Indie RPG YIIK Plagiarizes Best-selling Author Haruki Murakami

>To further evidence the developer having intimate knowledge of Murakami’s work, he stated himself in an episode of the “The Dick Show” podcast he was “trying to make the video game version of a Chuck Palahniuk novel, or a Haruki Murakami novel”

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Other urls found in this thread:

phew, now i feel no guilt im gonna pirate it

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>highbrow references are plagiarizing
Really now?

why even pirate it, it's not even fun to play. youtube is legitimately the least painful way to experience the game, and even then there's basically little to nothing to salvage from this mess besides maybe a couple decent songs and an interesting visual style. and the latter is still half-assed at basically every corner.

I feel like there's a line between referencing and plagiarising and I'm not sure on which side this falls.

I fucking swear this is just one massive reverseshill campaign here to get retards to ironically buy it.

Why are you guys fucking OBSESSED with this shitty game? God damn. It's shit. You're shit. Fuck off.

The two lines copied sounds nice though and works as common descriptions. And is from an English translation.
But of course bootlickin contrarians sed this as the perfect chance to push corporate ownership over language.

>why does a dead horse of a site with users that like to regurgitate the same dead horse to beat and beat themselves off over start the same threads again
you're not retarded enough to post here

It 100% is, you can tell their fans are flooding in these threads defending it.

there's a difference between "reference" and COPYING LINE FOR LINE

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Motherfuckers defend the plagiarism central that is Witcher
who the fuck cares

How is this different from Undertale also quoting a novel during its genocide route?

not really when it's literally a line or two
if it was the entire plot it'd be plagiarism

I thought the same thing at first but he copies lines that are fairly mundane or generic. It's one thing to reference a single line or a title of a work or a single visual shot/scene. When you start plagiarizing large sections including the mundane descriptions of people why are you referencing it? No one is going to recognize such mundane writing as a reference, that's why no one noticed until now.

Fuck everyone for jumping on the hate train for clicks. This is literally showing the lines in the game with no context. There's probably a reason the character is quoting Murakami. I'm going to buy this game just to spite the haters.

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when did you guys grow out of reading garbage ass Murakami?

>yiikes dev in these threads sweating, trying to say it's a reference
also did you really expect anything in this piece of trash game to be original?

why do you care so much about this shit

im guessing this thread is full of indie devs who wanna bash other ones


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undertale is art
yiikes is fart

The line between reference and plagiarism is murky. Generally if it's really obvious you are quoting something people won't think you are trying to pull anything. When it's a weirdly generic section like a description of someone's height I kinda question why he chose to quote it.

>I'm going to buy this game just to spite the haters.

You do you, user.

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>shit game is shit but also made by a hack!
>haha now I'm definitely pirating it

Why though?
Why would you voluntarily eat shit once you find out it's rotten diarrhea shit?

undertale is junk
both are shitty mutt games


>[...] or more like a single collective entity created by many intertwining organisms.
>damn I like this
>hmmm how do I make it my own
>from above we see that we are intertwining organisms.
hahahaha holy shit he doesn't even into english and he still tried to make it his own oh nononoon HAHHAHAHAH

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I only recently learned the title is supposed to be pronounced Y-2-K, I thought it was pronounced "yeek."

Give me 20 minutes and I'll upload the gog version to mega for you. You can play a shitty game and feel superior all you like, but I'd rather you not give the devs any money.

they used one of the first lines in the game to explain the title

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>plagiarism central that is Witcher
Explain that one

What exactly is the plagiarism bit in question? I have a hard time believing YIIKes's atrocious writing can originate in any capacity from a best selling author

I think what he means is that the first two Witcher novels were basically "take existing fairy tale, make it dark fantasy, insert Geralt".

Please do. I want to do a screenshot LP of the game.

>Explain that one
>"pull up a chair, Razorholics, and I'll tell ya. Oh and think of proving proof to the contrary or else I'll just stop responding like a bitch since you will have revoked the right to know why it's plagiarism"

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>Murakami is high brow

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>I think what he means is that the first two Witcher novels were basically "take existing fairy tale, make it dark fantasy, insert Geralt".
That's still not plagiarism.

Hey Razor, still mad that you dick video got leaked to the internet


how big is it

Nice of you but you would have to pay me to waste the time.

>everybody is hatecelling this game
>but not Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, which is an immensely more entertaining tale of lolcowism and journofag hubris

YIIK is tame in comparison, I swear you kiddos don't even have good taste in schadenfreude

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Check his ED Article, I cant remember since I put myself into a coma after seeing it

YIIK? More like YIIKES!

>Video game version of a Chuck Palahniuk novel
How do they even get that, did they even ever read a Palahniuk novel? Chucks novels are about outcasts sure but they're typically about outcasts who would actually be outcasts and always involve wrapping in interesting tidbits and trivia about things that tie into the habits and outlooks of those groups
>Choke is about victimhood culture and includes trivia about sex addicts
>Fight Club is about societal decay and dissassociation, has trivia about home made explosives and DIY projects
>Lullaby is about judgement and the death penalty, has trivia about invasive species, architecture, and furniture
>Rant is about time traveling kiddie fuckers trying to break the laws of space time, has trivia about different work shifts and infectious diseases
>Snuff is about the porn industry, has trivia about gangs and themes of the Oedipus complex
What the fuck is YIIK even about? Some hipster faggots?

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>Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
What's the story behind it?


the next thing you will say is dilate

>Where the Water Tastes Like Wine

Wasn't the creator mad because no one was buying his shitty game or something?

Do you want a truck to help you continue moving those goalposts or are you good on your own?

Does the GOG version have the balance patch?

>No money has been deposited in your account because no one bought this shitty game

>Sankaku Conplex
It's fucking nothing.

Fuck if I know, it was uploaded at the end of March so I imagine it has everything before that.

Imagine defending anything about this trash game.

The worst part is that this game keeps being relevant on Yea Forums for some god forsaken reason. There's so fucking many no-effort shitty "indie" games out there, particular in this generic rpg style, many even better than this and we never see a single thread about them for good reason.

Is this some sort of ironical shilling?

>"I-it's nothing"
Literally took lines out of a book.

meant to link

Why? The game is universally ridiculed. No one likes it. No one thinks it's good. It's only relevant because of how pretentious and bad its writing is.

the dev (pic related, though he since chopped the dreads and became a generic s*y glasses type) wrote this adventurous tale, in which he admits he's basically retarded, never playtested the game, hired people based on their skin color, wasted funds, and had all his journo friends shill the game, and is puzzled as to why it didn't sell and so indie vidya games must be dead now

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Yea Forums keeps talking about it because the protagonist looks like a hipster and the guy who made the game got mad because no one bought it.

Reminder that hating this game is reddit.

so ? this happens in a fuckton of games, V in dmc5 literally reads you lines from books too

it definitely feels that way once you take a look at the games reception outside of Yea Forums. it's shit and even normies and sjws don't want to touch it yet Yea Forums is obsessed with it.

>Illustrations don't look too bad
>This is what the game actually looks like

Gonna be a YIIKES from me!

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please fucking kill yourself just for this ESL-kun

Kojima does that shit all the time but no one OH NO NO NOs him.

There are plenty of reasons to hate this game but this one is weak. There's no context given about that character speaking - what if the next thing they said was "this is a passage from my favorite book, do you like it?" What if there was a character that spoke only in poems, by definition they'd have to use the full text but that doesn't automatically make it plagiarism.
How about stick to how the game is a failure at being a game and not this weak shit?

Liking it is ebaums.

There's a difference between a cool character literally reading from a book and a loser writer literally pulling lines from a book to put in his shitty game.

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this thread is just another example of there is no such thing as bad press

that's just the overworld, in which you are a giant skeltal for some reason walking from one point in of the american heartland to another. t.b.h. that part is pretty cool and about the only positive thing I have to say about the game. the actual gameplay uses the illustrations, problem is, those parts don't have any gameplay and it's not even a good VN

>Cool character
Fuck off, fujo.

Being a giant skeleton roaming America sounds awesome but that screenshot looks like garbage.

user no!

when creator outright says it

I don't know what I feel about this game. Its like the feeling you get when you see a nice house but when you go inside its in such a bad state that it needs to be gutted and redone, but the basic framework and facade is salvagable. It makes me want to open up Rpgmaker or something and make my own take on the story and gameplay.

I really wish someone would make a game in the world of Rant, I hope to fuck Chuck wasn't messing around when he said that the Rant universe was going to get two more books. Legitimately the first actually interesting Sci-fi world in a long time.

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So this is why I thought some very few lines were decent

earthbound -inspired- games are now dead


>What the fuck is YIIK even about? Some hipster faggots?
It's about the biggest hipster faggot in the world

Holy fuck, what a mess. Thanks for the read, user.

>Kojima does that shit all the time
Name 3 times.

It feels like it was written by two people, and the second person is super insufferable.

>my games are le art, you lowly gamers wouldn't understand anyway
Couldn't happen to a better person. Smug cunt.

isn't that the gone home homo?

Let's see what the devs have to say
>YIIK Is an Earthbound inspired 3D JRPG with Zelda Style Dungeons, 8 party member combat, featuring Wario Ware Style mini games to execute your awesome attacks!
>Like, so much. The game is inspired mostly by Mother 64… which didn’t come out.. so, we started talking about what an EB game would’ve been like on N64… so from there, we started crafting our own 3D EB Style game.
Went on a podcast about Earthbound to talk about its influence:
>We wanted to make something that felt like watching the trailer from a lost N64 or PS1 RPG that never came out. Something along the lines of Mother 64. It eventually evolved, and moved a bit away from that. Wild Arms, Earthbound, and Shadow Hearts were our biggest influences for YIIK.
>I love Mother 1-3, so much… it keeps me up some days. And with all that time I spent thinking about Mother, I realized how I can’t make Mother 4. It was never my intention to make Y2K a mother game, obviously, but the more I told people it was inspired by that series, the more they started to expect it. I could do a cold approximation of what makes Mother-Mother, but it wouldn’t be authentic… so I’m doing my best to not think in those terms. Obviously the color pallet, the setting (90s), element of the music, are clearly inspired there, but the game is going to be it’s own thing.


I unashamedly love Murakami. Will I like this game?

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But why thought, why, what about this dumpster fire makes you wanna invest time in playing it, name one reason, only one

Do you? You're the one moving them

Have you seen how much of a trainwredk it is? Obviously it's not worth money but these Yea Forums threads and most actual criticism of the game miss the mark considerably as to how insane this all is. People point to the lemonade fight and think it's the final boss because they can't comprehend how terrible and ridiculous this game is.

Nah, that's Steve Gaynor you're thinking of.

shit like this makes me appreciate Lisa
holy shit what a game.

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>not even a good Murakami book

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Fucking hell is he still seething about how people pronounced it?

Is DMC5 also guilty of plagiarizing due to V? This game has more than enough reasons to be shat on, no need to make stuff up.

Don't forget the fucking insane amount of money he spent getting famous celebrity guest voice actors like fucking Sting.

>"B-but muh V reading books!!!!"

Huge difference between that and this.

As if the chinks don't plagiarise everything in sight themselves

person who played the game here
she just says it, there is no context
she literally just says that and Alex says his favorite "WHAT IS GOING ON" catchphrase

>person who played the game here
Why would you torture yourself like that?

>it's ok to be as bad

Who cares?

I pirated it. Few games take a while to adjust to, but after two fucking hours and getting nowhere fast I will the give the game points for succeeding in making it very hard to care about.

So why are we criticising one shitty Western indie studio about ripping off a chink thing when they do it literally all the time and give zero fucks?

Pretty much, if you make it obvious it's from some other work then it's accepted as a reference.

Bc bomberman devs didn't bitch about their game with Seinfeld cover not selling.

>plagiarize an author
>still manage to write a boring, all fluff no substance story about a self absorbed hipster

You don't know that

you know this is legit too because sankakucomplex had to be the one to break the story. because the other gamejournos would never thrown one of their own shitty pretentious hipsters under the bus (especially for something they all do too)

t. Has not been paying attention at fucking all

Kotaku of all places tore YIIK apart for portraying someone who looks like they would work at Kotaku negatively. The game is just too small for them to care further.

Or it makes it more likely to be a petty gripe intended to smear a perceived enemy

>When they run out of onions at Starbucks

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>hey bro can I copy your homework

Who the fuck names their game "Yiik"? Is he planning a sequel called "Ugh" or "Bleh"?

The creator of YIIK is an enemy to quality.

it'd be OAG breaking this story in that case. OAG is where you go to make spiteful articles about leftists.

they would look comically hypocritical to condemn this game for plagiarism when their own profession is rife with it.

noun: plagiarism; plural noun: plagiarisms
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

It doesn't matter if he only copied one sentence, a paragraph, or a page. He copied lines directly from another author's work and passed it off as his own. That's not a reference, that is plagiarism.

Y-2-K. And yes the dev has to correct people in like every interview.

Wow, It is literaly copied verbatim.
If you are going to plagiarize something at least rewrite in your own words so you can use the "it's a homage/coincidence/reference/inspiration!" excuse.

That doesn't make it not a reference, just a shittily done one.

All they did was take an image from

man i fucking love chromatic aberration!!!!!!!!

if you add chromatic aberration it just does all the aesthetic heavy lifting for you!!!!

How do you figure?

fucking kek, how much of a hack can one man be, this is record breaking shit right there.
>"postmodern" in the title
>self insert protag
>shit execution
>shit writing
>even after plagiarizing talented peoples
>nostalgia baiting with a dead franchise
>start to get defensive and blame the universe for its lack of success as if the game wasn't shit
If showing your ass the the world was a fine art, that guy would be the next da Vinci

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>every interview

I'd hate to be working for an outlet that'd interview this idiot.

>Is this real?
>Does the game actually look and sound like this?
>Is the framerate supposed to be that bad?

>literally linking to reddit

Go fucking back.


This is a prolific issue and journos love to act like it's not, they only start condemning caught journos once every site is and it can't be blown over.

Kotaku can break a story literally seconds after it happens when they want to, often over the pettiest scraps imaginable.

What do these random e-celebs have to do with YIIK

Not defendind this pathetic excuse of a game but copying one or two lines in a game that counts thousand of them leans more towards the 2deep refenrence than plagiarism. even if it is plagiarism in essence.


>and passed it off as his own
Still not enough evidence for that. Meta-narratives transcribe other works without context all the time: Andy Warhol didn't have to pay Campbell's royalties for explicitly using their products and labels for creative output
>but it's different if it's a commercial work without citation
And the context implies the weird digital woman is using direct passages for reasons of reference, like everything else in the game. You might as well complain about that one suicide ghost that one user keeps jerking off over.
>but if you read the article-
I'm not supporting your shitty yellow journalism.

Should feel guilty for wasting your time with this garbage in the first placd

yes, the topic of this conversation we are having, shut the fuck up you don't have to click it you faggot

When pic related happened, I almost had a heart attack.

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>Kotaku wouldn't cover plagiarism, just look at this article from Kotaku covering plagiarism!

That's where the image originated.

did you not read my post you fucking chode?

>they only start condemning caught journos once every site is and it can't be blown over.

Ok, you got me interested in his stuff. Especially Snuff

Not everyone got to beat it at the same time and this game deserves more than a beating

Goddamnit. That will never not be funny. It's dumb as fuck throwaway non-sequitur, but goddamn if it doesn't grow on you.

I hope we can stop pretending Earthbound was good

Whats wrong with that one?

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>implying any of you faggots read books

Formerly Sneed Palahfeed

Its obvious plagiarism you apologist fuck. Good luck graduating high school, hope you make it before you're 40

So why exactly would Kotaku in particular look hypocritical for calling out plagiarism because another outlet had employed a plagiarist and Kotaku reported on it, again?

Don't you think that the likelier explanation is just that a couple of throwaway lines in a massive and massively boring game that are mighty obscure to anyone not deeply familiar with Murakami just may have flown over the reviewer's radar?


You don't have to read any article you massive faggot. Just look at and tell me that's not plagiarized.

1Q84 is his only good series of books

We already did, that game came out ages ago. Try to keep up faggot.

Yiik? More like Yikes!

Not writing it verbatim would actually make it seem more like plagiarism. As it is, it just seems like they wanted to make a shitty reference while people want to believe the worst about it (that it's intentional plagiarism) because the game is so shit and the dev is up his own ass.

what are the actual lines? I'm not reading this gay website

what's even the problem with repeating up to like a page of another's work, if you assume people know it and are trying to make a point. if that's stealing then half the western canon is plagiarist hack garbage, better toss shakespeare in the garbage then

Try that argument in an academic setting or any setting where you expect to be taken seriously.

it was posted in the thread you figure it out, faggot.

user, your time on this earth is limited
Why would you ever spend it on a trash game like this?

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>Andy Warhol didn't have to pay Campbell's royalties for explicitly using their products and labels for creative output
Because Andy Warhol used it in an artistic way. He didn't rip a label off a soup can and put it on a canvas and said "pay me." He painted the cans, painted them in different colors, painted multiple cans, etc.
This YIIKfag just ctrl-c ctrl-v'd text from a book. He didn't do anything artistic with it. He just copy and pasted it. If after saying all that she went "I believe that's a line from one of your human authors" or whatever to make it obvious that she's trying to reference something to make him at ease or whatever, then that's fine. But as is, she's literally just saying like the game creator came up with that line himself.
>And the context implies the weird digital woman is using direct passages for reasons of reference
Not it doesn't.

this just means more people are gonna talk about it

I don't think that whole bit about "there's no such thing as bad publicity" extends quite this far, user.

kill yourself

Am I the only one who liked this game (excluding the ending)

>If after saying all that she went "I believe that's a line from one of your human authors" or whatever to make it obvious that she's trying to reference something to make him at ease or whatever
So what is the next line in the game?

>think it looks like this game has awful writing
>inspired by murakami
Yep, seems about right.

>"Sales were disappointing, but sales are only one aspect of a successful game."

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the only reason people are calling it plagiarism is because it's a shit game, if it was good people would think it's a kino reference

it's literally the video game version of that "it's only creepy if an ugly guy does it" comic that I can't find now

is it worth just to play it for the shitshow?

NO. It's boring and tedious tot play. It's not a so bad it's good game, it's not a good game, it's just a bad, bad game that's a slog to play through

DMC has fuck all to do with DIvine Comedy besides the names and inspirations. 2kSoyBoi ripped entire paragraphs while trying to play it as if he wrote it

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"YIIK(ES): A Pretentious RPG" is just the gift that keeps on giving, eh?

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This is like the theme to crazy bus but in game form.

I only have more questions. I need more context. Is the woman speaking in quotations?

I don't think anyone's even heard of this one

In 10 years, this game will be looked at as a masterpiece.

She’s talking about the giant eye in the background. Been watching the scene and she brings up the lines out of nowhere.

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lol even now this gamer is shit. It'll only get worse. Nice try, "game dev" but your game is bad.

>the next thing you will say is dilate


>I wanted this to be a game that stood mostly on the quality of its writing, and nearly every review of the game, except for the ones that were wrong, recognized and celebrated the incredible work of the character and vignette writers.

Holy shit this guy is delusional.

if you do it then you're a disgrace to pirates


Not him but I played most of the game. Honestly I wanted to see if it got any better to make it worth it
It didn't. I quit when random mobs were taking 15 minutes to finish each. (Longer than boss battles btw)

How's that? It's not like there's any greater booty or bounty out there in the sea.

Reminder: YIIK devs likely doing damage control in this very thread.

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>this podcast
Why do (western) Earthbound fans feel the need to shit on other games to elevate EB? The game is good enough on its own.

Has anyone actually read the novel the quote is from? It’s possibly meant to be foreshadowing in the form of a seemingly random quote.

I don’t get why THIS is what you guys are mad about when Aeris from FF7 literally shows up in game as an NPC, legit feels like another Tranny raid on the game.

i love this

>we gathered the most diverse team of people, hired the musicians that personally pleased me and got a bunch of expensive voice actors
>we also paraded around our project and got a lot of upvotes on reddit
>we just forgot to make a game lol

literally just huffing their own farts instead of actually doing the job they were meant to do

The ginger nut isn't even the dev of the game, he's just some actor/musician who "inspired" the main character's design. He really looks like this.

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>Aeris showing up

That's not even the worst thing.

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>weebcucks praise when japs steal entire songs, characters and plots
>one queer taking 1 short paragraph and 1 line from a book makes them seethe

Just more evidence that the alt-right is incapable of making art. Sad thing is, this pile of garbage is probably still the best game a Trunptard has ever made.

>except for the ones that were wrong

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That is literally getting mad about nothing, if you listen to the guy talk his Mom died of the same thing Iwata did and Nintendo thought it was cute because using gravestones as shoutouts/homages has been a thing in RPGs for forever

The Dick Show? I thought the developer was an SJW? What the fuck is he doing on a far-right podcast?

>>We wanted to make something that felt like watching the trailer from a lost N64 or PS1 RPG that never came out. Something along the lines of Mother 64. It eventually evolved, and moved a bit away from that. Wild Arms, Earthbound, and Shadow Hearts were our biggest influences for YIIK.
Except this looks nothing like how a supposedly lost N64/PS1 game would look. This is like those nu-pixel art faggots that make a a guy with a rectangle body and and 2 pixel wide arm and legs and give it dot eyes and say call it 8 bit despite it going beyond the color limit and saying "LOOK HOW RETRO AND OLD IT IS XDDD I AM SUCH A NERD FOR RETRO GAMES"

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I do hate the game and I like it to be a fucking joke but c'mon that's hardly plagiarism

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Everyone knows dude, it's just a meme. No one actually thought the dev looked like that.

It's weird and retarded to boot. I remember around the time Lisa and Undertale came out that there were a ton of EB-likes announced, like Knuckle Sandwich and whatnot, but a lot of them are still in development I feel like we were all spared the headache of non-stop EB-like inspired gams.

I figured yeah, I just like posting his sunny dispositioned mug whenever I can.

Only on /pol/ because it "owns the libtards!"

It's not worth the HDD space to be honest.

That's a Japanese game though?

She's fat

Yeah, but this game takes place in the late 90's. Why would there be a gravestone of somebody who died in 2015? I doubt this guy got the endorsement from Nintendo to put his name in the game, but it also makes absolutely no sense.

Its insulting because Iwata deserves to be in a better game than yours.

I mean he's obviously full of shit. Who plays Smash Bros as a kid and is super interested in Ness of all characters?

Because it doesn’t fucking matter, it’s a random grave you have no incentive to investigate. Do you also throw a shitfit because FF1 has a Link grave and it ruins the atmosphere?

Yiik doesn’t even take place in 1999 anyway which is why characters say things blatantly out of era.

They put themselves right next to him and jerked themselves off about how hard they worked.

Attached: watch_v=WT0gVf4USeA_snapshot_01.07.49.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

This is outright false. You underestimate Yea Forums

>Why would there be a gravestone of somebody who died in 2015
The game does the Bioshock Infinite thing where it does """subtle""" hints that reality is unraveling. Towards the end of the game locations in the Overworld are literally disappearing.

>Didn’t move themselves two spots to the left out of in game reverence

Wtf resetbros we have to stop them

Some tryhard edgelord contrarian faggot says that the witcher is a ripoff of elric of Melnibone. If you ever read both you know how retarded this honestly is. Its like saying he-man is a ripoff of thor because theyre both fantasy and the mcs are blonde.

This is also the faggot that says anime ripped of french comics, even though the Louvre would have exibits for saint seiya and jojo art. Disregard his opinions.

The difference is that Link fits with the setting of Final Fantasy, so it's funny when you see his gravestone. Iwata was a highly respected figure of Nintendo who everybody mourned the death of. Not only does it just seem like the creator is trying to get brownie points for "seeming respectful", but he doesn't fit with the setting at all.
The fact you're trying to defend any aspect of this game probably means you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

>Link fits with the setting

Lol really you think this is why nobody cares? No, nobody cares because you don’t go into FF1 looking for things to be mad about.

They made a memorial for someone revered, then put themselves on par with him. That's textbook hubris.

Are you being serious?

Attached: th.jpg (474x166, 19K)

Dude he’s a game developer not Jesus Christ himself. This is just sad.

Its so obvious the person defending the Iwata grave is a dev.

What makes this game postmodern?

Respect isn't worship. I'm legitimately curious, just how severe is your autism?

The plagiarism

I mean...technically Jonathan is wearing a variant of Axel Foley's jacket, and Riggs didn't have blue hair. And Kojima has always been a westaboo who could never hack it in the film world even if he tried so he just fucking does it halfway with video games. At the most he heavily borrows (using that word too generously) shamelessly from other stuff. Hell the opening screens from Snatcher he straight up lifted from AD Police.

How severe is yours that you find the location of two Easter egg graves in an indie game offensive?

They didn't, though. It was just a joke. There are much more things to have a problem with than this.

>Wanting pirates remorse
>Wasting bandwidth

Its West’s take on CUH-RAZY humor and narrative

At least Jap crazy is often fun and actually funny. See: God Hand

It looks completely different than what appears around 15 seconds of the launch trailer (the LAUNCH TRAILER, which shouldn't be mockups)


This is why you hire a writer.

Kojima does that shit all the time.

I did until just now.

It is literally near nonsensical towards the end, which I guess is what their perception of post modern is. It's really bizarre how much Yea Forums hates this game without talking about how ridiculous this game's second half is. Like when the main character's giant head from an alternate universe kills the entire party and then he wakes up on a gigantic island filled with nothing but alternate versions of him, and then he can go to the other side of the island and join other versions of himself who will continue to blow stuff up.

It's not a cute easter egg or reference because a reference is just a thing you see and ignore. They put themselves on par with him, simple as that. And that's not something that offends me, I feel sad for them.
They put themselves next to him in a graveyard because they made a game.

>They put themselves next to him in a graveyard because they made a game.
Because they worked themselves to death. It is a joke.

this guy is an incel school shooter for sure

What kind of tone were you going for exactly? Because if the graveyard is for joke references, then the Iwata one certainly can't be meant as an actual tribute.

>literally every having to worry about any of those things
You need to go back.

Gonna be a contrarian ass and say I don't find these lines very good. He must steal everything he comes across.

Attached: soy.png (302x263, 11K)

>fags keep adapting and riffing on murakami's faux deep baby first magical realism
>still nobody jumping on the Mishima live fast die young sexual violence train
I just wanna play a sexually confused physical specimen aroused by violence

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I'm not the dev. There are much more interesting things to complain about in this game than a graveyard with a joke. Yea Forums just cannot have discussions about trainwrecks if it isn't screencapped for their viewing convenience.

>To further evidence the developer having intimate knowledge of Murakami’s work, he stated himself in an episode of the “The Dick Show” podcast he was “trying to make the video game version of a Chuck Palahniuk novel, or a Haruki Murakami novel”
Which episode?

it's plagiarism if he didn't cite the author. otherwise, this is pretty much textbook plagiarism.

whoever is responsible for that will not be hired as a writer. plagiarism is a one and done.

>Yea Forums just cannot have discussions about trainwrecks if it isn't screencapped for their viewing convenience.
Well that's half the fun, isn't it? Just taking the piss out of it all. Yeah there'll be larpers and spammers and whatnot, but what do ya expect really.

This fucking blog post

Attached: murakami.png (670x1080, 98K)

Perfectly molded bait.

Also the main theme to MGS can no longer be used because it was straight up plagiarized.

Even Death Stranding is a rip off of a book called The Time Wanderers. Kojima even held some even where had all this stuff talking about 'homo ludens' which is also lifted straight from that book.

Attached: EAN6AcV.png (1920x979, 2.37M)

what a fucking nigger

Attached: screenshot_2437.png (572x636, 286K)

>faggy hipster reads a book
>wow books are cool
>let's dilute it into a shitty rip off of a game I have no understanding of and straight up copy it.
is this being even real?

Yea Forums doesn't talk about the last half of the game because we didn't play it faggot

>actually downloading this shit

lmaoing @ ur life son

How's this man doing? Has he been... murdered?

It keeps going.

Attached: murakami2.png (1376x1011, 173K)

>Earthbound inspired 3D JRPG with Zelda Style Dungeons, 8 party member combat, featuring Wario Ware Style mini games

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 93K)


Attached: 1547262744101.gif (268x325, 1.96M)

Just play MGR.

>Persona 4
Let me guess Earthbound also shaped his childhood (after he played it for the first time at 22)

Well shit didn't even see

Imagine if they’d actually gone with the 8 party member combat in their system where AoE attacks have to be dodged by every character individually.

Dick's had black people and trannies on his show and is friends with Asterios aka the fattest liberal in all of the US

As someone who repeatedly committed plagiarism in school, this is definitely enough to get your ass in trouble.

if there is no mention in the credits, he stole it. It's a whole heap of text.

>I thought the developer was an SJW?
lol yeah right. The dev is so far outside the indie clique he sees himself as "Alt-Indie" and it shows from his asshurt of the game flopping.

I've never played Earthbound. What's so good about it? And why indie developers try so hard to emulate it?

Attached: 1514461997465.jpg (1280x720, 28K)

I thought that guy was on the dev team till now.
You realize that when you make ironic jokes the people who aren't there in the moment and context they're made in take it as something genuine.
That kind of confusion is ruining this site.

Why are wh*te "people" such thieves?

It's the forefather of "le quirky JRPG with cartoon graphics." that wasn't very popular when it first came out in America but Japan loves it. Naturally, this makes everybody and their grandma try to replicate the success of Earthbound.

it's literally just a generic jrpg in the style of 90s final fantasy for the most part, with a few differences. the main draw is le quirky story and aesthetic, instead of being some epic fantasy tale it's just about a little 10(?) year old boy and his friends going on whacky adventures in america and it turns out they are on the trail of actual space aliens. been a while since I played it, but t.b.h. it's kind of a meme, in the sense that if it came out today nobody would care. nostalgia thing, I like it but if I was a zoomer I wouldn't, it's just very archaic in some ways and I have no desire to play a 90s tier jrpg ever again, no matter how good the story

>tfw they didn't copy tokyo blues/norwegian wood plot of banging a qt mentally unstable asian girl
Yea Forums would be all over this game if he did that, i really enjoyed that one.

The final boss of Earthbound is an absolute mindfuck.

nothing is good about it and its not worth playing, same as every game that tries to emulate it
Mother/Earthbound is the Juno of video games


It wasn't generic when it came out in 1995. It was quite innovative in many ways.

>is the framerate supposed to be that bad?
nope, guy recording has either a shit comp or his recording software fucked up.

Didn't the guy who made it say he deliberately aimed for a low framerate so as to better emulate old games running on old hardware?

name literally 3(five) innovations from earthbound that are still featured in rpgs to this day

He was talking about the animations on the characters, the game itself runs at 60fps on any decent comp.

The game is so shit you'll uninstall it after 20 minutes.

The one where if you're higher leveled some enemies who are lesser or equally leveled will back away from you if you walk in their direction.

>alt right trumptard
>game includes woke black people guilting white main character
Go back


It's Alt-Indie, you dip!

Oh no.

Non-fantasy setting
Status ailments that aren't typical poison, paralyze, silenced, etc
Having dynamic actions in fights
A final boss fight that involves all the characters you met during the journey
Having the ability to instant kill low level enemies

Just let this shitty game fucking die

No. Making fun of it with others is fun.

It's charming. It's worth playing.

why two kay
you let me down, now

Why is resetera incapable of hating a game on it's own merits? YiiK is textbook kusoge. You don't have to pretend the dev is also a bad person on top of it.

Attached: homer with baton.jpg (489x488, 23K)

>Final Fantasy VI
>Told in a round about way

Imagine critiquing a game for lacking brevity when you can't write a single line without redundant prose.

Attached: YIIKeS.png (703x393, 293K)

Can someone link to the thread where Yea Forums first reacted to YIIK's creator claiming that we just didn't understand that Alex was supposed to be unlikable by design during a podcast?

You should just search his rant on the archives.

>annoyed that YIIK sold enough to at least cover its production costs and then some
>if this becomes a lawsuit, that'll make it a complete disaster

Yes. YES. YES!!!

Go back

Moral outrage attracts more attention than simple negative criticism.

Where else have I seen this attitude before?

Would you happen to remember the premiere month? There's a lot to sift through.

DQ-like game set in Japan's version of Americana. What's not to like?

still not gonna download it tho

just beat my 3rd playthrough on switch. this game is a masterpiece

Attached: I AM YiiK.png (1879x1084, 1.88M)

i dont know if he's a bad person, but he certainly has a terrible personality
and his game sucks

>Sankaku Complex
Wait, people don't just go there for Booru porn?

>that time the dev said that Yikes would have a game changer ending

Was he right?

Member how Doom used music from popular albums as its own? Yeah, I member


This reads like cancer

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>repeating a slightly changed, single sentence for literally five minutes
Am i getting "trolled" or am i too stupid for post modernism?

Is this the prime?

This was the first one iirc, yeah.

To be honest that first post saying “your main character should never be unlikable” Is exactly why the dude is saying games can’t be art, the fact that the audience of games so firmly believes that is really troubling.

it's sad that "western JRPG" means tediously meta shit like YIIK and Undertale, and not just good fantasy adventure stories with Western animation looking art characters combined with JRPG influenced gameplay

Attached: tangled concept art.jpg (1600x424, 133K)

>putting YIIK and Undertale in the same field

Does anyone know what the fuck happens in the ending? I completed it like a week ago and I still don’t understand

The entire game reads like someone who's never written before in their life desperately trying to emulate what they've read. I imagine the entire script is a rough draft that never saw any editing or even critique.

I seriously hope that this is a virus so I don't have to play this dogshit game.


The game is not "post-modernist", it's just a poorly written mess.
Like I said in the last thread, if you want something properly post-modernist go watch Jamursh's magnum opus Ghost Dog.
It's probably the best film ever made

Undertale is a better game but I wasn't even making a comment about quality. Even if YIIK was good, it'd still be genre meta, nostalgia-heavy DUDE JRPGS! shit instead of just a good story that uses genre conventions in an organic way

There are multiple endings

I’m talking about ending 1
I doubt anyone in this thread bothered with the KNN building thing

Jack Black would have been great in Tangled.

To be honest, Earthbound was quite obnoxious when it first came out.

>useless items like the ruler (HAHA IT MEASURES THINGS XD)
>useless choices (but thou must!)
>absolutely no item balancing (multi-bottle rockets destroying everything)