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Mario 64.

Star Fox 64


Mischief Makers

Paper Mario

i never owned one

kirby 64, even though I've never played it but it looks epic

Vigilante 8/ 2nd Offense

Banjo- Tooie

Perfect Dark

Starfox 64

Best 3d platformer
B&K is great but not as good as the master plumber


Majora's Mask

Perfect Dark

idk goldeneye or maybe ocarina. Honestly the N64 had such a fantastic catalog.

Mischief Makers

Conkers Bad Fur Day

Never played it- childhood console was ds lite

Ogre Battle 64

Tie between

Conker's Bad Fur Day and Snowboard Kids

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time.

Animal Crossing.

Also Goldeneye but since thats been mentioned then probably Road Rash 64

Didn't realize MM was so popular. I have it but couldn't really get into it.

final fantasy 7

Megaman 64

Banjo Kazooie or Majora's Mask I guess

Rush 2.

Rush 2049 or Jet Force Gemini

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

Perfect Dark


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donkey kong 64

>ctrl+f "body harvest"
>0 results

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Diddy kong racing

Doom 64

>gets golden mushroom


Bomberman 64.


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actually mario says wahoo and lets a go so it's more like


ocarina of time

Bomberman 64
I never even played the multiplayer

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My nigga

Boring answer but Super Mario 64
As a runner-up I'd put Mischief Makers

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Being able to get into the screwy humor Treasure uses definitely helps, but there's also a surprising depth to the game once you start trying to get all the S-times.

inferior soundtrack though compared to Hero

Majora's Mask.

paper mario

Battle Tanx

Paper Mario

this. my parent was too poor and i only had sisters

Excitebike 64

conker's bad fur day

Donkey Kong 64

Road Rash 64 is excellent. I think that was the first “open world” game I played.

Blast Corps

oh shit how did I forget BattleTanx? Global Assault was badass, never played the original.

ocarina of time
majora's mask
mario 64

Snowboard Kids 2

all rare games (without exception)
all first-party games (without exception)

Conker's Bad Fur Day for multiplayer, but either Paper Mario or Banjo-Kazooie overall.


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to be honest nintendo 64 had more superb and great games than all the psx library despite having less games.

majora's mask is dope.

>Nintendo 64
None. It has no games.

I have never played an N64 game.

i didn't even know conker had multiplayer lmao. only played it single player and it's a great game

I loved it as a kid, even subscribed to Nintendo Power for the Banana Controller tie in deal. Just do yourself a favor and never play it again.

>nuke deployed

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Virtual Pro Wrestling 2.

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Tactics Ogre 64

rayman 2

Hybrid Heaven

turok 2

Hero is the inferior game however. And Hero's OST is inferior to Second Attack's.

Goemon's Great Adventure

Star Wars Episode I: Racer

Did you guys know GoldenEye has co-op? You both control the same Bond. One of you controls movement, the other aims.

the n64 was very disappointing

metroid 64

wwf no mercy

resident evil 2

A hard choice but I think I have to give it to Paper Mario. I still replay it every 1-2 years.

i can't decide between Mario 64 and Paper Mario desu
>childhood console was ds lite
>ds lite came out in 2006
You need to be over 18 to post here, kid.

Pokemon Stadium 2.

Took me 13 seconds to write this post. What the fuck are you gonna do about it, OP?



Body Harvest

Your mum. That fat expansion pak turned her into a wild one.

I've never been fond on the N64 library, but I do like Extreme G.

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Ocarina of Time. Boring answer but also the correct one.

Mario 64

Waverace 64

any good horror game for the n64 other than resident evil 2?

Command and conquer

Kirby 64

Either this or OoT. Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64 are also great. To the anons posting Mischief Makers. Patrician tastes.

Mario party.
My friends and me used to play all night. Truly the best time.


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

i have never played an n64 game

harvest moon

Ogre Battle 64

Majora's Mask.

Ocarina of Time.

Ogre Battle 64

F-Zero X

Majora's was fun, you only disagree if you have some anxiety disorder or are an idiot.

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Pokemon stadium.

Starfox 64/Lylat Wars

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These three lads have the best taste itt

Ms Pacman Maze Madness (unironically, you need to try it)

F-Zero X

Rakuga Kids

m64 is a better game, but bk has more soul

Blast Corps

F-Zero X Expansion

Jet force gemini

Only the best

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Kirby Crystal Shards

sin and punishment

f-zero x

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Donkey Kong 64

Papper Mary-Oh