Doctor Who

Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys.

>A new virtual reality Doctor Who game, The Edge of Time, will be released this September, and allow players to go (almost) literally hands-on with the TARDIS and face down a variety of classic sci-fi villains.

>Doctor Who: The Edge of Time casts you as a friend of the Doctor (portrayed by the current incarnation, Jodie Whittaker), attempting to find and rescue the Time Lord from nefarious forces. Thankfully you’re armed with her Sonic Screwdriver, which will come in handy for the variety of puzzles the game throws at you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Modern Doctor Who is terrible.

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Smith > tennant >eccelston >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that old fucker > the new woman

>Snoy exclusive
>13th Doctor

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So why was nu-Doctor Who able to finally crack America when the BBC unsuccessfully tried right through the '70s and '80s to no avail?

>Female Doctor

Unless theres an option to play as Tennant and Smith. Fuck off. It isn’t KINO, its Trash.

It did, but mostly resonated with stoners during the Tom Baker years. I think most everyone stopped watching after him.

>VR movie
the absolute state of play.

>Doctor Reddit
How about no.

>Weeping Angels in VR


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>Jewdie doctor

>not literally any other Doctor
Pass. Give me Capaldi or give me death.

>No Tennant

>Jodie Whittaker

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>"Embark on a journey through space and time!"
>no game where you can embark on a journey through time and space

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Daleks did nothing wrong

Might makes right

They lost a war to these.

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They should make Doctor WHO as in Doctor World Health Organisation.

Holy shit really? Was it that bad or is it just people dropping it en masse because of "muh female Doctor"?

Capaldi was honestly one of the few good things about his era.

People said angry nerds were just review bombing it because the Doctor is a woman now but I don't think that holds up. The Woman Who Fell to Earth and Demons of the Punjab are the best stories of the season and they're roughly rated the same as the rest of the mediocre episodes of the show.

They had one job

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>no best doctor

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That's not Jon Pertwee.

>13TH Doctor
No thanks.

>encounter weeping angels
>VR headset knows when you blink

>Doctor (portrayed by the current incarnation, Jodie Whittaker)
Instant drop.
Doctor Who hasn't been good since Matt Smith.
But god did I love that show until then.

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I rank Jon on par with Chris, top tier taste

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I like the actress but the episode themselves were boring most of the time, and the budget (CG, costumes) seemed worse compared to previous seasons.

Its not Big Finish so I'll pass.

3,9 and 12 is the kino trio.

"Dalek" is still one of the most kino episodes in British television

Only a few decent episodes and the rest mediocre or downright bad. Weak monsters, stories, and 13 lacks an identity of her own. I think the main issue though is Chibnall being the showrunner. He hadn't written a good Doctor Who episode prior, so I don't know why they gave the show to him.


Female doctor would have been 1000000 times better if it was Missy having the main role fucking up the universe.
Prove me wrong

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>people calling capaldi shit again

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Since when was Yea Forums doctor who fans?

This thread isn't on topic at all, aside from the OP.

Capaldi is good, just stuck with shitty writers.
What a legend.

Capaldi was never shit, he's a fantastic and powerful actor but deserved better writers at times and did his absolute best with what he had

Atleast he had Heaven Sent.

S-O-Y thread
Literally because if you like doctor who you are a mouth breather S-O-Y

since reddit take over of Yea Forums we also have game of thrones faggots and marvel faggots thanks to reddit

dropped the series after smith

TNG>Classic Who>Nu-who>TOS

Nah, Capaldi was great but burdened with shitty stories. If he was the ninth instead of Eccles cake it would have been much better.

Yuro culture acceptance is at an all time high. There are more leftists in America today than there ever have been.

There's like 2 decent episodes in that series but most people dropped it after the m-preg episode.

Capaladi's last season was appalling.
The others were good.

Eccleston doesn't get nearly enough love

Who's the best doctor and why is it 7?

Doctor who is gayer than Harry Potter and its only liked by women and trannies.

Which ones were decent? I thought they were all shit. 'Kerblam!' could've been good but the ending ruined it.

Fuck off

I would have called the season 10 Finale absolute kino if they hadn't brought back his companion from death for no reason other than dude lesbians

The World Enough and Time was really good and The Doctor Falls was mostly good.

>That range of reactions and emotions
Too good

Like another user said, the one set in Pakistan was good. Other than nothing comes to mind.

BF made my favourite radio/audio book version of Treasure Island.

swiftly or painfully, it'll come to anyone that like capaldi WHO

is this real?

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>more movies on the dilation station
where did it all go SO wrong?

The Woman Who Fell to Earth was an alright set up for the season but that's mostly because it uses the usual post regen plot of
>doctor loses memory
>doctor does doctor things
>doctor remembers
That said I did like It Takes You Away but that's just because I'm biased for alt verse stories.

People refusing to let go and something still being alive are two different things.


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I agree. Nardole became based as fuck.

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Should've been a pure historical, the alien plot was pointless.

>tfw no Paul McGann season
He got so fucked over

What's wrong with a female doctor?


When was the last pure historical?

He probably has the most stories of any Doctor if you count stuff like Big Finish though.

There's plenty of audios but yeah he was fucked over when nu-who began.

She unironically was not the problem.
She did quite good, with the material she has been given.

Black Orchid, a fifth doctor story from 1982.

why cant you just be the fucking doctor, jodie whittaker is shit

The concept itself is fine, the writing is something else.

smith before tennant before eccelston
zoomer fuck off

>you're one of only three and a half people in the entire world who think Peter Davison is best Doctor

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Dropped immediately

Yeah because it's totally Jodie that was the problem and not the shit they're forcing in that makes people uncomfortable.

Oh cool a dr who vr game
>current doctor

Nah fuck that.

She is actually a nice doctor, you can tell that she do understand the role but... the writting is just shit and writters didn't really gave her anything characteristic. She is just a Doctor.

>smith at the top
you better be memeing lad

because they used young, attractive actors instead of old men
it was literally the tumblr shipping community that upheld the entire fandom in the US

He's underrated and he has some fantastic stories

He's just a male Jodie Whittaker. Boring.

This desu.

>First female doctor literally shatters through a glass ceiling

10/10 writing

my boy
although eccleston was pretty good too
maybe tennant>>>eccleston>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else

Are you calling Tennant handsome user?
Because I would too

fuck that would be amazing
shame i cant see anyone doing anything that risky in the modern industry

I don't know about anyone else but I definitely dropped it because of the female doctor. I'll return when they cajnge it again

You've gotta be shitting me. Fine, only if I get to creampie her SJW pussy, balls deep, in the mating press position.

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PSVR is a glorified Kinect.

it was decent for like maybe 1 season of matt smith. he was never anywhere near tennant.

Jodie herself is okay, its just the writing. All her shits cringey as fuck.

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Jesus christ

You made me think this was an exclusive. It's on vive and rift too.

>ywn pound jodie's doctor as she is regenerating into another old man.

The way she uses her screwdriver triggers me. She does this stupid stance and arm motion everytime.

eccelston was the best, fuckboi.

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is black

Eccleston's season is fucking great
It's actually really dark and everyone fucking dies apart from in the empty child
I was thinking about his finale and realised that out of everyone in that station, the only survivors were the doctor (who then died and regenerated), Rose (who only survived because the doctor saved her from burning up) and Jack (who only survived because Rose made him immortal)
Every other person died, and you even had that one girl die while screaming that they lied to her and bullet don't do shit
Eccleston's season was fucking dark

mother fucker

His season also had farting aliens.

It is actually real.


Attached: [Nubles] Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (2012) episode 11 (720p 10 bit AAC).mkv_snapshot_15.35_[2013.0 (1366x768, 352K)

Delete this

Utterly based.

>ywn pound Jodie's SJW asshole or pussy in the mating press while she's shooting out regeneration energy from her holes.

And Mickey being eaten by a CGI bin.

It also had Simon pegg

At least we got this out of it.

if the cybermen show up i really hope they don't use the modern designs
they most likely will but i can dream

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I can't believe we got this.

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>tfw autons haven't shown up since
i miss them

They've made cameos. Also Rory turned into one.

Doctor Who was always shit with its "wibbly wobbly timey wimey XDDDD" humor and the sheer Mary Sue bullshit with the Doctor.

Pure garbage and schlock.

>they gave the cyberman gloves and the hydraulic sound that the modern ones have
Not 100% faithful then
It's scarier to know there's still what remains of a person underneath, instead of them scooping out the brain for the suit and throwing everything else away

I stopped watching Doctor Who sometime after Matt became the Doctor. I liked Tennant's arc because characters and plotlines from Eccleston's arc carried over, where as Smith's was a complete restart.

How much have I actually missed that was good. I started watching a Capaldi episode halfway through and he was playing the electric guitar. I immediately turned over.

Is Doctor Who total shit now lads?


Only Matt's first season is worthwhile

>ywn impregnate her and see what happens to the baby we she regenerates into a man

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fuck why does the costume look worse than the one from the 60s

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But Jodie is so boring.. Chinballs refuses to do anything interesting with the character.
It's not companion Who it's DOCTOR Who. Do something with the Doctor so everyone can have a chance to like Jodie. All I see her as is a marketing tactic.

God I forgot how based this show used to be, before it became Space Sherlock.

*only the second half of Matt's first season

Best Nuwho monsters.

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The Eleventh Hour is one of his best.

It was better as Space Eastenders.

My brother really liked Doctor Who and is completely disengaged from politics but he absolutely hates the woman doctor. I watched an episode with the woman and it was cringey as fuck. It was always kind of cringey but still watchable. Not anymore.

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Do people even listen to critics anymore?

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>god tier first episode
>got worse every time they were seen after that
Showing them move was a fucking mistake, don't even get me started on the statue of liberty being one

only complete fucking retards

So bad that they never got a story again.

The only correct answer

I want Sour Apple

Ive completely forgotten fem Doctor was even a thing, watched the first two episodes and just forgot about it, dont even remember what happened in the episodes.

Yeah I have to agree. She's been given the shittiest scripts imaginable which paint the Doctor as an insufferable hypocrite moreso than Ten. A lot of her episodes feel like Broadchurch with the occasional alien in it and they're so fucking boring.


>A lot of her episodes feel like Broadchurch with the occasional alien in it
Because the show is run by the Broadchurch guy now


That's a hard pass from me, Jim.

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Because he's either convinced that she's perfect and infallible or he's too terrified to actually show her at fault because he would get eaten alive by the SJW horde. I'd say the former more, honestly.

13's first season is far too bogged down in emotional moments and takes itself far too seriously. I mean holy shit that New Years episode where the side character and his dad are sitting in a fucking café that shit was fucking infuriating. It did nothing to advance the plot at all.

>then they all the diversity vanished until the 1950s

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>dalek gets cut up into chunks and gets revived by uv light
w h a t

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Nice ad hominem. People have no problem with a female doctor, even I was looking forward to it because it's an interesting twist, but the story was absolutely fucking shit.
That's why people don't like the Capaldi and Jodie arc.

There would have been absolutely no reason to watch it if Bradley Walsh wasn't there.

>virtual reality
just kill this fad already

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you die first

boomer dw fan here
i had been following that series since 12 years old and tom baker was in the TARDIS, but after around 7th-8th doctor it heavily americanized (just watch that paul mcgann TV movie) and British Bullshit Corporation really fucked everything up. the writing became horribly dramatized, predictable, soulless and comfy which obviously intended to attract new kids in so their funding of the show was safe. you'll notice how drastic DW's diversity to after nu-who in comparison. I thought 9th was kino but still had garbage writing, 10th improved on latter but became quite repetitive. matt smith + capaldi were nice throwbacks to old who but it didn't really work out so well.

basically killed by pandering and BBC forcing it to be less of a niche cult show with inevitably no soul

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>What if Moon is egg???????

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or, in better words, the big budget fucked everything up. part of that show's appeal to me was how simplistic it was then BBC blew it out of proportion

>complaining about frogs on a frog board

>the (((BBC)))
you actually cannot trust a single thing they say. Everything these communists say is extremely tinted in lefty bias. All their employees are extreme left and recently theres just been an onslaught of blatant anti-white sentiment with all the brexit shit going on but people are really getting sick of it now. about a month ago some boomer journo reporting on a brexit rally said something along the lines of "ive never seen so many white people in one place"
the utter state.

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>complaining about facebook frog on Yea Forums

The idea that they took you back in time such that the day they took you back was the day you died
was great.
Once they had them just start killing people they were lame.

>not playing as The Doctor
>is based on the current series
>and it's VR
That's a lot of fucking WHEW right there.

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That episode was really hyped up by the writers and critics then turned out to be absolute shit.
best episode coming through

Doctor Who may be shit, but it does give a lot of childhood nostalgia. Especially remembering watching it with my family.

>Capaldi debuted and left the show with a close-up of his eyes

Best Capaldi episode.

11th season was the first one since 2004 which i fucking dropped halfway through, shit's unbearable to watch. What a shame.


So what was your breaking point, Yea Forums?
Mine was probably about a quarter into The Doctor, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
I specifically remember seeing one moment, and just up and leaving. Didn't look at the series until the 50th special after that

Don't get me wrong it's a good episode but its when I realized Doctor Who wasn't about the Doctor anymore. There was clearly more thought put into them than Jodie.

End of Matt Smith's first series, I may have watched a bit of his second, but the first was already bad enough.

>Matt Smith is the doctor for 50 million fucking eons
>same "gotta save everyone" shtick as Tennant but they make him extra gary-stu
>Capaldi shows up
>first episode just letting people die and not giving a fuck
>oh shit Dr. Who just got interes-
>straight back into being a moralfag
I miss Eccleston. He felt the most chaotic neutral out of all of them.

No David Tennent, no buy.

The Girl Who died, Season 9 episode 5. I hated Maisie William's character and it was the breaking point for me, in what was a bad season.
After Season 10 finished I came back and watched the rest of 9&10 but by that point I had completely swapped over to Big Finish. I tried giving Whittaker a shot but after the first episode I realised I couldn't. It was worse than even the shittiest Capaldi episode.
McGann has some amazing audio stories, and there's quite a lot of good audio adventures for Tom Baker through Sylester McCoy as well.

>rescue the Time Lord from nefarious forces
>Jodie Whittaker

why would i want to save her, if i dont she regens into a man and the series will be revived.

The twin problems are that it’s
1) fucking boring
2) ran by people with no clue what identity the show should have
Jodie is the most obvious example of that. She’s clearly being instructed to ape Tennant and Smith’s performances interchangeably, despite the greatest advantage of Dr who being that it can completely shake up the main character’s personality when it needs to.
Then you get the fact that barely any of the episodes have interesting locations, the utterly retarded preaching attempts that fall flat on their ass, and a gigantic supporting cast that is barely developed, all of which leads to utter mediocrity.

There is shameless pandering, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a symptom of why it’s shit, not a cause.

Literally doctor who?

Do I dare ask what this is.

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Maisie's arc was fucking horrible on all levels, I really don't know what they were thinking apart from "we're gonna ride on GoT's dick".

>mfw Maisie's character starts calling herself Me
>the girl literally has no name
Oh yeah so not game of thrones at all

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Female doctor not sure which episode, maybe 5th. Even until then I was just enduring but I thought new season new writer better story but god, was I wrong. Not to mention the forced political correctness. Sucks because Capaldi and Jodie are good actors but stuck with a shitty writer.

lurk moar holy fuck

male pregnancy

>VR garbage

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Like i'm gonna feel ashamed for not remembering every fetish ever.
So who got impregnated? I'm gonna be honest, I droppes the show after Tennent. how bad does it get?

Reminder that taxpayers funded this.

The Doctor Dances and The Curse of Fatal Death were warnings. We should have seen that Moffat could do nothing but rehash the same plotlines over and over again.
He is a better writer for single episodes than he is for full seasons. He just can't do big climaxes properly.

the death of Sarah Jane.

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Holy shit are you me? That episode made me drop the series until last Fall when I decided to catch up.

They openly have diversity quotas when hiring new employees.

Cringe. Jodie was absolute shit, I'm genuinely convinced the actress is autistic.

Rings of Akhaten, it was the point that cemented Clara as an insufferable Mary Sue cunt. I can't believe they managed to create a worse companion than Rose, but they did.

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Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and then Series 11 episode 5. Which are both by fucking Chibnall.

I used to think the voices of the Daleks sounded somewhat cool but hearing it again after all these years it sounds so bad
why the hell did they make the Daleks so annoying?

Season 11 was better than the likes of 7 and 9. After years of people complaining the show was too complex, this went too far in the other direction and never really got engaging with the characters. But the issue is the brand has taken so many hits over the moffat era people just stopped liking it.

Season 10 was comfy tho

>not knowing what m-preg is just based on the name alone
Absolutely low iq

>Once they had them just start killing people they were lame.
The fact of the matter that you autistic fucking retards don't understand is that in a show where the main character has a time machine the angels are not a fucking threat, aside from the one time he lost the TARDIS in their debut episode. They were zapping people back in time in the Manhattan episode and that was their worst one yet, Moffat had to write the most retarded nonsensical garbage the show has ever had to justify why they couldn't just go back in time to save Amy and Rory, didn't make any fucking sense.

Having them snap necks was much better. He even invented a reason why they didn't need to zap people back in time for their two parter. The zapping people in time is boring. The only reason people like the angels is because they look cool and SCP173 wasn't mainstream enough for people to know what Moffat was ripping off.

Tell me Doctor. If the Time Lords are so great then why are there no good Doctor Who videogames?

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I'll admit I was getting tired of the show by the end of series 9. Moffat's character and writing style had gotten way too repetitive. But I liked Capaldi enough to see how his era ended. Didn't like series 11 at all.

the doctor is a pretty autistic character, so I'd say she nailed it

>Series 11 Episode 5
The Sneed/Chuck Conundrum

The shows been on a downward slope since 2012. Another major problem is the BBC really want to cancel it they keep delaying the series slot in the year and haitusing production so it can never gain any momentum

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That google doodle game was fun as fuck, Davros. Now get back to work, I need that project finished three hours ago.

>THat spider episode
>not(h)-Trump suggests shooting the spiders
It was at that point I gave up all hope that it would ever be watchable again. What a complete crock of shit.

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Nobody is going to give a fuck about the show after last season and it taking a year hiatus.

What would a Boosh game be like assuming it was inevitably VR


they killed it but good.

Short but sweet run

Somehow even worse than the show

>when the black companion lures the spiders into the vault by blasting this song

>tennant and eccelston after Smith
Man, I've seen shit taste. But that takes the cake.

Very cool

Am I the only one that got really tired of Tennant really fast? By the end I couldn't stomach him anymore.

>the show has an stupid/evil politician

this is your brain on /pol/

could b bretty cool

Don't reason with daleks

More like Nurse Who lmao

>American billionaire real estate tycoon with intentions of securing the presidency and acts like a human caricature of those strawman webcomic artists
Come the fuck on, user. It was about as subtle as a brick to the scrot.
They even had to put a line in that he doesn’t like Trump, just to assure the audience he wasn’t some alternate reality version of him.

>vertical axis doesn't start with 0

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No. He overstayed his welcome.
I was looking up Big Finish clips to post in the thread and this one came up. Gave me a bit of a chuckle.

>guys i've never worked with presentable data before

Yes, the graph starts with near the lowest of all the data set, this allows for it to be viewed easier rather than having half the graph being empty space.

It was a problem of him going on forever and ever and having episodes that ranged from god tier to absolute dog shit. For me, it took a while to warm up to him and gradually the episodes became more watchable except for those to retarded retarded subplots that weren't explained until Matt Smith.

Destiny of the Daleks is the worst Tom Baker story. Yes, worse than Underworld, or Kroll, or Armageddon Factor

You expect less than that from a country that believes in the Fahrenheit temperature system?

Fuck watching this made me remember all the good times watching this show as a kid, i'm crying bros

The last season. No matter how shitty previous season were, at least they could entertain me. This is just waste of time, every single episode.

Too much shit and he's not actually a very good Doctor. Feels more like Scooby Gang rather than Doctor Who. The whole of series 20 is bad so that didn't help.

>No David Tennant
I sleep.

Black and white can be more forgiving

Reminder that the Slitheen canonically killed Tony Blair

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now I wanna go watch the one about the black hole station again
and the sunshine one, that was good
god I miss sarah jane
You wake?

I miss Donna Noble.
That library episode was kino af.

Day of the Doctor was fucking awful

>Jodie Whittaker


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>topical for the politics of the time
>has a woman becoming british prime minister after farting aliens kill the previous one

If that episode was made today Yea Forums would be reeeeing till the end of time.

desu that was p based i love grime
fuck stormzy tho he's so shit

Actually the most soi sci-fi. Even more than star wars

That would be Star Trek.


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In all honesty, the new episodes Jodie herself shows that a female Doctor can work. The actual problem of the new episodes is that each and every one of them were SJW themed borefests that rams guilt flags down your throats.Of which I blame Chibnall.
I have a feeling that if they just have those non-lesson adventures, fighting off daleks, cybermen and such again then she can make it work.

Mummy on the Orient Express is one of the most kino Who episodes of all time.

I don't mind Jodie, fem doctor is fine, but the episodes are all just filled with SJW fueled garbage.

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They literally had an episode where the bad guy was a stand in for trump. Also one with a time traveling white supremacist, also one about a pregnant man.

Matt Smith was crap too.

McGann is the best Doctor

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Based 8fag

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That was my breaking point too. Every single story was a) too short and b) filled with throwaway virtue signalling. Why did they not do ANY two parters, they were the best part of the fucking show.

Actually I forgot I watched the new years episode, which actually wasn't bad, but OF COURSE they threw in mandatory gay guy (who not only drops that he's gay after 10 seconds of interaction with a complete stranger, but then proceeds to get killed off)

Just give me the VR experience of Clara sitting on my face

If they make a game based on a kino does it become a ludo?

Does the current sonic look suspiciously like a feeldo to anyone else?

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People were making sonic dildo jokes when the leaks first came out.

This boy knew what was up. He got the fuck out after one season and never looked back. Even when they brought back every other Doctor in a massive special and he was just like "Nah, senpai. Miss me with that gay shit"

He left because he was being treated like shit. Go through his interviews from last year when he began to talk about it.

This just makes me respect him more. He even states that he won't shit on the show even though he left on such shit terms. This just makes him look infinitely better with such magnanimous behavior.

What is doctor who about and should I watch this or Peaky Blinders?

> casts you as a friend of the Doctor (portrayed by the current incarnation, Jodie Whittaker)
why would anyone pay to hang out with that bitch?

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>1 movie and a short episode.
He deserved more.

I'd hang out with her just for the chance to steal the TARDIS and ditch her for one of the past doctors.

Could have been a great callback to this, but nope:


Seriously, he has loads of good audio stories.

Sci fi shenanigans throughout time, and yes. But only the classics and not the stuff from 2000's and onward.

Donna Noble was the best companion.

If you didn't give up on Nu-Who by that Capaldi episode where the moon was an egg then you're a lost cause
That said, pic related
Audiobooks, user.

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It's like the actress is ad-libbing.

Nebula and Rip Hunter were great companions. And couple.

Breaks in graphs are completely valid when all data is far away from 0. If there was a single point on the graph below 5.5 it would be an inaccurate/falsified graph, but as it is there would be a ton of negative space if they didn't do that.
t. Took extra stat classes back in the day

It literally was making fun of Trump. Trump is even flat out mentioned.

i swear to god i never had these reactions to diversity in shows or movies before. but now i just can't help but roll my eyes.

like the new batwoman series on CW, of course batwoman is a lesbian with a black gay girlfriend. recently tried watching doom patrol on Crave, nearly every female character was black working class. went to see john wick 3, every fucking commercial and trailer is black and white couples, the saturation is clearly not natural. i hate this disgusting feeling of thinking "am i racist for noticing this obviously forced disproportional surge of pointless race-casting"

Makes sense that the Doctor is a female from a executive standpoint. The audience is majority female and those bitches fucking love self inserting.

>t. Took extra marketing classes

Is that seriously a prop from the show? It looks cheap as fuck.

kek she looks like the black girl from Wolfenstein


sonic dildo is an old joke

Whatever happened to that spin off that was about a school that the Doctor had visited?

>Jodie Whittaker
double dropped

Please only post serious replies to my posts.

Cancelled for being shit.

>The only reason people like the angels is because they look cool and SCP173 wasn't mainstream enough for people to know what Moffat was ripping off.
The original Weeping Angel episode aired on June 9, 2007. The original SCP-173 post on /x/ was made on the 22nd of that month.

>episode about Rosa Parks
>that one bus driver is in it obviously and portrayed as a terrible person in all his scenes

I dunno, it felt in poor taste since he's not alive anymore

The only good thing about the latest Who is Bradley Walsh.

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Me and my wife got in an argument over the movie birdbox because black white couple, she said they probably didn't do it on purpose and it just happened the actor they got was black, I got kind of heated and said something like "fine I'll take the loss, but I want you to think about this argument every time you see a mixed race couple on TV" just 2 days ago she started noticing all the mixed race couples on TV so I'm at least glad she and the rest of my family see this bullshit now

He should have killed Tim Shaw

what's up with the stupid slow semicircle camera shots I hate those so much especially when they do a full 360 for no reason

Literally no one watched it so it got cancelled
I think there was an audio series afterwards, but that's it

Second episode of the last series because the only worthwhile element was Walsh's character; Capaldi himself made up for the last series or two of shoddy episodes, but almost nothing is left now.

He's the only one who can actually act.

mutt pandering ruined who

Season 10 was baaadd.

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>that episode with the Dalek that got roasted to a crisp and cut into three pieces literally a thousand years ago coming back to life because someone put a bit of it under a UV lamp, teleported its three pieces back together, then proceeded to move about like a fucking ninja and posses some woman, then told the TARDIS to fuck off and stop working just by thinking about it real hard (this is all without a shell by the way), built a Dalek shell out of literal scrap on a farm, proceeded to turn off the sonic screwdriver just by thinking about it real hard, then flew around for a bit and got into a fight with the British Army (represented by like two squads of guys, most of which were women and non-whites), then flew to GCHQ and got melted and blown up by a microwave oven, but not before ninja vanishing out of its shell as it was melting and exploding and trying to throw the black guy's dad into space

It's really, really, really shit.

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Halfway through season 7, specifically the weeping angels in New york episode. man that episode was fucking stupid.

What a fuckwit hairstyle. Whoever told this man to put his hair this way was fucking with this guy.

When they made the moon a giant alien egg

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The movie Black Panther did a number on black haircuts.

Generally, Doctor Who fans overrate the lead actor's effect on the show and underrate the writers/producers. It's why Colin Baker got told by a fan they're glad his baby died of SIDS but pic related didn't get the same amount of ire until after his death. They know this season is shit, but they don't connect Chris Chibnall's name to the mediocre episodes he churned out for RTD and Moffat.

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Doctor Who was always reddit trash

Heaven Sent/hellbent was the last thing worth watching in the show.

That actually sounds cool as shit in a Dead Space kind of way

>It's why Colin Baker got told by a fan they're glad his baby died of SIDS

No it was done in a retarded Doctor Who kind of way

he just fucking loved that playdoh toy as a kid man

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you didn't realize it was going to be fucking trash when they revealed fem doc with her L I T E R A L L Y smashing through a glass ceiling?

Is it classic or tranny Doctor Who?

Got a sensible chuckle out of me. Well played, user.

Imagine if Dr Who were made by competent writers AND had the budget of Game of Thrones.

I find some of even the most modern Who seasons just nigh-unwatchable because their special effects are so fucking bad and cheap looking

The dude covered in teeth is so bad it has to be intentionally comedic, but he is treated with utmost seriousness

low budget was fine when it was practical effects
cheap CGI always looks like ass

How can you be a Doctor Who fan and not be used to budget effects?

it's just surprising that the visual effects haven't really improved much in proportion to the ever-increasing budget they seem to have for marketing and whatnot.

Im rating the seasons rather then actors, all of them (minus jodie) are good actors, but the quaility of writing between seasons varies from dogshit to kino
So it's more like
>season 1-3>season 4>season 5>season 7>season 6>>>season 8+

Were you born within the last week? Look at every movie released after Jurassic park

I used to like Doctor Who. I just liked the alien shit.
Eventually I realized everything but the aliens was so bad I quit watching.
Fuck the BBC.

i'm talking about dr who what is your point?

>Fuck the BBC.

My point is that everything had shitty cg. This isn't a problem unique to Dr who

that's... not true at all lmao

plenty of other media has had good CGI since jurassic park wtf

JP doesn't look better than modern CG, it looks good for CG of its time period, retard.


war doctor was a cool idea that needed to be explored more.

You... you're joking.

>years ago heard they were rebooting show
>so excited rushed home to watch
>confronted with a man being comically eaten by a plastic bin.

>terrible special effects
>awful story lines
>every character treats the situation like a big joke

The sjw crap added is just more nonsense added to a terrible show.Its like watching Shrek.The worse part is they do have moments of were the show reaches its true potential the weeping angels and the silence introductions were true spirit of the original show.But everything else is just terrible.

The show is meant too be someone scary and theres this weird creepy vibe of aliens butchering people and the doctor letting the aliens off because don't understand them or are to powerful.Its actual pretty awful morally."no that genocidal alien isn't evil hes just misunderstood and powerful ,Its that white man who is bad because he is greedy!"

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>Big Finish
This is the last time I'll comment that because I'll probably end up being banned for shilling or some shit like that.

It didn't used to be. Modern Doctor Who is SJW propaganda trash, but go back to the episodes from the 60's and 70's and it was a completely different show.

It literally used to be about a immortal mad scientist who used science to completely destroy his enemies that just happened to be villains.

Now it's about him fighting the patriarchy and shit.

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>doctor who game
>with the lesbian feminazi character
pfffffffffft hahahahahahahahaha

I watched half of the Matt Smith series. It was clear the audience they were pandering to and I was not part of that audience. Didn't even bother to watch the next doctor because I was completely disinterested by that point.

thought big finish only did one or two with him, found out they did like 12, damn those fuckers work fast don't they?

The show has been in decline since later Smith era. Capdali was the only good element for his era. Jodie is awful with an awful accent and the writing that she has to deal with is even worse. She won’t last longer than 3 seasons.

I can’t fully articulate why it’s gone to complete shit, but there are some elements that are lacking. The fact that the Doctor has lost at lot of his internal conflict is bad. No longer is he a final timelord and they’ve abandoned his mean tyrannical element . There’s a part during the 9th’s era where he rants at a Dalek to die and another part where the 10th tortures an alien. The family of blood episode is also a great example.

They’ve fully embraced the female audience that is akin to the CW DC audience. They’re foundations for female escapism and feminism. They lack the capacity for compelling conflict and narrative arcs.

I really wish I wasn't.

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who /seventhdoctor/ here

Modern Doctor who is awful though, it has nothing to do with the Doctor being a woman either the writing wanting to stretch and fill in the gaps with SJW shit is just tired, Im so fucking done with this shit in media. Almost every story is in service to current politics now and I just dont fucking care. Its not interesting, its not brave its not compelling to watch, its just so goddamn tired. Though it was going to be something to do with older more interesting version of the character and events involving them, dissapointing.

You can make the Doctor a woman, but for fuck sake dont do it because its trending right now to do it and have every story point to it. This is going to look fucking retarded in later years, and if they make hte next Doctor a man it will be a cause for uproar in that its a man replacing a woman, and if the show is actually good again people will cry that people only like it because its a man. You just cant win, its tainted, move on.

t. Linkara

Capaldi and Eccleston were the best though.

got a couple episodes into matt smith before dropping it for good

>dr who
oh no no no
2 of the worst things combined.

I pray one day Doctor Who fully embraces it’s horror elements again. There was a time people bitched about how violent it was.

imagine having your childhood doctor be garbage
might as well let Muhammad behead you

I like Capaldi as an actor and wish he got more work but most of his term was shitty as a whole. Watch the Thick of It for prime Capaldi bantz.

Back in the s O y beans truck tranny cuck

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We were close with world enough and time.

I'm not gonna deny Capaldi got bad episodes and could have done with better companions, but the man still pulled off a great Doctor. I feel like his arcs were more subdued and less grand than previous eras were though.

the BBC is cowards, they will have melodrama but still make it palatable to children.
horror grit and long term consequences have no place in NU-Who

The internet

Their budget has apparently been slashed every season since Smith

So which big finish story should I start with?

Eccleston was the best fuck you.

>Doctor Who: The Edge of Time casts you as a friend of the Doctor (portrayed by the current incarnation, Jodie Whittaker)

LOL with the worst doctor

Alright then Yea Forums. If you want orders, follow this one. Kill yourself.

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Doctor Who has always been garbage
>b-but muh old series
Garbage too.

You don't think we know that?

they'll be in a panic soon enough
the onions beans are stuck at the farms for a few more weeks until the mississippi river drops back to normal depth

no it was reddit when americans got a hold of it and came up with cringe like "whovians"

>so was Jesus
Jesus Christ is an Anglo, he traveled to Glastonbury to preach the Gospel and built the Church of England.

The only good thing the BBC has ever shat out was Misfits.

favourite nu-companions?

Misfits was on E4 you utter brainlet.

arabs are not blacks 0/10


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Some fucking welsh coal miner? Nah mate, fuck that I don't wanna see that on TV

They should name the show Doctress Who if they want a woman, it's called Doctor for a reason.

more like nurse who amirite lads?

I just want Jodie's Doctor to meet Missy


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This, I've never seen a woman doctor they all become vets. People here would rather have a Chinaman do surgery on them than a woman

Worse than the show you jack of clubs?Try getting some taste you melon.

Moon is no egg, Doctor. Moon is goddess, wife of Sun. It is known.
>it is known

>ignoring all the excellent documentaries

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This line wouldn't fly today. The show would get taken off the air for the Doctor being too much of a bully and promoting suicide.

>donna noble: screech chav who isn't even nice to look at

Rose was the chav.

Maybe the game will have better writers than the show? They'll just slap on the latest Doctor but the aliens most people like instead of her stories? As if.

Donna, Amy, Rory, Nardole

>hottest doctor who girl
>they pair her up with the black guy
I stopped watching after this

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Have you met a real chav? They are completely fucking intolerable except to their own kind. Rose was a regular ass girl sidekick with a chav accent

Didn't she get paired up with noname?

fucking savage

He dies in the same season.

Mickey is literally the only good black dude on the show

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how long until daleks wanting to genocide everything is to offensive and retconned?


>not Daleks being used as white men analogy. Becoming increasingly stupid while being ridiculously evil

I want tumblr gone

>and allow players to
experience slavery and the womens rights movement !

I don't care he shouldn't have been in it in the first place it's gross
No if I wanted to see Africans I would watch ABC if I'm watching CBC I wanna see CANADIANS if I'm watching BBC I wanna see BRITISH

a spooky statue oh no

oh no a scary floor waxer keep it away

It wouldn't get taken off the fucking air for that, lad. I don't deny we've gotten to the point that people would complain about it but be realistic.

kekkleston > tennant > smith > capaldi > shittaker


>white lead starts show with black boyfriend
>ends up leaving him for a white man
This BBC propaganda must stop.

based wilf

Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one?

You're right, it would take more controversy or low ratings for that to happen. The latter is looking increasingly likely.

screwdrivio sonicarum!

a fucking HVAC monster

is that the new dalek design,

>liking Smith
>hating on Capaldi

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Posting superior timetravel series. Whovies or whatever they call themselves will debate me.

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>spend years gearing the show towards vapid teenage girls that just want to schlick it to sci-fi sherlock holmes
They literally had the audience they wanted and still couldn't stop themselves from shitting things up for "muh larger audience"

what a waste

Nah m8 he travelled to Glastonbury to hit up the festival and get shitfaced

>zero identity politics

>Every plot is basically the doctor in some place where everybody is dressed in cheap costumes and speaks perfect british
>Whatever the problem is it is resolved in 95% of all cases by an absolute asspull by the sonic screwdriver

What do people see in this show? For every good episode there must be at least 10 shitty ones

No, that's false

>revealing the core of rebellion daddy issues
I think i figured out why it's popular with women.

I used to be into this (watched all of Eccleston, Tennant, and most of Smith, Tennant was the best one) but shortly after the Capaldi stuff dropped we got super bored with it. Now I see the doctor's some lass and it looks about as interesting as the Capaldi stuff. I'll pass.
The only thing from this shit I like any more is the design of the Daleks. They look aesthetically pleasing.

>"Even if I change it feels like dying, everything I am dies, some new man goes sauntering away... and I'm dead"
>"No one, travelling alone... thought it'd be better"

Goddamn 10th was the best but also most tragic Doctor

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It's okay. I've seen about half of the latest season so far, and while there was that annoying HUUR ORANGE CHEETO MAN episode, was typical cheesy Dr Who schlock. Definately not any sort of agenda, like they started doing with the previous doctor and that fugly black girl.

>(portrayed by the current incarnation, Jodie Whittaker)

aaaand dropped

There was an American Misfits too wasn't there? Was it any good?


Literally just a trashy jumpscare that you can find in every shitty indie unity horror game

Best doctor, didn't overstay his welcome.

So...a typical science fiction show?

It's literally going to be executed worse than SCP does it
Unless they have a way for the VR device to tell when you're blinking with the headset on, they're only going to be able to move when you look away, which isn't really an scary as them moving when you blink while staring straight at them

And the sequel is all in some old farm for some reason and literally has a lesbian kiss deux ex machina.

>friend is watching one of the new doctor who episodes
>watch the last half with him because i had nothing better to do
>something about rosa parks not getting on the bus
>kinda funny premise, but alright
>as the episode goes on I wonder who the bad guy is
>"is it some alien, who might've fucked up"
>"did the doctor's group do this, did they fuck up time somehow?"
>turns out it's just a racist white man
>that's literally it, a racist white man wants to stop her getting on the bus
>he's apparently taken care of in a 40 second scene where the black guy zaps him through time or some shit

The only good part about that episode is that the Doctor and her companions were all on the bus in the final scene and were actually all part of the REASON the bus was full. That's the only nice touch the episode had. Although, I don't know why they let the indian girl sit with them in the white area, she's not white.

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>Although, I don't know why they let the indian girl sit with them in the white area, she's not white.
because it's not "fuck non-whites", but "fuck niggers"
also isn't she paki?

She's half Indian and half Pakistani.

The writing team is the ones who need to regenerate, killing Jodie won't help.

This is honestly one of the worst pieces of fiction I have ever had the displeasure of watching. Whenever I talk about Doctor Who I always bring this up and explain how fucking terrible it was, it still annoys me to this day and is one of the worst episodes of Doctor Who, if not the worst.

Meanwhile, the actual good episodes of that season like Time Heist, Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline seem to be overshadowed by the other shit episodes of that season.

>she's half Hindu Indian and half Muslim Indian

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I liked him in All Creatures Great and Small. Maximum comfy blanket on sofa watching. Was livid when they stopped running it on loop on Yesterday.

Martha was a good girl, i liked her. Miles better than that afro nigger abomination.

>There are people in this thread that hates based Capaldi.
I fucking hate britbongs

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I don't get why they insist on marketing the FUCK out of their worst received seasons.

Why not bring back bits of every doctor or all-star episodes of each doctor? You pander to everyone, appease oldfags and bring out the best of your series. Doctor Who has never been bigger yet it has never been shittier. I miss Tennant's melancholy-fury doctor.

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There's literally a dozen free unity projects that have done this before
He was a fantastic actor but the stories were still a bit shit

It's been shit since Matt Smith, don't even kid right now about the "Modern" part.

Capaldi was great, but his serial went to shit after Coleman left.

Can't believe they wasted fucking Capaldi of all actors.

how much did they pay you

Eccelston > Tennant > Capaldi > Smith's first season >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest of Smiths run >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jodie

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she is the only companion that I can hear her episodes described and then I remember her name and face
every other companion is forgettable

God I miss Donna, Cathrine and David were fantastic partners.

Donna, Martha, Nardole

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What's your favourite cyberman design?
Personally I like the wheel in space design a lot

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STOMP Kssssh STOMP Kssssh STOMP Kssssh STOMP Kssssh STOMP Kssssh STOMP Kssssh

Mickey was great.

Well, it's like how gaming journalists kicked up a stink about women/minorities not being represented in videogames, and now every videogame, regardless of its content or context, has to feature prominent black and female characters.

That's how we ended up with a british female redhead amputee frontline fighter in WW2 and a publisher literally setting its own marketing department on fire with comments like; "If you don't believe this is historically accurate, you are a bigot - all hail the Grand Narrative!"

The modern left is convinced that everything is a social construction - including objective reality and history. And while it's true that history tends to be biased, ideas like, for example, 19th century Britain being roughly 33% black and somehow not segregated at all is ridiculous. But if you tell these people they can't find a single source that back up their wild assertions, then they'll respond that you can't find any evidence to the opposite, and that the lack of evidence actually supports their argument that "white history" is nothing but a construction.

The Grand Narrative (What SJW's spout on the regular) is based entirely on a circular argument that because you can't disprove any particular thesis they present, purely because they have given no evidence for you to disprove, then they must be correct - otherwise you could just prove them wrong. It's like asking you to prove to me that unicorns aren't real - it's the reason why science relies on evidence, and that every thesis that has no evidence is not considered scientific. Because you cannot prove that something didn't happen, didn't exist or isn't real.

Oh yeah, Arya Stark was in Dr Who for a bit:

>It's another Yea Forums has a better Yea Forums thread than Yea Forums episode

And why was he the only good black dude on the show?

Because he was the only black dude on the show whose entire arc didn't revolve around him *being a black dude.*

He felt like a human being, not like a contrived social justice propaganda poster.

If you have a character that just wants to bang everyone, like Jack "The Best Fucking Thing Since Sliced Fucking Bread" Harkness, that's fine. If you make him want to bone the Doctor, that's fine. If you later make him gay, it's fine.

If you do like that recent companion whose name I've literally forgotten and make her whole story about her being a black lesbian underpaid schoolteacher or whatever - that's when I stop caring. Because I'm watching fucking Doctor Who, not Skins. Piss off with the constant social commentary.

If you're gay, that's fine. If you go out of your way to constantly remind you're gay, I'm going to assume that you don't think I'm okay with it, and that, ironically, makes me not like you anymore, and then you go about your day, pretending that it's because you're gay that you're not liked, instead of it being because you're just an unlikable person who makes people around you either feel guilty, awkward or uncomfortable.

>Doctor Jew

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i think at some poijnt around matt smiths i just stopped caring
i saw bits and pieces of the new season but i barely remember shit other than the giant spiders, kerblam, the fucking mpreg with the mini gremlin thing and the punjab one

Reminder when 10th had fucking enough and said fuck the laws of time?

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People still watch this?

I've always maintained that Capaldi was an excellent Doctor trapped in a horrendous show.

Nothing can top "Destiny of the Doctors".

>you would make a good Dalek
Fucking kino

Meant to reply to obviously

Is Fallout: Who Vegas worth playing, my internet is shit and I want to know before I redownload NV and mod it.

The guys in those suits spent hours and hours stomping up and down in a studio to get perfectly in sync with each other. I was incredibly disappointed when the next gen of Cybermen showed up and they just didn't even try to march in step, it made them so much less intimidating.

>Doctor Autism
I've literally never met a fan of Doctor Who that was right in the head

The ones that are don't talk about it in case they attract the autistic portion of the fanbase

I've not watched this shit since they introduced the ikea daleks but wtf is this?
Aren't the daleks meant to be totally ineffectual lumps of angry meat without their armor, capable of only squeaking and biting?

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This was a special SEAL team six/SAS Dalek or some shit, I can't remember exactly.

I unironically was hoping that black girl at the start of the trailer was going to be batwoman. Then they show turbo-dyke...

Bonus points that the black girlfriend is a damsel in distress in one scene, but it's fine because a woman is also the one rescuing her which balances out the misogyny??

Let's be honest here, that really isn't a good explanation for being a self-resurrecting unstoppable powerhouse with crazy psychic powers that let him tell the TARDIS and sonic screwdriver to go fuck themselves just by thinking real hard about it.

>built a Dalek shell out of literal scrap on a farm, proceeded to turn off the sonic screwdriver just by thinking about it real hard, then flew around for a bit and got into a fight with the British Army
fuck off
that literally sounds like a comedy sketch from 2009 or a newspaper comic from 1989

>>Every plot is basically the doctor in some place where everybody is dressed in cheap costumes and speaks perfect british
>>Whatever the problem is it is resolved in 95% of all cases by an absolute asspull by the sonic screwdriver
t. hasn't watched Doctor Who

>ortrayed by the current incarnation, Jodie Whittaker
Meh I'll pass.

Moonbase cybermen look like zombies

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It's all 100% true, there's a screenshot of the scrap Dalek here

How is this thread still up?

Post best companions only

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Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant were the only good Doctor who series.

as shit as nu-doctor who has become
heaven sent was one of the best episodes I've ever seen

I forgot about the psychic powers, and self resurrection.
I hardly remember anything from the newest season apart from APPLE BOBBAN and the fact the black dude can't climb ladders.
It's one of the only good threads on Yea Forums right now

>It's taken all these years to realize that the laws of time are MINE, AND THEY WILL OBEY ME!

This was great, especially when she's still bitching about the prophecy after dropping them off on earth and he shuts her up with a single "Tough".

The BBC has made more good programmes than the rest of the world combined

I hardly remember anything from the latest series either but the Dalek episode was so unbelievably bad that it's now permanently seared into my memory.

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I love the 80's cyberman design.
They are probably the worst cyberman personality wise though.

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but they already had The Cult of Skaro as the ultimate in absurd evil dalek science, channeling Unit 731, only with some ethics.
Also because idgaf anymore, this is the original design for the Kaled Mutant

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could you imagine the shit they would get doing a historical african show with 50/50 black white cast?

Why are the Cybermen the scariest Doctor Who monsters?

>History's a Whitewash

More like a Brainwash, in another 100 years we will be arguing about what color Capaldi actually was because everyone destroyed the copies of the show over some unforeseen outrage.

>God tier
>Good tier
>Good actors, bad writing tier
>Bad actors tier
>Shit tier

>says the suffragettes were moralistic cunts
>has Christopher Lloyd (and biffs actor in the 30th anniversary) reprise their parts
>even Michael J. Fox has a cameo
>gives more depth to doc brown and Marty's relationship
>director will kill a Hollywood executive before they can even attempt to fuck up a sequel/reboot
there's never been a more based time travel series

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Because they're people, pushed to the very brink who did what they had to do survive
It's a combination of the body horror and the knowledge that humanity could end up on that route that makes them scary
World Enough and Time is really good for the spooky stuff, with the whole creepy hospital and pain stuff

>Shit Tier

Fuck the BBC
they keep sending me letters saying I need to buy a TV licence, and if I don't respond, they're going to send round "enforcement officers". It's all blackmail and scare tactics just because they want you on a database.

I'm still sad that we wont get more john hurt doctor.

>posses some woman
but Daleks can't think of anything else as being worth even existing
>daleks, the ultra materialists of the universe
>possessing psychic powers
I'm at a loss for words. How did they fuck up the simplest creature in all of scifi?
This is why I've not touched Star Trek since the 90s, zoomers can't do anything right

>the UK is full of blacks in Regency Era
>nearly all of them are gone by the time of modern day
what did BBC mean by this?

If they know where to send the letters you're already in the database, Einstein

literally don't let them into your house
there is nothing they can do without you consenting to the investigation

My name is not Einstein
Just because they are sending a letter to this address does not mean they know who lives in this address. Understand?

Now tell her to count how many WMBF couples there are. Mixed race couples in media are always Black male and [whatever]. It's hilariously one-sided. To the point where Ryan Reynolds being the (white) father of a mixed race child is almost subversive.

He did three audio stories that take place in the Dalek War. They're all fantastic. Listen to them.

Even regular people are becoming more conscious of it.
The other day my mom was complaining to her sister about how every tv commercial features exclusively interracial couples.

>of course batwoman is a lesbian with a black gay girlfriend
Have you read the comics? Just replace black with latina

they won't do anything
their letters are computer generated and they are sent to many addresses. It's full of stuff trying to scare you, like "we investigate X houses every year!" or "the final stages of the investigation are starting!". The funniest part is where it says "We can visit morning, afternoon or evening. And if you're not in, we can come back!" Like their biggest threat is that they will knock on your door.

So the war doctor is good then

Knowing big finish there's a good chance they actually recorded way more than that

lol, stupid brits.

>batwoman is a lesbian with a black gay girlfriend
Are the actors actually hot, at least?

The cool thing about this episode is that you could easily read it as an allegory for bigotry but the difference here is that the main character is the one that exhibits that flaw, and yet he's also right in saying that the daleks are a violent race of supremacists themselves as a rule. But this dynamic was never addressed or brought up again as far as I know

no batwoman looks like S8 cersei with black hair instead of blond

no idea what that is i just hate doctor who, but sure

Oh, they just send you form mail without even your name on it? That's fair then, carry on

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Based women

Eccleston was so fucking cool as a Doctor. I'm also beyond happy that he only got 13 episodes and then it was over. I don't know enough to say if he was the best, or the worst, what have you. But I can safely say that his run was at least complete and can't be tainted by CURRENT YEAR or an effort to lean on the one character trait people can't let go of.

Best doctor coming through.
The Douglas Adams specials were great.

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Holy shit what are they smoking at BBC?

>The Douglas Adams specials were great.
I want to know what you meant by that