Anyone here like Anna? I just started 2 playthroughs of Awakening and Fates (had MC marry Anna in Fates; aka the only non-incest choice) and she's pretty solid. Kana turned out pretty good too.
I just wanna start an Anna thread
Anyone here like Anna? I just started 2 playthroughs of Awakening and Fates (had MC marry Anna in Fates; aka the only non-incest choice) and she's pretty solid. Kana turned out pretty good too.
I just wanna start an Anna thread
Best incarnation is unironically warriors anna
She's Jewish
I love my wife Anna and want to make little Annas with her!
Robbed in cyl3. Anna’s top tier.
>Sells you DLC map
>Use DLC map to grind support with her
Just as planned.
She cute. Good choice. Also
>aka the only non-incest choice
A man of integrity.
Anna is the one girl in Fire Emblem that I know won’t disappoint no matter the incarnation of her. Just love her general design too
How do i enjoy fates as visual novel?
I care Zero for the 2d pixle shit ganeplay
My wife is so perfect
Speaking of which, how is there no Fire Emblem hentai visual novel by now? Or any type of good sex game for that matter?
I actually downloaded Fates and then all the DLC using 3dscia and the FBI opensource CIA launcher
>Ha ha
I see you are a man of culture as well. I'm not gonna marry my emotional/blood sister, gtfo.
Nohr and Hoshido. Heh, more like TeNohrsee and Hoshibama
Three Houses fujoshi artist made Anna into pink hair shit and gave her soulless eyes like the entire cast of the game.
To be fair, she also has relatively pink hair in the original. Then again, nobody likes or gives a shit about FE1/3. She'll probably still be relatively cool in 3H though.
Have you played FEH?
>have you played Anna's game?
Have you played few?
Probably should, but I can't afford it at the moment
Yard work and high school/college will only get you so far
Is FEH for 3DS? If so, then I'll just get it for free
Fire Emblem Heroes is a free mobile game
Oh sweet! How do I get Anna? She's solidified as my personal favorite FE character
You'll have her from the start. But she's different in that game.
What weapon class is she? Sorry, I'm VERY new to FE
Axe user
>she has pink hair in the original
It's famicom limitations just like Lena's hair who you can compare to her official artwork
>nobody likes nor gives a shit about FE1/3
cardinal sin
Wow, my favorite class
Thanks bro
officially lewd
6 fingers
You can't be an Annafag unless you know about her canon husband
>aka the only non-incest choice)
what are you a faggot?
Jake only married original Anna.
She has good speed but shit attack. Her prf is kinda fun but most people give her a wo gun to help her actually kill shit.
>Echoes doesn't have an Anna
>Echoes is the worst
no coincidence
and the FE7 one
I know -_-
Doesn't change me one bit
Well excuse me if I don't want to fuck my sister, you mouth breathing, onii-chan jacking, inbred son of a bitch >:(