Without memeing pic related
>weapon durability
>weather making climbing annoying
>not linear
all of the above is just making the game tedious
Without memeing pic related
>weapon durability
>weather making climbing annoying
>not linear
all of the above is just making the game tedious
>its tedious being made to use a bunch of different weapons and experience more ways to fight
>as opposed to babby's first RPG where you get one weapon and continually use it and only it
you can literally run to the castle and finish the game any time. doing the dungeons just weakens the final boss
He didn't know that because he doesn't own the game
what's so bad about it being non-linear?
The biggest turn off for me is weapons breaking in like three hits. It’s not hard to find a bunch of random sticks laying around, but “oops you weapon broke again” is such an obnoxious feature.
I think it would have been fine if you could repair them.
yes i agree
most games i've played i haven't finished
the list would be much shorter for games i've finished
Git gud
>never once stated the game is too hard
>git gud
Try playing past the tutorial lmao
Labyrinth of Refrain
I was able to reach what I assume is the "final run" of bosses but I can't even beat the first one
sorry for criticizing your favorite game
Some endgame way of removing durability would’ve been nice, like bringing a ton of shit to a fairy to make an item have infinite durability
You damn well know that there other ways to entice the players to utilize different weapons than permanent durability.
I’m in the same boat. Usually love to play BotW when I’m super stoned. On a T break rn and I’m thinking of joining the military now though so my system needs to be clean.
I'm trying, I really do it's just so tedious and pointless. I don't like Africa, why am I fultoning kids, why am I even there.
You're not gud enough if you can't scale a mountian in the rain
Some people want to turn their brain off and follow the golden arrow.
I dont mind beeing forced to switch up my playstile and having different weapon categories, but the constant breaking of weapons just makes me uneasy. I just cling onto the good weapons and not use anything else than the masterswoard to fight (the bows only for puzzles or flying enemies) and allways take a 10 minute pause after the masterswoard breaks.
And this constant waiting for it beeing recharged killed the gameflow and I dropped it.
>i just found a potion, better safe it for a tough fight
>finishes game with 600 health potions
Holy based. Will this image ever stop BTFOing sonyboys?
>A bunch of different weapons
Yeah, all those 3 weapontypes with 1 moveset each
Same but not for those reasons
There's just not enough variety for the size of the world, if you're the kind of player who likes to explore everything instead of just travelling to the main objectives you'll get burnt out quickly
Use physics kills.
Use potions.
Use a 3 arrow bow with bombs
Master mode forces you to use these. I find it fun barging into a fort, blowing the bokoblind around and searching for things to whack moblind with.
i wish we had more diverse selection, durability system was actually fun hahah just too bad about some weapons being so rare
both xenoblade chronicles games
I feel like there should be progression but the gameplay remains mostly the same throughout the whole game, you get boosts but they're hollow and meaningless
this lmao, my weapons never even break anymore and i got like my armory full of all teh champion weapons and lynel weapons
thats just sad, finishing games is 1000% better
>both xenoblade chronicles games
There are 3 Xenoblade games.
>Some people want to turn their brain off and follow the golden arrow
"Freedumb" doesn't equate to good level design. There needs to be at least some linearity to make it work.
And often times. Levels with linear progression but substantial level design>Open fields, mountains,"do anything you want lol"
>you can literally not get the full experience
i mean obviously its neat that thats possible for things like speedruns but its clearly not the intended experience
>Master mode forces you to use these
>blow up a red barrel in a group of enemies
>finish one off
>the others have already started regenerating health
shit design tbqh
I don't want to say "never" but I can't imagine working up the tolerance for tedium to redo levels just to get to the top of the flag at the end
two xenoblade chronicles, and xenoblade X
and whatever the games were called before xenoblade chronicles 1
>two xenoblade chronicles
I think its mostly worth playing if you enjoy the base progression or if you cared enough about the marketing's message of being "The missing link in the MGS Saga!". If you dont enjoy playing you may as well stop, considering you only really have a few weapons that are only worth using and the game gets infinitely worse around Chapter 2.