You fucking faggots told me that going full psi would make the game easy mode but i keep running out of mana after two...

you fucking faggots told me that going full psi would make the game easy mode but i keep running out of mana after two spells and proceed to get two shotted by super mutants on normal

should i just build full stealth and not bother fighting until i get past depot A?

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psi monk is easy modo from start to finish.
full psi is top in endgame

junkyard is easymode with psi, post your build

I played it for a few hours and then refunded it when i got stuck in the begining. There were no good tutorials on the game anywhere, but I like that type of Fallout 1 and 2 style gameplay.

Is it any good or is it just a pale comparison to fallout?

Its like fallout but deeper combat. You shouldnt really need a guide if youve played FO1/2

Everything except story/writing is better than Fallout.

I'd say even that's better than Fallout.

>if youve played FO1/2
I haven't played those, went into it blind and beat it np, common sense and not being a scrub is literally all you need.
also I went psi (not knowing what it would be, just sounded cool) in normal difficulty and pretty much steamrolled through the game, if someone's going psi I'd recommend at least picking hard difficulty

I got stuck at the part where I was going to take back outposts north of the old man in the beginning, but I couldnĀ“t find or craft any explosives to destroy the rocks.

I even took the boat to the place with the two gangs to buy some explosives but couldnĀ“t find any. How do you get the explosives?

You get explosives after you finish the firs part of the main quest, basically the extended tutorial. You don't have to, nor can you remove any rocks before that.

you cant break the rocks with any explosive other than TNT (which you cant get until later in the game)

you were going the wrong way

Oh, ok. But what is the main quest? In my notes it only said to go meet all the different people and when that was done it said to start the generator and take the outposts?


that's the main quest. you do it without breaking any rocks.

The main quest is basically the missions you get from Tanner, so retaking the outposts is the first quest of the main quest. There will be four of them before you get explosives.

Have you talked to Harold like you were asked to before heading out?

Well, it said the outposts would be north of the old man and i have explored everything north of him. There are no more paths to take and I have gone down the elevator and explored everything there to. Am I just missing something?


Yes, i talked to him.

Alright, I might buy the game again and go through it again. Thanks for the advise.

Well then you had everything. You just had to put the thing you got from him in the generator, then flip a couple of switches in the buildings.

you should be running into a bunch of rathounds and fences in the areas the outposts are located at

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He was in the right place, actually.

Was that it? I started the generator and turned on the light switches in the different rooms, but nothing happened.

Yes, i killed them all. Maybe I just missed a switch at one of the outposts.

Yeah, that was all. Just report back and that's it.

>failing to complete the tutorial
gamers in 2019

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Ok, gonna reinstall it and try again.

quests in the notebook don't get marked as completed even when you've done the objective until you turn them back in, if that's what was confusing you

jesus christ, filtered by the first quest, you absolute retard

There are numerous ways to reduce psi cost
>psi beetle vest
>premeditation (also reduced AP cost to 0)
>get a doctor belt and use psi boosters
Also stealth is good on ANY build since it allows you to always get the first turn which is crucial on a squishy psi guy

Attached: Psi crit.webm (960x540, 2.8M)


this, i want my fucking expansion already

I thought AR+SR+Grenades was the most standard cookie-cutter build that worked. I've been stomping everything for quite a while. Only Carnifex made me sweat.

You little fucking shit. Don't fucking make me reinstall this garbage and literally screencap the thousands of damage I do after I hit all my garbage aoe spells from 50 kilometres away, and then take control of enemy npcs so I never get hit in case they come close. Are you fucking seriously telling me this is extremely fucking elaborate gameplay and 200 iq experience you're talking about? Get the fuck out of here. You are literally a fucking little pussy manchild and that's why I replied to you. Not interested in your fucking strawmans about suits or unfair advantages. I made a very clear and simple fucking points, you're a giant fucking pussy that avoids fights because you can't handle it. That's the entire fucking argument and discussion here. How many fucking saves did it take you to make those webms so you get the perfect damage you little shit, you think you're so good at the game when you're just a fucking autistic coward holy shit.

Are you allright buddy?

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Close. Most standard is just assault rifle.

What's up with all the negative reviews on steam? Are they from scrubs that can't git gud or actual complaints?

Psi + grenades is every bit as good but with fuck tons more of utility

>up to 5 stacks of creeping dread per turn
>a billion tchortlings spawning every second when eye of tchort is active
So I guess you're just forced to take stealth on dominating? I don't see how you could ever get through Hollow Earth without it.

>every bit as good
Has nothing to do with the point he was making.

just go into the safe zones and reset the debuff and nothing ever spawns you retard

lmao are you the loser that had to add monk because you couldn't pass tchort? Great keks laughing at you in that thread.

I knew it. You ARE that guy. I've been in THAT thread and saw this reply to you!

How are you still so mad? It's been weeks

Yeah except I'm getting 2.5 stacks every six seconds. It takes less than a minute to start spawning tchortlings. No way can you move fast enough to avoid them spawning everywhere.

>no way you can move fast enough
how did I do it then?

I guess you're a fucking wizard then!
What build were you using? I like hearing about people's dominating builds. I was generic high perception/intelligence energy pistols so I was pretty boring.

I wasn't playing on dominating. It was a psi build just because psi sounded cool.
I started a dominating run as a sniper for my second playthrough but stopped after depot A, decided to wait until the expansion hits

>how did I do it then?
>I wasn't playing on dominating
That's how. Creeping Dread progression is bonkers on dominating, nothing like on lower difficulties.

Is this turn based like FO1/2?


oh. well I'll keep that in mind when making my expansion character, I would automatically assume having decent stealth on that difficulty is a must either way though. also you can get it to pretty decent levels with just usable items, no?

Ah, yeah, that's the thing. On easy/normal you get one stack of creeping dread per tick. On hard you get 2 or 3. On dominating you get 3-5. Hurrying between safe zones stops working, you either have stealth or you're getting mobbed by a thousand tchortlings instantly. It really doesn't seem possible without sneaking.

You can get enough from items to more or less always be able to initiate combat. You'll have to invest some in the skill though if you want to sneak around things. And you'll have to go all in if you want to be able to sneak around in most situations.

It's an indie game that's notoriously made by 1 guy so people feel extra compelled to cry and leave a bad review when they get stuck thinking it'll get changed.

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Welcome to underrail. Everything is hard as balls unless you know exactly what kind of stuff you need to make your build work or clear the area. It's shit game design so better start reading that underrail wiki.

sequel when

>fail state
>in underrail
>using a psi build
>on easy
>at junkyard
>"been playing rpgs since wizardry guise"

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I wanna play with a sniper build when expansion hits but using traps is boring. Don't want to use those a lot. Is spamming grenades instead viable?


you don't really need traps on sniper, just carry an SMG on your off-hand in case something gets close

Yeah I was thinking either SMG or a big pistol as a sidearm. With SMG I would need some of those burst fire feats and with pistol stuff like the 3-shot rapid fire feat.
My first playthrough was with a pistol build and it's pretty strong. Only problems were having to reaload a lot and not having a great range.

i'm going to save this webm at trigger him in every underrail thread

and yeah full psi is ez mode, in fact i refuse to ever play it after playing it once. if you're getting creamed on normal your build must be incredibly bad or you just don't know how to play yet
underrail is fallout without the good writing though, with beefed up combat and build choices to compensate.



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You should try a shotgun as sidearm instead. That's my plan. I mean, hopefully. I don't know how shotguns work so maybe that'd be a bad idea. I'll find out.

it's going to be shit, like assult rifle but with lower damage/extreme spread
seriously why can't shotgun be good in any videogame?

how do you know what shotguns will be like, i haven't found one yet so i assume they're not in the game.
i imagine they will be very good at close range and close up clusters of enemies

im willing to bet they're going to be the best gun for the classic corner cheese strats though

they'll probably be really strong for rushing tchort's eye too

bought the game right now on sale what am I in for

>it's going to be shit
Burst was nerfed in general because it made shotguns super OP.

People killing you before you can move.
Then you killing them before they can move.

I got spooked at the boat quest. I need to play again. Also did he ever release that DLC?

you bitching about the game in a future thread

The most horrifying stealth enemies in any game ever.

Attached: Death_Stalker.png (100x100, 6K)

I started the game and suddenly I never want to play games again its crazy im now browsing Yea Forums

So what are your strats for dealing with deathstalkers, Yea Forums? I'm sure it's not optimal but this is pretty much the best I've got

>get stung
>immediately sprint to exit/nearby vent
>wait stun out
>go back
>start walking around violently trying to aggro them
>proceed to rape as they try hopelessly to bullshit me with their stun that i am immune to for the next 10 seconds
>if they actually have the action points to restealth, repeat process

Can you see them with enough perception + night vision goggles?

they nerfed psi with the new patch

i throw molotovs at them, or where i think they are. it's great if i hit and they scatter around while taking damage.

What new patch?

Bear trap wall solves all problems. Also caltrops+grenades if you want to be cheap.
Yes. Theoretically. You need fucking massive stealth or they'll spot you first though.

It's possible, but it takes a lot of sitting on your ass waiting.

Stealth in this game is one of the funniest thing I've had in a while.
>sneak past everyone
>wait for perfect moment
>initiate combat
>kick one dude in the nuts
>flashbang the rest
>second turn, enemies cant do shit
>shank the first one
>proceed to nuttin' personnel two more of them, making them bleed all over the place
>third turn, enemies still cant do shit
>one enemy is clearing from flashbang
>tazer the fucker
>slit his throat with a feat
>4th turn, tries to shoot me
>matrix my way out of his bullets
>cut him to bleeding bits
>steal everything, repair my shit
>vanish into darkness