The "I just turned 14 and discovered anime" double pack brought to you by Basic Bitch Japanese Games
The "I just turned 14 and discovered anime" double pack brought to you by Basic Bitch Japanese Games
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This thread is fucking garbage
this thread fucking sucks don't interact
This thread is okay.
Someone hasn’t played the original. What a fag.
Behold, two customers of the Basic Bitch Double Pack.
Hello fellow 14 year olds, how do you do?
you can't buy those m rated games kiddo.
You sound like a Facebook meme page
i was in the pioneer club when i was kid try again newfag
Hahaha, thanks you my friend.
Someone sounds mad.
left: wrong because a huge number of people who played this probably got into the series at 3, meaning they're probably in their mid '20s and have been weebs for like 15 years
right: objectively correct
Get better taste in Japanese games. I suggest you play the Metal Gear Solid series, Dragons Dogma, Shadow of the Colossus or Dragon Quest series.
TBF he's talking about Automata, and Automata's themes are pretty much right out of Evangelion.
I never got the hype about Automata's story. Sure it is good, but it's been done many times before in anime and other niche games. I guess its because Automata wasn't niche that people are hailing it as one of the best game stories ever told.
>new game bad
>new game good
>Dragon Quest
>not basic
I’ve played all of those, as well as Nier.
I haven’t played Persona because I agree, Persona is fucking basic and braindead. But Nier is a niche masterpiece. Especially Gestalt/Replicant.
Next question.
Welp. all bases are covered. The only thing to do now is stop playing all video games forever. Such is the only way to enjoy Yea Forums.
>Implying I haven't already played those and enjoyed them too.
All i'm hearing is "WAAAH STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!" Have a (you), maybe it will ease your butthurt.
I don’t know, every time I play Automata I come across some small detail or line that makes me think about all the overall themes in a new light. It’s a pretty interpretive game all things considered. Did 9S love or hate 2B? Did all the androids really know what the truth was deep down inside? Is the heaven server from ending D a new reality of sorts?
It’s the same feeling I get replaying the original, except without having to grind ENDLESS amounts of time with the most mundane fetch quests possible.
>Implying I haven't already played those and enjoyed them too
Don't lie on the internet user, it's sad
The games both have flaws, such as the pacing in p5 or the repetition in Nier, but neither of them are close to being bad games. The fact that they are still talked about shows that they did something to stand out among other modern games.
>Dragon Quest
Nigger that shit's more basic than Call of Duty
>The fact that they are still talked about shows that they did something to stand out among other modern games.
Waifu and faggotshit doesn't count.
U actually sound like a 14 year old trying to have superior taste for the first time
Believe what you wish.
>They don't know bout Dragon Quest
Please don't talk about shit youre uninformed about.
Lol spotted the ESL
My argument isn't that the game doesn't have a lot of themes, or that the story is bad. It is that the story really isn't as original as people say it is. Pretty much all the things that you stated could all be found in Evangelion or Xenogears, which were probably huge inspirations for this game.
Overall I'd say that I feel Nier Automata gets a little overhyped. It's a good 9/10 but it has plenty of flaws that keep it from being a masterpiece that a lot of people claim it to be.
Popular bad
both of those games are great though
t. 30 year old boomer.
Are you just upset that these games are more popular than your favorite? what the fuck does "faggotshit" even mean? P5 is one of the best Turned based rpgs of the past decade, and Nier is great as well.
i LOVE big tiddies
>i just turned 14 and discovered feminism
>I haven’t played Persona because I agree, Persona is fucking basic and braindead.
How do you know if you haven't played it?
What age were you when you discovered anime?
Oh look, it's 2 of the best games of the generation.
>P5 is one of the best Turned based rpgs of the past decade
Please kill yourself you fucking pedophile
>How do you know if you haven't played it?
How do you play a Visual Novel?
Making choices when they come up, but Persona isn't a VN anyway, it's a blend between a JRPG and a VN.
That's funny user, but it's a videogame
>try to give these games a chance
>greeted by massive amounts of cutscenes
>disgusting sex fanservice everywhere
>gameplay is beyond bottom of the barrel basic button mashing
>discard both as movie shit
Anyone who says these games are good have been afflicted by the waifufag disease, or think the pretentious story makes up for the bad gameplay.
>These games are bad because they're just bad! Don't ask em to elaborate!
>I never got the hype about Automata's story. Sure it is good
But user, you just didn't understand, Automata is the game that puts Pinocchio to shame when it comes to plot.
It's fucking deep man, I never felt so sad for these "robots" and "androids", they are almost human like man.
>Persona 5's gameplay is "button mashing"
>Fanservice and cutscenes are the reason this game sucks
(You)r bait sucks user
Until the fans stop spamming every thread with porn and story discussion, then the gameplay is objectively bad. Why? Well, why isn't the gameplay garnering all the attention? Why do the fans hate talking about the actual videogamey part?
>greeted by massive amounts of cutscenes
>disgusting sex fanservice everywhere
Automata doesn't have the former and neither of them has the latter. There is fanservice in Automata but it's not everywhere and you have to go out of your way to see the prime example of it, and Persona has virtually no fanservice, people waifufag over it because it's a character-driven game and so people get attached to said characters, and because you can date the characters in the game. The most fanservice in the entire game is a second long shot of Ann's breasts when she's in a bikini, which is very minor in a 80-100 hour long game.
>Implying that good = the amount of hype Nier: A gets.
There are plenty of better game stories that recieve much less hype, dumb-dumb. Good doesn't equate to best story of all time, dumb-dumb.
>Metal Gear Solid
>Dragon Quest
>babby's first JRPG
Nier is good, I think the combat is questionable but its not the worse thing ever, P5 I just like the core gameplay, the writing is trash and certain translations make it worse
hi ACfag
where do you meet those 14 year olds? I could introduce them to some real weeb shit
i've played all those. why are you upset with p5 and nier?
14 year olds don't play these games, they're playing battle royales and smash
>Automata doesn't have the former and neither of them has the latter.
D-did you actually expect me to read past this?
You're the worst kind of gatekeeping faggot I could possibly imagine.
Honestly, I dont even consider it that great. Story is ok but everytime someone describes something in the game as emotional I just get confused.
None of the events made me feel anything aside from Ending E and thays because of the music.
It's a 25-45 hour long game and those cutscenes are pretty evenly spread out. You aren't greeted by massive amounts of cutscenes at any point because those cutscenes would have to be frontloaded for that to happen.
>Implying Nier Automata doesn't have a lot of cutscenes...
>Implying that both Automata and P5 don't use waifu fanservice in order to appeal to their degenerate audience.
I dunno what you're smoking but I've seen more posts about 2B's ass than actual discussion about Nier Automata. The same applies for P5's Waifu wars. Put XC 2 in the same boat as well, but at least theres the occasional good post on XC 2's story in those threads.
>stop talking about what I don't ant you to talk about, you're only allowed to talk about these things because I said so!
Gatekeeping faggots please feed yourself into the nearest woodchipper
>It's a 25-45 hour long game
Stopped reading there. You do not tolerate 5 hours of shit because the dev promises to NOT throw shit at you the rest of the time. If the game was good, those cutscenes wouldn't exist period, especially in such high numbers.
nah that would be pokemans
>There are plenty of better game stories that recieve much less hype, dumb-dumb
You can't even spell receive right. And story quality if subjective.
>Good doesn't equate to best story of all time, dumb-dumb.
Ok, but good DOES mean good, so I'm still confused how you don't understand this.
replace p5 with p4 and you'd be right.
Ironic weebs are seething in this thread lmao
nice jew nose
Yeah, I feel you. It was hard for me to get attached to any character except for 9S, because they are so bland... 2B has the personality of a typical tsundere, and acts emotionally distant for 90% of her role in the story. 9S at least gets his motivations developed a bit. I don't remember anything about A2 as she literally did nothing but replace 2B. Yorha in general was underdeveloped, and it was hard to get emotional when they died.
Fuck off back to tumblr faggot
I don't think it's that great, but I didn't think the first was that amazing either. I haven't played any Drakengard games yet though, so maybe I'll see Taro's appeal more if I try them. I still think they're fine games, but they didn't click with me the way they did for a lot of others.
>I've seen more posts about 2B's ass than actual discussion about Nier Automata
So have I, but I've also played the game and never got a good look at 2B's ass because I didn't self-destruct. That's the only way you're going to see 2B's ass and if people are going to obsess over that miniscule part of the game then that's their business, but the existence of that part of the game doesn't undo the entire rest of the game, whether people talk about the rest of that game or not.
>The same applies for P5's Waifu wars.
Most Persona threads are just shitflinging between the different games in the series and everyone trying to act like their favorite is the only good Persona. Persona threads are still shit, but more of them are like than they are waifuposting at this point, again though, the actual dating part of Persona is pretty small in the grand scheme of the game and can be completely avoided if you don't want to bother with it. It's not representative of the game as a whole even if it's what a lot of people discussing the game focus on.
Reminder to ignore all ACfag posts. He’s a faggot and should be treated as such. Do not engage for the sake of your sanity.
haven't played P5, agree on Nier: Automata. that game could easily be a 90 minute movie. or at least be decent by removing the whole B route and a bunch of more stuff, and by having just 1 well-balanced difficulty instead of a variety of options that are all trash, making the game either a complete steamroll or a "lol 1shot".
fuck yourself
Kill yourself
You don't tolerate 5 hours of shit though because the cutscenes are finely paced throughout the game and never come in such egregious numbers that you're driven to having to tolerate them.
You're talking to ACfag, he despises graphics, music, sound effects, character selection, title screens, end credits, and everything else that isn't gameplay because Metroid Other M did something to his waifu Samus.
The original dub is far better and conveying her character, so yeah.
I know, but sometimes I just reply to him anyway. I can't help myself.
>or Dragon Quest series.
>Not teenagers/kids first RPG
I love DQ but I can't defend the extreme retardation you just wrote down
>it doesn't undo the rest of the game
>it's not representative
I'm terribly sorry user, but both those statements are wrong.
>You don't tolerate 5 hours of shit though because the cutscenes are finely paced
Finely paced? user, you know what I consider a "finely paced cutscene"? One left on the cutting room floor with the rest of the garbage.
Drink bleach
>Good does mean good.
Stop equating good with one of the best game stories ever, dumb-dumb. I said Nier Automata's story is good, but also that it is overhyped, dumb-dumb. Many people tend to overlook its flaws.
Also get your /r/eddit tier concern for spelling out of here. This is Yea Forums no one spell checks, dumb-dumb.
Cry some more kiddo
2 real 4 u?
No one who played 3 and 4 bothered with trash that is 5
Nier is also anime cringe
Why should I, does the truth hurt that much? If you can't stand it, maybe you should take your own advice.
Show us on the doll where the video game triggered you
Only when you stop ruining fanbases
But 5 was hugely anticipated by fans of 3 and 4, so much so that when this trailer
Gatekeeping is not a real word, you're just a sensitive faggot who needs to lurk more.
Holy fuck do p5 babies get mad when you insult their game
They anticipated it because of the waifus. Gameplay discussion was, and continues to be, nonexistent.
Holy fuck do Yea Forumsirgins get mad when you like things they hate
>Automata's themes are pretty much right out of Evangelion
Explain further
They played it though, is the point of the conversation.
Of course that's how it works in your Samus-shattered mind, poopsie. Make that great leap and start discussing the gameplay. ELad by example, be the alpha, put your money where your mouth is.
>Make that great leap and start discussing the gameplay.
As if I haven't tried.
>Forgetting apostrophe in ONE word make's you ESL
How can I, a mere peasant, understand all those names of philosophers or deep plot devices like lying to the player?
I will tell you what I DID NOT DO. I DID NOT assume everything the game told me in my first 6 hours of playing to be a lie, then go on wiki, read the plot and realized I guessed the entire thing correctly. NNONONONO game 2 deep
Persona 5 is also way too mature for me. The way those villains were portrayed.... still gives me shimmers. I will never forget the stereotypical rape guy, or the stereotypical bank guy, or the stereotypical art thief guy. I WILL NEVER FORGET ANY OF THEM.
>Thinks gatekeeping isn't a real word.
Well I guess we found the true 14-year-old. Stay in school kid.
Sensitive faggot says the person telling me to kill myself over a word
fpbp. OP is a butthurt weeb who seethes at normalfags liking what he likes.
Yes, kill yourself nigger
Hah, you admit it, you're fucking pathetic, maybe instead of that you should step away from the computer and talk to a girl you pathetic virgin.
I doubt that was you, and good job using posts form different months.
Stop being a limp wristed tumblr faggot and whining that the big kids won't let you play with them
>Using virgin as an insult on Yea Forums
Yeah, it's time for you to go now
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Sending me away so you can continue running from the bitter truth.
Don't worry, I'm sure hotgluing a figurine of your waifu will ease the pain
>I doubt that was you
>post literally says "less story and zero suit"
I'm not the one complaining about people liking certain video games on a Himalayan basket-weaving website.
yeah looking forward to it but then realized it's complete trash when they actually played the game
y'all just hating cause you know P5 is fire
But you said they didn't bother with it, not that they played and were disappointed with it.
get fucked op, obviously seething that these games got reckognition for some reason
>Bitter truth
I'm gay retard and live with my bf, get your head out of your ass with your basic bitch insults
>Stop equating good with one of the best game stories ever, dumb-dumb.
If something isn't the best thing ever it can still be good.
> I said Nier Automata's story is good, but also that it is overhyped, dumb-dumb. Many people tend to overlook its flaws.
And let me guess you won't elaborate anything bad about it. Convenient.
>Also get your /r/eddit tier concern for spelling out of here.
You seem quite upset, you should calm down. Also you're an idiot.
Have sex
Because in your mind you're the only person out of nine billion who hates Other M and would make a post about how much MOM sucks and what would be best for the next game.
What are the odds that you pulled that right out of your ass as a comeback? Pics or it didn't happen
nah, it sucks.
Find your own porn
> all cutscenes are shit
acfag, your opinions aren't relevant anymore, go home
>y'all just hating cause you know P5 is fire
First of all, stop talking like a nigger unless you are one.
Secondly, only a dirty nigger would consider P5 to be "fire".
So, I ask you, are you a dirty nigger?
I was defending Automata in that post though.
Go back to twitter
>trying to dodge
I see that shit boy
those are as basic bitch as Persona and Automata
>Oh no gaijins enjoy my eastern entertainment
Doesn't that post exemplify everything I found bad about Other M, and how I would advocate removing it to better the series?
First, "gatekeeping" was coined in the 1940s. Second, someone from tumblr would never call someone else a faggot.
I have played those. I don't understand why liking them means hating the games in the OP.
Good thing that all the games after MOM did remove those, then. You need to pay better attention to the world around you.
Neither have most Automata fans.
For me it's the soundtrack, different gameplay, cameras, protags and kino moments.
Seethe more, gatekeeper.
You keep saying gatekeeper like it's an insult, it's a point of pride for people here
You're forgetting Federation Force, that sacrificed gameplay quality for gimmicky multiplayer (that died out in a week no less).
Samus Returns was a welcome return to form, but the fanbase as a whole hated it because, and I quote, "Samus wasn't sexy enough in it". Hence why I hate Nier and Persona. It fostered this attitude of "all games are bad unless the characters are sexy".
>got reckognition
>that delusion
Go to bed, seething weeb
please don't imply I'm as retarded as you, newfag
My first Persona game is Persona 5 and I love it! I really enjoy the presentation and music so far. The gameplay is rather standard JRPG fair being carried by a very flashy and stylish UI. Not all the characters are very complex but I enjoy all the ways the game uses to tell its story: Anime cutscenes, portraits and voiced dialogue, or just simple text.
Thanks for listening to my opinion :)
>You're forgetting Federation Force, that sacrificed gameplay quality for gimmicky multiplayer (that died out in a week no less).
I was unaware multiplayer was not a gameplay thing.
>but the fanbase as a whole hated it because, and I quote, "Samus wasn't sexy enough in it"
I'm sure you can post enough actual truthful posts to 1) make this not look liek one of your usual lies and 2) be convincing enough about it being the entire fanbase's consensus.
>Facebook "starter pack" meme
I think we found the real 14 year old
wtf I hate popular thing now
>I was unaware multiplayer was not a gameplay thing.
When you half-ass it, it isn't. Also, for a 60 dollar game you shouldn't be sacrificing singleplayer quality either.
>I'm sure you can post enough actual truthful posts to 1) make this not look liek one of your usual lies and 2) be convincing enough about it being the entire fanbase's consensus.
Just like how I posted proof of me trying to start a gameplay discussion, and for you to call it a lie?
>The gameplay is rather standard JRPG fair being carried by a very flashy and stylish UI.
I don't think that's true, it has a pretty unique flow to it with how you have the daily life segments and the dungeon crawling alongside the calendar system. Some JRPGs have things similar to that, but I can't think of any that serve the purpose they do in Persona. It also has a unique progression with the Confidants/S. Links being the way you get stronger alongside fusion, though that's something that's unique to MegaTen in e=general, not just Persona.
"I just turned 14 and I'm so edgy xD": the game
You've been doing this nonsense for more NINE years, ACfag, we're all well aware of your shtick. Now either post/link a lot of those "I hate SR because no boobie doogie goobie hoobie!" or shut the fuck up for once in your life.
First acknowledge that the second post here is my post.
DMC5 isn't edgy though.
You’re right. What I meant to say is that the combat is similar to a lot of JRPG’s I’m familiar with. I did glance over all the social parts of the game and managing of your segments of a day which I do enjoy as well and find myself interested in doing.
nothing personnel......
Neck yourself
>demands everyone else link to things that back up their claims
>refuses to do it himself
Typical of you.
>Acts autistic
>Other characters think V is weird
>Make jokes about him being weird
>V is supposed to be cool
You're refusing to accept any evidence I give you, especially when I gave you evidence prior and said it didn't count despite all signs to the contrary.
Prove that you will accept the evidence this time.
>complains that Persona 5 and Nier Automata are basic bitch japanese games
>posts the most basic bitch japanese game series there is in retaliation
I'm not a fan of either game in the OP but come the fuck on.
Why are you phoneposting from school, kiddo?
I'm 32 now
>No SAO games in the list
You had one job, how could you fuck up this bad?
>the i don't like anime but decide to spend my time on an anime image board and complain about anime shitpost
The "I've been waiting 30 years for this moment as an anime boomer" game brought to you by Big Manly Shōnen Japanese Games