Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

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never heard of it. what is this ancient shit gramps? did you play it on a mainframe in a military base in germany?

zoom zoom

game is literally broken

Psionics is busted shit

>Literally no difficulty above Beginner

>99% chance to hit
>entire plan goes out the window
>squad wipe
>save file STOLEN

>India has signed a pact with the ayyliens

Why is it always India?

Considering the game released with broken code i think that's an obvious flaw right off the bat...

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>installs Open XCOM
Ahhhh, now it's perfect

>Entire plan goes to shit because of a single missed shot
Please. Call me when a bad grenade toss kills half your squad.

It's not tftd


>don't catch on to the fact you released a broken game until years later
>everyone bitches it's too easy on Impossible
>"we'll show them!"
>release a game that's just an artificially difficult reskin

Not a high point of their careers

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>select any difficulty
>game changes it to easy after loading a game
nice gaem ufotards

>Entire engagement hinges around one shot
You had already fucked yourself over long before missing that shot

LMFAO, you can literally just pass a turn in the ranger and enemies won't have TU to reacc on you. That's basic ass shit the player is failing at in Webm related

does anyone else play pic related

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This, also it had a lot of bugs, but openxcom is perfect

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There basically isn't any. The meny system could be less clunky maybe, but after you learn it it works just fine.

Pretty much the best squad based tactical game ever made.

>the best squad based tactical game ever made.

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Huh? That's the newComs, in the oldComs a lost mission wasn't a major setback

That's nothing, just abort the mission and you lose the mission with 1 KIA which is no big deal at all.

my sides

I thought it felt like a soulless copy of the first Xcom, tbhwy

I don't think it's better at all. It's good, but not better. Granted, I haven't played without 1.13 in a long time, and 1.13 really fucks the AI up, the enemy just mobs you like a bunch of zombies with guns.

I love JA2. Is 1.13 still getting updated?

it does kind of feel like that but I really like the gameplay and mod support

>you can win the game by planting two mines in front of the door and then allow your guys to be taken hostage by Deridana thugs

Yeah, nah, you are a cunt

the base constsruction part of the game could be improved

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I thought it souless too. it's just not the same. Probably because of the art.

Blaster Launcher is too good.

This is also the hottest cover art ever

you're joking, right?

Cramped maps and completely fucked up shooting mechanics with AI shooting through the corners of the buildings make me drop the game after couple of hours.
I liked air combat - with right tactics your basic interceptors can kick ass of large ayyyys ufos

What does the hivemind think about this one?
However flawed it was, I liked its heavy, depressing atmosphere.

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They will always be remembered

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only the dos version and even that version has a fix for decades.

the atmosphere of that one and aftershock was great and it really felt like a decent spiritual successor to the original xcoms, but it did have a lot of problems, coupled with being too easy thanks to the simultaneous turns, a single melee dude in aftershock could clear an entire map of ayys without even getting shot because you could run at breakneck speed with a katana

I've heard a lot of complaints about the shooting mechanics in this game. could someone who knows it well elaborate on why it's shitty?

TFTD was better

The ending levels of TftD are so dull

Strategic layer was done really bad, but tactical combat, story and atmosphere was fucking cool.
with the exception of the final fight in alien mothership. Fuck this retarded 'we will continue to spawn countless waves of enemies to make sure you dont finish too fast' mechanics

I don't know exactly what's wrong with them especially, but what made me drop the game was the following:

>aliens see extremely far, and in any halfway open map you will be forced to contend with aliens shooting at you from the darkness WAY before you can see them, so you have to advance into fire losing men without even knowing what's shooting at you (like in night-missions in the original Xcoms, but for EVERY mission)

>a few missions after this I had my entire squad huddled in a defensive position, and an alien just comes waltzing around the corner, starts firing at several of my squaddies IN FULL VIEW of ALL of my team (a lot of dudes), nobody did anything, the alien then waltzed back around the corner out of view. After killing that alien another alien did the same again.

It's like the enemy knows where you are at all times, and they've made zero attempts to simulate that they don't

Every Single One.

Hope you lads are doing well

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Long story short, AI was able to shoot you through solid walls and obstacles while you cant line a shoot on ayys standing in front of your soldier in the middle of empty square due to game reporting that you dont have a cleat LOS to target.

Best mods?

How do you do, fellow X-COM?

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X-COM Files is pretty good, but starting to get a lot of bloat, Piratez is pretty much the same, both really REALLY long campaigns. The rest, questionable quality other than the Lukes UFO and more races.

Quite frankly I prefer UFO series over XCOM cuz of a built up grudge that built up throughout the years against the particular iteration of roll and turn system in the XCOMs
Mind you, it ain't against TBS or rolling chance in general. I'm just notoriously unlucky fuck when it comes to XCOM and I've honestly never really had enjoyable experience playing any XCOM game

Some of the bugs are annoying, and the ui can be janky. Thankfully, openxcom fixes literally all of this and is true absolute perfection

Yes, it is.

*is better in every way*

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>no free aim

Playing fucking hide and seek with a single alien for a zillion turns. Granted, this was a much bigger problem in TFTD, but still.