Imagine not learning japanese and not knowing how garbage japanese translations are.
Imagine only being able to eat shit and think the shit they serve you as food is ok.
Imagine not learning japanese and not knowing how garbage japanese translations are.
Imagine only being able to eat shit and think the shit they serve you as food is ok.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok weeb
Imagine thinking anything japanese is good
imagine me giving two fucks about any of your gay ass shit
that's because japanese can't be translated.
You don't need to know Japanese to know that localizations are garbage
I speak four languages and japanese can only top english.
Imagine learning a dying language for shitty, shallow media.
>he thinks other meme language like french, spanish, russian, arabic, pajeet, german are usefull
lmao nigger, at least japanese can be usefull to read loli shit.
german and french are even more useless unless you're into crappy metal manchildren bands or crappy french cartoons.
I play everything in Spanish
Have sex
Imagine bragging about knowing a gay dead language on a cantonese basket weaving forum for virgin neets just to play a few weeb games lmao
t. monolingual anglo retard
Das ist nicht besonders nett, user.
der itch zun wonderland wandersussenland es underalterbach.
Meinst du nicht "Schwuchtel"?
sausage est underaterbach zuch nei.
Zieg hitler est unteralterbach.
Scheifel (you).
Go masturbate to your dead philosophers and dead musicians from 200 years ago.
germany is culturally irrelevant today.
Aber user, mir ist Deutschland doch völlig egal.
>I learned a little bit of Japanese and now since I don't actually know Japanese I mistakenly believe that translations are wrong because of my own shitty interpretations
go get fucked by some turk faggot in the ass.
also remember to pay some reparations for the holocaust.
Imagine actually studying Japanese when you could just learn it from watching enough anime
Learn something useful instead.
Du scheinst da etwas missverstanden zu haben. Ich wünsche dir trotzdem noch einen schönen Tag, user!
>monolingual retard thinks his opinion matters
You don't have to know japanese to notice that some translations are simply atrocious. Tales of Heart R is a good example.
How fucken hard is it to machine translate moaning and slapping sounds?
>only know English
>have a terrible grasp at it as it is
Imagine being this triggered at how other people prefer to understand and comprehend their media.
Los lutsch meinen Schwanz Schwuchtel Deutsch
Imagine justifying learning a language purely for visual novels and gacha cancer.
This is your brain on permavirgin weebfaggotry.
Imagine spreading your autism from /vr/ to Yea Forums when there is already enough of it here.
imagine playing japanese games
are you the same faggot from /jp/ who got btfo?
why do americans think speaking a single language is good.
>he doesn't know learning multiple languages increases your IQ
Why do you think Japanese is the only worthwhile language to learn?
>Weebfaggots living in their mother's basement after dropping out and subsisting off the most braindead media
Impeccable logic.
naucte se radsi cesky buzeranti
Imagine being a weeb
>how garbage japanese translations are.
The Japanese language itself is garbage. Translations try to make it into something human beings can understand.
imagining caring about translations AT ALL
I've played final fantasy tactics with that god awful translation and it's still my best game of all time
l i t t l e m o n e y
I know English and Spanish ya weeb. Go hump your pillow.
>English and Spanish
>separate languages
name another language better to learn after english than japanese.
>muh german
irrelevant garbage outside dead shit from 200 years ago and some meme shitty metal bands nobody cares about.
>muh french
90% of it's speakers are niggers, irrelevant shit outside dead writers from 200 years ago and not even good music and a single shitty cartoon zone made a lesbian flash about.
>muh spanish
irrelevant shit spoken by beaners irrelevant outside the US and only useful to watch shitty soap operas like la rosa de guadalupe and reading shitty books like 100 years of solitude.
spoken only by favela subhumans and poverty hues next to asspain.
Nothing off worth outside watching favela likeleak shit and poverty ball.
the most irrelevant of the major european langauges, only usefull for ancient books about music theory and maybe reading faggot christian shit from the middle ages.
irrelevant rusky shit only good for watching ukranian cp, again only usefull to two writers only who are overrated as fuck.
irrelevant meme shit nobody outside third world asian niggers speak.
nothing interesting beyond really shitty bollywood movies about faggot hindu romance shit and cringeworthy movies nobody cares about.
An irrelevant language only yellow fever retards care about.
Biggest economy that can't even make good animes or music.
Not even good videogames to waste time reading their BS hanzi.
Pointless language with billion speakers who are nothing more than bugmen slaves without souls.
Nothing good comes from this.
Allah ackbar irrelevant shit that only matters if you're into fucking goats and praying to some sandnigger god.
Again, irrelevant music that tries too hard to be like american ghetto nigger stuff.
tries too hard to be like japan but reeks of inferiority.
Not even a single good videogame beyond mobile MMO garbage.
Shitty soap operas only korean weebs care about.
Shitty plastic KPOP garbage music.
Imagine being a weeb.
But you could apply that same logic to Japanese as well. I don't understand why you're sperging out about people learning other languages.
at least japanese is relevant in the fucking videogame board nigger?
we're not in the chink poetrhy board, or the german philosophy board, or the french diplomacy board, or the arabic koran board.
JAPAN is the only language that matters for videogames, IN THE VIDEOGAME BOARD.
>Visuals novels, J"RPGs", generic button mashers against waves of braindead AI that pose no threat, and gacha trash are considered video games
Imagine being this retarded.
Calm down, user. Most people don't learn a language to play video games, you know?
>german, french & arabic
>different languages
yes, because learning a language just to read irrelevant shit nobdy cares is a better reason that weeb shit.
oh wow, gotta learn pajeet so I can read about ancient pajeet Vedic literature and read about the kamasutra, maybe I can impress that pajeeta I saw at the yoga class.
wow, trully a strong reason to learn pajeet.
point me to where the fuck he said french and german were any better? literally rent free
They're valid reasons to learn a language, yes. Just like learning Japanese for games/anime/manga is. I'm learning it myself, I just don't understand why you get so upset about these things.
Learning N5 vocab was smooth sailing but N4 is really slowing me down. Is this normal? I guess the fact that a lot of words seem much more niche and the fact they are more complex shades of meaning than just colors, days, or simple concepts makes it much harder to commit them to memory.
we're not in the pajeeta yoga class board.
What is it with people like OP who act so high and mighty because they learned themselves a skill and then they just look down on others who didn't do the same?
Why are they like this?
Who gives a shit about pedo gook games?
tfw i immediately took n4 after only 2 months of studying and got an A
That doesn't suddenly invalidate all other languages. You can say that they're mostly useless for playing video games but to suggest that they have no other utility outside of gaming is just childish and ignorant.
no thanks, i'd rather spend my time learn more valuable skills such as literally anything else.
>but you can watch isekai shows without subtitles and read the original dialogues of my favourite gatcha games
Two months from zero? I call bullshit unless you studied 8 hours a day in which case ok but I don't have the time for that.
We're also not on a weebfaggotry board, since /jp/ is clearly not here.
Japanese is the most relevant language for videogames IN THE VIDEOGAME board.
Except is so shit and devoid of gameplay it cannot be called a video game.
So again, it's not even remotely relevant to this board.
ching chong ling long
F2P phone games and visual novels aren't videogames
more relevant that other meme languages that can't even do that.
Maybe you should learn English before sperging about Japanese
this was an argument back in the late 90s and early 00s and then the ps3 launch happened and ever since most japanese-only launches have been incredibly mediocre.
you get nothing out of learning japanese today, go spend your time learning something else
Pick 1
Literally this. I’m learning how to draw
>b-but I just don't have the time!
>Only everyone in the world's third largest economy speaks it!
>Localizations are fine!
We all know why you don't know Japanese user no need to make up excuses.
Please tell me what useful things you have been learning you pathetic low iq virgin
can't wait to learn german or french or spanish or pajeet just to read all those loli eroges in those languages.
Learning how to draw seems a lot more fun, and also a lot more lucrative than learning Japanese.
Good luck user.
well i know basic mandarin already so kanji wasnt a problem
also it was 4 hours per week worth of studying
But what if your understanding of Japanese is poor?
It’s even a good investment, one or two comissions can earn you what I made in a week in my shithole
Did I ever imply those matter? No I didn't, because they don't matter. No language besides English matters.
The difference is weebs like you somehow convinced yourselves that Japanese is somehow something that matters more than any other language. If it's not English it's just as useless as the next language.
All languages thst aren't English are dying and irrelevant
Rule the waves
english is more useless than japanese for VIDEOGAMES, because WERE IN THE VIDEOGAMES BOARD.
japs don't even bother english because english is useless for japanese.
>EOPs are this delusional
>japs don't bother with english
tell the nip education system that
Jap media only looks good today because weebs juxtapose it with shitty, cherrypicked western media.
This desu
nigger, jap and english are fundamentally diferent, they're the most dificult languages to learn if you speak one or the other.
learning english is very hard for japs, just like It took me a shit ton of effort to even start to make sense of jap shit.
japs don't need to learn english and they don't even bother.
>japs don't need to learn english and they don't even bother.
Both statements are factually wrong.
not even the Yea Forums japs can speak advanced english and they're like the top 0.00000001% of english speakers in japan right now.
Xenoblade was so much better thanks to it's dub though, at least the first one.
Well no shit then, kanji is the hardest part by far
>TOP 6 REASONS clickbait article
About 30% of the population speaks English and the number increases every year. Just accept that even your weeb overlords realized their dead language doesn't matter.
imagine unironically learning japanese
>he thinks japs know english
not even the faggots with the nip flag on /int/ can speak english.
You know what's funny, is I wouldn't hate Jap shit so much if this board/site didn't idolize it so much.
I know there's some good anime, games, etc here and there. But 80% of it is complete garbage, yet Yea Forums constantly pushes that jap-crap is better in every way.
You guys realize that Japanese isn't only useful for playing Japan-only games, right? Even if the game was localized into English, most translations are actually pretty mediocre to straight up bad, not to mention all the games that get censored. There's no good reason to play Japanese games in English, outside maybe a few having good voice acting.
>he doesn't know romansh
I thought learning languages was supposed to "raise your IQ" but I guess that didn't work with you.
you haven't seen grammar yet
I passed n1 1.5 years after and its all a bunch of memorising obscure grammar patterns no one uses
forgot most of it already by now
based and swisspilled
most of the good japanese shit isn't even translated to english.
Scrapped princess novels and the ToP novels lack any english translation.
Japanese is a retarded language. I thought English was already fucking retarded and simple but holy shit Japanese is for simpleton. No wonder their """poems""" aren't longer than a few words and they have absolutely no great authors.
So you're just going to ignore reality?
I just to be able to read all that fucking hentai but learning a language for just whacking off is dumb as fuck.
Who cares
Anime is for retards and kids, why would I learn a dead language to watch that trash.
again, your main argument was that all the jap shit was translated to english.
Is not.
A shit ton of weeb media isn't localizated NEVER.
That wasn't my argument, my argument is that your jap is a dead language and doesn't matter. Your trash anime waifu simulators not being translated is not a valid reason. It's like saying I should learn Indian to watch whatever trash media they produce.
Whose main argument? His? Mine? Whatever.
You're not exactly making a convincing argument when you claim learning Japanese is worth it if you need to bring up novels on a video game board.
Desperation for praise. Nobody really cares that they put in all that effort, so they rattle the cage.
then you should fuck off to a board where there's not weeb media.
maybe you should fuck off to some reddit board.
VIDEOGAMES and the only ones that matter are in JAPANESE.
Two nukes weren't enough
>Only ones that matter are in Japanese
Then why is 99% of the weebtrash devoid of gameplay to the point where it can't even be called video games anymore?
I don't remember nintendo shit, sega shit, capcom shit, konami older shit and most japanese big companies making VN.
>bro just spend 10 years learning a dead language so you can play panty quest XXXXXVIIIII.
No thanks
>learning japanese
I never said that. Although moon language wouldn't be my first language to learn first.
Name a single game that isn't in English that has any type of mainstream success. You can't, because even Jap devs make their shit in English, just like the rest of the world.
You want to know what they actually make? Games in English lol.
fuck you dude.
plenty of retro games that haven't been localized.
Tales of phantasia novels will never be localized.
>"tales of" shit
Ayy lmao
>Plenty of games
>Can't name a single one
>Resorts to naming some gay ass novel
The video game for that gay novel was equally bad AND is also in English. Enjoy your delusion.
oh wow nigger, I guess things I want to read doesn't matter because lmao weeb shit.
scrapped princess novels are like 16 and the only first three are localized.
do your reps
>Scrapped princess
Jesus christ you just can't help being a faggot can't you?
>dude stop enjoying things because I don't like them
ok nigger.
Fucking awful coping. No one cares if you hate Jap Shit, this site idolizes it because its inherently better. Learn to deal with it. This is a Japanese imageboard after all.
That's nice but where are the video games
plenty of unstranslated DLSite shit.
You can keep enjoying them. But saying that Japanese isn't some dead fucking language and useless because you enjoy some literal who status show is fucking retarded. Also I'm still waiting on your VIDEO GAMES, but nice goalpost moving.
Oh boy. More Japanese indie garbage.
I gotta admit. Learning Japanese just to play video games is pretty gay. I learned it to talk to people - being able to play games was just a bonus desu
>this is a japanese imageboard
I mean youre right on a historical level but come now, let go. It's been over for years.
>The site idolizes it
>That's why the majority of boards aren't inherently related to weebtrash at all
Just because there's a vocal minority of weebs spam posting whyfoo faggotry and gacha threads doesn't mean their games are anything besides pure cancerous trash, and doesn't mean it's actually popular.
it's a pretty big deal if it's 80% of what you do everyday
>boy japanese media doesn't count on a imageboard dedicated to JAPANESE MEDIA
seethe more dumb monolingual anglo retard.
all the best videogames are japanese.
the west only makes SJW garbage.
As someone who played it entirely in japanese I thought it was a perfectly enjoyable game, but I have no idea what the dub brought to the table.
>can't name a single example of a good untranslated Japanese game
>"j-just go on dlsite bro"
>"there has to be s-something"
How can weebs ever recover
This board is dedicated to Japanese media, it's dedicated to video games. But keep being retarded it suits you just fine.
that oreimo porn eroge.
western videogames are basedgarbage for basedbros.
all the western companies AAA shit is literal worse garbage than japanese rpg maker shit on DLSite.
I guarantee more people who speak English as a first or second language play vidya than people who speak Japanese as a first or second language who play vidya.
How come every single game that gets praised is in English then?
if it ain't broke don't fix it.
>that oreimo porn eroge.
The absolute state of Japan
Japan is the most relevant vidya market.
the rest of the world just begs always for jap shit to get localized like good welfare niggers.
The more you understand Japanese, the less you like Japanese media.
>Learn Japanese so you can fap to scat eroges in their original language
This thread just keeps getting better
Then how come you can't name a single game?
look up the ones that get released on /hgg2d/
All these languages are associated with much richer and more interesting culture than shitty anglos will ever know. You probably don't realize it because you're a silly EOP (maybe you know 10 words of Japanese to go with it)
It's translation, not transliteration. She's doing a praying motion, to Westerners it would appear she is praying, but why would a demon pray? So they adapted the dialogue for an opportunity to make a joke that otherwise doesn't exist. That happens ALL THE TIME in translation from one language to another. It's only assblasted anime weebs that get offended when americans translations are like this. BTW fansubs in other languages are similar you monolingual philistine.
most of european worthwhile shit is shit from before WWI.
europeans haven't made anything worthwhile after WWII.
>hentai games
Just because something makes your pee pee hard doesn't make it any good.
weebs are absolutely the worst
>learn Japanese
>prefer English translations even more than I did then
can't wait to play some loli hardcore shit in non japanese user.
where is the pajeet or french loli rpg maker?
i'd highly suggest it, it helps that NoA isn't involved in the slightest.
The Nopon and the Villains got te best dubs
How delusional can you be weeb?
means nothing. i too can just click next a billion times and show you guys how much kanji i know
Japanese is a useless language, learn Mandarin or Spanish or something, a language that could actually benefit you in life.
yes sure, let me just write an intire diferent story and call it "translation, not transliteration" because it's FUNNEY XD!
Hard pass on that one.
>spending 207 hours of my life just to brag on Yea Forums
big brain
Learn Turkish to watch kino soap operas.
>muh shitty anglo and continental philosophers that wrote about cultural marxism
>muh feminist theory
>muh marxism
>muh comunism
>muh iron wall
>muh sexual liberation
>muh chezch porn casting and public pickup porn in some eastern shithole
>muh atonal music and muh schorenberg compositions
>muh irrelevant post WWII literature
>muh shitty metal manchildren bands
>muh Beatles overrated garbage
>muh shitty electronic scene that copied everything from the black bell niggers
>muh shitty indoctrination to become an Orwell nightmare
>muh shitty censorship of memes
>muh UE
>muh slav garbage games
>muh french irrelevant comics beyond the asterix and obelix one
>muh shitty french animations that are overrated as fuck
>muh german simulators of working in trucks
>muh german/italian shitty luxury cars
oh wow, how blind I was to all the amazing marxist european culture post WWII
What has Japan made besides a generation of faggots afraid of talking to women?
something this board gives a fuck, because is a videogame board on a website dedicated to japanese stuff with half of boards dedicated to japanese media.
maybe you should fuck off to some other board or reddit.
Yea Forums doesn't have anything to do with jap shit and less than 25% of the site as whole do. Keep seething.
care to name all the boards dedicated to other languages rather than japanese except some /int/ generals?
>there are people who make the same damn threads every day
>there are NEETs who spends their time all day on Yea Forums
>there are people who do anki reps to show off /djt/ and people in this thread
yeah user. i used to browse /djt/ while it was still on Yea Forums and people bragging about kanji grid was common occurance
All of them are dedicated to English, as it's the language people speak. Care to name a single board where the majority of people speak jap?
maybe all those weeb generals and boards where they talk all day about japanese media dumb nigger retard?
also this site is a clon of a japanese site.
They still make better comics than the yankees.
>>muh french irrelevant comics beyond the asterix and obelix one
That's the only one you know because it's the only one that's translated in English.
And this is a classic case of anglocentrism. What I don't know doesn't matter/is irrelevant. The only one who misses out from this mentality is you, EOP Anonymous.
I'm not even anglo.
faggot frenchs can't even make porn of their shitty comics.
only relevant european hentai was the wakfu one made by ZONE.
He asked you to name a single one and you couldn't even do that?
I can't read them, I'm not that good at japanese.
I still listen to weeb shit on youtube like vocaloid producers.
you can find those at the /hgg2d/ pastebin.
Oh. That's too bad.
Good luck with your studies user.
As someone who fell for the Japanese meme, I've been consistently disappointed with the usage of the language rather than with the language itself.
Japanese is a super expressive language, but on average, people/media does not tend to push it to its limits compared to English. This is why you see stupid ass translations of stock phrases into the same repetitive shit such as "it can't be helped" and the like, because while there ARE tons of different ways to say different things, nobody fucking uses them.
I only truly realized this when I was trying to explain to my Japanese friend how you'd say something fairly simple in English and ended up saying like 20 different ways to say effectively the same thing with zero difference, whereas its Japanese equivalent is EXPECTED to only be said one way, because that's just the expectation and deviating from it would be weird.
Cope: Definitive Edition
This happened right on Yea Forums, reddit-kun.
>scat fetish
>It's been over for years
It's literally owned by an anime-loving Jap who's considered the father of anonymous imageboards/messageboards you dumb faggot.
You can also go into the official IRC and even the mods talk about anime and various Japanese things.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why Japanese things get nearly 20 boards (anime specifically 11), but almost every other hobby only gets one? Seems like quite a bias for a website that's moved on from Japanese things. On top of that, the ONE only board on the website that is specifically only about Western things is fucking /mlp/
Also Yea Forums I guess. Which explains why they are such shitheaps. Western "culture" is cancer.
Yea Forums allows cartoons from around the globe though, and anime under some conditions like Toonami
kanji is the hardest part by far
It’s no more difficult than vocabulary mate
no. they ban chink and gook shit. and fact is, nobody cares bout that "cartoons from all over the world"
Yea Forumscucks only care about amerimutt contents. none of other threads last long except for monthly euro comics/bd thread. its still unstable.
Take a shower you rancid weeb
The Japanese have never made a real video game.