What will you roll and why will you do so?
What will you roll and why will you do so?
Other urls found in this thread:
leveling as ret and keeping a shield around for tanking + int gear for healing if my party needs it
Because it feels very thematic, even if the abilities are kinda lame, there's something really genuinely holy-feeling about the class, especially the lv 20 class quest, it's great. I know /sit reckoning will be fixed which is totally fine, I just hope spell batching treats us well with judgements and everything
Thinking between druid or shaman. My cousin will be warrior, so I want to roll a healing class and do some dungeons with him.
Dunno what race but I'm going to run a mage. Unlimited food/water and teleport is amazing during leveling and even can make you quite a bit of money if you're a jew about it. Mage DPS is absolute top tier, so you never have to look long for a group and frost mage is imo the strongest PvP spec in the game.
>Paladin tanking
Man, could you make it more obvious you never played vanilla?
Troll rogue because I like the animations
Uninstall Wizard
Because I'd rather play something better than an outdated 15 year old game
I kinda wanna roll UD rogue, but I fear that I'll never find raid slots.
Either rogue or warlock. I like rogue better but there will probably be too many of them, while locks are usually underepresented for some reason.
Plus, locks are very versatile and blowing dudes up with soulfire is fun.
Dwarf warrior or orc if my bros want to play horde. Warrior mainly because they start of slow but grow exponentially when you start getting raid gear. Also I like the idea of being a DPS that offtanks in some fights. Probably gonna level a druid as an alt.
can hunter do solo brd coffers or fireguy?
put on righteous fury and seal of righteousness, what's wrong with it? i only ever did DM as tank so i don't know too much more
Night Elf priest
Fuck Fear Ward
What's the best PvP class?
why cant you people stick to one thread?
Undead Rogue so I can gank some Alliance lowbies in Redridge mountains.
Have you seen the other thread? Full of frogjak fuckers.
I am thinking of playing Shaman since I never played one during either early WoW or nu-WoW
What is the best leveling spec and what kind of stats do Shamans aim for?
warrior, dwarf or orc depending on server i roll
Forst Mage, Sub Rogue, Shadow Priest and Affliction Lock are the top tier classes everything else is varying degrees of shit. Warrior can be top tier, but only with a competent healslut.
Level orc enhancement and get yourself a big slow two hander
Undead warlock because that's what I started as so long ago
What does arcane mage do? why no one talks about them. its either fire or frost in all subjects
Orc lock or Tauren druid if they update the animal forms, I'll most likely make them both anyway.
dwarf warrior
Ive got like 3 groups of 4 other friends that are all going 1 healer and 3 dps so I am going to be tanking for all 3 of them
gonna fucking make them all help me get my WW Axe and every other item I want too
>What does arcane mage do?
Ascend beyond the petty quarrels of frost & fire fags
Dwarf priest because my friends want me to roll alliance and dwarf is the obvious correct choice for priest.
Priest because I love healing and priest is the best healer.
Shaman is better and more fun
casts pyroblast every 3mins.
1 Shot anyone every 3 mins, do nothing in between.
orc warrior or tauren druid
its what I played back when I started and I stopped playing them because blizzard kept removing stuff that I liked
gets AP then puts their other points in frost or fire
Best pvp healer? Priest or shaman?
Human or gnome warrior
Was the release date just announced?
what the hell is arcane anyway
Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....
until a warlock shows up and rips you a new one
seeth cope cringe and yikes
druid is a garbage pvp healer, shaman is way better
Have sex
How original
consider suicide, phoneposter
Most people
>Make char
>Get to level 30ish, leveling in STV
>never play again
What are you guys doing while waiting for the release? I was playing a shitty wrath private server but ended up burning myself out and realizing I don't wait to farm shitty overtuned naxx for a month. the leveling was fun tho
Started WC3 today so I can remember all that lore
that's going to be me, I spent like 600 total days played on private servers, I'm so fucking burned out on it and somehow still hyped
>paladin tanking without a taunt
Unless you were magically tanking at 60 without a taunt, DM doesn't mean what you think it means, and tanking abilities are prioritized differently than you think they are. Not that other user, but you're not helping your case.
>big dick
>don't even care about wow
streamers are going to gather all the zoomers and spread the shit lepra in all the servers home ,,,destroyed
As opposed to what, Mr. Smarty-Pants?
Nothing because Taurens being perma cucked with 9 yard attack range is a joke for anything but a Warrior.
Hunter. You thrive in the open world, can farm gold better than any other class, and are still a necessary component of any raid due to your utility, despite low damage. Incredibly high skill cap + excellent in pvp.
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He's talking about Deadmines, like very non-retarded person would when saying DM.
I still can't decide between Druid or Hunter, seems like a bitch to find groups as a class that is known to be played by retards 9 times out of 10
I played vanilla and i remember nobody ran dire maul but it was still called dm where as deadmines was reffered to as by the boss, van cleef
I want Gorgon to hug me!
Dm means Dire Maul, and everyone who played Vanilla knows that Deadmines was referred to as VC to avoid confusion. This is apparently an excellent litmus test to pick out zoomers who won't know the difference until after DM is opened
I played afflic lock in nilla and man I sucked at pvp so bad would get ganked by rogues and nuked by mages hard. Maybe ill try again anyway
When in classic, DM is Dire Maul. VC is Deadmines.
Paladin. I like healers and classes with impactful buffs in games. Plus I can tank (poorly) in an emergency.
nobody in fucking westfall means "dire maul" when they say DM
Either Paladin or undead lock/priest. Not sure yet
I still fondly remembering fucking around in EPL and getting jumped by rogues as a prot paladin. Then watching them kill themselves on me
>I remember nobody ran dire maul
how I know you're full of shit, DM is the most ran instance in the entire game
Whatever ourguy asmon needs!
>Forst Mage, Sub Rogue, Shadow Priest and Affliction Lock are the top tier classes
Can somebody confirm this?
yeah and even noob faggots like you circa 2004 still called it VC along with everyone else.
Human War or Rogue, can't decide. If horde than undead lock or mage.
>people only lfg in general for a dungeon in the zone it's located
I played alliance and nobody could be arsed to travel over to ferrales except maybe for those higher tier class quests a few of the classes had
Yes, this is factually correct.
Male Night Elf Rogue so then I get to be SEPHIROTH AND ILLIDAN COMBINED
Deadmines predate dire maul.
Everybody I played with used DM when referring to deadmines.
The context makes it obvious whichever you're referring to anyways.
Started playing WC3 as well and jumping between OSRS FF14 and mordhau. None of them hold my attention long though.
sounds right probably in that order. rogues are more infuriating though by far
Orc rogue. I want to gank in Redridge and STV again.
Depends what class you are
Human warlock. You know why.
maybe there was variance on different serves but I played a month after Initial release and it was 90% VC. really insignificant detail though
Yes, he's right. Warriors don't really need pocket healers if they're in BWL gear+, they're more competent than that generally speaking. Warriors are notorious for becoming insanely viable at 60 with decent gear, despite being everyone's bitch in PvP during leveling. So far as I remember. Warlocks and Spriests are really difficult due to things like fear, rogues stunlocking is very difficult to deal with, frost mages have eight thousand ways to slow your movement speed, and once warriors gear out Mortal Strike becomes insane
Troll hunter because I have a big dick.
Also this
e d g e l o r d
I will be rolling human warlock as well
You're lying.
Nobody would refer to deadmines by the initials of the last boss well over a year before dire maul was released. Nobody refers to a dungeon with the initials of the last boss.
Deadmines has and always will be DM.
So I no life’s the beta and got first 30 alliance priest and had quite a fun journey. I got a late start so fighting over mobs didn’t happen all that much for me and I basically soloed my dwarf priest all the way til Darkshore. This is when the magic started to begin I knew I couldn’t solo cave mushrooms so I sent a message in general and to my surprise from years of retail someone instantly helped me. This continued for awhile until until I met a warrior who was the same level as me doing the same quest and from there we just blasted into turbo leveling mode never having to stop. Ding 30. I instantly started doing every dungeon I could and helping my new friends get there gear even when mine was finished. Today I was helping that warrior get whirlwind axe and apparently a bunch of streamer where having a war where we were doing elementals and this broke out some of the most fun world pvp I’ve done in many of year. What I’ve learned is people are all willing to help each other everyone knows more then you(eye roll), steamers 100% influence servers and the 4channel crowd who hates streamers is not reflected in the beta player base at all. Also the world feels great and quests feel like they matter again. Overall I would say the beta is a great first step to recovering the game I loved -Swope the priest
>he's doubling down
You know that lying to people who literally know you're lying doesn't earn you your precious internet street cred right? Nobody called Deadmines DM, sorry dude. You outed yourself as a zoomer paypig. Just slide into another /home/ thread and be anonymous again
never played a single troll character except a fury warrior that i deleted and made a human version of because im a retard. might have to do this
Fighting a frost mage as a melee class will give you cancer.
Did you refer to Gnomer as MT then? Or Sunken Temple as SoE?
you can reddit space me all you want but people did reffer to it by the bosses name you could probably find screentshots but its so unimportant I would just let it go.
Mage because that's how I started all those years ago
Human if my pals want to play alli
Undead if my pals want to play horde
I can't decide if classic is going to be comfy amazing or horrible boring, especially on max level
female human rogue
or male dwarf
Nope, because there was only one use of ST in the dungeon context, no confusion, and Gnomeragan was one word so people abbreviated it to just Gnomer, similar to calling Mauradon Mara. VC was a unique case. Any other questions? Next time you'll pass this litmus test.
a 3 minute mage
tauren shaman because fuck min maxing neckbeards
PoM Pyro Mage was such a fun era holy shit...
Have sex
Tauren shaman wasn't considered optimal? really?
Have fun being on the
>you will never be in a raid group (enjoy shit tier pugs)
i want to go back bro
>the discord tranny cries out in pain as he strikes you
Hunter, because I'm retarded
Won't roll anything
because I'm not giving Blizzard any money.
>Mage DPS is absolute top tier
>you never have to look long for a group
sure because the actual damage dealers don't want people rolling on their gear, so you can fight over it with some warlock
>frost mage is imo the strongest PvP spec in the game
it's good for prolonging the time before you die
Druid, the Chad class. Farms gold, does all roles good enough, stealth, fun in wpvp and pvp.
So you referred to deadmines using the last boss' initials for well over a year?
But only did this with deadmines?
Face it, you fucking jokes never played wow before they released dire maul.
Hunter, because I have always wanted to do those legendary hunter solo quests
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with it's just painfully cringe to read your wall of useless text. I figured "have sex" would be the best advice for someone like yourself and the only thing that could possibly turn your life around for the better. I know it sounds unlikely and much harder than the hardest raid you've ever cleared but I promise it's worth the effort.
absolutely wrong
both in 1vs1, as well as in group battle hunters are the top pvp class, aside from maybe warriors with healsluts in tow
its just troll racial or orc racial that people get hot and bothered over.
im not looking to be in a server first raiding guild tho since i have neither the time nor care to raid full time
Don't bring WARRNIGGERS to end game dungeons, holy fuck are they disgusting loot hogs.
Nothing as wow is shit and going back to how it was back in the day will not save it, one nostalgia wears off people will leave
Why do all of these memers act like hybrid classes did anything but heal? You can't tank without a taunt and faerie fire isn't good enough. You can't DPS outside of a leveling context competitively because the hybrid tax takes a flat percent right off the top of your DPS output. You can PvP all you want, but once raid progression leaves your dungeon set 1 in the dust you'll be scrambling to pug MC with guilds that have raggy on farm six months behind the people who are three shotting you in AV.
You are a Druid
You heal
You know that armor values are fucked on private servers and that melee classes are doing too much damage, right?
I want to mostly do World PvP so I pretty much need to be Lock or Mage
I hope they'll not do BGs for a while, or ever
>reddit spacing
>he's still going at it
Remember to roll a druid if you're going to raid as alliance.
You literally get free gear because no one wants your shit.
prot paladins do alright in 5 mans
>rogue anything
lel no, unless you have massively better gear than your target
also any decent fresh lvl 60 hunter will still kill any rogue in full rank14 gear
ACTUAL Horde coming through.
My group swapped from Alliance to Horde as we were Horde when we all started vanilla.
I can't decide between mage and warlock, desu. Sounds better to pass out free water for a raid over farming soulshards to eternity. I was a mage in vanilla, so playing a new caster this time in PVP has its appeal, though.
get a load of this history revisionist. im guessing next youre gonna tell me the nazis didnt kill 6 gorillion jews?
Unwilling to admit that he started late vanilla.
go back to gaia
>Two sentences is a wall of text
>the above post is longer than the one he "refused to read"
God you streamer paypigs need to be quarantined
Mages will be the most populous class in vanilla. Mark my words. It won't be warrior this time around.
How am I the revisionist?
I'm saying that there's no reason why anyone would refer to deadmines as VC until Dire Maul came out, which was well over a year into vanilla.
Warlock bro, trust me.
There are so many fucking mages.
>so desperate for people to believe this that he seeks out WoW threads to constantly post this
But really tho have sex.
in blue gear maybe. not in t3 (although they are pretty good still)
Yeah, I hoped to cover that with what I said about dungeon set 1 being the top end for most hybrid non-healers. You'll be fine in shitty 5-man's but you'll never do the timed strath run and if you get into raids it will either be with a guild that your friends are in willing to carry you, or pugging 6+ month old content while everyone that has current gear is way out ahead. Which is fine, if you don't mind. There's only 1 nightfall shaman per raid, and it's normally the GMs bro.
can confirm, because I remember I didn’t know why the fuck they’d call it VC instead of DM, though someone once said calling a place after the name of the boss was a convention people brought from EQ, but I never played it
I am talking about actual vanilla servers
without the lame axe, spamming the debuff, casters aren't even close to melees in single target dps and aoe dps doesn't matter
that aside, all you know about private servers is that the values weren't right
you don't know if they were too high, too low or maybe just like 1% off
Yeah, I think I could agree with that. Everyone knows that Mage is the golden child class of a lot of aspects of Vanilla now.
I was going to do Warrior, but my old buddy is coming back to do Warrior. I might go Shaman, but probably not as another fag I know wants to (although he's a married cuck and won't play enough).
>...rolls off him like water off a raincoat. But cal him what he really is, discoed tranny, and watch how he shrinks back from his reddit spaced long-format shitposts, only outdated meme replies, "I've been found out!"
Mage i need me some water
Fuck man i dont fucking know I got some options on the table but I cant fucking decide
might just not play at all because this is making me stressed already
>dwarf female hunter
>dwarf female priest
>tauren shaman
>gnome mage
>I might go Shaman
Troll shaman
Ez and fun
A thorns spellpower paladin.
I will do nothing but farm mobs.
Dwarf priest because it's what I played in vanilla and I miss it.
>casters aren't even close to melees in single target dps
Why do you have to lie like that? You and I both know that the difference isn't that big and we also both know that melee classes have issues in several fights. My main point was that Mages don't have issues finding raid slots, with is objectively true.
they are actually great while leveling with 2+ mage/locks
Who is ready to dust off those Chuck Norris jokes? Going to drown out those shitty Twitch memes with them.
I started Horde, but ended up playing Alliance the most over the years. My coffee mug is actually Alliance even though I've played the last 3 xpacs about a week each.
I don't have any particular affinity for either faction, but I LOVE killing gnomes. Just love it.
ablloo blooo i cant decide im such a fag
>dwarf female
>dwarf female
huge homosexual detected
You're too committed to this. Penetrate a vagina just once in your life user.
how old are guys who are returning? just out of curiosity
the festering wound between your legs where once stood a micropenis isn't a vagina, faggot.
Couldn't have said it better myself m80
36. I'll be 37 before the game comes out. I played Vanilla to distract myself from how shitty college was going as mad escapism so I look forward to playing it again now that shit has turned out alright for me.
Guilt free gaming, this time around.
Have sex, virgins.
I'm 29 this year. Was 14 when WoW released, was 14 when this website launched. My big brother just got his drivers license and I was a freshman in high school.
So sick of this faggot.
Asmongold ....group 3....server 5......shard 7.....layer 1 .....HOME!
I mained rogue (human female) in vanilla and had a couple of alts the highest being a level 40 warlock. Not sure what I want to roll really. I kind of want to play shaman but we're all going Alliance so I can't.
Maybe I'll play something stupid like shadow priest or boomkin. That's what I'm looking forward to most. People just playing whatever class spec and race they want because people are better at the game now and computers are a lot faster.
Just turned 32. WoW was my escape when I was struggling in college and my home life was kind of turbulent.
blame the trash hunter t3 set and shitty damage ranges on the high end ranged weapons
>Want to roll Warrior
>I actually enjoy leveling them
>I like tanking dungeons
>Remember how overplayed the class will be
>Remember how bad the WPvP is without a dedicated healer
>Remember that I'll need to respec any time I want to tank, dps, or do PvP
>Remember that I already have a bunch of friends playing Warrior
>Want to roll Hunter
>Leveling is good, but it's almost boring
>All my friends are going Alliance so I won't be able to roll the race I want
>Even though I like dwarves I don't want to play one full time
>Don't want to be a NE because of all the stigma against them
>Remember how meh Hunters are at 60
I CAN'T DECIDE BROS. Every time I think "Yeah I'll play Warrior" I remember all the things I love about Hunter. Then when I think I want to go Hunter I remember all the things I love about Warrior. I'm a pretty slow leveler and I get burnt out easily so I don't even know if I'll be able to get both to 60.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Turning 30 in 6 days.
I was 15 when I played.
Devin looks like a cool dude.
There will never be enough Warriors for 5 mans, so the world will be your oyster.
they simply dont scale as well which is more apparent in pve
Leveling duo mages with a friend first so we can always farm shit easily
I mainly want to raid and pvp on a Rogue though
Will probably eventually level a Priest again just to have a pocket healer
It forces you to build a reputation as a good player
Main the dwarf hunter with your friends, level a horse warrior on a different server as an alt, that you can level whenever you want to play but your friends aren't around. You'll wind up outpacing the hunter, and by the time your warrior catches him you'll have a better idea of which one you'd rather play. So switch off of your pals server if they don't wind up playing as much, or if you decide it's not worth it because you hate the hunter. Otherwise you'll have your main, and the comfy cozy incognito warrior bro alt too. No need to rush him to 60
You're welcome
It's not that prevalent.
Druids are a lot more desired though, so if you're right on the fence then go druid.
>this is the average alliancel
I'll be 34 when classic hits if I make it that long, doc wants me to start taking cholesterol meds too.
>Feral threat is inherently amazing compared to warriors. It's because their threat is a multiplier rather than an additive based on damage done. This scales phenomenally well for each tier and makes them threat powerhouses especially late game. The bonus for them is if they ever want heightened or snap threat, a simple weapon swap to a Manual Crowd Pummeler is enough to boost sustained TPS by 25%. This isn't as useful for doing in the middle of a fight given that there's a 30 second cooldown before use, making quick decision TPS something a fury can do better. Druids can be very useful for fights where high threat ceilings is very important. Some fights to consider especially would be: Vaelastrasz, Patchwerk possibly but never tested (yes druid as the MT for this fight with warriors in T3 taking hatefuls), and Thaddius. Regardless any time you are trying to boost boss meters or for speed runs, a druid is an interesting single target maximum threat option.
mages were strong at low gear curves, and absolutely get shit on at high gear curves when a paladin can oneshot you with a judgement and a single SoC proc, or a shaman purges everything you have and keeps you perma slowed with frost shock and trinkets out of you nova
don't get me wrong I think mage has plenty of uses and niches in pvp, but it is absolutely not what it was in later expansions.
so many of you have not played vanilla, clearly
I was a mage in Vanilla. Most shaman back then couldn't grounding or find their purge hotkey to save their lives. Who knows if that'll change this time around.
The problem with Druid main tanks is that the healers will probably hate every second of it
Druids were shit until tbc, at least hunters had relevant dps and arent relegated to combat rezzes and heals that are outclassed by priests and shamans
Played when I was 10-ish?
Never got to endgame before tbc or wrath so looking forward to being somewhat competent this time.
Mages are clearly not designed to 1v1 in PvP though, they have tons of AoE. Mages and Locks are absurdly strong in WPVP for that reason
frost mages are good at low gear, sub rogues are good if you are willing to blow all your cooldowns on classes that are strong against you, lock was better as demo imho than affliction, the damage reduction keeps you alive longer. When I was a rank 14 warrior I would shit on affliction warlocks and kill them long before their dots would kill me (berserker rage, wotf), versus a demo lock was pretty hard to deal with if played correctly
hunter was always very solid at pvp if played right
>relevant dps
top kek
Dwarf Paladin
but that's correct. They aren't dead weight, but aren't with the rogues, mages, warriors, and locks.
What will the >vanilla was hard crowd do when it turns out that private servers were actually overtuned?
no shit sherlock
and since they don't scale that well, they would have needed much more agi on their t3 and much more damage on the naxx ranged weapons
tarren rouge
>this is the face of nuclassic
I dunno about overtuned but there wqs definitely some fucky shit
Back on Kronos there was some bullshit going on with Ragnaros that wasn't fireballs and also wasn't mana bombs that would just randomly slam people for 10-15k damage a few times per fight. Still never figured out that that was even with combat logging addons.
they totally were overtuned and half of the mechanics in regards to ap values and stuff were wrong.
People are going to be shocked.
Starting zones power rankings:
1.Elwynn Forest
2.Tirisfal Glades
4.Dun Morogh
Some people are saying Humans are basically the worst race for everything bar Priest and Pally and their weapon skill bonus doesn't matter
Is this true?
No it's not
shit bros what do I do until release? TBC or wotlk pserver?
They're retards
>Damn I wish I had a black friend! They look so cool and swagged out and can dance to hippity hop so well!
weapon skill bonus is underrated
No, weapon skills are really good for PvP, and reputations bonus is nice to have. A decent race for PvE all-around.
Not that it really matters, only tryhards min-max races. Just play what you like.
Weapon skill with Swords and Maces is godlike for melee for the majority of the game
15 years priest and still going
What a fucking moron.
Even in classic, you could only Switch out Weapons and I think trinkets during combat.
>high fantasy game
>picks human
the true chad opinion
Allow me to redline your decent taste:
1. Dun Morogh
2. Elwynn Forest
3. Teldrassil
4. Mulgore
5. Durotar
6. Tirisfal Glades
durotar is absolute garbage, I don't understand why people like it
For me, it's
>Dun Morogh
>not wanting to be a regular dude that can beat legendary monsters
Human is the most patrician fantasy race choice except when you can play as an undead instead, like in this game
wow how creative
play as a regular human or as a corpse of a regular human
Yes, of course!
How do you do fellow humans?
Human is the right choice for me because I am totally a human being.
Human is the peak aesthetics of Warcraft, followed closely by dwarves and thereafter a power gap behind which are elves and beneath which lay another massive power gap where underneath you'll find every other race's aesthetics
You sound like you chuff homo hormones.
Durotar is one of my favorite starting zones, up there with Elwynn. That being said, it's mostly nostalgia and just because I've leveled there on so many alts so I never feel lost while leveling there. Some zones I get tired of, but even though I've done Durotar-Barrens dozens of times, I still enjoy leveling through each of them.
>Human is the peak aesthetics of Warcraft
They all look like massive faggots
Barrens is great. Only good thing about Durotar is that it's close to Barrens, nothing else
>looks like absolute shit
>both orc and troll starting zones are cancer
>that whole garbage dump north of razor peak
Yes, you're the one who thinks a guy with pink rose gauges and a tumblrina nosering looks "like a cool dude" but I'm gay!
Goddamn, i love noname55s warcraft animations.
Literal buff bot to the point solo actions or "dps" is just self buffing and waiting.
It is ironic that healing is when the class is most interesting as you actually press buttons yet you have all these people saying they want to go ret.
duo mage is sick
should my gnome warlock be male or female?
The problem with the horde is that blizzard didn't do shit with horde racial aesthetics. For example, Orcs are great with the whole honorbound warrior society, I can get behind that. Mongols have comfy lore and all they do is nomad around without a home and fuck shit up and be honor incarnate. But Mongols have architecture. Atmosphere. Orcs talk about tradition, but they have zero physical manifestations of tradition around which to congregate. Orc aesthetics are mud huts. Theresa reason sitting in an alliance tavern is fucking cozy, and sitting in a horde Inn is just a pile of rocks with som African drums twiddling around aimlessly. Alliance is fortunate because betwee elves humans and dwarves you can plug and chug as much Tolkien and European fantasy as you want. With Tauren, Trolls, and Orcs it's all just shit loosely based on a handful of cultural tropes. Tauren are native. Trolls are oceanic. Orcs are nothing. Undead piggyback off humans with zombie goo to differentiate them.
Horde got fucked on aesthetics, not to mention armor models on beast races. Catch me shit talking some dwarf in old town, blessed by the god damn light.
And virtually non-existent. You'll get a spot just to innervate and soak up gear so it doesn't get sharded.
>Demon cave in the valley of trials
>Picking cactus apples
>Killing human sailors
>Swimming to the echo isles
>Sen'jin village
>Big titty harpies
Durotar is kino
25, was 11 when I started WoW in '05 and I played it until I started college.
For me
>1: Mulgore
Best quest flow and lore, plus most quests are Tauren exclusive so it keeps overflow from Tirisfal and Durotar out
>2: Tirisfal
Great atmosphere with a pretty good flow
>3: Dun Morogh
Kind of sucks really but wintery mountains and snowed in bunkers are peak comfy
>4/5: Durotar/Elwynn
They're okay but the guaranteed overpop is annoying
>6: Teldrassil
Fucking heinous quest flow. Looks pretty, sure, but no one who plays with their brain on should enjoy running around that tedious shithole.
What class would be good for beginner healer? Wanna try that out, burnout and back to dps emptiness.
No matter what we say you're still gonna be a female with pink pigtails, tranny.
It should be dead
>humans, small humans, manlet humans, gay humans.
arr rook the same: faction
>and back to dps emptiness
no trinkets
Priest is the go-to
my man
wow humans look absolutely fucking ridiculous though so fuck that shit just this once
>shoulders 400% oversized
>can't see tabards because hunched
>ankle cuffs
>lmao helmets
>every model is wildly stretched out
>can't see tabards because hunched
>ankle cuffs
>Bones sticking out everywhere
>Toes sticking out
I would consider playing Horde if blizzard had just spent time designing armor models for any of he beast races. They look awful. Everything was designed on humans and stretched to fit inferior races
Race Rankings
God Tier
>F Tauren, F Gnome, F Troll (Melee)
High Tier
>F Nelf, F Undead, F Human. F Troll (Caster)
Normal Tier
>F Dwarf, M Nelf, M Tauren, F Troll (Hunter), F Orc, M Troll
Picked solely for racials but too insecure to play a better female model
>M Dwarf, M Undead, M Human, M Gnome, M Orc
I´ll give it try. Have some Holy rat
>Mad /pol/tard
you're projecting about that but you're not far from it with the rest of your post considering I used to have a Dwarf female death knight with the pink twintails named Euphemia. All of my other characters, including my main, were male.
Stop posting and have sex
female gnome is actually peak aesthetics but dont lets the plebs find out
is healing any fun? 15 years and I've never healed.
We're not letting our faggot friend who is never on because he's a cuck to his permanently engaged girlfriend roll the shaman he wants to, so one of us has to do it.
I played a shaman as ele in TBC, but I don't know what the classic variant was like. I'm pretty sure totems didn't get the shorter GCD they did in TBC at first, correct?
>Human main
>Dwarf alt
As God intended
Female is only worth picking if there are clothing options worth a damn, and if the races are cute. In FF14, Lalas and Catsluts are worth picking an F race and you have glamours as well
In WoW classic you get a mixture of gear and can't use glamours... and the females are ugly as fuck so
>females are ugly
stop being in denial
Orcs and Tauren look the most kino out of any race in plate gear. I agree that the stretched textures on trolls look pretty dumb though. Nitpicking about the toes is pretty autistic though.
Paladin or Priest. Paladins are strong healers and fucking braindead (you literally have one heal spell and like 400 safety nets). Priests are more versatile and pretty much the strongest healer in the game.
Only consider Druid or Shaman if you're ready to be yelled that. Druids are weak and inefficient healers without a fucking rez, Shamans are strong but have horrible mana efficiency and go OoM constantly. And so help you god if you try to level as enhance, nothing makes warriors madder than having to share 2handers with Shamans. Expect to be rejected from dungeon groups all the time if anything in there drops a good 2h axe or mace. You're better off just leveling ele if only to get dungeons more easily.
Don't count on being able to switch to DPS unless you make some good friends that are willing to put up with bringing along meme-specs, especially after you prove yourself willing to heal.
Wait which quests? I never played vanilla.
Alright anons
Are you a bad enough dude to subvert expectations and use the ugly female gnome face and NOT take pig tails?
Why aren'y you playing TBC while waiting?
Warlock, because they're the best and most fun caster.
ele sham> lock > frost mage > rogue > rogue > sp
It stil looks like shit. Worst starting area. All red and orange all the time.
I remember making an orc character and going through durotar once and when I made a troll I just walked all the way to the tauren area to not look at more orange while I leveled to 10.
Human Paladin because I'm autistic as fuck and want to be the "main character" in every game I play.
Elwynn was my favorite starting area and if I roll a dwarf or gnome I will be running them to start in Northshire
>self-insert fag
Just neck yourself already
They are in WoW. The models are just ugly in that game. It's still a good game otherwise
What are you talking about, solo, group? Spriest is definitely much higher solo but not good in a group (rogue to a lesser extent to)
You're right about the autism, its why I mind undead the least. I just wish they'd put more into horde races in terms of architecture and space, squatting in tents that have different flavors of "native" beads and spikes on them always seemed phoned in to me
Holy fuck why is priest so powerful?
If you think that, you haven't experienced shadow priest
>undead & dwarf main
>human & orc alts
get on my level
oh wow Spriest have literally 3 buttons to push, so fun
30 by the time classic wow releases
>two mains
you will have no life
Alliance inns:
>Generic wooden-floored inn
>Generic wooden-floored inn but with stone walls
>Some type of open aired platform with a reception desk and nothing else
Ally inns are cringe, sitting around the firepit in your round yurt after a long day of Barrens questing is kino
>kangz honor friend
my nigga
Please be honest with me. Is the "Druids are bad tanks" thing a pserver meme or are they actually good. Please don't reply if you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks.
Healing is either easymode or the most stressful game of whack-a-mole ever, no inbetweens
And this is coming from someone who likes healing.
How are the different heal specs in classic? Pros and cons of each? I'll mainly be doing PvE (but on a pvp server because I do like wpvp as well).
Chad holy pvp spec dwarf pally main, fem human mage farmslut slave alt.
im doing one better and playing a faggy male instead
easily my least favorite race but i like the idea of a self loathing edgy warlock manlet, think it will be fun
26, started playing in april 2005
>Remember that I'll need to respec any time I want to tank, dps, or do PvP
So ranged were basically gods on this game vanilla right. Only Warrior was a worthwhile melee DPS
I guess Rogue was good.... for PvP only.... until everyone gets anti-stealth trinkets
They are good tanks in 5-mans.
They can't really tank that well in raids.
They can't get as much Defense skill as Warriors so they get crit more
Their only mitigation is dodging, no block or parry
Because of this the damage they take is extremely spikey. They're doable in dungeons but every healer will want to strangle you if you insist on main tanking in a raid.
great in dungeons
mainly off tanks in raids
but the true vanilla secret is that being a good player thats active in your guild lets you get away with less than optimal picks,it doesn't really matter unless you are in try hard server first sperg guild
Druids can't get the magic 102.4% avoidance needed to become immune to crushing blows. Means anything "boss" leveled will tear them a new one. Other than that they're fine. Weak on AoE threat, but this is vanilla, all tanks are bad at that.
Right but wrong. Druids can stack enough defense skill for crit immunity. They can parry. What they're lacking is block, which means they can't push normal hits off the attack table, which means crushing blows. Anything 3+ levels higher, or a skull level, kills bears dead.
>Hmmm...I seem to be only making female characters
>Why for sure I hate my facial hair and hate my muscles, and take pride in having barely a moustache and chin fluff at 19
>I can't be a girl I'm attracted to girls
>>If only I had told a doctor what I knew at 10
At least kids these day know that being Transgender is actually a thing and if they want to be a girl they can have medication that will get them there.
Trans awareness in schools is my #1 priority.
Forsaken are cute though
based ret pally bro
boomer here been playing since wc2 then wc3 then wow
Paladin tank was literal the most OP class for aoe lvling, (ret aura + consecatrion + spikes on shield) and pretty good for 5mans, u just suck
Shadow Priest because it's easy as fuck to level solo
I know this was probably a shitpost, but unironically based.
Human ret pally because I'm a chad irl
spriest, frost mage, enhance shammy with sulfuras, ret/prot pally hybrid, subtlety rogue.
Low quality bait
Not a lie, also crafted to provoke reactions from /vpol/
Hi chad irl I'm dad.
how can i avoid a streamer server
all servers are streamer servers. Sorry.
daily reminder that dwarves are the fucking lamest race in the game and picking them just because they have a racial that you'll use >1% of the time you're playing is straight up pathetic.
play on eu retard
>just play on the worst servers bro!
I'm picking a dwarf because they look cool and say cool things like "keep yer feet underground" and "wash yer beck"
>>Bones sticking out everywhere
>>Toes sticking out
we Chadsaken call this the 'chinese pleb-filter'
Human Prot Warrior - fer tanking
How about you go fuck yourself
daily reminder that dwarves are the fucking coolest race in fantasy and picking anything else is straight up pathetic.
They're the worst Vanilla tank but you are valued for your versatility, ie the ability to shift into a cat and DPS when you're not needed to offtank and to cast innervate (though iirc that didn't happen until innervate became a baseline skill in late Vanilla).
They can tank dungeons just fine, but raids are a different beast.
Honestly don't even get why people flip their shit over what role they play in raids, because EVERYONE except the main tank is pigeonholed into a simplistic role for no reason regardless.
>tells you to keep your meat underground
>there are no underground meat storage units in the game
>tells you to wash your back
>there are no showers in the game
fuck dwarves
What's the most hipster race/class choice on Horde? By hipster I mean what's going to probably be the least played.
anything fem troll
female troll anything
Tauren Hunter, Human Warlock
fem tauren druid?
fem anything that isn't undead + least played class
>playing a race whose sheathed weapon graphic shrinks by 20% compare to unsheathed
It's so distracting, having a sick hammer that shrinks to a toothpick on your back. Otherwise you're right.
>F Tauren
Ugly as sin, its face is like a whole 5 polygons
>F Troll
Enjoy looking like literally every other troll because they've got one good looking face and one good looking hairstyle.
Female NE and female undead are objectively the best looking vanilla race models. All the males are pretty shitty looking, but male NE and male undead are alright.
>expecting the game to just give you underground meat storage units and showers
fucking wrath babbys man
I said race/class combo, not anything related to gender you dorks
seen more fem troll warriors than Rogues (0) in 15 years of wow
human warlock will be really rare on horde
fat smelly manlets detected
Fem Tauren or fem orc. Fem trolls have a "hot" face and so ethots who want to play horde usually pick that or undead. Fem tauren and orc are hipster tier
Healers will have to play instead of afk and dps will be able to unleash at the start of raid progression, sounds pretty good.
>fem tauren druid
I can almost hear the female boomer cigarette voice over ventrillo
the mere presence of a dwarfs grasp erects any weapon
fem tauren droods are exclusively played by middle aged mothers
ok faggot
Just Play Morrowind until Classic is out
I'm 6'3" mate
based troll poster, we need a similar dwarf ascii with WASH YER BACK
dwarves are still cool though
FFXI is currently holding a free week for previous customers if you bought the game in the past and need a classic MMO to tide you over for a little bit.
now I'm even considering rogue. The CC in dungeons for my friend group seems really appealing.
I'm used to ranged so I'm sure melee in the Mexican standoffs in world PVP will take some getting used to, but it would be a nice change of pace.
Plus, leveling up lockpicking and sneaking around sounds very fun.
just use this lad
okay, so what the fuck is up with jewtube literally recommending EVERY asmongold video even if you denounce it, try to filter it and more? did he gave money to jewtube to do this? I don't get it, Soda is arguably more popular and I don't get any recommendation from his channels and shit
does morrowind fill the classic void?
never played an ES game
Orc warlock, I've never played one before so I've been trying to do some research on the class. I'm still trying to figure out the best all around spec since I want to play on a pvp server. Some say SM/Ruin is the best for all around play and others say DS/Ruin is the best for pve but falls short in pvp and soul link is the best for pvp because it makes you unkillable but it seems kind of boring to play. Any advice?
>Femorcs aren't common
Every femdom/musclegirl waifufag plays femorc warrior/rouge with some cringe name like maneater or bigzugs or some gay shit like that
Fem Tauren however are so blocky and ugly even furries don't want them so only old irl bitches play them
that's just how the algorithm be
nice try buddy
keep trying to validate yourself to anonymous posters on the internet
It's channels that upload stuff from his streams. Just search Azmongold and block every channel.
get video blocker
becayse you need to ignore not only his channel but also the 50+ fan made BEST OF FAGMONGOLD EPIC COMPILATION channels
Sap is really bad unless you spec into it then it's less bad.
I don't need to validate myself to you I just corrected your false assumption
SL is for duels. I don't think it's great in groups because your damage is not... great. You can be ignored until last; some people like that beefiness.
I prefer the spec that does damage and can be used in PVE as well, personally.
The closest thing to Vanilla WoW is probably old MMOs or CRPGs. Maybe try playing Neverwinter Nights or Divinity Original Sin.
Is it not part of the cookie cutter PVE build?
Complete opposite, sap is in the pvp tree (sub). Fairly deep, too.
I get recommendations from a lot of different shit but somehow, SOMEHOW, I get thousands of Best of asmongold, asmongold react and watches, and I haven't seen any video of it, I have seen videos of Bajheera and Swifty, Sodapoppin, and I'm sure they have the same amount of fan channels as Asmonbald, yet is only this faggot that gets recommended to everyone, I have even been trying to watch a lot of clickbait wow videos from retards like Bellubar and Preach and still they don't get recommended
I will use videoblocker yes, but fuck if it doesn't look like a conspiracy or something
Sap is in Subtlety dude
Cookie cutter Rogue PvE is Combat Swords or Daggers until you get enough crit for Seal Fate in Assassination to be worth it
I don't like this either but that's why I'm rolling dwarf hunter, doesn't seem to happen on waist weapons or at least it's not as noticeable
sm/ruin falls short in pve because you need the corruption ticks for your instant cast shadowbolts, your raid leader most likely won't let you take up a debuff slot to use it
yeah, I don't get it either
might have something to do with there being like 4 fucking trillion channels so at least one is always on a crazy upwards trajectory or some shit
Lock so i can have my succ
Who actually watches Azmongold reacts. Why would you ever want to watch some long face söyboy watching a video just to open his mouth in surprise showing his disgusting horse teeth to everyone? Who finds this enjoyable?
Druid or paladin and I dont care how garbage they may be.
And its damage pales in comparison Demonic Sacrifice -> Succubus -> Mash Shadowbolt forever
you do want to level like shit then be a good healer or level easy then be a shit healer?
Ask yourself: will i be a faggot elf or a chad human/dwarf
>VC was a unique case.
Maybe for people who couldn't understand where they were currently. In /1 you refer Deadmines as DM, if you're talking about Dire Maul, you attach the cardinal point e.g. LFM for DM West.
VC is zoomer speak, literally bumped into it only in private servers, in 2005-2006 I never saw anyone refer it as that.
Once I hit 40 or so on my rogue I'm going straight to westfall and killing the defias traitor right when it arrives at moonbrook.
lmao no, morrowind is janky as fuck
>tips dies on verdan the everliving and starts crying and falsely reporting his damage as a bug
>preach beats verdan in a few seconds with a shitty axe and a bunch of misses despite not playing vanilla for over a decade and barely remembering wailing caverns at all
wait, is he hostile to horde?
I dont care, I'm only in for the aesthetics. I fear it may become boring watching the same animal forms but I still havent made up my mind
turning 30 this year
Fucking lol at 'VC' that doesn't even make sense. Literally never ever heard that in my life and i played started playing in vanilla
I played vanilla and everyone on my server called it VC dude
nah it's always been DM
anyone who calls it VC is being contrarian for no reason
imagine playing alliance
imagine playing human
imagine letting imaginary social stigma influence you in a video game
>drinking morning glory dew
you forgot to say no homo
it was VC on my server. DM was Dire Maul
you played on one hell of a faggoty server then
I don't understand why it upsets people so much. everyone knows what both abbreviations mean
the opposite of fel magic
>Unironically no idea what race or class I want to be
No kiddo. Anyone that played vanilla knows that dm means deadmines and DMw etc means dire maul. Only retarded lilzooms like you that only played on private servers call DM "VC"
Human rogue.
Nothing better then poping Perception and sending the 5636th horde rogue to the graveyard.
What do you think people called it before Dire Maul was released, huh?
This doesn't apply to vanilla at all
where my shaman bros @
most zoomers don't even know about VC, I've had a lot of people ask what it meant on private servers.
>coming back three hours later to triple down on being wrong
>y-you're the zoomer
too busy trying to figure out where to keybind all these totems
So you're running all three wings + tribute? Face it, VC is an abbreviation for iqlets who can't understand the context it's being spammed in, or aren't aware you can also shift+click the name to avoid confusion. Or it was simply created by seething kids who didn't understand that people whispering
>lmao why u running dire maul at 20?
Were just fucking with them out of boredom. Deadmines is DM, if you're running Dire Maul, you're running one wing or two max, so attach which one you're doing at the end.
I'll roll priest and sit in goldshire giving blessing of fortitude and the shit I tailor to low level player
it was probably more common for horde to call it vc
I'm just saying it was a thing back then. simmer down big guy
Reminder Alexensual was right about literally everything
who? fuck off with your eceleb.
Same. Everytime I think I have it figured out something else sounds good.
You can stomp your feet all you want but VC was the word in vanilla, and we all know you're underage.
No one called it vc. No one. This is a retarded name originating from retarded 3rd worlders and zoomers on lrivate servers. They simply didnt abreviate dire maul. They said dire maul north, west or DM north.
you can find gamefaqs threads from 2008 asking if people call it DM or VC. fuck off with the whole "zoomer" thing.
I always find it entertaining to see Hordefags explain their reasoning behind playing the wrong faction. I mean, let's face facts here.
Alliance content was developed first.
Alliance zone progression is more thoughtful and well designed, both in lore and geography.
Alliance in Vanilla has more historical inspiration behind it's faction goals and conflicts.
Every Alliance race/class combo makes sense in the lore.
3/4 of Alliance races have their capital/starting zone in proximity to Blackrock Mountain, the thematic endgame of Warcraft 2 and the Second War for Azeroth, and also suitably the beginning of WoW's end content. Each time you fly north or south by gryphon, you witness the vast Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge which stretch around the volcano that the Old Horde made their stand at all those years ago. As a young and inexperienced adventurer, you look down at the menacing wyverns, flaming elementals and nefarious warlock shrines and wonder when you will get to go there, and what mysteries dwell in the heart of Blackrock.
Night Elf Priest.
>Cool mounts
>Never played a Nelf or a priest
>Never did the quests in the great tree
I played a Belf Warlock at the beginning of Wrath and then switched to a DK, which I mained throughout Wrath. I wanted to do a mage for the teliports and food/drink, but I love healing and I get to DPS when I want to on a priest.
Consensus on both my servers back in the day was VC. I remember looking for a group in westfall and saying DM, immediately being whispered by someone who was like hey FYI DM typically means Dire Maul, which is a luv 60 place. Deadmines goes by VC to avoid confusion.
Nice guy.
Not classic and still retarded
Also, Dire Maul didn't even exist when the game launched. Guess what everyone called Dead Mines?
This must have been a cultural thing, because it was always DM on my server.
>he wants to play the casual trash that are afraid of pvp
>he literally wants trannies and discord drama shitters in his guild
>he's so basic and generic that also want to play as a paladin retributiun
>he want's to join the faction with only 1 good mount (tigers)
there's no fucking reason to join the allytrannies
I don't disagree with you. I only loved playing Horde because I'm from AZ and I love the barrens music/desert landscape
>bro nobody called it VC 15 years ago
>11 years ago ok yeah maybe but ur wrong
Lmao how will zoomer poseurs ever recover
rofl fucking wrathbabies are cancer
I just left AZ bro. Fucking hate that place, zero seasons constant unabated sunshine, border hoppers dirt sprawl and board shorts. I have no idea how anyone does it. Moving back to the colonial northeast was a godsend
suck my cock faggots
This is an acronym I haven't read in many years
Fucking cata
Male undead mage or warlock, my first character was a lock but he never saw further than 22 and the character I did make it to 60 right before tbc with was my undead warrior. Really torn because since then I've loved mage forever but I feel like a second chance to give that lock a shot is the right choice since the poor guy never had a chance to shine. As for undead I don't care if I'm considered "edgy" for picking them, I've loved them since W3 when I was 10
literally everyone said VC what are you smoking?
You just learn to deal with it. The evenings in the desert are beautiful. I grew up here so I just learned to love the desert in the summer/winter. Flaggstaff is beautiful too. I did go to Tennessee to see my grandma and it is absolutely gorgeous with the rolling green hills and massive trees everywhere.
You know vanilla released in 2004 right, lilzoom? 2008 was one year into TBC.
Gj outing yourself
What is your personal best levelling speed?
eat shit poser
You don't NEED a taunt if your group isn't retarded. You don't remember much about having to wait a bit for threat generation do you?
Click buff totems, keybind pvp totems.
No one's ever needed to drop strength of earth on the fly, but you want poison cleanse and grounding etc down asap.
you never raided BWL or Onyxia. Prot Pally was fucking amazing
>Tfw cant play dark iron slaughtering orcs and br*nzebeards
I kind of want to roll a troll shaman because it sounds like fun and I want to be able to get into dungeons quickly. Will I be able to level while specced for healing? How are shamans as healers in vanilla?
Look to be totally honest they are not so bad that they are unusable but if you want to tank just go warrior save yourself the headache and stress. Druids have get weird ass out of the way gear and conpete with hunters for them. Correct me if im wrong isnt the only way for them to tank in AQ and naxx is by grinding a weapon from gnomeragan that breaks after 3 uses? I hear feral dps isnt bad though if you get the wolfheart helm and grind that same weapon
>What will you roll
>and why will you do so?
Because I'm not a fag
>Will I be able to level while specced for healing?
Yes, this isn't retail. You play a class, not a spec
I want to roll a Mage because I can be independent but also consider Warrior tank so I can set the rules for my groups.
The downside of the Warrior is that I can no longer solo shit or engage meaningful in PVP without respeccing everytime.
I'm just going to try three classes and whichever I play/enjoy the most will be the one I level to 60
>until everyone gets anti-stealth trinkets
How were shamans in classic? Thinking about picking them.
They heal, they zap people, they RNG one shot people with their big mace.
bad, don't
I know the old ret iterations get mocked a lot, but there's something about them that just feels right.
Nu-ret is basically just another warrior
You nailed it
>still no beta invite
>have a classic account
feels bad how many people here got into the beta?
If you're not an "influencer" (gigantic faggot streamer shill retard to be exact) then chances are pretty low that you'll get a beta invite in the first wave.
Why user why did "influencer" marketing became a thing? Instead of making good games west cuck developer would rather use the money on influencers.
In pve shaman healers are one of the best if not the best they provide the best utility out of any class to such a point that people want one in every group and will take them over priests. They have the only form of aoe heal and make druid healers irrelevent with manatide totem. In
In pvp alot of the same stuff applies but things are more balenced between priest, shaman and paladin. Shamans are still great for their bulkiness and totems
It's cheap and easy marketing. They throw some keys to those "people" and they handle that company's marketing for free.
Don't spec for healing while leveling unless you're a paladin, heal specs are worthless for soloing and wearing an int set is more than enough to heal.
Go enhance, or ele.
Priest. I'm leaning more towards Alliance even though I originally played Horde in vanilla. I was also thinking dwarf but I hate the fact that most priests are also going to be dwarves. I might just be human or nightelf to be different.
Alliance priest can be hell though, with all the undead
>one retard on the forum called it that, that means everyone called DM vc
Zoom zoom
They were actual bulky defensive units who aimed to outlast you. I mean now all classes die more or less as easily as the next.
The only thing i truly feared was a druid. Usually a stalemate. Locks were scary in vanilla pvp too
I don't really concern myself with the ins and outs. As long as I can do most of the content pretty comfortably then what one races advantages have over another don't really concern me. There's plenty more balance issues in vanilla than just racials/faction imbalance.
but he is right you retard. i played vanilla on both eu and us servers from the very start of beta and it was always VC because nobody abbrevated dungeons really before dire maul was released, i think its you whos the zoomer, baby boy
Shaman healing is okay. Early on (like healing RFC and SFK) they're on the weak side since you'll not have very much int gear and shaman spells are very mana inefficient, but things pick up once you have a good set and MP5 gear starts showing up. Shaman totems also are great buffs and they're usually fairly wanted in groups, especially after getting WF totem.
Don't level as a healing spec. That goes for any hybrid (except paladins where all three trees are equally shit and dont matter) most of the time you'll be on your own killing shit and heal trees never have good killing talents. Go enhancement or ele to actually kill shit, just wearing an int set is enough to be able to heal a dungeon until you start getting to endgame shit like DM or ST.
>I want to be able to get into dungeons quickly
The one thing to consider is that if you're enhance, warrior tanks usually avoid shamans if they think they have to share melee gear and weapons with them, when it would be just as easy for them to get a priest or druid. Like get fucked if you want to run RFK, Armory or Uldaman. Whenever I'd roll a shaman I'd prefer ele purely so I don't have to deal with warrior tanks and just steal gear from pages and warlocks instead (plus you only use one gear set)
I was thinking a shaman because of horde Pride. I was also thinking of going to the server that asmongold it's going to play. I would have started streaming to and maybe with the server with more streamers on it I'll get more
>I'm going to play [non-viable obscure spec]!
no you're not.
>tfw full time job so can’t no life classic.
>telling other people what they play and what not
based retail cuck
Every optimized raid/guild should have at least one feral tank.
Practicality of rolling a fury warrior either dual wield or 2h?
Druids are the best tank mechanically
They can't hit def cap so they're worthless on raid bosses that aren't on farm on alt night.
i recently picked up wow again after many years of hiatus (i played vanilla and a bit of wotlk) and decided to give RP servers a try this time around since there are no pvp/pve servers anymore. argent dawn EU, and it feels more nostalgic than wotlk. roleplayers everywhere putting life into the game world by organizing wpvp events, guild events and sporadic rp all over the map. people chat me up casually all the time and its amazing. back then this only happend when people wanted to group which ws forced, this interactions arent forced at all, these people WANT to talk to me. absolutely amazed and im going to roll 100% on an classic rp server now (i hope there will be a rp-pvp server)
If this was retail I wouldn't because everything is viable.
Arms is better for leveling but fury is fine too. Don't dual wield you'll just miss constantly, use a 2H.
in vanlla everything was "viable too" if you dont care about +/- 5% damage. look at retail parses and you see the same thing. heck even some races still perform way better than others because of racials in retail
UD lock
>Always useful
>Easyish to level
>Less populated than mages
>More fun than hunters
either undead warlock or undead rogue to troll all the gay ass alliance players
Dual wield fury is great on either faction, 2H fury is great on horde only.
>If this was retail I wouldn't because everything is viable.
>did not play shaman prot warrior or shadow priest on bfa release
yea sure retail cuck.
can you make this discord friendly?
Ret pally w/ goblin eng & mining reporting in
why is half her ass showing?
is this incel art?
dude got cauliflower tunnels
kill yourself tranny
Shadoebringers because WoW is old and boring now.
what class do you play? i tried a few and ff14 has to have the worst mmorpg combat of all time.
i-i-its not fair roguebros...
she's not there to fight, she's only there for relief
Thanks for the link. Although all the data is based on private server data with scuffed armor values (and rage generation?) I suppose?
DRG and jumps are fun.
do you have an active sub?
only one person out of all my online friends, who was still playing wow, got invited
i remember drg just as 123456, do you really enjoy that kind of rotation?
I got no friends
Reminder that there is only one classic streamer worth watching and it's twitch.tv
play on an RP server. people will chat you up and try to make friends with you.
I'm rolling a dwarf priest. Super easy leveling, fairly easy to find a dungeon running group, superior healing, top-tier raid viability (not that I plan on raiding very seriously), and crazy good PvP potential
>48 warriors
WoW is a glorified wack a mole (hit all your procs that pop) and I prefer the steady combo flow of XIV which gets difficult when trying to also dodge mechanics and plan your burst phases accordingly so yes.
>You don't NEED a taunt if your group isn't retarded. You don't remember much about having to wait a bit for threat generation do you?
that's exactly the problem though. people are so used to facerolling dungeons it's going to be an absolute nightmare as a tank to re-train every dumb nigger you roll with.
>Easyish to level
they're straight up easy
leveling a priest solo is fucking mind numbing
t. leveled a priest in vanilla to 59
this it's honestly hilarious. literal free advertising to hundreds of thousands of people
cant wait for blizz to make finally some class changes. having 80% shitty endgame speccs was just no fun.
guess i need more ZEN in my gaming flow to be able to enjoy that kind of thing