CS:GO is goo-

>CS:GO is goo-

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Nobody believes this except retards who have put thousands of hours into the game and want to desperately justify that.

i opened this just to say the exact same thing

>cherry picking videos from years ago to stay relevant with his shitty videos

>valve commissioned a CS remake just so they could lootboxify CS
this fucking company man

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I still don't get why the first shot needs RNG attached to it.

i remember back in 1999 when cs was cool. how the fuck did it even last this long? it wasn't even that good, i stopped playing when bf1942 came out.

to artificially extend ttk as a cheap way to add something (shit) to gameplay

How this pos still has so many players baffles the fuck out of me. Shit like that got me to quit years ago.

>Old Dust 2
Footage in this video is like a year and a half old.

The only reason people notice this because there are no other games with pixel precise shooting mechanics. If a single bullet does not register in a game like Battlefield, you would never even notice because the game lacks the graphical clarity, high tickrate and accurate animations. Most of the issues in the video have been fixed for a long time now. People who pretend CSGO does not have the best netcode and hitboxes are retarded. Look at pic related, you could literally shot nowhere near his head and still get a headshot.
>inb4 Silver 3s trying to explain me why I'm wrong

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Quake doesn't have headshots in the first place.

>Years of content of e-sports + twitch to pick from
>A few unregistered hits deems the entire game shit even though this sort of shit happens in every multiplayer game

>If a single bullet does not register in a game like Battlefield, you would never even notice because the game lacks the graphical clarity

Even on higher tickrate servers, battlefield can have atrocious hit registration if any
I can't take it anymore, I'm going back to 3

>Look at pic related
Pic related doesn't move at half the speed of a snail like in CS:GO.

its from a recent DH..
>get our shit right

That does not change the fact hitboxes are extremely inaccurate. If you slowed down a footage you could see people completely missing a shot getting a kill.

Not to mention most of it is old as fuck, hit registration and hitboxes got multiple patches and first clip is literally fault of the player shooting too fast after landing.

>be crowbcat
>have no fucking clue what to do
>already posted enough OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD content
>i know
>go to reddit csgo
>search for "CSGO'd" in the title over the course of the subreddit's history, rip the top 50 videos and put it together

fuck valve tobehonest

what happened guys?
wasnt crowb /ourguy/?

first clip is from recent DH event, true but the others

>fnatic olofmeister
>adren out of liquid, not even the coach yet
>BIG keev

go fuck yourself, most of these clips are old as fuck

That's great, except it's not trying to be accurate. It's a game where people move fast, designed around shitty internet speeds, and terrible hardware. It's not trying to be a slow pixel hunter in the modern age.

>cherrypicking old footage from a game with no better alternative

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>with no better alternative
do you feel obligated to play shit games or something?

Jee, I wonder.

>best netcode
>use nova and clearly hit a guy point blank but the server doesn’t register it

Yeah ok

What does headshot mean in context of quake?

I wonder how you managed to type this out when you clearly have an IQ below 50.

Isn't TF2 fucked up too?

This is why you have to aim slightly lower to compensate for recoil, scrubs

In Q3 at least, this means the game registered you killing an enemy with a headshot using a railgun (and perhaps some other gun?). Remember how the game had the medals to visually reward players for accuracy and other things?

all just old clips before they fixed the hitboxes

I only played q3 with bots and don't remember headshots here, only "impressive".

The ""RNG"" in first shot for rifles is only really noticeable at beyond cross-map ranges, and there's no sightline that long in the game.
Stop being bad. Accuracy mechanics don't equal RNG, and the only case of accuracy fucking up someone's shot in OP's video is the first one with the deagle that literally happens because the guy forgot to switch to knife and back to reset accuracy after jumping, the rest are server desyncs and broken hitboxes that have been fixed and polished over the years..
Other than that, the AK, the AUG and the M4 are all accurate and predictable with the first shot. You can be consistent with those guns at stupid anti AWP ranges. Stop being bad.

That announcer though.

To balance weapons, with a railgun-accurate ak you don't really need awp then.

3 was legit fun.
Heard 4 was an upgraded 3, but I never gotten into it

>the only case of accuracy fucking up someone's shot in OP's video is the first one with the deagle that literally happens because the guy forgot to switch to knife and back to reset accuracy after jumping
>pcbros post this shit like its common sense

Sorry was pc too difficult for you? back to switch zoomer!

It doesn't make it less bad

if you didn't uninstall CS:GO and only play 1.6 or Source you should kill yourself now

Have manners

That's UT announcer, retard. Quake doesn't have headshots. Impressive goes for consecutive hits with a railgun.

You're right, that was rude of me. Sorry

glad I saved this from another thread

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how long has válvedrone been filtered?

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like a year about

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>Most of those clips are a few years old with some exceptions, the game received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant animation isn't as broken.
>PSA: The deagle takes a very long time to reset its accuracy after jumping.
Okay so... what the fuck is the point of this video?

that's completely wrong but do go on

I could never take how bad CS:GO felt to play. Has anything changed over the last five years? Any improvements?

Let's look at this the other way:
CSGO is such a precisely built game that very minor inaccuracies, such as those in this vid, are infuriating when they happen. Most of those clips involve the target being on the crosshair for less than a second. Boot up any other online FPS and you'd be able to make a montage like this within 10 hours of gameplay. To make this video, he had to collect clips from hundreds of thousands of hours of recorded streams, and even then it's only five minutes long. If these moments happened with any regularity, you wouldn't have those players freaking out like they do. It would just be par for the course.
Note here that I'm not trying to say that getting CSGO'd isn't real. I'm also not trying to say that any of those clips are fine. They are all definitely bullshit. I'm just pointing out that the simple fact that these stand out speak to CSGO's credit.

>Any improvements?
Haha. No. If anything it's shittier.

You're embarrassing yourself, zoomer.

Was it added in quake live from unreal?

Could be his shitty connection desu

calling someone wrong without any kind of reasoning, evidence, or really anything at all to support your statement
my favourite

explain why RNG isn't to make the low fire rate, 'high accuracy' weapons viable over a higher firerate weapon

>cries about no evidence but first claimed that having guns accurate on the first shot would nullify the AWP with no evidence supporting it
I bet you're the same faggot who unironically cried that the R8 nullified the AWP despite only being a powerful meme weapon

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it does because most of these are the pre-hitbox patch you degenerate subhuman

Same as some cs servers added UT announcer sounds.

If the R8 is OP, then the AK47 must be OP too by that logic. It also has the high potential to kill people in one hit.

you hurt my soul
i apologize for assuming that it didn't need to be explained. And if it wasn't explained appropriately, to your liking, how can you be so smug in your little "ur wrong but go on" shitpost?

Were you born this disgusting and fetid or did your single mother really put you through the grinder?

I haven't played CS since a year after GO came out and that feels like a decade ago, so calm down with your "you must be one of these people who yadda yadda yadda" you absolute putrid stain

"don't really need"
not quite the same thing, pal


To be fair Quake would be fucking impossible to all but the absolute most clinical autism cases without those hitboxes.

I have played hundreds of hours in Quake and never do the hitboxes feels "wrong".
Bullshit like in OPs video never happen, shots that hit are just legit hits and it never feels wrong or off. Unless there's lag of course.

Wouldn't it make more sense to adjust the dynamic crosshair so it shows the bigger spread until you reset?

It's good for a new player when you're learning the game, but decent players have the "feel" and such crosshair will be only distracting.

>seems like he got cs go-ed


kek i remember about that
modding mp games was so good.
fuck valve and fuck epic desu

Personally I love playing CSGO. Sure, I had my skin craze back in the early days, who doesn't right, but after that fever drained away the actual game is crisp, smooth, and has a game loop unlike any other in the market right now. CoD and Battlefield pussy footed around the idea of stop and pop, adding ADS to basically nullify the point to the crosshair mechanics, but CSGO doesn't fuck around.

You're either moving, and fucked off, or your stationary and sharp as a knife. The way CS's crosshair reacts to player inputs is almost identical to the way crosshair reacts in other shooters, but Hidden Path takes it "all the way" so to speak, and I commend them for it. Coming from Quake clones like Assault Cube and Sauerbraten, I see CS as equally viable for people looking to develop precise movement and aim skills as Quake... But on the opposite side of the fence. Instead of mastering projectile tracking and rocket jumps, you're mastering stutter steps and positions to counter other positions. It's almost like a turn based FPS, and only people who have about +800 hours can see that, in my experience.

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Will watch it later, I really like CSGO's design wise and I'd like to play it more, but I'm miffed unranked matches don't play by the ranked ruleset but are instead an everything goes piece of shit with infinite team members and ghosting

>stopped playing competitive ages ago
>dropped all the way down to fucking low silver as a result
>ranked matches are now a complete crapshoot because everyone (especially my team) plays like a fucking retard
The worst part is dropping a 40-bomb and still losing because one of your teammates dropped out of the match after the pistol round

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>It's OK for CSGO to have shit hitboxes because Battlefield does too!
The absolute fucking state.

>can't carry in low silver
>pretends it's the fault of others
user just get good lmao stop being so shit at videogames

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maybe it has something to do with all these retards playing in the wrong aspect ratio. I've played hundreds of hours of CSGO and have never had any of these happen to me.

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how, someone leaving would make it a lot easier unless you'd play super safe and let the other retards get the bot before you

This is why I will never get into competitive gaming. These guys have spent hundreds if not THOUSANDS of hours of their life just to have shit like this happen to them.

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It’s never been good

I mean you literally spent a dozen or so years at life and you're still terrible at it.


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What are you talking about. 90% of the time you are at a disadvantage when a person leaves.

When some retard always rushes in with a P90 at the beginning of the round, getting the bot is impossible unless I actually try to get killed

I've literally never in all my years got as mad as these aspies do with videogames. Is this what you need to be a "pro"?

True, but at least my woes aren't due to a piece of software written by an intern

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Is this game worth a buy on sale, just for the custom games and mods? I liked this kinda stuff in tf2 and dota, but I'm not really interested in CSGO's standard game modes.

>can't push in with a pro90 retard
dude just use your utility lmao it's not like that silver awper won't take a full 2 seconds to actually kill you anyways

Its free you retard. Critics are so out of touch holy shit.

It's due to your own inability. That's worse. Don't talk shit.

>but I'm not really interested in CSGO's standard game modes.
No you fucking retard. If the game doesn't look fun, don't buy it.

Jumping with the Deagle in hand does this. Newfag thread.

>It's due to your own inability. That's worse. Don't talk shit.
>due to your own inability
>due to your own inability
>due to your own inability
just like the dudes in crowb's compilation?

>install csgo
>play a few matches
>there a cheater in almost every matches
>repeat a few months later

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>unironically goes to r#ddit

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>Waited for a very long time to make this compilation, the recent Karrigan miss was the last piece it needed. Most of those clips are a few years old with some exceptions, the game received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant animation isn't as broken.

Nothing to see here. Literal /pol/ levels of cherrypicking.

in lower ranks when you're playing with and against complete retards having an extra life that lets you push and get free kills at the start of the round is pretty helpful

thats what I'm saying though you gotta play unsafe as fuck and actually rush getting a couple kills before you take the bot to clean up the rest

I'm an adult so I don't know what that means.

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Reddit is better than this garbage dump of a website if only because you can't figure out how to properly use it.

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What does this even mean? Way to embarass yourself.

The sudden CS:GO hatespam on Yea Forums is interesting. It's almost like some e-celeb faggot posted a video and his little shitkids are out being cool now.

Anyone stilll play CSS? I have a weird nostalgic love for it.

This is Yea Forums. It's mostly children. look at any of the posts here.

Oh shit. Uhhh I really never heard about that happening or I guess I'm just dumb then.

Not anymore but I have a few thousand hours from back in the noughties.

Cause people here used to post ironic bs now it all so fucked you dont know what the fuck is ironic and what is not. Seeing that dumbass going to reddit to prove his shitty point that cs sucks is just plain embarrasing

yes holy crap
the video in OP was made by an actual retard and they're years old
CSGO is much more improved

Hey come on now, reddit is pretty good for porn. Hate the player not the game.

I've been here on and off since 2005. People weren't ironic, there have always been absolute retards. Reddit is heaps better.

I've been playing it again with friends and it's been great. I recommend trying it agian with your mates if posible

desu this is the only thing about CSGO that I can't defend
there's literally more cheaters than non cheaters in comp, you'll see an obvious hacker every 1 out of 3 matches and the more you climb the more literally everyone just starts using wallhacks and shit and toggling aimbots when they start losing
it's frustrating as fuck and VAC is a shit system

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I'm just mad people in here are bitching about the game but not actually playing it. It's a distinct game loop, you'll either love it or hate. Just give it a shot. Even the BR is better than the rest, or at least it's different from the rest.

What about Prime? I don't have that issue
T. NA West

prime just mitigates the most obvious of it all
LEM here, literally every match there's always a retard using wallhacks and passing it off as legit play or giving off bullshit callouts because "i heard them bro"


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Hackers are always an issue with shooters, CSGO just has it worse because of all the Russians and Brazilians

Why would you say it's better than CS:GO? Just because the community is smaller?

Is this a LFG thread? I need people to play with :(

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>there's literally more cheaters than non cheaters in comp
Imagine believing that.

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>live in the US
>don't see any Russians and BR scum because of ping
>feels good man

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Not him, but I Flux between GO and Source because they're different enough that I can play Source for a faster experience and different map pool, and GO for a slower, position focused experience.

It's delusional people that can't believe that they're just not as good as others at something. Try competing for something irl faggots, you'll learn a lesson in humility real quick.

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user even the pros blatantly cheat in faceit

i've literally never given a shit about ranking and just climbed because I had nothing better to do
if you really believe csgo isn't chockfull of hackers at every step of the comp ladder then you're an absolute fucking retard

Ah shit, here we go again

>actively choosing to ignore all the sus flusha flicks

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I never found a cheater in overwatch, paladins, quake champions, r6 siege, battlefield 1, or at least they werent blatantly cheating
I can easily find minimum 2 blatant cheaters in 1 hour of csgo, not even joking, the last time I played the game I did 3 matches and 2 of them had cheaters

No, I don't think so. I think you're wrong.

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>let me tell you about what is and isnt balanced
>play the game? LOL I haven't done that in like 6 years LMFAO

unironically kill yourself

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siege does have its share of hackers at higher levels, but they're nowhere near as blatant as csgo
>t. miguel tequila, GE in 3 months, his third account but totally not a hacker guys

imagine playing csgo lmao

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this would be plausible if it was in higher ranks but it's clearly silver. good webm tho

>railgun-accurate ak
That exists already. It's the SG 553

>guns that don't function either realistically, or like any gun in any other videogame, so the guns in CSGO are just some kind of unique but demented middleman of "the way these things shoot makes no sense"
>every match at every level is just a race to see how perfectly you can round corners and bunny hop to get to the same chokepoints and corner watching spots on every map
sometimes bad games get popular

this is fine

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Glad to see trust factor is doing its job
God bless machine learning

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Yea Forums has always hated CSGO. It's funny when people on here complain that the game is too archaic or autistic while it's literally one of the most popular shooters out there and even casuals can figure it out.

>I can't take it anymore, I'm going back to 3
>dies behind a corner because of 10hz servers
After playing BF4 I can't go back to 3 because of this shit.

People here are either nostalgic for CoD or nostalgic for Quake. Both groups hate CS with a passion; CoD kids can't get over no aim assist spray and Quakefags are butthurt about CS stealing their thunder

T. 30 hours

>trust factor doing its job
>implying good goy valve points really stop anyone from hacking and throwing

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I used to be supreme and I watched this game get flooded more and more with hackers like 2 or 3 years ago. It didn't used to be like this; cs always had an issue with hacking but it was never this bad. I recently played on a silver account and it's like this even all the way down there. Every 2 to 3 games you can literally watch someone toggle when they're 8 rounds behind and that's in prime queue. The absolute state of this game man, it's like valve doesn't even give a shit anymore.

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>Quakefags are butthurt about CS stealing their thunder
I pity them, I like that kind of shooter too and QC was just miserable, I hoped that it would turn out like CSGO, a solid game after updates but it's completely dead.

It means your sorry cheating ass is stuck in the mud while my games are fine

136 actually

>136 actually
Thanks for confirming that you have no clue.
Ever since the f2p update trust factor put a stop to nearly all the cheating in my prime games.
If you encounter trash and cheats in prime maybe the problem is with you, the machine knows that you're the cancer :^)

It was super easy to cheat in 1.6 and source, you just had to replace textures with invisible ones, it's called material hack and it was undetected
I don't think you can do that in csgo so it's weird to see it's even worse in that game

theres an aim reset time of 1.5 seconds after you land dipshit

>"the way these things shoot makes no sense"
>Stand still or stutter step to shoot accurately
>Pull down to control recoil or tap/burst to maintain accuracy
How much of a braindead casual do you have to be that guns in CS mystify you this much? Is it autism that prevents you from being able to abstract the exact same mechanics that most shooters now have without having iron sights to show you exactly what's going on? You can hate the mechanics all you want but, holy shit, they're not hard to understand.

you can tell when the playermodel hasn't met up with the hitboxes and its your fault for letting your brain force you to think otherwise

i've only got 600 hours in and in all of these clips i'm thinking "the playermodel isn't lined up"

Feels so good, man. It's even better knowing that every kid complaining is just buttblasted because someone had more luch money to pay for better hacks than him, or "just hacked to recover my real rank bro" or "for fun"

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more than enough to realise that the game's guns just control badly no matter how many people learn to use them

There is a recent influx of zoomers from reddit who have only been playing Fortnite wanting to feel like they belong here so they hate on all the older classics, especially Valve developed ones. It’s probably also tied with Epic Store shills.

>moving makes you inaccurate but harder to hit
>standing still makes you accurate but easier to hit
>what is risk vs reward?
How fucking dense do these people have to be to not get some concept as basic as this?

>104 games had a hacker in them
this is why I quit playing a long time ago.

Stop trying to spray. The game is designed for short bursts. You were given a fork, stop trying to eat soup with it.

also its a player movement issue, never an aiming issue, every single one of these players knows exactly what theyre doing wrong

Here's to you. I'd also add that the fixed gun pattern rewards people putting time and effort into learning the game and its mechanics.

It's almost as if your shitty lootbox simulator has been hated for years now and you're just exposing how new you are with retarded posts like this.

Based. Fuck CS and fuck CS players.

It's genuinely baffling. It's not even some niche game like Quake is now. There are more people playing CSGO right now than probably the next five most popular FPS games on PC. How much of a casual do you have to be that you can't figure out the most basic mechanics of such a popular game, mechanics that are dumbed down but still present in most other popular shooters now too?

>professional commentators actually have a term for this

the absolute state of this game

>shitty lootbox simulator
Reminder that the Arms Deal update came a year after launch and that contrarians were shitting on the game before it happened.

It would nice if it didn't look like a spoon and I didn't have to memorize where the tines are.

trust factor did improve some shit, but come on
it didn't completely erradicate hacking, far from it
it even gave more leverage to less blatant hackers
that you're a carried retard unaware of hacking and unable to detect bullshit is another thing entirely
i can take a clean loss easily, i can't take spotty AWP wallbangs and consistent flashed flickshots that just magically come out of "amazing gamesense bro"

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As someone who has put thousands of hours into the game, it's not that good.

Probably because it was a shit game compared to CSS, let alone CS, even before it became a lootbox sim. The point is that the hate of this game is nothing new, and definitely not the result of a video that literally just came out.

When I have a doubt I download the demo after my game.
Trust Factor definitely improved matchmaking substantially.
When I play solo (you shouldn't) I get okay teammates, and when I play with friends that grief in ranked I get absolute cancerous teammates.
Are there still issues? Sure.
However the issue might be with how you act too, and don't be surprised to be put into a match with assholes if you act like one.

>it was a shit game compared to CSS
Nice bait, the CS community hates Source because they are a bunch of contrarians.
>the hate of this game is nothing new
See above.
>definitely not the result of a video that literally just came out
Never said that, I'm not the only one in this thread that is okay with CSGO.

>my man
>out here
negroids don't have valid opinions

>You're too bad to notice blatant hacking

how embarrasing

>because there are no other games with pixel precise shooting mechanics

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Holy shit based Crowbcat BTFO Yea Forums yet again

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>learn the spray patterns
>wasn't made to be realistic
>calls someone silver
all of these are true though

Correct, they're all things that Valve drones say

it's crowbcat, cherrypicking is his thing.

You can just not play trash games, ya know.

I fucking hate CSGO, but this vid doesn't prove anything.

Crowbcat is dishonest and cherrypicks all the time. Most of his videos are filled with minor shit that no one would even notice unless they were intentionally doing it to create a bug.
He did the same shit to RE2 Remaster and plenty of other games before. He's a hack and it's too bad people take this shit as the gospel just because they want to dislike something.

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>most of these are the pre-hitbox patch
>not all of them

you said it yourself, this is still happening
yeah, sorry you are retarded

I love it how they even have a word for it, csgoed, so it's like a meme about the game. As someone who used to play CS 1.5 and 1.6 then Source a bit, I tried CS:GO when it went free, got to Prime and played a few months but it's shit so I quit.

Spotted the Valve drone


spotted the throwaway reply. thanks for the (you) I guess

But i like CS, just not the CSGO. Everything is too serious in that game to me.

I think it's more to do with the game going free to play so even the third worlders on here are playing it now. I've been on Yea Forums for many years, I can't say I've seen CS:GO discussed at all. You can't say it was loved before because no one talked about it in the first place and if they did I don't think it was favorable because it's a normie game.


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Oh come on, whites use that lingo too especially here.

>Everything is too serious in that game to me
I feel that way too, I think it's because of the ranked system.
However I still enjoy it more than previous games, it's more balanced, community servers are still a thing, and workshop support makes it easier to create and play content, same thing with the lobby system allowing you to make a private game with up to 10 people for free without opening ports or whatever.

How do I git gud?

Yeah I love it when we're stomping the other team and all of a sudden they start playing good like they suddenly learn to shoot and have good awareness.

Sometimes people jump into queue without warming up, or they can just adapt to your playstyle during the match. Happens all the time

play for like 100 hours, learn spray patterns and maps and see how pros check corners and preaim/prefire common positions
learn to use flashes and smoke
get a good mouse and play at 400dpi 2.0 sens in game
that's literally it

My third paladins match had an hero clipping under the map for his ult
Hi-rez I swear

What's wrong with it? Every faggot uses a tiny fixed crosshair when the gun's spread is much larger. And no, the inaccuracy isn't bullshit because no one is able to maintain a perfectly stable aim without support.

>Sometimes people jump into queue without warming up
Happens to me quite often, mid game I start playing well and the other team starts calling out hacks.


nope. the QL devs added the "headshot" feature. it's not a server / admin type thing.

At least retard cheaters get kicked in 1.6/CSS by admins
Overwatch and VAC in the other hand...

>that one guy who uses blatant hacks on casual

Only 3 clips are from this year
OP is a fag

I quit because the community is too toxic, there are people who yell and shout and are generally autistic. That's just competitive but whatever.

Oh yeah that's awful.
If you want to have a good time in matchmaking, bring at least a friend or two.

Why is lower sens better? What if I need to turn quickly?

You posted this earlier, fuck off

>What if I need to turn quickly?
You don't. This is not a twitch shooter.

>What if I need to turn quickly?
Move the mouse farther.

>What if I need to turn quickly?
Throw the mouse across your desk, and fuck everything in the way.

I was just memeing I don't actually care if you say that stuff or not. It just reminds me of twitter

two main vectors of explanation here:

1. you guys have LOW TRUST FACTOR which means you're actually put in matches with tons of cheaters. the only way to improve trust factor is to seize ALL misbehavior including flaming on the mic, team damage, insults in chat, anything that might make people report you etc. if you've ever cheated on your steam account get a new account and don't fucking cheat, retard.

2. you guys aren't using windows loudness equalization to make footsteps louder without blowing your ears out with the gun sounds. this is a huge design flaw in the game. foot steps should simply be louder when audible and fade from loud to non-existent in an instant, fuck realism. the positional audio in CSGO is amazing but you need compression (that's what that setting does) in order to get the most of it. note: when you turn on this setting all ingame sounds will sound way louder. you need to adjust the ingame volume to perhaps half of your current setting. I think I went from 0.09 down to 0.04 or something like that. just load up any map, buy the AWP (loudest sound in the game) and adjust s_volume until firing the AWP doesn't hurt your ears.


not seize

Only tryhards play Dust2.
Office is the best map and comfy.

Yeah I was solo queuing all the time and it got old, hoping that my teammates wouldn't be retards. Then you have all the literal kids shouting in the mic all the time. I genuinely liked Danger Zone because it was every man for himself you don't rely on a team and they don't rely on you, until they ruined it of course with mandatory 2v2 teams because you can't have a solo mode in CS, so it' basically became open map wingman. Or you could play solo vs teams for "added challenge" like Valve puts it because yeah 1v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 is fun and fair.

At least there was deathmatch that's pretty much just you and your skill, sure you're in a team but you're competing with them for points and them sucking doesn't mean anything to you.

Okay but why the 400 dpi?

>best netcode
>when Reflex is a thing
Please kill yourself. That big developers can't make as robust and fine-tuned engine/netcode for competitive play it insane. All these online shooters feel like cobbled together messes in comparison.

The DZ update that removed pure solo is annoying, and I think the "challenge" is an excuse to have smaller matchmaking time because there's probably not that much players in that mode.

CS:GO is a bad game, it harbors competitive viability over fun.
CS:S and 1.6 are peak fun.
But also watching CS:GO babies whine about their game being torn apart is funny as fuck.
Keep seething, i'll continue to play the superior versions of counter-strike

>peak fun
>most weapons are useless
>best weapon is the deagle
Sure thing buddy, now go back to that unbalanced mess and let the adults play :^)

400 dpi 2.0 sens gives you 800 actual dpi. 700 to 1000 is the sweet spot, just use the in game sens to make your desktop cursor comfy


>implying any adults play CS:GO and not CS:S or 1.6

>boot up 1.6
>only BR and RU kids

i played a match last night and my team was all 28-30

csgo has the best balance and meta. too bad the 90% of the community focuses on competitive play instead of meme modes though

>playing casual Office T-side
>some guy on our team keeps blasting music from fucking Nurutu over the mic
>the other guys on my team keep saying it gets them hyped up
>a few even start singing it (intentionally) badly
>all while the CT side is seething about being stomped
Only in Office

Quake headshots do no extra damage. It's just a medal and it has no effect on the actual game. You can play a charachter like Orbb that has no head if you feel likeit. It won't make a difference.

this game is literally so shit it made me reinstall overwatch for my shooter fix

Attached: 1465702183747.png (400x287, 113K)

So if my mouse is 800 dpi I can just set it to 1.0?

Isn't that the guy who nitpicks newer games and compares them with older ones to make it look like older ones are better?

Reflex was dead on arrival though. Literally zero players.

>hiding with a sawed-off
>one shot CTs that dare to rescue the hostages
I fear for the day they'll remove it, I'm mad at the removal of original maps, if only it meant reworks or visual remakes like Dust2 and Inferno, but no they got axed with no mention of them ever coming back.


plenty of good players use higher DPI but 400 DPI is enough. the point is you should use a low *effective* sensitivity. it should take you over 10 inches at the VERY LEAST to do a full turn. double that if you want decent accuracy at a distance. there's simply a limit to how finely you can physically move your mouse and how accurately your muscle memory can be trained - but not to how much room for error you can give yourself with the input settings. it would be more ideal to tweak your nervous system so you can move a mouse perfectly on the micrometer scale. but since that's not an option increasing the space you're working with is the next best thing.

DPI doesn't matter unless it's absurdly high (like 3000+) where even the best sensors can have minor issues. Just lower your sens accordingly if you prefer it higher. Most people just play 400 because it's comfortable and will make menus/desktop feel closer to what you actually play with. Higher DPI can also make it annoying adjusting your sensitivity or keeping it the same across multiple games. You can play with a higher sens as well, sensitivity is largely preference, but 2.0 at 400 is a good baseline especially because most new players play at absurdly high sensitivities that no human being could properly aim at. I'd recommend getting a large mousepad and to try within a rough guideline of 2.0 to 3.5 at 400 and see what you aim best with and feel most comfortable on.

Well aware of that, most of my time in it is in Race unfortunately. Was just an example of a small team (basically one programmer) being able to make a better engine and netcode for gameplay than a big company. Hopefully Diabotical isn't DOA, but it probably will be for the most part.

I've put a few hundred hours in CS:GO in the past 6 months. This shit happens frequently. Turning on bullet trails and enabling console commands to show where bullets go really opens your eyes to how bad it is. The server and client disagree about 30% of the time, so 30% of the time a hit is a miss and a miss is a hit.

best map is cache bitch

What's up with weapon and accuracy in CSGO? Weapons are not accurate at all, even if you aim at a stationary target, without moving the mouse it will sometimes hit the target, and sometimes miss. The weapon model doesn't match the actual shot trajectory at all, in fact you can get a sniper rifle, walk up to a wall where the rifle would be clipping into it, and the bullet hole will not be where it should. And worst of all the weapons are weak. Ping aside, you can shoot somebody 10 times from practically point blank before they notice you, but they will survive, turn around and kill you, and the replay says you only shot them twice for 20 damage or some bullshit.

People seriously make international events for this game? It's a luck based game, a bad one.

Hostage maps are comfy.
Office, Italy, Militia, Assault.

CSGO can have the best tick rate and hitboxes in the world, it doesn't mean shit when the gun shoot wherever the fuck it feels like. At least shit like Battlefield doesn't try to be competitive.

Office and Militia are, I fucking hate Assault

>that one time when the CT side is actually competent and goes up 4-0
>the T side says fuck it and literally everyone buys Negevs
Hostage maps have always been the best for screwing around

>Weapons are not accurate at all
>the gun shoot wherever the fuck it feels like
>what is spray pattern?

You're retarded if you don't think "pros" aren't hacking and matchfixing up to and including tier 2 teams. CSGO "esports" is a massive joke and there's a reason seemingly amazing teams lose to shitters as soon as they're on LAN.


Attached: 1550354858889.png (421x389, 210K)

use a dynamic crosshair and shoot a wall. you'll notice that two things massively make you inaccurate: having just moved and having just shot. there IS random spread on the guns in this game and don't listen to anyone who wants to deny this because "there's not that much" or outright denial of reality. but how it works is not random. when you can expect to hit your target and when not is completely predictable. the RNG makes up the last few percent of whether you hit or miss and the proper way to play is such that you basically guarantee a hit. most weapons are perfectly accurate within a certain range on the first shot from standing still. you can also further increase first shot accuracy by crouching.

If your very first shot doesn't land in the very center of cross-hair while you are crouching and standing still - your game is trash and deserve to be mocked. Plenty of evidence from OP's vid that it is not the case in CSGO.

a lot of people have this opinion but its blatantly wrong and reveals youre a bad player. cs has a pretty high skill floor related to movement that noobs arent even aware of.

turn on twitch and watch simple drop 40 kills against global elites and tell me its luck

>tfw no money for esea
>its shittier than ever these days anyways
>faceit is worse
>mm is 100% hackers prime or not
>/csgog/ is dead too

Attached: 1530171278909.jpg (2400x2390, 1.31M)

Siege is gay but it's still better than this garbage.

/csgog/ still comes back whenever the majors are going on to shitpost about the matches

First shot inaccuracy is a logical game mechanic to balance rifles against snipers, if your SG553 or AUG was perfectly accurate at any range you wouldn't ever use a SSG08, or even an autosniper.
Rifles aren't meant to be accurate at any range, snipers are, deal with it.

I don't have to deal with it, I don't play this trash.

>dust2 alldayeveryday

Attached: jcw9os2xpcd21.jpg (1242x1169, 68K)

It was fine at launch, all they needed to do was patch its rough edges, now it's complete trash due to their desire to add operators after operators that are getting more and more silly each season.

I had many responses like this one over the years every time I try to get into this game. The reality is that the guns are utter crap and had many, many scenarios like op's video where crouch shots against a stationary targets 2ft away miss. I can't say that I've played many fps games of this kind but never have I had such a bad experience as CSGO.

Yep, just like the people in the op video are bad. Or when spraying an opponent 2ft away, hell, even carefully aimed shots still say '2 hits for 14 damage'.

>if your SG553 or AUG was perfectly accurate at any range
They are more accurate than the scout

>spraying an opponent 2ft away
Again, people like you keep crying because you can't adapt to obvious mechanics like "don't fucking spray with your rifle if you want to be accurate"

every clip in the op video is 2+ years old except the first one. hitboxes have been updated.

>Those instances are so rare it took years to make a decent 4 minutes compilation, there is a bunch of other clips that aren't bad enough to be included. 2-3 of those are from 2019, the rest is old. CSGO received major hitbox updates through the years, bomb plant animation isn't as broken. Just a fun little compilation. PSA: The deagle takes a very long time to reset its accuracy after jumping. Valve responding to the Hiko clip: reddit.com/r/GlobalOffens... Sources later (rip oddshot).

People who play with static crosshairs and then complain about not hitting shots after jumping and running have only themselves to blame

Crybabies and contrarians absolutely BTFO

He literally contradicts himself in the discription admiting that the hitboxes got updated and that the bomb plant hitboxes aren't a problem and also admits that the missed deagle shot was because the inacurracy of the deagle wasn't fully reset after jumping. People already came to that conclusion when it go posted here so it's not really csgo'd. Currently no multiplayer FPS has perfect hit registration. CSGO has one of the best maybe even the best hit registration of any FPS. What is the point of this video?

I have thousands of hours across every CS and I play with static, why would you use the dynamic one?
Is it better than "game sense" to know when to shoot because you're accurate?
Is it worth changing to a dynamic one and readapting to it after all these hours?

>What is the point of this video?
Just a fun little compilation ;^)

What the actual fuck, though? This wasn't like that at all when I was maining CS 1.5 and 1.6 as my FPS discipline.

Deagle's accuracy is shit after jumping, but it's still shitty game mechanics especially for a close range shot.

"csgo'd" is a decent meme and crowbcat is struggling for content
it doesnt matter at all. id say dynamic is better for noobs to learn about moving inaccuracy

See and

>dynamic is better for noobs to learn about moving inaccuracy
Oh well I know about that so I guess I don't need it, I'll try with it to see though.

With half a million people playing it dialy, every bug over the sun will happen no matter how infinitesimally impossible it is

people only cry about recoil patterns in csgo because no other game has been boiled down to something as boring as the "randomness" of a fucking ak-47's automatic fire.

Attached: 1557011139612.jpg (506x529, 24K)

>people only cry about recoil patterns in csgo because
It doesn't matter in most other games and people can't adapt.
People cry about gunplay and recoil all the time in other shooters too.

There are some stupidly old clips here, before the last hitbox update. if you want to shit on csgo at least find a clip that very recent lol


Are there any players that aren't Russian?

>Currently no multiplayer FPS has perfect hit registration
UT '99 and Quake III say hi.

he's literally unranked in that part of the video, what's your point?


did I say you were wrong you fucking nigger?
don't reply to me again holy shit

wow it's impressive how Crowb knows this shit is still a hot button issue with people who dont play CSGO regularly. He is deliberately picking clips that dont show inaccuracy via the cross-hair so he can make it look like CSGO has very badly broken hitboxes.

CSGO had very broken hitboxes before the Animation update in 2015, this clip complication contains clips from 2014 before then, it contains clips of pros, who know better yelling and screaming because they somehow magically forgot inaccuracy is a thing.

People watch Crowb cat videos to see about Game dev fuck ups and corner cutting, this is somehow even more disingenuous then his TF2 video, because at least their he had a point that TF2 had lost some of its glossier effects over the years because of cosmetic changes.

In this vid he puts a one sentence disclaimed int he description, which is something people dont read, a well documented phenomenon. THe comments are filled with people saying CSGOs shit hitboxes are the reason the game is shit, these people are objectively wrong but this video is giving them fuel to shit on a game they dont care about. There are many other things he could have done to point out why CSGO may be shit, that would be valid.

As it stands, in comparison with most AAA multiplayer games, csgo has pretty good and accurate hitboxes with decent netcode.

Nice job posting a reddit comment

>Those instances are so rare it took years to make a decent 4 minutes compilation
>people in the comments and here say they see this shit every day

they can't even be consistent with the video they fuel their bullshit with

I always found the weapon patterns in cs to be fucking retarded. Is the kinda of thing that you get used to after a while but I would rather have regular weapon spread with some actual weapon range. Missing shots at point blank is something that happens somewhat often whenever close quarters encounters happen and that always fell random.

Based NeGGev MvP

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Scapegoating is one hell of a drug. CS has so many "hackers" and "shitty hitboxes" because it's a game with a high skill ceiling and different mechanics from other FPS.

>rolling dice
lmao it's hilarious that people unironically believe this

99% of the time it's because you start moving.

>pros wipe the floor with randoms most of the time
I guess they just have 99 luck

>things that you can learn to be better
>not skill
lmao it's hilarious that people unironically believe this

The vanilla crosshair does exactly that but any decent player plays with a non dynamic static crosshair.

There are Hearthstone "pros" too, doesn't mean card games or CSGO have high skill ceilings. Shameful.

Instead of bitching go play the real Counter-Strike and not this loot box digger

Attached: GoodTimes.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

"Impressive" medal was only rewarded on two consecutive hits of the railgun. No headshots are involved at all.

Valve isn't gonna fuck you, bro

I don't care about "pros" and I don't care about esport.
Them existing or not doesn't change the fact that you can get better by learning how to play instead of bitching about some game you're bad at or don't care about on a chinese forum :^)

>calls game high skill ceiling
>I don't care about "pros" and I don't care about esport.
lmao nice goalpost move faggot

>nice goalpost move faggot
You know there's more than one guy talking to you retard?

>playing 4:3
>crosshair isn't pixel accurate
Absolute brainlets

>yeah, it may be a lootbox simulator now, but there was a whole year where different people didn't like it for other reasons
Sort out your gambling addiction, drone

People surely love to blame the game.
Even if hitboxes/netcode are bad, it works both ways - for you and your opponent, so it's not a valid reason for being stuck in silver/gold.

Attached: 14679432782.jpg (458x319, 21K)

crowbcat is such a fucking bitch. nitpicking clips from years ago. not to mention he makes a huge deal out of minor aesthetic changes.

>m-muh realistic tree physics!

And both of them got BTFO

Is stretched 4:3 a placebo?

you forgot this part OP

Attached: Screenshot_20190520-180446.png (1440x2560, 811K)

Never opened a box, I sell or delete that trash, you'll have to find something else to talk shit about fag :^)

>You slow down to standstill when being shot
Who could ever take this load of shit seriously?

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So both players get equally as frustrated.

Yes, it does nothing other than giving you a smaller FOV.

>if I keep spouting shit and saying I won maybe they'll get bored and I'll win
Yes because "pros" actually have no clue about how computer works and spread bs myths about their configs because they can't let go of their old 4:3 setup from 2000.

It takes one hour to figure out that CS GO has shitty shooting

It does boost FPS for favela kids.

Stoppan power

Literally get a throwaway account, get some cheats and turn the resolver on to resolve legit AA and i 100% guarantee you in every other game at least 1 or 2 people will be cheating.
t. did exactly that

I won. Deal with it, nerd.

Name a more predictable group of "people"

Spotted the valve drone

do they really expect people to read the fucking description?

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Skillceiling is a thing, if a game allows you to get better by mechanical skill, training your reaction times and muscle memory - you have a game with a high skill ceiling. Compare an absolute begginer (Silver) to the best (global) and the bigger the difference is, the better.

No Silver Player could ever, in any circumstance beat a global without massive handicaps. A beginner fighting a "pro" with the same deck in Hearthstone might still get lucky and win a round. A Soldier in Overwatch will eventually press his Q and kill the better player multiple times over the match.

The more of these learning processes are streamlined, dumbed down and removed the lower your games skill ceiling becomes and you eventually reach a point where your achieved skill alone can not improve your performance further. The skill ceiling in CSGO is very high in that context. There is much to learn and the difference between high and lowrank is ridiculous.

>why isn't this like every other shooter
>I played an hour and I'm still bad this sucks
I hope you uninstalled, I wouldn't want anyone to stumble upon you in matchmaking.

I aint just shit posting but what game doesn't have fundamentally game breaking bugs?

>golly, I'm so butt flustered I'm going to put words in other peoples mouths
Don't you have a monkey to eat, drone?

Your "opinion" is objectively trash, contrarian.

Umihara Kawase Shun

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>literally tanked your trust factor in all your accounts and only get paired with cheaters now
Wow, you are a GENIUS.

Brainlets don't understand how games work though, and that there's no such thing as a fully symmetric game. They can't open their mind enough to look at the full set of contingencies and possibilities of a game to realize that every game is like this.
Saying games like Hearthstone and CSGO don't have skill ceilings is probably one of the dumbest things I've read on this site. I don't know what they think a "fair" game is. Even chess brainlets wouldn't complain about first turn advantage.

>brand new throwaway account
>tanked trust factor
I hope the employees at the special needs school you attend cum in your food

That's what you get for playing shit games

With how computer illiterate you are I'm amazed you are even able to post
Unless you used a literal throwaway PC with fresh new hardware, from a different IP address, yes, you just tanked all your accounts

>brainlet doesn't understand how trust factor works

Skill ceiling has nothing to do with symmetric game design.

CSGO has a low skill ceiling, just like Hearthstone.

That''s not skill, that's arbitrary memorisation
Skill = Equal understanding of rules but unequal execution
It'd be like saying you're better at monopoly cause you know you can second roll after doubles, and your opponent doesn't

This is why CSGO is the League of Legends of shooters

>muscle memory isnt a skill

>there are still, STILL people on Yea Forums so assmad that they can't click on heads that they try to pretend CSGO's hitreg is bad
Jesus christ this really is the worst case of sour grapes you cunts have ever had. It is simply better than everything else on the market when it comes to these aspects. You can throw stock meme responses all you want but the one thing you can't do is name one relevant game with better hitreg. Nor a relevant FPS that requires more skill. You simply do not notice the hitreg in most games to the same degree because it doesn't fucking matter.

Seriously, just fucking try to name one so I can laugh in your face.

He was saying that there was no skill involved in these games because learning cheese strats and getting good rolls are the primary factors of people winning, not their skill, attributing high skill players with just being lucky. First turn advantage is a similar psychological pit, where your starting position is really irrelevant, but is attributed to success. In his mind, these games aren't symmetrical because "arbitrary memorization" and dice rolls are what determines winners.
I don't understand how you can say that. If muscle memory, ability, and tactics aren't factors of "skill" then what is? What is a game that requires skill to you?

A retarded claim, compare low and high ranks in CSGO and why new people usually need a year of constant playtime before they can even reach the average ranks.

Memorization is obviously part of the skill ceiling. Knowing the rules of the game is the very entry to master it. Yes, a person that knows how to press 5 to switch to the bomb will obviously better than a person that can't even do that. It's part of the skills you aquire in a second after the tutorial tho. I have no idea what your point is.

>being able to perform a physically difficult task isn't a skill it's 'arbitrary memorization'
How fucking retarded can you possibly be user?

>relevant FPS that requires more skill
I'd argue that some other shooters require a different set of skills, like Arma and Squad that need at least a bit of team management skill.
But for skill on the individual level yeah CSGO's pretty good.
I don't think you're going to like this answer and I expect an "irrelevant games" :^)

No claim, just facts.

You fucked up a bit mate, CSGO is 70% team 30% skill

Obviously, RNG is not skill but the knowledge and strategy to manage it and learning said cheese strats to optimize your chance of winning is. Reducing a highly mechanically skill-based shooter like counterstrike to that is retarded tho. What little rng you have is very predictable and doesn't usually involve any of the decisions you make nor the outcome of a match.

crowbcat is just a glorified compilation channel, hopefully he'll get demonetized soon tho

>mfw using a shitty ayyware paste that hasn't been updated in months and still undetected
>dabbing on the retarded subhumans that play this game 24/7 with no consequences

Attached: 1530060141300.gif (337x263, 1.83M)

Individual skill is more important in game like CSGO than Arma/Squad, a guy that knows what he's doing can infuence way more the outcome.

CS:GO has a fair amount of team based skill too, though it's obv. more centered towards individual skill than either of those. Really though, they just aren't games conducive enough to tight, and well defined matches the way CS is.

Nah, they're active enough, I just wanted to rule out quakefags mostly. Because they're completely right.

I disagree, maybe on lower ranks. Obviously it's not at the level of military sims, but it's not Quake either.

>tfw source engine is just a modified unreal engine which is a modified quake engine
>tfw hitreg hasn't changed in 20 years

not really
when you play at a higher level it's mostly kill trading chess thing with some randomness added (aim is something you cannot be 100% consistent with)

>they're completely right
About what exactly?

Alright I may be wrong, I never went higher than MG1 :^(

>Says some clips are old
>Some of those glitches are fixed
>No one read the description
>Image bords and forums go ape mode

Attached: 1547352590411.jpg (258x360, 55K)

Hitreg was largely replaced several times.
Almost every engine on the market these days is a modified something else.
You are completely wrong about Unreal engine slotting in there at all, source is not descended from it and it is not descended from Quake.

I was making a joke user, relax.

Well that's a personal issue really, the aim is as consistent and as good as you can physically train it to be. You are not limited by artifical factors aside from the latency which we can not overcome yet from a technical standpoint - this is not limited to CSGO.

But this is the definition of having a high skill ceiling, only being limited by yourself not the game.

Quake 3 / CPMA is the highest skill game ever made, and anyone who disagrees does not understand just what is necessary to be truly good at them. Really though, the vast majority of 'lol csgo bad look at cherrypicked hitreg clips' people haven't touched it in their lives.

Also the hitreg in Q3 can be wonky sometimes, certainly far more than CS:GO's usually is.

It's okay, at those ranks it's common to have wild difference of skill with one guy literally curbstomping and teammates running like headless chickens; not to mention smurfs.

really? I've never had a problem with siege yeah maybe sometimes I had promblems gitting gud though but now Im pretty good

I find the new operators to be insufferable, and it only gets worse with each update.
It was a bit grounded at first but now you've got some wild shit, and it's so out of control that they had to add a pick&ban like it's some MOBA, and to permaban a character from tournaments.

I'd argue that team skills in Arma and Squad generally just amount to decent communication which is a requirement in any competitive team-based game.

However once a certain level of technical skill is achieved an effective, soft cap is achieved. Ultimately, humans are going to have a similar maximum capacity for any given task, and once this is achieved and the playing field plateaus at the top somewhat the game becomes more a matter of strategy and tactics over just doing the motions even bettererer. You see this in all truly high skill games (or some not so high skill games, fighting games hitting this so early is why I argue they're actually low-skill), but also in pretty much all actual sports. You might have a standout star who can do things better than everyone else but telling people to "just get better aim" is unreasonable at a certain point, and would give worse results than working on teamwork and game sense anyway.

>ermaban a character from tournaments

The moment any PvP game does something like this is the moment the devs should take a step back for a few hours.

Siege is a trash game propped up entirely on a genuinely great core concept. At least CSGO works, as much as people meme about it, and isn't so mechanically stifling that playing other games genuinely feels like a breath of fresh air.

Remember when Crowbcat made a video trying to shill people on VR, only for it to get bombed by dislikes and removed after like 2 days?

Attached: 1555228037130.png (500x771, 546K)

No because I don't follow eceleb drama


>guy clearly has a passion for editing
>tries to tell a story with each video
>but ends up attracting a legion of retards unable to think for themselves and in need of spoonfed negative opinions to seem smarter than their peers
>makes a positive, hopeful video once
>gets shit on
>literally loses all soul since then and just shits new negative cherrypicked clickbait bullshit for the easy bucks
legit pretty fucking sad desu


Imagine getting pushed by your audience to be constantly negative about things and when you're not it must be because you're a paid shill.

But CS:GO doesn't have shit hitboxes. The issues that are featured in these clips, for the most part are years old. On the whole, CS by far has the best hit reg of any FPS currently on the market. The only reason we see all these clips is because of the level that CS is played at. In Battlefield or COD, if you miss a shot it's no big deal. The player-base is mostly casual and the most popular game-modes feature re-spawns, so a missed shot to a hit reg error isn't going to be as detrimental to the overall experience.

The thread should've ended here.

>calls it a polished complete unique vr game
>still looks like total shit
If i bought a vr headset i would have killed myself with shame

The thread should've never been made because you (no not You) could just read the fucking description and go on with your day instead of manufacturing outrage.

Yeah, it does annoy me that Crowb is starting the hate train for this game once again, despite its massive improvements in recent years.

crosshair doesn't mean shit in cs go this is why i hate this piece of shit game
first shot shouldn't spread at least

Yeah, Yea Forums is pretty toxic. Just look at the alt-right movement, completely based in self-hatred pushed outward.

CSGO on Source 2 when?
Proper mod support when?
Workshop for more than maps and skins when?
Character customization when? (it was leaked maybe 5 years ago)
Remake of other maps when?
Remake of other playermodels when?


>Looking at his history
What in the actual fuck is redditors obsession with reading older posts as if it invalidates his current opinion on things and then trying to humiliate him with older posts.Can you even hide your post history?

Attached: 1556758574230.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

I'd also argue that it's a lot more difficult to tell whether or not you actually just missed in CSGO and a lot more difficult to actually be accurate in it compared to most games now which I think leads to a lot of the complaints about it. That's not to say the game is perfect but, as someone who REEEs and saves replays a lot whenever I think the game fucked me, I never really found blatant bullshit compared to games like TF2, Siege, or any given BR game. I think CSGO has probably the best overall netcode out there especially if you play on 128 tick servers.

This is it!
CS:GO is finished.

>shoot a chicken
>doesn't explode
>leaves blood decal

Attached: 1510325889810.jpg (345x343, 38K)

The same sometimes happens with glass.

Glass has an HP value in Source, I dunno about chickens.

this happens with deagle and I think even AWP sometimes so no way it's HP-related. chickens normally explode in one shot from anything including the weakest pistols.

It's simple server-client desync.

Starnet when?

Which operators were banned?

what is the correct aspect ratio

Lion was (is?) banned from tournaments.

The one that fits your screen.

Clearly retard itt are unironically silver or don't play the game
The deagle is inaccurate after jumping and takes a long time to return to normal accuracy (a balance feature)
The rest of the clips are bugs from old versions of the game that have been fixed

>Yea Forums is literally the most laddit bored out there
>laddit loves niggers
>complains about /pol/ all day
hmmm almost like things correlate.

remember when FPSes used to be enjoyable?

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They still are, don't buy the ones with forced matchmaking.

2014-2016 was peak CSGO, also peak League.

Retard trying to stay relevant on yt

>2014-2016 was peak CSGO
What the fuck does that mean?
The game's never been that polished and stable, I'd say peak CSGO is now and I hope they keep on rolling out updates with both content, fixes and QOL.

>play non prime
>literally every game has a spinbotter from the begginning or a hacker that spinbots mid to late game, or at the very least has very obvious aimbot/walls
>fuck it ill try prime
>first prime game
>entire enemy team is AFK throwing except one persona
>second prime game
>3 people on the enemy team and one on ours is AFK throwing , fantastic
>third prime game
>everything seems ok, both teams are here, team mates using voice chat, no spinbotters, we're winning by 13-7
>2 people on my team start spinbotting
yea I'm not sure what you're trying to pull here but from my experience in both prime and non prime the game is an absolute cluster fuck of AFK retards or blatant hackers that aren't even the slightest bit interesting in trying to hide it. It seemed alright enough pre-f2p but that's not the case anymore. The game is borderline unplayable now.

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csgo is a shit game populated exclusively by retards who think this is fine, don't bother trying to argue with them

>play non prime
>fuck it ill try prime
You disabled it at first or you were annoyed and bought it after for your account?

>The game is borderline unplayable now.

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Csgo has both of these, though. MM is great for finding players that are of equal skill so you can actually have a challenging match, rather than 1 gregor playing crackhouse all day dominating the other team

it says that right in the video description you retard, also says that hitboxes has been much improved over the last years

>the first one with the deagle that literally happens because the guy forgot to switch to knife and back to reset accuracy after jumping
lmao what a retarded mechanic

shows how it used to be you moron

>not having pixel perfect accuracy after you land is retarded

>people play this competitively

And you are unable to read.

No game is perfect. Shit can get weird and situations like this can crop up from time to time, and because these situations are so rare finding out what exactly causes them and replicating these situations perfectly can be near impossible.

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no i have an original account but i made a smurfing alt since its free now. needless to say there was no point. only SLIGHTLY less fucked than non prime because sometimes its just AFK people and not hackers

If you use a new account, even if you buy prime you're not going to be seen as "trustworthy" because it's an recent account with one game, so you won't be with people with accounts deemed "trustworthy"

I'm dying

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