buy the game faggot
Buy the game faggot
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>akira toriyama
Oh, cool it!
I did already
and I'll buy it again for switch because I loved it and if it's getting a ton of new content then count me in, Veronica should've stayed dead
Not until they patch in the good music
Already did.
Already bought it twice.
Jap and Eng versions.
It's a mediocre DQ game.
No thanks, I'm saving my money for the new Wizardry game
Why is it so boring bros?
It's a jrpg.
Shit tier defence. Persona 5 is a jrpg and is way more engaging.
>inb4 lol persona
>MIDI music means it's automatically bad meme
It has probably one of the slowest start a DQ game has had. It also holds your hand way too much and doesn't let you explore much.
It's for children or Japanese salarymen who get 1 hour of game time a day.
Bloody hell!
persona lol
1997 dial up squeaks and squeals cannot compare to the glory of 2019 orchestral mp3s
The music is mind numbingly repetitive. Shame because the VA work in this is really fun.
I will, once it comes to the switch.
The Switch doesn’t have the capabilities to run this game
Play this instead, I want co-op building
I'm on the point when I have to forge the light sword, and I can't go on.
It just became so stale.
At first it was charming but it's dull as hell.
lmao fagsona
Holy fuck the way she shatters those rocks, who in the world would even attempt to fight her.
>persona 5
cringe underaged poster
>yfw part 3 isn't really canon
superior Switch version.
>Veronica should've stayed dead
She actually should have. Restoring the world undoes all the drama and character arcs that were completed after the tree fell. It returns Serena to a non character and makes her useless again.
i pirated it an beat it and want to buy it afterwards, but then the deluxe edition got anounced so i'm for that to come out on pc
I’ll buy it on switch like I was planning to cunt
part 3 is TRASH and ruins all the character progression
Lol Purse owner faggot
>Persona 5 is a jrpg and is way more engaging.
This is the weakest bait I've seen all year. give more
Picked it back up after dropping it past getting the ship last year.
I'm right before fighting the octopus but forgot everything about the game
>love DQ with all my heart
>dream about a new mainline game on console for years
>let out a tear of joy when the overture hits in the opening cinematic
>game is mediocre
>finish it after 4 months
>can't bring myself to play the post game content
Why must we suffer?
already did that, taking a break because of tests
I always found her saying that weird.
This is the only game I have ever said to have too much content. The third arc is mindnumbing grinding.
>got meme'd into buying dq8 due to how good of an entry point is to the series
>find myself with the very definition of vanilla jrpg vidya
>game wasn't exciting or unique enough to hook me so I eventually ended up selling it
Don't be like me Yea Forums. If you really wanna try a new series then emulation is your best friend
already did when it came out and completed it then. Loved every second of it, although it is not my favourite. Waiting for the next one and the DQV movie on the horizon
Reminder that part 3 didn't have to be trash, the elder could have given the party their memories from Part 2 alongside their powers. The reason it sucked was that it just repeated every development from Part 2 but in a shallow, inferior way for a cheap "good" ending.
I'm thinking of getting it on the Switch but I've never played any games in this series.
best girl
school will get you no where in life
But I want to get out of this shithole
The persona series play like adobe flash games
it takes everything that made 8 shit and expands upon it.
i did midget bitch
I already bought it 2 years ago (will probably buy again on bitch though)
I really didn't like the time travel, I felt like it ruined all the moments with the characters you had after the Tree initially fell. It ruined Serena (Serenica) and the MC never even tells the party what the fuck happened
it doesnt even feel like a game. just a collection of assets evenly spread out with no clear intention.
>Yea Forums hates VIII and XII now
Nuke this goddamn board.
dead husbando.
Are they added the maze of time/yocchi village in the switch version? I might buy it then. I enjoyed the 3ds version.
her hentai dōjinshi are quite nice
Mummy mermaid
dq has quite a lot of muhs
I reached the point with the skeleton boss in the second part and i couldn't get past that point since. The copies he makes are annoying and the fact that i have just 2 people available is retarded. Any tips?
use the metal slime trick to get everyone to level 99
Metal slime trick?
It was designed for the 3ds first and the PS4 version was westernized in a few too many ways that damaged the formula
did you even read his post? jesus christ
he's kind of a dick but just farm for a level or two and it will make a difference.
But i already bought Dragon Ball FighterZ.
>Tfw women in Japan are ridiculed for being this thicc unless you do porn
>basic bitch RPG
oh no
What was so mediocre about it? I thought it was fantastic, especially ACT 2.
Same, I bought it once and when the Switch version comes out I'm going to buy it again because we're finally getting the 3DS content we were fucking supposed to.
Use the orchestral patch like everyone else.
Because you bought the inferior version.
I will try again. I still want to continue the game even after all this time but it got pretty annoying for the boss to get the special attack every time
I will on the Switch
want some juicy info
what is the switch release date?
You still have to listen to the same overworld song on repeat ad nauseam, even if it sounds a bit better.
Why does this ebin localization bullshit keep on finding work?
veronica is cute and funny
>MC obviously cares enough for Veronica to go against the wishes of his friends and give up the peaceful world they worked so hard for to travel back in time
>the primary reason was literally Veronica, all the shit about saving the world before the fall was secondary
>you get a cute reunion where the MC is staring at her in disbelief
>literally nothing comes of this
>you get the cheapest little side piece with Gemma after a fucking magic wish
I get that Horii is a hack and has even admitted he knows nothing about writing romances but come on.
endgame overworld theme changing to dq3 was a good payoff though
it's fun
I did, and I will again for the Switch, and I'm going to marry Veronica and you can't stop me.
>Giant Bomb thought Puff Puff was weed
Don't these morons have a Dragonball podcast?
Should I get this or Octopath, Yea Forumsros?
I bought every puff puff and enjoyed every one
i see you are a man of puffpuff such as myself.
already did on PC
I would get her wincest pregnant so many times and put all the retarded children into a labryrinth until we got a golden child to rule the empire of man
Did on PS4 and will again on Switch
She isn't your real sister.
She is just some kid your mom was close with due to both being the princess of closely related kingdoms