I miss killing nazis games. Which was your favorite?

I miss killing nazis games. Which was your favorite?

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Killing Nazis is not fun anymore cuz everyone knows now that they were right.

I'd rather kill commies

That makes it even better.

Based. Where's my fucking commie killing simulator.

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I like the one where you're an american soldier dying to protect your country that your own government attacked.

I remember some medal of honour where you sabotage AT guns at the start in north africa and get ambushed in a courtyard and everyone except you die, somehow I managed to have one guy not die once which felt pretty good.
butthurt nazis spotted

Do white people really think it's Israel's fault they have small penises and can't satisfy their women?

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Are there any games where you kill communazis?

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Wolfenstein games are pretty good.


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They’re all pretty terrible. And the Hitler fight is easily the worst part.

That pic is about amerimutts diying for Israel.

israel was made after ww2.

>things that never happened
>lawl dawg I just got them declared mentally unfit like that dawg

lol umad

What does this have to do with nazis

I didn't even feel like finishing 2

Him being mad about people shooting them in games, it hurts his feefees

peak nazi vidya

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i know youre a zoomer but its not hard to get old half senile parents declared unfit if you really want to

Metal Slug

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>>lawl dawg I just got them declared mentally unfit like that dawg
Poor faggot, you actually think psychiatry is a honest business

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>Him being mad about people shooting them in games, it hurts his feefees

I really liked Wolfenstein 2009.

>all the actual WWII vets will be dead in twenty years tops

>those cult bitches hiding in trees

god I wish that was me

Why could you have fun by killing the heroes of WW2?


the fact that nazis didn't want to pathetically die for israel and ghetto black people like Americans

Think what a Nice world it would have been if germany won ww2

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Friendly reminder Hitler went out like a bitch.


Kike defenders dont deserve to live.

The poster of those images.
>totally happened dawg, that story is like really really, paid the nig like 500 bucks too dawg
look I know you're upset about your epic posts epic story got called out but it didn't happen

Did that country even have a name?

Nazbols simulator when?

>Killing Nazis is not fun anymore cuz everyone is a nazi now apparently.

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>alt-right agrees with nazis
>defends nazis
>associates with nazis
>if you call them nazis or racist, they sperg out

Can someone explain this to me

>those knife throwing chefs

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>get shot by typical niggers in africa
>die for israel
Still off topic

incel discord is raiding again

Dear John should a capital crime.

The Nazis were normal people like you and me. It's just not cool to give them down, you know? Communists on the other hand...

I'm not the guy who posted the story, psychiatry is a pseudoscience and a scam, many people lost their rights over nonsense.

>noooo I don't want to be decapitated by a chainsaw please!

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He would rather take his own life than be dragged through the streets dead.
I believe he wrote that somewhere.

sorry about your sad life not amounting to anything because youre a passive tv watching mutilated faggot

Nazis and Russians are boring now, I want to play as an IDF soildier blowing up ragheads.

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>you plannin' on takin' off that uniform when you get to america?

Wolfenstein: New Order was good, except I felt like there were a lot of missed opportunities.

For example the moon base was cool but you only go out on the surface once and shoot some drones and that’s it. Would’ve been cool if they expanded on the lower G firefights like in Halo 2. There was also the Castle at the start of the game that was reminiscent of older Castle Wolfenstein aesthetics and again, it’s super short and we never see that kind of aesthetic again. The rest is all industrial or polished office corridors. Wolfenstein could’ve been so much better if they just expanded on those unique moments.

calm down Mr. 1/7th german, that story clearly did not happen, deal with it, I don't know why this obvious fact makes you so mad


I want a game where I can play as the taliban in the mountains planting IEDs and trying to set up ambushes on imperialist dogs. It could be like a Guerilla style Arma game based on Attack/Defend modes.

>waaahhh big meanie commies are about to beat me time to go kill myself
He should’ve went out on a blaze of glory with bombs and guns instead of taking the soiboi path.

Honestly my problem was the lack of progression in weapons, sure you get the lasers on the moon but then, you don't and it is back to the same assault rifle you had since the earlygame

Why not both?

buttmad whitey didn't get his inheritance, kek

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United Offensive and RTCW are the first two that come to mind. New Order was pretty solid as well but I can't see myself reinstalling that behemoth. Election immigrants fuck off.

it's true I used to play every new WWII game back when they were being released all the time but now it's just depressing

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Yes user hitler had a tank with a flamethrower on his back

>What does dying for the Jewish ethnostate have to do with Nazis?

>aaaaah gott im himmel please no I don't want to die I will tell you everything you want to know!

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>Kike defenders dont deserve to live.
So you're in favor of killing the GOP then

If nazis are so bad then why does everyone love Germany now?

Call of Duty 1. Played it to death.

nothing like a honeypot thread to clean out /pol/ for a few days

It’s called dissonance and hypocrisy. The ideals they spout just a cover for their impotent racist anger, and when you call them a Nazi they subconsciously realize that even though they try desperately to pain this idealistic picture. Because in the end idealism is just for children and practicality is what matters in the end.

pretty upset the chainsaw was never a weapon

I'm unironically willing to die for Israel just to spend a couple nights in Tel Aviv fucking Jewish party girls AGAIN.

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Guys, I don’t know what to do. I lost my neetbux, there are more trannies than ever and Trump is still sucking kike cock. I want things to improve but nothing seems to work.

No one loves Germany, dummy. Real Europeans have been trying to kick them out of Europe and back to Central Asia where they came from for 3000 years.


as there is no such thing as the alt-right and it is an identity pushed by a man who is likely a plant, this entire post makes no sense.

Sounds like an excuse to not die by the sword, a choice many nazis took like the cowards they are.

Get a job and have sex

Eh, I'm ok with it


The Old Blood was my favourite of the Wolfenstein reboots.

Since when the GOP defends Israel? Its always the demoturds giving more tax money to kikes and niggers.

why does nobody enjoy killing Japs too?
the shit they did to the Chinese was just as bad as the Holocaust but I guess the Chinese don't control our media to browbeat us to death with it lol

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Wait you actually thought that someone who runs for a president will be actually not a shabbos goy?

This shitty bait thread should have ended right here.

Literally no reason he couldn't have. Instead he took the tranny exit route.

Is this a joke? The first bill proposed by the GOP under Trump was an aid package of $3 billion to Israel.

Absolute fucking chad

>Since when the GOP defends Israel?
What fucking planet are you living on? What party do all the neocon warhawks belong to?

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>alt-left agrees with commies
>defends communism
>associates with commies
>if you call them commies, they sperg out
Can someone explain this to me

>the left calls themselves communists
>but if you point out communists killed hundreds of millions of people, a lot more than the nazis, they sperg out

Wacky ww2 games a great because of the setting. But you ever turned on a game and thought to yourself "i love killing enemy x" then there is somethibg severely wrong with you

There weren't as many games focused on that theater of war back in the day.

That would be cool, but only if you play as America or RoC.

I don’t think that’s true. Many hardcore lefties are fine with being called commies.


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sounds like he struck a nerve

The nazis were the good guys
If hitler had won europe wouldn't be full of shit skins committing terrorist attacks and raping kids

>Europeans kill and enslave a millions of natives in America and Africa
"Just get over it, it happened so long ago and we apoloized! Just accept we won't do anything to fix it."
>Europeans kill some other Europeans
"Thus is the worst tragedy ever! We must never forget this! If ypu don't accept nazis are the worst thing to have ever happened, you're evil!"

>le germany would have made everything better
bullshit you dumb cuck Hitler loved Muslims

Reminder that AustroHUNs belong in Central Asia, and will never ever be European. This also includes the anglos.

americans did a lot worse to the japs
why does nobody enjoy killing americans

>hey your mass murderers are more successful than our mass murderers, no fair guys
>communism is still around, Nazism got put down like you did when you asked that girl out
Seething Nazi.

>my country gets conquered by filthy commies
>filthy commiefornians tell me I should be happy

the biggest tragedy is that neither job was finished

>alt-right agrees with nazis
not really, there's no adequate definition for alt-right and as such it's difficult to say if any member labelled as such agrees with natsoc or not.
>defends nazis
>associates with nazis
eh maybe don't really know about that - I wouldn't associate with most
>if you call them nazis or racist, they sperg out
because being called racist is a moral trump card meaning "you lose the debate because you only apply morality to a fraction of people"
if you call me a nazi i'll say "it's national socialist ma'am" and then discuss moral philosophy, economic systems, history, etc with the person in question over some tea.

The kinds of people who would say the first thing are not the same as those who would say the second

in their own country not raping women in his retard

Shut the fuck up about politics and go play Wolf3D.

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Wonder how your relatives would feel if they heard you supporting Nazi Germany.

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so nazis are only the bad guys because they lost, not because of anything they did or their ideals
got it

Alt-right is a made up word applied to everyone who is not a leftist. it does not exist, it is a result of projection from the leftist hivemind.
There are white supremacist threads on /pol/ yet the board is more diverse than any leftie space on the internet. There is no things the "alt-right" would agree at completely.
People who don't believe in gay marriage, more than two genders or putting little kids on hormone blockers called conservatives or centrist who has a currently elected president. I have no idea why you keep trying to contribute everything you disagree with to some fringe internet group when these people do exist in the real world and the outnumber the progressives by a large margin.

sniper elites

WW2 flight sims have teams of people dedicated to re-enacting or worshipping the German fighter pilots.

And they always get their shit smacked

>why does nobody enjoy killing Japs too?
It's funny how America plays the victim when they are responsible for making Japan that way. You guys made Imperial Japan. You stormed in, demanded their money at gunpoint, ruined their economy, started a war, and then left. All your shit literally formed the very Japan that would plan it's revenge.
t. SEAnon that got invaded by Imperial Japan, America is just at fault as they are

>He thinks Mordens army were the bad guys

Wonder how your relatives would feel if they heard you supporting communism

>There is no things the "alt-right" would agree at completely.
the ONLY thing they all agree on is who the enemy is

>implying he wouldnt love a bunch of a muslims coming into Berlin and fucking millions of g*rman mutts
yeah okay buddy

I just fucking hate goompas man. They're so satisfying to stomp on.

>Germany could have won guys all they needed to do was (x)

>if you don't support Nazis you're a Commie

God bless Hezbollah.

>he's never played a GTA game
More American video game hookers have been killed than Nazis.

Not openly. The reason that Nazis get so much exposure as the ultimate evil is because their victims were other europeans and because it draws attention away from their crimes committed against people in other countries as a result of colonialism.




racial purity was the #1 tenant of his ideology lol

The japs deserved it

I mean they could have taken the Baku oil fields as was planned

alt-right doesn't exist

yeah sure it was same army that dressed as trannys and such sure buddy


This to be honest.

Why are nazi trannies so insecure?

Japs were on the wrong side of history ;)

america intentionally caused all the japanese attacks so they could invade japan

the more the leftists continue their shit the more people will think this

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