ITT: Good licensed games

ITT: Good licensed games.

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Pic related is classic Treasure through and through

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Hercules Action Game for PS1 is great.

This game was surprisingly great to me

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Donald Duck in Maui Mallard

>another shitty anime dating sim
have sex

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my first ps2 game

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best bond game

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One Piece on the GBA is a solid beat-em-up that retells the first season. Only issue is that it's based off the 4Kids dub, so some weird dialogue is bound to be found.

This track was kino

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This game was neat

Rented and played it through with my dad. Good stuff, didn't know much about the movies at the time.

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it was a really fun game and interesting to play, even though you could just spam the bullet time mechanic and ease your way through any of the levels.

this was a fun racing game that played a bit like midtown madness. the other first game i got for ps2. who says movie tie-in games are all bad?

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The GBA had so many good licensed anime games.

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You know how it is.

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Really needs a sequel, so many new characters have been added to the franchise since then. Imagine the fusions...

>Fu + Trunks = Funks
>Broly + Cumber = Cumbroly
>Mira + Hearts = Heara
>Jiren + Jaco = Jacen
>Beerus + Dyspo = Beeruspo
>Toppo + Ginyu = Topyu
>Cheelai + Churai = Cheerai
>Neko Majin Z + Champa = Neko Majin Zampa
>Bergamo + Yamcha = Bergamcha
>Frost + Lavender = Frovender
>Ribrianne + Great Saiyaman 2 = Great Ribrianne
>Kale + Broly = Brale
>Quitela + Beerus = Quirus
>Liquiir + Helles = Liques
>Baby Vegeta + Goku Black = Baby Gogeta Black
>Omega Shenron + Demigra = Omega Demigra

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>"an ordinary boy"
>introduced in the series by picking up a car and throwing it, and taking a bullet to the head like it was a flick

What a good game

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