
Fuck all these fake fans

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Not vidya, but who /stillsubbed/ here? The guy made some genuinely good AVGN-esque videos, and in the end, that's all that matters

>forcing a married woman to cheat on her husband with you
guy is a fucking scumbag


how did he force her? it was mutual.

I never even liked his videos that much and I'm still subbed in case he uploads anything else now. Should be insteresing whatever it is. Only moralfags care.


wait till you see the

Attached: 1557429972383.png (603x452, 324K)

How do I bang other peoples wives?

Attached: TGT-my eyes.png (513x551, 490K)

Wtf, people on reddit told me he had a micro penis

I never subbed but I quite liked that Final Fantasy I video

Reviewing Nintendo games is apparently a panty dropper

Back to twitter feminazi
Fuckin kek

Me. I always knew he had an ego and was full pf himself but who cares? His videos are entertaining

Stop wasting your time watching manchildren discuss videogames on youtube.


>lower angle
>pushing his balls down
You've been tricked. He has an average one at most.

Other than being a pedo, the amount of shit this guy got for 'cheating' in an open relationship was way over the top. If we take him being a pedo out of the equation do you think he deserved all the shit he gets now?

>have qt cosplay wife
>Cheat on her with some ogre looking chick who also happens to be married to some dude

How can anyone make such poor choices lol?

Notice how a lot of scandals happen with people in the same professions.

Actors cheating on other actors.
Coworkers cheating on other coworkers.
E-celebs cheating on other E-celebs.

Rise to the top in your environment and people will literally ask you to fuck their waves.

What do you want me to do instead smartass

He gave MGR a 4/10... so fuckem

Yeah he was destined to become the next AVGN but to be fair he barely uploads to his main channel anymore

That's the Myspace angle of dick pics

not video games

I unsubbed because I don't give a shit about D&D and he doesn't do the things I watched him for anymore. The controversy was just a reminder that I don't care about him anymore.