Jon is racist
Jared is a pervert
What will his scandal be?
Jon is racist
Other urls found in this thread:
>citing crime statistics is racism
Jon isn't racist, he's a hero
defending your race is not being racist
>What will his scandal be?
He agreed with Drumpf once.
>Jon is racist
have sex incel
anyone who has that kind of haircut and is over 20 is a pedo or has solicited underage girls. This is a law of nature, you cannot prove me wrong.
PBG has a huge skeleton in his closet, his is going to be major
he's a cuck
He's a virgin.
Bestiality. That's where the 'peanutbutter' came from. Slathered it on his dick, let animals lick it off.
Bath salts
who is he?
Have sex
probably rape.
>He thinks Jonathan Aryan Jafari is white
literally who
It'll turn out he was never grump at all
Criminal mastermind organizing the downfalls of his fellow creators so he can be on top
making distinction between races is literally the definition of racism brainlet
"this ain't it chief"
Killed a hooker and buried her body with the copy of MySims.
PBG will fall. The Completionist is too pure. Satch is too black and gay to get caught with anything.
>Jon is racist
sure user
supermega guys rant about how holocaust numbers are inflated
He thinks medily from wind waker is cute and has said this on multiple accounts
You might be onto something
It's not really peanut butter. Its Nutella.
Killing SpaceHamster for plagiarizing his humour yet somehow making it even worse
He's next
Black people are black. White people aren't black.
he is racist, that's why he's Yea Forums's hero
Black people exist and are different from me. How controversial!
You can think something is cute without having sexual feelings towards it user
>ProJared ousted as a child groomer
>The majority of PBG Hardcore is now gone
Literally the only thing I care about, PBG is unbearable otherwise.
>He thinks white people are white
He's probably a drug addict
Black people are brown, white people are peach/yellow/brown/pink.
>racist is a bad thing
can all these fucks just play video games like forsen
The biggest scandal he could incur is him putting milk in his mug instead of coffee.
no the definition of racism is to be prejudice or to discriminate. stating facts is none of those.
you literal fucking brainlet.
>that recent Vs. episode where he apologises for a 5 year old video being "transphobic"
Whatever, dude has to defend his brand and I like him. Shame about how fat he's gotten recently though, it's shocking. Not even going to mention his brother.
American black people are brown, plenty of Africans are literally black.
He's too normie. He literally gets his opinions from TVTtropes.
>What will his scandal be?
taking a poo and not wiping
More interesting question is, what will be Jirard's downfall?
No you can’t, it’s sexual feelings or nothing
Even back in 2012, I thought Peanut Butter Gamer was like a C tier guy. He's like the Linkara of Normal Boots.
Johnny keeps things under tight wraps for a Sonic autist, and his worst sin would probably be having liberal opinions he keeps to himself. You'd be better off guessing Matt touches kids or Elliot sent his girlfriend to the ER for hardcore BDSM play.
Reality is racist then.
>white people are brown/yellow
But that’s wrong retard then they aren’t
Tax evasion
Heart disease.
Jirard already survived a massive break up with Greg which caused him to delete ALL of his videos with Greg in them. He can't die.
burned a dog alive just to see what happened.
Look at that dude and tell me you're 100% sure he wouldn't be capable of it.
lol all Arabs are antisemitic, it's probably true.
Persians are white
i like it
A broken heart
But he died last year.
He already went through the split with his former friend a couple years ago, not sure he'd fall into anything else now.
Jon isn't even a video game youtuber anymore. Don't know why Yea Forums still talks about him.
Are you fucked?
How does PBG even relate to the autism levels of Linkara and his plethora of fucked up retarded fetishes/diaper content.
In all honesty, what the fuck is with the Jared mob force in full demand? I don't care if he's a fucking neo nazi, he makes good content. Normies still buy from Nike and shit.
But Totalbicuit is already dead user
He'll probably be outed for some racism with a splash of my soggy knees. I get those vibes from peebeegee
meds aren't white?
why would you look?
Rules of the internet, son. If it's on the internet, there's porn of it. If it doesn't exist, there will be.
e-celebs are not vidya
Why did this post make me laugh so much
He used this hit of losing a massive volume of videos and revenue to boost his popularity massively. What he got pit of it from patreon more than makes up for lost material.
He's a good businessman
>he makes good content.
SONIC ADVENTURE 2 BAD isn't good content
Does he even make stuff I used to watch him back in like 6th grade
I doubt it he is like the Disney Chanel of youtubers
>his brother
A cum stained walking sofa that read creepy pasta
Middle school hair cut
He quoted statistics earlier but the racist part came later when he conjectured that rich black people would still commit more crimes than rich whites
Iranians are by definition not Arabs. Iran/Persia has built empires that lasted thousands of years, Arabs just destroy shit and turn everything worse(e.g. Egypt).
okay furry
He talked about black people in a possibly negative stance once. That's literally all it takes.
Although there's also people who enjoyed his vidya phase and want to discuss how much he's changed.
My bet is that he is revealed to be the mastermind behind all these controversies.
I don't mean that as a direct comparison to Linkara, but compared to his contemporaries, he's not as popular or talked about.
Must be bad content if someone has a different opinion, huh.
No, I actually enjoyed the format of the content and he genuinely loved making the videos. He wasn't full blown obnoxious as other video game people as well.
As a German / scottish person I agree. There's lots of middle eastern people I would consider white.
say the nigger word
>it's another e celeb cancer thread
>what the fuck is with the Jared mob force in full demand?
Normalfags are fickle and outrage culture is only getting more popular.
Worst part was it the retarded meme go to answer
>another faggot who watched only the 1st couple of seconds of the review
They are literally Mediterranean
Apparently im not even considered white by this site
he didn't he fumbled and didn't get his point across well, his mistake was "debating" with an oppertunist like Destiny in the first place
>He quoted statistics earlier but the racist part came later when he conjectured that rich black people would still commit more crimes than rich whites
... Which is true. Absolutely true. Biological determinism is a completely valid way to judge human behavior and no matter how much you call people a racist it doesn't matter.
Racism is fine, and it's going to be normalized again after this shitty neoliberal zeitgeist ends
Nice lies fag literally no Middle Easterns are white ur probably a filthy mudslime
So dude cheats on his wife. Doesn't every fucking celebrity cheat on their significant other? Why are Normies so fucking assblasted that they want to see another dude burn at the stake?
The pedo claim wasn't even valid because Snapchat doesn't show age. So what if he's a fucking horny dude on Snapchat. I don't give two shits he makes good content.
what is white? You can be 'white' (caucasian) even though you have origins from the middle east or north africa
>lolichads are pedos
Spoiler that shit!
that's not conjecture but ok
That was a statistic!
They look whiter than most amerimutts.
He has black friends so that's ok.
Fuck off
>stating facts
>somehow racist
okay dokay
Pretty much
Canceling Zelda month
Funny thing is he didn't even cheat on his wife, they were in an open relationship.
>Why are Normies so fucking assblasted that they want to see another dude burn at the stake?
Trying to understand normies is borderline impossible. Maybe they just like the brownie points (likes/favorites/upvotes) they get from being the way they are.
Maybe racism is a fact then
Satch fucked off from Normalboots.
>they were in an open relationship.
According to himself.
Anatolians and Persians bred with Greeks for like 600 years. At a certain point they're whiter than a lot of Italians and Spaniards.