Why do casuals love these games so much?
Why do casuals love these games so much?
They're good
Early Souls games were dumbed down Monster Hunter games, newer Souls games are dumbed down Devil May Cry games. It lets casuals play these kind of games when otherwise they would suck at them
Not really
I'd love to hear what games you think are good OP. Please share with us.
Metroid Prime, Half Life 2, Monster Hunter 4 (not U), DMC5, Rondo of Blood, Chrono Trigger, Okami, Team Fortress 2 before it got ruined, Silent Hill 1, Lost Odyssey, Godhand, Killer7, NMH1. Just a few.
Souls is trash tho
Imagine being such an incel that you feel superior for playing certain games.
Ah yes, the pretentious faggot starter pack.
>Why do casuals love these games so much?
You being ironic? Games not popular, only gained traction back in 2013 when it hit $5.00 on steam
All of them are shit.
>DMC5 and Rondo of Blood in the same post
This is bait
>Half-Life 2
Back to Ribbit with you.
Normalfags secretly love a good challenge. They're also absolute masterpieces aesthetically.
>Metroid Prime
The game with a lock-on button and a few puzzles here and there.
>Monster Hunter
That shit is the bad parts of Dark Souls cranked up to eleven, with even more grinding, more damage sponges, slower paced combat and anoying shit like having to sharpen your weapons and cook while hunting monsters
If you find the games I mentioned shit, there is no way you find Dark Souls good, which factually has worse level design than all of them, is 100% devoid of any verticality (besides climbing ladders), puzzle-solving or decent platforming and with the only thing you do is literally
target enemy
attack enemy twice
dodge when enemy attacks with 20 iframes
No matter what boss, no matter what mob. Webm related. Always works.
It's an absolute trash franchise for brainlets like you.
>They're also absolute masterpieces aesthetically.
They're some of the ugliest games of their respective generation, especially Lost Izalith, and Souls 2 as a whole. Bloodborne is literally just 1:1 copypasted from artworks, manga and movies that already existed.
>That shit is the bad parts of Dark Souls cranked up to eleven
You have never played a Monster Hunter and it has more depth than Souls combat in its little toe. Spacing and positioning actually matters in Monster Hunter, as hitzones and precision matters. Webm related.
>cooking while hunting monsters
lol, retarded Souls casual talking about games he never played.
>that perfect timing
nope. neither is suckiro
>Chrono Trigger
fucking lol this game is polished babbys first jrpg
Try Final Fantasy IV and play Free Enterprise.
Or play a cRPG
Way to miss the point, brainlet.
Video games are mainstream, user. Your games aren't hardcore.
>Try Final Fantasy IV
I did and it's worse.
>Or play a cRPG
What makes you think I wouldn't? There's still something a good JRPG gives you that CRPGs don't. Call it a guilty pleasure.
Still better than Souls trash.
You never made one. Souls tards are 80-IQ brainlets. I talked to so many of you. You aren't the big exception.
>Why do casuals love these games so much?
Same reason white people pretend to like spicy foods
Because memes?
I love spicy foods and think Souls is mostly overhyped trash, though.
Weak bait.
Then Reddit wouldn't like it so much. It's literally their nr. 1 game of all time. NeoGAF's too.
>I love spicy foods
No you don't.
That's a cool puzzle, though? Very interactive, original, makes use of the unique gameplay mechanics and is only possible in a video game, as opposed to some Witcher and Skyrim puzzles that would literally work with pen and paper.
What the hell is a good video game puzzle in your book?
>Reddit has shit tast-
Any puzzle that doesn't have the game explicitly tell you the solution is a better puzzle than anything in Okami, which assumes the player has brain damage.
Yes, I do. Retard.
Just not so spicy that your taste buds become literally numb, it must be just the right amount of spice.
>fucking Dark Shit better than Ocarina of Time and New Vegas
>with its whole second half
>with that repetitive gameplay and level design
>with that trash final boss and ending
>witht hat non-existent soundtrack and autistic excuse of a story that completely fucks itself after Souls 2 and especially 3
Thanks for proving my point, now go dilate, Redditor.
Dark Souls has one of the best vidya OSTs of all time.
what the fuck is this lmao
Get good.
i guess this person didnt know about the shockwave chip damage
>Bloodborne is literally just 1:1 copypasted from artworks, manga and movies that already existed.
insightless fool you just shit yourself bad.
Nice bait. You almost got me
dmc has allways been been casual friendly, monster hunter is just grindy shit.
>Any puzzle that doesn't have the game explicitly tell you the solution
1. It doesn't. I assume you just get triggered by the camera focusing on the ground for half a second.
2. The puzzle itself is secondary, it's the gameplay it's tied with that makes it engaging and a good "puzzle", as opposed to Souls which literally has a whopping number of 0 (zero) puzzle solving or Skyrim's shitty snake, bird, fish puzzles that could be done with pen and paper and don't make use of any gameplay, let alone gameplay exclusive to that game. You're a brainlet.
Just saying it won't make it true, brainlet. It's quite literally Sakamoto's worst OST by far. Literally just random plinkering on a piano and random chanting. Plus the game literally doesn't even have music outside of boss fights.
If you actually want to listen to some good Sakuraba:
The track you posted is literally the only decent track in the game and you extrapolate it to "THE OST IS ONE OF THE BEST EVER". You're a brainlet.
Just From shit.
Learn English. There are at least 20 things it stole from Brotherhood of the Wolf alone, as From always stole shit 1:1 from real life stuff and preceding works.
isnt that why everyone feels the need to play and brag about dark souls games? Even journos went as far as using hacks to beat teh game
>monster hunter is just grindy shit.
This webm is pure, pristine, distilled gameplay with more depth than Souls could hope to have (honestly, all you do is dodge with 20 iframes and occasionally get a hit on or two, rinse, repeat): , you don't have to grind shit if you don't want to. Stop talking about games you know nothing about.
i dont speak to insightless niggers.
Marketing. Dark Souls is the go-to game for casuals who want to feel "hardcore" but don't want to play any actually hard games.
casuals dont know much games, hence for them dark souls is one of the hardest games.
also its "hardness" is socialy accepted, so casuals can feel special an get some dopamin telling themselve and others about how good they are at games because they "beat darksouls"
It's literally the only reason Souls shit still gets high scores and all those idiots raving about it.
1. Retards feel cool and hardcore for it, even though it's actually piss easy once you're aware of how ridiculous iframes are in this game.
2. Reviewers are literally afraid of the autistic fandom that would raid them if they were to give the games a low score. When reviewers are honest, they give the games trashs cores, though. See the 20/40 Famitsu gave Demon's Souls. A few years later, afraid of autists, they give fucking DARK SOULS 2(!!!) a perfect score, lmao.
game revolves only around of material grinding and stupid weeb shit.
>Unironically calling someone 'idiot' as a standalone statement on Yea Forums
>you don't have to grind shit if you don't want to.
You do if you want to defeat the later monsters within the time limit and without running out of whetstones.
No, it doesn't. You fight monsters. 95% of the grinding is optional like in Souls.
No. You get good weapons by fighting the monsters. Is fighting bosses grinding for you? Is killing mobs grinding for you? Then you must hate Souls.
At least in MH these bosses are fun to fight and have a hueg moveset that vary with the mood they're in.
Can't believe Sony dilaters still like Souls after Monster Hunter World was released on their dilatestation. I was sure it would wake them up to what good action gameplay actually looks like, if not DMC.
Guess most Souls drones would get their shit pushed in by AT Nerg and Extremoth, though.
>stupid weeb shit
It's your fault for choosing longsword you raging weeaboo.
Jokes aside, you only need to grind every so often in MH unless you want to be hyper-prepared and null monster's ailments and have a bunch of different weapons instead of just going raw with high defense, the later of which being how you breeze through any MH game. Just beat Gen's low-rank this way. MH is grindy because it's supposed to be a super casual game Japs can play on the subway to and from work, it's just also simultaneously known for a relatively high difficulty and skill ceiling in the last parts of certain games (world ain't one, btw).
>Guess most Souls drones would get their shit pushed in by AT Nerg and Extremoth, though.
MHW endgame is actually so much harder than Souls that it's not even funny. The only From boss that comes kinda close to shit like Arch Tempered Lunastra or Behemoth is Sekiro final boss imo
Dark Souls alone has more lore than all of Monster Shitter games combined
There, that's better. Carry on.
They're fun
Monster hunter has literally no lore aside from things directly related to the main plot. Autists will try to tell you otherwise, but all the "lore" is from the artbooks and MMO, both of which are non-cannon, in that the creators of the games ignore them completely. Hell, every MH other than World and 4 barely have a story.
>it's another 'ACTUALLY this widely loved and universally praised game is REALLY complete dog shit and if you don't don't agree you're reddit!!' thread
>popular = good
Well then, I guess LoL is the peak of video games.
Because they are good, sorry you dont like them OP.
Don't even pretend that the logic isn't
>popular = bad
Not really.
There are like 2000 items in the games and every single one has a description that alludes to something or tells a little story (see Fatalis crust being the bodies of fallen hunters). Capcom just kinda stopped doing this because only autists care about this crap and gameplay is more important.
Souls lore is completely inconsistent and makes no sense anyway.
>casuals know what's best!
Epic logic.
And sorry for your shittaste and low standards.
Until you get bored by the repetitive gameplay and level design that has zero depth. Which never happens if you're a casual or stupid.
not everything thats popular is bad, and not everything that unpopular is good.
you can dislike the game, and the people that use it as the "hardest shit eva" "gut at games" for other reasons then it being popular
Cool webm, im sure this doesnt happen in the games you like.
>casuals know what's best!
I never said that, you shouldnt assume things OP.
Point of the thread is that casuals not only like it, they literally like it more than New Vegas, Silent Hill 1/2, Castlavania, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, Monster Hunter, etc.
>Cool webm, im sure this doesnt happen in the games you like.
It's not something that happens in Souls, lack of verticality is fundamental in the Souls level design. It took them 5 games to fix this (Sekiro), and if you count King's Field and assorted games, it took them nearly 20 games.
CDPR made only three games and Witcher 3 was 99% open and allowed you to jump all kinds of fences, walls, climb, dive, you could even find unintended shortcuts this way everywhere.
Souls is the laziest level design you can even imagine and casuals slob it up.
how though, dark souls is actually really not that much of a great game
it is but you have to have some degree of intelligence to understand why, apparently.
>cherry-picked webms of retards playing like retards
literally the only thing Dark Souls critics can ever manage. They are the dumbest of the dumb.
appearently i dont.
the whole point of the game seems to be hardness, and its really not.
just tell me whats so great about it, if you really need a certain amount of "IQ" to understand how "Great" a video game is
>isnt that why everyone feels the need to play and brag about dark souls games
No. Casuals play Dark Souls because it's engaging and fun. Overcoming the challenge feels good but that's not the only or even the most important reason people like the game.
On the other hand, desperate feelings of insecurity seems to drive a lot of the hatred for it.
That'st he question I'm asking in the OP.
You literally need a lack of intelligence to believe this
(see webms, pics)
is a great video game. Straight from NeoGAF.
Are you actually even too stupid to realize the person in this webm did this on purpose to demonstrate how there are invisible walls everywhere and how the game is devoid of any kind of vertical gameplay or level progression and allows no creativity whatsoever?
I'm not a big fan of BotW, but it's basically the antithesis of it.
Woops you seem to have made a mistake OP, the webm i was referring to was the one attached to the post i replied to, this one , but you seem to be talking about a completely unrelated webm in another post most likely made by yourself here , man what a silly thing to do. Dont worry though, everyone makes mistakes. But so you cant lose your whole argument i will reply to it as well.
>CDPR made only three games and Witcher 3 was 99% open and allowed you to jump all kinds of fences, walls, climb, dive,
And im sure all of these mechanics and shortcuts were utilized to their maximum capacity, right OP?
>you could even find unintended shortcuts this way everywhere.
Can you really give credit to a developer for something they didnt intend you to do though?
They don't
I know 5 casuls who claim to love the them, except none of them have actually completed them. Most people who claim to love them, do so because its a normalfag meme that was coincidentally pushed by game journalists being obsessed by being shit at them.
>this is the best game ever according to NeoGAF and Reddit
>the whole point of the game seems to be hardness
Holy shit you really believe that and aren't just memeing?
Christ I don't even know where to start with a basic education about the various reasons people play videogames.
>I like a mixture of games of debatable quality, some good some bad, but this one game that I'm really mad and insecure about is bad though.
What's with this stupid fixation on Souls? What's the point?
I like a good challenge, the hermetic lore and mechanics. I like the design philosophy of the company.
>And im sure all of these mechanics and shortcuts were utilized to their maximum capacity, right OP?
No but it was still fun and allowed for some creativity and individualism in the way you play, and there actually are hidden chests and stuff on the roofs or underwater like in the W3 webm you quoted.
I named Witcher 3 as an example because CDPR are total amateurs and still tried to tackle this. BotW or Metroid Prime are obviously better examples.
>Can you really give credit to a developer for something they didnt intend you to do though?
They intended to let me climb and jump things so yeah.
>Monster Hunter
>good action gameplay
lmaoe get good faggot
thats what you get for underestimating your enemies
god i love this board
>Are you actually even too stupid to realize the person in this webm did this on purpose to demonstrate how there are invisible walls
No, obviously I can tell that's what they were doing.
>everywhere and how the game is devoid of any kind of vertical
This webm does not prove this. It just proves there are invisible walls in those locations in that particular game (DkS 3 I think?).
>gameplay or level progression and allows no creativity whatsoever?
Yeah, exactly. You are a complete fucking retard who uses a trivial webm and imagine in your warped brain that this proves every single lazy, generic criticism you can lay on it.
come on man, I love Dark Souls and even I can admit it's full of shit like this
I don't mind them but I can see why some autists get worked up
>Name a game you like and I can find a web. of it looking like complete shit.
>Name a game you hate and I can find a web. of it looking like the best thing ever.
Stop being a complete fag
>retard who posts self portrayal
>no argument
Monster Hunter literally has the best archery combat together with Dragon's Dogma. Want to talk about how fucking terrible archery is in Souls?
>Tries to surprise attack
fuck dis gaem
this. one "friend" of mine repeatedly claims that he was so good at darksouls that the developers mailed him and asked him if he wants to help them create their new game.
this guy is literally talking that shit "unironically".
and about all the darksouls fans i've met are like this
>I'm not a big fan of BotW, but it's basically the antithesis of it.
game is not botw therefore it is bad
this is what you are saying.
>This webm does not prove this. It just proves there are invisible walls in those locations in that particular game (DkS 3 I think?).
>trivial webm
Then how about you just ask for more webms? I have a bunch.
Are you blind and retarded? Watch the whole webm. He got killed by a hit through a 2 feet thick wall.
Imagine losing 50.000 Souls this way on your first playthrough. That's how trash Souls is.
Sure but it is still cherry-picked in the context of their assertions.
Just look at the followup. The dumbass literally used that as evidence to prove that the game is:
>devoid of any kind of vertical gameplay or level progression and allows no creativity whatsoever?
In other words, a complete buttfucking retard.
You like Monster Hunter, I get it.
Why didn't you make a MH thread instead of making a thread about a game that you consider 'below' Monster Hunter. You seem insecure about your favorite game.
>Then how about you just ask for more webms? I have a bunch.
I don't want more webms retard (I've probably seen them), I want to see intelligent criticism about the game that doesn't merely scream "I totally missed the point of the game because I'm retarded"
If you get it, why do you keep bringing Monster Hunter up, brainlet?
The fuck is Souls doing to your brains?
>I don't want more webms retard
>wow, these webms where it's not totally clear what the point is sure made me stop liking a game
>said no one ever
woow, you still didnt answer my question.
i gonna just assume you cant because you're only reason to like the game is the same as every other casuals.
its a social acceptance meme and gives you attention to like and be good at it
even when asking truckfarmer simulator games about what they like about their games they give you a simple reasonable answer, despite you calling it shit
This shit looks almost as bad as Dark Souls combat.
>No but it was still fun and allowed for some creativity and individualism in the way you play,
Oh thats a shame then, but im still glad you enjoyed it despite that, though i prefer when games mechanics get used to their utmost potential, otherwise my imagination keeps bothering me about how much more you can do, dont you agree?
>They intended to let me climb and jump things so yeah.
Yeah they gave those tools but the form you used them wasnt something they planned you to be possible to do, i feel its unfai praise to give praise for an accidental discovery, not even made by the developers. For example, i love Super Metroid and its freedom, but i cant give credit to the developers for most of that, but rather the players that found exploits and unintended use of the techniques given to the player.
Now this is top bait.
How so?
You need to expand your circle of friends.
I know people who like it for all different reasons. Whether that be the atmoshere and the lore the pve, the pvp, a combination of both. I even know a guy who hates the fact that its "difficult" but wants to playthrough it anyway because he finds it simply interesting.
You cannot honestly believe this. How are so many retarded people on Yea Forums? Numbers wise, how does Yea Forums compare to the special Olympics?
Its my first post in the thread.
Take your meds, user.
The truth hurts, doesn't it? I'm actually friends with journos who reviewed Souls 2 and 3 in the past, and I can tell you that a lot of high scores are precipitated by them not wanting you seething autists to raid and denigrate them as too casual.
>Then how about you just ask for more webms? I have a bunch.
Why the fuck do you have a bunch of webms of a game series you neither play nor like?
>hit evade hit evade.webm
That's what a video game is. That's the whole concept of fighting in a video game. The boss puts down their guard, you go in and hit them. When they're attacking, you block, dodge, or otherwise avoid their attack. You may find other ways you can slip in extra attacks too. Again, that's what a video game is. That's how every video game works. If you do not like this concept, you don't like video games.
>I'm actually friends with journos
Makes sense. My money is also on you being a 30-something, fat, balding white guy with a beard who drinks onions milk.
Yeah, I keep hearing this "they say it's the hardest game eva to feel super earier to meh and I know iz easy" only on Yea Forums, but I have never heard anything remotely similar from an actual persons mouth.
Wait, you actually believe Souls is harder than Extremoth, Ancient Leshen, AT Lunastra/Nergigante or fucking level 140 Rajang/Shagaru or motherfucking level 140 ZINOGRE in MH4U?
How sure are you you actually fought those bosses, user? From 1 to 10, how sure?
Do you know Demon of Hatred and the ape in Sekiro? They are braindead in comparison to level 140 Zinogre, and you people cry about them. Demon of Hatred has like three different attacks he always does in a 100% predictable sequence.
Posting more From trash webms.
I don't care abotu your ad hominem shit. Talk about the games and the topic at hand or fuck off.
>That's what a video game is.
That's what a bad video game is. A good action game either has some combo potential (DMC, Bayo) and/or requires a little bit of spatial awareness; positioning, spacing, precision, see here Don't even read the rest of your brainlet rationalization.
>That's what a bad video game is.
Nope. It's just what a video game is.
>A good action game either has some combo potential (DMC, Bayo)
"Combo" just means you get to hit the enemy over and over again. Seems lame to me. Also, Bayonetta isn't very good. I'd give it a 6/10.
>and/or requires a little bit of spatial awareness; positioning, spacing, precision, see here
All of which are required in Souls games.
When a single guy can obliterate a whole fanbase with a bunch of arguments and webms, doesn't this kinda prove the game isn't so good?
The whole reason to say Souls has bad combat is because you falsely think it's a shocking statement and you know it's not true. Also, nobody dares to name the games which supposedly have this amazing combat, because you know it's debatable and not many games have better combat than Souls games.
>when people say something, and then other people disagree, doesn't that kind of prove that the first group of people are correct?
oh well, its not hard to win arguments against darksouls fans.
these people literally start to get defensiv and insulting only for asking what they like about the game. they cant even tell you that much
>Nope. It's just what a video game is.
Yes, a bad video game without any depth that an intelligent person can't derive a lot of pleasure from.
>"Combo" just means you get to hit the enemy over and over again.
Except you really have to learn the ropes in most combo-based aciton games to do something stylish. You don't "just" do it, it's actually tricky and rewarding.
Souls has more or less 1% the depth of this video.
>All of which are required in Souls games.
To the extent it's required in Monster Hunter for example? No. Mainly because the way lock-on works and you have up to 15 iframes while most enemies/bosses are fast dudes with swords or something. You can literally completely neglect positioning in 90% of Souls and Sekiro bosses. Just counter/dodge and retaliate.
He said arguments, though, in which assessment he's right. I'm making arguments while you guys cry.
Defend this.
just because youre choosing to show really situational and particular points of the game, it doesnt mean its bad in all of its entirety, its the
straw man fallacy, i really wonder why you arent showing some of the best fights like pontiff sulyvahn, dancer of the boreal valley or soul of cinder here
in my honest opinion, the souls series is a very good, fun and engaging videogame series, dark souls 3 being my number one, and its probably being disliked here because its gotten quite popular and common these days, so out of fear of losing your edge and special status you decide to turn against it
>best fights like pontiff sulyvahn
Ok then faggot let's see if I can answer before the thread dies.
- I've always loved melee weapons-based combat games. Before DkS came out, Bushido Blade was one of my favorites. The idea of each weapon having its own moveset and properties is compelling to me, and fun to play.
- I like games that require some patience and thinking as well as merely reflexes, finger-speed, and ability to memorize complicated moves and combos.
- I like the structure of adventure games like the original Legend of Zelda where you have one main objective but several different paths to get there.
- The weapons in Dark Souls are extremely well defined, both in terms of requirements, movesets, stat scaling, and subtle details like damage types. It's not perfect by any means, but it's extremely good.
The core combat dynamic of Dark Souls is like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, but against multiple targets in a meaningful 3D environment.
try doing that in anor ondo or kiln of the first flame, thats one of the earlist areas, still meant to the teach players how the game goes, exactly like its shown, with backstabs and parries, its completly understandable that you can play like that there, specifically because its there
no, its just really not a fun game.
dark messiah of might and magic is a fun game, you might want to try it
also, to make it even. you can also show glitch scenes of dark messiah, i really dont care if people like or dislike the games i play.
>using a fucking speedrun to show how """bad""" the bosses are
Parrying takes good timing and reflexes and webm is parrying literally the easiest enemies in the game to parry.
Backstab is OP and a legitimate criticism of Dark Souls. The game is more fun if you don't use it, or only use it when using a dagger weapon.
I actually already saw people unironically defending this.
>h-he turned and then in that exact nano second the enemy backstabbed him
Which doesn't even matter if it's true. The webm showcases how visually dishonest Souls is. The same as buggy grab attacks, """"""""shockwaves"""""""", invisible walls or actual walls not giving you any protection from even fire balls or arrows.
I've never seen a game more visually dishonest than Souls and I've never seen a more pathetic, low-IQ fanbase.
>but several different paths to get there.
Shit bait. Dark Souls 3 has FFXIII tier world design.
yes because the fight is obviously meant to be played with all that extra health, and youre supposed to abuse the gesture mechanic to dodge his attacks, of course
clearly not, once again choosing very particular points to try and show that the game is bad in its whole entirety
also notice how its that very specific person fightibg the pontiff, and not a normal player, probably not as experienced as him, and doesnt know how to exploit and abuse his bossfight, your argument is still invalid
this is how a normal player would do in this fight youtube.com
>no, its just really not a fun game.
each to their own, fun is a subjecive matter, limited by transsubjective values, of course
Honestly so does Souls 1
>but you CAN go to the skeletons first
>and you CAN go underground
I actually did this because I played the cracked version without any signs and without any guides whatsoever, and I can tell you it was the most horrible experience in my life, barely knowing the basic game mechanics and having to deal with undying skeleton fags. (And I even made it to the last bonfire of the tombs...without any lantern before I finally went back [without being able to teleport yet]).
To most people it's obvious which is the right way so it might as well was the only one, really.
It's not real non-linearity imo.
Souls fans got facefucked yet again
>Dark Souls combat is bad!
>It's uhh. . . well it's not exactly like God Hand, you see. .
This but unironically.
Ok another retard needing spoonfeeding. Here is the relevant dynamic:
At any given point in the game, I have multiple options. There are several different challenges I can attempt, and the game unfolds at least somewhat differently depending on which option I choose and which one I overcome first.
For example, in my first-ever playthrough it took me several tries to beat Capra Demon. I also hadn't beaten Havel yet. So I'd do a couple of attempts at Capra then I'd try Havel. At that point I could also go into Darkroot after the moonlight butterfly, or into the catacombs for the Estus. Both Catacombs and New Londo ruins have Green Titanite shards which can be very useful early for certain classes and builds. I could go on and on.
Basically you are a retard who thinks the only relevant options are "open world meme" or "Totally Linear FFXIII."
>comparing a fast-paced Action game to a dungeon-crawling RPG
you are a revisionist and a fool. Dark Souls excels at what it sets out to do, combat included.
You are talking about Dark Souls, an open world game.
Dark Souls 3 strips away almost any player agency when navigating the world.
Makes them feel hardcore. The only reason people like these kusoge games
>The webm showcases how visually dishonest Souls is.
which is dumbass criticism that shows you don't understand the point of the game.
Yes, it could be better visually. Also the backstab mechanic is the one of the worst designs in the game. But the game is designed primarily around reacting to enemy animations, not perfect realism. This complaints are nitpicks and complaining that apples are not oranges, it is not substantial criticism.
Why the hell do you have this many webms of a vidya you hate? Are you retarded?
And all your "arguments" is just you posting webms and screaming "defend this shit"
Whats your problem?
>It's not real non-linearity imo.
it is
the fact that those other two options aren't technically viable at level fucking one doesn't change the point that they are there. You can go to blighttown before gargoyles. You can to go catacombs before Sen's. You can do moonlight butterfly before Quelaag. You can rush to get the Lord Vessel before doing anything else.
yeah it's almost like the OP picture is "Dark Souls" and not "Dark Souls III"
>It took them 5 games to fix this (Sekiro), and if you count King's Field and assorted games, it took them nearly 20 games.
>What are Armored Core games.
aww, did the bad game kick your ass?
Semi-linearity is and was one of the best design choices. That's one of the reasons I love Super Metroid.
>these games
Obviously he meant the entire series, of which Dark Souls is an anomaly when it comes to non-linearity.
Because its very atmospheric and doesn't hold your hand.
Plus Fasion Souls.
fippy bippy
>No pants
isnt that rather simple for a game that boasts billions of builds and hundreds of hours of replay value?
>wearing pants
>wearing pants RIGHT NOW
because dark souls and bloodborne are the best games this decade
Same reason they like OOT and most other critically acclaimed games people here like. They’re good.
I tip my fedora to you, sir!
pls can you kindly provide me link to this based website sir?
this game was greatttt, but not hard at all.
>more visual nitpicking
played monster hunters, DMC5 and dark souls and still dark souls is the best.
Fucking Kek
>A good action game either has some combo potential (DMC, Bayo) and/or requires a little bit of spatial awareness; positioning, spacing, precision
An action game tests timing, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination and a good one includes some elements of strategy(builds, etc) and tactical decision-making.
There are many types of action games. Listing "combos" as an essential element is the most buttfucking retarded thing I've ever heard. What gay streamer told you that one?
sh-shut up it's actually r-really h-hard to do!!
Casuals don't really like them. But they've accrued a reputation or difficulty because they punish sloppy, lazy or impatient play.
tl:dr the community likes the "git gud" not because its hard, but because it isn't hard and if you can't figure it out you really are dumb.
says no one
souls haters resort to straw man dramatizing like the chipmunk-cheeked soi-guzzlers they are.
>An action game tests timing, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination and a good one includes some elements of strategy(builds, etc) and tactical decision-making.
Almost all games do this, and a lot of non-action games, I simply tried to be a bit more specific.
>There are many types of action games. Listing "combos" as an essential element is the most buttfucking retarded thing I've ever heard. What gay streamer told you that one?
It was an example for something they can do, not for something that's essential.
You have awful reading comprehension and you're a brainlet if you believe Souls requires strategy.
Souls is as shallow as a game can be with difficulty as padding. Let's play pretend for a second. Let's pretend Sould was as easy as the average game, as in you could tank like 20 hits before dying. It would be the biggest turd under this sun to everyone with a working brain. That's how shallow and repetitive it is.
According to casuals, yes. Hence the thread.
Thanks for proving my point that brainlets like you only like this game because you can gloat with the "high" difficulty (which is actually a joke once you get a hang of the iframes).
How did they greenlight this terrible archery? And how can people eat this up? It's worse than Skyrim archery.
Imagine playing this after Dragon's Dogma as a bow and dagger main.
You literally have to have mental illness to believe Dark Souls was a better game when it came out than OoT was in 1998.
>Cheese the enemy
>Still die
Seems balanced to me