Smash fag thread

lets get this one on the road

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Other urls found in this thread:

let me guess. i bet steve and erdrick? predictable.

get used to banjo loser.

fuck off, gex is based

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Attached: discord stevelet gets booty blasted by an alleged cereal box mascot.jpg (1242x1420, 906K)

>another thread where no one talks about the games and anyone that tries to talk about games is attacked

Uuuh cereal

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There isn’t going to be any reliable leaks for smash leading up to E3, this is absolute.

Any and all claimed are horseshit
It’s very fucking obvious Nintendo isn’t going to have any promotional E3 stock for a downloadable DLC that will be mentioned in a digital event to be available on the spot digitally.

It’s literally Roy and Ryu all over again, made available during the smash E3 direct and never mentioned again.
the only reason it was leaked was because Nintendo programmed them in the game beforehand and was data mined.
Spread this, any and all smash leaks before the actual event is confirmed garbage.

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These 4 are the best picks, if you disagree you're black

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Why would Nintendo collaborate on a company that deliberately doesn’t want Steve in or think he would be the best choice

This is coming from the same guy who decided to change Wii Fit Trainers face because her developers told him to

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>the two team on the background

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can we talk about how underwhelming the amount of Echo Fighters in the game?
like, will they do more beyond the pass?

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Becawse Moincwaft ish the bestest gaime evar!

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The eternal plight of the discord fag:
>Notice the popularity of a character (or group of characters)
>Notice that they have actual support lasting years
>See that they disregard picks from shit like Minecraft
>Get triggered by people who want a dopey bear in Smash Bros
>Decide to go on a tirade lasting months, trying to shitpost against these characters
>It gets revealed that you're from discord
>Fade away for a bit, only to come back with the default skin from Minecraft
>Create some disgusting off-model reinterpretation of Steve (said Minecraft skin)
>Force it down everyone's throats for months
>Latch onto some random fuck who claims Minecraft is in the base game
>Latch on to a red Tony the Tiger
>Come to get BTFO by fucking Cubivore
>Still shitpost Steve and Vergeben
>Now take a new form, in the form of the 5chan leak
>Ride the coattails of Ryu Hayabusa and Doom Guy supporters
>Leak gets proven fake, and originated from R/ddit
>Still continue to push Steve
>Take on yet another form, the "cereal box mascot" term
>Falls apart when you realize 1. Nintendo is full of characters like Banjo, 2. Mario and Link have literally appeared on cereal boxes before, and 3. They latched on to Incineroar, who could be mistaken for a red Tony the Tiger, a literal cereal box mascot
>Get asked what they'd do if Banjo did get in
>Scatter like fucking roaches
Imagine being like this.

Attached: Eternal Dosage.png (576x432, 250K)

>died for a good reason

Attached: serveimage3.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

This. Based Picclbro.

Steveslaves are more than happy to screencap literal who's to mock but will scurry back to their private discord to avoid the same being done to them.

Stevefags are cowards and hypocrites. Remember how they were so certain May 17th was going to get a Steve reveal? Blockhead bitches cant take the loss and are now deflecting with more Anti-Banjo threads to distract from their failure.

Attached: Typical Stevefag.gif (422x238, 3.04M)

>a company that deliberately doesn’t want Steve in or think he would be the best choice
Cope banjie.

The social media manager doesn't speak for Mojang or MIcrosoft. She clearly states its her personal opinion.

And I'm sure if rosterfags harassed Phil Spencer for years on end and asked "m-mistah, Phwil, w-w-would u b-be o-kay with u-using M-Moincwaft S-Steve f-for Smwash?", I'm pretty sure he'd also say "Yep".

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leave Steve to me

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Oh wow Banjoid, how un-classy of you to steal my gif named "typical banjoid".

You see Banjie, it's not Stevefags that are rolling around on the ground like freaks when you say "Banjo could be playable!" We're not the ones who feel threatened. Grotesque Steve exists purely to make you guys uncomfortable, and you suckers fall for it every. damn. time.

You seem to get more bitter by the day Banjie. I hope you can get your emotional problems worked out.

Attached: Down the hatch you go!.gif (502x522, 1.62M)

What would you do if Banjo got in?


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I'd honestly be happy for the autists, and this is coming from one of the biggest Steveposters on this board.

The problem is I really think Banjoids have gotten out of hand and they could use a bit of a reality check to put them back in their place, so to speak. If they get Banjo now they won't have learned anything from this process. It's like caving into a spoiled child when it screams and throws a fit at the checkout line at the grocery store. You don't reinforce that behavior. You stand firm and drag that little nigger out of there with no candy.

Reekvefags. As soon as you hear those cunts voice, you can instantly picture them. A group of gelatinous, mongrel trannies and pedos, almost a bastardised joke on human forms made physical. They literally looks like propaganda against racemixing from the 1800s. Those dumb, ugly fucking pedos constantly shitpost on Yea Forums with bullshit and argues their shitty choice will be DLC. They genuinely thinks Steve’s a realistic and good choice, you are literally some fat fucking spic who talks about a Yea Forums-spawned game to a fanbase of 12 year olds. You are fucking nothing. Fat fucking monkey retards

Attached: mfw doglyfags.png (640x360, 261K)

People have wanted Banjo for longer than you've been alive. If he doesn't get into Ultimate after 20 years of waiting, he never will. Now is the most fitting time for him to get in.

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Whoopsiedaisy, seems like your Banjo is losing hard time though! Admit it, people simply want Steve over a cereal bear

They’re in guys

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>Using a random literal who on twitter as an actual source
Is this the state of Stevefags? How pathetic do you have to be to do this?

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Reminder that this picture is from sword fags and stevies upset because we understandably hate sword users

Daily reminder that Steveposters are literal (literal) underage Discordfags that took ironic shitposting seriously and run shill campaigns here on the daily no matter how hard they try to gaslight you.

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More than 1600 votes! Maaaaan, admit it. Your bear is over

>They are all one character slot with alternative costumes a la Bowser Jr with one unique alt for each.

That would actually be nifty.

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In other news, water is wet.

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>associating us with Stevetards
they aren't reviving your dead mascot platfotmer.
bet you though Duck Hunt was getting a game too.

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Are the characters I want.

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>Using some literal who on Twitter as a valid source
Again, is this the state of you fags? Are you really this fucking mentally inept?

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I'm just as old as the "Banjo boomers" buddy. I grew up with an N64 too, but you don't see me begging for the same characters for 20 years.

Have you ever considered that maybe it's time Banjo bois grow up out of their childhood phase? Just because you ask for something for so long doesn't mean you've earned it. Maybe it was just never meant to be, and Banjies need to accept that.

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My ideal smash roster:

>remove all pokemon characters
>remove all fire emblem characters
>remove Joker
>remove Bayonetta
>remove shulk
>infact, remove any character who has ever been in a game that's "story heavy"

This is a VIDEO GAME crossover, not a movie crossover. Nothing will ever justify the disgusting filth that is a cutscene, and the sooner we eradicate this cancer, the sooner the industry can recover.

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>ah! literal who!
>but its okay when banjokes cite another literal who twitter if Banko is leading

>This is a VIDEO GAME crossover, not a movie crossover.
b-but muh POTIENTAL SSE sequel :((((
buuuuuut muh epic Palutena guidance

>Banjo bois grow up out of their childhood phase?
Minecraft is also a game for children. The whole "child" argument falls apart here, doesn't it?

>story heavy
go away ACfag
stop using dedede for your awful posts

Nice b8

>not story heavy
Oh no no no

Attached: inb4 'muh gameplay ratio' that doesn't apply to movie games.png (764x148, 104K)

>>but its okay when banjokes cite another literal who twitter if Banko is leading
I knew you'd pull this, fag. I think using "fan polls" is the most retarded shit ever, there's no way to tell if it's rigged, and they always come from literal who sources, like the one you tried to use.

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so ACfag, who vouched for K.Rool, agrees Banjo shouldn't be in then but Steve should since Minecraft barely "story-heavy" and "cinematic".

you are getting pathetic Doug

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The difference is Minecraft is peaking right now, has become the best selling video game of all time, and is extremely relevant and fits the bill for the type of new demographic Nintendo wants to attract for Smash.

Banjo does not check off any of those marks. 20 years ago, maybe he would have been a better fit, but that bear is long past his expiration date.

You want to deprive millions of kids of their favorite game in Smash just to satisfy your own nostalgia? Grow the fuck up Banjoids.

Based, Jimmy, 9-volt and/or Mona are the rightful next reps for WW over Ashley

What the actual fuck is wrong with people. Please fucking tell me that was a joke


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Bro, you just posted cringe!

I don't care if Banjo gets in or not, and I don't really care for Steve either. The important part is getting rid of the trash aka the movie characters.
go away acfag

>banjoke repost literal who poll
>piccoloposter says nothing

>stevechad reposts literal who poll
>piccoloposter flex out his keystokes to do a call out post

Sound off in the thread if you're not a subhuman retard.

so Banjo shouldn't be in then
i sure am glad i didnt enjoy watching all those cutscenes of Grunty shittalk and guh-huhing with npcs

cope ACfag


>gameplay video
>literally starts off with an obnoxious cutscene that lasts for an entire minute

And people defend this movie game. That's gonna be a hard pass from me.

>video creator has fun with editing the video
what a shocker

Earthworm Jim is probably the most fitting western character for Smash. I only wish his series hadn’t been dead for 20 years or he’d have had a chance all this time. Looking forward to the new game but those controllers are probably going to feel like shit

I don't even have a horse in the Banjo race. So it's literally not my problem.

*raises hand*

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>You want to deprive millions of kids of their favorite game in Smash just to satisfy your own nostalgia? Grow the fuck up Banjoids.
>Unironic "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" posting
You do not want Steve in for children to be happy. You want him in because he's the face discord has used against Banjo. If you wanted kids to be happy, you'd want a Fortnite character. Being the best selling game does not matter, if it did Fire Emblem wouldn't have 7 reps, and Donkey Kong wouldn't just now be getting 3. >B-but Sakurai said... Sakurai also said Ridley was too big, and now look. The only thing you have is relevance, and even then Fortnite is more relevant now. Minecraft doesn't fit the bill for a new demographic, it's been on the Switch for like a year now, everyone who plays Switch knows about Minecraft. It's not new. Something new would be a Resident Evil or Dark Souls rep. Get fucked.

>sixty mf seconds
Wow, that's like the entire LOTR trilogy!

This is a new pathetic low. You fags are actually trying to play the THINK OF MUH CHILDREN card and a bullshit emotional appeal.

>has more fun watching a cutscene than playing the game


>I won't form an argument, I'll just mass reply! That'll show them!

Attached: No Lubricant.gif (500x384, 134K)

>cinematic bad!
>banjo-kazooie cutscenes good!
gentleman, i think we found something worse than a stevefaggot.
the banjo bias is real.

>it's okay if it's shit
>it's only a little shit :))))

Yeah nah. I'd prefer there to NOT be shit in my game, thank you.

When did Piccolo become such a cuck?

Oh yeah, it was around the Majin Buu saga wasn't it. Like Banjo, you're past your prime slug man. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel.

>>banjoke repost literal who poll
And where was that posted ITT? Show me and I'll rod them too.

>Banjo-kazooie cutscenes good

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>guy editing a combo video made to be stylish uses a fun scene from the game as the intro
>this means he had more fun watching the cutscene than playing the game, despite making an entire video of gameplay
acfag please

echoes are now the clones you retard

She's in!!

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>m-muh childhood mascot from 20 years ago is more important than the current childhood mascot.


Attached: Clown bear.jpg (1273x766, 122K)

>cut cinematic chatacters!
>i dont care about Banjo!

>entire video is nothing but cutscenes and le ebin quick time events and button mashing

Attached: ef3.jpg (652x499, 54K)

>uh Piccolo is a cuck!

Attached: Piccolo vs. Goku.gif (500x374, 2.57M)

He’s suffered enough, let my son into Smash Sakurai

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last I recall, "not caring about someone" meant that you didn't like them too much. I don't know how that magically translates to "cutscenes good".

Sorry you have the attention span of a five year old on crack, ACuck

>the current childhood mascot.

Attached: Fortnite_Man_Render.png (1228x1578, 2.23M)

>>entire video is nothing but cutscenes
>and le ebin quick time events
literally where
>button mashing
>i have never played bayonetta: the post
you literally cannot do the combos in donguri's videos by button mashing

>yet another thread for crybaby faggots to pussyache about Banjofags

Attached: yikes.gif (480x480, 71K)

Stay seething, cerealfag
Don't use based Grievous for your BS

>Bayonetta can turn into a bird
Why did Sakurai use such basic shit for her moveset?

>eigaka made that pic
shit porn artist

Imagine being this intellectually dishonest and ignoring the gigantic, cancerous tumor at the start of the video, or the braindead "gameplay" that makes God of War look like Contra. Besides, people only like Bayonetta because of the sex appeal. That was literally on display the whole video, whenever Bayo was on screen, as your second video demonstrates.

Gonna throw a fit like ?

Attached: Majunior.jpg (489x367, 72K)

>has to babysit some cuck's wife's daughter in Soiper

Ur a retard no shit I was quoting u Faggott
Why would u want more clones u absolutely fucking tard

>You want him in because he's the face discord has used against Banjo.
>M-muh discord boogeyman.
Classic Banjoid. Imagine getting perpetually BTFO by discord tranny furfags. The absolute STATE.

Fortnite is more of a fad than anything, along with the whole battle royale craze. Meanwhile, Minecraft just became the best selling video game of all time and it's exploding right now in Japan. It also should be noted that Minecraft essentially started a new genre. Fortnite is just playing off of the same Battle Royale that games like PUBG implemented first.

>compares first party franchises to third party.
Banjies, Banjies, when will you ever learn to differentiate these things. I'm not going to explain it to you again.

>Minecraft doesn't fit the bill for a new demographic
>estimated 80M active players
>the entire Smash series has only sold over 50M
>still selling like crazy on the Switch eshops in both the west and Japan.
Are you fucking kidding Banjoid? It's these type of statements that the rest of the community mocks you for. The only reason you feel threatened by steve, and I mean ONLY reason is because you think he's blocking the way for Banjo. That's literally it. If he wasn't a direct competitor or under the Microsoft brand you guys wouldn't be throwing such a tantrum over the idea of him.

>Something new would be a Resident Evil or Dark Souls rep. Get fucked.
Yes, and I think both those series have a great chance of getting rep. Can't say the same for Banjo though. Cope harder.

half the smash roster was irrelevant and fit this description before they were in smash

Frieza saga was when his artstyle changed to look less villainous.

>fails to realize that the only reason "Steveposting" ever generated steam was because Banjoids are eternally buttblasted by the idea of one blocky boi.

And it keeps going, and going, and going.

are you implying stevefags are a group of angry cunnies?

I never knew ACfag hated pokemon

>Imagine being this intellectually dishonest and ignoring the gigantic, cancerous tumor at the start of the video,
An intro to a combo MAD is a tumor?
>the braindead "gameplay" that makes God of War look like Contra
Once again, you have never played Bayonetta if you think this.
>Besides, people only like Bayonetta because of the sex appeal. That was literally on display the whole video, whenever Bayo was on screen, as your second video demonstrates.
ACfag, if you're somehow able to focus on Bayonetta's tits while doing the shit Donguri does, I'd be impressed.

Attached: bro u post crinj.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

every franchise was relevant prior to their inclusions
those that weren't were likely surprise reps like GnW/ROB/DHD.

>An intro to a combo MAD is a tumor?
Yes, infact. I should discard the whole video based on that segment alone.

>Once again, you have never played Bayonetta if you think this.
Ironically, when we're in a Bayonetta discussion thread, I'm the only one actually talking about the gameplay. If anything I'm giving it too much credit, as the fandom does nothing but jerk off to the porn of it.

>ACfag, if you're somehow able to focus on Bayonetta's tits while doing the shit Donguri does, I'd be impressed.
Oooh, mashing 1-2 buttons for 5 minutes. Man, talk about difficult.

>hating Earthworm Jim


You know, I was about to ask why a Fighters Pass thread earlier this morning got deleted. Now I can see why. Just ban Smash character threads until goddamn E3, please.
>i-i-its ironic I swear! Y-y-youre the mad ones!
See . You fags throw legitimate temper tantrums at this point. Did Steveposting start "ironically"? Maybe. But you faggots take this way too seriously now. You come up with retarded tactics on an increasingly constant basis to try and shut down people who want to see a goofy bear in Smash.

I actually would love to see Bubsy as a "lol I troll u" character. Bonus for him being high-tier and having a nearly-unavoidable final smash.

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>legitimate temper tantrums
>le epic all caps "rant" is supposed to be taken seriously

I don't see how that's any different than shit like pic related. It's literally just shitposting.

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Steve will be in it and he will be a sword character lmao

I can't even imagine being a Banjoid right now.
First Crash and Spyro, then Battletoads, Bubsy, and even Earthworm Jim get a revival. Meanwhile Rare devs want nothing to do with Banjo anymore. It's pretty sad desu.

I believe there is no point to those "Most wanted for Smash" threads anymore. All arguments have been stated, everyone already has a prediction for E3. Except if there is a major leak with multiple pictures and/or videos, there is no point to those.

This argument is dumb because no character fanbase has ever "earned" their character.
Ridleyfags were always awful, K. Roolfagss were always awful, etc.

I never stopped to think about this, Jesus. Bubsy got a revival, but Banjo didn't. So much for a video game icon

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>Earthworm Jim
>"Died for good reason"
No, he died because he got two games that were mediocre at best
That being said, I wouldn't want him in Smash. He's too cool for that shit


And one could argue that Ridleyfags and K. Rool fags really didn't really deserve to get their characters. Thanks to the ballot though, their wishes were granted. Now that Nintendo is making the picks and that they're trying to appeal to new consumer demographics, along with saying Joker is "emblematic of the DLC", it doesn't seem like we're going to be getting any more ballot picks.

One also needs to differentiate that those characters had way less barriers to entry than Banjo currently does.

Your acting as if Rare wanted Killer Instinct or Battletoads to be revived

They didn’t
Microsoft had to step in for their lazy asses and hire other teams to make new games for the Rare IP’s

Using Rare’s internal failures as a reason against Banjo is invalid

reminder that Doug "ACfag" Harris literally fucks dogs

So he's a fan of Animal Crossing?

>trying to guess what Nintendo and Sakurai will do with random statements and patterns and massive assumptions

Oh shut the fuck up, everything from you faggots always change

Before E3 there were a bazillion fake leaks of shilling newcomers like Spring man and decidueye

Ridley and K Rool we’re still being taunted until their actual reveal and anytime the ballot was mentioned beforehand your fucking response was always


All of you fucking jackasses deliberately forget what the smash threads was like last year every since the teaser back in March


>mixes in gameplay with it
Oh no no no indeed.

>takes six and a half minutes to get to the first gameplay segment
guess Armored Core is six and a half times worse than Bayonetta, huh?

So did that Bayonetta 2 cutscene video you always post, though.

Your acting as if this is specifically now because of your Steve posting.
People have wanted Banjo in the same amount of time for K Rool.

Banjo fans responding to your shitposting doesn’t change that your shitposting faggot

ACfag is literally egoraptor tier
His death will not be lamented

You bring up some good points. So let's compare the two and see how similar they are.

>Armored Core thread
>actual gameplay discussion

>Bayonetta thread
>porn spam and shitposting

Oh dear.

Meant for

>using Yea Forums threads as a reference point for how good a game is

She's in, guys!

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>Annoy people with shitpost
>They get annoyed and try to retaliate

Imagine being this retarded

>this damage control
Armored Core is SHIT

Yes, I do. What's wrong with it? Yea Forums is the only place where you'll get an honest view of the fandom and the game itself, without shilling and hugboxing protecting it from criticism.

Well, the 4th gen did drop off massively in quality to appeal to the boost babies. So no argument there.

On the topic, I'd love to see Nineball in Smash.

>Yea Forums is the only place where you'll get an honest view of the fandom and the game itself
ah yes, the humble and honest Anons who never lie or shitpost at all, and certainly have no political taint or societal baggage

>Doug literally won't even try to defend the series he's put up on a pedestal for years
If nobody pointed out how many cutscenes newer Armored Core games have, you'd still pretend they didn't have any whatsoever because you know nobody else here gives a shit enough to check. Except someone did this time.

>Yea Forums is the only place where you'll get an honest view of the fandom and the game itself

Attached: 3472374.png (590x609, 618K)

>Still using the relevancy argument after K Rool and Simon got in

>Still using the relevancy argument after Megaman got in years after Crapcom dropped him and killed the series with Inafune

You know user, a good game can stave off any amount of political taint and shitposting. A bad one will fall to it every time. Hence why we can have regular TF2 threads and talk about our favorite loadouts and maps, while Xenoblade and TLOU and Zelda and God of War always fall to shitposting and porn dumps.

On that note, heavy would be great for smash too.

People point it out all the time, but they have to use the nu-Armored Core series, aka when the quality took a nose dive.

You are legitimately insane.
No-one shares these points of view with you, from Metroid fans to any game with a cutscene.
For years you've done nothing but say the same tired points over and over and over again in an attempt to manipulate views. All you've done is bring misery to this site and the threads of games that people enjoy.

Get a trip so we can filter you, you filthy double nigger

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>Hence why we can have regular TF2 threads and talk about our favorite loadouts and maps
TF2 threads are 70% bitching about ecelebs or >tfw no updates and you know it.

TF2 is a political game, because war is political by nature. Not to mention all the lore that despite you saying "b-b-but that's all outside the game!" still manages to weed its way into the game modes and items.

>Implying bait threads and thinly veiled porn dumps are honest opinions
This cesspool of a website isn't that much different from those hugbox dime-a-dozen websites, you know
The only thing that differentiates hugboxes and this place is that you don't have a name attached to your shitty baits in here

No jobbers allowed in smash.

>armored core thread
literally doesn't EXIST LMAO

Nonsense, we had one yesterday talking about the finerpoints of why the wrangler might or might not be OP. E-celebs only come into play when they talk about gameplay, in which case uncle dane was the one who brought up the wrangler.

And yet, oddly enough, all discussion is about gameplay. Isn't that funny? It's also funny how any lore in TF2 manages to be silent and out of the way, not forcing itself into the game via a cutscene. You know the TF2 comics? That's how lore should be done. Get it out of my game and keep it out of my way. Bayonetta and Joker could take a lesson from that.

Look anons, you may think I'm trolling or shitposting, but the fact of the matter is that I genuinely love video games, and I even want Smash brothers to improve. Why do you think my first post was my earnest views on the smash roster? You may not like it, but I try my hardest to keep on topic of vidya discussion, and when people ask me why I hold my views, I explain them thoroughly. I don't go around calling people niggers because they disagree with me. I give everyone the opportunity to explain their side of the story.

I fail to see how that "ruins threads".

Attached: banjpoll.png (657x515, 21K)

Reminder that people get butthurt about the Google and 5chan leaks because they make more sense for an international market than their literal who weeb JRPG characters

5chan picks
>Minecraft is the best selling game of all time (Steve)
>Dragon Quest invented/popularized the JRPG (Erdrick)

Google picks
>Dark Souls was one of the most popular games of the 360/PS3 era and its mechanics influenced a lot of games in the generation after (Artorias)
>One of the most requested Smash fighters going back to the very beginning with the support of MIcrosoft gaming division head Phil Spencer (Banjo)

both leaks
>a classic NES series (Hayabusa)
>one of the most important games of all time with a new game coming to Switch and one of the few Western games Sakurai admitted to liking (Doomguy)

If Banjoids had never felt the need to "retaliate" EVERY SINGLE TIME then Steveposting never would have caught on.

You feed the Steve, the Steve gets fat and jolly off replies. He continues to poke and prod, fishing for more (you)s. Why are you surprised?

You ruin threads because your points are completely fucking retarded and you derail threads with them. Watch.
>24 20 minutes videos of nothing but cutscenes
>Puyo threads are usually just people getting mad about SEGA or waifuposting with Arle/Ringo
Puyo Puyo is a movie game by your definition now, right?

>ACfag wants people to respect him for having the views he has, while he will look down on those that has views he deems "cancer,"
Double standards incarnate.

People got butthurt over 5chan leak because no Banjo.

Nobody got butthurt over the Google leak. They simply called it out for its flimsy premise and the blatant meme pick Artorias. Nobody has a problem with a Dark Souls rep.

People seem to be generally supportive of Hayabusa. It's Erdrick and Steve that rustles everyone's jimmies.

This man isn't ACfag. He never drags a conversation for this long

Your momma's bedroom

>Puyo Puyo is a movie game by your definition now, right?
Actually, it is. It took a simple game, Tetris, and shoved waifu shit and cutscenes into it. It missed the point of the entire game so hard that it actually hurts to look at.

I cant even imagine a fitting analogy. It would be like adding dabbing and weapon skins to chess.

Just because you think you have good intentions doesn't mean you're a good person.
You claim to love videogames, but you don't love your fellow gamers at all, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to force your beliefs on everyone else.

Reminder that Banjo is a shoo-in for DLC

Attached: 677687689698.png (1033x2323, 386K)

It's an anonymous thread user, no need to put up a front. Let's just be honest here.

>It took a simple game, Tetris
ah, I love people who think Puyo Puyo began with the crossover game

>4 literally whos

keep seething you contrarian virgin. smash is a kids party game, and if kids dont know these characters they wont be added. the only people who want these "whos" to be added are people whove never seen a vagina.

>You claim to love videogames, but you don't love your fellow gamers at all
"Follow gamers"? The people who think Smash discussion should be nothing but spamming porn of their waifus are "fellow gamers"? The people who call me a faggot because I prefer playing Power Suit Samus over Zero Suit? They mean NOTHING to me. Respect is a two way street, and while I freely give it, if you spit upon it and treat me like dirt, then don't expect me to continue giving it.

And don't think this is me being a special snowflake who can't take naughty words or insults. Rather, I'm judging your priorities in terms of game discussion. If I'm a "nigger" because I prefer playing Power Suit Samus and I don't constantly jerk off to Zero Suit, then what does that say about your priorities? Do you care about video games, or do you only care about jerking off to porn?

>Actually, it is. It took a simple game, Tetris, and shoved waifu shit and cutscenes into it.
And there's my point. If you think Puyo Puyo plays fucking ANYTHING like Tetris, you've never touched it. You're completely ignoring the context in which Puyo was made, as well.

Yea just like Isaac, Shadow, and Geno were for base game.

I never said it began with it. It just took Tetris and ruined it.

Nah, everything was fine and dandy until you forced the war. At the end of this tor still going to be the assholes attacking people who want their characters because they don’t want Steve

Fuck off

>It took a simple game, Tetris
puyo has literally nothing to do with tetris outside of one spinoff
the game posted was even made before the crossover

I thought Banjofags were supposed to be the jokes?

All it started with was a literal Steve Wojak followed by "He's in", which was enough to exploit Banjies insecurities even pre-Grinch. That's how this whole nonsense got started and it just snowballed from there.

Attached: 1541114391431.png (2199x1131, 551K)

>I don't go around calling people niggers because they disagree with me
Neither do I. I really wish that people weren't going around jumping on a pogo stick that has a dragon dildo glued to the top and shoved up their ass while giving out cookie cutter responses like "LMAO DOUBLE NIGGER TRANNY DILATE AND HAVE SEX"
>you may think I'm trolling or shitposting
Can you blame me, though? This place is 99% shitposting and baiting
I genuinely congratulate you if you can somehow extract an honest opinion out of this chaos
>You may not like it, but I try my hardest to keep on topic of vidya discussion
>I fail to see how that "ruins threads".
It only ruins threads for those who get aroused by "butthurt replies" and people falling for their baits.
Personally, I would commit mass murder if it made people actually discuss video games more often instead of
>well, Yea Forums?
every 3 threads

>akshually it's totally unique and good, you just have to look past the disgusting cutscenes and sex fanservice

And pray tell, why does the game have them in the first place? And why did it feel the need to ruin Tetris in a spinoff? Waifu shit doesn't magically make the game original, or good.

>Respect is a two way street, and while I freely give it
No you don't, otherwise you'd "respect" that maybe other people like "movie shit"
This is you showing your true colors. The moment someone asks you to tolerate opposing opinions, you immediate drop the polite sympathetic facade and go right back to your hateful, condescending ways.

>Do you care about video games, or do you only care about jerking off to porn?
Maybe I like both, and like having both in one convenient place. Are you able to "respect" that?

>Personally, I would commit mass murder if it made people actually discuss video games more

>I don't go around calling people niggers because they disagree with me

>Neither do I
Then you'd be in the minority.

>I genuinely congratulate you if you can somehow extract an honest opinion out of this chaos
When people don't have to worry about being arrested for wrongthink or circlejerking a guy with max karma, their honest opinions come out. Hence the need for anonymity.

Something I've never understood is Stevefags and Banjotists being against each other. If one of you gets in, the odds of the other go way up.

>18 votes
This has to be the most retarded think posted yet
Honestly stop existing anytime

>Joker, Bayonetta and Corrin

>implying this cesspool is anything but hiveminds and circlejerking
Anonymity doesn't do jack shit

Literally pic related

Attached: 1553640899979.jpg (1024x576, 19K)

>disgusting cutscenes and sex fanservice
What fucking fanservice? Puyo Puyo's artstyle is so fucking directly opposed to fanservice that I don't think a single female character even has noticable cleavage. Even in the older, pre-SEGA games like Tsu/SUN/Yo~n, the only fanservice I can think of is how Draco dressed in SUN with the swimsuit and all. All you're doing is proving that you have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Attached: amitedesigns_v2_0.png (3318x2197, 2.73M)

I'm not attacking the poster who made the argument, but rather the game itself.

>No you don't, otherwise you'd "respect" that maybe other people like "movie shit"
Well, user, there's a fine line between "liking movie shit" and "spamming threads 24/7 about your waifu". We still have 50+ smash threads flooding the front page even months after joker was revealed. Do you think these people respect anyone else, when they're too busy destroying Yea Forums with the same rehashed threads and porn dumps?

>The moment someone asks you to tolerate opposing opinions,
Ah yes, opposing opinions like "any game without a sexy waifu is SJW shit" or "any game not made by [favorite company] is utter dogshit". All I can do with these opinions is roll my eyes and ignore them. Are you asking me to accept them as truth?

>Maybe I like both
Clearly not if you call me a faggot/nigger even when I'm trying to talk about the game itself, like every time I've ever discussed playing as Power Suit Samus. I guess, to you, that represents Samus not being waifu material, and that justifies you hating me, but I can't agree with that notion.


Maybe for a fighters pass 2 (which is unlikely if you look at Nintendo's DLC trends), but it's improbable that 2 out of 5 DLC spots are going to be Microsoft reps.

Hard mode: You can only post in these threads if you have something new to say. Anons should be challenged, their intellect should grow to remain above Reddit.

Attached: Adam.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

I'm in her.

>What fucking fanservice?
Anime fanservice And in particular pedo fanservice.. Same thing that befell Splatoon. If these games were good, the threads wouldn't just be porn dumps. Alas, even when I try and talk about them, I get drowned out by people discussing their waifus.

The funny thing is that this never happens in a GOOD game like Contra or Gradius. Though the threads are rare, I can always discuss GAMEPLAY in them. What is Puyo's excuse?

>but rather the game itself.
And by proxy you're attacking the people who enjoy it for what it is.

>when they're too busy destroying Yea Forums with
that's none of your business, you don't own the place

>All I can do with these opinions is roll my eyes and ignore them
Because you're totally ignoring them right now, huh? Stop lying.
>Are you asking me to accept them as truth?
No, you just have to leave them the fuck alone. Stay in your lane.

I would fuck Ty's girlfriend AND call him a nigger at the same time

Doug confirmed for mysoginist and barafag. I bet you jerk off to Bill Rizer every night.

>When people don't have to worry about being arrested for wrongthink or circlejerking a guy with max karma, their honest opinions come out. Hence the need for anonymity.
If anything, anonymity has only enabled shitheads and douchebags to be as obnoxious as possible on a community without any kind of consequence. And you posted the perfect example just a moment ago:
>"We still have 50+ smash threads flooding the front page even months after joker was revealed. Do you think these people respect anyone else, when they're too busy destroying Yea Forums with the same rehashed threads and porn dumps?"
I mean, sure, even in those threads there's the black sheep of the family that emerges from the shadows and actually contributes shit to the topic, but honestly, anyone looking for that simply gets bored of all the crappy thread recycling

>that's none of your business, you don't own the place
>"you shouldn't care about the place you enjoy because it's not your property"

I would love to see reimagined characters for a few characters who I assume were designed with a different purpose in mind than one of exhaustivity that you can find in Game&Watch or Megaman
Also more representations of Final Levels over First Areas, to fit in more Boss music & stuff of the kind, and for variation's sake.

Attached: DLCSmash.png (1514x1081, 1.7M)

greninja's been in since the wii U

>And by proxy you're attacking the people who enjoy it for what it is.
I can't help that part. What's important is that I minimize ad hominem by not calling people faggots or niggers or anything unrelated to the argument. If they're movie lovers who think gameplay isn't important compared to the story, then it's not really ad hominem if I call them out for it.

>that's none of your business, you don't own the place
Then whose business is it of yours if you claim I'm "ruining threads"?

>Because you're totally ignoring them right now, huh? Stop lying.
Am i not making an attempt to keep the thread on topic? I'd say that's ignoring them well enough.

>No, you just have to leave them the fuck alone. Stay in your lane.
Which means "you can't disagree with them or post anything to the contrary". Gotcha.

>And by proxy you're attacking the people who enjoy it for what it is.
Ah yes, the classic 'if you criticize a game I like, you're attacking ME!'

Someone call the bully hunters, gamers are getting verbally assaulted in here!!!

Stop being so fucking autistic for once in your sad lives. It's just a fucking game you birdbrains.

Fun fact: Smash Switch is the first game in the series where Kirby had a game in the same console before Smash.

>Mojang has been trying to distance Minecraft from Notch ever since the buyout
>Steve was Notch's idea and design
>Didn't put Steve in Story Mode
>Didn't put Steve in Dungeons
>Confirmed to not be in the movie
>Not seen in Minecraft Earth
>Alex replaced him as the default skin
>"Steve's gonna be in Smash!"

Attached: 1514813777769.png (393x391, 213K)

>you shouldn't care about the place you enjoy because it's not your property
That's exactly right. Only commie cucks believe they have the right to enforce their beliefs on public havens

>Anime fanservice
Do you know what fanservice means? Puyo Puyo has no visible tits, ass, or even thighs outside of fucking cartoony stick legs.
>And in particular pedo fanservice..
Fucking WHERE? The lewdest thing in the entire series is Schezo's played-for-laughs speech innuendos in SUN/Tetris/20th and one joke from Fever 2 about Oshare Bones not wearing pants because he's a skeleton.
>If these games were good, the threads wouldn't just be porn dumps. Alas, even when I try and talk about them, I get drowned out by people discussing their waifus.
ACFag, this right here proves you've never been in a Puyo thread, because outside of about three posters for Arle/Ringo/Draco respectively, Puyo threads are usually 60-80% gameplay discussion usually depending on how much of the thread is filled with people getting mad at SEGA for being shit. All you've done is prove over and over again that you're talking right out of your ass.

>expecting to have serious discussion on any medium including a female on Yea Forums.

That's the problem. Contra/Gladius don't have waifus. Even if it's hypermasculine/gender neutral don't expect to have a intellectual back and forth with your average Yea Forums poster. This is on you bud.

>>Alex replaced him as the default skin

>infact, remove any character who has ever been in a game that's "story heavy"
There goes donkey kong.

Did you see the newest update art? Steve is just straight up gone

Yeah. If you make a Minecraft account now then you default to the 3px arms model with the Alex skin. Steve is still the default skin for the normal model, though.

>Gooey has more votes than Meta Knight
This shit means nothing, why the fuck do you continue to post it?

Attached: 8F7E4EC6-9D88-4819-AE26-2EDA51A8CDC9.jpg (444x529, 136K)

Proof that Banjo is an important character and has had support for 20 years

>if I call them out for it.
You don't NEED to call them out for it, you just want to because you get a sick kick out of it.

>Am i not making an attempt to keep the thread on topic? I'd say that's ignoring them well enough.
Ignoring them would be not bringing it up at all.

>Which means "you can't disagree with them or post anything to the contrary". Gotcha.
Which means "don't poke the fucking fire and expect it to not spit back"

This confirms it
She's in

Attached: alex__minecraft__by_arc501-d8o3inm.jpg (1280x1840, 412K)

Leo is a little punk bitch and I dont want him in smash

>Do you know what fanservice means? Puyo Puyo has no visible tits, ass, or even thighs outside of fucking cartoony stick legs.
Tell that to the waifu fags spamming the porn. If there was actually a good game underneath it, then I could give it a pass. But just like Dead or Alive, I know exactly what fandom they were pandering to.

>Puyo threads are usually 60-80% gameplay discussion
Just like Bayonetta and Xenoblade discussions, right? Where talking about Nia's minge and Pyra's tits is "gameplay discussion" in some strange alternate reality?

That just tells me that waifus are detrimental to games, hence why the best ones don't have them.

Oshit you're right

Attached: Alex.jpg (1200x513, 120K)

>The absolute state, city, and country of stevies

Attached: 1424990205888-1.jpg (369x380, 50K)

Why do you want to take away waifufags' safe spaces so badly? You have your own "no cutscenes, no waifus" safe spaces, so why do you feel the need to step all over everyone else's?


But the Steve skin still exists. It's not like they'll only put Steve in either. They'll put Alex and other mobs as skins. It'll be a character that represents the playable character in Minecraft not Steve specifically. Steve will just be the guy shown in the trailer.

>That just tells me that waifus are detrimental to games, hence why the best ones don't have them.
I mean, you may be onto something with that. Just because a game has a waifu doesn't mean it's a bad game though.

Shit on puyo puyo all you want, but take out the Waifus and replace it with Robotnik and you've got Mean Bean Machine. Same game, exact same gameplay, just a few different sprites. Still a solid as fuck game.

Literally behind Alex

>You don't NEED to call them out for it,
When they're spamming threads constantly, talking about the evil SJW menace making Kasumi's tits smaller in DOA, or crying about Nintendo censoring Samus by making her tits smaller, what am I supposed to do? Stand by idly? This is unironic GAMERS RISE UP tier nonsense, and over what? A character's tits being slightly smaller? geez.

>Ignoring them would be not bringing it up at all.
that would be easy if they didn't spam the thread with it.

>Which means "don't poke the fucking fire and expect it to not spit back"
When the entire thread is on fire, that's inevitable.


Attached: 1558315888317.jpg (1658x1658, 1.02M)

You're not successfully trolling if you're trying harder than your victims, user

Sage wisdom

Warioware fags are pathetic


Attached: steve-lord-english2.gif (1920x1478, 595K)

>what am I supposed to do? Stand by idly?
Yes, exactly. Go play in your safe space or whatever, just leave us alone.

>that would be easy if they didn't spam the thread with it.
>When the entire thread is on fire, that's inevitable.
Then why are you in the fire to begin with? Normal people have basic survival instincts, I guess you don't.

>Why do you want to take away waifufags' safe spaces so badly?
I wouldn't mind if you guys stuck to your own threads, but attacking me and trying to destroy every other thread that doesn't have waifus in it? That can't be ignored.

It's a good thing i'm not trolling.

>Tell that to the waifu fags spamming the porn
Once again, fanbase ≠ The actual game. If you've ever been in an actual fucking Puyo thread, you'd know that the waifufags are the minority. For fuck's sake, when people are talking about characters they like and want back in the games, characters like Oshare Bones/Ocean Prince/Strange Klug tend to be the most mentioned.
>If there was actually a good game underneath it, then I could give it a pass.
What about Puyo isn't good? All you've shown is that you judge games exclusively by an (inaccurate) view of their fanbase gained through Yea Forums threads and some arbitrary assessment of the game through youtube cutscene compilations.
You're retarded, too. Mean Bean Machine is based on Puyo Puyo 1/OPP, which plays like total shit. There's a reason everyone recommends Tsu over OPP/MBM/KA.

Smash had waifus long before you came along.

>That can't be ignored.
Yes it can, you're just not trying hard enough.


Attached: 1422333775466.jpg (800x600, 264K)

Prove it

Imagine not being the face of your franchise

Attached: 23523535.png (510x546, 15K)

Just because the sequel improved on the original doesn't mean the original is shit. You should pay respects to the formula that started it all, and way to miss the entire point dummy.


>But the Steve skin still exists
Bahahahahaha this reminds me of peoples reactions to characters getting spirited

Attached: 1428519754268-4.jpg (1296x1186, 372K)

> Green eyes
> Blue shirt
> Stands next to pig, which is the animal Steve is associated with the most
Try again Banjokes

Attached: 1554852551963.jpg (601x496, 76K)

>Yes, exactly. Go play in your safe space or whatever, just leave us alone.
Isn't this a smash discussion thread? did I not post my recommendations as to how to improve the roster?

>Then why are you in the fire to begin with?
Because some people just want to discuss video games.

>Smash had waifus long before you came along.
Before Brawl, I could at least play as Samus without people calling me a "gay faggot nigger" among other insults. Please, I'd love for anyone to explain why I deserve hate for playing as Power Suit Samus. If you guys cared about good gameplay so much, and weren't just obsessed with waifus, then why show such utter disdain for me for playing a character I like?

>Once again, fanbase ≠ The actual game.
I beg to differ. The fanbase is a result of the game. It wanted to pander to a specific crowd, and that's who it got.

>you'd know that the waifufags are the minority.
I'll take "things that aren't true" for 500.

>What about Puyo isn't good?
Ratio of gameplay to cinematic waifu trash, for starters. Also, complete lack of difficulty, which seems to be a recurring theme with modern Nintendo games and nintendo-affiliated third parties. Sega too.

Imagine pretending like Banjo's "new" look isn't canon, despite it being the one featured on Rare Replay's boxart.

Attached: kisspng-banjo-kazooie-nuts-bolts-xbox-360-banjo-tooie-p-dexter-s-laboratory-5ad107bdde3949.043021691 (1644x2540, 3.49M)

I do pay respects to OPP, I just think that recommending OPP/MBM when literally any Puyo game following it save for Yo~n, Tetris, and 7 exists is stupid as shit. I'm mostly being facetious anyways, I got the point you were making.

Does not matter if mojang is trying to distance themselves from notch. Its nintendos game and they are the ones who approach the developers. Nintendo still acknowledges steves existence and even puts him in the same realm as their more popular IPs so they would negotiate for him.

Attached: Hes in .png (994x665, 639K)

Smash started as a mascot fighter. Then a bunch of anime bastards ruined everything.


Attached: 1546002928340.png (635x893, 283K)


Attached: 1552277972570.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

This is Banjo's most recent appearance

Attached: banjo-web-vertical-reg-01_1.jpg (1100x1500, 219K)

get a fucking room, all of you

Thanks doc

>Isn't this a smash discussion thread? did I not post my recommendations as to how to improve the roster?
And by doing so, you didn't leave us alone.

Makes you wonder where Steve got huh? Maybe he's got another game to fight in :)

>Names cropped out
Oh no no no no no no

>you can't discuss a video game unless you agree with the hive mind

lmao my dude.

Cute bear and bird

>that phallic appendage


That's exactly right, and is what you've been bitching about this whole time.

>L-Leave us alone!
Wherever the fuck you came from you need to go back. This is not your virtual hugbox.

>This is not your virtual hugbox
Oh but your own hugbox threads are just fine, right? It's only ours that have to be "corrected?"


Yikes. Imagine liking B*njo. Yep, I'm thinking it's cringe

Attached: 47437576735478.png (474x405, 319K)
>reddit winning

Welp, that confirms it. It's time to go back Banjies.

please don't bring us here, user

Attached: 025c3a030f8805d90d0565f0dfe374ad.jpg (260x621, 28K)

Look pal, if I was going off topic or shitposting, perhaps I could see your point. However, I've done nothing but try and remain on topic. If you didn't like what I had to say, that's on you I'm afraid. the freedom to expressing conflicting viewpoints seperates us from the animals and redditors.

On the contrary, my friend. You can come into my threads and talk about my games all you want, even if you have nothing but negativity. Like how you called Armored Core "movie shit". Instead of attacking you, I graciously accepted that the modern gen of AC had problems with too many cutscenes.

I love freedom of speech.

How could it be anything else than reddit?

You're projecting. I come here to shit on insecure fags like yourself. The world is my oyster. Your tears are all the gratification I need.

jokes on you i'd kill for gex and chexguy.

That's a villager

Yeah, Reddit is in the lead now.

I guess Reddit Twit-tooie wasn't a meme after all. Fuck Banjofags, seriously.

>I've done nothing but try and remain on topic
on YOUR topic, not OUR topic

>I love freedom of speech.
Evidently not, if you're trying to brute force all movie/waifu lovers into submission through your war of attrition.

The absolute New World of Steve

>infact, remove any character who has ever been in a game that's "story heavy"
Let's go further
Any character that has been in non-video game works should be removed. After all, movies and cartoons aren't video games.
Who would be left?

Attached: 0c9.gif (250x244, 39K)

Do you seriously believe real Banjofags would vote on that poll?
It's just like the poll on who believed the grinchleak, no one admits to being wrong.

Of course they wouldn't, because they're scared of being called out for actually being from reddit

Real Banjofags are long gone look at Do you honestly believe any of those 18 people give a shit about Banjo today? Let alone Smash

>on YOUR topic, not OUR topic
You AND I are talking about Smash.

>Evidently not, if you're trying to brute force all movie/waifu lovers into submission through your war of attrition.
Submission? Simply saying that movie games are bad is "brute forcing into submission through attrition"? Yikes. I didn't know words held such power.

If i can say "I enjoyed that character because of the gameplay in their game" then they can stay.

>I'll take "things that aren't true" for 500.
What is "ACfag claiming to have been in Puyo Threads"?
>Ratio of gameplay to cinematic waifu trash, for starters.
Let's take a look back at the playlist of cutscenes linked earlier.
Each one of these cutscenes lasts somewhere around— let's say— 1.5 to 3 minutes, and are completely skippable. After each cutscene, you fight against the character in said cutscene, something which takes about 2-5 minutes depending on which gamemode you pick. (Gamemodes in the Puyo 20th story mode are semi-random— you pick from 6 out of the 20 or so modes in the game, and two of them are always the same, that being OPP and Tsu rules) Then you also have the main focus of any Puyo game, which is the multiplayer modes, since the story mode is basically just something to practice with when you're not playing against a person. Additionally, the plot of 20th is more or less a total excuse plot used to have a few silly jokes, such as Klug's story revolving around him getting drunk and the shenanigans arising from that. It's impossible to really measure how much time you spend playing the multiplayer, so instead we'll look at how many modes are available for multiplayer.
You have:
>OPP Rules
>Tsu Rules
>Fever Rules
>Mission Puyo
>SUN Rules
>DekaPuyo Rush
>MiniPuyo Fever
>MiniPuyo Excavation
>Pair Battle
And five hidden, unlockable modes, in the form of
>Nonstop Fever
>Ice Blocks
You also earn points with every match played which can be spent in the shops for unlockables like alternate voices to use for the characters, a few alternate skins for the characters, and alternate visuals for the Puyo themselves.
Doesn't look like the "ratio" favors the "cinematic waifu trash" to the gameplay, here.

Attached: Time to go back.png (800x480, 212K)

thats actually a good way to put it thank you
what i dont get is how erdrick became a meme pick
i do get its popular leak syndrome but cmon dragon quest is cool i want a dq rep but now theres a stigma to it because of some arbitrarity? no fair

Because Microsoft is so well known for making frequent releases for all their IPs.

no matter the characterfag, behavior like this is so fucking stupid that it's a riot

Attached: D1MseDSWsAALcVM.jpg (1000x1000, 102K)

>point out how real Banjofags are already gone
>you're one of them!
Fuck off


whats with this anti-Earthworm Jim signaling

Banjo is a great pick for Smash!

Attached: 92yj6.jpg (530x380, 38K)

>what i dont get is how erdrick became a meme pick

>Brave datamine happens
>Rosterfags start going into denial mode
>Shitposters catch wind, begin to harness weaponized autism in the form of Erdrick

If it pissess off rosterfags, it will be used against them. It's not a difficult concept.

Attached: 1546712629132.jpg (1920x1440, 279K)

>Do you honestly believe any of those 18 people give a shit about Banjo today? Let alone Smash

>>point out how real Banjofags are already gone
That wasn't me though.

*takes the 2nd spot*

Attached: 1476526939987.png (331x557, 107K)

Not to mention unlike Banjo, he's actually in.

High tide delusion

Is it cool to like Reimu? I think she has a chance.

Attached: fighter pass.png (1200x813, 1.3M)


>I didn't know words held such power.
Yes, they do.

>You AND I are talking about Smash.
WE were talking about characters we wanted ADDED. YOU came into the thread talking about the characters you wanted TAKEN AWAY.
I like playing as those characters. Don't you fucking dare take my toys away from me.

Based and bravepilled

Unfortunately, all of that falls flat when you realize that not a single fan has ever discussed these things in years. In every single Puyo thread, people do nothing but larp obnoxiously about their waifu of choice. Even when asking about these multiple game modes, you get called a faggot if you're interrupting a waifu porn dump. Strange that the fandom would hate the gameplay so much, if it was so good.

Of course, it's even stranger that you'd so strongly advocate AGAINST removing the anime artstyle and fanservice and story, since there's apparently so much gameplay. Shouldn't you be in favor of removing all of this trash? After all, that means getting to the gameplay faster? You shouldn't need emotions or character humor or context if the base gameplay is fun. It's like DOA: Extreme Beach Volleyball. Nobody goes into it for the gameplay. They just want the titties. Give them volleyball on the atari or NES, and they'll just sit there and scratch their heads in confusion.

In short, until the games are cleansed of these taints, they will always fall short.

>WE were talking about characters we wanted ADDED. YOU came into the thread talking about the characters you wanted TAKEN AWAY.
Why aren't both viable topics? Why do you get to decide what's okay and what isn't? FFS, your "toys" do nothing but incite further porn dumps and shitposting, and never once incite actual gameplay discussion.

That'd be awesome. And that'd piss off trannies, which would make it even more awesome.
And yeah she has a chances. A lot of characters do at this point desu

With the information we've been given, every character whose franchise:
>Doesn't have much of a history with Nintendo
>Has a respectable number of fans
>Originated as a video game
has a chance

The fact that he's practically a lock makes him all the more powerful weapon.

That's why Steveposting is as strong as it is as well. Both characters have significant chances of being playable, despite how much rosterfags want to downplay it.

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Attached: oy.jpg (400x400, 12K)

>Don't you fucking dare take my toys away from me.
Calm the fuck down you autist. Nobody is taking anything away from you except yourself.

cringe pedo retard

I guess they’re removing grass blocks as well, Notch made those

Stevechad here.
Reimu's alright with me.

Attached: 1558321410094.jpg (749x800, 71K)

>Shouldn't you be in favor of removing all of this trash?
No? We like that "trash." Don't fucking take our toys away from us.

>until the games are cleansed of these taints
That's not for you to decide. They're OUR toys. Don't fucking take them from us.

>FFS, your "toys" do nothing but incite further porn dumps and shitposting, and never once incite actual gameplay discussion.
Don't care. My toys. You don't fucking take them away from me.

>"Nobody's trying to take your toys away"
>until the games are cleansed of these taints

Stevey stevey cope and seethey

thats one hell of a shitpost buddy congrats

Imagine being a dead franchise

Needs at least twice that much music.
Just take the top 50 or so music tracks from the last popularity poll and put them all on there

>turns on items in elite

Nothing personnel, sorry for the GSP lost

>No? We like that "trash." Don't fucking take our toys away from us.
That won't stop me from criticizing them, or praising games that do cleanse themselves of such influence.

>Don't care.
I kinda figured that. You shouldn't be surprised if people don't like these games as a result of the shitposting.

>get beaten in elite smash
>block them

Attached: file.png (780x439, 523K)

I feel like the hatred comes from the fact they were not over-speculated like Isaac, Geno and Banjo were.
Just look at the reactions for Bayonetta and Joker. It was mostly negative from the fans of the above while the more casual Smash Bros. players were ok with those choices.

"cleansing taints" is not base criticism, that's you rallying for your agenda. And your agenda would result in us having our toys taken away.

>>"Nobody's trying to take your toys away"
>>until the games are cleansed of these taints
it's one fucking user. It's not Sakurai. He has no power on the base roster or any future roster. Quit getting your fucking panties in a twist over one poster and move on with your life user.

Can you make a template please, user?

Attached: 1488954729881.jpg (800x794, 45K)

>Quit getting your fucking panties in a twist over one poster and move on with your life user.
Maybe that "one poster" should do the same, but he won't. He's been at this for nine fucking years.

>If i can say "I enjoyed that character because of the gameplay in their game" then they can stay.
Whether or not you enjoy a game is based off of your personal tastes, not subjective law. Believe it or not, there are people who enjoy the gameplay in RPGs.

Attached: 250px-Pichu_SSBU.png (250x250, 36K)

yes, to put it simply.
they didn't fall under the echo chamber meme picks, the smash community "status quo".

To put it even more simply, Rosterfaggotry.

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Attached: 1557693812482.jpg (678x636, 90K)

>Unfortunately, all of that falls flat when you realize that not a single fan has ever discussed these things in years. In every single Puyo thread, people do nothing but larp obnoxiously about their waifu of choice.
>Even when asking about these multiple game modes, you get called a faggot if you're interrupting a waifu porn dump
I would love to see some proof of this, because in every Puyo thread I've ever been in, the waifuposting is faint background noise compared to the actual game discussion. The only gamemode I've ever seen people called a faggot for liking is Water Puyo from 15th which is totally understandable since that mode is fucking AIDS.
>Shouldn't you be in favor of removing all of this trash? After all, that means getting to the gameplay faster?
First, the story mode in every Puyo game is completely fucking optional. The only time I can remember it really doing anything is in Puyo Puyo Fever 2— where it unlocks Strange Klug— and Puyo Puyo Tetris S, where it unlocks a major chunk of the characters and a lot of alt. voices/skins that were DLC in the original 2014 release. I actually dislike PPT a lot, and this is one of the reasons for it.
>You shouldn't need emotions or character humor or context if the base gameplay is fun.
These things, however, do nothing to detract from the game, especially since they're either totally optional or— in the case of the characters— actually DO serve a gameplay purpose. Fun fact about Puyo games: every character has unique AI. For example, a CPU-controlled Dongurigaeru will use a tactic called "frogstacking", where he'll immediately fill the farthest two left/right columns with Puyo for a quick RNG chain. Suketodara/Ocean Prince use a different tactic, where they'll immediately fill the bottom three rows for the same reason. These can be useful for practicing against specific tactics you notice people you play with using. Character Limit.

I hope both Reimu and Steve make it in!

Attached: 1543642699207.jpg (850x833, 149K)

i understand
still i miss the days when there was no ironic intent behind him
i genuenly think he'd make for a cool and interesting addition
him or any dq protag
i wont act confident myself, you shitposters do your thing but if he happens not to be in whats your stance gonna be?
mine would be disapointment but ultimately not much else cuz i didnt hold high hopes to begin with

Why do you care so much? Literally get off the computer if it bothers you that much. You seem unwell. I haven't read either of you guys autist battle, but if he won't walk away then be the bigger man. Prolonging this will only cause you more pain it seems. There's no "winning" an argument like this. Swallow your pride and just don't let it bother you user, you'll feel better.

>while the more casual Smash Bros. players were ok with those choices.

There could be a literal textureless polygon as a character and they would still love it.

The fact that vergeben only missed one unique character (k. rool) really makes me think his smash source is legit. I personally welcome both of these characters erdrick will play like a magic using link, and steve will be one of the most unique characters in the game.

Here ya go. Have fun!

Attached: 1553688800800.png (1200x813, 1.17M)

It's still really suspicious that he didn't tell us about Plant or Joker. If he wants people to believe him then that would've been a really strong argument in his favor.

Continued from the last post.
>Nobody goes into it for the gameplay. They just want the titties.
What fucking titties? Again, I ask you, where the fuck is the fanservice or titty in Puyo Puyo? All of Puyo's story is optional. All of Puyo's characters are nonsexualized, save for fanbase degenerates which exist for literally every game out there. There's nothing that makes Puyo a "movie game".

I didn't even post anything about Reimu

If I "swallow my pride," then he'll think it's okay to take my toys away. Just like journalists think they can do whatever the fuck they want to our games.

better hope the farmer doesn't catch you shitposting on four channel

Attached: asshole.png (1331x761, 1.17M)

Based tastes, rosterfagging is garbage, let Sakurai/Nintendo put those they want without autistic manchildren getting mad over it

>wanting a game to improve by removing faults is now "rallying for an agenda"

user, you act like I have complete control over Smash. Relax. Sakurai won't take away your waifus. I'm just lamenting over how people over-emphasize their importance.

Yeah, unfortunately the RPG-ers all too often wish they could just skip the gameplay. So I'm afraid they're not reliable.

>there are people who enjoy the gameplay in RPGs
yeah! when the game gets to a point where enemies are allowed to act with complexity combat in mother 3 becomes so engaging i wouldnt even mind if it was text only, same thing happens with dqxi its good stuff, but i very much get how that aint everyone's cup of tea

Thank you!

Attached: 1542244339155.png (448x461, 328K)

>still i miss the days when there was no ironic intent behind him
>i genuenly think he'd make for a cool and interesting addition
>him or any dq protag
Well then you're in a much better position than many of the other fanbases. DQ has a great chance of getting a rep, whether it's Luminary/Erdrick/Slime etc.

>but if he happens not to be in whats your stance gonna be?
It really doesn't make a difference to me. I only really started rallying behind him because it's the closest thing to Goku we'll ever get and that pissess off rosterfags/toriyama haters.

I also think Dragon Quest is a good series and that it legitimately deserves representation though. If it doesn't get in then I'd feel a bit sorry for the real DQ fans.

>dude just have no standards and no preferences whatsoever! Sakurai is perfect and literally has never done anything wrong his entire life!

He's fucking in, drop it already blockheads.

Attached: BlockHeadsSeeth.png (1200x813, 1.28M)

He made Dedede, so he's alright in my books

>then he'll think it's okay to take my toys away
But he can't take your toys away. That's up to Sakurai and Nintendo, not this user. Just calm down.

Right now he's taking your sanity away though. You shouldn't let him do that. Choose your battles wisely user, you don't seem to be cut out for this kind of thing.

>I would love to see some proof of this, because in every Puyo thread I've ever been in, the waifuposting is faint background noise
I'd love to know what dimension those threads exist in.

>First, the story mode in every Puyo game is completely fucking optional.
Then you should have no problem getting rid of it.

>These things, however, do nothing to detract from the game
Except ruining discussion by turning it into a waifu dump.

>muh AI
Funfact, games can do this without obnoxious cinematics shoved in everywhere.

People who think leakers should know everything really don't know anything about how insider info works

If Sakurai was not in charge, instead of Joker, Piranha Plant and Bayonetta, we could have gotten Isaac, Geno and Banjo. All characters from deceased franchises, except Geno who was a one-off side-character.
A wet dream for rosterfags, but really uninteresting for the majority of people who wouldn't know or remember those three guys.

>wanting dead mascots and irrelevant side characters for 15+ years means I have good standards!
unironically neck yourself rosterfag

Attached: Bye Bye Banjo.png (612x544, 276K)

That's fine but he literally said that he didn't tell us about Piranha Plant because "we wouldn't believe him"

And there's also the "The 2d Zelda in the next direct has nothing to do with Links Awakening"

>I ask you, where the fuck is the fanservice or titty in Puyo Puyo?
Anime/pedo fanservice, just like in splatoon, just like I said before.

>There's nothing that makes Puyo a "movie game".
>however, I can't play it without the story because it would lack soul and I need muh anime waifu to cheer me on
Just as I suspected. The game is shallow so you need a distraction to keep you into it.

sakurai picked piranha tho

>you act like I have complete control over Smash
You sure as fuck act like it, or it least wish you did so you could take my toys away. I do not trust you in the slightest to leave my toys alone if you had the power to do so, so as long as you are alive and there is even the smallest chance you could get your claws on the Smash development team, I can not allow you to have the mindset that would lead to my toys getting taken away.

Dude it's an anti-Reimu poster don't be rude to them

>Using the cringe Smashified render.
You're not a real Banjo fan.

Attached: 179005-rumor-nintendo-banjo-kazooie.jpg (595x446, 30K)

>If Sakurai was not in charge, instead of Joker, Piranha Plant and Bayonetta, we could have gotten Isaac, Geno and Banjo. All characters from deceased franchises, except Geno who was a one-off side-character.
>A wet dream for rosterfags, but really uninteresting for the majority of people who wouldn't know or remember those three guys.

Man I'm loving all these Ice Climbers games we're getting! Thank god Ice Climbers were in Melee so I can play Ice Climbers 7 on my Switch!

>Steve vs Banjo arguing as usual
>a cutfag is slathering his opinions everywhere on top of that
Jesus this thread sucks. What's next, are Sony fanboys going to raid the thread?

don't you ever talk shit about plok you little nigger

True, it's not nice to bully the disabled.

Alright user. You did well. I was hoping you were shitposting and now I'm a bit relieved.

Actually, he said he heard of a 2D Zelda game that had nothing to do with Link's Awakening, and assumed it was gonna be revealed first because it was coming out first. Turns out he was wrong about it being revealed first, but he was right about it coming out first. It was Cadence of Hyrule.


Attached: smash roster.png (1280x844, 2.08M)

Holy shit get a life u fucking autistic manchild

I thought this was the Smashified render. Or is that other one just a 2nd take they did?

Attached: Bunjo.png (509x509, 232K)

Glad you get it. This place is so rude to anti-Reimu posters, it's really hard for them to fit in... seriously guys check your privilege

Banjo is an iconic and beloved character, he defiently deserves to be in over shit like Joker

>comparing a first party legacy/retro character to a side character from an RPG spinoff, an irrelevant and dead 3d platform, and an abandoned GBA rpg.
Yep, rosterfags everyone.

Attached: ry6uh7e.png (1200x800, 1.08M)

>you're trying to take my toys away
>I'm just going to conveniently ignore how the majority of the smash fandom wants to take metroid away and turn the series into glorified dating sim trash because nobody has ever touched the series before, and they only care about zero suit


Hahhaha banjokes actually believe this

Retro picks exist, its why the grinch leak had mach rider. When in reality the retro pick of ultimate was simon belmont.

>I'd love to know what dimension those threads exist in.
This one.
>Then you should have no problem getting rid of it.
And you should have no problem ignoring it.
>Except ruining discussion by turning it into a waifu dump.
Which is something that doesn't happen.
>Funfact, games can do this without obnoxious cinematics shoved in everywhere.
What world are you from where sectioning off anything that could vaguely be considered a "cinematic" into its own mode is "shoving them everywhere"?
You literally never, ever have to click the "Story Mode" button. You can play every mode with every character without needing to touch it even once. Even in the case of unlockables kept behind Story Mode, every Puyo game has a cheat code you enter to bypass that.

I don't care who made them. They're both cringe and overused fanart.

We should stick with the canon Banjo going forward.

Attached: MV5BZDI3YzU4NGUtZjAwNC00NjEwLWI5MjYtM2MxOWM4ZjVmMGYxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 18K)


>..unless if they're REALLY old, then we can arbitrarily add the "retro" label to it.

I bet you spent 6 months trying to convince everyone Waluigi wasn't important enough and we had too many Mario characters anyway, but then defended Piranha Plant when he got announced, lmao. Everyone who unironically says "rosterfag" would eat shit off of the bottom of Sakurai's shoe and yell "NO IT'S STEAK YOU FUCKING FOODFAG"

Mario and Pokemon will never have too many characters, whoever says this is bullshitting with you

>Banjoid is also a wahfag
Caught me off guard

>Anime/pedo fanservice, just like in splatoon, just like I said before.
And you have yet to explain what this fucking means.
>>however, I can't play it without the story because it would lack soul and I need muh anime waifu to cheer me on
>Just as I suspected. The game is shallow so you need a distraction to keep you into it.
Cool argument, man. Really doesn't make you look like a total retard when you shove words into other people's mouths. For the record, my favorite Puyo character isn't even a female.

It'd be neat if the other dlc characters came from game genres that weren't already represented in smash

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I won't calm down, as long as he's still breathing and has even 1-billionth of a chance to influence the Smash development team. I will protect my toys at all costs.

I'm not shitposting. I'm fighting autism with autism. I will not allow my toys to come to any harm, even hypothetically.

but Doug, I thought none of those people had the power to do so, so shouldn't it be fine in your eyes?
If you get to defend your toys, I get to defend mine. It's only fair.

not a big fan of Nuts and Bolts Banjo (it's the rectangular nose and how he looks too angular for my tastes) but fair and based

>Those eyes
>The teeth

Attached: 1556987343766.png (567x354, 264K)

>I bet you spent 6 months trying to convince everyone Waluigi wasn't important enough and we had too many Mario characters anyway, but then defended Piranha Plant when he got announced, lmao. Everyone who unironically says "rosterfag" would eat shit off of the bottom of Sakurai's shoe and yell "NO IT'S STEAK YOU FUCKING FOODFAG"
Calm the fuck down Banjie.

All I'm saying is there's a difference between a dead Nintendo character and a dead third party franchise.

One is free and promotes Nintendo's brand.
The other costs money to secure and Nintendo gains nothing out of it other than pleasing like the 18 genuine Banjo fans left on the internet.


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can you people please quit robbing my graves just so you can dangle a dead corpse around? let the kid rest in peace.
T. Efheim cemetary caretaker

Attached: FFI_Erdricks_Grave_NES.gif (240x240, 21K)

>This one.
Ah yes, a thread of porn and rosterfaggotry.

>And you should have no problem ignoring it.
Not when I'm paying for it. I expect total perfection.

>Which is something that doesn't happen.
Imagine thinking waifu fanboys are capable of holding legit discussion.

>What world are you from where sectioning off anything that could vaguely be considered a "cinematic" into its own mode is "shoving them everywhere"?
I come from a world where games like Gradius and Contra can be good WITHOUT having tits to keep people interested, or cringeworthy anime plots.

>You literally never, ever have to click the "Story Mode" button.
There is still shit on the sidewalk, even if I opt to step over it. That doesn't make it stop stinking.

This is adorable



people tried to pull this with K. Rool too.
>IF he gets in he'll have the shitty Paon design, keep seething
>actually looks better than he ever has
whatever character gets in is going to look damn good

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Attached: Rare-Replay-Featured.jpg (1124x600, 308K)

>And you have yet to explain what this fucking means.
It means the fanbase is too busy jerking it to porn to care about the actual gameplay.

>cool argument, man. Really doesn't make you look like a total retard when you shove words into other people's mouths
Did I do that though?

Give me fucking Agnes

Attached: 2bfa598414eb53a60d311a78ada957e8.jpg (600x800, 70K)

There's nothing wrong with Bubsy though.

Aaaaaaaaaaand Banjie's gone completely mental already.

Does this really need to happen everytime? Take a deep breath, turn off caps lock, take a look in the mirror and reflect on your actions, then come back to me with an actual argument baby bear.

Attached: headshakingsteve.webm (1920x1080, 218K)

>no new viva pinata game
fuck this rosterfag shit, post your favorite pinata

Attached: jameleon.jpg (1000x800, 105K)

Seething Banjokes

Your series is so shit that characters like Bubsy, ToeJam and Earl, Earthworm Jim and even Shaq-Fu got a revival before you.

Watch when Glover 2 is going to be a thing

Attached: DjXeDogUYAAX1TW.jpg (960x1200, 403K)

>Not when I'm paying for it.
But you're not paying for it. You have never bought a Puyo Puyo game before. And if you did, then maybe you should've done some research instead of wasting money on a game you'd be sure to hate.

>There is still shit on the sidewalk, even if I opt to step over it. That doesn't make it stop stinking.
Then go find another sidewalk to hang out on, you prick.

Delusional Banjoke.

Attached: 1551720637785.png (1152x648, 575K)

Oh yeah, Microsoft uses all their IPs like.



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Canon banjo is the N64 one now. See

I would be ecstatic if Geno his own cereal, they could even call it Gen-O's

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Make way, losers

Attached: smash dlc 2.png (1280x720, 710K)

>I thought none of those people had the power to do so, so shouldn't it be fine in your eyes?
That's a bit of a false equivalence. I don't have the power to make less waifus and cutscenes in games. However the masses have been conditioned to blindly buy any game with cutscenes and titties in it. So you do indeed have the ability to ruin my favorite games with filth. I need not point any further than to the success of the PS4 when it comes to movie games. I need only point to waifu gacha games like Fire Emblem Heroes and Grand Fate Order and Xenoblade.

In short, my disdain has a sound basis for it. Yours doesn't. You're free to make your complaint regardless, but mine will hold more ground.


It doesn't matter what argument I use, you arbitrarily bend whatever's important to specifically not apply to Banjo.

>Man I'm loving all these Ice Climbers games we're getting! Thank god Ice Climbers were in Melee so I can play Ice Climbers 7 on my Switch!
Ice Climbers is the only iteration of a franchise that was chosen for being retro, whose games didn't sell that well, and who are not iconic. Congratulations, you found literally the only characters that fit the same criterias than Banjo. Except they are actually owned by Nintendo.
So let's see the other retro characters:
G&W and Duck Hunt sold amazing amounts and are iconic.
ROB is a toy created by Nintendo to save their company, it is iconic.
Castlevania sold a cazy amount and still got a game not far from being included into Smash, same with Megaman.
And K. Rool is from Donkey Kong which sells well and is still alive today.
Compared to that, you have Banjo & Kazooie's franchise which didn't sell that well, with only two games liked by the fans, a franchise that has been dead for longer than it has been alive (1998-2008, ten years vs 2008-2019 eleven years), whose main company is not even interested into reviving, and only ever mentioned for Smash Bros., just like Golden Sun.
Banjo being likely is seriously exaggerated in those threads.



>And if you did, then maybe you should've done some research instead of wasting money on a game you'd be sure to hate.
I still spent the money, I have the right to criticize it. Anything less is communism in action, telling me I'm not entitled to free speech, especially for a product I paid money for.

>Then go find another sidewalk to hang out on, you prick.
I will, but do you think I'll have a positive opinion of that sidewalk? "dude the shit is actually a nice touch, it gives the sidewalk a uniqueness and character and emotion." Yeah, right.


Attached: 1543112755285.png (658x466, 24K)

>m-muh figurines mean Nuts and Bots didn't happen.

Attached: ostrich-head-in-sand.jpg (1536x1024, 170K)

Sorry i'm late.

Attached: rosterfags are gay.jpg (680x477, 96K)

>Ah yes, a thread of porn and rosterfaggotry.
I meant this universe, you retard.
>I expect total perfection.
I'd think that including the storymode for those who like it but fully separating it from the multiplayer/non-story singleplayer *is* total perfection, in terms of making everyone happy.
>I come from a world where games like Gradius and Contra can be good WITHOUT having tits to keep people interested, or cringeworthy anime plots.
First, again, WHERE ARE THE TITS IN MODERN PUYO PUYO? You have yet to answer this.
Second, you're also ewrong, because Konami killed off Gradius for Otomedius, which is literally just "Gradius with tits". Though I hate that series too, to be fair.
>There is still shit on the sidewalk, even if I opt to step over it. That doesn't make it stop stinking.
This is an inapplicable comparison and you know it.
>It means the fanbase is too busy jerking it to porn to care about the actual gameplay.
Except that most everyone in Puyo threads talks about the gameplay, with the waifuposting being a complete minority that's usually done to keep threads bumped. The most obnoxious waifuposter is probably the Ringofags, and guess why everyone hates Ringo?
Because she's from Puyo Puyo 7, which had shit gameplay.
>Did I do that though?
Please point me to where in my posts I said "however, I can't play it without the story because it would lack soul and I need muh anime waifu to cheer me on".

And I can predict the one guy who will mention Bayonetta who also didn't sell as much: she's basically half-owned by Nintendo and Sega at this point and is still relevant.

yes user I know Nuts and Bolts Banjo is front and center on Rare Replay despite the fact of how much I dislike the rectangle nose :(

How will Banjo boys ever recover?

>Castlevania sold a cazy amount and still got a game not far from being included into Smash, same with Megaman.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1.27 million)

Banjo-Kazooie 3,650,000


This looks awesome

You're right. None of this matters. Grow the fuck up and stop obsessing over a relic from your childhood.

Adding on to this, I will say that if we get Nuts and Bolts Banjo we better have an alt that uses his suit from the end of the game when he gets the deed to Spiral Mountain

>makes a thread everyday

>quits his job just to yell at people who like Banjo Kazooie all day

>"Grow the fuck up"

Pirahana plant is in like every mario game u spergy
Literally anyone can regonize it and is something completely different from the rest of the characters
They thought it would be fun and interesting character that people would know so they turned it into a fighter
It’s dumb I guess but not something most people would ever think to do

> This thread
Why does all the good series have to be associated with Smash autism

Attached: 65875876876.jpg (800x450, 116K)

Ah yes, the classic "b-but M-megaman and Castlevania got in!", despite both being huge franchises that have spanned tons of games and even created genres of their own. It's not called a Metroidbanjia for a reason Banjoid.

On top of which, not only have those series existed for much longer than Banjo, but Megaman and Castlevania also had games within the past two years of Sm4sh's release.

If Banjoids want to be taken seriously, they really, REALLY need to stop likening themselves to bigger and better franchises.

>Steve wasn't in Story Mode
>not used to promote Dungeons
>not mentioned by name in the movie summary when even Sonic is in his bad-looking movie

I don't think it's really an opinion that Mojang don't care that much about him. Why would you, he has no personality to start with and isn't why people like Minecraft.

user please I can only use lifetime series sales as a metric because that's the only way Megaman, Castlevania, Persona, and Bayonetta can consistently be said to be more successful than Banjo-Kazooie

>Castlevania franchise: already sold over 20 million copies in 2006
>Banjo franchise: barely passed the 6 million treshold in 2015
And even Symphony of the Night sold more than the latest Banjo game, lol.

>Good series

>I meant this universe, you retard.
Doesn't make a difference.

>I'd think that including the storymode for those who like it but fully separating it from the multiplayer/non-story singleplayer *is* total perfection, in terms of making everyone happy.
All that means if that I wasted money on movie filth, something that pandered to an audience that doesn't care about good gameplay.

The artstyle, for starters. Anime is cancer, which is why it brought in such a degenerate fanbase.

>This is an inapplicable comparison and you know it.
How so?

>Except that most everyone in Puyo threads talks about the gameplay,
Never once have I seen a thread that wasn't porn filth from start to end.

>Please point me to where in my posts I said "however, I can't play it without the story because it would lack soul and I need muh anime waifu to cheer me on".
Look how hard you're defending the game having muh waifus and muh story, despite the gameplay supposedly being so good.

If the shoe were put on the other foot, I wouldn't mind if every single cutscene was taken out of Armored Core. I skip that trash anyway, and removing it would be an objective improvement.


>literally just piranha plant

>god damn sakurai is so smart even though he literally did what I complained about

I miss Viva Pinata, it was such a comfy series

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Aww, you poor, poor thing.
Do you have a patreon I can donate to? I'm starting to feel sad for you Banjoids now. You guys have it real hard.

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Most people here would never have even heard of her if it wasn't for rosterfaggotry

Nope. It's never gonna happen, user.

>they don't know doomguy is already confirmed

Attached: 1556845651423.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

>W-w-well it only took 1,000,000 games for Castlevania and Megaman to outsell 1 Banjo game so they're more popular!


>Yours doesn't.
Mine has the basis of "you want to take my toys away from me, and would if you could." That's all I need to not tolerate you.

>I still spent the money, I have the right to criticize it.
If you don't have the simple foresight to do some fucking research, then you're too stupid to be taken seriously.

>I will, but do you think I'll have a positive opinion of that sidewalk?
I won't be able to hear it all the way over there, so not my problem unless you come crawling back over here trying to forcefully remove the """shit"""

Literally anything is more successful
Literally half the sales were from moms buying their kids games as like a present and went oh a bear that’s colourful and inoffensive
It literally had half the sales the second game then disappeared for like a decade
Literally no one gives 2 shits about Banjoke
It would have been fine as a one off game

Like clockwork

I beat you to it user

Plant was a terrible character but it doesn't justify your rosterfaggotry.

Adeleine is the better character

a dee fag still this assmad over Piranha Plant?

Color me surprised.

cope Banjoke

I still want everyone to get their favorite characters in the game eventually. Getting K. Rool at last felt awesome.

Fuck off

>pointing out sakuraifags constant contradictions means you want the character they're using to point out your inconsistent arguments



>good series
Take off your nostalgia glasses.

Fuck off rosterfag. Potential characters are shit until they get in, then they're the best possible choice.

>Mine has the basis of "you want to take my toys away from me, and would if you could." That's all I need to not tolerate you.
Honestly, I'm improving your toys by making them more about the gameplay. If you only cared about the toys because of such odd and, frankly trivial, reasons, then i can't help you there.

>If you don't have the simple foresight to do some fucking research, then you're too stupid to be taken seriously.
I did the research. I was being sold a VIDEO GAME, whose most important trait should be gameplay. This is a constant across all games, all genres.

>I won't be able to hear it all the way over there
And yet you chastise me for criticizing it on Yea Forums, which is far removed from your Nintendo games.

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>says this while advocating for the removal of Power suit Samus

I don't get you guys.

>being this triggered by Sakurai

Attached: 1542838640805.jpg (343x343, 28K)

I didn't type that

>The artstyle, for starters. Anime is cancer, which is why it brought in such a degenerate fanbase.
First, Puyo's artstyle is hardly "anime". It's closer to a western cartoon. The only entries that actually look like anime are the old Compile games, that being OPP/Tsu/SUN/Yo~n. Second, the artstyle is EXACTLY why there aren't any fucking tits in Puyo, see pic related.
>Look how hard you're defending the game having muh waifus and muh story, despite the gameplay supposedly being so good.
What I'm defending are the quality of the games themselves, You said Puyo was shit because of it's story mode, and my argument is that the story mode has no bearing on its quality and is— outside of outliers like PPT and Chronicles— pretty much completely ignorable if you don't care for it.
> I wouldn't mind if every single cutscene was taken out of Armored Core. I skip that trash anyway, and removing it would be an objective improvement.
>I skip that trash anyway
And yet it's still there. You are able to enjoy Armored Core despite the cutscenes because they're ultimately irrelevant to the game itself and be completely skipped. The same applies to Puyo Puyo. Fuck, the same applies to most games you shitpost about. That's the hypocrisy here.

Attached: Character_Arle_PuyoPuyoFever2.png (267x407, 24K)

>not liking literally everything sakurai does means you're triggered by him

Based and creeperpilled.

It's okay to dislike Piranha Plant's inclusion, no need to be such an assblasted faggot over it though. It's not really helping your case.

>First, Puyo's artstyle is hardly "anime"
Gonna stop reading there. Come on man.

>What I'm defending are the quality of the games themselves,
The quality is non-existent if you think it's crazy that I want all of the story and waifus removed.

>You are able to enjoy Armored Core despite the cutscenes
I enjoy it less, though. Hence why I called it nu-Armored Core. The ones with less cutscenes to begin with are still better. Also, less shitposting and porn in the fanbase. That's a major plus.

Still waiting for the better cephalopods

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Splatoon got shafted pretty hard in Ultimate. If we don't get DLC for them then they need to get tons of shit in Smash 6 to make up for it.

>not wanting buck bumble

It got a character and a stage retard
That’s a lot for a new franchise

>I've never been in a smash thread.

>It got a character and a stage retard
>That’s a lot for a new franchise

It's literally the bare minimum, especially for one of Nintendo's biggest IPs.

It could have got nothing
U turbo Faggott

We aren't getting first party, dummy. Next game, maybe

Kill yourself ungrateful bastard, F-Zero and Mother didn't even ahve stages in the first game. Shitoon has character, stage, music, assist trophy and spirits.

Retards like you deserve death

Banjo is so iconic that his franchise died

Realistically, no it couldn't have. Inkling was literally the most predictable inclusion for Smash 5.

There's no evidence for that. It's possible, but that would be a big mistake.

>Gonna stop reading there. Come on man.
It's not. The only thing in Puyo's artstyle that resembles conventional anime are the eyes.
>The quality is non-existent if you think it's crazy that I want all of the story and waifus removed.
You can want whatever. I want Sega to stop being fucking awful and to bring back the characters, gameplay, and artstyle I enjoyed from older Puyo titles. That doesn't mean I think that modern Puyo games are total fucking garbage as a result aside from PPQ which is disgusting mobage shit
>I enjoy it less, though. Hence why I called it nu-Armored Core. The ones with less cutscenes to begin with are still better. Also, less shitposting and porn in the fanbase. That's a major plus.
But you still enjoy it. You have grievances and complaints with it, but that will always apply to every game out there. No game is perfect, and you can still acknowledge what you find good about a game while you play it and enjoy different parts of it than other people do.

Also, for the record, the lack of story has absolutely nothing to do with how much porn a game gets, just look at "Just Shapes and Beats".

>F-Zero and Mother didn't even ahve stages in the first game

Because the first game barely had any content and they were secret characters.

>Shitoon has character, stage, music, assist trophy and spirits.

So......The bare minimum.

>There's no evidence for that
There is


Fire Emblem didn't have a stage in Melee either, and ROB doesn't even have a stage so far

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They want to appeal to demographics not associated with Nintendo, user. It's over.

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>that would be a big mistake.
Don't worry, we'll be getting at least one first party character.

Attached: tumblr_pa854wcZXe1tchom3o1_500.png (500x500, 137K)

>Fire Emblem didn't have a stage in Melee either,

It got two characters. Also only because there wasn't any time.

>and ROB doesn't even have a stage so far

ROB is a weird exception and you know it. Also the only exception in this 35+ franchise crossover.

The fact that those franchise still get games is also a good point towards them being more successful than Banjo-Kazooie.
That and the fact they were alive longer than they were dead.

>It's not. The only thing in Puyo's artstyle that resembles conventional anime are the eyes.
You have to be kidding. It's basically a full rip of Panty and Stocking, which also tried that ironic western artstyle, while still being eastern.

>That doesn't mean I think that modern Puyo games are total fucking garbage as a resul
I think they're complete garbage.

>You have grievances and complaints with it, but that will always apply to every game out there.
It helps that armored Core is an actual game in its heyday, and doesn't rely on retarded anime artstyles and waifus.

At least his design is kind of cool from the neck down.

Retarded Splatoonfag, I gave you reasons, yet you dismiss it because it doesn't count.
Neck yourself

>no evidence
>but that would be a big mistake
Well, get ready to be disappointed

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He's also got a whip sword, so there's that.

Attached: Smash.jpg (1552x356, 72K)

>It's basically a full rip of Panty and Stocking,
Puyo Puyo Fever 1, the first game using that artstyle, predates Panty and Stocking by about five years.
>It helps that armored Core is an actual game in its heyday, and doesn't rely on retarded anime artstyles and waifus.
Neither does Puyo.

Compare the amount of content Splatoon got in Ultimate compared to Uprising's in 4 and you'll see my point.

>Fire Emblem didn't have a stage in Melee either
which sucks because it was supposed to have one called Akaneia (or Archanea as we would call it now thanks to Shadows of Valentia) and it would mostly resemble Castle Siege, with a battle raging on outside of the castle

>wahhh why didnt x get moar
>it could have had nothing
>Nuuu shutup ur just dumb
Fuck off u entitled faggot


It would be if Belmonts didn't fit that niche.

They literally said they're aiming for other demographics, user. Just give up

Considering it's one of Nintendo's biggest IPs I think it's fair for it to be treated like one instead of a semi-obscure one off game that only sold around a million copies.

>Puyo Puyo Fever 1, the first game using that artstyle, predates Panty and Stocking by about five years.
Okay, then Panty and Stocking is a ripoff of that. Both are still trash as a result, I just need to revise the timeline and order.

>neither does puyo
>not even 5 seconds in, see anime waifu pandering
Closed the video faster than I ever had before.

>"With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we asked 'How could we reach not only fans of the Super Smash Bros. series, but also those who had never played it before?' If you look at the demographics of the consumers who purchased each of these titles, I'm not convinced we've completely overcome these challenges yet. So our aims are to keep working on them this year, to expand sales of these titles to new consumer demographics, and to keep selling these games for a long time, which is one of our strengths."

Serious mental gymnastics here

This actually makes me sure that Steve is getting in because of how big the Minecraft demographic is.

Imagine being this entitled and ungrateful

Splatoonfags deserve death

Fuck off
There was like 5 non clone characters added and it was one of it
Zelda is like 10x bigger and it literally hasn’t got a character sense brawl which was a Link clone
So no again it could have easily not been added at all
Shut the fuck up

>Mocking Spongebob meme in 2019
Rope up Banjoke

You're not wrong user.

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>Okay, then Panty and Stocking is a ripoff of that. Both are still trash as a result, I just need to revise the timeline and order.
This is completely fucking nonsensical.
>>not even 5 seconds in, see anime waifu pandering
>Closed the video faster than I ever had before.
Nigger, WHERE? Are you fucking kidding me? The only thing I could possibly imagine you talking about is the fact that a tournament for a multiplayer video game has a picture of one of the characters in that game on the wall, and if that's what you're talking about you are legitimately fucking mental.

Attached: excuse_me_what_the_fuck.jpg (909x839, 95K)

They are aiming for people who do not usually buy Smash games. They stated that directly. They checked the demographic that bought most, if not all, titles in the series, and were disappointed for not managing to reach out new fan bases.
Most Nintendo fans already bought the game, so the only fan bases they can aim for are:

A) Third-party completely unexpected (read: almost never mentioned in Smash Bros discussion on the Internet)


B) A new Pokemon character since it sells more than Smash Bros. and has the potential of bringing in more players.

It ain't looking good for Nintendo franchises as a whole.

>Fuck off
>There was like 5 non clone characters added and it was one of it

The bare minimum, because it would be absurd if Inkling didn't get in.

>Zelda is like 10x bigger and it literally hasn’t got a character sense brawl which was a Link clone

Zelda deserves a new character, too.

>So no again it could have easily not been added at all

Are you seriously arguing that Sakurai could've easily justified not adding Inkling twice? It fits literally every criteria people spout in these threads

>Relevant, has a future
>Unique moveset potential

If there was even 1% of obsessed Minecraft fans who buy everything that has Minecraft content in it, it would still bring Nintendo 1.76 million more sales. That's one thing to think about.
And Dragon Quest, while certainly not as massive as Minecraft, still has a solid fanbase that would bring in more money.

No. They're all going to be thrid party. They fucking know they don't stand a chance of comparing to pokémon sales and Incineroar was already the pokefag bait

You got blown the fuck out retard

>This is completely fucking nonsensical.
It's called "having standards".

>and if that's what you're talking about you are legitimately fucking mental.
Terribly sorry user, but I've learned never to trust a game if "waifus" are a major selling point, and literally propping it up as a major point of importance, at a tournament no less, is a huge red flag.

Just because this is an anime website doesn't mean I have to tolerate naruto-tier shit every 5 seconds.

>All of the Smash characters in the DLC are going to be this one specific type of inclusion because this quote from Nintendo I'm blowing out of proportion
Just like the base game was going to be 100% fan picks because Sakurai said he consulted the ballot this time, right?

Except it’s not
Again they could have easily not added anything from it
Or it could have just been a stage it’s not just bare minimum
There was an animal crossing stage in brawl but no animal crossing character
Stop being such a fag

That's it really. You just need to do the math. It only takes a mere fraction of Minecraft's active player base to net Nintendo millions in profit. That alone should make it a clear prospect.

Yes retard, even Isaac getting back was because of the ballot

travis is good, the rest is cereal bullshit

>Hey, Nintendo said this, but you know what? I don't believe them
>What I say is the truth and I'm not at all over-defensive because the character I want has less than 0 chances of getting in

>I cant even imagine a fitting analogy. It would be like adding dabbing and weapon skins to chess.
Not dabbing, but you can buy prettier chess pieces for extra cash.

>Banjo is definitely going to be in the DLC because of this one Phil Spencer tweet I'm blowing out of proportion.
C'mon Banjie