Snoy movie games to appear on TV
Snoy movie games to appear on TV
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So they're porting their catalog to TV?
>Layden added, “We looked at what Marvel has done in taking the world of comic books and making it into the biggest thing in the film world. It would be a lofty goal to say we’re following in their footsteps, but certainly we’re taking inspiration from that.”
>He continued, “You can see just by watching older video game adaptations that the screenwriter or director didn’t understand that world or the gaming thing. The real challenge is, how do you take 80 hours of gameplay and make it into a movie? The answer is, you don’t. What you do is you take that ethos you write from there specifically for the film audience. You don’t try to retell the game in a movie.”
>The real challenge is, how do you take 80 hours of gameplay and make it into a movie? The answer is, you don’t.
Finally fellow Sonybros, our moviegames are getting the recognition they deserve.
Finally, sony embracing the fact that they have no fucking games. Now they're shifting focus to TV.
I guess all those shitty movie games were actually just preparation for this.
They already make movies though
80 million of them will be used as tv's
god of war is getting a netflix series, you'll see.
So they'll just put their exclusives on the TV?
Uh.. ok?
this will fail because they will focus on feminism and sjw from the start
I buy consoles to have fun. PS4 is escapism. Sorry about your IRL, user.
Of course it will, it’s Sony. They censor almost everything because the average user is 11.3 years old according to their surveys.
Still more gameplay than the actual games.
So why would anyone buy a Playstation anymore if you can just get God of War, Last of Us, Uncharted, Beyond Two Souls, Detroit etc. on your TV?
You can already watch those movies on youtube or whatever anyway, people need their fix of the latest FIFA/CoD
I think this combined with game-streaming really could spell the end of the videogames industry as something that's focused on just providing people fun games for some money. I guess it's not 2006 anymore.
>Sony stopping to pretend they make video games and just admits to going all out story movies
kinda based cause honest I guess
>still no ape escape 4
Of course it was capeshit.
>game-streaming services
>sony going all in on their movies while also killing animu games
>nintendo online
>microsoft being microsoft
>current epic games debacle
What's happening bros?
sony you fucking retards all you had to do was make games fuuuuuuck
Nintendo is non-ironically the last /gaming/ system. I agree the paid online is shit, but if you buy two games a year, it’s essentially free. If you buy more, it returns money to you. So... it’s not shabby. Plus, $1 a month isn’t bad.
>"Ethos you write"
So basically more woke, gay, tranny, and faggot scum then
The end game
So they're copying Nintendo (again) because Detective Pikachu made money?
You cannot make this shit up.
>already outsold in nipland
>"We looked at what Marvel has done in taking the world of comic books and making it into the biggest thing in the film world," says Layden. "It would be a lofty goal to say we’re following in their footsteps, but certainly we’re taking inspiration from that."
Alrighty, what's phase one gonna look like? What's the Thanos of the PlayStation universe?
Where did it all go so wrong
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little SonyChad thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Golden face Sonyfag guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a vidya console. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Sonyfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "SONY ALWAYS WINS SONY ALWAYS WINS SONY ALWAYS WINS." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
it's just going to be a straight ripoff
>Thor: Kratos
>Iron Man: Ratchet or something
>Captain America: Nathan Drake
>Thanos: Polygon man
...Why does Sony hate games so much?
They used to be kind of cool. Not perfect, but kind of cool...
So we're all in agreement that Nintendo is the only company left that actually makes Video Games.
Why does Yea Forums like to pretend this is a new thing? They already we're testing the waters with the idea a few years ago.
lol wasn't the Ratchet movie horrible? and Sly just seems cancelled
>Defective Flopachu
Nah, mate.
I'm sorry which corporation here is in possession of the highest grossing IPs in history?
hey lets look at your top 10 best selling ga-
>FOUR fifa games
what a console
ironic that the biggest shitposter on the board can't take any banter
ratchet was shit and sly was canned.
What happened to this?
I cant believe people still watch movies
They are such boring shite
I can't even defend this. I just... I just can't.
Bloodborne movie when?
Sold the production to Showtime after Spencer closed down the TV division when he took over as division head. They sold off all the rights to the shows they were planning outside of the Atari documentary which they released.
Ape Escape cartoon?
It didn't really work with ratchet and clank movie but i don't mind.
at worst we'll just get more video game related tv shows/movies that are bad. not much to loose anyway when it comes to those.
This is gonna be a total disaster if you ask me. Their IPs are not at all good cinematic material.
The interesting part is when Layden says that game development cycles are now so long that Playstation needs a way to market their IPs during the 4-5 years between entries
It's basically a big marketing ploy to promote IPs
Maybe make small games again?
Seriously what in the fuck is Sony doing? First they stopped giving their classic IPs any support. Then they cuck the Eastern audiences, and NOW they're making movies based off their games as a way to promote them? Have they actually lost their fucking minds?
Their smaller games like Gravity Rush 2 flopped so unlikely. It's going to be "Go big or go home" on internal games and whatever they contract Insomniac for. If they do Smaller games it's likely just VR or small multiplayer PS+ games like that Predator game they are making
>Gravity Rush died before it could get an Anime
>5 years to produce 10 hour single player one and done video games
Looks like they "grew up" and hate videogames now
Lemme get this straight. Sony Pictures is so shit at making movies, Sony Interactive had to open an entire new division to make their own movies.
Basically. Sony has gone full jew now.
Imagine being a consoletard.
Tokyo Jungle anime
make it live action and super serious. then it's just people fucking floating around with some shitty effects. could be fun.
Nintendo's online is shit, but at least it's cheap. They start charging $60/mo or whatever it is for PS+ and I'm dropping that shit faster than a LGTBQ pamphlet.
>nintendo online
It's a crap service and paid online in general is shitty, but unfortunately it's just an industry standard at this point.
The worst part about this? All of this? Is that it'll just be shit with The Last of Us and God of War. Zombies. Lesbians. War. Realism. Feminism. Nothing else. That's Sony now.
anime sucks
live action sucks even more
Nice of Sony to make ports for Xcucks.
Just because it worked out for Spider Man does NOT mean it can work out for their other games.
will smith as kratos. then he can make cool rap song that will be on radio all the time
>Only 8 mil out of near 100 mil PS4s sold in japan
>Outsold last year by a 6 year old console
Hmm why do Tendies have selective memory?
>anime sucks
Why are you on Yea Forums then?
Not him but enough of this shit. What are your thoughts on this topic? Is it a good idea for Sony to turn TLOU and GOW into movies? Is it a shitshow waiting to happen?
Sales only count for Nintendo.
Please ignore Sony's.
I don't care.
Same reason I don't give a shit about Detective Pikachu or the Witcher Netflix show.
Well guess what nigger that's the main topic here. So if you have nothing to say about the fact that Sony is making their games into movies, metaphorically, and literally, then get lost.
Just look at what happens with State of Play when they showcase "small games". They are ridiculed and hated even more. Nowadays if you are not AAA you don't exist and the audience hates you
Playstation is forced to focus on bigger galmes because this is the only thing people will care about ultimately
How about "small games" that are.. oh I don't know... CLASSIC AND RECOGNIZABLE? LIKE SPYRO? APE ESCAPE? CRASH? SLY? RATCHET AND CLANK? KLONOA?
Maybe make good small games again?
Only place with freedom of speech left on the internet.
And I did used to like it, Ive watched over 100 series, I know is not much compared to Yea Forums enthusiasts but I had my phase
Why pay for it if only should be free?
Being this retarded
>dude haha were making tons of money
>plans on making fewer games, more literal movies
its like you won the special olympics
>Only place with freedom of speech left on the internet.
now try to same something remotely offesinve torward our Great Leader and see how fast you will be rangebanned.
The "small games" that are shown are just indie shit tier mobage, A and AA games are still an option that they aren't doing.
>Concrete Genie
>Shadow of the Colossus remake
These games don't exist ?
amerimutt trash machine
the next console should be renamed to Xbox SJW
It is when its the shittiest online
Seriously no one brings up that buying games gives you gold points and you can use said points to pay for the online
PS5 won't be a gaming console, but a service box. you read it here first.
PS5 will be the last PlayStation.
It wont be called PS5 it will be called Station of Play
>B-b-but Nintendo
Poor Snoyboy can't take the banter as "no games" becames less meme and more reality.
>The Xcuck anthem for the last decade.
ps4 has no games as well. its shitter than ps3. i only played bb and gravity rush2. the others were all multiplats.
theres no reason to buy the amerishart sjw machine full of sjw contents for amerifats
Fun fact: The Ps4 sold over 3 times as much as the Switch
Yeah to idiots that use it to play only fifa and GTAV
and you got $0 from it, and even less games.
I try but retarded casuals that literally only play fifa are in the millions and are insufferable.
Crash is coming, at least on western side
Maybe it will still take 10 years but it's gonna happen
fuck off, just start making games ffs
RDR 2 outsold 2 years of BotW within 2 weeks
This is true
Whats that supposed to prove?
Have you seen that game? Its a fucking movie with horrendous gameplay
>console-war warriors immediately jump into action to defend their console
This is actually kind of pathetic. No one even mentioned Nintendo before you guys showed up.
let's see how things are at the end of the race, snoyboy :^)
>“We looked at what Marvel has done in taking the world of comic books and making it into the biggest thing in the film world. It would be a lofty goal to say we’re following in their footsteps, but certainly we’re taking inspiration from that.”
Yeah, lots of people have taken inspiration from Marvel. DC's Snyderverse, the Dark Universe, fucking Call of Duty was throwing around the idea of a cinematic universe. How are those all doing these days? Oh right they're basically fucking dead.
It's the game of the generation, keep coping.
Then this generation was the worst in history.
Are Sonyroaches the absolute worst when it comes to blind fanboy loyalty? Too cucked to even call Sony on their worst behavior.
Something even the most staunch Nintendo-defendos found the spine to do during the NOA censorship debacle a few years back.
You really like that word huh. Its not a bad thing to be able to cope.
>Muh sales
Keep licking that boot. EA makes fucks of money too but you don't see us sucking up to them.
>Ps4 outsold Switch in 2018 despite being 4 years older
i have both, botw is better
>Surprised casuals buy casual shit
Yes and Switch's biggest sellers aren't BING BING shit, Zelda, and Pokeshit.
Me too, BotW sucks ass and RDR 2 puts it to shame
you like movies then
Yeah but I prefer amazing games such as RDR 2
manditory walk through the snow and listen to these guys talk, manditory stand in this house and listen to these guys talk. finally the next day has begun but there's still more of the same. all slow as fuck. fuck this game
>Have a shit ton of IPs they can revive
Fucking christ Sony.
They're corporate cocksuckers who will always think quantity matters more than quality. They use games they don't play to shitpost. Sony could fucking cancel FFVII right now and they'd STILL find a way to defend their actions.
See? It's always about the sales. Not the games themselves. Not the quality of them. All they care about is their overlords making more money so they can shitpost about it. Sony being jews is a topic they intentionally ignore because they believe all that matters is their superiority complex. So basically Sonyfags are cucks at this point because they don't want to admit that their favorite company isn't as flawless as they think it is. It's sad. And I don't really know how long they can keep up this dumb goldenface posting before they realize just how cucked they are as a group.
yeah, gonna have to cope with the fact i actually bought rdr2
>Sony could fucking cancel FFVII right now
One can dream
I always thought it was going to be Nintendo that will get killed by the normalfags. Then they did an about face and it was fucking Sony of all three that is dying as a gaming console. Honestly did not see it coming.
Nintendo has always just stuck by its guns since day one. Make good quality family games and publish games for all ages. Rinse and repeat.
My PS4 is literally gathering dust as we speak