Why is my present a boy????

Why is my present a boy????

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Really enjoying that I got into Falcom games in December of last year because now I actually notice how much Yea Forums likes them

Estelle is annoying af

why do people pretend to like her?

Estelle is perfection you simpleton.

Reminder that the society of Ouroboros all deserved a bullet in the head, every last one of them. Including Renne.

>b-but they were victims of circumstance
Talk shit, get hit.

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>this whole fucking series

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>She doesn't want her present to be a boy.

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Why would you care if Yea Forums likes something you enjoy or not? Seeking validation for what you like will only make you miserable, especially with the retarded amount of astroturfing that goes on around here. Trust me, I went there.

Be quiet and accept the Rean machine, Estelle.

>guys its completely not an incest haha

>Joshua fell for her almost immediately and was forced to spend years together with her before she reached any sort of emotional maturity

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Based Rean

Wait until the direwolf pries you open in front of your brotherfriend and leaves a nice Enforcer baby in your belly

because future is female

But Walter is for Zin.


I want to ___ Estelle's ___!

Attached: Estelle_sen4.png (2826x2000, 3.41M)

When did Rean steal /ourgirl/'s virginity?


>emotionally mature himself



Bitch. You don't complain about this. At least you have a future husband so that you don't have to look for your whole life up to cheesecakehood.

where is my future wife

She’s too cute