Classic WoW

>the modern servers can't handle more than 20 players
>sharding will ruin it
>you will never go home
>guys stop having fun

Attached: arathi_flank.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based frost mage
Funny how this talent tree turns a mage into a front liner

I've never played WoW before but this looks fun. I'll probably play it.

It's funny how part of the vanilla netcode was more robust that retail code.

This will never happen unless you play on a streamer realm.

thats what u do in big battles.

Just blink and freeze everyone. Easy cleanup.

>Frost mage blinks in
>Gets one shotted by a warrior that's actually paying attention
nothing personal

>>the modern servers can't handle more than 20 players
>>sharding will ruin it
>>you will never go home
>>guys stop having fun

AV will be fucking glorious...


>no BGs until phase 3
Southshore vs Tarren Mill will absolutely happen.

>>Gets one shotted by a warrior that's actually paying attention
he was attacking asmongold so he didn't have to worry about that possibility

>This will never happen unless you play on a streamer realm.
>no bgs till phase 3
Cope more retail cuck

>posting about a Blizzard product
>in 2019

Not even with the home-posting, but you deserve every ounce of shit. 99% the reason behind current gaming's pussification.

oh.. how does that guy manage to stay alive IRL

Please don't let him be right
I really dont want to play on a streamer server

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Pure fucking cringe. Get help

>>posting about a Blizzard product
>>in 2019
>Not even with the home-posting, but you deserve every ounce of shit. 99% the reason behind current gaming's pussification.
Go piss off to smash threads

Is World PVP ever more organized than just two blobs taking turns running at each other?

What are the benefits of playing Classic?

jesus, ive seen you post this at least a thousand times. unironically end yourself.

Don't worry I am sure there will be people around to still to look at your store mount

>What are the benefits of playing Classic?
Playing the best MMORPG?


actually it's going to be the world war 1 of mmo launches but whatever helps you cope
>it'll be over by christmas they said

The dick tastes better. Just like the good old days with uncle Jimmy.

More choice and options in terms of builds and customization compared to Nu-WoW
Significant spike in difficulty
People actually need to learn their classes properly and manage Mana


It's an MMO.

Logic, high IQ and deep thinking.

Stop making threads for Blizzard products and I'll stop posting it.
I realize that might be difficult for a Blizzdrone, but you don't need to stay with Kotick's bitch-party.

suicide feels really good, so ive heard

Fun? Life is all about passing on genetics. So as long as you got a couple of little shits running around you can do whatever you want.

>tfw been spending all day watching and reading stuff about classic
>waking up thinking about classic, going to sleep thinking about classic
>started dreaming about classic last night
>mind is literally filled with memories and numbers about the game
there goes my life again

Attached: 8DputMIXb3kxJRYyUPu1g9oWKl6tEve99uzU80MzKLU.jpg (580x675, 98K)

I'm not ready for long-term commitment.

>More choice and options in terms of builds and customization
Not if you want to raid or be optimal in pvp.
>Significant spike in difficulty
No. Nothing up to aq40 is hard.
>People actually need to learn their classes properly.
No. Half the classes literally cast one ability till aq.

He is sustained by his hot girlfriend who makes more money than him

Me too! Time to get fat again

just give me a fucking beta invite already

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So you can roll on everything? No

How do you get fat? I lose track of time and forget to eat and lose weight instead

This reminds me of that schizo fuck was spamming Yea Forums about how awful REmake 2 was going to be and how it wasn't going to sell well leading up to its launch. Same thing is happening with WoW Classic. Some faggot is going to try and shit on it, but everybody else is going to enjoy it.

>How do you get fat?
I'm sitting down about to eat chocolate and original pringles

shut up nigger i will literally steal all your strength gear and melee weapons

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you just kind of stop caring about anything that's not related to the game, like what food you're putting into your body.

just roll rogue brah

Attached: vanilla rogue.jpg (236x236, 12K)

>Be youtube personality
>Talk for years of how awesome Classic will be
>Talk about all the stuff you know, how you're a really hardcore and dedicated player
>Get into beta
>Be absolutely dogshit player, a jerk, an idiot, a griefer, a turd and have your community harass others
>Whine when anything slightly unfortunate happens and blame it on bugs
>Whine more, because it turns out you weren't the God gamer you assumed

It wasn't an exception, but rather the norm that they are all so shit.

I just want fucking beta. I haven't been able to enjoy retail since Mists, but I resubbed anyway just to try and tide myself over by leveling on the modern game. It just doesn't fill the void. Everything's just handed to you and it all feels like autopilot with hollow progress, especially considering I can afford a paid character boost for less than one hour's worth of my wage.

I just want to spend a few hours slowly leveling through Duskwood and Darkshore and other zones I miss like that, from before the Cataclysm fucked zones up and made quests too easy.

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What layer was this on?
Damn, I missed out on it since I was on layer 13.. was this on layer 7? Fuck!

>you just kind of stop caring about anything that's not related to the game
i play best when im severely deprived of water, food, and sleep. its what jesus did after all

this meme was pretty hot last week

I keep hearing about how Classic's community is turning into some toxic shithole because of how badly the subreddit is reacting to some streamer ninjaing some item or something.

Anyone know the story?

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soda plays on a $2000 gaming PC yet his FPS in that battle is still dipping below 60FPS

Did it stop being true?
Then why stop with it.


Video is from horde trying to stop asmongold getting mats for whirlwind axe

i know but id like that legend to back up his claim

>Tarren Mill and southshore won't be real with hundreds of people reaching them at the same time
hahahahah cope harder

>warrior charged in
>20 dots instantly
>dead in 10 seconds
this is the melee pvp experience

Asmongold and friend pre agreed that chest loot was FFA, and friend looted a twink cloak which almost everyone in the group coulkdve used

They proceeded to sperg out about this despite the agreement beforehand between all party members and the fact asmon and friend helped out strangers with quests and gave lower level players dungeon loot they could've used themselves

Will Yea Forums have it own guild?

>tfw you're on the wrong shard for the SS vs TM battle and don't know anyone to whisper to get transferred over

Treasure chest loot that is

haha i remember that meme too

>Things that people think they want, thread #129,121,053
Daily reminder that vanilla was only good because it was new and we were all figuring it out together.

Unless you are a Windfury shaman
Then you at least delete one or two casters before dying

Yes, make sure to avoid it at all cost

Friends playing together constantly dicking each other over for luls, people on the sub take is super duper seriously even though this is a beta and nothing matters

Remember guys: if you want easy gold early, farm the rock elementals at the entrance to the shimmering flats. Each elemental earth will end up being worth about 5g. Good luck!

this exact post was made in OSRS threads

>"His" girlfriend
I hope he doesn't really think she's exclusive to him. You know she's getting pipe laid by atleast 3 other douchetubers/streamers.

Which twitch e-celeb boobstreamer girlgamer are you guys gonna support?
Joining her guild, giving her TF on her ret pala helping her get the black AQ beetle mount etc.

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>roughly the same amount of people on each layer, which will have a pop cap similar to vanilla
Yeah I'm sure people on the other layers just won't bother with PVP
Seriously you guys have been coming up with a next excuse every week since this thing was announced, how long before you just admit you haven't got a clue what you're talking about

I want quissy to sit on my face

Amazing how this webm alone shows incompetent Blizzard has become.

Yeah this is why old school runescape has 3x the players of retail RS

I can't have fun because blizzard is owned by tencent and i don't support chineese goverment. Remember 1989 Tiananmen square protests

isn't OSRS free and on PHONES?

meanwhile Classic is PC only and requires an active BFA subscription

>get more then 20 people together in a zone on retail
>server lags out
>get 100 together in classic beta
>everything runs smooth
What in retail causes the lag outs?

wasn't he a tauren warrior

Partly and yes, as of recent

mobile only exploded OSRS, but it was doing great before that. also f2p came out pretty late.

This only applies if the modern equivalent is still playable and somewhat decent, which modern wow is not

Look at classic Runescape, its playerbase far eclipses the main game

Free to play and mobile osrs came out far after it was already a huge success

Retail servers probably run on a microservice architecture with every shard having the bare minimum of resources necessary. On top of that retail abilities and mechanics are apparently much more computationally expensive.

I have no interest in the beta. Especially because the level cap is 30 which means I can't make a Reckoning pally.

Dude procs lmao.
No seriously, the amount of effects effecting effects effecting effects the game has to calculate in retail make any sizeable fight a lagfest. It's not neraly the case in vanilla/classic.

>Letting THESE people beta test the game

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OMGG ty guys so much for giving me all the gold for my epic mount

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Anyone use this? I only ever played Horde, is it useful?

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There really is no water in Deadmines though. The room with the ship is supposed to have water but it's not there in the beta. It wasn't there in the demo either, for what it's worth.

You can't sit spam for crit fishing either big boy

I would max out her eggs, holy shit

You can't blame Swifty, he's forgot a lot.

>people have already went into it with an 'elite' mindset
yeah you're not going home. the community will be shit and you'll never get your original experience back no matter how much you want it
cope harder

Reminder if you play on a streamer server all their 12 year old fans will quit before lvl 30 and you will be a dead server especially when their surrogate friend eventually gets bored and quits/transfers

classic wow is using modified retail client dude

I couldn't find a reaction image for how pathetic this is

Reminder that "streamer realms" are 100% gonna be a thing

literally already proven wrong by the beta
cope harder

imagine orbiting an out of shape camelfaced e-thot

Every realm will be a streamer realm
If it isn't Asmongold it'll be Shroud, if it isn't Shroud it'll be Sodapoppin, or one of the dozens of titstreamer whores etc.

Couple that with layers and DHKs being in and this game is 100% garbage and will be dead within 3 months

I'm sure it's the same basic netcode on classic servers, it's just that retail servers also have to handle a bunch of features that classic servers don't (phasing, sharding, continuous resource regeneration rather than per-tick ones, a lot of the more complicated class mechanics/abilities, etc.)

And of course on the client side you're dealing with a rending load that wasn't super difficult by the standards of 2004 PCs.

Just play on a pvp server. Every pve server is going to be a streamer server. Asmon is a living example of why any streamer that isn't a literally who will never make it in a pvp server. No amount of orbiting dicksuckers will save you from getting instagibbed over and over and over, and the streamer hate for classic is REAL, so streamers will 100% be hunted down and shat on.

Here is how you solve this problem:
>Auto realm transfer streamers to a single realm 1 for EU 1 for NA
>if they are found on an alt account and stream on it that account also gets moved to the realm
>streamers are not allowed to play any server but streamer servers on any account that is disclosed to their stream viewers
Problem fucking solved, Blizzard you have 1 remedy ticket system and mark them as high priority any time you see a streamer show up in the ticket que you move him. Solves 100% of the bitching and moaning from the community and the streamers can play their cesspool and pit their communities against each other.

Vanilla had no layers.

>EU player
>literally zero EU streamers
haha sucks to be you, burger

iunno Eve Online does fine with 6000+ players on grid
git gud

But the Asmongold one is a joke. all of his bug reports are. He falls in the water cause he did something stupid, climbs out, starts to smile, and blames the water and says it shouldn't be there. If you cannot tell thats a joke then you need to take a break from streamer hating.

No he's saying that there is no water in Deadmines when there is supposed to be. It's a known issue:
>There is no water present in the Ironclad Cove area of the Deadmines dungeon

damn if that was live BFA servers it would have crashed. Just 15-20 people near each other and the game/servers start to chug.

The only Classic streamer worth watching.
>knows his shit
>not serious
>actual talks to his chat
>a true leader

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This has somewhat made me feel better about the whole "layering" shit. I was expecting something of this size to get cut into 3 different layers.

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The real protip is to play on RP-PVP


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one of those chicks that you bang in the dark

Blizzard is in full force shilling that turd I see

I keep seeing people say there aren't going to be rp-pvp servers. What's up with that?

It was ok, only really good in the early levels where you get pots and cloth for crafting, guess the money always helped too


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Then why is that image inferring Asmongold is wrong, if he is right?

>This is a 10/10 wow player

As a pandababy(and not that avid of a player either) I really cherish the thought of seeing the original continents(aka the only landmass that matters) brim with life for some months again

it's all fun and games until someone figures out the blastwave + sapper charge wombo combo and 3 mages wash over that entire group like a nuclear holocaust

Probably because it's made by a retard.

her body is a 10/10, it's the face that's a 0/10

Only nostalgia

I don't like twitch niggers much either but I don't really understand why having them on your realm is such a bad thing.

im so happy for ya lads, i dont played wOw and probably never will, but GO HOME lads

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I keep forgetting that modern day Yea Forums is 99% retards that just hate on everything trying to fit in with no one.

Because they'll dominate everything thanks to their hordes of rabid twitchcuck fanboys who'd do anything for them?

They will single handedly ruin the economy as all the money gets funneled to them from their communities

there should be water in the deadmines in the room with the orc juggernaut though
tipsout is retarded, verdan smoked his dumb ass because his gear was broke

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They didn't have water in the river west of the warfront when they added it. The waterfall on the Orgrimmar side of Hyjal was missing for half a year. Water east of that snake dungeon in the swamp was split in two different heights for just as long in Legion.
They are pretty consistent on fucking it up.

Whats that besides charge icon to the right?

I really don't think thats true. 120 retards will get btfo by 40 decent players in wpvp. Same with the economy, who gives a shit if someone is getting donations from people who can even afford their epic?

>try so hard to make ret paladin viable

You seem to not understand just how autistic people are about WoW. It got compared to drugs for a reason, and a bunch of people are about to have a massive relapse.

swifty is kinda right, you could swap weapons in combat but you never could swap armor

>Doesn't understand memes
Must be a Zoomer.

Umm sweetie
Imagine the roaming gank squads
Good luck getting your alt to counter-gank 200+ faggots

Man there is something about this classic wow shit that makes me want to play again. How is it going to work when it releases for everyone? What do you need to own?

Healing Touch redded out because you don't have enough mana to cast it.

>literally full world layer grouped in Arathi
0/10, Classic is soulless shit.

This. Tips is a poser BfA baby who poses as Vanilla Vet.
Even Soda was pissed off tips.

A will to give up the first thunderfury to the boobstreamer on your server

Just need to sub to WoW afaik.
They basically have one sub that covers everything.

>just want to be a comfy mage and fish and level
>no beta

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You still can swap weapon.
But he says Armor.
Not weapon.

aren't all the involved items bind on pickup? oh who am I kidding they'd just give them the account instead

Streamers get two option when people start coming for them. Either they lather themselves in an entire raid group and get nothing done ever because that shit will attract every member of the opposite faction to wpvp, or they don't and get buttfucked by rogue parties forever.

that tittystreamer better be a tank because that's where bindings are going in any sane guild

You think you do

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Holy shit is tips such a shit player?

>sane guild
lol she'll be a retpala doing abysmal dps but getting carried while no one ever mentions her shit dps because everyone is only there for her

an active retail subscription

Guys guys, there is spirit on my warrior gear. wtf?

theres already tittystreamers on classic? they wont last long

it’s ok, comfy mage bro. we’ll be out questing making our own food and water soon


>World first will mean nothing when every streamer gets carried to end game content

Containment server when?

I might try it for like a month or something, that's about it though. No tokens = not wasting my time on it. I don't spend more than $20 on vidya anymore.

you kinda want spirit on warrior gear until about level 30 or so

Yes, hes a poser and is fucking garbage. Not only that but hes an insane lagger to boot. Anyone whos fought him in PvP has complained that he literally warps all over the screen so they can't touch him.

Soda is the only streamer that has any knowledge on vanilla and thats because he played nost+elysium+lights hope to 60 multiple times. Ill give sodapoppin a pass due to that.

World first will mean nothing because the world first happened over a decade ago already

Does OSRS receive any sort of update from time to time?

>Oh no a guild has people funneling money to the guildmaster. This has never happened before. It's going to KILL the economy!
Kek layering is going to JUST the economy long before a streamer getting an undeserved thunderfury will.

>it-it's just memes!!!
>spend 5 hours looking at ret talents
yeah ok

>Have broken armor as a tank
>Charge in when your party members aren't even in range
>Druid fucking moonfires instead of healing
>Complain that the boss hits too hard

Why are Classic streamers so low IQ?

Druid healing spell.
Spirit warriors are objectively better to level to about 50 over anything else. Im dead serious

Vanilla was about people entering uncharted lands, exploring, doing things for the first time and banding together while discovering things and doing things they didn't manage to do before.

Classic won't be any of that. Everyone already knows everything and people will just join whatever epic streamer guild there is. No one will really bother going on a long tedious adventure ingame.
In fact, there ALREADY (!) is a third party LFG addon for classic to avoid people having to stand around town looking for a scarlet monastery group.

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Healing Touch, red symbolizes OOM.

So I would have to pay a sub on retail to be able to MAYBE get picked to participate in a beta. Am I understanding this right?

>>Druid fucking moonfires instead of healing
that was the druid's way of saying "fuck this grp"

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Anti-LFG has always been a meme. Getting rid of Autistically typing /1 LF Tank for 30 minutes was an objective improvement

>but muh socialization
Yeah you have an entire 30 minute dungeon to call your party members retarded faggots cry about it

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It's about revisiting the past, it's nostalgia. It doesn't need to be anything else.

zoomer cancer

WoW classic servers will bring more suicides then the last great recession. Imagine all those people, suffering from depression and anhedonia, slowly realizing wow classic will not make them feel fulfilled and young again.

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You can have that experience with Tamriel Rebuilt user. Install TES3mp and play coop with your buddy. It's priceless

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I keep seeing this image getting posted but this was on a overpopulated as fuck private server that wasn't even close to real retail vanilla population numbers.

Maybe I'll check it out. She I first started playing wow I got to lvl 11 as a druid I think it was. And there I stopped also. Couldn't really figure much out. But I was so young at the time.

this, finding people to party with was never some involved social event
>LFG need tank
>cockgod whispers "invite me"
>never talk for the rest of the dungeon
or the alternative
>get impatient and go to the online members list
>"hey wanna help in x"

I really want a picture of Orc, Tauren, Troll and Undead wojacks wearing classic wow ballcaps while a belf wojack wearing a BFA ballcap is seething in the background

What if I ignore the line, run to the front and insta-tag the quest mob before anyone else?

>9999 mana over 8 sec
>9000 range

Yeah, don't worry, layering will prevent this on classic.

It gets content updates all the time.

>LFG need tank
>cockgod whispers "invite me"
>never talk for the rest of the dungeon

This literally never, not once happened in Vanilla.
Easy as fuck to tell you've never played it. People joining and not saying a word was only a thing once LFG came to be during WotLK, you zoomer ass clown.

I don't understand their long-term gameplan for Classic. Eventually they'll run out of shit to do just like private servers because the game has already been figured out from top to bottom. If they start producing new content then you can bet it will eventually lead down to BFA tier bad choices. I see that they're making Classic based on progression phases, but that has a problem where they eventually run out of stuff to release and have to stagnate. They could release a TBC and WOTLK servers next but that still leads back to square one where they artificially timegate content and eventually run out of shit to do.

What do you guys think?

Attached: ghostcrawler.jpg (402x417, 59K)

Banned by an admin probably

ffxi trannies on suicide watch

You trade a guaranteed spot for the potential of getting very far ahead of the line or very far behind.

>spongebob pics
Wow, it's a loser starter pack

There is no long-term goal. If they can squeeze a ton of money out of desperate nostalgiafags who want their childhood or early teen years back, then they'll take that.
Even if Classic "dies" after a year or two they'll have made more than enough money by then.

''layering'' > 10k+ clusterfuck

Been so long since I've played WOW. Might finally have to play again.

Attached: south-park-s10e08c05-the-slaughter-16x9.jpg (960x540, 78K)

nope, only ever played in Vanilla until BWL, stopped playing regularly before Naxx even came out and got burned out before even finishing BC. you are delusional, this happened all the time when you got into the higher levels. guild members would chat with each other, but not randos.

>forced to stand in-line for the 1 quest mob that is implemented well enough to clip through the floor
privatetards were a mistake

>streamer realms
>game living on borrowed time(no new content after phase 3)
>game already explored to hell and back, nothing will suprise you
>game is full of discord trannies
>minmaxers can easily acces the best builds, so experimenting is left to faggots and losers
>nu-Blizzard means no bantz in chat

>he actually believes this

And that's a good thing.

Don't see how that's relevant. I've never played anything that would be considered "modern WoW" nor do I have any interest to. Stopped playing within weeks of WotLK's launch.

Classic is as least a MMO, unlike all others out there (talking about themeparks, not the handful of non-themepark spreadsheet games out there). Adding conveniences ruins the entire point of the genre, I'd MUCH rather play lobby-based games like Monster Hunter or EDF instead, which have the same grind focus and I can still play with friends.
Sure, Classic won't be the same as launch but I already know that from the private servers I've played. Classic can only be better than those and those were already fun. And again, there's literally no reason whatsoever to play current WoW - in my head it doesn't even exist. WoW IS vanilla (and BC, can't wait for that to come out in 3 or so years), otherwise I'll just play more EDF, MonHun, PSO, etc. instead of other modern "MMOs"

I don't think it's good idea for a MMO to focus on short term profit or short term goals. That's how you end up ruining them.

I'm sorry but unlike you I actually played vanilla and people constantly talked. It came with the huge time investment in forming a group and then riding all the way to fucking Diremaul or what have you. That was half your evening.

And yet here you are

That's chad as fuck too though

>>game living on borrowed time(no new content after phase 3)
There's new content all the way until phase 6 (naxx), retard.

It's a side project for them to make free money on morons.
And they can always move onto TBC classic and WoTLK classic, both would do well too I guarantee it.

then you must have blocked out a large part of Vanilla because the longer it was out the more people knew all the content and the more silent random players were. if you think this is something that LFG brought into the game you're just lying to yourself.

theyll just make "fresh" servers like pservers do

I don't know about you but I love MH+PSO and also modern MMOs like FFXIV.

>heh, fucking retards are paying for things they enjoy
>people should be more like me, spending time shitting on things I don't like to make my miserable existence seem more tolerable

Pretty mich, i have an account from 2007 and didnt get picked

You'll stop enjoying it within 3 months.
Wanna bet?

What do you mean by fresh server? Wipe everyones progress and have them start all over? Or just make a new realm that you can't transfer too and everyone must start new there?

maybe it's a new and improved flying juggernaut

Have fun being cucked by asmongold with 1984 chat in a ded game faggots.

>And they can always move onto TBC classic and WoTLK classic, both would do well too I guarantee it.
I'm sure it will. But the real question is what happens post launch. Eventually content stagnates or you have to make new content will it really be classic if you're adding in new stuff from the modern team?

So what? It doesn't seem healthy to play a game longer than 3 months. But we get it, you spent your entire childhood on a game about orcs and elves and now you have nothing to show for it, so you sit on Yea Forums talking about how stupid it is all day lmao how sad

>with 1984 chat
Oh no. Poor babby can't write nigger.

>It doesn't seem healthy to play a game longer than 3 months
So you're not a vanilla vet anyway
Why am I even talking to you? Fucking retard.

oh no I can't spam alt right shit in the chat like everyone did in 2004 this isn't home bros

Sure, is your ass up to the challenge?

Do you really expect someone on this board to know this? His baby brain heard the word phase and probably associated it with the tier sets.

Speaking of phases, I'm gonna play Warlock but its going to fucking SUCK until phase 4 and I can get that juicy ZG hit rating gear. I really feel like I should go Mage if I want to be useful, but I really love being able to summon people and soulstones.

What"s happening on layers 5 tho? Nothing.

>dishonorable kills
can't wait for city raids to literally become nonexistant and die the second phase 2 hits

the dude on the left looks retarded

Ion confirmed its because of spell detail. Spells are too complex now.

Not having to play bfa is numba one.

Aw, Timmy is mad!

>original pringles
I hope you are talking about sweet paprika, otherwise i have bad news

>tell streamer to fuck off
>get banned for harassing community leaders
so... this is the power of cucksic

you're pretty much forced to play on eceleb servers if you want to do any sort of open world events. the rest of the servers will be people afk in a area spamming lfg dungeon

ah yes the notorious 2004 alt right

what happens if you fall down where the water was? before you could swim out to shore


FF14 suffers from massive bloat. Fun stuff is hidden behind submenus of submenus and there are 50+ excessive mechanics. I also detest daily rep grinds or anything equivalent.
I do enjoy Summoner's rotation and Astrologian's gameplay, but the rest of the game could be made 40x simpler and I'd actually play it long-term.
Monster Hunter doesn't need dozens of mini-games and side activities to be fun. You just go ahead and hunt monsters. There are at best 1 or 2 side activities in each game (i.e: Investigations in World, or the randomized gathering map in MH4). Not a crafting beast rep grind tribe, a casino with however many mini-games and NPCs to talk to and extra currencies to keep track off, and then your followers who serve as banks but you can also send them on gathering expeditions which you should micro-manage every hour for best returns, and that tower where you start at lvl1 and progress through floors, and private housing, and.... (you get the point, I could go on and on about FF14's content)

Vanilla WoW is straightfoward, you level up and then you have raids or fuck about in PvP. The simple act of inviting a couple people to do a single quest in a cave at lv7 is fun enough.
Smae comparison can be made between PSO and PSO2. The simplicity yet fun of the first and the absolute clusterfuck BLOAT of the second.

>And they can always move onto TBC classic and WoTLK classic
And vanilla addicts will move to private classic servers AGAIN. There's not a single good thing you could re-experience in BC/WotlK. No one wants to re-expirience playing 30 different versions of the same dungeon, 30 different versions of the same raid, farming same fucking daily quests every fucking day, farming tokens for free epics, farming resto-druids till you die from old age, farming sl-sl locks till you die from old age, no one wants wotlk pre-patch retripals level of balance except paladins themselves, no one wants to re-experience motherfucking LFR once again.

I don't like sweet paprika, I wish they had BBQ where I live.

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reminds me of RoR except its actually designed and balanced around large scale pvp

there were ecelebs before ecelebs were a thing
>lmao Im joining Kungens server xddd

I think you can just walk up along the bottom.

why dont they add lfr and flying mounts?
fucking retailbabbies

>join AV match
>play for 3 hours pushing points, killing elites, maybe even do the summon
>stopped playing
>go about your day
>come back tomorrow
>join same AV session

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reflect on your life and kill yourself frogposter

Switfy's like 50 yo by now. The guy deserves a break.


sounds like you get overwhelmed by content. just take it slow like I do. all I do is craft, gather, and help people advertising parties in party finder. if you start doing everything at once then you'll get burned out.

>He doesn't know
We're getting the already changed AV. Enjoy your five minute rush games.

WSG and AB it is then.

>be a swift boi and kill a quest mob right in some guys face
>to a laugh emote
>suddenly realize that its an asmongolds alt
>in terror, start typing apologies and invite him to trade so I can give him some gold
>get baned 5 seconds later

>adding spells from retail

but now ecelebs are worse because the internet isn't the same now as it was 15 years ago.


Here is how CLASSIC is going to go:


People realize
>that you have to pay for all your skills, armor repairs, food etc.
>that leveling is slow as hell and comes to grinding
>that you have to paus for 1-2 mins after every mob
>that there are no quest text and markers
>that you basically spam autoattack and 1-2 skills
>that you have to search your own party for dungeons
>that most quest are tons of walking or farm 50 wolf penises

=>normal people will leave

People realize
>that 70% of classes/talents are actually useless
>that they leveled the wrong class
>that bosses actually do dmg
>that not everybody gets raid spot
>that the audience has changed a lot
>that you basically need to play at least 6+ hours to get anywhere
>that you have to farm at least 2-3 hours of herbs for every raid (more as a healer)
>that you need to farm resi gear
>that you need to certain dungeons over and over again for your flask
>that its not easy to gather 40 people at a certain time
>that you should have rolled alliance and gotten the sweet fear ward/pala buffs
>that not everybody gets free epixx

=>privateserver babies and most of the nostalgia crowd will leave

The only one left will be the hardcore classic fans and the neets.

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>be a swift boi
ew imagine actually talking like this

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there's no lag because its a closed beta and there's like 300 players on the server, are you retarded?

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>unironically joined Stormscale for Doom Squad
I still have my photo with Noone. Eceleb cancer have nothing on him.
pls no bully, I was like 15

I'm going to roll a shitty class just so I can wear the most aesthetic set in the game.

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dumb bfababby


I wish I could travel in time to september to see the classicfags tears

Ice Block has been in the game since the alpha version and you get it at level 30.

ice block was in vanilla :)

>playing undead rogue
>some aliance paladin is questing near me
>decide to gank him for a while, after all, that's the good classic fun I signed up for!
>after 15 minutes, 200 people show up(15 for eeach shard)
>now they start ganking the shit out of me
>get whispered a link to twitch stream
>tfw I ganked a streamer
>tfw have to change my character now, because I get ganked everywhere I go
>tfw got warning from a GM for "killing my betters"

The retard charged the boss, with his armor being gone, his healer was at half of his mana and out of reach. The result? Two-shotted, in all logic. And then, he thought that was a bug, priceless.


Are you pretending to be retarded?

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Post your entry here

How much will i regret it if i roll alliance warlock instead of horde?



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>play wow vanilla on release
>make a undead warrior and level him to level 25
>decide to do dwarf warrior
>level him to 60
>start doing battlegrounds and get to rank 10
>realize that alliance lore is dog shit, boring, and they are hypocritical shits
>make undead mage
>level mage to 60 in maybe 1/5th the time of my warrior
>got him to rank 10 in pvp also
>did most of the raids at least once except naxx
>watch all these streamers
>realize I have more cred than all of them
>most were private server players or barely played classic

It's not that I get overwhelmed, I enjoy spending hours studying game mechanics on wikis, videos and whatnot. It's just that bloat is not fun and mostly irrelevant.

For example before I play any Etrian Odyssey game I spend at least 10 hours working though all the classes skill trees and then thinking about fun party compositions. But the games themselves are just about going through a massive dungeon, with the only distractions to the core gameplay being floor puzzles.
EO has a lot of depth with the costumization at your hands and is quite hard if you don't know what you're doing, it works really well despite being a very simple game in its function - no need for 6 different currencies, daily rep grinds, 20 different PvE activities, etc.
Same for EDF, all you do is kill giant ants and frogs, but to do so on Inferno difficulty requires more brain power and an unique strategy for each and every mission, despite the entire game being a hundred "Kill all enemies on the map" missions.

Even most modern fighting games disgust me. I love me some Guilty Gear where I spend hours at a time on practice mode for weeks trying to perfect combos on a single character. Then I take a look at MortalKombat11's menus and systems within sub-systems and dozens of currencies, side-activities and grinds. Just... disgusting and meaningless bloat to make people addicted to the game.

I guess I like a deep puddle more than a shallow bureaucratic ocean.

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No it wont because people only play games to autistically and efficiently grind and slave away instead of having fun

found the classic haters

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I know, I played the fucking game as a teen as hard as it is for most of you faggots to believe for some reason. How could anyone be older than 18? Shocking I know.

I quit because it started sucking around WotLK. Literally old thing good, new thing bad, and despite my advanced age of nearly 30, I'm not demented enough to have forgotten what the game used to be like.

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this but without the sarcasm

Weird how private servers have been a thing for years and none of that happened. Huh...

Nothing personal, kiddo.

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the OP video literally proves you wrong

>>realize I have more cred than all of them
>>most were private server players or barely played classic
This. It's actually baffling that I'm some ancient walking relic among these people to the point where people refuse to believe I was old enough to have played video games 15 years ago.



It's past your dilation time.

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this video was quite informative. Thank you

Repost this next thread in English.

At least there is death coil to help a bit

and yet you won't play for more than a month

it's not that bad, immunity doesn't last forever
just recast fear
priests on the other hand are a bit more fucked

You get to continue to give the Jews at Blizzard more of your sheckles.

What are some PVE specs that work in PVP too?

Mages since they'll be frost up until AQ40
Warlocks? not sure if their pvp spec is sm/ruin not counting soul link, SL is for fags
Rogues I literally have no idea what they spec into
All healers I guess

Hunters and warriors get shafted
he's right you know

BfA more like BTFO

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and i hope they fill many a large jewish nostril with cocaine bought with my money

Oh no no no no

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I will legit do this though, that is until I get banned for toxic behaviour

>literally only third worlders caring about BfA

that is pretty funny. nu-mmos seem to be entirely populated by 3rd worlders and stay at home moms.

So what is the current nostalris alternative?

Lights hope

Wait, so is blizzard shills going against other blizzard shills?

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both sides are shilling for blizzard

Please, they get to stress test their server as well. Don't act like this isn't something they want.

I think it's hilarious in a way how people who were so adamant about never playing Classic, saying how Classic is just nostalgia, the same content that's been done a million times before but worse, come to the beta and start falling in love with the game all over again. They all look like they have a hundred times more fun than whenever they are playing BfA. It almost makes me worry for them that they will have trouble returning to BfA.

Im fine with that, let them play BFA and let the rest of us play classic. It will be glorious

Hopefully Blizzard will take notice and start making BFA/the next expansion more like Classic, but imo it's already too late to salvage

Place your bets now. How many of the FotM, streamer watching, minmaxing zoomers will reroll from warrior once they find out how bad 1-30 is and that no one will group with them unless they're BiS or carrying a shield.
I'm guessing about 50%.

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I don't have a dog in this fight, but it would make sense for Blizzard to keep up the interest in BfA more than it would make sense for them to keep up the interest in Classic. Sure, they're both their products, but one is pretty much "as is" while BfA has a bunch of additional shit you can buy. Mounts, cosmetics, level-ups, etc. Unless Classic is a massive success, and I mean massive success, BfA (and the following expansions) will probably remain their main moneymaker, and as such, their main priority, even at the cost of Classic. Again, I don't really care either way, please don't accuse me of shilling for either. My feelings will get hurt.

they only want to please the current tranny whale/3rd-world playerbase. same thing with runescape.


i could be wrong though. when i played i didnt give a shit what class i was playing and got wrapped up in the adventure
i dont know what kids are like now though

you aren't wrong, see

Classic Beta

>a bunch of streamers capped at level 30 with no end game content
yep this is totally how the game will be

These people are mentally handicapped

Instead of waiting for an hour to complete a shitty fetch quest that brings you 600xp, you just grind mobs

Skip all the clusterfuck quests and grind instead. That's how i beat the curve in Nost/Ely + Lights Hope by FAR

Seriously I was pretty much alone in STV

They have separate teams for both games, so I don't think they're really going to prioritize one over the other any more than they prioritize, say, Overwatch over Starcraft. The Classic team is pretty small compared to the BfA team too from what I understand.

Not me, I have no problem with BfA, but I'm thinking of switching to FF14 once shadowbringers comes out.

All Classic does is remind me why I quit playing WOW a long time ago.

>Seriously I was pretty much alone in STV
Bullshit, unless you managed to find a spot with no relevant quests. The top half of the zone alone is always crawling with people trying to finish those terrible Hemet quests.

I think the longer the Classic beta lasts the more people will roll Mage. I never understood why so many people wanted to play Warriors unless they wanted to tank, but if each party has 2-3 warriors and they're constantly being out-dps'd by the rogue and mage they'll reroll by 30.

even if its modified legion client the fact that it has cut 90% of the clutter that has accumulated over the expansions like billion different armor sets and mounts probably makes it more efficient.

Is going to low level zones to 1shot every member of the other faction legit world pvp or griefing?

Ah vanilla wow... some good times were had with friends on ventrilo. Scarlet monastery and the castle south-west of undercity were most enjoyable instances.

Also funny to see what became of our shitty little guild:

shit like this was pretty run of the mill on nost even with no streamers involved.

dwarf, orc-out, or gnome warrior. Plz advise.

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Reading hard. He meant he got there before the majority of other people.

This. They have their audience of BfA players already, Classic is there to draw in the people who don't play BfA or quit in an earlier expansion. They're diffrent target audiences, and even if people switch from BfA to Classic, they're just switching from one Blizzard product to another. Not to mention Classic will also attract many of the other MMO players from non-Blizzard games too. Classic more than makes up for the money lost from the whales that buy in game pets.

>implying anyone will have the gold to spare to buy shit off the AH
You better grind gold for the first few months


Literally who cares when the gameplay is so fucking boring?

there is literally nothing here that would stop me from just skipping the entire line lol

Human Warrior, Rogue or Paladin? I care about RP more than gameplay

griefing is a legit form of world pvp.
if you can't rally allies to help you vs griefers you deserve to get your shit pushed in

Nigger I'm gonna do every single shitty quest and there's nothing you can do to stop me. There won't be that much players at 5AM.

sure, I just wanted to give an explanation why would Blizzard MIGHT be interested in shilling for BfA over Classic on Lebanon cave-painting boards.
Might as well mention that stirring up shit in whichever direction also attracts attention. I wager that a lot of people probably wouldn't know about Classic revival if people weren't trying to prove BfA's superiority over it all the time.

you can think of it this way
mage is 300 hours for 300 dps
warrior is 1000 hours for 325 dps

Paladin if you only want to RP. Rogue if you want to literally anything else too.

Ruin your adulthood the same way you ruined your childhood aka “go home”

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Honestly, I'm disappointed. Everyone is just steamrolling the dungeons. So much for "muh trash packs are impossible without CC". People just mass pull like in retail. I guess people were just awful at the game back then.


>I wager that a lot of people probably wouldn't know about Classic revival if people weren't trying to prove BfA's superiority over it all the time.
I'd like this to be true because it'd be pretty fucking hilarious but people have been going on about classic since Nost. If anything it was the Nost shutdown that really brought Vanilla WoW into the spotlight.

Dwarf and Gnome are both so-so as warriors. Stoneform helps you piss on rogues even harder and escape artist is nice for pvp, but doesn't usually make a whole lot of difference when solo.

As for orc, you should pick your faction before you pick your race honestly.

anything alliance is cringe so you left with only one option

>low level dungeons

I almost forgot what MMOs where about, reminds me of pre-nge SWG, without the ATSTs, army camps/tents, laserfire, stormtroopers squads, player cities, player bases, etc.

Pre-30 dungeons are literally designed to be starter dungeons. They were never hard. You won't be steamrolling high level (post level 50) dungeons.

I mean, it will expose just how much Blizzard relied on their past achievements and that the new talent like Ion didn't know how to make the game enjoyable. Also, Brack will be eternally BTFO

Based! It's less cringe to rock your cheeto stained for the horde shirt and join the other obese men on horde.

id say i cant wait for classic to come out to this retarded shitposting will end but thats what i thought would happen with the election and look how that turned out, guess we're just stuck with retards like you, welcome to Yea Forums


It's better than wearing a dress, tranny.

dwarves dodn't really have good racials for warrior
humans are the best dps warriors while increased based agi makes night elves the better tanks
gnomes are generally best for pvp because of escape artist and increased engineering skill for those sweet sweet grenades

if you're horde and want to tank go tauren, they get increased health
if you want to dps go orc
if you want to level fast, go troll

It would be pretty inexcusable for them to not be able to support these kinds of battles in a game made 15 years ago tbf.

>Furfags and niggers talking shit

>y-you're a tranny
Absolutely based and not cringe at all

there's no reason not to cc, it usually saves mana

>You won't be steamrolling high level (post level 50) dungeons

I'll believe it when I see it. The struggle is what makes it great.

It makes sense. now that they can pay their sub with gold.

>actually picking your race based on miniscule racial bonuses
>not picking based on what you like aesthetically and thematically

Fucking sad to see people do this

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The low level dungeons don't really get hard. The only things I remember being any particularly difficult (at all) are
>Troggs in RFC (which is mainly due to how shittily geared everyone is at such a low level)
>Vancleef without good CC
>Mutanus event
>Wolfmaster Nandos (you can usually kill him before his adds kill your group, though)

Rest you can totally AoE the fuck down. I think the first dungeon that actually get any hard overall is Armory, since scarlet centurions and monks hit like trucks and Herod is the first boss that actually has a dangerous mechanic.

Jesus fucking christ that thigh gap

>increased engineering skill for those sweet sweet grenades

Increased engineering is pretty much useless in vanilla. Nothing scales off your engineering skill or anything. At best all it does is save you from crafting a few rough blasting powders.

the point is you get them sooner due to increased skill
if you want to dominate you have to get the good shit first before everyone else does

dwarf for defensive 2v5 pocket healer pvp

gnome for offensive/solo pvp

pve main tank nelf

orc best for pvp and all rounder

tauren for pve main tank

This. I'm laughing at these hypocrites.
>classic is NOT about min-maxing, it's about FUN
>proceeds to min-max from the very beginning

>there are people who don't pick tauren whenever possible


>top tier body
>Horse tier face
>Pajeet tier eyebrows
Literally a monkey paw wish.

what if I want to play Dwarf Priest for aesthetic reasons?

Races don't matter, unless you're a nelf priest, then everyone laughs at you.

>m-muh warrior
Warriors are dog shit in wPvP. there are so many novas and slows happening that you mostly sit there doing fuck all for the fight. maybe you're lucky and have a paladin buddy who sticks on you the entire time but all that means is that as soon as you charge in like a retard you get deleted by the entire front line.

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maybe minmaxing is fun for them?

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Then you're just a faggot

*ting ting ting*

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Indeed, I've been thinking of this too and I've come to the conclusion that they have to produce content if they want a long term solution. TBC will work for another short term but then what? Just release expansion after expansion?
There's no clear end boss in Vanilla if you think about it lorewise like there is in consecutive expansions, so the only sensible thing to do is to add more content to classic. But knowing Blizzard it will be too little and too sparsely added to retain a larger playerbase and they just end up leaving the servers on and adding nothing.

A head start engineering isn't really much to brag about. Nothing's getting you out of having to fight over ore veins and if you can't make it to tin and iron before the pack, you're fucked.


>horde races are all have a unique and interesting style
>alliance have humans, purple humans, small humans and smaller humans
I want to experience alliance leveling, but they're not making it an easy decision

Fair enough, it's of course entirely possible we're all just misremembering endgame dungeons too.

if you have engineering and all the meme trinkets like tidal charm and reflectors warrior is really good in solo wpvp. of course the average warrior will be a braindead retard with pocket healer.

i’m making an undead mage, FUCK trolls

>using Evasion against warrior
Based 0 INT warrior.

What is the absolute best class duo possible? I'm going to play with my friend and I want to cover all bases, easy dungeon groups, don't get rekt in PvP, good AoE and single target etc...

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Why in the ever-loving fuck did I read that as "underage mage"?

Had a blast ganking twitch streamers on Nost (before blizzard started nuking nost streams), seems like most big streamers will roll on PvE servers which is a shame

>tfw ganked a twitch thot so much she had to shut her stream down

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alliance has a well crafted and better flowing leveling experience.
horde just get a bunch of shitty huts in a huge fucking zone for 20 levels

>He thinks Sunken temple full clear/brd emp runs won't fail 3 times out of 5.

Get a load of this guy.

you can eat the overpowers and pray to rngesus that everything else misses

Even with all of that it's not enough to be useful. You may pick off 1 or 2 people before dying but the frost mage behind you literally takes out an entire squad, the hunter takes out 4-5 people before you're done with yours, the warlock is raining chaos down. It's just pointless. Your best bet is to antagonize and run back and pray that someone over extends.

Retri Paladin + Resto Shaman

>play with my friend and I want to cover all bases


>has a well crafted and better flowing leveling experience.

Yeah sure, how's that STV flightmaster treating you lately?


warrior and pally.

>try to get druid to use hibernate.
>Druid gets extremely pissy.
>try to get hunter to use trap
>hunter says "what's a trap?"

Double druid

>not remembering being stuck in scholo bc your group as absolute dogshit

>hating on huge fucking zones
Hi zoomer.

That's gonna happen 100%. Especially druids who are notouriously poor and won'tr buy hibernate.

warrior/druid + shaman/paladin

>alliance is going to be the outnumbered faction this time around
>every old arena legend is rolling horde
>even normies are more interested in horde this time around

This isn't the vanilla I remember.

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He says "Gear" actually

Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....


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people know about the tranny curse

a ton of those people are going to quit before 30

Not really. Once normies join the game, alliance will be again the tardcatcher like it was back then.

Uhm bros?

"Every server is going to be a streamer server"
For some reason, Asmongold and Esfand seem hellbent on repeating this phrase... Almost as if they want every server to be a streamer server and rub that in.

Also, a lot of these streamers will congregate on the same servers. Sodapoppin, Guzu, Esfand, Staysafe, Tipsout, Asmongold (unless he chickens out and rolls a PvE server) will all be on the same server. It honestly won't be that hard to find a server without streamers or streamers that make no difference. A streamer with 100 viewers honestly isn't gonna make an impact on a server.
"Every server is going to be a streamer server". Bullshit. I feel like they only keep repeating this line to trigger people, because they know many people fucking hate streamers and the bad effects they have on servers.

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most horde will be zoomers following their favorite twitch streamer, and they'll ultimately quit the moment their streamer stops playing.

>says alliance is all human knockoffs
>when undead is literal humans just dead

literally every realm is gonna be a streamer realm, theres like 100+ streamers that get 500 to 1000 viewers that will roll with them

im gonna stream so whatever server im on is a streamer server. my 10 fans will really fuck the economy

asmon and soda will never quit classic wow asmon will only if the next retail expansion is good

>tfw EU player
>every single major WoW streamer is american

Attached: classic wojak.png (209x241, 8K)

every big streamer will be playing on PVE because they cant handle getting ganked 24/7

The real question is will classic fail after Naxx is released? And by fail, I mean >50% of the population leaves. Seems to be the inescapable truth of vanilla (outside of the behind the the scenes fuckery of private servers).

same code as retail, just WAY WAY WAY fucking less shit going on under the hood. Its the same shit with TF2, If you can get the TF2 beta it runs flawlessly, try retail? Starts to chug because of all the fucking retarded shit going on with items and cosmetics.

I watched this entire thing develop from Guzu and Payo ganking in Wetlands to a full on 80v80 war.

8 hours well spent.

All those small streamers are going to roll on a big boy streamer server soda and asmon. The small streamers want to clickbait their title and appear on asmongolds stream so they can steal a tiny portion of the viewers to their stream. This is how it always worked. There's no chance all those streamers aren't going to roll on a big one.

The dream is that all the smaller streamers roll on his server. Sure there will be a few here and there that don't but those 1k viewer streamers wont affect the game in any way.

Okay I'll let you have that one if you want to be precise with the exact thing he said.
But he's obviously meant armor and weapon because he's clicking on armor while in combat. Which isn't true. You could never switch armor in Vanilla. Just weapons. Only in beta you could but they changed it before release.

>Playing on Northdale
>mfw Redridge

If Blizzard ever stirred up some shit by banning constant gankers I'd unironically be ok with it, fuck these people.

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what an absolute fucking garbage guide
>tells you to get the mara quest scepter when YOU LITERALLY GET THRASH BLADE FROM THERE
>perpetuates the "dual wielding to level is bad" meme
>doesn't even mention hamstring kite
>shills spirit based on private server health regen... which works completely differently from classic retail leveling... and does not account for extra damage taken from lack of armor... and also assumes food doesn't exist?
literally what the fuck

>when undead is literal humans just dead
That's one race. While every single alliance race is "humans".

>he thinks there are going to be mutiple servers

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I'll give you that one.
Undeads are pretty shit, but all the other horde races are great.

What, you dumb? Naxx requires a boatload of consumeables. Burnout wil happen even before. I guess Blizzard can just put in Places in the world that weren't in then. Like Hyjal, Dalaran etc.

>Thinking about rolling mage
>Gnome racial is too good to pass up
>But it means playing a Gnome
Dwarf Priest it is then

stop here

Orcs are just green humans
Trolls are just black people
Tauren are unique I'll give you that.

I personally am looking forward for all the legion babies to bounce off the game because they all rolled warrior because streamers told them it was meta but they're too fucking stupid to play classic.

I want to see ret paladins. I want to see boomkin dps. I want to see subtlety rogues. I want to see 2h enhancement shamans

truly a blessed continent

Nice reddit post.


>people comparing classic wow with osrs

dudes i hate to break it to you but osrs has developers, new content and community.

classic has IT staff duct taping the servers and streamer culture.

>a bunch of shitty huts
Yeah, a lot of the alliance structures look pretty great, but they're all filled with a bunch of raging homos

It won't be nearly as bad when the servers aren't overcrowded and centralized like private servers. Streamer servers will be the only ones that will work like that.

Tank or Healer which role usually has less people to fill in for?

>carrying a shield

Thats the plan, I will be the chad tank and do content whenever I want.

asmongay will rage quit the moment someone needs on an item he's after.

same. Payos PoV was god tier.
>giant war happening behind him
>ignores all of it to unironically continue being a dick ass rogue ganking lowbies that just rezed

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It's your moral responsibility to gank streamers

Asmon most certainly will. He will cite stress and toxic twitch chat and take a month off.

speed autists will skip dungeons anyway, dw is crap, hamstring is crap

>countries that can't afford the subscription are the ones complaining
huehue's are just afraid that their private server will shut down

>master looter

Is there anyway for an na player to roll on eu servers? I don't want to play on streamer servers

I'm not even surprised

i love little payo ofc

>dw is crap
do you have a single source to back that up?
>hamstring is crap
it's even easier to perform in classic than in pserver babbyzone.

>I don't want to play on streamer servers
Then pick a PvP server

I think its going to be impossible to roll on a server without streamers because blizz is going to release less servers due to layering. I think most of these guys are still going to roll on pvp servers unfortunately

You can literally just choose EU as a region in the launcher I think.

we need an npcscan style addon to locate and murder streamers

At the very least you'll avoid Asmongold

There is only ONE thing that they should change, either:
1-Completely remove raid lockout and instead implement another system like loot lockout, so that guilds can run raids as many times as they want in a day/night
2-make bosses from 40 man raids drop more than 2 miserable pieces of gear

I don't fucking care how you argue it, the drama and fights that happened because of the loot scarcity in raids was completely horrible and way more of a game killer than any other thing ever could.

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BBQ is always the best chip, m8

It was fucking hilarious lol, I love lil Payo

He beat sodapoppin in a few duels this morning and soda got big butthurt

LFG tool would be ok is cross realm LFG what fucked everything up, you're not grouping with people from your server anymore and don't give a fuck about their opinion of you after the dungeon.

Same shit with battlegrounds

>dw is crap
dw is sorta crap. it's okay at lower levels when there aren't a lot of options for beefy 2 handers, once you get WW axe though you don't want to even consider dw again until you meet your 8% hit cap
>hamstring is crap
now you're just being retarded. hamstring kiting lets you hit trade on harder mobs, taking imp hamstring can be a lifesaver in pvp and as such, allows you to get through quests more easily because nobody is going to want to fuck with someone who can root them and put them in the dirt, especially in contested zones

Why are hordlets such cowards

>green muscular humans based on historical human barbarian societies
>blue lanky humans based on historical human mesoamerican and afrocaribbean societies
>cow humans based on historical human native american societies
>generic fantasy humans but dead and mean

please who is she i need to give her my money...........

I bet she does tons of cam shows on the side
the synthetic leather on her chair only wears like that in the presence of sweat or "other" bodily fluids

>mountain jews get racial for sniffing out treasure

Its almost like classic played by more than 1 person, concept absolutely unbelievable to last retail player.

>attacking a flagged NPC and hoping no repercussions will happen

Good luck.

I love how you tried to copy him trying to imply that horde races are as simple as alliance but couldn't end up without a more complex description

Seethe more, alliance faggot

Thanks for proving my point, user
That's very kind of you

I really want to get back into vanilla and everything don't get me wrong but I've already seen most of the content it has to offer, just give me TBC so I can see the actual good PVE content.

Fuck resillence though

It'll come soon enough. We'll go to true home.

This didn't work in your favor bud

Horde has unique races but bland zones
Alliance has boring races but unique zones

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missing the payo date night streams

If you're not playing your very first main again in classic then you're playing the game wrong.

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>aids forest


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forest forest mountain are more pleasing to look at than mud mud plains

remaking my FIRST ever character. Was a troll male rogue


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>unique zones
>a forest
>another forest, but with elves
>snowy mountain
>a dark forest
>hills with red trees
>green forest with a dam in the middle of it
>brown forest
>blue forest

>a microcosmos in the barrens, mountains, hills, excavation sites, little jungles, oasis, petrol sites, rivers...
>a desert with gigantic pillars
>beautiful green plains with an enourmous city constructed in the top of a mountain
>a dangerous and wild red desert
>a desolated forest with tumbs and towns, worgens, with a very gothic style, and with an underground city

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I think it was Night-elf druid herbalist. I can live with that.

Enh shaman here from classic -> WotLK. I don't think I have the heart to do it again

Shit like this happened in BFA during invasions... It's not very rare. Not 40v40, but I've seen some 20 vs 20 battles for a world quest a few times.

Same. Tauren male warrior. I even remember the same skin colour and horns I used.

>classical high fantasy woodland forest
>comfy snowy mountains
>enchanted forest grove


>the grand canyon but even more orange
>literally just a bunch of grass and some hills
>spooky dead forest is the only good zone

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>being gay


>being horde

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They could probably make servers for each xpac or go full OSRS and maintain two forks of the game

>mud huts, no shoes and niggers
great aesthetic bro

actually when streamer were doing world PvP with only 200 people in one zone whole server started having lag spikes

>Playing WoW instead of the first Guild Wars

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>or go full OSRS and maintain two forks of the game
i would be super interested in this. not sure if the autistic playerbase would be though

No, fuck you
Only reason I played tauren hunter was because I got bamboozled when I saw him carrying an axe thinking that was cool.
My boy will be reincarnated as a shaman

sorry buds, but he is right, zoomers nowdays only follow their lider, which in this case is a streamer.


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>literally just a bunch of grass

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I can't argue with the mud huts, but aren't alliance the faction with actual niggers?

Every server had big TM fights you absolute fetus

trans people

Yeah a bunch of people who said they were gonna go warrior are switching. Asmongold actually said hes probably going to go warlock

Starting zones power rankings:

1.Elwynn Forest
2.Tirisfal Glades
4.Dun Morogh

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Have fun zigzagging miles to your next quest/mob. Mulgore is the only starter zone I can't stand.

1. Dun Morogh
2. Mulgore
3. Elwynn Forest
4. Durotar
5. Tirisfal Glades
6. Teldrassil

Rather have my chad toes sticking out than be THIS

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Best zone, best race, home

Bad server rep

1. Elwynn
2. Morogh
3. Tirisfal
4. Durotar
5. Teldra
6. Mulgore

>"Every server is going to be a streamer server". Bullshit. I feel like they only keep repeating this line to trigger people, because they know many people fucking hate streamers and the bad effects they have on servers.
Asmon is definitely saying that to trigger people.
Esfand is saying that because Asmon said it so now he believes it.

what do you think orcs and trolls are?

1.Dun Morogh

nothing else because I only play Dwarf or Troll

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Nixxiom will play on eu.

wait there is morrowind multiplayer?


Green and blue respectively

They're all pretty good except for Teldrassil. But that's because I don't like Elves and their aesthetics.

he used to make machinimas if I recall correctly.

one of the few wow streamers who aren't balding

>nothing else because I only play Dwarf or Troll
have less sex