Is this the greatest FPS game since Half Life 1?
Is this the greatest FPS game since Half Life 1?
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if were talking singleplayer, for sure.
What about modern warfare 1/2? Say what you will about the company or multiplayer but the campaign was fun as hell
I honestly think id should focus on linear fps games like doom. rage 2 would have been a 8/10 if it was linear ,in it's current state it barely scores a 5. id has mastered the shooter genre and I would play their games for the combat alone.
Fuck off zoomer
Fuck no.
It's one of the worst.
It's probably the best console shooter ever, doesn't compare to any PC shooters though.
It’s a good game. I had fun with it.
no, Painkiller is
best shooter of the last 5 years maybe, but even a mediocre Doom reboot is amazing with how shit vidya has been lately
It's shit. Doom 3 was better
>Is this the greatest FPS game since Half Life 1?
Imagine being this contrarian.
At least it had it's own face and feel. D44M is just generic through and through.
Zoomers were a mistake.
If they made the Berzerk move speed the default and brought back the Chaingun for Eternal, it would literally be perfect.
You mean Haste?
we're talking about half-life, the origin point of 20 years of corridor/story/realism?
how could anything be compared to that pile of shit
I think Berzerk and Haste have the same move speed, right? I haven’t played in a while so I can’t remember.
Berserk is fast, but Haste is faster.
I think modern warfare takes the prize too.
But doom is really high on the list.
Have you even played Doom 2016? This is a mod of the classic games that emulate many of the new things from Doom 2016.
I agree, the mod is awesome. Doom 2016 is awesome. Your comment is retarded.
is it me or eternal look more "cartoonish" then 2016? demons and just architecture
>the mod is awesome. Doom 2016 is awesome.
Hell nah.
>play demo
>locked gate needs a keycard
>the only way to go besides the gate is a dead end
>keycard is there
>there's still an objective marker to the keycard
nudoom fags will defend this
>b-but muh rip and tear xD
Well this thread has a serious case of the zooms.
>Bethesda's Nu-Doom(tm) being described as a good game
>Someone seriously advocating Call of Duty titles as the best FPS campaigns of all time
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
It’s the first level.
>calling people zoomer
>while playing brutal shit
Neck yourself.
It doesn't get any more difficult than that.
>shoot enemy
>press O to instant kill
>repeat until level clear
No thanks
Fear is pretty good though
even if the level design took a 180 and the objective marker disappeared which i doubt, the enemies still drop health which alone makes the game shit
Why waste money? Just play Zion instead.
You can turn off the objective marker.
>I would rather backtrack looking for health items than be rewarded for being in combat
Yea I think it is, ive literally replayed it over 10 times and dont get tired of it. The same room of combat can play out a hundred different ways because of the wildly mobile AI. Ive also gotten to the point that I dont even use runes or glory kills and I shit you not the game becomes a fucking 10/10 ive never felt so thrilled in an FPS and yes Ive played all the classics, FEARs, Quakes whatever, no fps has given me this feeling ever. Not gonna get shamed into saying something I dont feel. Even when other fps games make me feel like a mass murdering machine they usually lack advanced AI, full weapon inventory, double jump, or open levels that encourage you to use it.
>at least it had....
"no!" gameplay is king just as story is paramount above all else to film. Doom 3 is not better because (non gameplay reason) the shooting is fucking trash, unsatisfying, repetetive, slogging, feels like its all on little tiny rails, fuck even compare a doom 3 hell knight and revenant to DOOM, its fucking laughable.
woah, epic!
>meme meme!
>fight enemies - lose health
>avoid enemies - gain health
do u understand this dynamic?
Yes, and that dynamic was flipped for nudoom. Run around not doing anything, you’ll be chased down and attacked. Push forward and fight, you’ll be killing things while not dying.
Doom 2016 is good, Yea Forums want to shit on it for karma points on an anonymous Taiwanese carpentry collective, water is wet, yadda yadda.
We've covered it all. We've covered it all a lot.
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
a fresh take is welcome
Doom 2016 is great and so is Rage 2 IMO for all its flaws (Nightmare difficulty isn't Nightmare enough)
Here lies the genius of DOOM.
>fight enemies - gain health and ammo while dodging projectiles
>avoid enemies - not accomplishing anything
there's also no small hitscanners or shotgunners that will chip away at your health over time from a distance, which doomfags conveniently forget to mention. All damage is avoidable, one hit has a higher value than in other Dooms, the balance works, you can finish the game never glory killing a standard enemy.
I dont see the error in this logic and you're really just saying you dont like the approach on a principal level rather than the game is implementing it wrong.
I was seriously enjoying rage 2 but my GPU is like 5 years old and it ran too poorly for me after trying it for around an hour. The shotgun was incredible
It's not even that
>no fps has given me this feeling ever
Try actually playing them then.
name one
No, HL1 actually changed to formula by having shit you could interact with besides shooting them. nu-DOOM is good, but they're not comparable.
Just got back from playing them, and my feelings havent changed? The fuck?
They are comparable, this is the same discussion people were having when half life was new. The only difference is now we live in an era of poorly conceived half life clones, not doom clones. Ive felt my entire life that a good shooter is just as intelligently thought out as Half Life, if anything the actual shooting mechanics take a back seat in Half Life. But serious sam on serious difficulty is a mental task to play and keep track of for example. All you do is shoot stuff but your brain is working just as much.
Imps look a lot like Hell Knights in the E3 version.
>no Doom 64 designs
Sadly, most people aren’t familiar with Doom 64.
When the major competition mainly consists of cod clones it's not that hard.
>At least it had it's own face and feel.
Doom 3 is just a mix of Half-Life and System Shock 2 with some demons added on top.
Worst part is the designs imo, they look like young people redrew the demons to be badass. But like, badASS how randy pitchford would say.
>there's still an objective marker to the keycard
>not playing with the compass and objective/mission shit turned off
it actually improves the experience, the levels visually guide you with lights and enviornment details pointing you around, im convinced they designed it without markers first then added them for mass appeal.
I always thought the purple in the final 2016 imp design was supposed to be a reference to 64's nightmare imps.
Here you go.
What do you mean?
Take the pinky for example, his design is inherently a creepy giant vicious demon. So how does doom 64 redesign it? Just add giant fucking claws bro
I like Kadingir Sanctum for the green lights that the UAC soldiers set up to mark the way. It lets the player know where to go without being obnoxious about it, and it has a reason to exist in the game.
It looks freakier than the classic Doom version.
64 pinky is infinitely better than the other pinky designs.
that was clever, it tied into the ending of the level where you find your own sarcophagus.
>Doom style ODST prequel where you fight imps with call of duty logic
Yeah I guess I like the art style, just the little design changes im not a fan of.
Some of the new designs were shit, sure, like the Cacodemon. The pinky just feels like a more threatening version of the original. 64 Pain Elemental is still elder god tier.
not with a soundtrack this bad
fear is good, new doom isn't
>you can finish the game never glory killing a standard enemy.
You can finish the game with just a pistol too, it's still suboptimal. Ammo and health pickups are so scarce and give so little that you practically need to glory kill everything.
Its really not suboptimal, optimal playthroughs dont do glorykills because it slows you down. I actually respected the game more when I stopped glorly killing because you realize the game feeds you everything you need when you need it and not a second before or too soon as long as you keep up a constant fire rate. it has a system where it gives you more of what you need and less of what you dont. So if you're low on health or full on ammo the game decides what gets dropped depending on a lot of variables. So if you just keep shooting and not glory killing while utilizing your full inventory, youll progressively get ammo for the last two guns you used just in time to cycle through the rest of them. Lots of people say what youre saying without actually trying it, or they did try it and ragequit when they realized the game is legit hard.
It’s a shame those guys never made it out of Hell. The game implies that for normal humans, going there is a one way trip. Trying to leave results in death.
NuDoom is as mediocre as it gets
>the game feeds you everything you need when you need it and not a second before or too soon as long as you keep up a constant fire rate
Which dumbs the game down. You're never switching away from weapons because of a lack of ammo because as soon as the bar for the Gauss Cannon turns red the next enemy you kill will bleed Cells.
It is.
No it’s just better than most other modern fps games Nu-doom is a 7/10
which keeps up the insane gameplay as it slowly eases in the higher class demons, until there's cacodemons, mancubi, and Barons, and your giant guns all of a sudden do fuck all and it becomes a test of reflexes and dodging (if you dont use the air control rune which butchers the gameplay). Whats your point here? Now we're just going in circles, you dont like what the game does clearly, but it does it well.
>Tried the new Doom when it came out
>Didn't like being locked into arenas to fight
So do humans who die in hell like... become demons or get eaten by demons? Or do the demons just kill? I wasnt clear on this but I feel like its in the lore.
Which makes the game braindead because you're never accounting for limited amounts of health or ammo because the game will dynamically give you all that shit for free potentically from every kill.
>air control rune which butchers the gameplay
You mean it makes that Halo movement tolerable?
yeah I wanna not fight the demons and run to the end of the level. Stupid game.
Demon chow. Possessed humans, are the result of humans that were exposed to too much Argent Energy in the Hell Wave. Same goes for Revenants.
>Putting words into people's mouths
Ah yes the classic Yea Forums "argument"
Yeah I want every encounter to be telegraphed. Ambushes are just bad design.
As opposed to monster closest?
Doom 4 doesn't have any of those.
not arguing, you can like and dislike what you want. But when I see demons in doom I want to kill them all, I have no desire to leave the arenas and wish theyd spawn more lol
Play the classic levels to see why they didnt do this design approach, you will see why.
No halo isnt doom, the fuck? It doesnt make the game braindead because the compensation is the demons are of significantly higher value than in any other doom game and you can die in like three hits, or one bad hit which causes you to get hit by like six other things. This balances it out and keeps the player on their toes, feeling powerful and vulnerable at the same time, never standing still, the "sense" of speed the developers speak of even when they conceed you dont go as fast as in the original. Anyway I think ive talked about everything I like about the game and have concluded you just dont like it, so happy trails.
Exactly. Doom 1 and 2 does.
Doom 4's jumping feels just as stiff as any Halo game. There's barely any air control.
>the compensation is the demons are of significantly higher value than in any other doom game and you can die in like three hits
So they cancel each other out. You take huge amounts of damage, but get tons of health back for killing things. Why even bother having both at the same time? It's not even like enemies are significantly tougher. The scoped HMG and Siege Gauss are all you need to take on pretty much the entire roster. A headshot or two kills everything from a Hell Razor down, while the Gauss kills everything else in 1-2 shots as well. The game constantly feeds you ammo so you don't even have to bother with other guns except for when you need to stun pinkies.
Okay. I'll deal with shit design.
yup, our conversation has literally no impact on anything soooo... I'll deal with it too.
Modern Warfare 1 & 2 and Black Ops 1 are unironically better FPS games
I played 5 levels then got extremely bored of doing the same thing for 20 minutes each level. The bosses look fun but Jesus it's a slog. It's way too overanimated and the interface/menus are very unintuitive. I had a better experience cooking dinner last night.
Very Forgettable game. Was perfectly just ok in every aspect.
What does that even mean
Do you have ADHD?
>CoD is better than nu-Doom
In what reality do we live??
This desu
Clown World.
If you mean pure shooter, I'd give it to Titanfall 2.
If you allow for stuff like inventory management it'd be STALKER
I really dont see how Titanfall 2 is a better shooter. Compare the dog things you fight when the time travel thing is introduced to a Pinky or Hell Knight in Doom or the soldiers you shoot to a soldier in Doom. Its just no contest to me, but Titanfall 2 is still fun as fuck and incredibly well paced.
>there's also no small hitscanners or shotgunners
stop lying, some of the smaller enemies occassionally hold a rifle
But where are the hitscans?
the shield guys have a hitscan attack using their shotgun, but ironically their pellets also magically disappear after three feet
why is this a bad thing?
what the fuck
ah ok, would of been awesome if they had some soldiers in hell on the last level. Doom eternal hype
yeah its really not the same though just because of their short range, theyre more like area of denial enemies.