ITT: Good licensed games.
ITT: Good licensed games
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Pic related is classic Treasure through and through
Hercules Action Game for PS1 is great.
This game was surprisingly great to me
Donald Duck in Maui Mallard
>another shitty anime dating sim
have sex
my first ps2 game
best bond game
One Piece on the GBA is a solid beat-em-up that retells the first season. Only issue is that it's based off the 4Kids dub, so some weird dialogue is bound to be found.
This track was kino
This game was neat
Rented and played it through with my dad. Good stuff, didn't know much about the movies at the time.
it was a really fun game and interesting to play, even though you could just spam the bullet time mechanic and ease your way through any of the levels.
this was a fun racing game that played a bit like midtown madness. the other first game i got for ps2. who says movie tie-in games are all bad?
The GBA had so many good licensed anime games.
You know how it is.
Really needs a sequel, so many new characters have been added to the franchise since then. Imagine the fusions...
>Fu + Trunks = Funks
>Broly + Cumber = Cumbroly
>Mira + Hearts = Heara
>Jiren + Jaco = Jacen
>Beerus + Dyspo = Beeruspo
>Toppo + Ginyu = Topyu
>Cheelai + Churai = Cheerai
>Neko Majin Z + Champa = Neko Majin Zampa
>Bergamo + Yamcha = Bergamcha
>Frost + Lavender = Frovender
>Ribrianne + Great Saiyaman 2 = Great Ribrianne
>Kale + Broly = Brale
>Quitela + Beerus = Quirus
>Liquiir + Helles = Liques
>Baby Vegeta + Goku Black = Baby Gogeta Black
>Omega Shenron + Demigra = Omega Demigra
>"an ordinary boy"
>introduced in the series by picking up a car and throwing it, and taking a bullet to the head like it was a flick
What a good game