Did anyone get this?

Did anyone get this?

Castlevania (1986)
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (1987)
Castlevania: The Adventure (1989)
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (1989)
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (1991)
Super Castlevania IV (1991)
Kid Dracula (1993)
Castlevania: Bloodlines (1994)

I just beat Castlevania III. I save scummed tf out of it but I don't care.

I think next I'll play a Gameboy game for a change of pace.

Attached: Castlevania-Collection.jpg (720x720, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, but I'm waiting for the JP update to drop because I'm a sucker.

How's the ebook?

Making a review on it, its an okay collection at best and really only reason to buy it is for the official first re-release of Bloodlines.I plan to make this a point in my vid about this one menu bug where the music fucking shits itself after existing from stage 10 of Castlevania

Is Bloodlines actually good?

Considering it yeah. Makes me feel bad that I got IV on the 3DS eShop but it is what it is

Actually I want to and didn't know it was released

>no platinum
>save states / password don't disable trophies
As a trophyfag this makes me fume knowing shitters like OP can pop the trophies and no one will be able to call them out on their bullshit with 100% certainty.

This. I'm most looking forward to JP CVIII because I'm a scrub who couldn't beat it vanilla and Bloodlines. Kid Dracula looks fun too

After I finish off paying Bill's in a week or so I think I'll grab it to show Konami that classicvania is still good content.

Who did the port?


M2 but by their standards its kinda ehh

M2. T

Any word on whether they're going to replwced the CV1 rom with the fixed version?
I'm willing to pay for this to support the series but not if the versions of the games are broken.

No Symphony no buy

I'm so glad the Switch doesn't have cheevos so they don't occupy my head. Also, most of the games have infinite continues, so what's wrong about that, really?

Its a classicvania collection you shiteating retard
Why do so many of you troglodytes exist?

Kid Dracula is unplayable with the current button set up
Y for shoot and B for jump should be the fucking default

>Also, most of the games have infinite continues, so what's wrong about that, really?
Because if you die you restart a checkpoint. If you get a game over, you restart the whole level. With save states you can clear a room over and over or even enemy by enemy without losing health, save game, repeat, save game, repeat, etc. Especially that first gameboy game which is absolute torture, especially that final level.

>No Rondo of Blood

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Nah, not interested in replaying those. I want Rondo and sotn.

You can just use the A/X combination.

Its gonna be like what Capcom has been doing with MegaMan, this site does mention this is collection 1

it's shockingly bad

worse than just emulating them yourself

boy do i have the collection for you!

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>bunch or Classicvanias
>no Rebirth
Very homosexual or Konami

>i want rondo but not any of the games that preceded it

it just doesn't feel the same

Git Gud

Ahhh, yeah, I see your point. It would suck the fun out of the game imo. I just use them by game overs, since I can't have the machine running all the time.

This is what I'm waiting on. I fully planned to lick it up but crashing issues is too much for me to excuse. I'll buy it when they announce a patch.

I have no idea who did the emulation for this but they did a fantastic job

Technically it's the second, the Symphony/Rondo collection appears to be ps4 only afaik.

I every game without save states, had done most of them on their original systems. The gameboy game is legit poorly designed though. Complete and utter shit. You move so slow and the enemy attacks are so fast it's down to trial and error and memorization. The majority of the situations cannot be reacted to by pure skill and reflexes, it's down trial and error.

No its the first in what Konami calls the Anniversary Collection series

So, what are your candidates for the second collection?

Best OST in the series next to SotN imo. Even with the Genesis' god awful sound chip

Alright then, I'm curious what the second one will include.

It's a mediocre collection with issues. I dont mind paying for roms but you've got to make it worth the money over just emulating it for free, and this collection doesnt do that

M2. Same guys behind the SEGA AGES line.

>Genesis' god awful sound chip

I wish this meme would die

Rondo of Blood and Sotn are the only Castlevania you need, why play anything else?

It's playing og Mega-man and not just sticking to the first few MMX titles.

Does anyone know when they are dropping the patch for the Japanese versions?

The only ones I don't have or have played are Kid Drac and C:Adventures. Might pirate and give it a go though.

Super Castlevania is also a great game

Bad post

>no RoB

>no SoTN


Because 3 and 4 are two of the best games in the series.

Its not a meme when it is true. The Genesis was inferior in every way to the snes when it came to music & sfx quality.

I know that they had a collection for the first two not too long ago, but I'm guessing
>the GBA games
>the DS games
IIRC, there's three each on DS and GBA, so it evens out to about 8. But truth be told, I've never played the DS games. Any anons who played them, do they have touch controls that could translate into consoles without them? Is it possible to remove them somehow or what?

I still have to go through it proper, but it has a bunch of development stuff which is neato

As far as the collection quality I'd say it's serviceable for now, at least they can only go up from here by including the JP versions
Castlevania 1 is fucked because they used the wrong rom version or some shit so it's plagued with sound issues and occasional crashes (mine crashed when fighting Death so that was fun) I'm hoping when they patch in the JP versions they can maybe fix the standard rom
No button mapping is pretty damn stupid too, especially since the jump/whip buttons switch between the 8 bit and 16 bit games

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God damn I wish the words "Rondo of Blood and SOTN..." would be banned out of any fucking Castlevania discussion. You cunts can go somewhere else do your pisstakes.

I think they would evade doing the DS ones by putting SNES Rondo, Chronicles...

The first two have touch controls. The first game relies on it pretty heavily, but the second one shouldn't be a problem.

I feel like they'd be more likely to include Legends and Chronicles over the DS games, since emulating them is easier.

just because people made it work doesn't mean it wasn't objectively shit hardware for the time and what sega was capable of

I have a PS4 but thinking about getting this on my Switch, does the Switch version have any problems with emulation or anything?


You are missing out on some awesome games Sc4 and bloodlines are fantastic.

Dracula X is a must.
>b-b-b-b-but it's a shitty port of r-r-r-rondo!
It's a completely different game you fucking faggots. Different environments, levels and boss fights. I don't give a fuck if it was intended to be a port of Rondo, it's a completely different game.

Nothing that isn't in all the versions, no. The only major problem is konami using a buggy version of CV1 that might crash anytime after killing Death.

Based and redpilled.

Rondo is the most overrated game in the series. When it finally got it's PS4 release I played it for the first time after years of hearing everyone cream over how good it was and it was the most mediocre, forgettable Castlevania I've played. I 100%'d it and barely remember a thing about it. Dracula X was more memorable for fuck sake.

Why doesn't it have Symphony of the Night?

All of the classic castlevania games are garbage without improvement hacks.

Do yourself a favor. Don't. Legit the hardest game in the entire series for all the wrong reasons.

People only praise it due to obscurity and anime. The actual stage design is lackluster


How is it? There isn't much you can fuck up here, but I'm asking just in case.

I dont have a PS4

>GBA trilogy
>DS trilogy

>Adventure ReBirth
>Dracula X
>Harmony of Despair
>that phone game no one remembers
>Haunted Castle again because why not
inb4 they announce a third collection to cover everything

Slightly buggy. Overall lacking the care and effort m2 usually puts into these

Was looking to get it on switch, but no symphony of the night, is it worth getting?

I did, pretty good expected worse from konami
the only games I havent played before the collection are kid drac, bloodlines and castlevania 2
mainly love the UI though better then the ps4 collection for rondo
nes games a b feels natural, anything else other then nes though I agree
>bloodlines was supposed to have 4 characters including ninja yoko
>gun subweapon
>explains how belmonts revenge got good
alot of cool shit in there

Then just get it on the 360 or something if all you want is Symphony.

tough shit

So it seems like:
>Rondo of Blood
>Dracula X
>Symphony of the Night
>Circle of the Moon
>Haromony of Dissonance
>Aria of Sorrow

They're never going to make a collection with the DS games. It's just not happening

Does it have that good ol' video game compilation soul?

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Just grab the Rondo/SotN bundle on PS4 when it goes on sale next, or if you’re lucky enough to own a Vita TV or a PSP/Vita, Dracula X Chronicles. If you’re just a Nintenbro, it does suck, I know, you either gotta hack your console & look for a non-shit PS1 emulator to run, or just buy Bloodstained in June.


How so?

third collection better have the ps2 games then

A few sound oddities. Using a prepatched version of CV1 that had the launch copy Death bug

And while not a bug, not having remappable controls (while having pretty poor default buttons) dampers the experience

I bought it because I love the series and wanted to support it. I played the challenge pack last year on an emulator and I had fun with most every game. I have a few questions though I don't know if anyone can answer them here or not.

Does Simon's Quest have a new english translation or is the American released NES original english? Is Castlevania The Adventure still dreadfully slow or did they up the game speed a little? And is Castlevania 3 a translation of the JP version or the original US version?

Ah. Thought you maybe meant Adventure.

Speaking of, if this is you're first time playing that game, know that it being so fucking slow is not bad emulation. The original cart was that bad too.

Simon's Quest is the standard NA release. Adventure is as shit as it always was. 3 is the NA version but they'll patch the JP version as an alternative in the future.

>releasing a 20 buck half assed compilation of retro games that's straight up inferior to what youd get with free emulators

Why do companies keep doing this

Dracula X
Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Legends
Symphony of the Night

Are the most likely candidates. The GBA games might be another separate bundle because Konami likes money, and then I don't know if they would port the DS games at all considering some of them require a dual screen or touch screen. I would like them to add Adventure Rebirth to one of these collections but I don't see that happening.

The bigger question is if they going to start porting any of the 3D games.

>Does Simon's Quest have a new english translation or is the American released NES original english?
Same one.
>Is Castlevania The Adventure still dreadfully slow or did they up the game speed a little?
Still slow.
>And is Castlevania 3 a translation of the JP version or the original US version?
US, but a patch is coming to add JP versions to all 8 games.

>The original cart was that bad too
how did they ship that out thinking "this is fine and acceptable" anyway, even if konami is money hungry, wouldn't the devs realize it sucked hard?

It was 1989. The Game Boy wasn't even a year old, and no one knew how it worked yet.

that's a shame that these weren't included as options. But I doubt anyone at konami would want to pay for new translations of old games. And I doubt they would want to mod their games either.

Its funny, Kid dracula got a full translation, and this is the NES version's first release in America. But who knows, maybe they did it 30 years ago and had the ROM sitting around since then.

Konami was just eager to release something on the Gameboy within it's launch cycle. Even if no one but nintendo really knew what the system was capable of.

>SoTN, AoS and DoS on the same game

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They paid to translate Kid Dracula. More likely CV2 was left as-is for meme reasons.

Reminder if you save scum Castlevania 1-3 you didn't really beat them.

Oh well then it's totally bizarre that they wouldn't get a translation for the JP Castlevania 3 or a new one for Simon's quest.

When the JP versions get patched in are they all going to be in Japanese or can you play the JP versions with english translations? If you can do the latter than that solves most of my problems. And I can live without playing through Simon's quest again.

Waiting for a patch to fix the cv1 rom and the japanese versions before buying.
Might say screw it and buy anyways since I've wanted to try cv for some time now.

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They haven't elaborated, just "you can play the Japanese versions". Probably with JP text.

M2 never translates unless it's a special case like Kid Dracula where it never had one before.

the japanese version doesn't even have japanese simons quest

I save scummed admittedly through Castlevania 3 during the last few levels of the US version and during the Dracula boss fight.

But I beat the JP version totally cleanly.

Did they actually add anything to the games or is it just the same as the old ones but with save states and achievement nonsense?

If you're not a pirate this is the only way to play Bloodlines without a Sega Genesis.

Also the famicom version of Kid Dracula got released in the west with an english tranlsation for the first time ever.

Literally the only bad thing about this aside from no JP versions just yet is that it uses the prototype version of the first game that is prone to crashing and glitching out
It's a very rare thing though but it's still goofy it happens

I'd only ever have an interest in sotn on pc if it were the original, not the mutilated version.

Probably because every single game listed is very easily emulated, whereas rondo is kind of an annoying bitch with how PCengine roms are set up

I was under the impression that the crash was common. Is that not true?

Can you mention the use of the rom for cv1 crashing and the audio issues

Fuck no. There's no point when you can emulate all that shit just fine.

Until the Genesis Mini is released, anyway.

That was a Sony thing they wanted to make a port and Konami approved this is a Konami produced m2 developed game

This. You guys are pretty optimistic thinking there'll be a second Castlevania collection even.

There have been several mentions of this being the first, thing that doesn't happen with Contra.

This is the first of multiple collections they're doing, an Igavania collection would sell like mad.

never got the hate for this on psp.
even if you didn't like the base game, it came with the original version and one of the best versions of SoTN despite how people might feel about yuri lowenthall alucard.

So anons what’s the deal with Dawn of Sorrow and Aria of Sorrow? Is it like a remake or a different take on the same story?

It's a sequel you ding dong

Yes, but take into consideration that DS emulation with just buttons requires actual porting. Although the do have M2 on board, who have made heavily tinkered rereleases before...

Different games that are better Castlevania games than SoTN

man if they were able to get the gba and ds games on there, i'd go nuts.
i'd like the ps2 games as well.

Dwan is a sequel to Aria. Same gameplay, new story, new anime artstyle.

>giving Konami money for a lazy rom pack

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Dawn and Aria are the end of the Castlevania story.

Oh yeah they have so many similar levels and bosses thought it was a ‘fancier’ remake

considering i'd like to play SotN in a possible second collection without using that shitty ps1 emulator i'm thinking about it

But it doesn't even have the best castlevania games.

it only happens in very specific circumstances, for me at least. I know some have said they got it when they do the final hit on Dracula or it just happens when you're in the middle of a level but it just seems very specific to what is happening if that makes sense.

SotN official on PC would be kinda neat but Konami giving me a cheap rom pack after nogames for ages after deliberately fucking up Castlevania with their Lords of Shadow faggotry? They also fucked up Meteru Gearu. In fact, does Konami even make video games anymore?

It can happen anytime after killing Death, or so the reports say.

i didnt even know this came out but when i get paid this friday im gonna buy it

>shitty ps1 emulator

It's pretty bad from what I've seen online.


>There's barely a good... save system

Paused. Stop sending your videos.

He want SotN official on PC specifically from the sounds of it. There is no official PC SotN release, surprisingly.

I just play it on my PS3 or PSP but a PC release mite b cool. I'd prefer Harmony of Dissonance on PC or something like it. Multiplayer Castlevania was pretty sweet.

reminder never to buy these classic game rereleases

nintendo literally pulled games off of rom sites and put them onto those shitty little emulator boxes

Then invited everybody to hack the hell out of them.

The Japanese versions are the real versions of CV. US versions are literally artificial difficulty. One of the Bloodlines developers confirmed it.

just use X and A its practically same thing

I dont really see the point to be honest. Mednafen will run the game perfectly, with retroarch you can use runahead and GPU sync to get rid of input lag (which a PC release would most likely have), and can use 4k CRT shaders to make it look exactly how it should

That's my problem with these rom pack releases, they dont offer the same benefits as free alternatives. Emulation frankly needs runahead and I don't think a single one of these releases implements anything close to it

It’s not common but you can make it happen like the requirements are super easy

mm9 is better than every X game

how was bloodlines altered?

Oh, I agree. I'm the guy who posted the cat and asked why anyone would give money to Konami for a lazy rompack. I'd like to support Castlevania getting a new release financially, but not badly enough to give Pachinkonami my money for 20+ year old roms.

>"However, if you find Vampire Killer too easy for you, be sure to check out the overseas version, Castlevania Bloodlines. It’s like the “tabasco” version of Vampire Killer, in terms of difficulty."

Vampire's Kiss
Vampire Killer
Castlevania Legends
Adventure Rebirth

Doesn't require porting any of the 3D games. Keeps the Requiem Collection exclusive to PS4. Doesn't have to rework any of the DS games to redo their Touch Control schemes. Keeps Haunted Castle in the Arcade Collection.

This is the laziest and easiest way for Konami to release a second collection.

>Keeps the Requiem Collection exclusive to PS4.
More likely both get into the list for the other consoles to have, so those who bought Requiem are fucked.

>every difficulty was shifted back US easy was jp normal, JP hard was normal

This post makes my stomach turn. I feel ill.

They do, unless you're a PC only gamer. Gaming on a couch or bed is far more comfortable then sitting at a PC. This is why every person here arguing there is no benefit, is a PC only pirate. I pirate, I have the roms, but I play on console too. Do what you want, buy it or don't, I'm not your fucking mom.

Happens in every game. CV1 had an Easy difficulty. CV3 removed checkpoints and doubled damage in the U.S release. You can still see now that Dracula's throne room is classed as level 10-3. But dying to Dracula puts you at 10-2

is this digital only on the switch? can't find any websites mention a physical, wanna be sure though

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Digital Only on everything

I bought it and I've finished the original, Simon's Quest, The Adventure and I'm almost done with Belmont's Revenge.
The Adventure was shite but the others have been great so far barring Simon's Quest which was just alright.

The PS2 games.

No one really talks about Portrait of Ruin

>no Rondo
>no Rebirth
FUCK no, and never will.

okay, when is this Japanese title update coming?

Is it really worth it for £16?



shame, Portrait is best metroidvania and Charlotte is cute as fuck

£2 a game, m8. Stop being cheap


What about (me)?

Rondo's on a separate collection. Read the thread.

I would've still said no if it was literally any other currency, this collection is dog shit, and you're fucking braindead for supporting Konami.

>separate """collection"""
>PS4 only
Like I give a shit, also doesn't solve the Rebirth situation, you double nigger.

>Digital only release
Literally no point then. I can just emulate the games for free and play my original copy of Super Castlevania if I want.

>no Castlevania 64
Why bother?

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Get mad.

it got so much hate when it came out, but damn if it isn't one of the better games.

Go get raped by Muslims.

To add to the list
>no JP version of Castlevania III (Best version)
>no translation fix for Simon's Quest to make it decipherable without a walkthrough.
>no extras
There was NO REASON to include Kid Dracula + the two gameboy ports. Literally nobody asked for this, they could've added literally anything else and it would've been an improvement. So essentially you're paying $19 for 3 good games total in this package.

M2 is great at making quality ports, but Konami are cheap jews so its a double edged sword.

>Konami pricing it at 30 bucks in my region because they think I won't notice conversion fuckery

Ha ha, third worlder

>>no JP version of Castlevania III (Best version)

Is getting patched in for free along with all the other JP versions

>>no extras
80 page digital artbook with design docs for each game.

Kid Dracula is an unreleased rarity and Belmont's Revenge is a top quality Castlevania game.

Nah, I'll just avoid buying it while you continue seething that I'm skipping this lazy shit and encouraging others to do the same.

Step up your game, shill-kun.

Get mad.

I just really want to play adventure rebirth again

>it got so much hate
Why is that? Because it wasn’t like others?

Stay mad, faggot :^)

What I meant with extras was functional things such as. time Attack, remix, item randomization, etc you know the type of extras M2 is famous for.
>Is getting patched..
Doesn't change the fact that it is not included at this moment.


Just beat Death in CoTm
Goddamn, this game's tough, but I like it.

Calm down, sweaty.

I use saves at the beginnings of staves and before boss fights because lives and game overs are stupid. am i a shitter?

>konami shills shilling this overpriced sub-par collection
fucking disgusting

I never played it til now and I really like it. I think I might even prefer it over Rondo.


stages. i love phone posting.

the game had the misfortune of coming out when people were just sick of the genre
some people hated the art, some people thought it was too similar to the other games, some people thought it was too different, it was just ruthlessly picked apart every little detail.
people tend to love and appreciate it now, but back then was a bad time for castlevania.

No option for widescreen and customize keys. Why does Konami do a terrible Job at importing?

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Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?

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You can always replay the game and finish it like a man.

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Metal Gear Collection when?

Why? So that can exclude the best games too?

>Still complaining that a collection about the origins of a series doesn't have newer games

what idiot would get this when you can emulate all of these titles

Zoom Zoom

Why? This one isnt missing much

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>newer game
Retarded zoomer, oh wait, that's redundant.

Right back at you, brainlet.

A literal retard, as you can see by the apologists and shills in this thread.

>Castlevania 1 released in 1986
>Rondo released in 1993
>Not newer
Stop embarassing yourself.

>A game you can buy on Wii, Wii U, PSP and PS4

There's literally no reason to put that in over stuff like Belmonts Revenge, Bloodlines and Kid Dracula that you can't buy outside of original hardware.

paying 20 US DOLLARS for a bunch of roms.
do console gamers actually do this?

a game is just a bunch of gibberish text, pngs, and wav files to begin with

>yet includes Bloodlines from 1994
Take your own advice, based retard.

>A game you can buy on Wii
No you can't, dumb mobile poster.

>There's literally no reason to put that in over stuff like Belmonts Revenge, Bloodlines and Kid Dracula
All of those except maybe Bloodlines are vastly inferior to Rondo, so yes there is a reason, you dipshit.

Just buy a PS4 bro. Stop being poor.

Or I can continue emulating the games and call out Konami and their lapdogs (such as you) for doing a shit job. ;^)

Why didn't they include Symphony of the Night?

Saving it for the second collection, no doubt. And if you already bought Requiem for it on PS4, tough shit. It's getting sold again.

Can someone give me a quick rundown of the lore behind Adventure 2: Belmont's Revenge?

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Direct sequel to a shittastic game, the end.

>Adventure 1 ends with Christopher Belmont (born between Trevor and Simon) defeating Dracula, but Drac escapes
>16 years later, Christopher has a son who is trained to succeed him, but he vanishes without a trace
>Multiple castles rise and so Christopher must destroy them, then Castlevania itself appears
>Christopher finds his son, whom Dracula brainwashed to aid him into regaining his full strength. They fight and the spell is broken, and then Christopher kills Drac for good

Because the graphics are too intense for the Switch.

Because people keep buying it.

This, fuck. I hope Nintendo never implements that shit. Games are infinitely more enjoyable to me without all of my actions being permanently recorded and timestamped on my account.

I never understood why people say it's a shitty version of Rondo. It indeed is a different game.

>Still no Geomon collection

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The only interesting thing here is Kid Dracula. Until they have a collection of GBA and/or DS titles there's nothing worth giving a shit about.

DS titles wont work on console. Touch controls render them impossible outside of mobile ports.

Since the ps4 collection exists, we would get snes dracula X and its absurdly hard as fuck Drac fight.

Best possible outcome of this would be that and a Suikoden collection.

>expecting konami to either pay for those things or give m2 the time to do them.

>I never understood why people say it's a shitty version of Rondo.
Because it is.

>The only interesting thing here is Kid Dracula.
The appeal of the collection is owning the games, if you only care about the content then there's nothing interesting because you could already emulate all of them.
>b-but muh translation
Nobody gives a shit about the story, specially in a noncanon spinoff. Also the DS games barely use the touch screen except for Albus mode in OoE and it would be extremely easy to patch them.

Savestates are only ever acceptable at the password screen or at the game over screen. Before bosses is peak shitter.

Not 1:1 obviously, but I have a hard time believing they couldn't be retooled a bit to work fine. Like for DoS you could just turn the Sigils into like, a rhythm minigame or just cut them outright. The only touchscreen mechanic I remember in OoE was the magnetism flinging thing which could easily just be flicking a control stick instead. I dont even remember what the touch mehanics in PoR were.

I'm probably forgetting some stuff so I don't really know. Also I realize this'd basically just be remasters at this point instead of ports.

Still though, GBA please.

>Also the DS games barely use the touch screen except for Albus mode in OoE and it would be extremely easy to patch them.

Someone forgot about Sisters Mode in PoR. Even Dawn has a ton of it with the ice blocks you need to touch to destroy (in some cases making things like platforms and stairs) as well as the runes to seal each boss.

This is Konami, they will NEVER put the effort in to make Sisters mode and the Boss Seals non=touch friendly.

I mean, if anyone can do it, it's M2. Their work on Phantasy Star's pretty good.

>I dont even remember what the touch mehanics in PoR were.
You can command your tag-along character to attack enemies you tap, and there's an entire gameplay mode where you play as Eric's daughters and use the Touch Screen for all their attacks.

>owning the games
lmao, dumbass.

>the DS games barely use the touch screen except for Albus mode in OoE
And Sisters Mode in PoR, shit head

>and it would be extremely easy to patch them.
And how would those features work without getting completely gutted?

>DS titles wont work on console.
It could work on Switch. The screen is big enough they easily could show both at once.

Oh shit, right.

>Someone forgot about Sisters Mode in PoR.
That's true, I did. To be honest I didn't care about it at all after I unlocked Richter mode.
>Even Dawn has a ton of it with the ice blocks you need to touch to destroy (in some cases making things like platforms and stairs) as well as the runes to seal each boss.
There's already a fan patch that fixes both of those.

>owning the games
I'm not arguing that, moron. It's what the average consumer thinks.

>And how would those features work without getting completely gutted?

At first I bought it for Bloodlines because I love that game, but I'm often playing Castlevania 1

I can't imagine how SEETHING everyone would be if a GBA/DS collection ended up Switch exclusive because Konami were too lazy to change the touchscreen. It would be the most Konami thing ever to have some games exclusive to one platform, and some on another.

One of the best. It's my personal favorite.

Now answer the rest of the question, dumbass. Where's your brilliant solution for PoR and OoE?

Kid Dracula is a mediocre Megaman clone that only wikiped&nichefags care about&Adventure 2 is and always will be horribly overrated by handheldfags

Like I said I forgot about Sisters mode, so I give you that one. Albus mode is as easy as including analog support and an omnidirectional dash.

>Adventure 2 is and always will be horribly overrated by handheldfags

Rondo and Symphony are the overrated ones tho


Reincarnated Soul &
The Sinking old Sanctuary the best

Was Castlevania Legends good?

No. Ignoring IGA's personal reasons for hating it, the game is almost as bad as the first Adventure.

>All the old linear ones
>None of the openworld(opencastle?) ones

Yeah, hard pass for me. I don't like classicvanias, just the metroidvania ones, but I'm sure this will make quite a few classic fans happy especially since they even said they will be adding extras after everybody complained about the lack of that in the arcade classics.

Worst in the series. Adventure gets a pass because it was released in the first few months of the original Game Boy's launch. It was really ambitious for its time. Legends has no excuse. It came out the same year as Pokemon and was just awful. Considering how good Belmont's Revenge was, it's super weird they fumbled it.

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Knowing Konami, they probably blacklisted all the devs of Belmont's Revenge after pushing them to quit by demoting them to being arcade janitors and then got a new group of devs to make Legends.

Gonna try Alucard's route in 3 again, lads
wish me luck


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have sex you fucking shill and you piece of shit overpriced collection, there are free ROMs now with actually good emulation

>no rondo
based collection

How will they fuck this one up? Unlike the CV collection they haven't implied there will be multiple ones so I expect nothing past the PS1 era even though a bunch of games really need more convenient ways of playing them now like SS, Rebirth, 4 and Hard Corps Uprising

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>collection that should have never been exclusive
I need to put a bullet through Sony.

reminder that konami sent castlevania's original director to the pachinko mines because it didn't sell as well as their games based on licensed properties and if you buy this collection you are cancer

SNES is better. God why are Genesis synths so fucking grating?

No NES Contra.

>SNES is better

enjoy your honk honk music

Enjoy your tinnitus

I hope to god they port Shattered Soldier.


Nah they'll definitely include both it and the arcade version just to pad it out. Wouldn't even be surprised if they did the same with Super C and its arcade version.


honk honk fart honk

>majoras mask and bloodlines are 2 of my most favorite games
>over 10 years ago everyone called majoras Mas shit
>everyone finally played and it's now on top list

>every faggot says castlevania 4 is great
>most people never played bloodlines

It's taken decades but my taste will run Supreme... Bloodlines will be the new favorite mark my words.

SNES is wthat Genesisn't.



>SNES and Genesis children arguing about their music quality again


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>no chronicles
Fuck off that game is over $100 now

General consensus i've seen on the internet over the past week is that Bloodlines is Castlevania in name only and tries too hard to be more of a tech demo for the Genesis than anything else.

I've always thought Bloodlines was better than IV. As far as 16-bit classicvanias go it's Rondo = Bloodlines > Chronicles >= IV

SNES could sound good without a CD add-on, unlike that system.

Man CV 4 is so fucking good. This is my first time playing it and I'm amazed by how good Simon controls.

It has best music
Best gameplay
Not brain dead like 4
Best locations
Beast spear!

People will finally know what they were missing.

4 is horseshit

isn't that what 4 is much more then bloodlines ever could be
>the X68000 was 16 bit
never knew that
if I play it should I do the original version or arranged since original has alot of shit thats just castlevania 1 again?

enjoy the music.
it's some one of a kind shit since the guy who did it ended up leaving that kind of work for something else almost immediately after

Really? Screwattack, avgn and watchmojo have IV as one of the best with SOTN being the best obviously.

Your face is horseshit. CV4 is great.

>if I play it should I do the original version or arranged since original has alot of shit thats just castlevania 1 again?
It's definitely its own game. The original Sharp X68000 version is also the easiest 16-bit Castlevania, which is why original mode was made bullshit hard in the Chronicles remaster.

There was a pack made by someone on Yea Forums that was named just ilyv or something and it had a fuckton of castlevania stuff, but I don't have it anymore.

It's almost as if the composer can play to each chip's strength

Bloodlines will be seen as shit just because of the limited continues.

1. Easiest castlevania
2. Whip while awesome is over powered and gives little reason to use other weapons
3. Dungeon layout is boring as fuck with lame bosses
4. Even with the snes having a better sound chip than the genesis the music is horseshit compared to bloodlines

Jontron uses bloodlines music in most of his videos also. It maybe has the best soundtrack than any castlevania.

I have the pack, but its 10 gigs in terms of size so I just keep it on an external drive

It's EIGHT Contra games. Considering the PS1 Contras were western made, they HAVE to use at least one of the PS2 games.

they will just include contra force to pad it out
that will be that games "castlevania: the adventure"

how expensive is it

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20 bucks mr. adachi poster

>Easiest castlevania
That's subjective. Rondo is easier even without Maria for me.
>Whip while awe-
Stop parroting e-celeb opinions. Sub-weapons are still useful.
>dungeon layout is boring as fuck
How so? It's pretty much just like the NES games in terms of level design, with a bit more focus on platforming.
>Music is horsehit
The only thing that's horseshit here is your taste. I like bloodline's soundtrack but some of it has the genesis curse of sounding like farts.

pretty much this. Want to see how the JP update works on it.
Also, I know rondo/sotn got their own release not that long ago, but would it really have killed them to put it on here too?

>20 bucks for easily emulatable games that aren't enhanced at all by portability
fuck that

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I wish we got Rondo and Rebirth, otherwise good collection

>Even with the Genesis' god awful sound chip
>What is Comix Zone
>What is Streets of Rage 2
>What is Ecco the Dolphin
>What is Beyond Oasis
>What is Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Kys nigger, Genesis/Mega Drive had a inferior hardware, but most of the games on the console had fantastic sountracks.

It is worth noting that the version of Kid Dracula uses a new translation and can't be played on emulators for some reason.

>but most of the games on the console had fantastic sountracks
You mean a small minority of well-developed titles. Also, Beyond Oasis's pseudo-orchestral score isn't exactly one of Koshiro's brightest moments as a composer. Shining Force did a way better job in that regard.

Rondo of Blood
Adventure Rebirth
Harmony of Dissonance
Aria of Sorrow
Dawn of Sorrow
Portrait of Ruin
Order of Ecclesia

8 games right there, 2 to wrap up classics and 6 of the quintessential IGAVanias. The DS Castlevanias shouldn't be too hard to port because they used the DS' bottom screen for the map, the touch screen stuff is a different issue though.

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>Lists 5 games out of 700+ on the system

If the 2nd collection isn't this it will be a disappointment. I can see Konami putting in Legends or Circle of the Moon for one/two of those.

Sony is the only reason for why this collection exists in the first place. Konami only did Requiem to promote the Season 2 of Castlevania, which is made by some Sony subdiary.

>make a show about Castlevania 3
>they use SotN and Rondo to help promote it

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Just give me the rebirths, port the gradius and twinbee collections that were on psp, and port hard corp uprising. After that konami can just fuck off.

>Picking the worst GBA title
Why would they do that?

CotM isn't canon so I don't see them picking it.

No 64 no buy

neither is castlevania 4, but its in there

>hard corp uprising
people actually liked that game?

I thought Dracula was destroyed in 1 but cultists tried to bring him back for 2?

>The original Sharp X68000 version is also the easiest 16-bit Castlevania

You pirated it and got the glitch where the enemies did 1 point of damage, didn't you? Sharp Castlevania is generally considered one of the toughest, and the enemies start being able to kill Simon in four hits on the fourth stage.

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Maybe I did. No idea. The PS1 original version difficulty is total bullshit, though, so I guess it's true.

Why didn't they bundle this and requiem together on psn, 19.99 for each is kinda oof

Even moreso than the original game due to altered physics and hitboxes. Only play the original X68K version.

Has anyone ever compiled a list of the changes Chronicles made to the Original Mode?

>Pulls old external drive out of closet
>Emulates for free
Why are you people buying this shit?

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You can steal literally any game, many of them digitally, this argument for collections of old games is tired and pointless.

No. I've got em all on an emulation machine hooked up to a crt already.

The difference is I paid for these in the past and I'm not buying them again sucker.

>Actually paying for any videogame, ever
lol sucker

I played through all of the original CV and it never crashed

AVGN has convinced me that Super (IV) is the best in the series. I mean, he has solid arguments.

I want to play it, but not without beating the NES ones first.

Super controls well, but half the stages leave something to be desired, and it's by and far the easiest of the Castlevanias of that style, which isn't bad for an entry point into the Classicvania series I suppose.