What are some American customer service games?
What are some American customer service games?
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>t pose with fists closed
dumb chink
americans must have rock solid immune systems after all the fucked with fast food they eat
What a manlet
How do I free myself from the wagecuck life
t pose with fists remind me of mario low quality polygon
Nintendo seal of quality
turns out
What is wrong with the average American citizen?
>tfw work customer service and make 50k a year despite only working 30 hours a week and my work pays 100% of my tuition bills as long as it's for business or tech degrees
Is it true Americans only get about 14 days paid holiday a year?
being surrounded by immigrants starts to take a toll on your mental health, it triggers hostile emotions as your instincts try to tell you that you're being invaded while the media tries to tell you that it's normal and beautiful and progressive.
But the biggest news outlet says that immigrants are bad though?
Holy shit
is this loss?
Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia to me.
I dont think you know how immune systems work
Hey wait...
Paid holiday?
I've never gotten paid holiday once in my life what kind of fancy careers are you talking about?
(((Subversion))) just like in Europe.
Maybe if you're an absolute retard. I work an entry level position and get one month plus 5 days.
this is what you get when you let coloreds in your country
the average white person is dumb and shitty enough, how did you faggots think these monkeys would compare
i know you are trying to sound smart but that is literally how immune systems work en.wikipedia.org
>motherfucker got the lead role in internethistorians latest video
y-you okay user?
America is literally a circus. Shit standards of living, freaks everywhere, and sensationalist mirages in every facet of life.
no they get 12 because americans dont celebrate easter
Wait, some fag on Yea Forums did this years ago and got doxxed, then they shut the place down and fired him.
>paid holidays?
why the fuck would i get paid for not working?
Not true
It's more like 0, you get paid time off but it's earned
Are you retarded?
I get 5 weeks paid holiday a year where I work, guess America is just cucked to work to the bone
is this loss of lettuce
You wouldn't because you're a cuck who didn't negotiate
which one is that
To encourage you to take time off and come back refreshed and relieved of stress so you're more productive while you're there. Very few developed countries expect full or part time employees to work all year without a break.
>I believe the best way to distinguish myself is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is
Holy fucking shit
Can’t wait until Bernie gets in and the porkies get put in their place.
I get one week of unpaid vacation a year and if I use it I get fired.
Isn't that the point of weekends?
Based Americans voting against their own interests to the benefit of their masters
Paid holidays? What's that?
Reminder that it's only the rural single issue voter who does this
They're the minority, honest
Why are boomers so afraid of debt?
People have shit to do on weekends because they've been busy working all week. Sometimes you just need a few weeks off to catch up on shit so it's not constantly playing on your mind and stressing you out. If you don't understand that then you either have Stockholm syndrome or you're some psychopathic CEO with zero empathy.
>get fired for using vacation which would make employee more productive.
peak USA
Name 3 bad things Isis did.
t. "It's normal, beautiful, and progressive!"
This is what true freedom looks like.
What shitty jobs do you guys have that have no paid days off? I work as a fucking bank teller and get 14 paid vacation days and 10 paid sick days a year.
Would you employ the pathetic weakling who gets a wittle swessed out and can't work because he's a fucking pussy ass bitch? Or the normal functioning human who will actually show up to work reliably?
this is obviously an emulated perfect dark screenshot user
I get 3 weeks vacation and 2 weeks PTO. PTO is integrated with sick days now to reinforce the idea that you can use them for whatever you want since that's how people used them anyway.
They didn't kill the jews. Especially the one jew who owned the twin tower and got away with insurance a week or two before.
Fucking hell, imagine signing a document allowing a company to fuck your asshole whenever and however they want and expect a thank you at the end of it
Shit like this is why more and more people are going socialist. Thanks for biting the hand that feeds you porkies
This shits true you fcking incels, and who wouldnt be afraid of debt, it feels alot better to spend your money on whatever the fuck you want then be in debt, i save 500 a week, 2000 a monht so if i want something il pay cash working is what made america strong
>being surrounded by people who don't look, speak, or act the same way as you is fine
>you don't need the subconscious security of being able to at least partially gleam the intentions of those around you, that's racist
i just went to checkers and when i picked up my food from the drive-thru window all the black people inside were laughing. i kind of dont feel hungry anymore. did they do something to my food?
You sound stressed, maybe you need a week off. Too bad you live in America lol.
That's cute
Fun fact: he never worked in any dirt job
He's like Marx of capitalism
What does this reply have to do with any of these posts
t. CEO
Not everybody has the same level of investment in your company as you do, Bezos. It's just a job, and it's draining to the rest of us when all we get out of deepening your pockets is a static pay and no emotional investment.
The entire employment system is already geared toward benefiting the employer. That was made painfully clear to me within 6 months of joining the workforce. Before then I was a fresh-faced, naive soldier who believed in showing up early, had a sense of innate duty, etc. Now, if I am paid for 8 hours, I will strictly give you as close to 8 hours of my time as possible - including driving to and from work, preparing for work, etc. Fuck corporations, they benefit so much more from you than you will ever benefit from them.
read the fucking image you dumb nigger
stop posting this shit i'm FUMING
I wouldn't employ the slavemind cuck who bows to his masters without question and doesn't know how to think for himself. I'd employ an actual person who can make logical decisions and understands his limits enough to avoid making stupid mistakes due to fatigue or resentment.
I dont think you do user
Daily reminder that while worker productivity in the USA has continued to grow, real wages are anywhere from 30-40% lower than they should be. Americans work more hours than almost any other country, receive fewer holidays (paid or otherwise) and have less mobility.
but wouldnt working a show called dirty jobs where each episode you go and work in a dirty job count as having worked dirty jobs?
Being a Germanon can be suffering but at least i get 30 days of paid off-days, great healthcare, NEETbux if i ever get tired of being a wagie, my nation is finally ruling Europe, and we're still whiter than the USA.
You know what else made america strong? Constant debt to fuel the banks and goverment
It's only dirty in the "dirty deal" sense.
>be working 8+ months without a single call in
>get real sick
>spend all day on toilet shitting and farding
>call in to basically ask permission to be allowed to puke all over myself in bed instead of at the restaurant
>boss REEEEES at me and says how important my job is
>threatens to fire me there if I don't show up
>like the good cuck I am I shuffle into work despite the training videos that say to call in and not be around food if you are shitting liquid out
>my job is to cut the pizzas at the end of an assembly line at Pizza Hut
It was a few days after that that when I """tried to call in""" and he pulled the same shit that I told him to fuck off and quit. I've never seen someone be such a faggot to his employees over minimum fucking wage.
On his show you literally see him working a different dirty job every episode
Showing up early and having to stay late shows that you have poor time management skills.
whoa shit its almost like importing a massive shit ton of unskilled people who dont create jobs was bad or something. its almost like supply and demand applies to the job market. whoooooooaaa
Fuck I gotta move west
Fuck everything east of Germoney, slavs and chinks are subhuman
>I'm a chump that's proud of being exploited!
>he likes being raped in the ass by thick corporate cock because “I-I don’t want debt!”
taking holidays doesn’t even rack up debt you fucking goober lmao stop being a sheep
Giving employees paid holidays increases productivity.
>ask if bad thing is bad
>it's much worse
wtf tv isn’t real?!
>work part time
>Get hemmeroids
>Realize I need insurance to see doctor or it costs a ton
>Have to switch to full time to get the benefits
>Still need time off to go see the doctor
>Don't get time off until a year
Bros who don't have insurance how the fuck do you survive.
t. hussar/vatnik
>uncle literally dying of cancer
>manager 110% unwilling to give me the time off I'm entitled to
>begrudgingly gives me two days off in the end
I have some shitty entry level job where I dont even make 40k and I still get 30 days of PTO.
This is in the US too
dont be a massive 500lb tub of lard?
That's very common in the slacker field.
>memorial day is coming up
>Ask coworker if we're working that day
>Yeah the boss wants us to be open since we're not making profit
i too enjoy relishing in the agony of dying people. what the fuck is wrong with you?
suicide worked for me
is this actually american? looks german as fuck
Nigga what
>Bros who don't have insurance how the fuck do you survive
Live in a country that doesn't hate me
fuck, dont make me hungry
perfect dark and goldeneye engine reference pose had both arms and legs outstretched
Why do rich people like to pretend they wage slave?
i too enjoy relishing in the agony of dying people. what the fuck is wrong with you?
America is an actual joke this is hilarious
I'm skinny as fuck and I got it because of lifting heavy shit in my job
It doesn't, Ameritart. It's your fucking food.
LMAO it looks like he could fit in that baby chair
I have 16 paid holidays on my calendar. Also work 4 days a week. 3 day weekends are the shit.
>Le immigrants are why I'm an asshole, not because I'm useless sack of shit don't want to work towards my goals
idk dont lift like a retard?
>paid holiday
What the fuck is that?
Are all of you guys full time?
>he gets weekends off
Maybe I wanted those days off to actually go spend time with him, you dumb cocksucker?
projection isnt healthy, you know. you should face your problems head on, tubtub.
Push them back inside and just deal with it. Ass cream works good too
Social media has rotted the childrens brains.
i'm european dumbass
german cuisine is trash so i wouldn't be surprised
jerking off to dying people is pretty fucked up, user
I also had hemorrhoids once
>went to the hospital
>doc tells me to lay down and pull my pants
>he applies some local anesthetic and removes the hemorrhoids there
>stitch me up, give me some medicine and send me home
He's Asian, what do you expect?
Only 14? must suck to be American.
>posts fucking neonazi children
They are laughing stock of whole country, even neets and other failures as a human being treat them like shit.
>european food
>nothing but carbs
no wonder yuros are so effeminate. eat some meat, you slack-jawed faggot.
they're not, you'll be paying off their gibs after they're long gone
I doubt you have been there. Or maybe your family is just shit.
They're not retards with butter.
slavs are all retards. i used to bully this faggot hungarian kid. he was a total faggot. i would slap him and he would just laugh like a retard.
Honestly, you are lucky if you get that. I've worked some jobs were you were lucky to get sick days without management bitching you out.
With my current job I get about 4.25 hours per two week paycheck off, which goes up to 5 if I work for my current company for...10 years. I also work IT so I am on call during certain times and I don't get as many holidays off as most people.
On the plus side, I can work from home, which helps.
>paid holiday
I only get 6 specific paid holidays and that's because I'm union, and even then they pay me the equivalent of a 4 hour shift on those days. There are no laws requiring anything like that here, meanwhile basically every other first world nation gets 2 weeks minimum.
sometimes i watch american reality shows and everyone is very fat lol
I work in the family business and get 0 days off apart from Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year's.
by the law, they get none
I am full time some times. My work does not give steady hours.
lmao try getting a job that isnt for literal autists
And then that same employee that appeared to be a hard worker who put work over his well being one day snaps, and shows up to work carrying an AR-16 and murders another 20+ mutts
>I walk the Earth
no you've already lost by default.
that gif is fucking retarded, dumb pedo weeb die
public healthcare is "free" yet we pay less for it than the US
It's hell user. It's hell
Even when talking about Americans, it is implied that we are referring to people and not teenagers working a part time job.
You saying we can get PAID for our vacation time??
They are closer to Finnish if anything, which might explain your experience.