How is it that this game has so much more to do than Dead Rising 1 yet is worse in every conceivable way?

How is it that this game has so much more to do than Dead Rising 1 yet is worse in every conceivable way?

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same thing as re5 vs re4

technical;y superior but somehow still inferior

No soul

just play this and forget that vanilla 2 happened

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Was about to post this. OTR was pretty much on par with 1 in most aspects. Fixing the movement mechanics some was a blessing.

Mostly because DR1 was a rough gem, while 2 was polished cubic zirconium. Lots of mechanical and programming fixes (survivors are no longer lobotomy patients, combat is much more fluid, vehicles are not shit, etc) but failing to realize that those were part of the charm of the first game. Plus Chuck just isn't as compelling as Frank and the story itself feels too self-aware.

The co-op mode makes up for it though. Being able to wreck shit up with a friend was absolutely fantastic and the most fun co-op open world since Saints Row 2.

>Dead Rising?
>Yep, that was a good game

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Dead Rising 2 was great. Why are you hating on it for no reason?

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It's good but inferior to 1

it's not bad but OTR outclasses it in every way

What 1 did better ?

No one is saying that it's a bad game

It just lacks a certain je ne sais quoi that the original had

it was made by some canadians fucks and not the based Jap devs over at Capcom internally

>yet is worse in every conceivable way
Quickstep abuse makes it so much better than 1 it's not even funny. I like both though

atmosphere, bosses, dificulty, characters

Better map and atmosphere

They went full Saints Row. NEVER go full Saints Row.

>Sequel fixes issues from the first game
>"but it was part of the charm!"
No one liked the the stupid survivor AI of DR1.

A couple of things:

Remember those hilarious death animations when you would blow a zombie's head off and they'd stand there motionless for a second before collapsing? Remember the weightiness of when you'd knock a zombie into a horde of other zombies with baseball bat? Gone and replaced with stupid ragdoll physics.

Remember how there were tons of weapons everywhere but great weapons were hard to find and you'd want to save them for a psychopath or an emergency? Remember frantically running into a random store because a horde is chasing you and hoping that there's something decent behind the counter for you to kill zombies with? If there wasn't you'd just pick up the cash register and hope for the best. Well that's not a problem anymore because now you can just combine a bat with some nails and never be in trouble again.

Remember the tongue-in-cheek story that felt like an 80's horror b-movie? Well now this is serious! You have to get your daughter live-saving drugs or else she turns into a zombie! FUN FUN FUN!

But the first game was pretty serious too. Just because it's campy doesn't mean the story of a man whose town was used for an experiment caused him to commit a terrorist attack as a way to critique America's consumer culture isn't serious.

First game made by Japan.

You get respawning mini chainsaws at the start Yea Forums is really overselling DR1's design flaws, the only way it would be the better game was if they made quickstep and fast routing actually viable like they did in 2.

you only got the small chainsaws after you killed a boss

in DR2 you could make overpowered combo weapons from the start

Your game series are literally 1>2>3>4. And it was permanently ruined.

what happend?

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She was supposed to finish last.

Because they identified with that boss with the tiger and down sundrome.

It is good but OTR is better, only reason to play 2 is canon but it's a Capcom game that isn't Ace Attorney so who gives a shit.

>Remember the tongue-in-cheek story that felt like an 80's horror b-movie? Well now this is serious! You have to get your daughter live-saving drugs or else she turns into a zombie! FUN FUN FUN!

2's story was aiming to be more comedic though. 1's is completely straight faced and Frank is disgusted when psycho kill themselves in gory ways yet Chuck just drops one liners.

Part of me wants to give 3 another go when I have a computer that can run it above 20 FPS but the other knows that won't fix all the other issues I had with it.

DR2 is the better game in a casual playthrough and the setting is better realized than the first game's. Williamette didn't have much to offer beyond shooting plates, spinning clothes racks and riding the rollercoaster. DR2 also doesn't have any sections as fucking boring as the North Plaza, which is blatantly unfinished while also having an unfortunately big role in the game as the story goes on. Zombrex makes for an interesting new resource to manage and factor into planning routes. It's only worse in a few regards, and mostly in terms of balancing:
>Less restrictive time limit, with no option to tighten it up for returning fans who want to challenge themselves
>Combo weapons strain inventory economy in theory, but in practice, every workbench has gear laying around it to make a decent weapon
>Focus on combo weapons means items strewn about the environment are generally less effective
>Survivors are more self-sufficient, but without the frustration the braindead retards in the first game provided, successfully running survivors isn't as satisfying
>Chuck's walking speed is too slow at max level

DR2 just needed two things to surpass the first game: a balance patch to buff regular items and bump Chuck's speed up, and a hard mode to shuffle item spawns, increase zombrex requirements and tighten time restrictions. I guarantee that diehards would've received it better if DR2 had a couple of runs as stressful as The Lovers/Hatchet Man and Above The Law/Hanging By A Thread.

I'd also like if it DR2's achievements were a bit smaller scale. Trying to stuff as many achievements into a single run of DR1 was fun, but most of DR2's achievements are shit like "hit a zombie with every melee weapon in the game" instead of stuff like "give Katey every toy in the game", which aren't nearly as fun to accomplish while also being hard to keep track of.

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DR2 gets some shit because it isn't as fun to get good at as the first game. It was more fun to optimize your play in DR1.

I tried a self-limiting run on DR3 and found it pretty alright.

Mainly, I didn't take the more game-breaking level-up skills like combo shortcuts, combo speed-up, and auto-regen, and also never used the weapons lockers.

Certainly helps that Dead Rising 3 has the smoothest movement in the series, which is a major plus.

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Dr2 was ok but the plot changes made it worth playing through before OTR

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The main problem with DR2 is how stiff combat is compared to the first game and how killing zombies feels like cutting through paper.

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You're out of your fucking mind if you think the first game's ~5 canned death animations are so much better than DR2's ragdoll physics that they deserve their own paragraph.

The first game also played itself 100% dead serious. It got a reputation for being campy because of stilted dialogue, weird mocap, awkward delivery by the voice actors and Frank wearing whatever dumb bullshit you've given him into the cutscenes.

At its best DR3 felt like a fucking grindhouse movie. I wish they doubled down on that while bumping the saturation up a bit.