
Attached: lol.png (1000x327, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What a tired formula.


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Fitting isnt it?

What a tired response.

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Attached: NKawuDo.png (1023x636, 141K)


This reminds me that, a couple years ago, I heard Ronnie was doing video game streams but he would only play stuff that he was already really good at because he was afraid of messing up in front of an audience.

to be honest, this explains Twitch entirely.

Attached: ge.jpg (811x702, 118K)

Attached: gu.jpg (781x671, 219K)

>8 million fucking views
What? When?

Attached: mfw22.png (557x385, 321K)


Why do you save unfunny comics onto your pc?

memes xD

Whomp thread?

Attached: 1443409878-2015-09-28-Would-Dour.jpg (900x578, 178K)

Dude Flipper Flop is easy as shit
What a fucking pleb

Attached: 1558292597679.jpg (1920x1080, 716K)

to post them here

Attached: 1390817071001.jpg (800x1085, 609K)

Now that's a good one.

Looks like early QC.

Are you mentally ill or what

>that alt text

Fuck off back to Yea Forumsmblr and take those shitty unfunny comics there, too.

>Yea Forums


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Attached: oglaf.jpg (760x596, 312K)


now for something really funny

Attached: 1521903810549.jpg (1041x789, 101K)

Suck my cock

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Attached: 2013-10-23-Careful-Whispers.jpg (900x582, 190K)

Laser Cheese!


>says the author-insert character is a dude
>2 panels later calls it a woman

I think those hormones are messing with its brain.

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What actually happened:
>Guy is a casual gamer who socializes more than games and never played on hard mode
>Actually wanted to know what the game was like on hard
>Tranny spergs out at the mere thought of someone questioning its lies
>Only knew what hard mode was like from online walkthroughs
>Throws a temper tantrum and gets kicked out

>those bubbles positions
what the hel

why are comics such trash

the eggs were dinosaur eggs

i did this

It's an edit.
Although the original is equally as baffling

Attached: p.jpg (895x296, 59K)

its a loss edit

Attached: 1439859085108.jpg (1440x2213, 2.11M)

>i have completely run out of ideas

Attached: 1423502257489.jpg (350x1890, 176K)

>doing all that shit just to go "lol I fucked ur mom"
Luthor will always be best.

Attached: Gawker is hiring.png (900x300, 106K)

>person walks past equation on blackboard
>heh, i'm so smart i can tell at a glance how it's wrong and what the correct answer is
how original
what amazing writing
truly this character is amazing

Attached: PBF237-Lyles_Constant.png (800x1046, 164K)

Attached: 1476098391673.jpg (597x348, 71K)

Based gookstrips

Lex "mother fucker" Luthor


Attached: 1557906785264.jpg (1041x1600, 360K)

OTHER food?

>at no point in any of his meticulous planning did he stop to think "what if I just made it so there never was a Superman"
Luthor is great because it fits. He would legitimately prefer to have a tormented Superman son in his life over no Superman at all.

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Huh, pbf is still going

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Attached: v fixes a comic.png (760x419, 559K)

I know whoever wrote this was trying to show how much smarter they were than their friendzone strawman but it just reads like a massive cope to me

Jesus fucking cringe.

Attached: 1423595827077.jpg (600x3400, 288K)

Why don't they make movies of these comics instead?

Boobs > Ass > vag

Attached: 1473788987770.jpg (480x2581, 253K)

>friendship for years
>girl is already giving him the "what the fuck are you even talking about" look

Thanks doc

was it rape?

Attached: 1489575378841.png (530x542, 98K)

Superhero movies need to be dark and gritty, like the 90s never ended

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Son's face slays me every time.

I think you're cutting it too short, I'd do it like this.
It's not funny in the first place but whatever.

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I fucking love those.

it's an ironic filename because Yea Forums is shit at fixing comics

This cover lies in several ways

Attached: Lois_Lane_92.jpg (400x585, 60K)

you edited out the entire joke, good job

That only works when the comic is all about words words words or whent the punchline is "fuhnny face so random".
Here it just makes it too quick.

Attached: 1423596748773.jpg (369x2743, 275K)

>not funny to begin with
Maybe it was the fountain of subtlety


60's comic book covers were just clickbait

Most importantly, Lois is turned into a horse instead of a centaur

Attached: splash-supermangirlfriend-92.jpg (587x800, 194K)


Was whomp always meant to be unfunny? I could swear Ive seen some here that at least made me smirk..unless a non zoomer edited it to be funny. You zoomer retards have no talent.

white people bad

I disagree with your opinion

Attached: 1423596918989.jpg (480x2572, 321K)

>this used to be hideously overweight
How times have changed

Attached: 1407695969309.jpg (1000x951, 870K)

>the equations are back to front in the final panel

What the fuck?

Attached: dobglaf.jpg (760x596, 262K)

don't have a panic attack now

That really is unironically me a few years ago. I guess that was my midlife crisis.

these chink comics are great

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Is there a single videogame character that could beat the prankster?

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too late
im literally shaking

>100 measly extra pounds used to affect Superman
Powercreep has come a long way for comicbooks

>why yes i am a genius black woman and i could have saved the world if it wasnt for those dumb evil white men hitting on me

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God damn how long have autistic perverts been producing popular media? Are they all on Elsagate shit nowadays or is that a new breed? This feels too similar


>still no Dr.Doom movie

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Remember the time Superhorse tried to fuck Supergirl?

fuck off

jap songs have no rhyming they're awful

Attached: 1423772099439.jpg (466x2800, 296K)

artists have always been autistic perverts


Attached: lwdyq6j3439z.jpg (400x300, 63K)

>sugar is so bad for you
>let me just down this bottle of hormone blockers instead

Attached: assigned male1.jpg (960x540, 55K)

Holy shit is that the origin

I'm guessing they're probably funnier in hindsight than they were back then because in modern times we have the idea of taking Superman seriously.

Attached: denied the pleasure.png (1000x1000, 61K)

women got fatter so superman had to get stronger

Attached: 1456976060409.jpg (406x600, 55K)

why is doom so based?

>muh childhood gayme

Attached: ac8.jpg (200x227, 10K)

He's a man who knows what he wants and how to get it

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>God damn how long have autistic perverts been producing popular media?
Since the first cave painting.

Superman was very serious

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This is what transfags actually believe

no u

Post the Buckley edit

Lol don't fuck with gamers

Attached: cad-20051012-73ea5.x83863.jpg (625x790, 182K)

Yeah can't wait for even more dr.doom wank off!


Damn that's pretty much what I expected them to look like

>the redhead is actually kinda cute


i want to die

He just is

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I don't get it. What are they laughing at? Clearly not his dick size since its big enough to get him a son.

weren't they both just glorified maids before he had to modify megaman to fuck wily's shit up

Attached: 1731730-spiderman_doom_nexttime.jpg (830x669, 133K)

Attached: 1382311118971.jpg (877x544, 58K)

have sex

>Clearly not his dick size since its big enough to get him a son.
do you think dick size has anything to do with impregnating a woman

How many people in that image are trannoids

He makes a persuading argument I think we should give him the countries.

Attached: 1453828235775.jpg (569x3500, 547K)

The author doesn't give a shit about making all that up because they know nobody that reads that shit would know the difference.

>luthors gal is bald

Superman you picked her

The artist was too lazy to redraw/rewrite the text from the opposite angle, so they just mirrored the whole board.

Hello, my name is Dr. Mood (yes, that will do)

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Attached: fedoras-of-darkness.png (1000x1413, 566K)


what makes you think people see themselves in ronnie
sounds like you're the one who does that
other people just think the comics are funny

I love how all the FUCK CAT CALLING IT IS THE WORST MEN ARE THE DEVIL always race changes the cat callers.

Play video games.

Attached: 1558359592136.jpg (205x154, 10K)

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You will never have two women try to kill each other to be with you

Attached: LoisLane021.jpg (400x573, 69K)

Do you have the one where he challenges Batman to pistols at dawn?

Since when Peter is c_ucking others and not a c u c k himself?

Attached: 131.jpg (1040x1600, 586K)

Superman Visits Australia

Attached: Lois_Lane_117.jpg (400x578, 70K)

All of the countries? Even Venezuela and Zimbabwe?

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>leave your shit comments for reddit
That's actually an interesting line. Do tumblr fags see reddit the way reddit fags see Yea Forums?

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Sure they're fixer uppers, but I dunno I think Doom can figure something out.

Attached: stonetoss.png (880x879, 693K)

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>I don't need laser eyes to roast bitches

Attached: Lois_Lane_63.jpg (419x625, 103K)

>I would go out with anybody if they were great in bed
I should have stopped reading there.

I'd read a whole series of that.

The whole point of these comics is to shut off the other's opinions by making them women haters

this is one of those comics I can recognize immediately from the thumbnail

>no get gud

Still thinner than the average american girl.


Attached: existential Sorry.png (1000x3024, 1.2M)

Jimmy Olsen: Time Travelling Child Abductor

Attached: Jimmy_Olsen_Vol_1_101.jpg (500x752, 98K)

Attached: lol comic1.jpg (1280x950, 247K)

>get gud in 2006
You probably weren't even born back then, but "git gud" only really started around 2008.


"she" looks like her fucking face is melting.


Hey Petah remember that time I got turned into a centaur?

>t. Shitter
Maybe u need to get u u god godamn troglodyte mouthbreathing gayfag omega gaysphere

Is saladtoss hoping his primarily conservative audience wouldn't recognize famous stand-up jokes from famous black comedians? absolutely creatively bankrupt

wtf I love Venezuela now!

Superman comics officially ended here

Attached: Jimmy_Olsen_Vol_1_112.jpg (480x718, 100K)

There's something dirty about plagiarizing a joke that's over 2 thousand years old for your shitty webcomic.

it wasn't a thing until the dark souls PC port


This will never not be funny to me.

Reparations pie

Maybe someday when all races commit equal amount of crime

Attached: 1557960520340.png (2940x3036, 1.86M)

A scathing indictment of coffee drinkers

well atleast hes already burried

Lois Lane: Time Travelling Child Molester

Attached: 1454254989426.jpg (600x869, 403K)

Its time

Attached: 01_001.jpg (861x1049, 359K)

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this is great

Why do leftist people hate the hardworking class?

Attached: WorkingClass.png (1500x500, 76K)

Doesn't Supes get his power from the sun? Could this actually kill him?

It's even worse. See how she's talking about male cancer. So its more like "I was going to save you but you offended me so oh well who cares"

are you implying that all races have equal material conditions?

Just print more money dude problem solved

Attached: 02_002.jpg (861x1049, 481K)

Attached: 03_003.jpg (861x1049, 369K)

.Fucking retard gave his left hand for a handshake

This one is actually good though.

I fucking hate nu/v/ so god-damned much.

Attached: if_only_you_knew_how_bad_things_really_were.png (1075x648, 697K)

This reeks of dobson

Superman, you've never wanted to marry while I'm white

Will you marry me now while I'm black? No? RACIST!

Attached: 1456975555134.jpg (460x600, 140K)

He's a solar powered battery. Unless he's in there for a few months, he won't run out.

You're laughing but that's legit one of the only possible futures where humanity survives in Marvel universe.

Now that's a prime cope.

That's a cover though:


Attached: 1558312406480.jpg (530x600, 74K)

yes, it in fact is the normie version of Yea Forums

This is worse than cuckoldry desu
I loathe the people who like it and the man who made it

He's the greatest superhero of the 616 universe.

>NTR bait
Just fuck this fluffy faggot already!

Attached: 04_004.jpg (861x1049, 85K)

lmao bitch I ain’t no fucking dog


Actual spoiler alert: It's fake and does nothing

Attached: Jimmy_Olsen_Vol_1_70.jpg (400x598, 71K)

>sergal fursuit
he knows too much

Attached: 10_010.jpg (861x1049, 240K)

>this has to be fake
>it's not
he did GAMERS RISE UP before it was cool

delete yourself

Tags: Imminent Rape

Attached: 1457012509849.jpg (408x600, 122K)

Supes would have to be gay to not fug black Lois.

Attached: 11_011.jpg (861x1049, 257K)

v (aka you, a retard) ruins a comic

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Attached: 12_012.jpg (861x1049, 370K)

Where the fuck is this going?
Is this going to end nicely or badly?

someone spent a long time editing the jokes out of comics like pbf, smbc, whomp

Attached: 1457039649660.jpg (523x748, 99K)

Probably both.

Attached: 13_013.jpg (861x1049, 244K)

prob reference to cave explorer

Western comics are so fucking cringy and shitty holy shit

Attached: 1522399836556.png (600x600, 45K)

Attached: 14_014.jpg (861x1049, 345K)

Jimmy never learned to count higher than five

Attached: Jimmy_Olsen_Vol_1_119.jpg (455x681, 100K)

Are you implying certain races do not commit a substantial more amount of crime even upon equal material conditions?


Attached: 15_015.jpg (861x1049, 305K)

this is from a time when the sole audience for comics were

Of course the pie will be larger if you fill it with bullshit.

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Attached: Jimmy_Olsen_Vol_1_88.jpg (490x727, 100K)

Attached: 17_017.jpg (1845x1125, 492K)

>not liking the tender touch of a woman
ok fag

She's ugly af

Definitive edition.

Attached: fountains of dob.png (760x1788, 2.64M)

They do, it's just whities can't stand the sight of a black person being happy so they arrest and murder them for any reason.

Now it's all right, as it should be

Attached: WorkingRightClass.png (1500x500, 95K)

As always commies fail to understand basic economics.

Attached: 18_018.jpg (1845x1125, 501K)

wherever this is going I implore you to refrain

have your hair stroked and being cuddled from behind every now and then

Yes, yes I do

Attached: 1460524925976.jpg (1807x1687, 619K)

That famous joke of not wanting to be stuck in a black neighborhood? That's just common sense user.

Attached: 19_019.jpg (1845x1125, 403K)

Isn't this image sequence a bit too long for this thread?

The bottom panels were unironically funny at least

Get treated nicely, kid

Are you implying race does remain a significant predictor of crime rate after partialing out material conditions? Because you'd be wrong.

I swear if there's ballbusting about to be posted

Attached: 20_020.jpg (1845x1125, 403K)

Fallout 4

Attached: 1457042106674.jpg (420x617, 43K)

wait really
like really really

Please let that be the only kick

God I wish that were me

yeah you sure can bake a lot of bread with sawdust


Attached: 94d72a9f350211452fd78bd19848f50e03b7f743baaf9b349114701762b99f00.png (815x608, 307K)

man even the more vanilla stuff this guy draws pisses me off. why do the best artists have to be wasted on the worst fetishes?

Attached: 21_021.jpg (1845x1125, 434K)

How wholesome.

>his life is essentially over but he sure owned those cunts
That's why they call him the world's greatest super hero.

stop it you weirdos

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Attached: 22_022.jpg (1845x1125, 466K)

No I'm fairly certain he literally just drew a 4 panel comic of a Chris Rock joke but I can't be bothered to dig it up. Of course without actual decent delivery, which that hack is incapable of, it's literally just "lol niggers"

...Which is why SJW focus on making their own games rather than badger the developers of existing ones on twitter.

seething femcel

and they were full of sexual themes still perverted by todays standards, and communist rhetoric, why do you think they were burned

relax your dick /pol/, it was 2010, not everyone was a tranny

Attached: 23_023.jpg (1280x780, 137K)

Please do not post my wife.

I thought silver kryptonite killed all plant life.

Third time's the charm, just get it over with.

Attached: 24_024.jpg (1845x1125, 489K)


You know, saying this in the same sentence as comic books now just has me picturing some kind of pervert superhero called Powercreep.

>waaaaaaahhh /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ said mean words ban now ban now ban now WHERES MY SOIIIIIIII FUCKING /POL/

Oh no

Attached: 25_025.jpg (1845x1125, 414K)

Attached: 1550876276271.png (778x1100, 909K)

Her kicking technique is abysmal.

can we just get to the part where this is a lance hart video please

Attached: 26_026.jpg (1845x1125, 469K)

Weebs have Reddit tier senses of humour

found the /pol/fag

Girls' faces with a penis shadow is the best

Will she kick him so hard he topples over, or just punt him in the nuts, cast your votes now

Exercise more, Yea Forums
Do your squats

Attached: 27_027.jpg (1845x1125, 616K)

shes going to kick him in the balls look away lads

Honestly this has probably happened.

was "permanent" the 1950's version of "literally"

what the fuck are you on about. this fag was saying "western comics are shit" suggesting suggesting these 50's era comics as some sort of example when japan's old shit is just as stupid.

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Knee directly against the asshole

But wouldn't that mean the guy gives off light?

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upvot if u cry evry tiem

Attached: 1322893-__hr_09.jpg (750x1153, 191K)

I'm pretty sure it's just the guys making the cover realizing they've already pulled this "what if lois got superpowers" marketing stunt like fifty times so they're trying to make it seem like it's for real this time (when it almost assuredly wasn't)

Attached: 29_029.jpg (1845x1125, 464K)

But the Confederate flag is backwards now.

or the guy's penis is between the girl and a lamp

Attached: 931BCFB6B1CC468CB7B37B878D4207D4.gif (410x3356, 125K)

>got a big dick
>gf agrees, dick is big
>she never even fakes stage 1 despite me specifically requesting it
She just went straight to stage 3, got stuck on 4, went back to 3 and refuses to budge

Attached: 30_030.jpg (1845x1125, 436K)

I admire the effort they put in to get a torch in front of your dick just to make shadow puppet on some slag's face.

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Just clamp down on tax avoidance and evasion.

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>staring right into her puffy horse pussy and ass

Attached: jimmyolsencover10.jpg (400x591, 83K)

White guy gets stuck with the bill for the whole thing, though.

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Attached: 33_033.jpg (1845x1125, 627K)

I only know the Cicada version.

>look out of classroom window
>see some retard letting himself get kicked by a girl
fuck this school i want to go home and play videogames

>still only at twenty-one
>already going to kick at full power
Only still watching out of morbid curiosity

Step it up user

Attached: 1407694430260.jpg (584x860, 253K)

This better comes to a closure real soon
I can keep edging for much longer

Has senpai snapped and raped her in the manga yet?

Attached: 34_034.jpg (1845x1125, 428K)

I wonder if the author realizes what a hypocrite he is for stereotyping construction workers like this.


Unironically me.


Attached: ontheoutside.jpg (605x788, 84K)

untrue claim, if 2 out of 10 people have bad sense of humour, it doesn't mean the 8 others have too, faggot


>women need Twitter to tell them to show affection

Yeah, they're not emontionless sacks of shit at all.

Fuck cicada
>half of his drawings' subjects are trash
>even for the ones that hit all my fetishes, his artstyle is too shit to fap to

Attached: 35_035.jpg (1845x1125, 720K)

What does that have to do with 'social justice'?

>all your girlfriend does is take pictures of your dick
1, 3 and 5 are the best but you need a better girlfriend if she won't even touch your it

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Attached: Venus Envy.jpg (701x1998, 376K)

What's the appeal of something like this?

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In case the thread gets pruned before the end, keep this link in mind.

ah yes, the classic that started it all

Attached: cow tools.jpg (255x325, 33K)

he dead

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What does mentioning communism for no reason?

Attached: 37_037.jpg (1845x1125, 600K)

It's the camera flash retard

He's basically if you took sparrow, removed whatever small grasp on drawing he has, and add some edge to replace it with.

Attached: 38_038.jpg (1845x1125, 514K)


Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (540x567, 1.5M)

Attached: 1448737902886.jpg (1200x1766, 791K)


>flash is behind the dick, camera is in front

they've gone to a lot of effort

Attached: 39_039.jpg (1845x1125, 488K)

Wasn’t there a lewd fem version of this

Cicada aligns with my fetish noticeably better.
If only he could draw.
If only he'd finish that fucking futa/female incest comic on his patreon, he's dropped it halfway through twice now

Attached: Doesanyoneknowswhotheartistisikeepseeing_1c5dab4aba5fd572fe9381d62de12d6c.jpg (736x1035, 201K)

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Jack is down forever and waybackmachine only has bits and pieces

Attached: Jack20010302.jpg (510x652, 54K)

Superbaby came to our world, where two desperate women molested him in an effort to make him love them when he grew up. Then he turned into a bigamist.

Attached: 1445758685392.jpg (999x1515, 332K)

I know a lot of it is put on but the one where his son writes a letter to him with thai kick at the end and he's in tears is fucking incredible even if you know it's coming.

Attached: 92245678.gif (220x198, 377K)

and jimmy was just pulling a prank to get superman's ovaltine or something, i bet

>he forgot to count out 22
Only fifty more of these fucking kicks.

What is it with older comics putting emphasis/bolding the wrong words?
People don't talk like that. Is it just some in-joke in the comic industry that they never thought got old?

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you know what was the craziest about this was I think his girlfriend was the one who did the coloring while the guy just drew it.

can you imagine dating a guy who regularly drew shit like that? I would honestly be scared as fuck.

>Ronnie can't just keep to the beat.
You can't actually lose if you can do that.

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Never fail to make me uncomfortable..

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this is as untrue as saying the sole audience for video games today is

You've never read Brenda Starr if this is bothering you.

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Why would she fake awe? Shes probably had dozens bigger

When was the last time Yea Forums dumped the whole thing?

"pssh, nothin personell...kid"

Haha, get it?

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I want Nagatoro to kick the shit out of me and call me a loser virgin that I am

anyone have the one where they freak out bc she actually figured it up?



Played like a damn fiddle

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They do labor. Labor is beneath them.

well, maid and butler really

It certainly doesnt help that niggers are a joke themselves

please tell me that this comic ends with the loli getting gangbanged and dumped in a ditch

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Because I was also reading the manga panels as I scrolled down, I read this right-to-left. I was confused.

A little make-believe in the bedroom never hurt anyone, user. It strokes my ego and fuels my fetishes, even if it weren't genuine.
I'll ignore that comment. Her previous boyfriend threw a shitfit because mine's bigger than his.

Anyone here with access to that site wouldn't need a link to find what they want.

>he doesn't know Nagatoro

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>He's never read Nagatoro

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Literally ask ANY californian marxist "where do you see yourself in a sicialist society?"
100% guaranteed to hear administrative worker in response.




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Nagatoro is NOT for lewd

>reading cuck garbage

Well someone gets dumped

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It'll end when he stops being a bitch and counts to 30

Joke's on her.
I'm masturbating to that ass.

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Stoooooop. His ass will be split in two!

Never. It never ends.

Do your parents know you're browsing an 18+ website?

>words words words words

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y i k e s

I don't get it

the fuck happened to Sinfest?

Just brace yourself bro, lmao

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Would you be able to witstand kicks from a tiny JC Yea Forums?


thats nice hun

Please tell me either one of them snaps out of this bullshit
I know they won't but please tell me anyway

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My ass is so numb from sitting all day I probably wouldn't even feel it.

WOOOOOOW how am is supposed to dodge that?

I'll take the hammer off the bell...

I remember a long time ago someone drew some R34 of this trap in a random LOL thread.

was fucking great but I didnt save it.

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Please just fucking count man.

>he actually braced himself
Only 1400 pages to go until he beats her and impregnates her!

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where did the resources for the giant pie come from? Thin air? Did everyone work equally to acquire all the extra filling and dough?

Disdain for Redditors exists across the entire Internet.

Oh shit he's feeling it

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just post the final page man
It's been fifty pages

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Imagine being an irl newfag and thinking you will never be the old person you are making fun of.

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This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen and I really like it.

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and always the same spot

that fair-weather CUNT!

That would explain why Stonetoss is averse to jokes.

They killed the bigot and stuffed him in there

Aren't those trash comic korean tho?

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>no game where you defuse bombs with the power of funk

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from diversity, you bigot

is this Elite Beat Agents?

She's going mental!

It was the archie comics that tipped me off to it. Even as a child that gave me many sleepless nights wondering if I've been saying things wrong my whole life.

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>nagatoro dump
Man it's a been a while. You want the NTR one for maximum butthurt though.

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Me when I’m alone haha

god i wish that were me

t. don't get nietzsche


Directly against the asshole!

That wasn't a kick at all!

Jesus fucking Christ mate.

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Man of culture here.

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>tfw no bully gf to kick your ass
Why live

Supes is not the right guy to ask for help on this.

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I'm a pretty big guy so I expect my ass would absorb the impact no problem.

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In the homestretch now boys

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you can always spot a leftie ms paint comic by the subtle hints, like not being funny

Now, that's just being a sadistic asshole, cumming in a face is very hot, but purposely hurting someone's else EYE, what the fuck, man? Eyes are sacred, like teeth, the balls or the inside of the ears, that stuff hurts too much.

The winner of that duel should face Stonetoss.

I hope she sits on his face after this

He should've asked Lois instead. She'd spend all that money in an hour.

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>this came out before the internet and rule 34
80 pages of hardcore lesbian catfighting, lost

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You're destroying his hips STOP

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Hurry up user, threads already past bump limit

I want to say yes but there's the potential it could throw my back out again

Just thinking someone drew this because is his fetish makes me sick

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Just give me the fucking gallery link.

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I've always wondered, do people actually give photos of celebrities to their hairdressers?

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I cant believe senpai is fucking dead

did someone keep count how many kicks he actually got?

People have hair dressers?

>he cant get past the panda
End your life boyo

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Sure plantface. Fair warning though, I'm a vegetarian. *draws a kitchen knife*

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Probably all the time.
I've been into several hairdressers/barbers with celebrities on the walls

I can, that's the point dummy. I asked for the gallery link.

I can't watch...

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I've given them a picture once but it wasn't a celebrity. it was cropped gay softcore


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Stop postubg that gay shit

>didn't end with a kick in the dick

>replace the x with a -
>hacked past the panda

I can't believe Senpai is fucking dead, oh well
The End

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A dizzying blow to body and brain!

5 (including the one reading it)

rip his boypussy

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but do they really go to the beach now?

>you might be fucking her, but that relationship will PROBABLY, THEORETICALLY end, and at the end of the night after you’ve been fucking her I’LL be testing her on the phone about kpop
>who REALLY won, HMMM?


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No, he forgot to count again