Muh ray trAcing

>Muh ray trAcing

Meanwhile on an original xbox

Attached: 4292019_24531_PM3df1ffoz.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

do you know what ray tracing is?

That's just geometry hidden beneath a semi transparent texture. It's no reflection.

It's a reflection map on the material along with a diffuse

Is it though? IRC the reflection in that room was pretty stable and perspective correct even when viewed under sharp angles.

fuck I've put off playing this game for years, I have it literally in the shelf next to me

Why do you keep making this thread?

its nothing

Attached: 1421312312314124.jpg (3840x2160, 1.26M)

Now do that on every possible reflective surface in the game but not by using a texture made specifically for it. I'll wait.

yeah it's when you draw a line from point a to point b and see if you hits anything. it's been in games for decades.

nice baked cubemaps faggot.

thats a raycast

>reflections significantly higher fidelity in high and low
I don't care for raytracing but it is clearly something.

lmao pay $500 for minuscule better looking puddles

No YOU'RE a racist

The sudden focus on raytracing is pretty arbitrary though.

I miss the mid 2000's style graphics.

Attached: Prince-of-Persia-The-Two-Thrones-screenshot-prince-of-persia-34379003-1280-960.jpg (1280x960, 94K)

Besides the bloom, anyways.

It had to happen at some point, the main issue is that the tech is still a bit barebones and unoptimized.

Speaking of Xbox Original, does vanilla Ninja Gaiden do anything when you put it into an xbox one? Waiting for my Xbox One S to finish updating.

fuckin nerds

Attached: 1501741358263s.jpg (125x85, 2K)

00's bloom had soul unlike the nu-blur we have today

Attached: nfs-mostwanted.jpg (1024x768, 110K)

more western garbage. Still rmemeber buying magazines and how dumb journos would say PoP had the best graphics in the gen. Then I played the demo and was really disappointed.
Only western trash had this dumb retarded bloom look and horrible textures. Reminds me of that other dumb game caled God of War.

Other trash.

>most wanted
kys yourself fag

It's normal screenspace reflections, most games have this. It can only make reflections of things that are on the screen.
Raytracing is not bound by screenspace, it can make reflections on screen of things that are behind the camera / off screen.


>Only western trash had this dumb retarded bloom look and horrible textures.
begone zoomer

Attached: okami ps2.jpg (960x720, 68K)

Lots of old games did this sort of thing. Look at old UT engine games. All they did was render everything twice instead of trying to do fancy screenspace reflections. It works, but it's a little heavy. Modern engines are too complex to handle that sort of thing now.

your image looks like shit

NFSU was its peak

NFSU2 was trash sim glorified because of muh open world meme and tunning trash, anything from there on out was trash. Wonder why racing games died? NFS popularized tunning, open world and sim.

Guess what looks like shit? Your face.
Get the fuck outta here, zoom zoom

I'm not a zoomer, I was born in 1999

The fuck you're talking about, nfs most wanted is considered as one of the greatest racing games here.

Weeb virgin

>I'm not a zoomer, I'm a zoomer
wait a second

>not zoomer
1990 is the cutting year for boomers.

so what's ultra supposed to have over low?

kys yourself

Hi there zoomie

No it's not. It's a mirrored room geometry under the floor.

>Yea Forums told me this is the best game
>Yea Forums is also full of zoomers

>born in 1999
You're not even 21 yet, kid. Sit down.

That example is garbage
The real advantage to ray tracing is accurate light simulation and being able to reflect things outside of the screen space

>I'm not a zoomer, I was born in 1999

kys you are

Been here since the 2016 election and I have never seen faggots of your level up until now. Please get trips so I can filter all of you.

Sorry, you are a zoomer.
I, however, am a millenial being born in 1998.

>Been here since the 2016 election
Whatever man

Seriously, what's ray tracing? Please don't tell me to lurk moar.

lurk moar

It's not ray tracing, it's the same room inverted below the room. I remember gta sa doing the exact same thing in some of the interiors.

>Been here since the 2016

is this supposed to become kind badge? Whats a mtter the year you started browing this shithole is the closest thing to your reddit thumbs up?
Just kill yourself big nigger

remember when nintendo fans experienced games with bloom for the very first time and they thought it was the best thing ever?

fucking hilarious

Attached: img2-33022[1].jpg (996x560, 94K)

lurk moar

Thank you, samefaganon.

>didn't like Most Wanted and Prince of Persia
I knew you fags are low test trannies but come on...


You're the only one here who hate most wanted, just admit that you have shit taste.

sorry kid, I was too busy having fun with DMC3 and Outrun 2.
Anyway gtfo my screen and don't talk to me

MW was just U2 but in daytime. It was trash

I never owned MW only NFSU2 and thats because everyone in my class shilled and talked about those games. Those people also played GTA, FifA, God of War or fucking Gran Turismo.
Those games are normie trash.

Yea Forums will hate on fortnite and LoL all that crap that is popular among 15 yos because its normie trash but will defend nostalgia normie trash? GTFO with double standard retard. I dare you to play those old games and sit through it for more than 15 mins.

pretty sure you fell for some obvious bait

>Been here since the 2016
Being a cancer is not an achievement, fuck off.

Post an example, double nerd

>Only western trash
Twilight Princess is literally Bloom : The game

Attached: vessel_of_light__large.jpg (666x382, 120K)

The art style for Prince of Persia was heavily influenced by Ico you dumb dumb. Will you suck it off now?

Twilight Princess had my least favorite art style of all the 3D Zeldas. Muddy, brownish textures and some flat-out ugly character designs.

Attached: a game from 2008.jpg (1920x1080, 298K)

Fuck that was disgusting. Played WW on pc a couple years before getting it on the U and it looked and ran way better on my pc.

not that guy, but I only dislike the character models for half of the humans, the rest are fine or better, Link looks great, and I love almost everything else about TP, even the bloom, I think they went for a specific cool look and they nailed it really well, specially in the twilight realms

Pre baked lighting and forward rendered MSAA goes a long way. Fuck dynamic lighting.

>implying you wouldn't

Attached: beth.png (293x723, 231K)

I like how WWHD looks, though emulating the GC one on Dolphin in high res makes it even better

>Thought this was going to be a Ninja Gaiden thread because of the image
>Start reading and it's a muh graphics thread

Attached: 1497241205870.png (1200x675, 732K)


>unironically believing this is ray or path tracing

>I replied to everybody's post, now what?

You should play it, it's a near perfect action game.

i like NG2 better

It's some minor shadowing and AO detail. Look at the bottom of the rifle stand legs between high and low.

Also look at the tree that's fallen over on the ridge. The shadow is darker on high, as the AO is more accurately calculated since it's closer to the ground and less light would bounce around.

The changes are pretty minimal, I'd play with Low settings here because the details are pretty minor unless you had to nitpick screenshots.

well that sucks. It surprises me that Halo 1 and 2 aren't BC either.

play this or kill yourself my man. only 2 options, and you know the correct one. NGB is literal masterpiece

H1 and H2 are on MCC in 60FPS.

Please don't tell me I've run into your faggot ass again.

Damn, R* hire this man!!!!

literal retard here. can someone explain bloom to me? I dont get the difference between it and glare.

Yea, fucked up how they package half the tech into an artificial compositing method instead of doing real ray tracing and letting each frame take an hour to render.

gr8 b8

>falling for this b8


Thats an example from the same exact game showing the same exact thing, a fucking puddle. Scam is scam

>on an original xbox

N64 could do reflections in Conker's BFD

When will a hack n' slash game surpass it?
>that framerate
>that level design
>that gameplay
>those boss fights
>those gameplay differences between the difficulty
It’s a perfect game

Attached: 799A4A2E-74B6-49A6-AD91-5D7E7F300250.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

I was talking about the original copies; I know about the remaster collection, but I'm a broke ass.

The bosses aren't that good. Too many beasts and not enough 1v1 man on man

Good bait, the retards fell for it

Isn't another benefit that it makes it easier on the artists as well? Instead of pooling resources into organizing lighting and textures to give the illusion of convincing reflections, shadows and refraction they could just have the engine work out all the lighting using ray tracing to do all the work for them.

Attached: 1554267605947.jpg (280x280, 12K)

I don't know what anything is but that doesn't stop me from posting.


that looks kind of stupid

I'm from 1991, does that make me a zoomer?

Do you remember where you were on 9/11?

That's extremely minor. If it makes even a slight FPS difference I'd switch to low without a thought


Never mind then.

Then you aren't a zoomer.