Oh my god Vampires is so fucking good you guys the boomers were right

Oh my god Vampires is so fucking good you guys the boomers were right

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wait until the later levels kick in and see if you still hold that opinion

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lmao just get the flamethrower.

even completely trivializing the combat doesn't make it any less shit, also flamethrower does not have enough ammo to do that it's a bosskiller weapon



Reminder Activision killed Troika.
All VTM2 threads are shill threads since Troika gets no money and Activision gets it all.
When CCP owned the IP it was considered okay because they were working on a sequel but Activision wouldn't approve of publishing licensing and had to be scrapped and sold to Paradox Dev now. A developer known for its games that are decent at first, and slowly become worse through expansions and changing up base mechanics when they don't like them later.

Yea Forums is historically pro-Pirating VTMB due to this.

Yeah dude, I only played it for the first time a couple years ago and it was so fun.


werewolf gang where you at

activision isn't even publishing VTM2 retard

Troika never got any money anyway, it was a paid job like Obsidian and New Vegas, on that account you should tell people to pirate new vegas

>Hurr it's paradox interactive
Paradox interactive has an agreement with Activision to publish.
In fact, Hardsuit labs working on VTMB2 has approval to publish through Big Ben Interactive who purchased the rights to publish VTBM2 in Britain and EU areas from Activision.

it was never a troika original IP to begin with, it is a licence

Sekiro was published by Activision and look great that game turned out

Publish does not mean they are involved in the game's development decisions

They received a portion of payments due to previously completed work and needed more funds. Activision came in with an exclusive deal and needing to make more games after VTMB to survive they expected more dev deals. Activision didn't provide or approve any other development deals leading to the fall of the developer.

Troika had the rights for the IP at the time.

the good parts of this game are actually an investigation-game much more than an RPG
t. 90 iq

It depends on the deal churned out on the circumstance at the time. In fact, Big Ben has another deal with another developer based on a Vampire The Masquerade (not bloodlines) game. This is just going to turn into a series of spinoffs with shit DLC and nonstop cookie cutter RPGs. Just look at any previously reincarnated game (IE thief.)

Hell, White Wolf games, after being purchased by Paradox, "dismissed" more than half of their workers after they had ingame books mentioning the human rights violations experienced by LGBT members in Chechnya on the behest of Paradox.

Is there any game with a bigger drop in quality than vtmb? It's a solid 10/10 for such a big part of the game and then gets so shitty.

i pirated vtmb and i will pirate vtm2 too

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