Doing well with low FOV's is impossi-

>Doing well with low FOV's is impossi-

Attached: quake.webm (640x480, 2.68M)


What am I supposed to see here

I seriously hate low FOVs, I want 90 at the absolute minimum and I prefer around 100-110. Something shouldn't completely disappear from vision cuz it's 2 feet to the left of me.

[spend 70+ hours embedding muscle memory to produce that webm] LOOK GUYS THERE'S NO DISADVANTAGE TO CONSOLE-ESQUE FIELD OF VIEWS

I hate ultra high FOV. Some people play games like this at 120 and up and it looks so incredibly distorted and terrible. Maybe you can see more peripherally but everything you actually look at shrinks to a pinpoint while everything on the edge of the screen is fucking huge

>30 fps is not eno-

>picking up the shotgun ammo after firing two rounds

Attached: 1452049803897.jpg (800x800, 260K)

Looks better on ultrawide, but 100-110 is a sweet spot

I've always played on lower (sub90) fov, if not the lowest available in-game. I do consistently better than others.
fuck that fisheye effect that most pc players jerkoff about

No, you don't. Enjoy your fantasies and tunnel vision.

The only reason you would have low fov is if you have bad eyes and the game has a small hud or you're trying to snipe very far off enemies all the time. High fov is objectively better.

one of those jerkoffs i was talking about
wrong, there's no objectivity in something like this.

>Doing well with low FOV's is impossible
no one says this, just that more FOV is literally an advantage
there's more to critical thinking than just 'hurr durr this thing or that thing'

Troglodytes like you should keep their mouths shut and quit making up lies on the internet.

yeah actually this is why I tape cardboard tubes onto my eyes. I get around just as well as those tryhards with peripheral vision

There is an advantage to higher FOV, but it's really not that great despite what trashcans here with no situational awareness believe. There's also a point where higher FOV with fisheye is literally a disadvantage. Just like an FOV lower than 60 when playing on PC is a disadvantage

Try playing better than OP then

i always play at 90 too,i find it way more fun than the fisheye effect you mention,i would play like that if i was playing for money,but that's just not fun for me


Keep crying, neckbeards

Attached: quake2.webm (640x480, 2.68M)


It is impossible. Are you implying your webms are good? The enemies don't even move... You're standing still half of the time. Do you even know how to play fucking quake? Your gameplay is bad and you should feel bad. Pathetic lad.
1v1 me so we can all see your low fov tears nigger faggot.

you could of just asked why he isn't playing on nightmare then

>1v1 me so we can all see your low fov tears nigger faggot.
Well, who's gon set up a server?
Not gonna be me