Name a game where food plays an important part of the game or where i can prepare lots of dishes that give me bonuses...

Name a game where food plays an important part of the game or where i can prepare lots of dishes that give me bonuses and can be made out of fancy ingredients.
Pic kinda related

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have dinner

Actually this shit is possible as hell in real life

I don't think it's "important" in any games but there are quite a few that has it as a side thing with lots of dishes with bonuses.
Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere, basically every single Tales games, Final Fantasy XV are just from the top of my head.

fishy breath of the wild

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Harvest Moon and Rune Factory, in latter it's main source of hp/mana regen.

>thinking dinner will give me resistance to fire or strength
Real life ain't fun and that stuff costs a fortune

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BotW. Cooking is also the most efficient way to make money in that game too

Monster Hunter

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Why is there always at least one food oriented thread going on Yea Forums at any point in time?

That one indie anime battle-cooking action/puzzle game that I don't know the name of

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Dwarf Fortress.
The more elaborate and exotic dishes your cooks make the happier the dorfs.
Also the list of ingredients is huge, and you can sell or trade the food you make for other things like animals, metal, armor, raw exotic ingredients for food you couldn't otherwise get, etc.

New Vegas

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/ck/ is leaking

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are you faggots memeing?
Chocolate with processed meat and spaghetti is good food?
Jesus fucking christ get a reality check, that's awful.

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What games let you lust after something you swore you'd never touch again?

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don't you run your whoremouth on classic british cuisine

>people in Africa are starving
>"let's waste several hundred dollars worth of food for no fucking reason"

Beef based dishes gives you masculinity bunys while s:o:y based dishes gives you masculinity penalty

Good fuck Africa

Okay, this doesn't look bad but the fact they want me to get salt out of fuck knows where and use avocado instead of butter makes me think that was made for hipsters

Maybe they should try having less children and not kicking white farmers out.

It is not the white man's job to prop up a massive continent full of sub-human detritus. If we feed them today (as we've been doing) there will be 40x more a decade from now. They must not receive outside assistance.

im so hungry

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This dish will only cost you $20.

>or where i can prepare lots of dishes that give me bonuses and can be made out of fancy ingredients.
Kingdom Hearts 3

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>hundred dollars worth of food
No. They're PAYING several hundred dollars for 10 dollars worth of ingredients

Actually, world hunger is a myth. There is that much food to go around. A small part of the food americans waste could solve world hunger multiple times over.
Turns out the countries starving are usually exceptionally incompetent or corrupt, allowing their own people to starve due to an absolute lack of understanding of basic farming practices, or selling all their food at international market prices, making it way too expensive for their own people to buy.

no wonder your teeth are all fucked up
chocolate in spaghetti, lmao what the fuck.....

>be vegan bro! it's so healthy and better for you!
>aside from when you have to spend at least two hours and forty dollars making fake eggs out of onions and 10 different powders, that actually won't taste anything like eggs and exist just as decoration, just to pretend you're eating something that you willfully deny yourself

Vegans are the biggest fucking cucks there are

It's not that important, but Tales of Eternia is a JRPG with a cooking system where you can cook at any time outside of battle and even pick which character cooks the dish with each having their own cooking skill.
The dishes do stuff like recover the party's HP/MP or give buffs for the next battle. Cooking requires not only buying the ingredients, but also finding the recipes through the world.
There's also a cooking competition sidequest.

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Haute cuisine

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The aesthetics of a fucking garbage dump


literally nobody thinks vegan is a healthier choice
it's a lifestyle choice, which everyone is allowed to have if they really want
the ones who try to convince you it's healthy are just hipsters trying to save face

>That'll be $235 plus tip :^)

have sex

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Where exactly is this?

Cataclysm DDA and Project Zomboid

The whole game is like a series of Iron Chef matches where you need to go out and get your ingredients by killing monsters and grabbing fruits/veggies off of vines/trees while still on the clock.

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I've seen mochi with comparable artistic worth while also being edible and costing a fraction of that shit


Battle Chef Brigade


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The number of meals available was nice, but I dislike the way they were implemented. You often get the best status effects from the simplest meals, like a fruit salad made of nothing but bananas.

Eating less meat has been a better diet choice for my guts after turning 25. I eat meat once a week now and for protein I do either mushrooms, dairy or eggs. It doesn't seem like a "mental gymnastics" to me, I reach my macros and micros just fine and gym time/energy isn't really affected.

Trails in the sky

how much do you think food costs?
protip, not much

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there have been cases of vegans harming their pets and even their own children because of their own idiocy


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>Get to him putting the white powder on
>"Oh, he's about to put that in a deep frier"
>I was wrong

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If you know anybody that has participated in bringing supplies/medicine/religion or any other form of work or product to Africa, you'll know its the people themselves that are the problem.

They're uneducated and superstitious and their culture in general punishes forward thinking and progress. If you teach a man to farm, he will not work on it and will not work further than the first harvest, not understanding that more work is needed for more food. AND then his family and friends will demand his harvest as is their culture and he will be forced to give them everything he made and even stuff he didn't make, so he comes out worse off than before.

What Africa needs is not food. They need a radical change in culture and education

this doesn't look impressive but I swear the taste was out of this world

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Thats edible too I think, the customer has a spoon and no plate, so Im pretty sure hes supposed to eat the shit on the table.

>lets just put shit on top of it
fucking disgusting

>cooked hot dogs
>cheap ramen
>chocolate bar
Unironically poor kino lunch

sounds disgusting

The vegan attempts to emulate non-vegan food are always fucking dumb.

I'm not vegan, I love meat, but I'm also a giant fag feminizing my body so I cook a lot of vegan food.

My favorite recipe is a package of extra firm tofu cubed into 1cm cubes, a good four green pappers and two decent sized onions, some minced garlic, chili powder, cumin, salt, black pepper and sweet thai chili sauce fried up in a pan.

This makes about a weeks worth of burrito mix that I like to take to work with tortilla shells and salsa. It's super tasty, very filling, very healthy, takes half an hour, provides for a week, it's just a great recipe.

Vegans tend to be very obnoxious (I know like one who isn't) but there's nothing wrong with vegan cuisine, they just need to realize that making shitty emulations of meat is not going to convince anyone to change sides. Focus on what you do well rather than poorly imitating what you can't have.

Have you ever bothered trying to cook for yourself and buy your own ingredients? Everyone who speaks like you is a terrible shopper with no idea how to cook.

Why is hispanic food the nastiest food on earth?


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Animals would be harmed regardless of if I eat them. That meat in the supermarket would just rot and be wasted if everyone just stopped eating it, and the rest of that species would be butchered and turned into fertilizer. At the moment, not eating it would change nothing, and it would require wide-sweeping societal change to get me to stop.

I do believe you should only eat meat if you're willing to kill yourself, though. Though I believe, in general, everyone should kill something, if only to understand what it really means for something to die. Killing and eating a rabbit or a deer or something is the most important thing you can do as a human being. Unless you do it yourself, and watch the consequences of your actions, and see the life drain from something, you can't ever truly internalize life and death emotionally.

You can't cook or anything but you need to feed your armies in Mount and Blade through grocery shopping

Thought the same thing. Seriously, who the fuck would want to eat that? It looks like 10 pounds of bullshit, just throwing literally whatever they had lying around their kitchen.

So the point is to disguise the corn as a corn dog and scam people?

You could just boil an egg

Corn dogs aren't a thing outside the United states, so no

please be america

anyone that does this shit ought to be shot and i mean that in the nicest way possible

i'm sure this is pretty solid proof that the holocaust is a lie

Don`t starve probably has the most interesting cooking system i saw.

Play Cook, Serve, Delicious 1 and/or 2

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Just goes to show that richfags have no taste. Eat the rich.

Literally as good as subversion of expectations gets

What did Larry David put under the bucket to begin with? Looks like huge prawns on a chicken?

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>/ck/ is leaking
and that's a good thing

I really really hope this is some kind of joke or prank. Please tell me nobody actually thought this was good food and sold it.

inb4 Asian bug-eating girl

Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe

I thought he was gonna put lit coals on top and bake it. When I saw the pyre I knew the chicken was destined to burn in God's righteous flames

The west have given Africa almost 1 trillion dollars. Europe required only ~100 billion to be rebuilt after WW2. Africa is going to have a population of 5 billion by 2100. Why do we need more niggers on the planet, and why do retards like you who also tend to whine about overpopulation seem so intent on throwing money into the bottomless pit called Africa?

bananas are good for ya

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Or I could just boil an egg and not look like a typhoid victim

>They need a radical change in culture and education

Africa needs their niggers replaced with whites. Or at least their government. Only time Africa was a decent place was when they were still colonized and apartheid was a thing.

bananas feel better in my ass than they do in my mouth

Kid Icarus Uprising


"Deconstructions" are fucking retarded. It's just the professional version of a child playing with their food, only someone else has to eat it.

You're just doing it wrong then.

Only the finest foods

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Okay so I watched the full video. They're not actually wasting food, the point is apparently to eat off the table. Those big things they smash are frozen chocolate mousse. I guess its supposed to be some big creative avant garde culinary experience, although frozen fucking mousse does not sound appetizing.
Its chicago, one of the biggest cities in burger land.

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
you cant find better game


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>people in Africa are starving
>population keeps increasing

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man it's almost like we colonized Africa to exploit the countries there, and actually attempted to rebuild Europe

I just don't understand how you typed out what you just did and attempted to square them as equal in your head. Stop posting you fucking idiot.

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>talk about how great being vegan is
>half of your dishes are just imitations of foods you aren't allowed to eat
>animals still end up dying because your life style revolves around processes that inevitably cause loss of animal life, such as any form of mass production farming, or any transportation of goods via boat or plane

>rich people would literally eat college dorm poorfag tier shit food just because its artistic
Americans should be gassed

Literally only Monster Hunter.

you can osmotically absorb all the potassium from your ass tho
just gotta a keep the peeled banana for about half an hour

Presentation is the biggest fucking meme in food but that's the point of this webm so it made me smile.

post Jack already you cowards

Clearly the solution is to have them start eating each other.

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sora is such a twink

In Breath of Fire II, if you get the normal carpenter (not the one in the tree house or the freaking Taj Mahal) for Township, he sets up a little cafeteria in the ground floor of his place, where you can give him up to three items and have them cooked into something else, from more efficient recovery items, to permanent stat-up items, to Gold Bars for money.

I hope those bullets are straight copper.

What's Ulilililililililililia been up to lately?

>we colonized Africa
>implying colonization was a bad thing
>exploit the countries there
>implying there were countries there and not just stone age tribes of savage cannibals also known as the bantu or the niggers of the niggers

>C'mere you
>Look at this. LOOK AT IT! Look at how fucking charred it is!
>If I wanted something this dark I would've gotten fucking NORTED, you fucking DONKEY!

Here's a twist for you faggot, does PETA allow its employee's to use insulin?

Stop it nigga. You have no idea about the realities of Africa. There's so many cases of people taking work or culture to Africa and maintaining it for decades and the second they leave, it falls to pieces. There was a man who took religion to them and kept a church for decades of his life. As an old man he thought he had taught them enough and he finally went home. Instantly they turned from religious teachings and regressed to how they used to be and abandoned the church and used the bibles to fuel their fires. They didn't learn anything from him, just followed his lead until he left.

The people are the problem. They dont need handouts. They need somebody to rule with an iron fist and force them to change until all vestiges of old culture and society are dead.

Africa will NEVER improve until minds are switched away from their destructive culture and values

>rich people eat off the table like a fucking untrained mongrel
WW3 can't come soon enough. Money will be worthless when everything is dust.

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These webms always remind me of that SNL sketch about a taco with 40 layers of bullshit. It's just sticking stuff on top of more stuff on top of more stuff. Bet it ends up indistinct mush by the end anyway.

When your food is cheap because it's poor quality you just pile as much shit as possible to try to make something that tastes good. It's exactly why prison food looks the same as what they're making.

I wanna eat that.

And I don't mean the chicken.

Rate my gamer food

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That's cheese nigga

There are lots of videos of spics making the same kind of shit. A webm of a woman making I think ramen was really popular years ago. It's the same shit, she dumps some ramen in a cup and just piles a pound of random nonsense on it after dumping 3 or 4 different sauces into it.

Just... why

this looked pretty good until it was filled to the brim with powdered sugar, why would anyone want that? chocolate would be perfect

Alright Yea Forums what is your go-to meal you cook? Mine is a bunch of different instant ramen noodles and a bunch of veggies onions, garlic and meats whatever the fuck i can find, i slap it all together and it's always good.

But this one time i tried it with cheese to make cheesy noodles, turns out it was terrible and the cheese was like old yogurt stuck to noodles it was disgusting.

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This is gacha fuel, or pachinko fuel, not gamer fuel


How did you have trouble following the webm? That was powdered frozen strawberries. The whole thing just tastes like a strawberry but looks fancy

gastronomy is crazy shit.

Yeah I agree. I don't see the point of using actual strawberries if theyre gonna ruin it with sugar in the end anyway.

Neat idea, poor execution


Dead Rising. I always carry a bottle of wine for my boy Frank.

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Africa had functional societies with minimal crime and no starvation under European colonial removal. Then retards like you convinced the niggers there it'd be a good idea to run the white man off. Now we're in the current situation. Good job, retard.

>attempted to square them as equal in your head.

I didn't. That's just how stupid you are. Africa is a giant cesspool because niggers are fucking retarded and incapable of making a society. That's why it requires infinite money to keep babysitting them just so they can exponentially reproduce and then dumbfucks like you can guilt trip everyone else into spending even more money on them, and then oh while you're at it let's just bring in millions and millions of them into our actually functioning societies and countries. You're a nigger lover, a cuck for welfare queens, and people like you are why there's 30k murders a year in South Africa and your typical African thinks the cure to HIV is raping a virgin girl.

I swear/v/ is the most consistently retarded board on Yea Forums. Holy fucking shit.

Best thing I can make is grilled cheese, but I go in on it:
>3 or 4 different kinds of cheese (sharp cheddar, pepper jack, colby jack, and whatever else I feel like)
>put some garlic powder on the buttered side of the bread before they hit the pan
>spread blue cheese between each slice of cheese (tastes great and gives it that gooey texture you see in commercials) with some more garlic powder mixed into it
>Sometimes make it a patty melt (not just burgers but other kind of meat patties; did a lobster cake melt once)
I think I'll start learning to cut things properly so I can do sauteed onions to go with them.

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>under European colonial removal
>under European colonial rule until it's removal.

t. wong