Shes so fucking flat now wtf

Shes so fucking flat now wtf

Attached: 1558356138590.jpg (280x157, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Perfect, I will now buy your game.


Wow look how fucking flat she is. Goddamn that's hot

What is this?

She was always flat, what make you think otherwise? Fanart?

She's a little girl

Big baps average out to less than one per game.

Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Attached: pokemon_uk.jpg (1400x1400, 225K)

Did they show new gameplay?

What do you mean "now"
They didnt change the character model retard

I don't remember seeing this in the trailer

No, they were just showing off some shirt.

Attached: 1558345701675.jpg (880x566, 133K)

Is this a parody of that anime UU Oppai short?

stupid flat slut

a bumpy shield wouldn't really be a good shield now, would it?
Shields are meant to be flat and smooth with a slight curve as to deflect the trajectory of incoming attacks

Attached: 1557679849776.png (804x961, 983K)

Looks like they improved the shadows a little bit though

Attached: 1558350341260.jpg (1182x1329, 242K)


She was like chicken Chan dude,flat chest needs more love

>The first trailer isn't what the final game looks like
Well, color me bright with a shade of surprise

She really likes Snickers

she needs to unzip that snickers first

Nintendo does that most of the time actually, people still shitpost comparing final Wii U Smash Pikachu to incomplete Ultimate Pikachu which didn't even have shadows yet.
Only exception I can think of is the very first reveal of BOTW before the delay which wasn't even the game at all. But it looked really shitty at that one E3 and ended up looking better even on the Wii U version by release.

Bandana and spats when

GOd kill yourself you meme spouting retard

>clothes are memes now

Gamefreak usually doesn't which is why its surprising

Gameplay confirmed to be shown at E3.


Gamefreaks is a lot of bad things, but their builds always improve

SM battles couldn't even hit 30 fps with 3D off.

Haha it's funny because pokemon characters don't swear XD

Because they were running high poly models on a fucking 3DS

That's not even the joke, faggot. The joke is Scotland

she needs to unwrap it haha, what is she going to do? EAT the wrapper? haha

>Pokeball model will never be updated
>Pokeball effects look like shit
Worst thing is that Pokemon Go launched with a higher poly Pokeball with visual effects that were somewhat closer to the TV show before Gamefreak made them swap it out with the model used on 3DS and worse effects.

Wow. The background on bottom looks miles better even though it's lower res. Nice

Monster Hunter confirmed

>>Pokeball model will never be updated
Why on earth would you care about this?

>First information in 3 month is about a t-shirt

Its one of the lowest poly models in the games

Ah, I knew it looked familiar. Thanks for pointing it out.

How much of a poofter do you have to be to miss the joke?

Attached: limmypish.jpg (685x378, 28K)

goddamn that's hot

That's a good thing retard

>Sword/Shield will have special characters from other video game monster franchises as DLC
>Rathalos (Dragon/Flying)
>Agumon - Metalgreymon (Fire/Steel)
>Jibanyan (Ghost/Fairy)
>Jack Frost (Ice/Dark)
Admit it would be fuckin dope

Attached: 1558033904043.png (667x397, 220K)

She has the wrapper opened on the other side, and she sucks the chocolate out of it's package.
it's a fun little trick, assuming you don't accidentally inhale it and choke doing it

beautiful innit

Attached: Untitled21.png (385x563, 203K)

Attached: 1545702006722.jpg (1916x945, 223K)

>Improved the shadows
>Literally just post processing darkened shadows
>Reflections are still incorrect
>overcast sky is ugly and not as nice as first shot

Wow, Yea Forums really is enticed by mediocrity arent they? Not to mention on top of being retarded,

Attached: 1558220564722.jpg (298x391, 27K)


>pokeballs can only be interpreted the way they were in the anime, especially by the source material the anime was adapted from!

Liar. You agree with me. I can see it in your eyes.

She's not real retard
I can imagine her slurping on my cock all I want

Attached: 39687FFC-2B13-499E-B19D-26F00AA3FA03.jpg (241x209, 10K)

They've always looked better in the show and have had better effects associated with them, hell most of their modern designs for Pokeballs came from the show.

>>overcast sky is ugly and not as nice as first shot
Different weather


What cute and funny manga is this?

have sex

Cringe is Yea Forums culture, so I'm doing it right.


Attached: 4fe90b5cbbf65812bdc9fa1b40dd92dc75cc04e5f7eed858c8c139ff9748bb32.png (986x810, 240K)

>he says, as he is surrounded by consumerist merchandise

Gib puppet nightmares rep please.

Fine, you're RIGHT! They could probably just explain it's because of dimension bullshit too.

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I'm not saying it looks good, it's just better than the first image. The sky is presumably a different time of day or weather.
I just want to look for the good so I'm not completely fucking disappointed again.

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mmmmm, snickiz

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Why is Jack Frost a Dark type? He's not a negro

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based double down poster


He's a demon I guess
Pure ice would be better though


he's evil

Breast slider or no buy

The perfect age for sex

have you people played smt
he's in the fairy race, he would be ice/fairy

Yeah, but I figured there was already another fairy in that post so just ice would be more unique to the others.

>fairy race
I completely forgot that was a thing.

Attached: 1545631200669.jpg (540x303, 28K)


correct answer


But that's even better.

Attached: Flat.png (1366x768, 1.28M)

Metalgreymon can mega evolve

Attached: Wargreymi.jpg (425x399, 25K)

This is why girls prefer unwrapped to wrapped. It lets them get to the delicious part right away instead of gagging on nasty useless wrapping full of old chocolate. Wrapfags will never make a gal happy


haha /r woosh ;)

Still looks like a PS2 game

Would be pretty nice

What would their base stats be?

>>Reflections are still incorrect
all reflections are incorrect unless you have a raytracing GPU

It's funny because scots swear


Shit game

All I see is a compressed picture with different lighting.

Background looks clearly better though

how did you not understand the entire joke
that's literally the entirety of it
without that there's no joke
what the fuck is wrong with you

Thanks for outing yourself as a retard we can't take seriously. I would post a lewd of her but you should'nt see it since you should be on reddit.

Attached: D.jpg (229x220, 10K)

After May and hez maniac they knew they had to tone it down.

she's 10, user...

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wrong, also it's not like you had a choice, burgerjew

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Don't know why but that's fuggin hawt.
She looks like she's having trouble with that girth.
>b-but user she's 12
God damn it why do Japs try to sexualize kids.

Hex Maniac is flat too. Cowtits are just a meme.

Attached: 1553411673712.jpg (597x1000, 66K)

She could be older, like the teenage MCs of Gen 5 and 6.

Seething anteater wrapper candyfag

not anymore lol

Attached: 1540685205421.png (656x1250, 428K)

I want to play as a Hex Maniac, bros. None of the customization options were goth enough for me in S/M

Attached: 83756837.jpg (225x225, 10K)

google, yandex, iqdb, and wait aint giving me anything.

Source please

>after Hex
Memes ruined your brain.

Attached: XY_Hex_Maniac.png (362x230, 59K)


>she's hot and gives me a boner

Attached: 1500284150841.jpg (1235x928, 262K)

Attached: image.jpg (640x960, 103K)

Fuck off cebruz

Serena was the one with the biggest tits so far

Attached: Serena.jpg (900x1280, 222K)

You people sure are hung up on the age of a drawing.

>new gameplay
lol what

Finally a trans character for us MtF girls

out of 10, yes.

I was about to write BEHEAD THOSE WHO DON'T READ EVERY COMIC LO, but apparently it's older than I thought so you're in luck. Ah! Little Flower by isawa nohri.

so whats the best porn of the new girl so far? show me

Thanks, mate.

This. Why is Nintendo ignorant to early development? How am I supposed to self insert?


Attached: 826b165e4782312cb44be676e472e6e1.jpg (637x938, 293K)

yeah yeah I get it, why don't you faggots go suck each other off now

You outed yourself as a retard by replying to an obvious joke post as if it were serious

Go back in time and become a little girl again.

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haha I'm not masturbating to this picture I swear

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I believe you

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this pic makes my dick smug

I still love the shit out of her.

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literally jesus opinion, based and fucking god

>younger than Red or the SM protagonists
Yeah I doubt it

Attached: 1557680476818.png (586x557, 248K)

>fairy race

Too bad he would most definitely have Uber stats


>tfw no new PMD

Attached: Rage.webm (508x382, 418K)

>Not a battered mars bar


Neutrally aligned.

nigga you dumb as hell

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Probably cause she's the oldest as far as I know

still waiting for this request.

Attached: willie.jpg (400x297, 35K)

someone post the pasta

Attached: nioh cheese.png (854x450, 393K)

ok, I want to see that

>individual shirts
Fuck yes we get full customization again.

I loved it in Alola.

Attached: team.png (800x720, 1019K)

Honestly I'm just happy that we're getting some fuckin news.

Attached: D0clbRMU0AAqTtj.jpg (1200x658, 158K)

Don't you have a lot of microtransactions in that game?


So is Keldeo's counterpart and look how that is.

Thanks user. I'm pretty fond of the trainer customisation after this gen, it adds a bit more uniqueness. If both it and the photo club stays I'll be really happy.

Attached: imgg6n.jpg (400x240, 24K)

And that's a good thing!

Attached: stop doing this shit.jpg (1200x1017, 238K)

Cute and funnypilled

Careful user. Even using that word can you get banned now.

GF always fix up their games visually.
It just goes from shit to slightly less shit.

She's a kid you retard

Attached: 1554617436938.png (1568x2204, 1.93M)

It's a tie

Pokelesbians are god tier. We need more lesbians like Lillie

Attached: 94E19902-30C7-43EB-8CFB-C64D97CF76A3.png (1148x1485, 1.34M)

Version that doesn't explain the joke

Attached: file.png (1780x1681, 2.08M)

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He's just calling them out because he wants more porn of her

Ya'll are fucking creepy.

But she sucks your dick if you play as a guy. I don't blame you if you didn't see that, since most people play as a girl.

Attached: 1507419862713.jpg (1005x1326, 257K)

This is so fucking cringe

Friendly reminder this guy sent pics of his dick to a minor.

>censoring choke and die

Attached: 1451522041512.jpg (251x237, 7K)

sure most likely

Attached: 1551633198352.png (1264x1860, 913K)

Don't fuck with me, user

man she's really drooling over that snickers haha

You actually can't make this shit up

Attached: 2019-05-20 17_58_46-Window.png (724x763, 69K)

Are you serious? It really happens.

>pan at 19
Did he even TRY and have sex?

It will be something about animals, yep, he will be an animal fucker.

Surprised they owned up to it so well, to be honest.

She could also be 22 or 1000 yeas old depending on whatever the artist says. Trying to apply real life to a crayon picture doesn't really work out normalfag user.


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, my dudes. That's the moral here.

unironically disgusting

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>pear shape
top tier right next to hourglass.

Imagine if they sold name brand cloths with real money

Theyd make so much money

Rosa is a mommy

Attached: 1555509607808.png (750x300, 20K)

I would do anything to make her a mommy

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>400 plus replies.png

Post Mei

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this shit's gold

Don't mind me. i'm just posting best girl

Attached: Hilda.png (724x1023, 265K)

>monster hunter pokemon shirt

she probably had breastcancer and got her tits removed. You get cancer from pokemon I guess.

sometimes being lower res can help, but you can certainly see improvements

But but but... The fan art! The fan art gave her big tits, so why did they change the model from what the fan art was depicting???

>hell most of their modern designs for Pokeballs came from the show.
What ones would those be? The anime rarely ever uses anything other than the basic red, the great ball and ultra ball didn't appear a single time in the anime until the XY series.

What official art work of hex exists that in any way resembles the stupid fan art

People are going to be so fucking disappointed with this character once she shows up in the anime



The thinking man wants Pokegyarus

Attached: a28991841366d4bbfacf610d4b51f1d8.png (1024x1448, 1.49M)

extremely gay idiot is correct

that pic is barely trying to emulate a Scottish accent though. it's so unfunny I feel like a woman made it thinking "ahaha scot funny, what do they talk like again?"

May had small tits

that art would be really good except for the fact that her right thigh is so much shorter than her left

For a pokegirl, she is quite unpopular.

>May had small tits

You didn't play/watch Pokemon gen 3 then.

It's just wonky perspective


Attached: Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_May.png (476x1280, 410K)

Don't remind me. Probably because she's not cute and funny anymore, but the thinking men want minge.

Attached: 70251774_p2.jpg (723x1024, 504K)

>gen 3
>posts the awful fucking remake
nice sub room temp iq

You fucking tool
Just one MH line would be enough. Some kind of flying-type rath chick, male evo is flying-fire, female evo is flying-poison.

R e t a r d

Attached: Ruby_Sapphire_May.png (177x384, 75K)

earlier in the anime she had pretty decent sized tits and you can literally see them tone it down later on in the anime for whatever reason

that's just animator inconsistency

>male evo is flying-fire, female evo is flying-poison

I guess that would make sense since they're wyverns and not dragons

it was consistently big until like half way through though, by the end she was pretty fucking flat


aaand opinion discarded.

Scottish DFC

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please tell me you people aren't actually under the delusion that this game will actually be good

OH FUCK YEAH! Gonna be hard to play when my dick is diamonds but I think I can do it. Put me in coach!

Pokemon is run off of the delusion of its fans. So to answer your question, yes I will think it's going to be good and I will be predictably and effectively disappointed.

I'm not talking about pokémon based on those characters. I mean those literal characters

God I hope they bring back Hex Maniac and her big fat delicious pale tiddies to the modern gen. She's too sexy to leave alone

absolute retard

I hope so too, so people see she doesn't have any. If anything, that makes her sexier.

Ding dong you won human landfill award, now kill yourself.

The huge tits Hex Maniacs are because of the milk seller.

God no, Pokemon isn't something I would touch a crossover with if it means guest Pokemon. Story wise, or costume stuff, fine.

Attached: imageedit_1_2542159929.v2.png (1742x1536, 978K)

It would, but I feel like there should be at least 6. What are other two vidya moster franchises?

Attached: 82357683276.jpg (600x605, 32K)

>Pokemon isn't something I would touch a crossover with if it means guest Pokemon
Why not?

Yeah, because it would be in a pokemon game that a girl is selling you her own breast milk. And of course, that also has to mean she has tits bigger than her head.

If she's 12 I'm 12

she's 10

Attached: dinosaur-king-sega-nintendo-ds-D_NQ_NP_997540-MLB29919903646_042019-F.jpg (920x750, 140K)

>Literally every single person who sperges out about underage pixels has skeletons in their closet
Holy shit like clockwork. Why does this keep happening?

Little girls are sexy and chances are, a lot of people try this if they get the chance. You should stop bringing up twitter/tumblr drama.

It's a psychological thing. People with things to hide are often the loudest and campaign against the things they secretly like in order to make it seem like they would never be into those things.

And I'm saying that's fucking retarded.

Well, I'm saying you're retarded


>implying they would ever let in anything from the closest things pokemon has to a competitor

>Having competition

Black Frost my guy.

Can't wait to see PS2 games in 2020

t. pedophiles just waiting to happen

Well he only "owned up to it" cause he got found out.


Attached: 1542402380565.png (131x131, 44K)

how old is Shield chan supposed to be?

that actually did happen to me but I posted the word on Yea Forums

They have similar proportions to the gen5/6 protagonists so likely 15-16

then why is she so flat

Attached: 1555289611456.jpg (480x919, 66K)

You already made this thread on /vp/, why are you making and offtopic thread here?

Some people are just flat

How dare you not provide sauce.


like my mom

I love Serena!

Attached: 62190905_p0.png (2000x3000, 2.77M)


Is she single?

But XBC2 has plenty of lolis wtf

>Video games are off topic on Yea Forums now.

Not really. Nia is a pettanko teenager and Poppi alpha is a literal toaster (she only gets squishy parts when she upgrades). As for the rare blades there’s like 2 tops.

Anybody wanna discuss pokemon?
So, what are the odds that this will include a capable endgame with good features to keep the players playing and maybe some Replayability?


Not very fucking good if I'm being completely honest

>So, what are the odds that this will include a capable endgame with good features to keep the players playing and maybe some Replayability?
Zero. You better wait for Sharp Sword and Solid Shield for that.

flat is justice

>thinking GF is creative enough for naming like that even if it’s cheesy
It’s gonna be the most generic shit possible like Super Sword and Super Shield.

Low...but not impossible.

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I don’t know why Pokemon games refuse to go up to level 100. Obviously not in the main story but in the post game where you’re fighting mythical beasts in another dimension or some shit.

I wish girls were real.

We're all little girls here though

>He's not a little girl

Attached: 1539133571166.gif (560x420, 64K)

Excellent taste

Attached: 54efef3535acd89aac0b5ef1a86641ae273ee286_hq.jpg (600x700, 73K)

I wish my cute girlfriend Serena was real!

Attached: 1487568061749.jpg (480x625, 81K)

>3 months after the reveal
>all they can tell us is obvious shit like trainer customization being back
Yeah, they really don't have anything do they? Gonna be another content-less, rushed out piece of shit like the last two gens.

There's going to be new info next month, the tshirt thing comes from some promotional stuff.

>crontrent? wrats drat? jrust rike pray writ yuo prones frakin grainjin ROR
t. Masuda

You don’t even know what ‘spats’ are

>implying even THAT will have anything of value
Did you faggots already forget ULTRA CHANGES?

May wears spats may is sexy as hell with those big tits.

USUM doesn't feel like an improvement but rather what the base game should have been. Props to GF for being so blatant in SM leaving construction props next to the big empty spaces that would later house the Photo Club or the Surfing Offices in USUM.

>leaving construction props
Of which some are still unfinished in USUM, what a fucking piece of shit.

Playing dress up with her will be fun.

Attached: 1552428014159.jpg (867x1520, 404K)

thumbnail makes her look like she is preggo

nigga she's 11

>4 months of silence
Yep, this is USUM all over again.

Dressing up Chicken-chan still makes me diamonds.

>All that additional contrast, not nearly as washed out.

That was also a lot of fun, it is a shame Lets go was so bare bones with them just being reskins.

Attached: 1551906986995.png (1200x1200, 1.13M)

Literally one of the best things of SM/USUM


He could also be Ice/Fairy, but we saw how well that went with Aloan Ninetails.

Black Frost being Fairy/Dark would be dope

USUM wasn't all that varied either. It was missing color options and dyeing was a pain. I loved it all the same.

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I am indifferent to this post

Is visiting the previous generation’s region good replayability?

I laughed, I cried, I shit myself. Overall, good times were had.

Do you mean as postgame? It's not really replaying it then.

Yeah, that’s what I meant.

Absolutely zero. As long as Online exists they can always excuse themselves from working on post-game as "nobody would play it because online exists, why bother". In fact, expect the story to be shorter, easier and all the focus going on to superficial functions such as taking pictures or petting pokemon. Also expect 20 fps and only two animations per pokemon.

As long as the main region doesn't suffer for it.

Its funny when people critiquize loli and then you go into theirs profile and have a lot of underage anime girls sexualized,some people dont have self-awareness.

Attached: b6dee98e66f3c85e63ac81044c024111.png (785x1096, 788K)

>UK (((banter)))

Attached: 7ae.png (754x770, 511K)

SM has such delicious girls.

Attached: 1543089779268.jpg (1280x1825, 389K)

If they started doing cross overs then I wanna poke battle dante from the devil may cry series featuring dante.

At least GF always delivers when it comes to Pokégirls, they know what they're doing.

I feel Sugimori is the only one who's trying at this point.

From loli to MILF they deliver.

Attached: 1555542457956.jpg (2076x3484, 627K)

What is there to be shown, we all know how it works

They do.

Attached: 1558277564749.png (850x1275, 527K)

How old is Acerola? She's growing to be one of my favorites and I want to know much of a pedo am I.

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this smololi sure is smug

i've committed many sins to this doujin


Acelorla is peak smug

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Attached: 1542326244878.jpg (387x503, 47K)

>play Pokémon Sword and Shield
>have to buy license to catch Pokémon
>have to buy license to battle Pokémon
>cameras everywhere
>arrive at large city
>see more brown people than natives

Attached: 1493705582372.jpg (212x212, 6K)

>I want to fuck little girls

The REAL drawback of slavery

>Team Akbar wants to blowup half the city in the name of Allahrceus
>Major says unlicensed Pokémon attacks are part and parcel of living in a Big City
>Try to denounce Team (Suicide) Rocket, gets arrested instead for hate speech



There was some post about Pro Jared admitting he was a feminist and that for some reason a lot of guilt ridden and abusive people love hiding behind masquerades of opinions.

What's with that girly fucking throw?

that's dumb, you're dumb, enjoy your (you) harvest

>Criminal organization uses Aegislash evolutionary line
God I hope this is a thing

based pedo poster

also fpbp