She's too hard

She's too hard

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Nah. One of the top 7 easiest.

>any base game BB boss

I'm too hard after seeing her.

What did he mean by this?

*breaks ur limbs*

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Probably the one I had the most difficulty with, without trying to grind

He has a thing for one or multiple of the following:
>big ladies

Is there anything more cancerous than that rifle spear shotgun spamming hunter near a church?

The hunter that shows up in the church

Hit her until she dies, don't get hit.
Come cry at me when you've experienced Lawrence's Spicy Soleil.

Use a serrated weapon

I beat her with Kirkhammer but you don’t have to be retardedly stubborn

perhaps your DPS is too low, try having at least a 4+ weapon and use the fire paper you get from alfred. do this around level 30-ish I think? and she's not too bad, literally one of the simplest bosses, just kite around her and keep iframing her attacks and hitting in between

I hate that hunter but the eternal nigger will always be the bloody crow of cainhurst

Logarius is the only base game boss that is hard.

Everything in the chalice dungeons
>Hotdogs that always come in pairs
>Infinitely respawning ghost spiders that aggro from across the entire map
>The rolling niggas with the giant clubs
>Vagina centipedes that take several lifetimes to kill
>Instakill slimes that blend into the grimy textures perfectly
>Rat gangrapes

Just bop her on the head

I used fire paper and the fucking starter axe and killed her with 6 hits... SIX, FUCKING, HITS...

Think this might be the only Souls-like boss I oneshotted. And it wasn't even close.

The only thing that could make her challenging is that she can heal but besides that she can actually be considered easier than the Blood Starved Beast by some.

Bloody Crow of Cainhurst is a better and more fight than Maria.
How did this happen, /mariabros/?

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Makes my dick too hard you mean.

>finally put the werewolf mode in the game that everybody wanted
>it's locked behind arguably the hardest fucking boss in the game by far

god dammit why did they do this, I just want to have fun at low level co-op/pvp but twinking laurence sounds utterly hellish. I had serious trouble with maria at level 50

I killed BSB second try. Amelia just keeps healing and healing, I'm out of numbing mist and fire paper, I only had 6 and 3 of those

It could be that, or cute women transforming into monsters.

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Just stun her while she heals, it only takes a few proper hits with a serrated weapon. Or bring Henriett for double the stun output.

Ahhh, forgot that one... Wish I had still forgotten it...

I'd help you but I lost all my saves. I carried my buddy though it with my arcane build just spamming the eye

>that boomer lady with the fireballs who will instafuck you if you wander into the wrong hood unaware

t. bloody crow of cainhurst

Attached: how to beat the bloody crow.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

Can you still cheese BC on the stairs?

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>how to beat the bloody crow
>just be level 200 bro



I love her and want her to be my wife!

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That's just being overleveled.
I waited until I got to lvl 100 and beat him exactly like that on my second character's NG, felt both satisfying and like cheating

Really though the trick IS in that webm. I literally just wait for him to turn it into blood katana then run up and shoot in his face for a free parry then repeat. I let him heal normally, trying to punish it gets you a repeater to the face far too often

Attached: stopping power.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I always have trouble fighting her. More trys than other fights

I beat him at around level 70 doing that and spamming Ebrietas on his face. It's not difficult at all honestly, his parry windows are obscene and his arcane defense is garbage.

The only bosses that are even considered hard are some chalice bosses, orphan, and laurence.

Git gud faggot

she's too cute

It's not my fetish but I'm still weirdly fascinated by it every time it shows up.

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I hate being that guy, but do people really have trouble with BB bosses that arent OoK/Laurence? Like they aren't memeing right?

ITT people REALLY bad at videogames.

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Micolash one shots me on ng+2
The joke boss has become the hardest for me.

>having trouble with Laurence

well he one shots everybody with a call beyond even in NG, I shiggy hope you're not getting hit by his fucking ebreitas attack which you can just walk away from, let alone dodge

I am still not sure what "Nightmares" were as opposed to the dream.
I mean, there is two nightmares altogether - and both of them made by babies. One literal and one figurative.
Why? I get that the Mensis one had the purpose of trying to get in contact with GO's, but what did the baby have to do with it.

Call beyond never oneshot me before. He has so much hp. More time for mistakes.

Is it possible to get Henriet to Amelia's room without having to fight everything in the way?

Nah. Same with the Sad Horse. You gotta mop the crowds, THEN go back to pick her.

Literally how? Vicar Amelia is the essential "just dodge behind the boss and spam R1 LMAO" fight. Most of the time she isn't even doing anything besides screaming and letting you deal free damage.

Just fight her later when you're stronger. Yes, she is hard when you first encounter her.

To the left and right of her room I saw that foresty areas start so I thought those would be done after her? I've been everywhere else in Cathedral Ward

>or cute women transforming into monsters.
Amelia is fucking hideous, so it can't be that.

Go left into the forest with the dudes with dogs. Easier shit that way.

She makes me too hard.

You didn't even post the worst
>The cannon Undead Giants and their fucked up hitboxes
Bonus: there are two of them in a swamp area. My blood literally starts to boil when I think of my encounters with these fuckers.
>Stand two meters behind a giant
>The giant instakills you by smashing the ground in front of it
>Think you're safe from the cannon shots because you're close to the fucker
>The giants decides to shoot you from point blank range which makes avoiding damage practically impossible since the explosions have a 360 degree hitbox spanning a couple of meters
>The giant immediately shoots you again from point blank as you try to heal and kills you
Literally the worst enemies in the game.

Like the comments said that's probably just a result of them reusing an existing asset for convenience.
Besides, it's better if it's a cute woman. If I hear about a scene in something where a woman transforms into a monster and the character is initially ugly there's something really disappointing about it.

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She has cute feet.

She cute

The path to the left leads to Hemwick Charnel Lane. You can do it before or after Amelia, but if you do leave it for after then the area will become harder.
The path to the right is for later. You can take a peek, but you won't get far.

As others mentioned lots of cancerous shit in chalice but yeah god damn I hate that cunt
>fight him lvl 60ish
>visceral do 300dmgs

See... I'd believe you if you hadn't prefaced it so specifically as "cute women transforming".

Most likely just a placeholder. Micolash's model was also used as a stand in for Laurence in his cutscene with Willem.

you can't, at least not with the chikage drain. can still use poison knives and get outside aggro rage though

>can still use poison knives and get outside aggro rage though
Didn't work last time I tried. You might be able to pull it off, but it seems pretty finicky.

Well, I don't get a boner from it, so that's why I don't think I have a fetish for it.

The man's got good taste.

Any boss can be cheesed by abusing Rifle Spear charged R2.