How many babies they are gonna make?

How many babies they are gonna make?

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it's impossible for an adult male to impregnate a young boy.

None because I got the purification ending

Are you sure about that?

Can't happen because purification is canon

Clearly with that attitude

someone hasn't tried hard enough...

You should ask that question to Kuro and Rice loli

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Man the second I saw The Divine Child or Rejuvenation I thought I will arrange a play date with Kuro and hope they kick it off. Kuro x Rice girl is my OTP.

None, he's dead

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>Kuro x Rice girl is my OTP.
Definitely a better choice than pederast shipping

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>Shipping a dude with his Mother


Based Japs killing themselves off and breaking the cycle to free their rich lands and businesses for future refugees. Eren Yaeger was right.

He's just borrowing her womb. After they find the cure in the West, he will instantly reborn just like before.

You can't top Pederast shipping though. Historically accurate, emotionally fulfilling, carnally satisfying. It's the perfect warrior relationship.

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Considering they're both immortal that's years and years of baby making. I bet Kuro will get bored of it and come to hate his life. He will end up at the bar depressed and drinking himself to sleep. He will wake up next to her one morning and think to himself "I've been smashing the same pussy for the last 4000 years!"

>tfw boy read all those books, was really smart
>tfw he knew all this all along
>tfw it's why he wanted to get out of this immortal business

You are aware right that kuro could very well be hundreds of years old?

I don't see why he wouldn't age, it's not implied anywhere that he was or will be a child forever.

Ahhh, that's hot. More?

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