>"The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit"
>Tifa Lockhart
>Tita Fuckhard
You ready to fap, boys?
>"The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit"
>Tifa Lockhart
>Tita Fuckhard
You ready to fap, boys?
Other urls found in this thread:
That says nothing about her tit size
>Original outfit is literally a tiny cut tank-top and an extremely short skirt with bare legs
>Says nothing
Her breasts will never be size of what you people think her blocky model and FMV had, she will be as big as she is in Dissidia 12 and you bastards will bitch about decresed size. Tifa has D-cups, anything else is hentai artists doing what they do best, make everything bigger.
people that insist the breast size are the most sexual part of her outfit are literally brainlets.
if she retains her slut attire consisting of two tiny pieces of fabric barely covering her, she's still purely wet dream material.
She literally has J-cup according to that one FMV where Weapons get released, you dumb fuck. And her in-battle high-poly model had breasts that visually were at least DD.
Tita is brainlets to begin with, kid. True patricians always fapped only to Yuffie and Elena.
Yep, you bastards will never let it go of trying to base real anatomy out of a low-poly model and a FMV model that looks like a cartoon, Tifa has D-cups, it's time to let go of your fantasies.
Nomura drew this in 2015 for G-Bike, Tifa is only as big as this, that's a fact.
>True patricians always fapped only to Yuffie
It's like Yuffiefags don't even try to hide they are shitposters.
>Her breasts will never be size of what you people think her blocky model and FMV had
>She literally has J-cup according to that one FMV
look at the reading comprehension on this dude; based boobie brainlet
>real anatomy can't be big-titted natural bimbo
We get it, you're a fucking neet loser that never saw a REAL woman (not an SJW landwhale like your mom and sis) in your entire miserable life before.
Holy shit, from which tumblr page you took this artwork? Absolutely disgusting.
>real women can't be J-cup
Again, get outside and at least TRY to get laid, you miserable piece of virgin cuckshit.
the projection
Being in denial is bad for your mental health, look at that pic Nomura himself has drawn and accept reality.
She's going to look like this, I don't know why this is such a huge argument or ordeal or whatever.
If they make her that small I'm pirating.
My gf's breasts are G cup. Kys virgin.
>Nomura drawn
It was already confirmed nothing (NO THING) of what was "created after" is going to be present or getting integrated into FFVIIR as a content. Not Before Crisis, not Crisis Core, not Dirge of Cerberus, nothing. It's going to be purely only vanilla FF VII by itself content-wise, meaning designs are as close to the original as it can be.
maybe you should have sex
that design is fine
>that small
D-cups, canon size.
There are people who got too attached to her anatomically disproportionate low poly model and FMV, thinking Tifa has ultra J-cup breasts and a good 20 years of porn fanart to further this fantasy.
Go back to tumblr and twitter, you SJWing landwhale smelly hairy trash.
>thinking Tifa has ultra J-cup breasts
It was LITERALLY IN THE ORIGINAL GAME, you DUMB reality-denying piece of pussyrioting shit! It's not "wishful thinking" of anyone's, it's a DOCUMENTED PART OF HISTORY, it's REALITY.
midgar under sharia law now?
>It was already confirmed nothing (NO THING) of what was "created after" is going to be present or getting integrated into FFVIIR as a content
And that relates to how Tetsuya Nomura decides to draw his own characters how? Your delusional ass thinks he purposefully drew Tifa "smaller" for G-Bike to now increase her for the Remake? You are beyond help.
Translation has nothing to do with DESIGNS, you dirty limp nigger cokc-sucking piece of retarded reality-denying numale cuckshit. The dude clearly said
>created after
A mere TRANSLATION is NOT a piece of content nor it is a "design".
Damn, you are this deluded huh. Stick to your fantasy and save a copy of the old FMV for your viewing pleasure because you sure as hell can't accept reality at this point. Tifa has D-cups and nothing you believe in will change that.
My ex was a board, I don't need reality, its flat as fuck. Fuck off with your incell fantasies you soifilled cuck
...I see. You just never played the original game because you were born way later. My deepest condolences, kid.
>you dirty limp nigger cokc-sucking piece of retarded reality-denying numale cuckshit.
Hahaha, you are a riot sir, here's a (you) my friend.
As long as they're about the size of the original art I'll be happy. They don't need to be massive like in the FMVs and most of her depictions have breasts at least this size. I'm not worried.
Thanks for the confirmation that everything I've stated about you is true, cuck.
complaining over this unimportant shit will never not be peak autism
That are has DD, not D. It's her exact high-poly in-battle model. FMV had it bigger for some reason, but not by much. They're still larger than the SJWing s-o-ygargling NeoFAGging triggered numale cuckshits ITT are proclaiming.
>My gf's breasts are G cup. Kys virgin.
Is that hamplanet even capable of wiping properly?
Sounds gay as shit. And that Tifa is horrendous.
FF VII and literally every last bit of any things ever that are surrounding it is a peak autism to begin with since the beginning of it's existence. FF VII is the very epitome of autism.
They turned tifa into michael jackson?
Where is the evidence? You gamer gate bros are living in your echo chamber for too long.
>Where is the evidence?
"Evidence" of WHAT? That she has fuckhueg tits in the original game? Are you even for real, NIGGER?
Are you kidding? Her FMV tits were like an E or F. They were hilariously huge.
Her battle model, for comparison. Probably a DD.
>getting booty blasted over pixels
Fucking kek. Literally have sex.
That's a G cup honestly.
>REEsetError's ex-NeoFAG accuses someone else of being echo chambered
The irony is so T H I C C that I can cut through it with my Masamune, mateys.
DD is a lot smaller than you think they are.
I can't believe "double Ds" used to be the standard for big tits. The 20th century was so fucking quaint, bros. never saw an actual E or F in your entire miserable life, eh, cuck? If anything, Tita's titfucks in that FMV are very close to the size Hitomi Tanaka had during her debut years, which has straight J cup (she's much bigger now).
That's EXACTLY what I've said to begin with, you ass.
>dat thigh jiggle
wew they're getting good at this.
Just be sure to live stream your suicide once Tifa is shown at E3 and has breasts in scale to what she has been portrayed as in the past 15 years.
Well, its largely that the way breasts have been measured has been changing in an attempt to fit women properly.
>Advent Children
Look at this tit connoisseur kek!
Are you dumb or something ? That's Dissidia Duodecim.
>advent children
What can I say - my gf has G cup and I LOVE paizuri, so...
where are the boobs?
Even worse if I can't distinguish it from the Advent shit, then. Never played any Dissidia past the first one.
Man that’s the second time you’ve said it. Does she have any other redeeming qualities cos I doubt she has a fucking gym pass with those gross cow tits.
I mean, that's still pretty fuckin' big.
But they could be bigger.
She could also not have arms like a sticc if she's the only fistfighting character.
G cup is not "cow tier" yet. Look up Maserati (Kerryann Haughton). Her's are HH currently.
why do people hate big tits now, are they pedos?
>linking to a chimpansee
Where have you been for the last 5 years? SJWs, numales, pussyrioters, landwhales, hairy sweaty asexual lesbians, and catering/cucking over to black & Muslim been ruining the world for quite a while now.
>The most beautiful and fuckable chimp currently in the industry
>literally has the "fertility goddess" purely PERFECT proportions, even when got pregnant
You're GHEY, just admit it.
>lusting after animals
Furries leave.
from these notes, is part 1 mostly finished then?
will we see something substantial at e3 or just some more short snippets?
i just want to see more of the world and cast in these new beautiful graphics, idgaf about anything else
if she doesn't look like this, game will flop
Disc 1 in 2022, Discs 2 & 3 in 2027 (by the 30-th anniversary).
>What is PC modding
/vpol/ "outrage" is getting more and more cringe
Id be ok with that honestly. They aren’t gonna make her more than like dd
I like this
>PS3 for sure
>PS4 for sure
>PS4 Pro for sure
>"well we're going to break it up into chapters to get it out sooner" - 2016
What incompetence.
What is with zoomers? Just reading this thread and it's insane.
Are you guys going to sit and pretend that FF7 isn't canon? You're gonna act like it doesn't matter at all and has ZERO validity to it?
Kill yourself, really.
I'd rather they just go with pants instead of skirt+leggings.
god you faggots are pathetic
found the flat chick
>made cloud and aerith’s hair smaller to be more realistic
>will tone down tifa’s balloon tits
They’re still gonna be big calm the fuck down.
Their previous financial forecast implied something big was coming soon, but apparently their most recent one has cut down their expectations for the year so it seems something's been delayed. I expect a summer 2020 release at the earliest for part 1 so wouldn't be surprised to see a longer trailer at E3. Maybe a demo (probably the initial bombing mission) on the show floor if we're really lucky.
If we don't get the models to rip for SFM porn soon I'm going to freak.
At this rate UE4 will be obsolete before this heap comes out
Are you going to pretend the original FFVII's anatomy wasn't that of a cartoon and will never be taken as a source body proportions? As far back as 2002 Nomura made all the designs turn into anatomically accurate bodies in anticipation for Kingdom Hearts and the upcoming expanded FFVII works. While you people complain about Tifa's breasts, I see people quiet about Barret not having gorilla arms and tiny legs in the Remake, why is that, one should have cartoony proportions and the other not? Hypocrisy at work.
b-but my titty...
>made Cloud's and Aeris’s hair smaller
They're literally same, you never-played-original fagshit. They're basically exactly translating the official arts such as this one onto 3D models.
FF VII uses UE4, you dumb fuck. SFM can't handle such high poly-counts.
Yeah dude Aerith still has those gigantic bangs. Totally.
>I see people quiet about Barret not having gorilla arms and tiny legs
You've clearly haven't seen the latest teaser. Barrett is full-on blacksploitation stereotype now, like he was in the original.
Bangs are for cucks, I was referring to her overall haircut and back hair length.
It's a catch all term these days for 3D porn like what's made in Blender as well, dad
he looks like he just shaved his beard. Tifa tiny tits? Didn't remember that character in FF7. Now I couldn't care less because ff7 is a trash game anyway. THe story is shit. The characters are shit, the world is shit.
Will Sqex be savvy enough to give tifa gigatits in the exact same cutscene for the remake?
Blender is blender, you imbecile. SFM is garbage shit from early 2000s.
You have to be blind, Barret looks like a normal muscular black dude in the Remake, not a damn gorilla from the original game.
Right one makes me hard
Blender has much higher quality porn exactly because it's NOT SFM. It allows to produce much better models and animations, SFM doesn't.
NOW you have my attention. Go on.
Left one makes me harder
>Linking to plebbit, shilling retarded Tifa design
The absolute state of Yea Forums
>2 hours
>Not a single post calling out OP on directly linking to reddit
I am a man with the highest standards. If Tifa's tits arent bigger than DD, I don't think the remake deserves my hard earned money.
I want smooth porcelain skin Tifa not tired latino mommy Tifa
Why does she look like a spanish rape baby in this render?
the porn has ruined your brains, you're expecting like screen wide titties
Wrong pic.
>-Red XIII has clones Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV you must fight before he joins your party in Shin-ra HQ
Take your deviantart cringe back to the shadow realm
read the OP
The biggest shitposters were always Shitfa fags though, don’t try to deny it.
Well, it is a tumblr artwork so of course it will be "diversified".
They should try to take inspiration from the porn since that what people want anyways.
>Lower plate
>Sector 7 slums
>Working as a bartender and as a whore-for-buck in spare time
>Smooth porcelain skin
Did you even see E3 2015's trailer? The shit will be dirty, smogged to hell, heavy as fuck. This ain't not cutesy 2D renders anymore. Lower Midgar is a trash hellhole that's rivaling even that of Mona Lisa Overdrive's most dystopian depictions. Look at the pic-related, people are literally constantly covered with dust and gargling on shit in there.
Yuffiefags literally trying rewrite history I see, you subhumans are the ones hijacking threads because you know Yuffie alone can't get a thread running for long.
Nah, that's not my jam.
I'm looking forward to the meltdown once she's revealed.
Jessie is a street rat and still looks like a fairy tail princess, sorry but Tifa will have snow white clean skin while the NPCs will look like dirty sacks of shit.
It will be a meltdown no matter what, too many people on the internet who think they know Tifa better than Kitase and Nomura.
Jessie lives in a better part of slums, where train station is. The pic is Wall Market, essentially. Aeris has her own separate home, though.
>G cup is not "cow tier"
you're right, cow tier starts long before G. G is landwhale tier.
Virgin spotted. You've clearly never seen a real woman before in your entire miserable life. BTW FYI, my gf's 80 kilo and 185cm in height currently. I'm, on the other hand, 192cm and 120kg.
Aerith is out constantly, she got tired of being told to stay at home when she was a kid, yet she still looks squeakly clean, like any character of importance will be. Cloud for one isn't the sick looking dude from the 2015 trailer anymore.
Too small and hair color wrong (they're not black, but dark brown).
I remember seeing this image in 2004 in some geosite domain.
She goes to slums rarely, mostly hanging out at church and her home. Besides, she never gone to Wall Market even once, before meeting Cloud. And is Wall Market.
I'm done
I'm fucking done
>Cloud for one isn't the sick looking dude from the 2015 trailer anymore
It's just later Cloud, after he began recovering. He LITERALLY just threw Sephiroth and himself into the Mako reactor of Nibelheim and then, after being rescued by Zack and getting out, he escaped to Midgar after Zack was killed. The very beginning of FF VII takes literally just a couple hours after that, so Cloud still has heavy Mako poisoning at the beginning. There will still be a "sick" form of Cloud in the game, it just won't be for too long.
Eyes are wrong (they're red, like Lina Inverse's, but darker red).
I was never really into FF, Tifa is like the punching girl right?
I would never have known that by her design.
>It's just later Cloud
That model was being used for the same Reactor mission in the begining of the game, you don't know if it will be used again, also the hair lenght and eye positioning is different in that 2015 trailer model.
Stop posting such garbage shit and do more /.
no? The big red gauntlets don't tip you off?
>I would never have known that by her design
She is wearing as much clothes as any female MMA fighter, just replace the fighter shorts for a mini-skirt.
What do they mean westernized?
You're missing on the point.
It means looking like a carpet munching dyke and being covered from head to toes.
You are missing the point, you are just assuming the 2015 model will be used for the scenes where Cloud was mako poisoned and Zack carried him around, we don't know that.
fuck off Tifa is not a whore she is pure and is saving herself for Cloud
>From El Segundo SE branch in California
>SE branch in California
It all makes sense now.
Good start, but
I NEVER said anything about the 2015's CyberConnect model, you DUMB DENSE FUCK. I was referring to STORY-BASED FACTS and HIS PHYSICAL STATE AT THAT TIME.
That picture is such dogshit.
No it actually didn't.
I guess after you know what shes about it makes sense but at first it looks just like shes wearing some stylized gloves like sone other characters.
Very few parts of her deign imply physical strength in my opinion.
>Titfuck is not a whore
Johnny and 98% of Sector 7 and 5 combined would definitely tell you otherwise.
Wait is the picture fanart or leaked concept art?
Arino was literally in Russia just a couple days ago and I was there at the meeting.
>The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit
ugh gross
NOW we're talking.
Lucky bastard if true
You mean the bastard with his wife in tow and the fact Tifa won't even talk to him if she is in your party?
user that's an E or an F cup, not a D cup
What to trust more, the wildly off-model FMV made by Visual Works, which isn't internal to Square, or Nomura's art that's remained consistent over the years?
WTF am I looking at? Someone's personal Danny DeVito behind the wall in the toilet?
they're 100% giving her shorts instead of a skirt
I hope that's what we end up with. Fingers crossed.
Sorry but she's made by japanese and they value purity unlike westerners
Muscles too big now. Disproportionate.
she better looks like in that corneo's game if you know what I mean
that's a plus actually
Holy shit, nice!
Real hat?
Yeah, she's not physically strong, she's agile/quick. Speed is power.
Maybe it was conveyed in cutscenes better than still images.
Titfuck is INSANELY strong. She can hurl meteorites.
I don't like the face. A weird mix of chink, nordic milkface and brazilian
>Nordic milkface
Nords been mudslimed for a while now, unless you're referring to the only white race that still managed to stay pure (strictly only due to incest) - Icelanders.
Bottom right makes my peepee the big peepee
See and .
I'm confused, what are you people actually arguing about? The possibility that maybe hypothetically a video game character's boobs could get smaller even though there is 0 evidence either way?
Have sex.
>get called out for being wrong
>"haha who cares, everything is bad!"
just admit you get your opinions from other people and move on
>he doesn't know what kind of a product Final Fantasy VII is
You blissful, ignorant fool.
>tfw actually have a wife you buy bras for on occasion watching the average Yea Forums poster try and sound educated on how cup sizes work
I hope she looks sweaty in the trailer
Body hair (A LOT in case with Barrett...and Red XIII, obviously) and translucent/PBR skin along with sweating were already confirmed, so there's that. Now, for the clothes getting soaked enough, though...SJWs and landwhale REEEsetEra's ex-neoFAGs will utterly destroy (or try to) the game, if Titfuck's shirt gets wet and see-through any.
Most of you people probably weren't even alive when FF7 released. Who fucking cares about Tifa's tits so long as they don't fully tumblrize her entire design.
If she looks like the advent children design that's basically perfect. Fucking autists.
Tumblr Tifa with headshave haircut and hairy pits making out with SJW colorized hair Yuffie art when
Tumblr redesign would be Tifa with a really bad undercut, brown skin, bizarrely round nose, and thunderthighs (no, not the good kind. The bad kind). Also hairy legs and arms.
In my fap fantasy it would be punk mixed with sexy/sexualized tumblr memes though, not a genuine tumblrina artist ya feel me.
Unlett's, when will they learn?
After reading this shitpost written by an underage toddler that was born waaay past the FF VII's original release, the irony is SOOO TTTTTHHHHIIIICCCCC that I can cut through it strictly only with a phentom laser
I'll roll her slot machines all day long, iykwim.
So Tifa is a waifu?
>Yuffie is a waifu?
Her bare belly is the most erotic part for me.
If Aerith lived there wouldn't even be any competition. Tifags BTFO
based and midriffpilled
This picture exemplifies the real appeal of Tifa. Easy access.
Will the remake explain that power spike that made Cloud able to toss the world's strongest individual so hard into a wall that he lost all the air in his lungs and could only helplessly fall into a Mako pit?
Because the only speculations that comes to mind are:
1. "MUH dormant latebloomer talent blossom moment!" and/or
2. "MUH getting accidently injected by JENOVA-cells+Mako when pierced by Masamune and getting a temp-power up" and/or
3. "MUH Cloud's Limit Break meter just so happened to be full at that moment and somehow Cloud used the motions of either Finishing Touch or a horizontal version of Braver to throw Sephiroth into the wall".
I just want the suspenders and belt combo.
He didn't toss anyone. He stabbed him with his own sword and then just fallen alongside with him into a pool of Mako.
I am talking about the Nibelheim incident. The canon one that's mostly the same between ffvii and crisis core, not the shitty "alternative OVA version" where Sephiroth holding JENOVA's head in his arms just jumps into the Mako by himself like a retard.
Crisis Core doesn't happen, because see .
what if they give Tifa Allison Stokkes build Yea Forums ??
i hope they don't change her in any big way.
but to be honest, i would understand why they would get rid of the skirt for a pair of shorts.
as appealing as it is, out of all the things she wears, it's probably the most ill fitting thing for her fighting style
also i'd rather see short shorts around a tight ass instead of pantyshots
then again they might just give her some shorts like her AC ones, which is eh
>mfw Tifa has an ugly gook face like in the movie instead of looking like Jennifer Connelly.
hope youre ready for vietnamese restingbitchface Tifa
That's just Azula, though.
It's proportional to the band size that goes around the ribs
As I said, it doesn't matter, because FFVII and Crisis Core are almost identical about what happens with Cloud. The minor differences are that in FFVII Sephiroth manages to turn around before being stabbed by Cloud, causing Sephiroth to be stabbed into his chest, while in CC Cloud stabs him in the back. Another one is that in FFVII the "throw" happens in the Reactor room while in CC it happens in the JENOVA-chamber. Aside from those points, it's almost identical.
Anyway I hope the remake addresses some of the lore stuff that was only just glossed over in late game, escpacially the low-hanging fruits like explaining that Cloud became more resistant toward JENOVA cells after his dips into the lifestream and overcoming the Mako sickness, due to his JENOVA-Mako ratio tilting towards Mako, which Cloud manages to internalize, causing him to gain a permanent MP and/or magic-stat boost or something like that (and a smaller one for Tifa too), that gives you the impression that these incidents actually have lasting effects.
Didn't Advent Children already showed what she'd look like?
So i'm already predicting that she'd look like the Advent Children version of her.
Imagine having such terrible taste.
I bet you romanced 'blueberry' in Mass Effect.
Based and redpilled. Don't care if you're an Aerithfag or a Tifafag, but we must unite against Yuffieniggers