My sister made this Dark Souls inspired graduation cap

My sister made this Dark Souls inspired graduation cap.

Pretty cool, eh?

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Please tell me your sister dates black guys

post your sister

Please tell me you raped your sister

college is for suckers and normies (one in the same really)
outside of a highly specialized field, your sister is pissing away money and time by going to jewniversity

undergrad aint shit. but congrats to her anyway.

Sigh. I don't know why I expected you people not to act retarded

My girlfriend made me a super mario cake. Why don't we go post their creations on reddit or 9gag ? Uh, fellow gaymer ?

It's very nice and a way for her to show her love even though you probably got it from reddit I like it

Back to >>>/Reddit/

The art on the bonfire itself is pretty good, desu.

t. retail worker or trucker

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Yeah I dig it

Tits or gtfo

I mean, college is cool if you want to be some corporate slave and live the life of the average person. Real freedom and money is in business, and you don't need a college for that as there are much more efficient ways of going about learning business.

You aren't going to be an exceptional person if your doing what everyone else is doing.

Looking for something to emulate, any recommendations?

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he's right you know? you must please the anons, OP

>use reverse image search
>it's from reddit
Why do you do this?

Since we're posting graduation caps, here's mine. Yes, I'm trans.

Attached: 1.jpg (2320x3088, 727K)

The Ratchet and Clank games if you haven't already

The average person in the united state doesn't hold a degree. And most successful people in the business field hold MBAs, i.e. went to graduate level business school. Stop pulling advice from youtubers, it'll hurt you in the longrun.

cute I guess
post her feet

>Real freedom and money is in business, and you don't need a college for that
true you don't, but there's a reason why the majority of CFO's at the most successful businesses have a CPA. colleges are bloated with degrees that aren't worth it, but there are some degrees that really teach you a lot of valuable info that is really hard to just pick it up as go.

To open a business you need money and your high school diploma isn't gonna make that happen. Moron.

Depends on the type of business you want to get into, and having a diploma can accelerate the money making process but certainly isn't the only outlet.

Also, I am going to college, I just don't think that is is a necessary step even if it does help. My initial statement was mainly referring to the thousands of people who just go to college so they can go work for someone else the rest of their lives.


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Nobody cares

Post fake tits or gtfo

Are you cute?

>Victory Achieved
>You Defeated

fuck off newfag.
