Why aren't they remaking/remastering this? WoW classic is coming and OSRS is a massive success. Why not RO?
Why aren't they remaking/remastering this? WoW classic is coming and OSRS is a massive success. Why not RO?
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They tried and failed.
>remastering a game that 90% of players play on Classic private servers anyway
literally no-one played/plays retail because of the bots and p2w, my dude.
what's up with this fucking obsession with remastering shit? the game does not need a remaster fuck off
They didn't. The mobile game is neither remake nor remaster, it's a new game.
And literally 100% of vanilla players play private servers right now, does that mean WoW classic will fail?
let it die OP
Zoomers like you in other case love to eat shit, that's why zoomers are so fucking retarded.
People want to re-experience shit (which will never be the same) and online games have to be run by other people for them to function. It's not like an older game where you can just put it in and play. It's how the jews get you and why they don't want you to own games any more.
What happened with the Tencent version of mobile? I thought that was supposed to be more faithful.
RO with a fresh engine with better 3D backgrounds and higher resolution sprites but the same gameplay as the original would be the dream.
has there ever been an MMORPG whose drama spilled over so much into real life? I remember there was a girl who played with her parents and she started dating someone in a rival guild so they grounded her in her room or something
The difference is that WoW classic's demograph is almost 100% retards where as RO's demograph is almost entirely third worlders that didn't ever pay to play the original game anyway.
p i n o y
what are you babbling about braindead moron
RO isn't outdated enough to need a remaster
Why don't you go to eat some more shit you shithead?
can you translate a thought into a coherent sentence or are you too fucking retarded to do that
While this will be my forever favorite game, it's time has passed. The internet changed too much. RO wasn't just a game, it was basically a social network.
I think everyone getting into anime played RO during the early/mid 00's. This game basically took over my entire middle school/high school life. It was the only time I ever missed school 1 day because of an event.
The grind was fucking insane though.
Because you aretarded? we know that's why i'm telling you to go to eat shit like the macaco you are.
>RO isn't outdated enough to need a remaster
The client is a joke.
>RO isn't outdated enough to need a remaster
BR, aren't ya?
ME Priest
Crit Sin
Support Bard
GC Sader
I believe those are all the most memorable builds I had.
shit head and mutt aren't you?
>Crit Sin
this was almost as retarded as being a falcon hunter
> RO isn't outdated enough
>what are gutter lines
>what is rubber banding
My teen self thought it was flashy. It was also pretty badass in PVP being able to hit high AGI chars. Of course, leveling it was too much of a pain in the ass.
Tree of Saviour seems to fill that niche. If you like RO why not play that? With that said the community / mentality of old days is gone. You won't get it back with a remake.
>RO isn't outdated enough to need a remaster
I fucking hate retards like you.
Tree of savior is shit so you are.
tos is a fucking garbage game, you're retarded.
>finally change job to priest
>go to payon cave, my usual hang out spot, and randomly heal only girl aco's & archers + flirt with them
>only partied with girls
kek,good times
Explain. It looks like the same shit. Isometric 2d sprites mob grinder.
I still have the files for my old private server from a decade ago. I run it and play by myself about one weekend a year. It's not that much unlike a Diablo game single player.
We are not going to spoonfeed you like the retard you are go and find the answer yourself you dumb dumb.
When are they remaking tibia? 7.4 was top comfiness
I loved being a HealSlut on Ragnarok. Most fun I ever had on a MMO.
instead you write a longer sentence complaining. Truly brilliant high iq move there.
Thank you i agree, now learn to use google dumb dumb.
you can't even argument as to why RO needs a remaster or would benefit from a remaster
you're most likely a sudaca/shitskin and your opinions should be disregarded solely based on that fact
yeah let's remaster a fucking game because of the client or because of two bugs that have absolutely no fucking effect on why the game was great in the first place like this moron said
RO doesn't need a remaster, it ran its course and you should either let it go or shut the fuck up because your shit opinions are absolutely, objectively wrong
god i fucking hate that one of my favorite games got invaded by subhuman third worlders
Retarded opinion now everybody knows that you are a retard that's why nobody takes you seriously mutt
>reddit spacing
ayyyy lol, now your opinion it's more shit, sorry pal you don't know a shit.
They are, it's called project barbecue and it's shifting to full 3d. Looks fucking kino
The future is now.
>no arguments
>a shit
double-digit IQ sudaca spotted
Spoiler tag this shit.
because Gravity manages to be worse than modern blizzard. Gravity was worse than nu-blizzard during RO's golden age.
It's dead.
Give it up.
you don't need arguments to see when someone is a retard
Oh so you are spanish, spanish are at the same level of south americans so you are double retarded now hush hush to reddit.
They literally have a classic RO server though. But they launched it with a terrible even bigger cash shop.
they tried in the past and it flopped. also nothing stopping you from playing on private servers or hosting your own and shilling it
>STILL no arguments
>STILL replying
oh no no no what is you doin bby
let's see, why do you think RO needs a remaster?
hurry up before the cartel beheads you and rapes your family
is your butt in flames mr.redditard? nobody takes you serious mr.macaco from europe hue hue
>you can hold hands
I'm just imagining my tank pulling me around while I heal them.
Cry more shit children.
my friend at nursing school plays this shit all day everyday during classes and whenever he has any sort of free time
kind of whack desu
>Tree of Shit
>behind the shoulder camera
So, not RO.
You can't make RO without making it a diablo-like in its fundamentals, no matter how hard you will try to justify it.
A ragnarok successor will need to be top view. The second thing that matters is having the world be harsh as to force cooperation. The third important thing is having freeflow progression that is allowed by nonlinear character statistics/growth.
You fail to have any of these three, you do not have a game that's in any way similar to RO at its fundamental. ToS failed on #2 and #3. This game immediately fails hard at #1 - it resembles vindictus/tera more than RO, not sure why you're pulling this BBQ shit out of your ass.
>shitskin subhuman can't defend his opinion just like he couldn't defend his land 400 years ago from BIG SPANISH COCK
thanks for the gold and your women :^)
What was that one skill from Ragnarok Online where you traded your characters vision for a DPS boost?
I'm not even mexican but i'm dabbing on you shitskin
Is this ragnarok 2? I googled it and it doesn't really look like the same style as what's in the picture.
>boring progression
>no big guild-wide activities
>class balance as wide as the ocean and as deep as a puddle, they went with too many basic options which in turn destroyed the in-depth meta
>options to remove yourself from the community entirely as you progress
If i wanted to play an MMO i'd like MMO mechanics.
oh fuck i'm going to play it only for the hand holding
and i'm going to be a priest and the biggest slut in the game
its ragnarok mobile or something
>STILL no arguments
>STILL bootyblasted because his IQ is too low to defend his opinion
mexican, sudaca, shitskin who the fuck cares you're still subhuman trash that'll end up beheaded
I played it for a couple weeks with my friends and we got to around 150 before dropping it because it's incredibly boring and there's no challenge. You press a couple buttons and everything on screen dies at once. That's basically the entire experience.
Told you moor rape baby nobody takes you seriously, now you wonder why nobody reply you aww how cute and keep trying i don't even even live in the american continent you dumb dumb.
Ragnarok Eternal Love.
This is Dungeon Fighter you fucking retard
I retired after they changed the level for the sd, and a bunch of spells in 7.5 or was it 7.6? Then that soul garbage...
Sorcerer lv 20 ml 45 and these fucks ruined my income...
>Tree of Saviour
>fill that niche
lmao fill what
are you one of those braindead apes who fell for 'tree of savior is ragnarok's spiritual successor' shtick that game journalists were trying to spout
it is a completely different game and have absolutely 0 in common with ro
on top of that trash game being one of the biggest disasters in the recent years
Sprites are better but I want to fuck that Assassin
That was the best, you also get free stuff
>shitskin still doesn't have any arguments
lmaoing @ ur life
You can change clothes and be more cute.
But be aware is a mobile game.
I played the game back when it was still pay to play, I remember buying those top-up cards that gives you 7 days of playtime.
whyyy it's mobile fuuuuuuck hows in pc emulator ?
>Comparing that shit to Glast Heim
That's not even fair. GH wasn't your traditional dungeon. It had sub-dungeons within sub-dungeons.
Can't be played on rooted phones anyway so even if I wanted to I can't.
Is it heavy? If i got some garbage phone would it melt?
i dont know man i dont play it
>Getting a Muramasa from mobbing the samuraidudes
God damn, GH was fucking great.
Einbroch got the best ost, fucking change my mind
Dancing Christmas in the 13th Month says fuck you.
I think everyone plays on emulator.
I'm waiting the expanded classes so I can start play this shit.
IMAGINE the Taekwon/Star Gladiator girl legs on this game sprite.
Aldebaran and lutie fill your holes
Thats ok, i dont have space anyways
RO mobile gets a lot of unfair criticism for being p2w. I run a guild in the game and I know plenty of people who are at the highest echelons of endgame and they're either 100% free to play or have spent less than a 100$ for some cosmetics. Some paid items are undoubtably best in slot, but there's plenty of f2p options that will still keep you competitive.
private server
If you played a server with @go commends or a job changer you didn't play RO.
Is it the eternal love?
Stuck in my head from grinding alarms too long
Thats a fucking masterpiece
Most of the time when i played as AB i mobbed for my party.
Third jobs don't exist.
I never did get to really play 3rd class. How did they compare to transcendent classes? Broken? Much better?
Because nobody will pay a sub to play and trying a F2P version will turn it into jejnibble.
>Lv 20
>ML 45
You spent your days making runes instead of hunting huh
people are too hard on 3rd jobs. they're fine.
enable them in the classic environment and it just works
>a massive success
LMAO stupid nostalgia tard unironically believing this
wow classic is going to be a short lived fad, people are going to scratch that itch and realize it is time to move on
nostalgia cucks are some of the most pretentious and cancerous faggots in gaming
Yes, Ragnarok Online Mobile: Eternal Love global. There's SEA version and china version that are more ahead with patches but Global is a great place to be.
I tought smuglers were pk, staying on dp of ab was more comfy
Would it run on a samsung j3 of 1gb ram?
Well they kinda ruined class diversity with third jobs, since every job got aoe and single target skills. But they are good anyway,
>try playing on a low rate p server back in 2014
>apparently a bunch of oldfags had joined again
>server population was around 1.5k, pretty good
>everyone just multi-cliented and had their own buff slaves that auto-followed them
>some people triple-cliented
yeah fuck that
Comparing GH to any other dungeon of any other game isn't fair, user. You know they can't compete.
Guardian angel are you there?;
Where do I unsub from your blog?
t.multi clienter
>hey can you add my alt healer, merch & sniper to the party, thanks
Have fun poking mi gaos with a spear swordman while mantis fuck your hp brah
big cringe, retard
or just ask someone to party. sucks that a huge chunk of people just solo'd 90% of the game
What servers are the best to play at? Talon?
Download rAthena/Hercules and play alone locally hosted.
The golden days are gone. All of the decent white people have left the game. This dead game is now played mostly by third worlders, that european data privacy law killed the last hope for the game. They have moved on to mobile retardation to milk money from a new generation.
I think the funniest thing is how the mobile version looks like how the first sequel should have looked like. I have had many great memories with this game but zoomers have too much adhd to sustain a healthy community. The game, community, developers, it has all changed. Dont waste your time on RO its past expiration.
Its because devs today are fucking trash, its not purely because of nostalgia
and then the acolyte ntr the swordsman
If you make a private server, make it 2x or 3x and pre-renewal. Ill be there day one
Acolyte gonna fall for the superior doppelgangbanger cock
Playing alone on emulation with those AI bots to fill the world up is the right choice. Less annoying than the endless flood of brown players and playing WOE is pointless in 2019.
>playing WOE is pointless in 2019
To be fair once it was "solved" WoE turned into shit.
The game have democracy now?
>RO isn't outdated enough to need a remaster
Yes it is, you drooling 3rd world moron. Play newer games.
How many people?
The worst part of RO was a fucking net code. Position bugs were killing me.
I've been itching to play ro lately. I'll try this.