When you make a character in a game do you make them tall, average or short in height and why do you make them that height?
When you make a character in a game do you make them tall...
I most times make a really tall manly guy becuase I am really tiny and have a gay ass girly face in RL or I make a really short girl that would be shorter than me.
average to tall.
because i am (182cm / 180 cm is average height in germanistan)
I like to make them medium or short. I find in most games, when you make a big character it feels bad because the way motion and animation tends to work, it feels like you are moving in slow motion.
> I am really tiny and have a gay ass girly face in RL
how tiny is tiny?
Max height, max thighs, max ass, min breasts
I'm 153cms tall and weigh 46kg, so pretty small.
Good taste besides the max height thing.
>min breasts
Midget if I can especially if cutscenes show the character, average Joe otherwise.
I make them 1.76~ because I'm 1.72 which is just a bit below avg which is 1.75, and in vidya avg is 1.80
Shortest and skinniest. There's a lot of satisfaction in killing things larger than you.
shortest if playing melate
tallest if playing male
>tfw avg height too
>tfw no one ever made fun of me outside of Yea Forums
did I fell for a meme?
yes, no one in real life laughs at heights
except women
No one will laugh at your height unless your like super short like this guy
I used to make characters in wrestling games as tall and heavy as possible and give them all the moves only cruiserweights could pull off like hurricanranas and 450 splashes.
fuck off manlet faggot.
kek, you are wrong
Literally perfect
Average height. Around 6 2
Tallest and buffest dude I can.
If it's a male then I usually make them on the tall side but not max. I try not to self-insert but I'm pretty tall IRL and couldn't imagine being a manlet.
Female- Usually short because I like short girls but sometimes the short models look shitty so I'll leg a leggy girl. Whatever looks good based on the game desu.
No one really makes fun of me for being short, but people do treat me like a child and pat my head, pick me up or put things up really high to watch me try to get the them and this pisses me off, but this is more becuase I can a girly baby face and am short at the same time.
Usually I make them about a half a head taller than the average NPC. I like my character's to have a heroic stature but not look completely out of place.
U wot?
>Health Statistics has reported that the average height for an adult male in 69.3 inches (176.1 centimeters), or roughly 5 feet 9 inches.
global average vs. country average can be very different user.
No. People may not come up to you and laugh, but it affects every aspect of your life. Being tall as a man is getting life on easy mode. You're a hard worker without working hard. You're attractive without exercising. Your jokes are funnier. You're kinder without being kind. Even if you don't realize it or want to accept it, we all perceive attractive people as superior in all situations because that's how we're programmed.
In the US, 14% of men are over 6 ft. 58% of fortune 500 CEO's are over. Do you think that's simply a coincidence? All women want partners who are over 6 ft, do you think that means most of them will settle rather than just share that 14%?
why is everyone niggers in new games? where's the diversity?
Fuck you faggot, you are king of the gene pool and I hate you.
t. 5’ 9” manlet
I just pick the default, character customization is a waste
Imagine looking like a literally child, how old are you user?
>easy mode
what about all the sad lanklets here on Yea Forums that never got laid and are one step away from suicide? did they fucked up even when playing on easy mode?
28 There is no hope for me.
Average 5'10 white male, bearded with shoulder length hair, think of an unassuming Jesus-like figure, with facial structure similar to Viggo Mortensen.
Im a manlet, so i like to make them as huge and as buff as possible because i cant be in real life
i admire you tallchads
I tend to make them short
Short for girls
Average for guys