This is the most popular esport shooter on the planet

>This is the most popular esport shooter on the planet

Attached: CSGO'd at its fines1t.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

get good

Should have just used the R8

Is this an old webm from when the crouching models wouldn't line up with the hitbox if you only rotated a little bit but not enough?

That only happens once in a million

>OP just watched the new crowbcat video
>"hehe this will be great material for my outrage addiction"


Attached: CSGO'd at its fine222s1t.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

>Is this an old webm from when the crouching models wouldn't line up with the hitbox if you only rotated a little bit but not enough?

It was few days ago.

Still stuck in silver huh?

its actually recent but the miss here its due to the deagle accuracy taking a shit ton of time to recover after jumping

It's not. You can clearly see there was not "luck" or random involved. 2 absolutely stationary players with crosshair directly on ct's head.
Bullet went through his fucking model because hitbox is subhumanely awful.

Unironically silver elite is one of the most difficult points in comp. It's where most hackers and smurfs are.

It's because the game client and server were off.

>hacking on silvers

Attached: 14239834532.jpg (270x275, 8K)

That entire video is a compilation of one in a million shots.

stop before you embarass yourself the description of the video clearly says everything but the first clip has been fixed years ago and the starting clip its the deagle accuracy reset after jumping being long as shit

It missed because of deagle accuracy take quite some time to reset after jumping, he simply took shoot to fast

Use dynamic crosshair, jump with a deagle and you'll see how long it takes to recover accuracy to base value.
Also hitboxes in csgo are really small, this big hat of CT model on dust2 can look really misleading.

Wasn't that like pro tournament?
>take quite some time to reset after jumping, he simply took shoot to fast
Wait what? He even stopped for almost 0.5 seconds to make a very precise shot point blank.

>he simply took shoot to fast
found the CSGO coder

CSGO random recoil is so terrible.

How many matches were played during these years? Millions.

This happens all the time on my alt account

>hehe i'm gonna jump then shoot with my pistol, THEN i'll immediately switch to the knife to really embarrass hi- NOOOOOOOOOOO HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN


Most pros tend to ignore this and go bunny hop with their deagle only to miss all their shots. The inaccuracy from jumping with this shit is almost as wide as your screen. When you hold a deagle and you really have to jump (a ledge for example), you should always quick switch to your knife, it will reset faster.

>want to reinstall
>remember flashbangs

Attached: 1552576536130.png (578x588, 588K)

>jump once
>unable to do basic physical tasks for minutes
Thus game was made by americans, wasn't it?

So shots that shouldn't happen can decide a match. Nice game faggot

Try to jump and instantly aim perfectly in real life.

Silver is full of kids with hallhacks but they're fucking shit so it won't make much difference

It's just deagle reset accuracy take a long fucking time, it is problem with the balance not broken game, rest of the clips are old as fuck and 95% of it got fixed long time ago.

>1 in a million shots
>Stationary, Not moving for several seconds
What an accurate FPS

>slow ass boring ass gay ass fuckin ass babbys first shooter game is most popular and not something actually good like quake. something that's representative of what the genre can do at its limits and not just campy man waiting for a jerkoff to show around a corner for 2 hours
FUCK esports and FUCK minders who can't play video games and would rather watch a bunch of fucking twinks do it for them

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play on faceit

>t. watched too many action movies

>that video
Jesus fucking christ. What's fascinating is it's almost all pros or professional streamers with good PCs, good internet, playing on good 128 tick servers and shit.

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was it always this bad or did valve fuck it up with a update?
I don´t see how a competitive shooter could become popular with such bad hit boxes

Switching to knife and back is a legit technique because it's resets inaccuracy and still faster than full recovery of accuracy for this pistol.

keep seething shitter

>didnt aim for the neck
he got what he deserved

Well, truth be told I never played on silvers, I think nova2 was the lowest rank, I was dropped here due to inactivity.

95% of the clips are years old, all of it got patched long time ago

Attached: do you know what divine intervention is.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

Randomness and teammates are excuses for being a bad player. randomness is taking skill out of equation which is why these games are popular in the first place.

That's why you should use dynamic crosshair (I think it was cl_crosshair 3), it makes it really easy to stutterstep and gauge how your movement affects the spread.

Imagine being so bad at shooting you just stand without controlling your aim expecting a miracle.

I love how it clearly resembles looney tunes shooting, but he clearly missed first shots and have no idea how to handle recoil.

>all these fags ignoring the posts that explain everything with proof just to keep with the outrage
we already know that the game is shit but you dont have to lie about it

kek, thats the best example of clicking mouse 1 and just hoping for the best I ever saw

Attached: FortuneI1.png (937x766, 332K)

Understandable, but it is called silver hell because it's just full of the worst.

Flashbangs are the only thing to counter getting raped in 2 seconds

>spray and pray thinking the bullets will hit
>they dont

>play CSGO with friends
>calibrate gold nova 1
>play like 20 games
>derank once
>silver 2 friend starts trash talking me about how there's no way gold nova 1 was my actually skill level and that I just got carried, and "if you're gold nova I'm basically a pro"

>game with spray pattern and standard inaccuracy like every other shooter
Random as heck

Well you can see good/pro players never use dynamic crosshairs.

>all the valvefags again defending their shitty company like autists


I guess he's an actual super retard, I'm absolute shit at shooters and easily ranked in the higher GNs which is practically nothing. Silver is basically mouthbreather tier.

he was moving. he was turning. there is interpolation happening for network compensation. the cl and sv hitboxes have at least 2*ping_of_slowest_client+one_frame discrepancy.
2 kinds of cs players, those that can bunny hop and those that cant. learn the system

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This. Rightly so, because deag would be OP without the mobility hit


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I only deranked because I kept playing drunk

Even I shoot better than this. This unacceptable if you've played longer than an hour.

Oh, a CS:GO thread.
Wonder how long until the resident autismo shows up with his webms

ching chang

>Unironically defending bunnyhopping
You might as well play 1.6 if you love bunnyhopping so much

Okay that perfectly explains OP's case. But doesn't really make it much better. Deagle is a fucking random trash weapon.

I had a lot of inconsistencies with shoots, especially a long distances, everything is RNG unless you are using an AWP/scout or SG 553

>babby's first shooter
That was Halo in 00s. Now it's Overwatch. CS:GO isn't perfect but there's much, much worse out there. Quake is dead even after they tried pandering to hero shooter casuals, let it go old man.

because its distracting
well for me having a crosshair its distracting in itself so i always turn them off in every game i play

at least 1.6 actually has maps
CS:GO is shitty same map garbage, even CS:S was better in terms of content then CS:Gays only

Say it with me now


the machine runs how it runs. learn the system you moron. its specifically something that ran through the idtech lineage of engines

Counter-Strike spray patterns are unrealistic and annoying, but it's what the game is based about and is what makes it skillful, although there are a lot of other shit involved, but complaining about an intended mechanic of the game is retarded, CS never claimed to be a realistic accurate 100% simulation of police vs terrorists.

the best competitive shooter right now is R6 so jump on that if you want a better experience, if you want a realistic experience there are a shiton of games that offers that

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The sheer amount of CS:GO Kiddies coming up with 1000 different reasons as to why he missed the shot is baffling. Recoil has destroyed the FPS genre. Your shit game is dead and full of hackers and foreigners, learn to let go.

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i mean what do you want for that garbage bin price with 1-headshot kill capabilities

>like every other shooter
I feel bad for you zoomers who never played Quake.

This game would be better without the AWP

Game is awful desu. Don't know why people play it

based crowb

it just needs to be nerfed so shooting at the chest isn't a one shot kill

1000 reasons? There's only one and it's not really hard to understand.

This also remove the rng from guns

t. mouthbreather incapable of learing few basic flashes and smokes

or maybe you could not play it?
tired of devs pandering to retards not even playing their games desu

CSGO is not good

>the best competitive shooter right now is R6 so jump on that if you want a better experience
Are you serious? Because for all of CS:GO's flaws at least it's actually designed as a competitive game and not as the absolute shitshow Siege is.

Attached: 1549321961372.png (963x720, 402K)

>complaining about a rng when it has none instead of the shitty recoil patterns

What ship manufactured the locker?

even pavlov is better than both of those games and it's low effort as fuck

but r6 its the same shit where all it matters its getting the jump on someone or pray that peeking advantage works

The recoil patterns are shitty because each bullet is rng

CSS never had bullshit like that, how do you fuck up this much in the same engine?

Nah, the cost of the AWP is comp justifies the 1 shot kill, but ban the AWP in casual and the game is instantly 100x better

*looks away from flash*
*tanks 7 smg shots*
*quickscopes u at point blank*
Nothin personnel

yeah it did retard

>maybe you could not play it?
>tired of devs pandering to retards not even playing their games


did you even tested it on a wall

>t. brainlets who were sprayed through a light wall because they were running like horses or spotted by drones

I played it back then and no it didn't.
I'm playing it right now and no it doesn't.

fuck these people to hell. ruined so many good games

Valve doesn't want you playing casual. 10v10 is really just stupid in itself, 10 AWPs on the enemy team is par with the course.
If you want to warm up or practice map knowledge/aim/recoil then go play deathmatch or join a community server
Or just fucking play ranked and learn as you go, stop being a retard

CS:S had quake-tier size of hitboxes.

yeah sure i'm totally a brainlet for not liking just how many of the new ops have abilities with no real universal answers
all those stuns sure are fun too
holding stupid one pixel angles through 6 different walls is soo fucking amazing and strategically complex holy shit
oh yeah and weapon balance is so fucking great too right?? not to mention the shooting is so challenging and not shallow at all haha
map design is so fucking great too haha fuck csgo amirite

>People will bitch about a few cherrypicked unregisted hits in GO
>Silence when people here play P2P 100ms multiplayer

I wish Valve never entered the industry. They only made and published shit games

God I fucking hate them and their fans

>expecting the bullets to go where the crosshairs indicate

Attached: 1553161384115.png (500x500, 126K)

Well at least the shots registered.

I don't want to learn ranked because I don't care for playing the game competitively.
My enjoyment from Counter-strike came from playing custom maps, having a list of servers to choose from and playing a match or 2 then stopping, but since CS:GO has a matchmaking system, community servers are shit in GO. I don't want to do 24/7 surf

dude i already know about sounds, wallbanging and shit its just that siege and csgo bores me, both games feel too campy to me siege even more because of all the cheeky angles i could hold at a time

>not learning the game
>wanting it to be like every other fps ever
maybe aim assist will help you

But I do play the game
and the post I replied to literally contradicted itself
are you a schizo?

here comes the silvers who never fucking played the game

crowbcat is such a garbage channel. he should use his editing to showcase good things, not nitpick things that happen once per 2k hours played.

someone should make a video showcasing how fucking garbage the max payne series is, nitpick every single thing.

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At least the maps for CS:GO are smaller and the game is more about prediction that outright information, not to mention the timer for rounds is tighter and the objective is usually the actual goal, not just slaying.
CS:GO is a strategically more complex game in general and it usually relies on you having clear win conditions to achieve against an opponent and mechanical execution/gun skill, that's why it's nowhere near as campy and boring as Siege is.

dude spray cones are even worse that this shit its literally room temp iq shooting

>the best competitive shooter right now is R6

get the fuck out of here, retard.
camping peekhole simulator is hilarious, that game is situational garbage

Why don't you? Are you so braindead you can't edit basic clips together?

an fps that lies to you about where you are shooting is stupid. the challenge should be in getting your sights on target, not shooting when you have taken the time the line up a shot and the bullets end up missing in some random direction. Fucking STALKER does this shit and its horrible.

if you slow down the footage right before he shoots you can see he slightly adjusts up and to the left. while his cursor is still on the head of the enemy, he actually shot while his cursor was in motion. that could've attributed to his shot which clearly goes up and to the left.

crowb has really gone downhill. it's just plain clickbait and outright misleading info for the contrarian audience

lol what
i never said his job was hard or easy, i can edit clips together fine. i have a job and shit to do.

i'm not the type of """person""" who spends literal years waiting for clips to cherrypick, like crowbcat.

literally unacceptable for a lan tournament
cope harder cscell

>Waited for a very long time to make this compilation, the recent Karrigan miss was the last piece it needed. Most of those clips are a few years old with some exceptions, the game received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant animation isn't as broken.
PSA: The deagle takes a very long time to reset its accuracy after jumping.

What a faggot. The description basically says "this video is false clickbait"

Attached: -.png (382x321, 24K)

You'll post here and act like you're too busy lol

you act like it doesn't take 30 seconds to post here. not an argument.

i never said i was the person who was gonna do it either. get a hobby, bro. what a stupid hill to die on.

Time adds up. Look he's still here. On a Monday. Very busy

>I didnt read the description but he's spreading misleading info guys

Attached: lol who reads these.png (692x199, 28K)

>the challenge should be in getting your sights on target
That's no challenge
A lot of games do it and they're shallow as fuck and dead for a reason
Recoil control in CS is something that gives the shooting more depth than just putting your crosshair on target
And the game doesn't even "lie" to you, you absolute brainlet. Your first shots are always on target if you're not accelerating like a retard

i know what you wanted to say but you worded it wrong csgo first shots will go to the crosshair after that it follows the retarded spray patterns and comparing it to stalker its retarded, in that game games have innacuracy values that never change when shooting just look up payday gun's accuracy, that is type of shooting stalker has

>implying anyone reads descriptions
why did he make this video in the first place then
it's not hard to figure out, you can see the very answer ITT

it's the same with the nintendo switch video, just cherrypicked shit when every first batch has faults

Are you gonna sit here and pretend most people read that or that it's generally okay to upload bullshit clickbait for retards?

>its all int the desc without him telling us, its totally not unfair guys!
At least put a short note in hte video itself or else most people are gonna ignore it cuz no one ever reads that garbage
Putting sketchy shit in the small print doesnt make things any less okay

>make a stupid video
>apologize for making a stupid video in the description
>get those sweet clickbait bucks but people can't call you out on it
Pretty smart, really.

someone already posted what the description says but you have to remember everyone here is addicted to shit on any videogame even if the game is actually shit they will create lies to shit on it instead of the actual faults od the game

It's more of a scumbag move than smart, but you have to realize the people consuming the content unironically are the ones who are way worse.

well given that his most popular video with 18 fucking million views is literally that
>title is ''Nintendo Switch painful launch''
>desc: Switch users experiencing a wide range of different issues from day one. Obviously that doesn't mean all switches are defective, this is a "painful launch" for those consumers featured in the video only.
>this is a "painful launch" for those consumers featured in the video only
fucking really

crowbcat makes videos for children who not only can't think for themselves, but don't want to.

a shooter for third worlders

Play Rainbow Six Siege instead.

Valve doesn't care about CSGO anymore, the game is broken and full of cheaters.

Yeah because youshoot not in a person, but rather a freezer-size something.

Attached: zrHXL.jpg (1122x1130, 210K)

>Most of those clips are a few years old with some exceptions, the game received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant animation isn't as broken.
>PSA: The deagle takes a very long time to reset its accuracy after jumping.

>all these intellectuals ITT

Attached: 1495961143139.png (430x497, 406K)

>he thinks siege doesn't have cheaters
prime also filtered 90% of the chinks with obvious hacks too

this is outdated

Too bad it has no fucking content
Enjoy the same 10 maps compared to the thousands of maps for source and 1.6
You know what makes a game much more tactic? not knowing every corner of every map
Zoomers will never understand the fun in DE_Dolls

>Csgo doesnt have an ankle hitbox
what a piece of shit game

>Enjoy the same 10 maps compared to the thousands of maps for source and 1.6
what is the server browser
>You know what makes a game much more tactic? not knowing every corner of every map
that's like saying chess becomes more tactic if pieces could move in a different way every turn

>You know what makes a game much more tactic? not knowing every corner of every map

lmao what the fuck

this is why Yea Forums is bad at fighting games and consumes crowbcat, you people are retarded

>comparing CS:GO to chess
Apples to oranges
>What is the server browser
A shell of itself for what used to be the only way to find games.

Just stay in silver, literally nobody uses grenades effectively except for memers trying to get grenade kills.

wrong, prime didn't fixed shit, it only makes you look stupid for paying for a f2p game, the game has a lot of problems, nuke has audio problems and agency shouldn't be on competitive matchmaking and the new maps sucks big black cock, toxicity doesn't let you rank up since they always kick you for any stupid reason, the matchmaking system is broken.

Rainbow Six Siege is the superior game, fuck you.

Attached: 533777_theshadling_absorbing-the-pain-like-a-dry-sponge-in-water.jpg (1000x1241, 435K)

>thinks being good at fighting games is something to be proud of
The true sign of a brainlet

not anymore
its either Fortnight or Siege

So? The other guy does too.

Why aren't you avatar fagging? I want to reply to your posts with a ms paint dick in your avatar like the good old days.

Why is there no visual indication of the accuracy?

there is a dynamic crosshair option, people just use the static one

>pay for a f2p game
Good thing I paid for it when it wasn't f2p.
Yeah, you're better off in the numale hugbox as shallow as a puddle that Siege is.

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You can enable it, but it's annoying.

why is this shit acceptable

Attached: Untitled.png (585x605, 343K)

Jesus, youre actually retarded.

I dropped to silver 1 due to a few years of inactivity
It was the true hell

I don't really care if a game is toxic or not, my problem is that you get kicked for dumb shit and that affects my elo.

both more popular and has more plays than RNG: GO

also both are better games considering bullets land where i aim lmao

crapcat is irrelevant. internet historian is the new crowbcat:

It's not, those are 2014 hitboxes

Love how anytime you mention anything negative about CSGO, the Valve Defense Force is always on time for damage controlling

I don't even know you and I'm 100% sure you're incapable of being good at any fighting game.

These hitboxes haven't been used in 5 years, you retard.

So maybe try having decent communicational skills or just mute and ace consistently?
Unless you're on LEM or above you can solo pretty much every situation in the game. If you're shit at the game and got kicked by a 4stack of memeing retards then thank them, they literally saved you from 40 minutes of consistent suffering.

>bullets land where you aim
you can't complain about recoil patterns and then play zoomnight, literally the one popular shooter out there with actual unironic RNG pewpew


Once in a million chances come true 9 out of 10 times.

Waited for a very long time to make this compilation, the recent Karrigan miss was the last piece it needed. Most of those clips are a few years old with some exceptions, the game received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant animation isn't as broken. PSA: The deagle takes a very long time to reset its accuracy after jumping.

>professional commentators repeatedly noting that players are getting CSGO'd
>"those pro players were just doing it wrong"

this is why cs go and cs in general is shit

guns have atrocious accuracy so you can't hit anything beyond 5 metres

Agreed, takes half the skill to be an awp player than it does a rifler. Gun is just fucking stupid sometimes.

You guys are just so bad at the game, holy fucking shit.

These professional commentators often know shit about the game, they're commenting everything from fortnite to starcraft.
They're paid for being entertaining rather than being knowledgable.

>shoots once
>flips out knife
>shoots once
>flicks downward
Am I the only one who will hose down even an afk just to make sure they die? I don't play CS but unless theres some sort of ammo shortage I don't see why you do this. Worst case scenario you expend some extra shots and have to pick their garbo gun up.

His goal was to take the gun and run away. You run faster with the knife out

CS by design doesn't lie to the player, it just isn't capable of telling the truth.

For most modern games built upon many years of lessons learned, they try to make sure the point of aim is always in the center of the screen, even if there is a random spread cone involved. If the recoil of a weapon is meant to move the point of aim upwards or otherwise somewhere else then the view of the player will be dragged along with it, keeping it in the center.

CS since the beginning has been unique in that allows the point of aim to wander off the center of the screen and then provides no UI feedback as to where the current point of aim actually is. That's why serious players turn off the usually beneficial crosshair bloom because it isn't able to tell them where their weapon is pointing at anyhow.

This is dumb, by the way. The game's "depth" is learning how to imagine and track where your actual, invisible crosshair is supposed to be on the screen. No other newer games do this for a very good reason.


CS is worst fps game ever made.

It's a design choice to deter spraying. 99% of the time you only need to make 5-bullet bursts, at most.

But instead of making spray true RNG, they allow you to master it. Which is useless most of the time.

ITT seething CS fags

obvious game mechanic anyone familiar with the game know about
i just dont understand why there's so many clueless people seething over the game they're not even playing and know nothing about

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>guys the game is intentionally bad
y tho

Attached: oh.gif (336x430, 534K)

get gud shitter

i love being on the other end and just demolishing you and imagining how loudly you just yelled at your computer

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I can't imagine being such a cuckold that you would get invested and play such a poorly made "competitive" game.
This shit is an absolute joke and one reason video games will never hit actual sport levels.

>point crosshair at enemy
>the crosshair jumps so you have to compensate for it
>game magically decides that you're aiming in a completely different direction
I'm glad Siege is the more popular game.

man i sure do love playing the same maps since 1.6

Yeah man it's such a bore, hope they update football and basketball fields soon too

ah i see the false equivalency niggers are out and about today

Crowbcat trying to stay relevant with content from 3 years ago lmao

just because you dont like certain mechanic doesnt mean its bad
we had no movement punishment for a long time and it was fucking atrocious to play

You do know that you can hit enemies behind certain walls right?.
If you pre-fire and then proceed to spray the corner you believe the enemy is hiding, you can force him to move out, or in the better case, the enemy pushes after the pre-fire and eats the spray.

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That's only really used with the Negev

>still playing that bucket full of shit called CSGO
CS 1.6 >>>>>>>>> """cs"""GO forever and ever, valve can go fuck itself with a blowtorch

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Isn't it full of spics?

>People still, STILL fucking think setting the crosshair size to minimum makes your aim magically better
Use the dynamic crosshair and you'd see why he missed like a retard.

Was playing TF2 the other day

>playing Scout and see an enemy mini-sentry way off in the distance
>nobody was around because of the flanking path I took
>I casually and calmly aimed my Pistol directly at it and started shooting
>of 12 bullet shot in the whole clip, 2 of them hit

Attached: iu[1].png (527x405, 421K)

>In tournament
>Doesn't remember the hitboxes
My god

This is unironically why I play overwatch now

>guns all have a spray pattern
>surprised when bullets follow it
do CSGO players even play their own game?

>>shoots once
>>flicks downward
he was defusing the bomb

that's because Scout isn't intended for long range combat
the shit accuracy is to encourage you to run up to the enemy and gun him down with your pistol if your out of ammo or hes trying to run away

>SMG heavy in front of me since i have no ammo on primary
>2/3 of my bullets just phase through him or were replaced with red paint balls

So what, you want laser accurate shots at full auto?

>only shot once
brought it on himself, too many movies, should have fired his entire magazine.

AWPing is the only fun thing in this entire game. every other gun feels like shit.

>This is dumb, by the way. The game's "depth" is learning how to imagine and track where your actual, invisible crosshair is supposed to be on the screen. No other newer games do this for a very good reason.
No, the game's depth is being able to exploit the way the movement mechanics interact with the all the aiming mechanics.

why do I feel like 90% of everyone who plays CSGO doesn't actually play it for fun but instead plays it out of social obligation or just because their ego demands it?
I have 100 hours in this game and the most fun I had was in surf servers, casual matches and dedicated custom servers. Actual competitive was nothing but frustation and dealing with the most stupid fucking people on this earth.

I'd much rather play something like Risk of Rain 2, smash brothers, battlefield 4 or even fucking fortnite before having to deal with CSGO's bullshit again. and I haven't even mentioned the steam market for cosmetics

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because the peopel who actually play for fun switched to siege. CS controls awful but it is sold as a feature for "esports value" a lot of people fee the need to try and play an esport tittle competively. Dunno why, Siege is plenty competetive enough. It is the same ASSFAGGOTS, which is a shame because it had the potential to be a good game.


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>the ones who play for fun switched to siege
>cs controls awful

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I played siege in a friends account and I had so much more fun on it. didn't buy it later though because I'm not a big fan of realistic shooters.
it really makes me wonder how humans will do ANYTHING in order to gain social status, even if it's the stupidest fucking thing ever or just plain unfun.
thank fuck I don't give a shit about muh friends anymore and just play what I like, I coudn't care less about "proving" myself to anyone and I'd rather have fun the way I want instead of just trying to be like everyone else

Attached: file.png (490x466, 667K)

Yes, nigger. In TF2, the maximum amount of ammo that any weapon can hold at once is its "clip." For example, the Black Box rocket launcher has a 3 rocket clip.

Attached: blackbox.png (305x257, 14K)

siege is not perfect, and it has some buggy shit and netcode. But CS is clunky as hell, and it is by design and often praised by the community with "git gud" and "that makes it competive" bullshit. Maybe Siege just has the benefit of being published by a absolutely hated publisher, rather than a cult.

I don't understand why they made it so that when you drop off a small curb your inaccurasy jumps to max instantly?
Is that to prevent corner jumpshot prefires (because lag comp would've made that annoying)?

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I wouldnt go that far, but the switch to the knife was retarded.
You fall at the same speed regardless, while falling you can switch to the knife.
He died to try and move half the width of the wall he was standing on faster.
that wouldve saved him what, 2ms?

how so?
>it's annoying to be reminded of how shitty the game you like to play, and are playing right now, actually is
oh yeah, that actually makes sense.

The knife switch is just muscle memory, he just wasn't expecting to miss at all.

Here's his avatar, go crazy with it.

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>could have accurate information vital to knowing when you can viably shoot a dude
>nah, better wing it, I'm sure it's not important
Reminder that CSGO updated a gun to be a very viable choice after years of not being worth using and it took the pros literally months to notice and switch to using it.

>vital information
Just no. Deagle afterjump is the outlier, you always know when you're accurate after the first 50 hours. Also vavle didn't do shit to the scoped rifles, just lowered the price for awareness; I've been using them for years (and called out everytime). It's just that people like to stick with they're familiar with.

I kinda miss the tilt power they had before.

cope, jumping doesn't make a gun less accurate

>it's ANOTHER crowbcat spam thread
Fucking die

cs:go has some of the worst recoil and hitboxes in a video game ever and everyone only plays on one map and uses a small handful of weapons
it's probably the worst popular game i've ever bought and played

I know you're thinking of dust 2, but everyone these days plays either Mirage or Inferno


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The old negev was fun

the funny part is, there actually is a feature in CSGO that makes your crosshair move to the correct position. it's really nice for learning spray patterns but it requires sv_cheats.

I love how much of a pleb filter this game is.

>complaining that record ruined fps
Yeah bro, let me just shoot a hand held 50 Cal MG laser accurate while strafing at 15 mph! This requires so much skill!

Why would you design the game like this?

>camera tilt when leaning


It's unacceptable that he missed?

Oh look another W+M1

MGE who has never played Inferno here (not counting deathmatch), ask me anything.

Only fags ban maps

literally FPBP.
the game is not the problem dude, you being shit at it is the problem.

Autistically studying rocketjumps does not make the game less shit

so you play vertigo and that other shit? and you play 90% of your matches on dust2 because that almost always finds a match first? okay, enjoy that. I'll be playing dust2 no more often than my other maps, cache, mirage and train. I played only the first three for over a year and that was fine, too. only recently added train and for some reason people suck on it so I actually ranked up shortly after adding it.

No, I queue all the maps and remove the ones I've already played that day.

how many maps do you play in one session / day? guaranteed you play dust2 every time.

Mirage literally has a lower wait time by a minute most times than dust2 where does this dust2 is only played meme come from? if anything it should be mirage

I tend to play in the weekends, around 2-3 hours. Surprisingly d2 doesn't turn up that much, maybe it's because of my rank.

>someone should
There's your problem.

Are the AUG and SIG still op?

if you look at the times the menu tells you I think mirage is often equal to dust2. faster? I don't think this happens often but it might happen.

They've been OP since 2012

>Surprisingly d2 doesn't turn up that much, maybe it's because of my rank.
which is? why would that make a difference?

So correcting things that are simply incorrect is being the “valve defence force”?

Well are they still ridiculous and cheaply priced then?

I'm supreme, at this point people are tired of d2

The day one R8 is the only time I've ever had fun playing CS:GO, probably because it was the only time an accurate weapon existed

Of course valve drones would defend this
I wonder how many have the nerve to call fortnite's gunplay bad after this

Well I'm NA west and as far as I can tell, Dust isn't popular here.So maybe it's different in your area

Dust 2 is played a lot, but also has its own playlist specifically because they want the rotations to not stagnate.

always or just since the last update that made the map weird? I'm playing it less and less because at this point when you're CT and your mates insist on controlling double doors all the time you already know you're gonna lose as you're playing 4v5 B retake.

AUG is back to its original price, people still but it because a flash is not worth it over the M4. SG is still cheap as fuck, but its patttern is hard so people don't use it.


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EU here so I'm playing with Russians who are known to like dust.

Cool fanfic

Yeah that probably explains it


>mfw west EU
Only Portuguese are kind of a bother, everyone else is top notch

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The last substantial change to dust 2 were the wooden doors. Map's been the same forever

imagine thinking mge is any good

Ah okay cool.

CS has been garbage for many, many years. Nobody cares other than cheaters and losers.

t. chink dev
t. steam shill

CSGO is great but I only play it as a brainless deathmatch fps
Competitive is gay

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quake is up your ally then

no, I remember all the CSGO e-celebs agreeing loudly that long is now T-sided. the Ts get to double doors as fast as the CTs if not faster now. it didn't use to be like that. basically CTs have to expend resources at the start of every round just to make sure they don't immediately lose long/pit control and they take longer to rotate from long to B at any point. this makes B rushes more potent than before, forcing CTs to send two people there at the start. basically the CTs are spread too thin and take too long to rotate in the current meta. then there's the problem with how fortified the sites are. retakes are way too difficult and predictable with how limited your options for entry are. dust2 in the current meta is just anti-fun.

Every CS after 1.6 was utter shit.

it's well above average and respectable for someone who takes months-long breaks from the game regularly. I only mentioned it to communicate that I'm experienced. there are also experienced players in gold nova 1 but I was too lazy to look up my hours.


Quake is dead though
No arena FPS will ever pull the same numbers as CSGO
I've played Quake Live back when it was "popular" but it still doesn't satisfy that relaxed fps game after work mood

>Connection interrupted
Great game

>the best competitive shooter right now is R6 so jump on that if you want a better experience
fuck out of here zoomer

I like playing CSGO every few months. Just pop on casual mode and run around some familiar maps. I prefer Source though, and even 1.6 to an extent. Competitive is full of faggots, in CSGO and every other ranked competitive game ever.

Yes as it turns out when there is thousands of hours of footage from tournaments let alone replays from average Joes, there will be some inconsistant oddities.

>actually knowing your true accuracy is annoying

I remember why I wasn’t sad when this game died now, the people who play it are fucking retarded

that's the demo spectator pausing the playback. there were no pauses in the real match.

>pixels moving all around your screen in a game where you need to react to pixels moving around
Why do you need feedback to know that you don't shoot and move at the same time
What are you, american?

they're just the ones shown to the biggest audience

based literal retard

CS is and always was a joke
There is a reason why fortnite is the most popular game in the world. It has no bullshit like this

actual 1v1 quake requires a high IQ
counterstrike deathmatch requires a couple natty ices

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>There is a reason why fortnite is the most popular game in the world. It has no bullshit like this
now this is the funniest thing ive seen all day. heres an upvote

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There's your issue.
The esports scene was and still is laughable.

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>cs controls awful
it's one of the most tight and 1:1 FPS games existing, everything goes where you want it to.

also why are you faggots pretending like siege isn't "get gud" and toxic? 5/10 matches of siege I play one of these things happens
>some faggot with 2000 hours yells at me and calls me a faggot because I don't know every perfect angle or what each of the many callouts are on siege's super dense maps
>some child or minority from a group of 4 kills me at the start of each round with no repercussion and then laugh at me
at least in CS GO you get kicked very quick for TKing, it seems like almost every match in siege I get TKd on purpose.