Shame on you, sweet Nerevar

Shame on you, sweet Nerevar.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What a grand and intoxicating innocense!

>want to play Morrowind
>to autistic to decide on a class
fuck, why am I like this

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>tfw bethesda will never make another rpg with the same quality of writing, attention to detail and rpg elemnts as morrowind

making your own is better anyway minmax-wise, and you are probably too ignorant of the 10 mile deep lore to properly rp your class in the context of morrowind anyway. just make your own class with whatever skills seem cool and give it a name, as long as you don't try to go full mage (do use a weapon) or fists monk you should be alright

>go twohand with whatever spell paths that do teleport/levitate/waterwalk
>get enough mana from items to barely cast teleport
>proceed to put the rest into strength and agility
>become the b-hopping madman who can hold that fucking hammer from the DLC
nothings as good as the DLC frost mace tho

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>farmed enchanting so i could put perma strength on EVERYTHING
>punch dwarven robots unconcious

based kirkbride spends his days shitposting on reddit now, he used to work for telltale. I have no idea what skybound games is.

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Screw you, Dagoth, I'm marrying Ahnassi and you can't stop me.

Came here to post this.

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I was going to play a custom class anyway, but it's more that I can't decide what I want to play as
>make a rogue and decide I want to play a mage
>make a mage and decide I want to play a spellsword
>make spellsword and decide I want to play a nightblade
>never get anything done
It's my curse when playing a game that has as many options as this.

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This song has no right being as good as it is.

why is there so much heavy, valuable loot in ibar-dad
did bethesda do the dead money thing before obsidian even existed

Why was he such a faggot.

retarded boomer transhumanist who went insane because his ticket to singularity turned out to be a dud but he kept shilling it anyway, it's like spending your whole life in a cult that worships cigarettes then you find out they cause lung cancer but you can't deal with having been a dumbass your whole life plus your brain is on ten levels of addiction now so you keep pushing cigarettes anyway and lung tumors as "cutie patches"

He's a god.

What a grand and intoxicating innocence !

You'd be a faggot too if you were immortal with that dumb piece of pottery stuck on your head

He's literally dreaming.

That was very informative.

It is not too late for my mercy

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Alright I'm playing through this again. Is medium armor good for a spellblade-style character? I keep reading that it sucks, but it seems like heavy armor would be too heavy for a character is going to be using a lot of magic.

>one of the best weapons in the game is the Sixth House Bell Hammer which can be found in basically every Sixth House Shrine around the map

th-thanks Bethesda

Medium armor has the lowest armor rating to weight ratio. Not counting unarmored, because that ha sits own problems.
But as a filthy magefag, you can just spam feather, ezpz weight reduction.
>one of the best

Sunder is obviously better late game but that’s why I said one of the best. Early to Mid game can be completely dominated by the Bell Hammer.

What does he eat?

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Energy from the Heart of Lorkhan.

Come and look upon the heart
upon the heart

Also why the fuck didn’t Bethesda let you join him or the Sixth House? What a missed opportunity.

To this day I don't really get the furniture thing in Morrowind. Also in Skyrim during the Blood on the Ice quest there's some chairs stacked in a similar way to how they were in Morrowind, although the dude responsible was just dabbling in necromancy, so it doesn't seem to have any connection. Could someone explain?

Dagoth Ur is SO SO SO SO SEW BUTTONS ON MY FUCKING UNDERWEAR superior to Alduin it's not even funny. I never played Oshition so I can't speak to Muhrunes Fagon but it's pretty safe to say the stratification is similar.

Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House are written so fucking well it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable how far the bar fell. The way the existence and intentions of the Sixth House is woven into your life is just fantastic. Compared to "you arrive in the first town and you're about to die but HEY LOOK IT'S THE BIG EVUL DRAGON FINAL BOSS"


what did he mean by this this?

Same reason there's so many wacky teddy bears in Fallout 4. Just dumb, unexplained visual gags on the part of the designers.

Being in the Sixth House basically makes you be in an eternal dream until your face caved in on itself and you become a weird tentacle monster. The chair stacking and furniture movements are probably just due to the subjects who are in a state of hypnosis.

If you’ve ever done hypnotics like benzos you would know that feeling of just doing things like an automaton. It can be creatively inspiring sometimes since you can just start drawing and things come out without you meaning them to, but it can obviously be dangerous too in a society like America where guns are freely available to anyone and shootings are advertised like events.

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Mehrunes Dagon is even worse and even more nonexistent than Alduin. You only really see him at the end battle with Martin turning into Akatosh.

recommended mods and tips for first play through?

Whatever, Faggoth Ur

Go to the western guard tower in Balmora and steal the sweet enchanted sword on top of the wardrobe.

for a first playthrough, just install the Unofficial Patch. it has a lot of quality of life stuff like toggle crouch (otherwise you have to hold it which is retarded) and such and has a bunch of optional stuff that you don't have to use if you don't want. I would just go with the quality of life stuff and leave the optional content off, why bother modding a game before you even know what the original is mostly like

Code Patch, Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attack, Fair Magicka Regen
Morrowind is extremely slow. I'd say it's terrible for repeat playthroughs, mostly because of this.

How can you kill a god?

What would happen if Fargoth met Dagoth Ur?

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Came here for this

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Medium armor is actually great.
At the highest armor tiers, it's outdone by both light and heavy armor. It basically lacks the equivalent of glass or ebony - the best you can get is the stuff Ordinators wear, and don't fucking let any Ordinators catch you wearing it or else.
However, for the whole game until you get to glass and ebony, medium rules supreme. The second-best light armor, not counting the stuff from the expansions, is chitin, which is shit. Heavy armor goes from iron to steel to dwemer, where dwemer is rare as fuck and everything before it is shit. A suit of bonemold armor, which you can buy from any armor shop for a few thousand drakes, is both stronger and lighter than steel plate. If you can get your hands on some Orcish armor, that's better than anything you can get in the other categories before glass and ebony.
Look at the armor values on and you'll see how crazy it is. I don't know if it's imbalanced on purpose, or if they just forgot to check if their numbers made any sense.

This is a feel I know to well friend

The hardest truth to accept is Morrowind was a fucking fluke.
Bethesda doesn't nor ever had the creative brilliance that Morrowind seemed to be birthed from, the game was a perfect storm of everything going right.

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I just want Beth to make a another game of at least Oblivion quality.


came for this

That's a good thing. There is no curing the MMO plague anymore, it's best to think of Morrowind as its own isolated freak accident.

a lot of the trippy deep lore shit in morrowind seems attributable to michael kirkbride, he is the guy who studied religion/mythology/whatever so I would bet he's behind a lot of the indian aesthetic of vvardenfel. but he left during morrowind and only wrote small parts of oblivion when they asked him to.

>wanting Bethesda to go lower than Skyrim again
I guess it would be a step up from Fallout 76.

>lower quality than skrim
Solitary. Now.

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You mean, you are not sure what kind of a custom class wizard you are willing to be? I mean those are all pretty much the same but you may autistically toss some schools between minor and major skills.

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