>playing Horde mode
>one of the gay fucking ninjas with rapier and accelerated stabbing speed shows up out of nowhere and twoshots me
>as I lay dying on the ground and he runs off, he says in the Foppish voice, at lowest pitch, "you are the worst soldier I have ever..."
>he fades into the distance and I can hear really faintly
So how have you been enjoying yourselves?
M o r d h a u
All the streams i've seen of this game make it look boring as fuck, probably because it's not even a relatively new game idea just a slightly upgraded one.
is there even mounted combat?
The usual. I go find a single enemy, fight him for 3 seconds, and then be MAULED in the back of the head by 5 of his teammates who decided to *teleports behind me* out of fucking nowhere despite me periodically looking around while keeping my back towards a wall.
>he forms his opinion on games based on streamers
>he actually fucking watches streamers in the first place
what happened to this site
This is why the only weps I use in frontline are the executioner sword, maul, big axe and halberd. The only way to play is to run around looking for small fights going on then sneak up and one shot the enemy.
Builds time.
zoomers are fucking retarded
Why don't you just play duels servers? Or turn on thirdperson?
Because both of those are for faggots. And I have no room to complain because I do the same thing.
How is fighting in an environment free of the exact thing you're complaining about "for faggots"?
If I wanted straight 1v1s I'd be playing a game with a lot more complexity than this. As far I'm concerned this game is at its best when it's a nonsensical clusterfuck and you have no real idea what's going on except that you must kill every blue/red motherfucker you see.
>I'd be playing a game with a lot more complexity than this
Yeah user, I'm sure you've exhausted this game's skill ceiling and have nothing left to master.
>As far I'm concerned this game is at its best when it's a nonsensical clusterfuck and you have no real idea what's going on except that you must kill every blue/red motherfucker you see.
Have your preferences all you want but there is literally nothing wrong with duels servers. If anything Frontline is full of a lot more faggotry: bowfaggotry, bombfaggotry, horsefaggotry, catafaggotry.
>team is struggling to make it past some barricades the enemy put up near the cave on mountain peak
>go around and charge down the bridge toward the barricades
>stab an archer with my longsword
>flip sword around to mordhau grip as I jump behind the barricade
>in the span of ten seconds club the two engineers and the knight guarding them to death
>turn around and smash the barricade down with my bros on the other side to resounding cheers and battle cries
>end up losing anyway because the other half of the team is taking potshots from our spawn
The usual. Moments of intense fun and excitement wrapped up in being frustrated at the lack of playing the objective.
Audible kek
>bluefag engineer sets up a flawless array of spikes and a ballista on the other side of the river beyond middle point in camp
>switch to my three firebomb cunt build and shit on his virgin fort
>he chases me around for the rest of the game with a rapier and shield
I really wish horde mode had it's own maps. Imagine a mode for defending against an AI siege that ramps up? but instead we get the regular maps that make it boring as fuck
>charge toward a crossbow player
>he shoots
>I deflect
>he pulls out a rapier and starts backpedaling
It’s all so fucking tiresome
Versatility is strength.
Galaxy brain engineering right here.
>he starts spamming stab
>chamber morph decapitate him
>It is said that Witchers are able deflect arrows mid flight.
Speaking of, have any of you met a decently skilled LARPer from the millions of Geralts and Jon snows?
If you're not going to go down without a fight, why should anyone else?
*throws firebomb*
>*blocks your path*
>5 of his teammates who decided to *teleports behind me* out of fucking nowhere despite me periodically looking around while keeping my back towards a wall.
holy shit this. i'm almost convinced there's a bug that makes enemies invisible sometimes. more than a few times, i've checked my flank and got blindsided the moment i turn back to my target.
Ran into fucking Mace Tyrell and he smashed my head in with an evening star before laughing in the deepest foppish voice possible
The flaming aoe forms on impact, that won't stop it at all. If anything I'd have to throw two, and what kind of fag carries only one grenade around
>playing housebuilding
>losing 506-56
And then blue bitches because "red has muh advantage"
people will specifically wait for you to turn around and then RUN UP ON A NIGGA
the moment you turn your back, it's like a quantum black hole vacuum pulling every enemy weapon to the back of your head
just so you know, there is quite the difference between what you see in 1st person and is really happening in 3rd person i switched to 3rd person after i had enough of the shit hitboxes just to realize the game don't have a TRUE 1st person view
post your most stylish mercs i need inspiration
i want to use 3rd person, but the fov is so goddamn low i feel like i'm sitting on my character's shoulders
i've set up my FOV to 90 and it is fine but then again, having a camera so close to your character is so that you don't create an unfair balance against 1st person only player which is fair
Like he said that's not going to do shit, the only counter available to firebombs for engineers is throwing a smokebomb, running fireproof+hammer+smith (might only save one building due to the AoE), or killing the bomber before he gets close.
Which is a good thing honestly because otherwise you'd be able to set up some really stupidly excessive defenses.
You expected a stylish merc with a heart? Too bad! It was me!
Firebombs travel in an arc
It's the chase mechanic lads, when your back is facing an enemy they move much faster towards you. this is why you can look, see someone far away, turn around, and they are right in your ass with a maul in what seems like a blink.
It should honestly be removed.
>It should honestly be removed
the opinion of a retard who knows nothing about game balance
>people should be able to run away from fights forever and never die
I honestly like how it seems that there's a fuckton of variety, but I'm afraid the game will go the way of Chivalry with everyone being a metafaggot and the game dying relatively soon.
>play on duels
>have to deal with 90% of the players using Zweihanders or Exec. Sword
Fun game.
So take a fast weapon and stunlock them.
They need a better wait to stop fleeing and kiting. The chase mechanic is garbage for frontline since no matter how much you exercise awareness of your surroundings, you're still going to get blindsided constantly since anyone can run up on your shit in a blink.
can I jav throw in this and is it viable
Can i use a brigandine with a plackart?
me and my brother agree mordhau is like a proof of concept of how great melee combat is supposed to feel. mordhau might not be the goat, but I believe it is a precursor to the goat if its concepts are combined with an open world, storyline, magic system, etc.
This game is just a haven for alt-right bigots.
there's a melee weapon called short spear that can also be thrown
and you have 3 weapon slots
so you can basically have 3 throwing spears, i wouldn't call it a powerful strategy though but it won't get you killed a lot
they said they're adding actual javelins in future but for now that's the closest thing
You should start by understanding game mechanics before bitching about them and calling for their removal.
Chase doesn't activate against anyone unless they're facing away from you and sprinting. It's not going to affect someone who's walking and fighting on the frontline at all. It doesn't make it any easier to sneak up on someone.
ideas guys love to throw around the words "open world"
I thought it was a huge meme build when I packed 3 short spears. That was until I got the timing right and started doing crazy shit like blowing a charging lancer's face off when he thought standing still was an easy kill, or accidentally throwing my last spear into a guy who survives, only to run up and pull it back out of him before stabbing him in the face with it.
Got to 3rd on the leaderboard frontline the first time trying it, and felt completely silly the entire time.
I thought it was funny, it'd be funnier if they were fighting black knights in league with gay knights
>it'd be funnier if they were fighting black knights in league with gay knights
I'm sure there were rapiershield builds somewhere in that server, user.
>Can't even resupply
Low tier skirmisher you've got there.
yeah you have no idea how much of an idea guy i am
Joke's on you fag. Don't miss and you'll never run out.
Can you not resupply main weapons? I never tried.
It's far from always safe to run to your target to pick up your projectiles.
Only ammo gets resupplied. In the case of throwing weapons they get resupplied even if you threw them all.
>alt right bigots
What a fucking blur.
Basically Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
>Chase doesn't activate against anyone unless they're facing away from you and sprinting
Okay? Thanks for the attempt at a tutorial but I never said that it didn't.
>It doesn't make it any easier to sneak up on someone.
It absolutely does since like I said, it reduces the effect of awareness. You're never safe while moving around the map as the chase mechanic as a whole is just as effective for backstabbing as it is preventing fleeing, if not moreso.
It's 'skirmisher' not 'fucking pussy'. If you aren't vanguarding troops already pushing in and cleaning up stragglers, you're not a fucking skirmisher.
cant have you stealing my multimillion dollar works of genius
What Mordhau needs:
>More maps
>A Frontlines mode with no ticket drop from having fewer bases
>It's 'skirmisher' not 'fucking pussy'
Actually skirmisher DOES equal "running away when you get too much attention".
you'd better believe I watch a stream of a multiplayer game before I buy it. you're a fucking idiot if you don't do this yourself, enjoy getting scammed.
it looks like barely polished chivalry and plays just as bad
You mean 'take cover behind allies and shift aggro selectively'. Running is for pussies, not to mention you can't really run away in this game, and optimal thrown spear range is just outside melee.
>you can't really run away in this game
t. shit skirmisher
>watching streamers
back to the pin, pay piggy oink oink
If you are standing far enough away to be another flavor of shitty archer sure, retard. You know those spears are designed for melee too, right? You have no fucking clue what skirmishing really is. It's a hybrid melee short-range thrown build for harassing and picking off the wounded. If you think that means 'stand real far back, throw a bunch of shit and then piss off when you run out or your allies in between you die because you aren't helping shit' then you are fucking clueless.
>he brings a crossbow to a duel server
shiggeru diggimoto, anons. if you do, don't complain when you have your rights taken away and rdm'd by everyone else
>t. someone who doesn't know what skirmishing means
What if I told you that archers do skirmishing as well?
>Skirmishers are light infantry or cavalry soldiers in the role of skirmishing—stationed to act as a vanguard, flank guard, or rearguard, screening a tactical position or a larger body of friendly troops from enemy advances. They are usually deployed in a skirmish line—an irregular open formation much more spread out in depth and breadth than a traditional line formation. Their purpose is to harass the enemy—engaging them in only light or sporadic combat in order to delay their movement, disrupt their attack, or weaken their morale.
Wow, look at that: you're a fucking idiot.
You're clearly looking to argue semantics here so I'll be accepting your concession.
>It absolutely does since like I said, it reduces the effect of awareness. You're never safe while moving around the map as the chase mechanic as a whole is just as effective for backstabbing as it is preventing fleeing, if not moreso.
But you weren't even talking about moving around the map. What you explicitly said was
>The chase mechanic is garbage for frontline since no matter how much you exercise awareness of your surroundings, you're still going to get blindsided constantly since anyone can run up on your shit in a blink
which is bullshit, because if you aren't running away from anyone chase makes NO DIFFERENCE to how easy it is to sneak up on you.
shit game for incels
>>A Frontlines mode with no ticket drop from having fewer bases
I've played TF2, a lot, and 5CP is cancer when one team can just turtle their last point forever because there's no punishment for having less bases. The only thing that stops that happening is the stalemate timer running out, and then neither side actually gets declared winner, which basically means everyone's a loser.
Mordhau's ticket drop system when you hold more points is good because if one team turtles forever (easy to do due to all the terrain, vehicle and engineer advantages you get while defending) they're actually going to lose. Which forces them to push out.
>More maps
kys tranny
There's a 2 hour unconditional refund time for games, which allows you to actually see what the game's like YOURSELF instead of watching a 2 hour video of PewDiePie screech his way through it making decisions you might not have made, and if you don't like it, you get your money back.
"Fucking retard" yourself.
Ok how the fuck do attacks go through shields like that. I've had that happen a few times to me (targe) can you drag the hit box behind them or something?
What the shit are you going on about? Nothing in my post gives the implication that you're not moving or that that the chase mechanic works outside of running at someone's back. Chase lets you catch someone's back and the range on it is fairly large.
For a simple example
>Playing M&B or WotR or whatever the fuck
>Do objective, check surroundings, then move on
>Stop and check surroundings again, notice someone was trying to sneak up on you, then start dueling
>Playing Mordhau frontline
>Do the objective and start moving on to the next
>Suddenly some mystery nigga with a rapier stabs you in the back for a third of your health because he harnessed his inner Jamaican.
The attack isn't going through the shield. If you watch carefully, you'll see the head of the mace lands somewhere not covered by the shield each time.
>engaging [the enemy] in only light or sporadic combat
Almost entirely ranged combat.
Everything else is about a tactical or strategic role that isn't simulated in Mordhau. Congratulations, you played yourself.
Nigger lol
>Nothing in my post gives the implication that you're not moving or that that the chase mechanic works outside of running at someone's back
Uhh maybe the fact you said
>no matter how much you exercise awareness of your surroundings, you're still going to get blindsided constantly
you fucking moron?
Mordhau matches are way too short and don't allow for proper comebacks because in most matches the first team to get the middle CP wins. The lack of a middle CP is what makes Mountain Peak the best map in that regard, but it is lacking in others. Matches are also too short, the final objective hardly ever gets pushed to the end. The tickets should only go down on deaths and it should work as a tie breaker after a 30-60 minute timer has run out if the battle is not decided beforehand.
Shut up Italian
Ah, gotcha. I understand you and the whole picture now. Yes, if you literally have completely awareness of your surroundings then you will never be blindsided and the chase mechanic will never be activated.
If you jump and do an overhead on the opposite side of their shield, you can clip the shield guy’s head. In the webm, the shield guy is crouching to make this even easier
Remeber to look around and listen for suspicious sounds and you will have awareness of your surroundings.
Does this work with the Masser? That's the only weapon I use.
It’s worked for me with an arming sword, so I assume it’s possible with just about anything. It’s just difficult to get it consistently, especially in the middle of the fray in frontline
You don't have that luxury on frontline.
>rounds are too short
>final objective doesn't get capped enough
I mean those are all valid complaints but you ignored what I said about why the ticket countdown has to exist.
It has to stay, because the only other viable alternative is implementing stalemates, or rounds never ending.
>The tickets should only go down on deaths
Pushing is harder than defending. Defenders get huge height/terrain advantages, buildable defenses, siege engine advantages like ballistae placements, shorter distances to travel to the frontline, and ammo boxes in every map. Attackers also have to jump through hoops like walking a bomb to a tower, which leaves you vulnerable.
So if tickets only went down on deaths, you'd turn the mode into just pure TDM. Nobody would ever try and cap mid, because there would be zero advantage to it other than putting yourself in a more vulnerable position that could drain more tickets. Nobody would go to the risk of touching the objectives at all.
Rounds would never end due to a capture, except in enormously one-sided games, because nobody would want to waste so many of their game-deciding tickets trying to push a last objective. You would essentially be making it no longer an objective based mode.
If you want TDM literally just go play TDM.
An easy fix
>chase mechanic only applies if you were engaged in combat with that opponent whether you attacked them or vice versa
Bam fixed.
Actually on second thought I should also say "rounds are too short" isn't a valid complaint either. They can commonly go for like 30-45 minutes.
"The first team to get middle wins most of the time" only occurs because no shit if one side is better, and thus performs better in the early round, they're more likely to win. With that said, I see plenty of back and forth on Grad and Camp. Taiga is the only problem map for mid being a free win, and that's more to do with its shit balance, not with the way Frontline works.
I don't see another way of fixing the problems, I don't mind long matches and teams are not nearly coordinated enough to do an "alright guys stop attacking, just camp and wait". Your comparing with TF2 doesn't really add up because TF2 isn't/wasn't 32v32.
If I had to make an alternative then I'd make a Push mode like Chivalry had, which was all about one team advancing through objectives with limited tickets and the defenders having infinite tickets.
>see archerfag/any light armorfag
>let's say this is battle royale, or last man standing in Skirmish, or someone running around on a cap area in Frontline
>go to kill him
>can literally never catch him EVER if he decides not to shoot you, or if he tries to but misses
>If he's using a Longbow, which oneshots T1 armor, an unarmored archer can outrun anyone with T1 armor and has 16 opportunities to oneshot their head while they can never, ever catch him
Yeah nah, chase is great, and your "fix" would introduce new exploits. Stop being a cowardly little bitch and stand and fight.
>Run up to an archer
>He sees you just before you can strike him
>He's guaranteed escape
Doesn't reward the effort of going around the battlefield to take out archers at all. It's fine as it is.
Whatd the best mode for farming gold? I'm usually top 3 in frontline but I still only make like 600 a match. I'm sure I could make more if I became a horsenigger but I have dignity.
You can't make much more than 600 per match. Which is fine by the way.
>max dpi and sens
>lmb with executioners sword and throw your mouse across the room
>rapier, shield, scroll wheel
It was fun until there became a hard meta. Now its unfun sweaty trash.
>I don't see another way of fixing the problems
What problems did you list?
"short rounds" which aren't really that short, and "final objective doesn't get capped enough" which can be fixed by increasing the reward for final caps significantly and weakening final point defenses.
Changing the whole structure of the mode isn't necessary.
>and teams are not nearly coordinated enough to do an "alright guys stop attacking, just camp and wait"
It wouldn't even require coordination.
After a few rounds of the team who tries to cap objectives losing every time because trying to cap involves pushing into ballistas on Camp and getting backstabbed while trying to free a peasant on Grad, everyone would learn it themselves.
>Your comparing with TF2 doesn't really add up because TF2 isn't/wasn't 32v32.
The playercount could be 100v100 and the principles would still be the same.
If you can agree defending is easier than attacking in Mordhau, and you can agree that therefore you put yourself at a disadvantage trying to push, that means the only reason to push is ticket bleed. And with that gone, in the current state of Mordhau's maps there is no chance you're going to get to last unless your team is vastly better, so why risk pushing? Which means you've made objectives pointless.
>If I had to make an alternative then I'd make a Push mode like Chivalry had, which was all about one team advancing through objectives with limited tickets and the defenders having infinite tickets.
Yeah, I'd like that too as a different gamemode or separate maps for Frontline. But I don't think Frontline needs to have the way it works changed, other than what I said at the top.
>>lmb with executioners sword and throw your mouse across the room
I parried your slow ass swing really fucking easily and you have no stab game to shake things up, thanks for the free kill
>rapier, shield, scroll wheel
chamber morphed into kick followed by stab, thanks for the free kill
Fuck you
all i'm seeing is
+100 dumpstered
Top kek
>tfw when you wanna play and show off dress-up, but you play on an eight year old pc and have turned all the graphics to minimum
hammer and eveningstar goe through shields but reduced dmg
>but you play on an eight year old pc
No they don't, why are you lying?
>Start playing the game last night at 2am with my friends
>Friends chose a low pop server to help me practice
>Starting to get the hand of things. Can block reliably, get a kill every few minutes or so.
>I genuinely enjoy how chaotic the matches are and how much shit posting happens in the chat.
>One match goes completely dead. As in everybody leaves but me and my two friends, and two other people on the opposite team
>We think we got this in the bag as we're up 150 resources
>Some rapier mother fucker starts absolutely obliterating us. He gets a record of 1 - 30 on me
>He does nothing but spam the same attack constantly with no attempt to block or even maneuver.
>We lose the match despite being 3 vs 2 and starting out owning all but one of the enemies bases.
>All because of that rapier fucking cunt
I really enjoy the game so far and the combat seems to have some layers of depth to it. But thrusting weapons are fucking broken.
they do on horde atleast
try it next time on shield bots
Sounds like you're fucking retarded if you can't do something about someone as predictable as a rock.
Rather quickly I was able to reliably time my blocks so he couldn't do any damage, but the issue was there was no way my swings could out speed his. Even if I blocked and perfectly timed my next swing, his spam was faster and I took a hit.
I was also only a few hours into the game at this point and using a default load out. But I could tell right away the different between a weapon that can be countered with skill, and a pile of bullshit that needs a nerf.
Just chamber you idiot, did you even play the tutorial?
Feel free to call me a fucking idiot, but no I did not. I just wanted to jump into a game with my friends right away.
>it's another 3 armor, rapier-shield build
holy shit fuck off you powergaming cunts, worse than zweiniggers
>but the issue was there was no way my swings could out speed his
is this game going to have any longevity? I don't want to spend money on something that will die within a month.
You fucking idiot the tutorial takes like 10 minutes
Horde servers with more than six players are pretty easy to farm. Even if you die every round, there’s usually a group of camped archers that’ll still complete it, and you get 1k each time you get to wave 21
stop posting this obnoxious cancer
>start playing the game last night
>that means at absolute maximum, one (1) ((uno)) day's worth of combat experience
>considers himself qualified to make balance statements about what is and is not "fucking broken"
Why do people do this?
People should be forbidden from calling anything overpowered or underpowered until they've had at bare minimum 100 hours of playtime.
Play the tutorial, then play the swordfighting section of it again. Rapier stab spammers are easily countered by scrolling up to chamber their stab, then scrolling down to swing, and accelerating the swing.
Show me a better video
>clap emoji in the title
Why would you post this retarded trash?
Yea Forums will drop it before too long and it may or may not move to /vg/. Flavors of the month with Yea Forums are great, though, even the paid ones like this one. It's supposed to have mod support so it might stay alive on /vg/ if good mods come out. Otherwise, it'll just be populated with the players who are starting to pop up now that stabbing and shields got nerfed to high heavens: the spinning ballerina 2hand users.
>show me a better piece of food or this turd sandwich is good food
there's none.
literally every video out there made for mordhau is cancer and just disgusting to look at.
Cool strawman, I just wanted to watch a Yea Forums approved video
>the spinning ballerina 2hand users
all you have to do is poke them, freshie. "ballerina spinning" is not viable in the slightest in this game, turncap makes you vulnerable for too long and there's no point to it.
*blocks your spawn*
>Yea Forums is one person
Well, I am Yea Forums and I do not approve of that piece of shit, sorry. Looks like you gonna have to find something else to watch.
>the spinning ballerina 2hand users
This term gets overused a lot, but those retards are free kills. Pretending this game is Chivalry is just not viable.
You're avoiding my post. Here, have another good one.
Is there a single more aesthetically pleasing weapon in the game than the zwei?
>two firepots
>we wizard now
Holy shit i'm having a lot of fun. Throw two patches of fire then run at the enemy, they get confused and walk backwards into fire or die to staff spam
hahah based griefbro
i do the same shit especially if some sperg on my team acts up
>retard gets pissy at me because i got to a horse before he did
>attacks me
>manages to steal my horse and ride off while I'm stunned
>call votekick on him for tk
>retrieve horse
eat shit faggot
>fighting over a horse
>horse at all
this is my lute merc say something nice about him
>Rapier/Spear fag
>Chamber his thrust and morph it into a swing
>They always parry it
Am I supposed to feint that shit as well or what
fuck off, holy shit
>Short spear in frontline
>Stab a guy, he does exactly that and morphs it into a swing
>Parry it and stab again
>Continues 5 times before someone with a greatsword swings at roughly head height and kills us both
I feel like nobody wins in that exchange
hold up, I've got some good advice for new players
240 Mode sucks
can't hear you from up here on the scoreboard going 60-1 and making life hell for the enemy team. stay mad, peasant
I can usually kill them other ways by either baiting them into prematurely attacking or something, it's just that the old advice against spearfags was chamber morphs which I haven't been able to properly try until today where I had 1v2 and both were spears
for once OP wasn't the faggot what a twist
Why is every thought, question, or feeling expressed on the internet instantly met with sarcasm or aggression?
I hope to high heaven you're at least slicing heads with a 1h Messer and not couching like a fop.
i don't handicap myself because some lowscoring nerd is going to get uppity if i don't
>pay money before you make your decision, don't you dare form an opinion anywhere else
As someone who has been locked from refunds for using purchases as demos, you need to chill out lad.
I hope you're not insinuating that you're handicapping yourself when using a blade, when using lanced weapons makes you obvious as fuck and limits your options.
>implying devs aren't listening to them and altering the game for 2hand users
Matter of time. Check what they've been saying and patch notes.
>diese ist meine flamenberge
>ist berge flamen
>try to buy a new look for my billhook
>get an error sound
>thing still locked
>my gold goes down anyway
>the game literally stole my gold
>try buying it later and it works just fine
>tfw had to pay double for a skin
it does clip through the shield because 1st person models are offset to third person models, if you really want to see what you shield is protecting or what your sword is hitting you need to switch to 3rd person
more like your 2$ indie game idea lol, also read the little disclaimer at the bottom of the page and cap your post
I have two questions. Can you zoom out of your character more in third person? (Fov doesn't seem to work) can you cange what side of your screen your guy is on in 3rd person?
Not limiting my options at all, I do far better with good reach.
what exactly
where is the proofs.jpg
It's amazing how bad people are at this game. Imagine not being able to deal with simple stab spam. Go train in 1v1s you idiots.
>Can you zoom out of your character more in third person?
Nope. It's a balancing thing to stop 3rdperson being too good of an option relative to 1stperson and forcing everyone to use it. otherwise you could see everything around you at all times
Play frontline mostly, over 100 hours now and fucking sick and tired of the map designs. Honestly if you go blue for camp or taiga or red for mountain peak you're fucking retarded however if you win then the other team is literally retarded.
Grad is fairly well done but has major issues with it being a shit fest for whichever team is pushed back to their final objective and the spawns are fucking atrocious especially for red on their 2nd objective, just a fucking cavalry shit show or 2h spamming ballerinas lobbing as many fresh spawns as possible before someone with some substantial armour spawns in.
Not to mention the maps aren't exactly well distributed in regards to objectives and the game is basically decided by those who first grab the third. Would have been much better that there be 6 objectives rather than 5 making stalemates much more interesting.
Catapults are a shit attribute to the game as well.
I didn't mind this shit 24 hours in, but 124 hours in and it's really pissing me off. Especially as it's the same 4 shit maps on repeat.
nah user, it's much easier for me to call everyone who duels faggots and then keep whining about being shat on
Speaking of stab spam how do you deal with spear/rapier faggots? Like yeah i can chamber their stabs, but all they do is parry the chamber...
Morph the chamber into a swing or a kick, and be sure to facehug those faggots
Hint: Frontline isn't what the game is about. Go play skirmish and duels if you want to play vs good players.
>Obligatory git gud & it's easy
There is not particularly any way, if you get a stab landed on you from them then the wheel of fortune will keep pumping them out and you're fucked 9/10. Rapier and spear stab has good range as well as it's insane speed so you're not particularly going to backtrack defensively to compose yourself.
>see couched horse
>step to the opposite side
>he has to recouch or do a u-turn
Slamming into people to break their parry/block and slapping them with a sword is always a true combo.
>Like yeah i can chamber their stabs, but all they do is parry the chamber...
morph your stab chamber into an accelerated swing. they have to either chamber it themselves, or they have to parry, which will put you ahead in stamina.
As your swing could be coming at them from many directions as opposed to the monodirectional stab block, it's harder for them to chamber a swing than it is for you to chamber their stab.
>get in their faces
Does that actually work? When I first started thats how i thought you beat people with spears so id parry the attack and get right in their face, but it seemed like they could still stab my ass. Which is why i learned to start chambering. Didnt know you could morph chambers though.
I knew these helmets would be used for this purpose. Bless 'em.
Protip: Don't call strategies unbeatable when you're a brand spanking new player with 0 idea what they're talking about
Vs rapier and short spear play out of their reach. You can run in while in mid swing to get more distance if you didn't know.
Vs 10 pt spear get in their face, it has huge reach so your swings will hit before theirs.
Are those face shields effective or am I interpreting a different function than their intention? Why has no other army Incorporated them? Murrica I can get, they've got a billion gadgets strapped to their heads like some cyberpunk death squadie.
>>step to the opposite side
nobody ever does this lol
That helmet is Russian, you mong.
Masks like that are hardly bulletproof. They're designed to keep your face from catching shrapnel.
unbeatable is an overstatement, a easily achievable meta is an accurate term for it and don't pretend it isn't just because the games meta is significantly better in the face of chivalry.
It's an irritating and oversubscribed means of fighting because it's extremely effective and those who claim it's easy to beat just talk shit masturbating their own egos or are talking solely in the realms of 1v1 servers. The jab lands first before you react to them then you're in a very shit position.
Yet to see any great person boasting massive K:D and points in game as they've gone around solely taking on the high populations of rapier/spear & shield users.
I know it's Russian, you hecking dingus. I didn't state otherwise. I'm going to kick your teeth in.
There is no single merc more fun than 3x firebomb, bloodlust, and scavenger. Change my mind.
Go whine on the official forums with the rest of the bad players
i think the one massaging their ego here is you, because honestly the counter to mwheelup spam is so easy it's pretty embarrassing that you don't know/can't execute it
>or are talking solely in the realms of 1v1 servers
nope, frontline
>it's extremely effective
chamber, morph, accel, collect your free damage.
they're a pushover when you literally just acquire proficiency
if you knew anything about this game you'd know scoreboard toppers are 2h weapon swingers running bloodlust, and not rapier+shield crutchies
i've tried that build but war axe, friendly, wrecker, 2/3/3 has been enormously fun for me
>unga bunga in teamfights to my heart's content
>destroy objectives and bitchboy barricades in 6 swings max
also does anyone know what stone damage in advanced stats refers to?
Not to get political but what the fuck is an accel? I've only ever heard the term mentioned here with no context.
short for accelerate. you move your mouse in the direction of your swing for a faster swing that's more unpredictable for your opponent to parry and gets damage out quicker.
if done correctly, it can be fast enough for almost every weapon to morph from a stab to a swing faster than a rapier can stab.
the opposite of an accel is dragging.
Talking shit and most people know it. It's over subscribed because it's easy as fuck to rake in kills and take very little effort.
>2h players & bloodlust
No shit, most spend 80% of their time around spawns spamming left mouse as well not chopping to bits rapier/spear shield twats.
Just pretentious roleplaying elite players tell others spear/rapier & shield isn't OP then proceed to explain through specific well executed steps how to beat them. I'm not saying they're unbeatable I'm saying they're OP and only pricks refuse to acknowledge the simplicity required to be very efficient nuisances.
Yeah, mod support will breathe new life into it with how shitty of a job the devs did with the 4 primary maps.
They did decent on skirmish and deathmatch, though. Expect new DM maps to crop up when they begin supporting them and maybe new primary maps later.
It won't be FOTM though, it's too much of a niche love to do so
Okay that makes sense. Up until now I just called both moves dragging, I didn't know that there was a term for reverse dragging.
I found a new cancer today. I fought against a fag spamming backwards dodge while stabbing with a shortsword.
100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run EVERY SINGLE DAY.
(and never use air conditioning in summer or heat in winter to strengthen the mind)
Not that user. But he is right in that its really effective. The counter posted "chamber, then morph, then accel" are tactics most people dont employ on their own, much less all in once attack
> It's over subscribed because it's easy as fuck to rake in kills and take very little effort.
No, it's used somewhat often (you're exaggerating the amount of players in a 64 man server who use it by the way, maybe 2 dudes per side), because there are still idiots like you who refuse to learn how to do the simple counterplay. That's really all there is to it.
>Just pretentious roleplaying elite players tell others spear/rapier & shield isn't OP then proceed to explain through specific well executed steps how to beat them
If everywhere you go smells like shit, it might just be because you stepped in shit, user.
We all keep telling you it's easy because it IS easy if you put in a few minutes of practice to learn how to do it. It's literally just moving your mousewheel up, then down while moving the mouse in a direction. It's that fucking easy. Just go do it holy shit.
Anyone can go ingame and try it for themselves if they were considering being fooled by your inexperience. So I don't really need to say anything more because otherwise you're going to whine and "nuh unh!" for an hour.
The only thing new here is you
Thats just poking. Find some new vocabulary
Shield/rapier annoying as fuck. Everyoned answer is always annoying and shitty too - just kick the shield faggot... Yeah like you can do that while holding a halberd after they block one morph and close the gap for infinite quick stabs.
>are tactics most people dont employ on their own
But I do all the time for fuck's sake. Why are you insisting on telling me that because you don't know how to play the game, that I don't?
Kicks now have more range against active held blocks and recovery. This will significantly increase range of kicks against shields and fist block only (Doesn’t affect parries/timed blocks)
Increased kick tracer width slightly (making it more reliable in facehug range)
Nerfed chase mechanic slightly - now has a bit less activation range & movement speed bonus upon activation. This will make it weaker mostly against unarmored builds.
Increased stab early release by 25ms (this will make all stabs hit very slightly slower)
>slightly slower
Thus begins the shift to 2hand spinning and winning. People are still bitching about stabbing despite rapiers being almost non-existent now. I'm seeing fewer and fewer people not using a 2hand weapon. It's nothing but maul, executionar, zwei, and a few halberd users holding out.
Get good honestly
Oh, and axe users. Can't forget them. I guess I blocked it from my mind because all I see are axe guys spinning around chopping legs.
>at max only 2 people per side
Ehhh seems like you are underplaying it a bit here. Spears, Rapiers, and shit like Zweis are by far the most common weapons it seems like
Sometimes shieldfags are just in utter disbelief of the new range on kicks, you can get like 2 in a row easily. Kick stab kick stab, then they start panicking.
What the fuck are you going on about nigger? At what point in my post did I say YOU specifically dont or cant employ these tactics? I said MOST people dont. Making the spear/rapier poke spam pretty fucking effective. Hell with a fucking shortsword on my archer i am able to effectively just spam stab on most people who come up on me to kill them.
>le spin 2 win haha spinn haha xD people are totally doing 360 degree spins all le time
I'm and since our posting styles are similar i would prefer not to be confused with your shit opinion by anyone here. thanks
I just dont bother. If i see them i fuck off unless its a xv1 then i hope my tms arent retarded enough to not take advantage of me exposing shield boys back to them. I never understood why people dont immediately attack exposed opponents.
>t. guy who cranks his mouse sensitivity to max and starts a swing without even looking at another player
I guess you call it "dragging" or "accelerating" or whatever euphemism you want to use. I call it doing the twist.
Im like that for zweifags or executionerfags that do the thing where they rotate side to side while swinging
They just make me feel silly to fight, theyre not thinking. I would know, i picked up a zwei and tried it myself. You seriously dont have to think. Swing to the left and drag it, then drag again with your followup swing. Youd think you need more skill like positioning or at least awareness of who to hit - nooope. Just swing. Because as long as its a 2v1, the normal frontline player will think they have the advantage and just try to swing at you, not block. Blocking is by all means turned off in their brain, when theyre ganging up on you. You ever see one of these wildly swinging dudes get surrounded by actual good players that block everything? It looks so weird. He just gets poked to death and it sort of looks like a bunch of hunters taking down a rhino.
You're merely assuming I am deluded, shit at the game and new to it as well to skirt over the very obvious issues associated with spear / rapier and shield knobs in that it's highly effective and extremely easy to do and that there is (Anecdotal fine but so is yours) a lot of people employing the combination because of it being an easy recipe for success, far more than 2 and you're talking shit on that one. If I'm aiming high you're certainly aiming low.
>I can't do it
I can do it, I'm saying it doesn't always effectively counter the stab spam especially when they land first hit which isn't uncommon to be side blinded in front line.
There's a legitimate criticism on the games mechanics in this one and people struggling with it are right to be, it's a pain in the ass which takes a long while to become accustomed to.
Secondly the absolute ridiculous notion that "This 1 trick makes stab spammers lose 100% of the time" is absurd as you're not playing a bot. Most stab spammers are still capable of reacting and the stab is certainly quick enough to get back into you.
The stab spam method is a pain in the ass and is OP, mostly because of its simplicity that anyone can use it and it's very proficient at what it does. It's beatable especially when you get better but it's fucking irritating especially as I swear I'm always having to fight the same spammers all the time.
Support seem pretty cool user, I bet they'd refund if you asked.
Now that you mention it I definitely have started noticing the shift in weapon choice majorities.
Can't even think of the last time I even saw a bastard sword.
Making a Plague Doctor.
Which weapons should i use?
I'm already using Medic Bag and a Fire Bomb, i need a main weapon now.
>using maul
>flank around enemy
>find two archers crouching together
>bash both their heads in with one swing
felt good
How much weight you got left?
Don't devalue the dagger or short sword as a potential, especially as I'm assuming you'll mostly be avoiding direct conflict.
This is what happened with Chivalry. Same progression of "patches". Shields have almost totally been eliminated in the games I have played since the latest patch when shields were not a problem.
>lulz salty spearfag
No, I just know how to change key binds and put kick on a side button on my mouse. Never had an issue with shields, I'd just bully them with kicks. The problem is the stab nerf, and will basically eliminate all stabbing-centric weapons and focus the remaining player base on executioner, axes, and maul.
5 Points left.
A second fire bomb of course. And then administer cures with your fists.
it's already heading into that direction
I'm just praying once the dev kit is made available this game will get significantly better maps which manage to circumvent for the most part the spawn raping which (Especially mountain peak and grad) just makes this game excessively unbearable at times.
I have a real love hate relationship with this game and yet to decide if I ultimately enjoy it.
I want a dreihander in the game
this looks kinda fun to be honest. i remember using the raider default for a bit until i could afford shit because i love the throwing axes
Taken from leddit
Mordhau started off fun, but the game is quickly degenerating (At least frontline) into Maul, Zwei, Axe, Executioner (Imo less common now) and halberd spamming spawns, and the maps fully promote and make such practice easy as fuck.
Recent nerfs to shield... The game is going full swing for basic spinning 2h spawn spamming meta and it sucks. Wouldn't be so bad if the maps weren't so shittily designed.
>just found out how to actually riposte
boy i feel dumb
If you're dying to maul axe and executioner players you're probably not very good
that, or morph into kick if close enough, or accel the morphed swing
happened to me when i was purchasing a blacksmith hammer in game.
went to equip it after and continue playing but the hammer didn't appear in my 1234 menu. showed up later. wasted 1k gold
>man this game is getting ruined, everyone uses either the zwei, exec, war axe, maul, spear, rapier, greatsword, you know, pretty much any weapon other than the obvious shitty ones
The games fine for the most part, it just needs better maps and gamemodes
>Can't accept issues with the game
>Swinging with max mouse sensitivity around the spawns isn't effective
>Map designs aren't awful and promote shitty circumstances
>2h weapons don't 1 shot players without much armour
Already promoting the meta yourself. It's nothing about being good. It just forces equipping in certain ways to best deal with it. And I would say 50%+ of my deaths occur at or just outside of spawn.
Personally noticing longbows (Some may argue good) are becoming less numerous, probably as it's a very good example that you'll just get slaughtered over and over at spawn.
Zwei is the worst offender of those you listed, the others all have bigger weaknesses than it.
spawn points being inaccurate fucking blows too.
>ok ill spawn here
>proceed to spawn to the left, right, behind by 1k feet
>get new spawn point further ahead
>proceed to spawn just right near the spawn before it
I do think the worse offender here is probably map and spawn design lends itself to abuse and salty moments.
Really puts a shit view on cavalry as well who you'd hope you be clearing out objectives but I swear 80% of the time they're just repeating around spawns.
it's true, really the only way they can kill you is if you're hit from behind. They are the biggest easiest to see slowest weapons and if you fall for a feint, you're panicking and need to calm down for a sec and think
Fucking horseniggers
scythe buff when?
I love the executioners sword
Not if you actually use it more than 30% of the time.
Yeah to be fair mauls aren't the worse, but it's in reference not to fighting them in the field, but rather spawning straight into them.
Mauls are notable because they're a 1hko to most people so spawn campers with them is just a pain to deal with.
To be fair as well, it's normally the same handful per server pulling this shit, it's just the game makes it so easy for them to keep returning.
the stone damage is the erected forts around points that aren't from the toolbox
I want to play a realistic war simulator where you return to the battlefield the next day and fight amongst rotting corpses on a hot summer’s day :3
i do the same sometimes too but then always see the teammates try to attack this very vulnerable fuck i'm fighting and they completely whiff their shit and i'm ded
>complains about Executioner sword
>while holding a shield and rapier
The next video starts with addressing the people calling him a hypocrite and "that's the fucking point", but that's an easy thing to say when hindsight is on your side.
The no.1 fix they can do to ease half the bullshit that occurs in this potentially masterpiece potential piece of shit game is get rid of fucking bloodlust.
this. its the nigger of perks. dont make it refill all your life or make the health gain seconds later like how fleshwound activates
don't forgot making one hand weapons much more viable when not using a shield
it's pretty embarrassing that a complete faggot has to correct the issue over a video about being a complete faggot. maybe I'm just as gay for seeing the video as satire from the twenty second mark.
I just want to play as a cute engineer girl already.
It's easy to fix bloodlust. Instead of an instant full heal, just make it instantly activate normal health regen on kill.
Do certain weapons have different hit/kill attributes? I could swear that some axes give me health on kill, and the amount I get seems pretty balanced by comparison.
I'm not sure this game counts stats properly
>Have 4/5 kills required for achievement "Poacher"
>Haven't even purchased bear traps
Where'd the fuck the game count 1 let alone 4 from?
>open world
Not every game has to be open world
Fuck off
Bard Lives Matter
just play Vermintide and Kingdom Come
It's a big knife for you to perform amputations with.
Pretty gay post, not gonna lie
No. TK shouldn't count if you kill someone wielding a lute.
theres some fuckery going on if some faggot is annoying you with TKing or just attacking you while being a cunt, if you parry their attack and it pushes them off a bridge, it counts as a tk for some fucking reason.
I wish you could pull some of the shit during combat that could give each of the weapons more of their own identity, like the constant flowing sweeps of the zweihander and how Achille Marozzo detailed changing direction to face multiple opponents. I feel the weapons each have their niche and that might be enough, but I always feel there's something missing that would make each weapon feel more like its own if it were included. Maybe not explicit movesets a la Souls, but maybe something special you can do with the moves already allotted to you depending on weapon, like with my zweihander example.
>lil lute gook
>join red
Why tho
archers are gay
I play without crosshair and I drop my bow and charge in with my shortsword when shit gets greasy.
Can I be a mounted knight with a lance in this game? I loved that in M&B.
literally the only weapon there that's downright broken is the zwei, shit's fucking stupid strong and outranges most other weapons
Yes, and its as hilariously OP in this game as it was in real life
shut it biget
literally the only obnoxious weapons are zwei and rapier, everything else is fine in my experience
Fug that sounds kinda fun. Maybe I'll get it on sale
by the time that happens the game will be full on meta faggotry tryhards. better to stop playing now than a month later
is red op spawns or some shit?
become proficient
Ditto. As one of the anons said earlier you do not have to think with the zwei. It is fucking ridiculous. Any other 2hander has balancing, the zwei's one flaw is how slow it is and it's literally as slow as those other weapons + insane damage and range. It ought to be 11 points and no combos at a minimum.
nah i know how these type of games end up. the only people playing are free weekend new players and the few diehards who need an ego stroke daily doing a little same tryhard jig with eachother.
acquire skill
Yeah, since most spearfags are shit and spam stab, just moving rapidly and staying close to then will discombobualte them
the zwei is literally unga bunga tier, it does stupid high damage, is faster than other weapons as strong as it, as has more fucking range than things like the billhook, I'm pretty sure only the spear, halberd and maybe the great axes have more range. The real cancer comes when you see a dude with 3-3-0 and a zwei. At least the dudes that have less armor and use the zwei carry things like medbags or mallets
>better to stop playing now than a month later
Yea Forums-anti-vidya
Cleaver with the butcher knife skin.
i meant start woops
Still playing with messer + shield.
>still too early for a tier list
confirmed shitter opinion
The zwei is ridiculously easy to chamber, and thus all you have to do is switch between chamber morphing and chamber feinting.
Are they going to keep updating this game? I don't want to get it if it's going to die in a few months
What kind of machine do i need in order to run this, i don't care about going 30 fps lowest setting, i just want the bare minimun
>Game sold 500k already
No user, they're going to let their golden goose starve.
Is there any point of using Messer/Bastard Sword in one hand aside from the ability to use a shield?
>I don't want to get it if it's going to die in a few months
I hate people who think like this, You only want to play the hottest most popular game, regardless of fun. I still play Titanfall 2 on PC ffs and people were screaming about how that died years ago.
Fucking improve yourself user, jesus
>dagger that low
>halberd that low
What mouthbreather made this
>not even a relatively new game idea
keep in mind there are only 2 (3 if you count that old ass mod) games of this nature
>All the streams i've seen
watching streamers play isn't a real good way to gauge anything, you have to play for yourself.
Go back to Overwatch if you like being babysat in a video game faggot
General impression is that 2h has a slightly longer release time, so it's better for dragging swings. The damage is identical so just use your favorite handling
>get into a 2v1
>start a stab against one guy
>mid stab actually aim for the other guy
>first guy parries air while my poke interrupts the second guy funny business
>poleaaxe not S tier
>all greatswords in S tier
Want to know how I know you suck cock?
I have a strong urge to make a bunch of M&B merchs now
This is actually the number 1 way to win a 2+v1. Look at one person while aiming at the next person and it's almost guaranteed to catch them off guard.
That's not the problem, the problem is that it has almost no downsides other than weight
The downside is that most of its users are retards who chop whatever is in their path
>play with eveningstar
>get 9 kills average
>2 hit kills are nice
>play with halberd
>17 kills average
superior reach
Reach always wins
Why are there 2 maces?
This is why map design needs to seriously re-envisage their spawns as it'll wipe out half the shitty zweihander & executioner dragging, spawn camping, bloodlust relying twats over night.
>taking a picture of your monitor
Nigger tranny detected
did I hear halberd
Based lute gook
maul, eveningstar, warhammer, blacksmith hammer
>round ends
>5 kills between them
>0 assists
>3 deaths each
As impotent in games as they are in life.
>Wear bright, obnoxious garments
>do nothing but constantly spam the scream emote and throw firebombs
>banned from 34 servers and counting