as many people as possible to BASED hiromoot's malicious advertisements and bitcoin-mining scheme

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get raped, trannie fuck

it was peak comedy

it wasn't funny but it's still as good as we got

pepe and wojak certainly are shit compared to desuposting

Literally every single Wojak is the same
>pic of caveman, small brain, NPC Wojak
>greentext phrase i disagree with.

why would i? life is quite wonderful, as lonely as it is. the summer's here, the air smells wonderful, the trees and flowers are in full bloom.

grrrr bald man and sad frog make me angry!!! i hate images on an imageboard!!!

Attached: seething.png (1033x546, 219K)

this is retarded because its based on wojaks

This place has always been for ugly, socially inept autismos, you fucking normalfag. Go back to facebook, it'd be more your speed.

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Why not write a concise, well thought out post instead then? Oh, I forgot, you can't because your phone can't detect your Cheeto-coated fingers.

right is better, i love some me wojak and pepe

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>newfags not knowing about Trells anymore

Attached: trell 5.jpg (500x676, 78K)

I make fun of them for using shitty memes to communicate.


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lmao who gives a fuck it's just a website not your safe space you friendless incels muh sekret club omegalul have sex


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Pepe la rana and Feelio Feelerino can go to hell.

You're a retard if that's what you got from my post. no, I'm not mad that normalfags are normal. I'm just not a fan of Wojak or Pepe corruptions because they aren't typically artful or creative, they aren't funny anymore, and that's what happens when things become "lowest common denominator" and ubiquitous. They stop being interesting and subsequently interesting people stop being interested in them so that when you see them being posted you can tell the person is a retard.

Mods should run more honeypots desu.

Wojak posters are cancer and should be purged.

>think that eventually the terrible posting will pass once all the underage summerfags go back to school
>realize that everything is now just a perpetual summer
The election was a mistake

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gamergate was a mistake

that meme doesn't work if you make up your own replies, you fucking retard

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>This is the average discord tranny that keeps reusing the same reddit tier strawmans justo porve that he is better than this board because "Yea Forums is a shithole, Yea Forums is redit right fellow 4channers xd?"
Unironically go dilate

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Pic related
Thats why

Look at that masterpiece

Literally 3th grade tier of drawing yet the joke is delivered quick and merciless.
The subtile ammount of drawing is serving as a substitue to focus on the joke and the absurdity of the situation

Meanwhile Facebookfrog....

Attached: Rage.Com 028.jpg (1041x789, 218K)

Here, have some OC. Now quit your bitching.

Attached: oldfag.png (1024x1024, 295K)

Posting screenshots of your own posts is so uncool desu

>The election was a mistake
Seriously, 2014 was bad with GG and the fappening but it was nowhere near as bad as what the 2016 election brought in

Chanology was a mistake

>Saves a thumbnail
>Replies to the wrong tripcode a fake tripcode of some guy pretending to be him for (you)s
based newfag pretending to be oldfag


Attached: 1542770633420.jpg (552x552, 51K)

chanology was a mistake

I want to leave, but I'm scared that if I do the pre-2010 days will come back as soon as I go...

the original was some retarded quentin shit to make autistic troglodytes here feel self conscious

Pepe and Wojak and any fucking meme that gets spammed makes its origin website easily traceable, thus bringing in a massive influx of people who think this is "the funny frog and feel website lole!".
Pepe and Wojak massified this place to the point that OC or meaningful discussion can't happen because there is just too many people in here thus bringing down the quality.

Because they stagnate conversation and reduce every thread to the same handful of memes and in the end nothing of substance or meaning is ever said.

Imagine actually defending this shit board and its stale memes.

Attached: soul 4ch.png (2165x738, 1.45M)

chanology was a mistake

The numbers don't lie
Here's a hint for you fucking facebook kiddies, more people coming here is a bad thing

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It is OC. It's in /ctt/ now.


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lmao you mad because your secret club is now mainstream and used by le evil normalfags :((( Are you really this autistic wew lul

top jej saving this

anime has no place on 4channel

Attached: 4chan through the ages.png (2200x874, 1.49M)

Hiro disagrees huhuh

There are anons who unironically believe because they wasted their best years on this website it gives them power to decide what gets posted and what not, like some sort of a mini mod and demand respect like if the were some old sage.

Why are you mad that these """low quality""" pictures are posted on Yea Forums. Are you angry because it taints your supposed friends simulator hugbox?

i remember back when i first came to Yea Forums it was nothing but farmland here.

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>Yea Forums
Those shit loving faggots only watch absolute garbage FOTM waifu bait.


Rage comics. Yep, now that was a mighty fine meme.


No need to samefag, user. Have a (You)

Imagine actually giving a fuck lmao have sex

the boomer meme is another great one

i love funny monster man *sip

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>Left: Shit you find on ifunny, meme subreddits, and cable television shows making fun of internet culture
>Right: BASED Yea Forums memes that will get you banned for racism/political extremism for posting on reddit

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right is unironically funnier. I just can't get enough of Apu

We need more memes making fun of """oldfags""" complaining about Yea Forums's """culture""" getting ruined

Oc is reddit

Trolls and baiters were a mistake. I don’t understand the point of trying to make an already troubled website even worse.

Attached: 4E4876AC-184F-432B-98DE-43819F3DC204.png (308x206, 63K)

You guys are just jelly because Wojak has a lgf and you don't!

Attached: 1534345942466.jpg (557x696, 36K)

This but without the quotations

>lazy wojak edit spammed until shit-eaters gobbled it up
Yeah nah

Attached: 1531683957170.png (851x638, 245K)

But the apu-xbox looks superior.

What happened to him

nfa meetup

hmm yeah yeh

that's how 95% of Yea Forums memes come to be memes

so many boomers coping

this thread is just trolls trolling trolls

Yeah, it really is incredible. How Yea Forums used to dump so hard on lereddit's rageface comics. Copy and pasting the same reactions over and over again into new situation. Only for Yea Forums to tell its own content creators to fuck off and fill the void with the same shit. Possibly even worse shit than what we used to hate.

This is the only boomer-relate image I will ever tolerate.

Attached: 1532344672032.jpg (680x661, 80K)

It was snoy and nintendofags faggot, more so snoybois.

Wojak is literally rageface.

And that's a good thing

Attached: 1552434816724.png (1440x1437, 474K)

It’s an anime site faggot

Attached: 40AB6611-08F2-4845-9AA8-FA3D8C9D4D44.jpg (700x702, 66K)

>constantly hoping that one day we'll get a mod, a jannie, or an owner who actually gives a shit
>tfw itll never happen
The closest thing I've ever had to enjoying myself on this god awful site since the election was the board merge April Fools

Attached: 1558316872634.jpg (580x548, 34K)

Blaming shitty jpgs for your problems is just scratching on the surface. Yea Forums is too big, the hobby itself is too much a waste of time and you're getting older every single day while the general population on Yea Forums is getting younger. You know there is no other way but to leave the site or die of stagnation together with it.

Why should anyone have nice things? Yea Forums is my personal toilet not my fault you wanted your best years here go dialate oldfag

shush, phoneposter.

I was never saying it was a bad thing. I was just saying how a forced meme sticking is anything but unusual.

nah it isn't. go back to sneddit if you wanna watch little childrens anime

If I could I'd buy this place and shut it down, finally shoot this fucking animal in the head

>What if we communicated thoughtfully and creatively? What if we added art to our communication? Near instant visual accomodation to our literary comms, it'll be revolutionary!
>Man, Yea Forums sure is swell! Thanks, 2channel!
>fast forward 15 years or so

Attached: Peter_Paul_Rubens_-_The_Fall_of_Phaeton_(National_Gallery_of_Art).jpg (2500x1865, 1.94M)

Keep crying tranny

Those WWE streams that came about due to chrisposting were good, but now you can't say shit about RE2 without a bunch of shit tasting zoom zooms trying to derail the thread and gushing over nuClaire and her fucked up face that goes from making her cheeks look absolutely massive to looking retarded.

Kill yourself newfag

Attached: anime.png (689x429, 15K)

Anyone else sick of oldfarts ruining Yea Forums? If you're over 21, think of what the fuck you're doing with your life.

over 30? kill yourself. you don't belong here. get the fuck out.

I'm sick of these fucking oldfags on here trying to tell the rest of us how to behave on a fucking VIDYA BOARD. Not a day goes by I don't see one of these elitist fucks whining about "waaaaaahhhh, Yea Forums used to be gooooood, waaaaah", and I'm sick of it. You idiots had your chance, and the best you could do was "do u liek mudkipz?" and "ur mr gay". Shit sucks and you know it. Name one old Yea Forums meme that was worth its bandwidth. It was worthless crap and you know it.

Now please, take your Quake and your pixelshit Gameboys and the rest of your outdated shit, and get the fuck out. There's a new generation on Yea Forums, and this is our house now.

Attached: 1494581312920.png (600x580, 360K)

uh oh it looks like [thing] is reddit because theres a subreddit for it!

looks like you're not in a secret club anymore gramps because *snap* you're in the REDDIT compilation! reddit!!!

anything you like i can also find a reddit post about you fucking redditor

Attached: 4chan is reddit.png (1621x881, 141K)

so what is he doing these days? still at google?

Attached: m00t107.png (800x508, 274K)

Actually it is

Attached: ED0F2B5A-DB54-428D-9E59-4A47ADCDD027.jpg (1202x290, 172K)

cope boomer

have sex

the soul sucking quality of this image actually killed me

Ohhhh look who is talking.

Works at Google in Tokyo

go back to sneeddit, no one cares, Yea Forums is dead all hail 4channel anime has no place on 4channel.

It's not even anger, it's "man, this again? This is lame."


Zoomers everyone. Why do children ruin everything?


Tell him that redditors also breath oxygen. He might stop breathing too, the stupid fuck.

have sex

Why are you so fucking retarded you feel obliged to give the retards attention?

Attached: 1558083772114.png (625x626, 72K)

They both fucking suck. Two flavours of shit. 13 year old drawfagging and right wing memelord.

Shut the fuck up.

Excuse me but what exactly does this thread have to do with video games? Not that I take offense to it or reported it. I'm just curious why this thread that has nothing to do with video games has been allowed to stay up for over 300 posts (and will probably reach bump limit) while our good friends that janitors immediately purge any video e-celeb threads (unless they are about the AVGN or Jontron)

What are they being paid for, anyway?

Attached: 1558366097744.png (427x415, 215K)

I've been here since 2004, and I've reported every single thread about e-celebrities, marketing, politics, sexuality(transexual, gay), etc. Nothing ever happened. The root of the problem was moot barely gave a shit about his own website(poor moderation and reporting system)

Console-tans are the one thing I'm thankful were never ruined by the corruption of nu-Yea Forums.

Attached: 79b2c9922d710fc9822fa2eb10e079c951f2d361.png (804x820, 32K)

>M-m-muh video games! Muh board quality!
Yeah shut the fuck up you hopeless nerd. Here's a news flash for you, Yea Forums isn't and hasn't been about video games for a long time. What people like me want on this board is what goes on this board and the mods have long since given up, they'll delete threads only when convenient for them which could sometimes be hours. They consider Yea Forums a dumping ground and you should too, get the fuck over it. Talk about what you want and shitpost and get it out of your system

And if wittle baby manchild still wants to discuss his electronic toys, you can go ahead and take that to /vg/, reddit, or the other video game boards where your precious "discussion" goes to die, you little cuck. Eat my shit, drown in it. This isn't your board or your safe space and never fucking will be

>I've been here since 2004,

Attached: 1517956793330.jpg (249x249, 17K)

>What are they being paid for, anyway?
Well, they aren't paid money, that's for sure.

Hey ""oldfags"", I've got a little something for you right here

………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„
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Why did the green anonymous personification get replaced by fucking modern reddit posting?

They do it for free

hopefully mailed to a sweatshop in some asian shithole where he belongs

>oc isn't oc if I don't like it!
Yeah your whole three years here must have been hard

>Been here since 2004
>Doing the janny's work for FREE every day for over 15 years
Man this is even more cringe than being a janny

Attached: yep.png (320x156, 85K)

Wish ascii art would be a common thing on here

Because stealing a cartoon frog from a book artist was apparently a better idea.

Quintisentially boomer.
Back in your glory days of 2004 to 2011 you had 90s nostalgia faggots. Now YOU are the boomer faggot reminiscing about the good old days.

Here’s the truth.
1. Your artstyle is just as shit but more elementary esque
2.Yea Forums is one of the few boards to have not changed at all
God damnit I hate nostalgia fags.

>Filename : 15583xxxxxx

Lmao what is this?

Absolutely BASED as fuck

Attached: dabonthemafia.jpg (1200x1200, 107K)

Maybe like a fourth of people want legit video game discussion here. But most people just want to shitpost. There are various reasons for it. Many people just accepted that there is no other way, that they will receive shit if they ever post something serious. It's a self defense mechanism at this point. Who doesn't know the kind of situation where you argue for hours and the original point is completely void at that point and both parties just keep arguing and everything is so tiresome and it's just about finding some petty reason to win an internet argument at that point.

I literally had situations where I argued for hours and the winner was the one person posting last the moment the thread got pruned. You just get sucked into that type of argument eventually. You can't have serious discussion on here, it all just ends in shitposting anyway, it was all doomed from the start. Of course most people shitposting on here do it because all the other people are shitposting too. Even this post will create conflict in some form, be it ironic or not.

That was literally created on Yea Forums. You cannot say something is reddit if it was created here.

>You can go to /Reddit/
>Says the guy postinf redditfrog

Ttip top bait bitchboy

Hey I know that cock, that was once a hand right?

its just a 4channy way of saying something is cool, whats so cringey about that?

>2.Yea Forums is one of the few boards to have not changed at all

Attached: 1543803283483.jpg (399x400, 55K)

>but Nincels were so buttblasted that they ran it into the ground?
It was people who hated sony in general despite the goldface being used the most for shitposting. That drawfag was redpilled in the end.

It was going to die anyway. But it was fun while it lasted.

>said the tripfag

omegalul seriously imagine still using Yea Forums past ur mid 20s and crying muh sekret club >tfw 19 just got a 30,000 scholarship which in addition to my merit scholarship is covering everything but federal loans for school getting engaged soon going into teaching and helping society while these incel autists are still playing video games into their 30s lmao fucking losers just imagine

Attached: devolution.png (800x378, 54K)

why isn't ascii art still being done? i remember them being used quite often on signatures on forums. like swords and stuff.

>talk about what you want
>but don't talk about video games

It hasnt.
>threads disguised as video game discussions are actually just shitposting bait threads in disguise
That’s all that v has ever been. A video game themed shit posting board.

Attached: kuma pedobear spurdo gondola.png (2948x714, 332K)

>You only like this game out of nostalgia. It’s not actually good at all. It doesn’t matter if you’re just playing it for the first time.

Attached: 1267710529840.jpg (208x210, 9K)

finn make good memes

Attached: 1557863846586.png (1064x699, 140K)

Attached: usagi pepe wojak.png (500x712, 442K)

Attached: Rage.Com 463.jpg (594x1271, 198K)

Well, you could argue that the whole Switch-tan debacle was caused by nu-Yea Forums being too excited for OC that they made too much, but ultimately we've basically settled on PoJ's design anyway so it doesn't matter anymore.

They make good, unthreatening memes


Why can't Yea Forums be good like Yea Forums?

Attached: 1528818340591.png (450x600, 166K)

>this thread

Lmao i want to post pepe/wojak even more now

Attached: 6411425565.jpg (720x745, 162K)

two things
1. lack moderation/gatekeeping
2. "trolling/bait" standards have dropped. Newfags think it's ok as long as they get (you)s, even if someone calls you out on being a retard.

Its gotten so out of hand now people who think shitposting is normal are getting triggered by people talking seriously.

Attached: 121.png (568x1023, 216K)

yes i remember back in 2008 fellow oldfag when this website wasn't a image board for children to spam the same handful of microsoft paint reactiom images over and over. when you made a post and someone reacted to it you would get a work of art! an original masterpiece! nobody reposted anything! there was no such thing as a meme, or-- god forbid, a FORCED meme here!

Attached: sweetie.jpg (227x208, 12K)

>some kid who came here in 2012 trying to claim Yea Forums was never about video games


spurdo and gondola are great

there is more than one kind of shitposting and I would argue phone posters generally don't understand the spirit of it so it twists into something unfunny and vile. Yea Forums has absolutely changed into a collection of faggots who release stress by projecting at each other and some amount of paid political research firm posters.


Trannies are seething

Attached: 6236454606469.jpg (720x720, 209K)

Attached: 1447264048630.png (195x202, 13K)

I never understood why there needed to be only one design. Variety is better if you ask me.
Congrats. You're part of the problem.

Attached: 1555368575333.png (500x500, 125K)

Attached: 1541546425986.png (680x680, 182K)

lmao seething tranny. post it then newfag. Or are you afraid?

You couldn't be more of a newfag if you tried.

>Yea Forums
Shut the fuck up

Attached: 1546295922990.png (3500x3000, 1.18M)

>Yea Forums

liberal autism at work

Honestly I think we should probably lower the post limits and decrease the thread count to force people to put effort into their posts and make them count, but of course this is Yea Forums so basically all the retards are going to be filling page 1 with their shitposting garbage. But I think we've all accepted at this point that it's not going to change.

Yea Forums is garbage

because we don't relentlessly mock the scrubs who post trash as a group anymore and the mods turned against us. Wojakposting gets banned on Yea Forums, especially if it's in the OP.

dab on them oldfags omegalul

I don't fucking care m8

Yea Forums is the shithole of 4chinz

Attached: 1528323316528.jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

I think he means in Yea Forums is good in comparison to Yea Forums. Why is Yea Forums is so shit actually, I noticed Yea Forums and other boards delete frogs and ecelebs pretty quickly

how do you misinterpret such plain language? your retardation is astounding. Nothing about that image was speaking on OC, just the shift of every website turning into an idealogical battleground b/c normie invasion.

posting in a fricking epic reddit thread lmao

>eons ago
>rage comics were hand drawn situations with a build up to a copy pasted reaction
>red dit begins to make rage comics that are easily distinguishable since they made every person in the comic some copy pasted vectorized silly face because more memay = more funny
Pepe and wojack are literally red dit tier

If we just rangeban mutts this place would improve a thousand fold.

Attached: 1532308964054.jpg (1200x800, 44K)

Mods proactively hunt down, delete and ban wojakposters and frogposters on Yea Forums and are really quick about it.
Why can't they do it on Yea Forums?

Attached: Frogposters.png (838x3362, 698K)

what is a gaiafag?


Nigga based comes from Lil b the basedgod
Fucking retard

Did anyone else have "Everyday is riposte" ruined for them when they finally learned the annunciation?

>Yea Forums mods are retarded, therefore Yea Forums is retarded
Fuck off Yea Forumsermin scum.

Absolute fucking state of weebs, fuck off back to your shitty FOTM waifu bait animu.

woooow such great moderation!!!
why can't our mods be more like this bros?

Attached: people will try to defend this.png (1337x1914, 1.31M)


Ban phoneposters and everything is great again

Attached: 1508512789114.png (636x565, 239K)

What's the problem here again? The right pic is a clear improvement. Stick figures are for fucking 10 year old flash-oids.

Quintessentially retarded.

mods on Yea Forums want Yea Forums to go to shit.

>my board has no wojaks and pepes so it's good

Attached: 1543713425904.png (1000x1052, 674K)

Sounds like the mods are leftie trannies then, no surprise there.

>not liking no way fag
no taste desu

But i actually reported every facebookfrog and Wojak thread for few weeks and mods actually banned them for Off Topic threads
The rage from the kids was hillarious

This image is retarded because all mods are global, they're not assigned to specific boards.

Yea Forums was never good this board hasn't changed at all lmao

Pepe and Wojak are literally stolen characters.

Mods are global but tend to stick to the board(s) of their liking

>>my board has no wojaks and pepes so it's good
I mean yeah pretty much. In comparison to Yea Forums. Whats so hard to understand about that?

Attached: 1528648042882.png (1317x689, 186K)

That guy is homosexual and the dude who took the effort to actually make this is autistic as fuck.

It takes more effort to draw even if it\s only stick figures than lazily copypaste Wojaks and Pepes

>resorting to begging fucking Hiro for help
Jesus christ Yea Forums

Yea Forums is one of the few boards that they actively moderate though. the mods gave up on nearly every other Yea Forums board, morseo than Yea Forums.


maybe, just maybe, they want their board to be about anime discussion and not angry bitter virgin rage.

>but they stayed true to their elitism
no they fucking didn't, half the threads on there are shounenshit generals now

>M-MUH EPIC Yea Forums CULTURE ;_;

Attached: 6300.jpg (720x962, 337K)

>>my board has no wojaks and pepes so it's good
Even if it did, at least it'd still be at least attempting to remain on topic, even the majority of wojak/pepeposting I've seen there has been in a discussion (as weak an argument as it may seem). The point is that Yea Forums actually likes anime and talks about it even if Yea Forums is "shit", but Yea Forums doesn't give two fucks about whether it's videogames or not.

mind if i save save that picture, friend?

Fuck off mutts.

Right is a modern le reddit xD rage comic

abib is such a fucking faggot holy shit.

Mods are actually quoted saying Yea Forums and /pol/ are unsalvageable because they're infested with reddit and newfags
That's why they stick to [s4s], /g/, Yea Forums, /bant/ and /jp/.

this is why most of us left to other chan sites - I look for new chan sites regularly - its because of all the bullshit and its impossible to keep up with the massive influx of newfags. For fucks sake, the last good thing on Yea Forums was the "chad stride" and that was OVER 2 years ago.

You can delete Pepe and Wojaks from Yea Forums and the board would still be fucking shit.

I'm certain that fapbait image dumps are truly on topic threads.

>tfw people complaining about Yea Forums being when has been shit since 2012

Attached: 1550265030595.jpg (1200x893, 176K)


Attached: 1499114467371.jpg (225x224, 9K)

Absolutely God tier post.

I'm willing to bet the majority of stupid posts made here are made by 14-30 year old white males, being that has always heen the majority user demographic here and in general for videogames since the dawn of time.


aussies and leafs are bigger shitposters than even the spics.

mutts fuck off

>how do you misinterpret such plain language?
why even post if you can't understand basic english? albeit, retard speak, but english nonetheless. there is an implication here that 2008 was some golden age where there was no reposting and everyone drew their own reaction image and didn't spout the same wacky ebin memes when that wasn't the case at all. of course i don't know why i would expect someone who joined no later than 2016 to actually know this.

Attached: idiot.png (204x134, 11K)

What the fuck is this post? Where is the wojak edit????? how am I supposed to know MY REACTION to the post when you didn't attach a wojak edit to your post????????? who the fuck is that guy????????? WHERE IS WOJAK

same bro the epicness in this thread is re-donky donky !! have some gold good sir

Attached: bandy.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

imagine having nintengods live in your head rent free like this

*being shit

I don't understand this. Whenever normalfags get hold of any meme Yea Forums likes, they instantly drop it. But normalfags have constantly tarnished Pepe and Wojak for fucking years, and for some dumb reason we should keep using them? That's literally what's bringing in newfags. Has anyone ever thought about that?

Attached: 1547704408467.jpg (1024x756, 238K)


Attached: shart.jpg (673x789, 68K)

Hint hint: the ones posting wojak and pepes are normalfags

Those still get sent to /c/ or /e/ if they're "fapbait". Again, the mods at least try to control it, even if they've tightened the leash too much.
Better than dumping porn and having it stay up for a solid 5 hours instead of being deleted immediately.

Is that also why they gave up on smaller boards like /x/, /m/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums? Even Yea Forums is more moderated than this shithole.

Most of the mods don't actively lurk or browse Yea Forums. Besides Kinomod, most mod intervention is just some retard who barely browses the board swooping in and making a decision.

What do you think is the age of the average Yea Forums poster?
I'd wager an honest guess would be about 16. There's too much shit here for all of it to be ironic.

Attached: 908491.jpg (512x446, 62K)

>daily template threads
>rampant waifufaggotery
>flavour of the month generals
>casual shit general
Yea Forums is just a slower, mod cucked Yea Forums with worse loli threads.

go ahead. I dont think Yea Forums is worth saving. I know Im part of the problem now, but I might as well just shitpost whenever I feel like it, if your good enough you can even bait other frogposters. There's still discussions for games every now and then its not like all thirty-so threads are bait.

Attached: 1538254329127.jpg (840x544, 62K)

>Yea Forums actually likes anime

I think that is not the main implication at all but if you want to home in on that so you can be a dumb angry chimp about it be my guess retard.

Exactly, so get out, mutt.

v has not changed at all it was always a video game themed shit posting board and nothing but threads disguised as video game discussions are actually just shitposting bait threads in disguise that’s all that v has ever been v was never good

This is what happens in a place with barely any moderation, you get the most brainlet retarded people post shit thinking they are cool. In any other place they would get shamed and banned into oblivion

Right is unironically better.

I was talking about how it was being used you moron.

>Mods are actually quoted saying Yea Forums and /pol/ are unsalvageable because they're infested with reddit and newfags
>That's why they stick to [s4s], /g/, Yea Forums, /bant/ and /jp/.
Isn't it their fucking job to clean up this place? I knew mods were retarded cucks but this just confirms it.

It doesn't change the fact that Yea Forums is full of shitty template threads, crawling with generals, and has objectively shitty moderation that is full on no fun allowed mode. It's a shitty board, just not for the same reasons as Yea Forums.

>"""oldfags""" getting demolished ITT

the worst part is that these faggots are either GG or election tourists larping as oldfags

23 and to be honest i'm pretty ashamed to still be here. i feel sorry for the people in their 30s who still come here and pretend they're part of a secret internet club

>maybe, just maybe

Attached: 1515174868923.png (1159x665, 231K)

26. 16 year olds are too busy playing fortnite and other videogames to shitpost religiously or crusade against minority populations.

>its not like all thirty-so threads are bait.

Attached: 1449014630953.jpg (259x194, 5K)

If Yea Forums acted like Yea Forums we'd only talk about whatever shitty movie game Snoy shits out that month.

Go back there.

Attached: go back there.jpg (600x600, 108K)

Who do you think are the people posting them?
The average Wojak/Pepe poster is some newfag trying to be le super irony man

At least they talk about it, unlike Yea Forums which searches for an excuse not to discuss videogames in the direst of circumstances.

oh my sweet summer child...

Attached: 68585.png (3000x477, 1.39M)


>v has always just been shitposting!
GET IN HERE threads, vs Reddit tribes game, habbo hotel threads (organized griefing is not shitposting, game discovery threads, latest vidja discussion were all in the majority compared to dedicated shitposting or political threads. way to out yourself as a newfag

>lol I'm smart and you're dumb see this ms paint comic says so
White people everyone.

This post is proof that oldfags were the ones who "ruined" Yea Forums and all the whining and tears about muh normie invasion of muh sekret club muh vee culture is just nostalgiafaggotry.

where is /pol/

I agree with this image's message, but I think it's funny how it says "REDDIT FROG NIGGERS" when all the screenshots are from Facebook. More so when there's hundreds of examples you could actually find on Reddit

People who want quality are garbage. People who make quality are worthwhile.
Also you can leave any time. (lol)

>a crude mspaint of a balding man and a green boi are enough to bring the Yea Forums weeaboo gatekeeper to tears


I literally can't talk about any of the games I like because it's always either bait or overrun by fetish posting.

How can Yea Forumseddit compete with 4ch/a/n?


Attached: banan.gif (300x225, 970K)

Rules state that every board can have at least one thread up that has to do with the state of the board.

"Shitty" to you, because it's "no fun allowed". Fun is meant to stay here.
I enjoy shitposting as much as the next guy, but sometimes it's better to just stick to the topic at hand and not be a retard spewing shit for the sake of spewing shit.

omegalul fucking """""""""oldfags"""""""""""""""""" lmaol

Right is unironically better.
This is no longer your board, boomer.

16-18, and they're doing it specifically to be ironic, because the hot new memes now are all about masking your true intentions so you can falseflag or doublefalseflag to take part in a gay culture war

Attached: 1547438328967.jpg (750x850, 152K)

I think it's more of the fact that whenever anyone decides to make anything fucking new, Yea Forums calls it reddit trash and throws it away. Why do we ONLY have to use those 2 for shitposting?

Which rule?

i know you hate non whites because your only experience with them is your racist family talking made up shit and fake statistics in intentionally disingenuous /pol/ images, but come on man.


Right is funnier than left

>repeats the "muh originality" not once, but twice
>somehow not a main point of the image
genuine moron

get demolished """oldfag""" you're probably either GG or an election tourist larping as a gamer

Meta threads belong on /qa/
Now fuck off

there is zero chance that man started posting any time before 2011

it didn't exist.

How pathetic do you have to be to feel the need to morally justify trolling?
Let alone, how dumb do you have to be to not just ignore it?

This is unironically one of the best things to come from this website

Yea Forums is getting hijacked by ironic weebs from r/animemes who can masterfully mask themselves as an average Yea Forums poster until fucked up or odd thing happens in a anime they kinda accidentally expose themselves.

I'm far from an oldfag. I'm just stating the truth

If you really wanted more OC you'd go into a thread about a game you like and make OC related to the game, and if somebody calls you an unfunny faggot then just deal with it nigger. Making a billion threads whining about wojak and frogposters just shits up the board more, even worse when somebody makes muh OC where the entire basis is "HEY IT'S NOT WOJAK GUISE GET IT PLEASE LIKE MY OC". Seriously that shit is holeguy tier.

Attached: 1541694141159.jpg (968x750, 397K)

>Yea Forums is getting hijacked by ironic weebs
But the ironic weebs on Yea Forums come from Yea Forums.

>muh gatekeeping
lmao go fuck yourselves. eat a dick fuck your mentality. I've seen gatekeeping talk like this before and it's never ever good. just another thing for weeaboo incels to feel superior. good level of discourse? whatever man imma keep posting more pepes get dabbed on.

Attached: 1521996711527.jpg (253x229, 22K)

>the Yea Forums gatekeeper complains about redditors making offtopic threads everywhere
>but is it completely okay for him to shit up the board he browses with offtopic threads to complain about the people who supposedly is ruining Yea Forums

this is the reason the moderation team never takes you seriously, autist.

>comic on the left hasn't been posted unironicalyl for probably half a decade
>people are now getting offended on behalf of it because muh facebook frog
Meanwhile /int/, r9k and Yea Forums all have funny posts involving wojak daily. why do tourists take memes so seriously anyway? MUH RAGE FACE SOUL FUCK WOJAK, oh right actual reddit tourists.
>OC still gets made anyway so teh point of the comic is invalid

༼ つ _ ༽つ

>why are these kids bullying me in my weeb safe space why am i getting dabbed on so hard v was supposed to be muh sekret club

Attached: 1512522874865.jpg (240x193, 49K)

content on Yea Forums has always been like 1% original posts & 99% memey remixes of them
im pretty sure the ratio of the two is the same now as it's always been

based and animeboardpilled

Attached: m vs chanverse.png (1600x1200, 1.54M)

>funny posts
>involving wojak


Cope Zoomie Tranny. Not quite the oldfag but not quite the zoomer. I'm part of the 2013-2014 generation A.K.A reddit cancer.I've never went on reddit before I lurked for a while but never really shitposted until the whole boomer/zoomer/doomer spam.

I noticed that in the sekiro and dmc threads but there are still people who want to talk. Just discuss things you want to discuss and people will respond normally.

cringey weeb. go back to resetera, Yea Forums has no likes for racists like you.

Attached: well memed.png (448x696, 323K)

∩༼ ºل͟º ༽∩

see you have no one to blame but yourselves.

>Threads shilling classic WoW and Asmongold stay up and not delegated to /vg/ yet
>newfags pretending to be oldfags by whining about wojak edits reaches bump limit
I know for a fact it isn't because the mods/jannies are away because projared threads get deleted in a matter of minutes.

>/int/, r9k and Yea Forums
You mean the single biggest hives of normalfags on Yea Forums? Especially Yea Forums. Why is capeshit and fotm TV shows allowed on Yea Forums. We need /film/.

>frog posters only capable of thinking about dabbing

Misquoted, meant for




/vg/ is cancer. This board is for discussing video games. /vg/ is for discussing your local dial8ors. If you don't like vidya discussion you can leave.

your not wrong

Meanwhile on
/o/ - Auto

Attached: mods hate normalfags.jpg (1691x752, 262K)

>Just discuss things you want to discuss and people will respond normally.
If you enjoy cringe reddit-tier discussion sure.

Attached: 1523823796317.png (2600x3316, 1.6M)

Don't you fucking tell me who I did or didn't quote.

>This board is for discussing video games
Good one. Also you can't start out 50% of classic WoW threads with a picture of asmongold and say it's going to be a civil discussion about video games and not twitch faggotry

Holy shit it worked.

>Not quite the oldfag but not quite the zoomer.
>I'm part of the 2013-2014 generation

So you're a zoomer got it.

I didnt but a dab in my post though. think I will now.

I do enjoy based Yea Forums-tier discussion thanks fellow frogchad I'll keep discussing normally.

Attached: pepe dab gif.gif (554x400, 120K)

That screencap is from over 4 years ago.

Hey bros check out what i found
i'ts a secret spell that will save this board
if your read it out loud all the shitposters frogposters and console warriors will go away forever!!!

Saijo Yaso

ane wa chi wo haku, imoto wa hibaku,

可愛いトミノは 宝玉(たま)を吐く。
kawaii tomino wa tama wo haku

hitori jigoku ni ochiyuku tomino,

jigoku kurayami hana mo naki.

muchi de tataku wa tomino no ane ka,

鞭の朱総(しゅぶさ)が 気にかかる。
muchi no shubusa ga ki ni kakaru.

tatakeya tatakiyare tatakazu totemo,

mugen jigoku wa hitotsu michi.

kurai jigoku e anai wo tanomu,

kane no hitsuji ni, uguisu ni.

kawa no fukuro niya ikura hodo ireyo,

mugen jigoku no tabijitaku.

春が 来て候(そろ)林に谿(たに)に、
haru ga kite soro hayashi ni tani ni,

kurai jigoku tani nana magari.

kago niya uguisu, kuruma niya hitsuji,

kawaii tomino no me niya namida.

nakeyo, uguisu, hayashi no ame ni

妹恋しと 声かぎり。
imouto koishi to koe kagiri.

nakeba kodama ga jigoku ni hibiki,

kitsune botan no hana ga saku.

jigoku nanayama nanatani meguru,

kawaii tomino no hitoritabi.

地獄ござらばもて 来てたもれ、
jigoku gozaraba mote kite tamore,

hari no oyama no tomehari wo.

akai tomehari date ni wa sasanu,

kawaii tomino no mejirushini.

Zoomer newfags were a 2018 thing. 2016 were the electionfags and 2014 was cancer. 2012 was actually reddit and 2008 were newfags.

also the autist doesnt comprehend that public bans are just for fun and to get reactions

>he thinks the virgin things are normal and okay to do while the chad things are ridiculous and satire
nice cope. Try to stand up straight when walking, alright?

and most impotantly

That's all.

Attached: 1558291503351.gif (500x375, 618K)

That Reddit stick man is also just copypasted though