ITT: how to spot a scrub
ITT: how to spot a scrub
>Choosing Shoryureppa instead of Shippu Jinraikyaku in 3rd Strike
Lol, good luck beating the Undead Giant in Pthumeru while flailing around impotently with Lolwig’s.
Hey man, it's not my fault it's so good at literally everything. I only used it for one playthrough anyway, I much prefer the amygdala arm.
>try this weapon out 1st playthrough
>realize it's amazing
>literally a quick weapon and heavy weapon in 1
>ridiculously OP range and staggering
>Yea Forums shits on it
>play through RPG
>Get a good weapon
Yea Forums in a nutshell
yall serial cocksuckers still can’t decide how to define your bullshit buzzword. way to out yourself you goddamned fool
>Choosing Ken at all
Literally the scrubbiest character in the game, he's just easy mode Ryu
Real chads use Shin-Shoryuken
For me it's the Hunter's Axe.
it's only real downside is the boring moveset
It's just really easy for people to gravitate towards because it's a very versatile weapon. It's not as bad as new players to Dark Souls 1 having the Zwei carry them through the entire game
It's cool and pretty fun to use, ok? Also like the only arcane weapon with A scaling in the base game. All in all I don't regret sticking to it in my first playthrough
Virgin vs. Chad.
Big Dick vs micropenis.
>Years of Greatswords being either shit or mediocre with some exceptions
>Finally get a good greatsword
>Dex fags start getting mad that their elemental powder buffed +10 estoc isn't the best weapon in the game for once
Get fucked and stay mad.
Pick chad comin thru
yeah bloodborne is pretty cringe
>stealth Astachad thread
my nigga
Criminally underrated weapon. The pick is great.
They say Kos.
Preach brother, loved this bastard since dlc day 1 and has been my favourite ever since
full beast mode master race fuck you
Really good weapon,used it for my 1st playthrough.Next one I used the whirlgig saw,really good too and had a lot of fun
non-beast rune beast claws
>Tries to lightspam you only to get rekt and ragequit
>tfw too slow to parry most heavies, let alone parry lights
>using genei-jin instead of you-hou
Riflespear carried me through most of the game, not sure if Yea Forums thinks its trash
Every weapon in Bloodborne is good dumbass
>Does serrated damage
What the fuck
Is pic related op or is it just me? I’m doing my first play through and this beast of a weapon does so much more damage than everything else that I kind of feel bad about using it. I’m building arcane so that helps
PVP niggers dislike it as it has a fairly limiting moveset that's not even good against other players to begin with. It's fine for PVE , but in NG+ and beyond it gets weaker than other weapons due the retarded way damage reduction is calculated in souls games.
Mushi Mushi Desu Senpai
>needs a build that is useless otherwise
>only found far into the game
>drains you when you use it
still the gentleman's choice. peasants just can't cope.
The L2 is fantastic
>using anything other than the chad saw cleaver