>I'm using war as a business to get elected... so I can end war as a business
Why was he seen as the bad guy again?
I'm using war as a business to get elected... so I can end war as a business
No-one sees him as a bad guy.
>forgetting about the part where he literally kidnaps children and harvests their brain
>forgetting about the part where he literally wanted to plunge the world into chaos
Why is Yea Forums so fucking gullible? He might have given a good speech that had some valid points but the methods he used were horrible.
do you think you would survive in armstrong's america and if so why
The means don't justify the end.
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette bro
>tries to create a world of strength
>dies to someone stronger
l m a o
It seems like hes not much of an arm strong.
rules of nature user
indeed, and killing all the people who are like you is the far easier way to break the least eggs for good.
or are would you object because it involves you dying, like a hypocrite?
>Why was he seen as the bad guy again?
Probably because he was using war as a business to get elected, as he himself claimed.
would have gone pro if i didn't salt the gravy
> armstrong's america
The same way I do now. with lots of gun
mexicans aren't people so it's okay
all his points are in CHA and STR.
He's a fucking retard with too much power and money.
>I'm making myself dictator for life... so I can stop anyone else from making themselves dictator for life
He has INT but his worldview is twisted one.
Doubt it, all the thinking is done by his scientists and pawns
it was for the greater good.
full of fedoras here
Senator doesn't have justice. No justioce=no win
This, people who support Armstrong are like those who support the the current guy in office.
he played college ball at UT, get fucked tea sips
they were homeless mexican street kids, they won't be missed
Armstrong and Raiden are literally the same person, one just doesn't like child soldiers.
>Armstrong is using war as a business to end war as a business through might makes right
>Raiden participates in war as a business as a PMC merc to put an end to war as a business
Armstrong concedes knowing that his philosophy is right and knows he has to die because Raiden wins and what he says goes now.
Ah yes, the poor children who would have died anyways of worse conditions.
He wants to purge the weak, AKA incels and cuckboys
He also purges anyone who sustains their life on internet trivia and 24/7 celebrity bullshit
Which ultimately means normalfags and people who peruse forums.
So who is left?
Because he's a "might makes right" retard who fails to sympatize with the weak even though the only reason he's strong is because he's rich enough to pump himself with nanomachines.
He's just a discount Solidus with meme lines.
relatively few people
(which is the point)
what's up for debate is whether that's a good thing, or worth the means
>harvests their brain
This is slander. He actually gives them sweet cyborg bodies and the strength to survive in the new world he is going to create. A world where the man doesn't change to suit the law but the law changes to suit the man.
Where every man can fight his own war, for what he believes in not at the behest of another.
Who are you kidding, he was BORN to kill
so it's just a mad max world total anarchy no limits
nice plan, Armstrong
I dunno, I think it is. 99% of humans are pretty much just a waste of space and resources at this point. Reducing those numbers to our harder, better, faster, stronger and starting again seems like a perfectly reasonable option.
Humanity as a whole won't die out and it'll stop the things like overpopulation and the associated issues.
Sounds fucking great. You know who failed in Mad Max? The weak.
Yea Forums is weird and lame beyond words
no idea why they attached to a generic white strong muscle man so much.
literally one of the most forgettable characters in the past decade for me.
Armstrong would be the Immortan joe of the metal gear world, except he would actually be strong and able to keep his power for as long as he lived
Doing the right thing is not always doing the best thing.
They're not gullible, they're just scrawny contrarian losers.
/pol/ crossboarders, easily
well that turned out just great
Reminder: Under Armstrong 90% of Yea Forums would be eradicated, as the Weak die, and the Strong survive.
>literally kidnaps children and harvests their brain
is just mexicans
you kill one another 4 take his place. they are like cockroaches
>Under Armstrong 90% of Yea Forums would be eradicated
>not 100%
The kids don't need those brains anyway.