Which hero is the best and why is it the gladiator?
Which hero is the best and why is it the gladiator?
dead game
>pokes your foot
>always get into full games within 1 minute, day or night
sure seems dead
>stabs your toe
>jump attacks you
>throws you off a cliff
INCREDIBILI *punches (you) in the face*
sadly ^this
When you're looking for a ranked match it takes almost 10 minutes and then you're not evenly matched.
And the other gamemodes are shit (and no, i'm not paying 30$ for some PvE content)
Fuck Hitokiris. It's literally cent 2.0 which just forces you to turtle. With dodge/roll nerf next season they'd easily be the most annoying heroes.
>getting punched by a centurion past rep 10
lmao just play gladiator and stab them in the toe
play dominion for maximum chaos
>t. faggots that have never played an honest-to-god 200 players at peak hours dead game in their lives
You motherfuckers have been saying this for almost THREE YEARS give it a rest already
>stab them in the toe
Thanks for free guard break. :)
it's not.
Next season alongside Nobushi. Though could be Gladiator too, but I feel Cent has highest chances.
The sword looks comical with such small handle
Or is it intended?
>not aramusha
>side deflects getting fixed soon
you nibbas better get some real fucking strong steel toed boots
is the peacekeeper shit or is she worth playing?
I'm sorry user. I enjoyed the game, but I just dont feel that it's worth my time to wait for the start of the game longer than one round lasts.
>all those people assuming they won't get hit by any punch or stab
How does it feel having those godly powers?
Is it taunting that you must walk on this cursed earth with us mere mortals?
dont you get a skewer off of a deflect, and not a toe stab
It's intended.
The military sword commission in burgerland is a fucking embarrassment.
>any punch or stab
hardly true, but as far as cent goes, theres no excuse to get hit by literally any of his moves, be it stabs, kicks, slashes or punches. they are all extremely slow. it's your mistake for trying to parry a hero that can soft feint gb or vary his heavy timings.
if you don't mind getting trash-talked by other players for picking this charakter; she is actually pretty fun
>Which hero is the best
i think so, but i'm still gonna toe stab the shit out of everything in sight
i'm a consolefag, the only person i've seen with a mic so far was just some retard who had his mic brushing up against his shirt or something causing constant noise, so i just muted him
It looks like someone put the same face on the two niggas on the left.
>year of our lord (india superpower) -1
People don’t go into a fight assuming they won’t get hit by Cent, they just know that any of his actual threatening options are 600ms or slower and thus will practically never land on someone without cerebral palsy
Won't be reworked for a long time.
She's one of shittiest assassin in games and assassins overall are pretty shit now.
I like smacking her around with my rhythm stick
fuck this guy
gladiator is pretty based though
I reinstalled to check this game out again, and during a match I walk to another room to tell my daughter goodnight. When I got back I was banned from matchmaking for 15 minutes, so I uninstalled it forever this time
Does someone need a hug?
Nah. Only thing Gladiator has got going for him is his zone that's unpunishable by most of the cast and he somewhat counters Shugoki and Hitokiri.
how does this move heal shugoki
does he nibble on their penises
also, what if they're female
>useless teammate that does nothing removed from the match
>decides never to play again
good, i've had it with you fags
Then the penis is surely feminine
>Ceremonial sword
>Didn't clean off the finger prints
>Scratches everywhere
i mean i don't play some super high level 1 on 1s, i haven't played for a long time, but i seem to be able to stunlock pretty good with him, and the bleed damage from skewer is pretty good
>Centurion still garbage
looks like I still won't be playing for a while
fucking cowboys, you don't know SHIT
I was whoopin ass before I was kicked. It's like everyone forgot how to fight orochis
i bet you were left-right light spamming again and again
just play gladiator
are there still offical tournaments for this game?
or did the give up after the first one was won by a guy who abused a bug?
No I'll spin to win sometimes but my fighting is more reliant on that backstep slash attack and the weeb ninja run.
>That blade for that tiny handle and guard
Cope harder foot fetishist
I think they bowed out of ESports (good riddance, ES is cancer) and are now in a weird space where they game sits between being over the top or more grounded and balanced
>tfw shinobi naruto runs like an autistic child
why did they do this
>won by a guy who abused a bug
Haha I forgot about that
>delusion: the post
I should play again, haven't played since before they put in that new Samurai hero. Gladiator's good fun, but I think I like Kensei or Conquerer the most.
gladiator is even worse than cent
lmao i heard about that, what exactly did he do again? i never heard the details
Abused unlock to make his attacks unparryable.
Gladiator needs too much effort for too little reward. He's not worth playing unless you really love him
i very recently started, gladiator and nobushi are probably my favorite. I also like the valk, although she seems very weak in certain situations, or maybe i just suck. I wanna try a few more heroes, and level them a bit, i'm just very unsure which heroes are shit and which are good, for instance if i pick, lets say, peacekeeper, and get used to her, even get decent with her, then find out that she's one of the worst heroes and i could be doing much better on another one, i'd feel like it was kind of a waste of time. Are there heroes that are shit, and some that are statistically better than others, or is it all just autistic screeching from people with different taste?
It's great because it almost works like a taunt.
I know that issues with the game are worse on PC than console (since higher framerates mean people can react to moves much quicker meaning there's a lot of shit you can't do). Uh, I think Lawbringer is supposed to be bad though I think they're going to do a rework for him sometime soon.
I think you should play who you like, but if you want to learn fundamentals I think Kensei is recommended.
It entirely depends on level you'll be playing. Most heroes are workable until mid-high level where people would still be trying to parry you or fail to turtle.
None of the heroes are complete shit at lower, mid level but at higher levels you're going to have alot of bad time with some heroes because autisitc people can react to everything. Also some heroes are highly playstyle and game mode dependent. Nobushi is one of worst duelist in game but god tier in 4v4 and 2v2 while Warden is one of best duelist but alright in team based ones.
Lawbringer got his rework and he's still mostly the same. Only thing that got changed to him is you're much less likely to parry his chain starters. Also he isn't bad its just his playstyle is mostly about stalling, either for timer to run out in duels or allies coming to help him and capitalizing big on enemy mistakes.
yeah, im on console, i'd like to work on something thats good and still viable in high level in case i get there and git gud, i think lawbringer is pretty cool, played him at first, but he seems to be very reliant on parries, which i fucking suck at, i'm mostly playing gladiator and nobushi now, really like them, and from what i've read they're both pretty good at high level too, although opinions vary and the game seems to change all the time
nobushi is one of the worst in 1v1? oh boy, again i'm still pretty low level, but so far i've done pretty good when put head-on against other players, altough that might be just because i'm low level. Warden seems pretty solid, i've tried him a bit but i really have to get used to his playstyle since i've mainly been playing nobu and glad, and they have decent range, since glad has that jump attack.
What do you guys mainly play?
>Glad has that jump attack
Dude Warden has one of the best jump attacks in the game. Front dash + heavy attack does a really fast lunge that is really hard to react to if you aren't paying attention. It would be better though to not rely on the jump attacks because they will get parried a lot in higher level duels. In 4v4 though you should be better off though since there's a lot of ganking going on
ah ok, i'll check that out, haven't played him much and i tend to look at the moveset and then my brain blanks as soon as i have to do any of those moves for the first few times, guess i should check him out more.
>For Consoles
I will show them
is the black prior a very good hero or have i just always fucked up when i've lost to them?
He's one of good ones.
He was fucking crack and anyone with good reactions was absolutely impossible to kill since bulwark countered fucking everything because of how fast you could enter it.
Now he's still plenty stronk, but not invincible.
>shit game
The blade is how you want people to believe your dick looks like, the handle is actually how your dick looks like.
He's just cancerous
Very strong bashes with minimal window to dodge and absolutely no recovery, good at turtling, tons of guard frames on his lights and some of the best feats in the game.
The worst part? His moveset is really fucking boring to use despite all of the tools you got.
>mained Raider since the beginning
>dealt with not getting buffs
>people called me a bro for playing a low tier well
>now Raider is good
>every mouth breather picks him up and spams the tap
>get called a tier whore
fuck this community. boutta quit desu.
because gladiators are underrated, we need more gladiators in vidya
Glad and cent are both gay af. Fuck rome.
>Giving a fuck
Play whatever you want, dipshit, fuck everyone else
fuck off barbarian scum
who cares what some nerds in a game are saying? i'd never stop playing a game i find fun because some faggot calls me a faggot, that's 10-year-old-girl mentality
just block top you cretin
blocking is still the most broken mechanic in the game
how do retards still not know how to deal with anything
don't get me wrong, it's not like I feel bad about it or care what they think. it's the fact that playing a game with these people feels like being in the ballpit at chuck e. cheese's while the short bus group is there.
Is this Heroes of the Knights of Revenge?
You ain't seen ultra instinct yet
based anti-imperialist
God damn