Why do localizers do this?

Attached: dsadas.jpg (1709x388, 266K)

Do what?

Because they know that their job (if they performed it correctly) is to simply translate the writing of a superior man. Their insecurity causes them to meddle. "I can do better"

Attached: trns.jpg (585x115, 14K)

What does the left say?

It's the N word

It says a character's name followed by ellipses.

what "N" word?



Do you know what it says in kanji? Maybe it's some Japanese saying that doesn't translate well.

But that's some terrible Japanese bullshit right there. Nobody actually talks like that.

I don't know man. I was answering that guy's question of what it said.

Reminder that weebs are angry because they didn't mirror translate this.

I remember in one of these threads someone argued to me that people do in fact talk like this.


Still no reason to change it

It reminds me of the Great Ace Attorney fan translation. Because it was a direct translation there are countless instances of dialogue with nothing but "name + ellipses" and characters saying "what do you mean".

You can literally make a drinking game out of it.


Might have escaped your notice but dialogue in fiction is very rarely realistic.

You know when Japan localizes Western games they also change the dialogue to be more natural with their language right? Stop being a weaboo.

But that’s how it should be, as close to original intention as possible.

So they replace every dialog by ellipsis?

My dude you could master the entire japanese alphabet in an evening.

I believe in this case the developers asked the translators to change as many instances of this kind of writing.

They made an incredibly long game, and the original has tons of text boxes that are just filler like this, which might have been a time saving measure.

thats katakana though


>terrible Japanese bullshit
that's JRPGs in general though

what did he mean by this