Christian gamers

Why do I never meet Christian gamers online? Are they really such a tiny minority?

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No such thing as a Christian on Yea Forums.

I wonder how many Christian gamers are on this board

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Part of growing up is also realizing that religion is fantasy

>that American that plays sermons in the background

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I'm here, brother. We're out there.

Probably because if somebody calls himself "christian gamer" it is a red flag about him or her being retarded and/or crazy. Pretty much the same problem as all those "Striker[PL]", "TrueBritish[GB]" and similar named guys - pathetic losers that desperately need to emphasize their group since its the only value they have (better in terms of nationality since its not even their doing, just pure luck that they were born there and not 1000km away east or west).

And what is "christian gamer" anyway? Protestant gamer? Catholic gamer? Ortodox? Since you know, it comes in many flavors. Im catholic myself but I never announce that loud since it DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. Does it change anything that your tank in party is muslim, catholic or atheist? Does it fucking matter IN GAME ITSELF? No, so shut the fuck up, cunt.

And lol at "I have up childish ways". No fun allowed, stop having fun you cunts, go to work and be fucking depressed feeder since I gave up on enjoying life, everybody should.

Fucking cunts. And Im not even Australian.

Well, if you're dealing with Americans or Europeans, you probably are. They're what, in this context, we'll call passive Christians. If asked, they'll probably go "yeah I believe in Jesus" or something of that nature. However, when someone strongly identifies as part of a religious group, that tends to consume their identity. So people who put Christian at the forefront of their identity are going to start disconnecting with their hobbies as that identity grows stronger.

I encounter them a lot in military FPS games. Hell half the old BF 4 servers enforced "Christian values" even though they acted more like butt hurt faggot commies, and this coming from an user raised in a christian home.

>he doesnt know
Part of growing up is realizing God exists without the need for a single religious document. I'm sure you'll get there one day.

Fuckin kek

well, yeah but it doesnt exist as some bro in the sky who gives a fuck about humans. I consider god to be the unknown or unknowable.

Hey fuck you filho de puta

Because we put our identity on the door when online, unlike those mentally ill individuals.

Children usually grow out of their imaginary friends, why are you so insistent in holding onto yours like some kind of security blanky?

i hate being a manchild i wish i was dead


Different continent mate, even if it means the same.

Because they gave up their childish ways user. Duh...

do you find Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist or Atheist Gamers either?

Because God is neither my friend nor imaginary. God literally created reality and thats it. Period. God you zoomer retards love to cling to your idiotic atheism.

stfu Paul

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No user god doesn’t exist but maybe the idea of faith. This omnipotent you hold praise for is merely an imaginary thought you have conceived and is nothing more than a thought. Eliminate yourself and the thought will end with you unless you spread your blind hope to others. Now in a well being sense, it is beneficial for a being to have these thoughts but don’t fall into delusion.

>They're what, in this context, we'll call passive Christians
The big boy term is "secular"
Most would probably abandon their faith if there was a convenient reason, if faith is even an accurate description
I know once I actually started thinking about how stupid it was that people congregated into a building to read Harry Potter that I stopped associating with it, even though I was raised Christian

I respect that answer.

>>part of growing up is realizing that a deity or group of deities exist without having any verifiable evidence for the existence of this deity or group thereof so you need to take(in the case of abrahamic religions, anyway)millenia old recorded hearsay as fact
Weak bait.

I forget how fucking retarded the autists on this board can be.

You probably do, they just dont talk or say anything controversial since christfags can be pretty vanilla outside of the /pol/ tier ones.

Part of growing up is realising God is me

>>God literally created reality and thats it. Period.
Nope. Your ridiculous superstitions and reality are two different things.

It's not bait. You're just retarded like most of the anons ITT.

noun: deism

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.

Judging people based on the media they consume is what's truly childish

>religions like Islam are rapidly growing even in the west

Lol is reality b8?

>god doesn’t exist
Ask me how I know you're ethnically Jewish.

You've merely reconciled your childhood beliefs of God with something more akin to the grandeur of the universe, and continue to call it God because you're too weak to admit you were just a stupid kid fooled by your parents and society. But I'm sure you'll get there one day

The autism ITT is reaching levels I've rarely seen.

>The big boy term is "secular"
>Most would probably abandon their faith if there was a convenient reason, if faith is even an accurate description
American detected.

Over 70% of Europe identifies as Christian. This is a big problem since Christians are on average much more right-wing and xenophobic and racist than secular people.

There's studies about this, you know?

And you're just an insecure, scared teenager afraid of something you cant quantify or explain. Where you see nothingness and randomness, I see design. Since you can't prove I'm wrong you're just living in a delusion.

>t. 15 year old
You'll grow out of it.

If there is such a thing then do you have any proof? Because the only thing anyone has is a bunch of fantasy stories, each one different from the next because hey, they were made up by the fucks local to that area and survived based on how many uneducated farmers they could convince to swallow their nonsense fervently enough to keep passing it on to the next malleable idiot just like you.

All the christians I know have lives. except me i guess

I got 40+ year old guys at my job who casually play Fortnite.
All those celebrity endorsements worked wonders.

I hope you're using ChristCenteredGamer for your review needs.

When did Yea Forums become a Christfag safespace anyway?

most christians don't try and do dumbass things like convert people over the internet, so you'd never know

Explain this.

Attached: christian chandler.jpg (640x480, 62K)

Kek is that really a thing?

If it's at all possible God (a maximally great being) exists, then God certainly exists.

Since /pol/s inception so basically always

Weird that one of the biggest fandoms is so underrepresented on the internet

god is an eldritch horror that coursed our souls with flesh

Hey nice, you dodged the part involving taking ridiculous abrahamic nonsense seriously, too bad that there is no real evidence for the existence of this creator deity/deities.


Christians are some of the vilest people to walk on this earth.
Instead of acting rightfully because they're empathic with their fellow men and able to understand why something is good or bad, they act out of fear of a big spirit in the sky.

Let me just tear this bandaid off right now, god isn't real.

Because Yea Forums takes in everyone if you can handle the bantz, litterally a fuck ton of muslims and quite a few Jewish people post here too.

It's really ironic that you're calling me the scared one when you obviously can't cope with the notion that there is no greater rhyme or reason

I wish he wouldn't be a tranny

It's actually a pretty good review site since they draw clear lines between the game's merit as a game and the game's propensity to be not suitable for Christians values.

>Since you can't prove I'm wrong you're just living in a delusion.
You can't prove that this god's giant invisible dick isn't in your mouth 24/7 either, burden of proof is on the one making a claim and since you can't provide any well then it's as good as imaginary.

>you're not an adult unless you're unhappy

Man up and spend all your time earning money so you can afford marrying a roastie who is finally ready to settle down, user!

I didn't dodge anything you fucking schizo. I don't buy into any religious documentation or culture. I believe in God solely off my own experiences in life, study of reality, etc.

I'd take Christians over transgenders any day of the week.

People dont commit crimes for fear of arrest and prison rape. Its essentially the same thing

delete this

Care to prove him wrong?

>Instead of acting rightfully because they're empathic with their fellow men and able to understand why something is good or bad, they act out of fear of a big spirit in the sky.
Compared to secular persons, who act like assholes for no reason at all, that's not too bad.

Not to mention all the trannies

I love how inclusivity is an inherent part of Yea Forums's design

There's plenty of /pol/ kids following christianity because they hope they can please their butthurt conservative dad, not realizing he just wants them to spend some time with him and irl friends, not be angry at a screen.

Fuck Chaos

Most atheists are as cucked as religionfags.
They merely replace god with some corporation they worship. i.e. apple fags. The whole sjw problem is likely also fallout from people looking for a new religion. Fuckers too stupid to live without someone telling them what to do.

That's plenty of ad hominem for someone who is allegedly so enlightened. Tell me why it is you think you know so much about me and I'll tell you why the cosmic fluke of our existence is not terrifying but wonderful

You must have a learning disability. I never said there was a grand design, "a reason and rhyme". I said God created the universe and thats it, nothing more. But by all means keep grasping at straws, it's obviously working so well for you!

You're such a fucking casual, holy shit.

Most of it is just contrarianism

>People dont commit crimes for fear of arrest and prison rape
Lol, are you black or something?

Yea Forums became christian when being an atheist was mainstream. Never forget that Yea Forums is contrarian as fuck.

Yes it is.
If someone rewrote the bible so it says "it's okay to murder", Christians would engage in a killing frenzy and engorge in the blood of others

go back to faceboom

Prove it. Because that sounds like some strawman nonsense.

Have you never set foot out of your gated community? People fucking suck and only care about themselves

>ad hominem
I dont think you know what those words mean. >why the cosmic fluke of our existence is not terrifying but wonderful
.t Sagan fag
I have more respect for Carl than you. At least he had some common sense.

Abrahamic nonsense is only really growing in the turd-world.

Because the most popular board swung hard right and stayed there.
Have you been holed up in /lgbt/ the last 4 years?

I'm not your child I am my own god

Prove to me that you exist, right now.

>I never said there was a grand design
Wrong guy then? Please stop trying to insult me, believe it or not I do not look down on you for your beliefs as I was once there.

We essentially believe in the same thing, a universe that has created all of this through physical laws. I simply believe all of this can arise spontaneously from nothing. We do not actually require a watch maker, so why continue to believe in one unless he gives us reason to necessitate his existence?

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>They merely replace god with some corporation they worship. i.e. apple fags.
Doesn't that make them more cucked in reality?

>>fucking schizo
Insults alone are not arguments.
>>my own experiences in life
Count for all of jack and shit as far as proof is concerned.
>>study of reality
Provides no verifiable evidence for the existence of a deity or deities of any sort.

Source requested

stop ironic-LARPing, it's gay

When did Yea Forums become a safespace for autistic retards who don't comprehend rhetorical questions anyway?

>I have more respect for Carl than you. At least he had some common sense.
You know nothing about either of us, though. You're just an angry manchild thrashing about on an internet forum calling people who disagree with you teenagers.

So you are black, ok.

I dunno about you dude, but I don't walk down the street cracking people's heads open for the fun of it because I have no real desire to hurt people for the fun of it.


I did not expect a reply, but i'm glad it was a huge seething faggot like you

Tang ina mo gago pilipino ka ba

Evangelicals still have a steady birthrate. Mainline denominations don't, though, nor do other kinds of agnostics.

By replying to you right now. Has god ever replied to your prayers?


>Most would probably abandon their faith if there was a convenient reason

And does everyone absolutely must be either fanatic or non-believer? What happened to "live and let live" approach? Isnt it actually closer to true christianity, to just be good people to each other?

As I got older, I became more and more anti-clerical. Im perfectly tired of those fat, lying, amoral assholes called bishops and archbishops that only cares about their own, thinks they are better than anybody else, expect total obedience, protect pedos among their own and gets into politics (at least in my countrym they simply love supporting main party that is perfectly amoral but gives a lot of cash). Hell, one of few actually intelligent priests left said once that actual catholic paradoxally HAVE TO be anti-clerical and I think its the right direction.

Some people accuse me of being anti-christian but I point out that Im part of church of Christ and not church of priests. I pray to God and not to his priests and more than that - I dont consider them actually required at all. Once you start to separate actual faith and principles from interpetations, rules and habits/practices absorbed and/or created along the last two thousand years, your faith can only improve and suddenly, you dont have to fear confrontations with any anti-religious groups. You no longer need to worry if fapping is bad once you realize how anti-sex approach made its way into your religion (hint - Greek philosophy and cave allegory which Paul was very found of and this guy basically made Christianity what it is today) or if reading Tolkien is bad because they dont pray or playing D&D because wizards summons demons.

Its good to grow up and improve without abandoning your core principles.

Black people do that shit with no regard for the future so youre kinda disproving yourselves

hard to say, on one hand corporate worshippers get tangible goods even if overpriced on the other religionfags spend way less on their religion in general. You would also have to argue about the value of the time lost praying.

>Yea Forums started with /pol/
these fucking teenagers really tick me off

I don't believe in any religion that preaches hellfire. Such a disgusting and hypocritical teaching makes me sick to my stomach.

>i love you all. by the way worship me or burn for eternity. t. god

I'd have to be crazy to believe that.

>you're mad because you made me mad!

Die mad about it

Christianity was made up by Jews to make the goyim docile and non-threatening
This is why Jesus is a Jew and Jews are the God's people

>We do not actually require a watch maker, so why continue to believe in one unless he gives us reason to necessitate his existence?
"It" does not give us reason. I made a choice to believe, nothing more. You're 100% entitled to believe in randomness.
>Count for all of jack and shit as far as proof is concerned.
That's entirely okay, I'm not religious so I have no need to "convert" anyone. Believe as you will, but lay off the superiority complex bullshit.
>Provides no verifiable evidence for the existence of a deity or deities of any sort.
In your opinion. I could easily turn that around and say you have zero verifiable evidence the universe WASNT intelligently designed. You want so badly to fight anyone who believes different than you. Are you a commie or a jew by chance?

>Black people do that shit with no regard for the future so youre kinda disproving yourselves
If you think people built stuff like Notre Dame just for themselves, then I dunno what to tell you. Grow up. If everyone you know is an asshole, maybe you are the problem.

There are studies that show that disabling parts of your brain with magnets make you agree with liberal talking points. I wouldn’t worry too much about what politically motivated “studies” tell you.

Atheism isn't mainstream, nor has it ever been. The truth is even more pathetically contrarian as well as tribalistic. Yea Forums became Christian when a subreddit dedicated to atheism became prominent.

Is this where we start to talk about non-abrahamic/atheistic religions?

You could be a hallucination or a dream. Feel free to keep trying, but you need to provide actual evidence rather than just telling people what you think.

>says the guy knows nothing about me either
Ironic. Bit full of yourself aren't ya?

>hard to say
Not really.

I mean, ok, you're anti-religion because you're a pinku commie, but let's be serious here.

I am super heterosexual I am not a big gay like you but does your semen taste sweet or salty?

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>Using a meme that started before /pol/ was made in a response arguing that /pol/ is what started Yea Forums.
You don't even have the ability to comprehend how retarded you are.

"religion" is binding to an organized faith. I attend no church, have no congregation, have no scripture.


>like, I don't believe Hitler or Muhammad ever hurt anyone because how could anyone be so cruel?
/lgbt/ is in the menu at the top of the page for you

Has anyone realized that if there is a god, it’s probably not anything like in any of the major religions? It’s probably something so utterly foreign to us.

reminder christcucks are derivative jews

>Implying Paul isn't talking about his spiritual childhood before the grace of God appeared to him on the road to Damascus

Sure explains why they fucking hate Jesus and have been trying to silence Christianity for centuries.

> calls me Jewish
> doesn’t know that I apply the same thing to any bs religion I encounter with
Don’t jump to conclusions user

>It's another 'Atheist circlejerk on Yea Forums thread'
Wow I haven't seen one of these in years.
What I always found hilarious about internet athiests is that they always have some supernatural figure/entity/daddy that they have in place of a religious figure or a tiny fedora religion they worship in place of a religion with history, community, and standards. Go on twitter right now and search 'Atheist' and see how many of them believe in Karma. Or count the number of wiccans who screech and moan about organized religion all day.
Most Atheists are just tippers who became that way to rebel against their parents. Only now they're 31 years old and posting on the internet how about great and enlightened they are.

>I made a choice to believe
Why? I didn't make a choice to believe in "randomness", as you put it (I don't actually believe in random as an adherent to determinism), I find it to be the default condition as there must be some kind of impetus to believe in anything else. I mean, I could believe that something set this all into motion but that would have to be an uncaring, unconcerned entity and I don't see what difference that would make to me or anyone, especially with its existence being outside of the realm of empiricism

>For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!
Sounds very pro-Jewish bro

>anti-religion makes you a commie
communism is just another religion (nontheistic )

they want to play physically with children, not through a screen

>god proclaims himself as a being of love
>Hitler and Muhammad just want to take over the world

There's quite a bit of difference there m8. Also, nice job comparing your god to hitler as if that's a positive.

I wasn't talking about you, you attentionwhore.
I'm not saying atheism is a religion just that there religion which are considered atheistic

Heteros don't ask about others' private parts, user. Please seek help and not from your school's psychologist.

Fuck off Etika


Karma is a fancy word for cause and effect. I believe in causality. I even accept that something greater might have set the universe in motion. What I reject is the personal god, the one you can talk to, the one that cares about people, and most importantly the one that many men have written stories about in attempt to control his fellow man

How do you know god created reality. How was god even omnipotent in the first place.
If god were real, why create the world in the first place
What does the omnipotent benefit from creating it
Why does he not do anything for the countless number of suffering people around.

Wiccans and new age people aren't atheists and wouldn't refer to themselves as such.

"Die mad about it" is actually a tumblr meme and the original post didnt in any place say Yea Forums started with /pol/, in fact it mentions /pol/ inception specifically to clarify that much, along with the "basically always" meaning for the most part always but there was time without it.

>atheists reject God but still believe in something
I'm a nihilist and i don't believe in anything, what now faggot

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You basis of thinking that there is a definite being and he controls us regardless just shows you have mental illness

Christian gamer here. I would give you my gamertag, but you know, this is Yea Forums.
I'd have autists sending me anthrax or some shit. I think it's important to share the faith everywhere we go, but that doesn't mean you will get a warm reception.
Sometimes it gets hard in our culture, and let's face it, even though we may like sites like Yea Forums, there is a lot that we have to stay away from here and many places on the net if we are going to glorify God.
Hope you find some Christian friends, Bro. God bless.

Shitposting is a religion

Ezekiel 33:11. I'm comparing reality with Hitler. He was real, too, sorry sweaty.

You have MDD

And why you think religions describe God different? Different people percive same things different and names them different. If you would say 2D slide of 3D human body to people of various education, age or nationality, they would describe it whole different way. Religion is summarized and normalized interpretations of what cannot be comprehend as a whole by human brain.

That makes me believe that not only God exist but all religions are just different aspects of same thing and final destination is unification of all religions.

Why do atheists care so much about what others think? I can understand religious fanatics since they're arguing and fighting for their God, faiths, believes, and whatnot, but why are atheists so cunty about not believing in a God? Are they just trying to asset their superior intellect or something?


LAW yee haw

You're still going to Hell, though.

>I can understand religious fanatics since they're arguing and fighting for their God, faiths, believes, and whatnot, but why are atheists so cunty about not believing in a God?
>people fighting over fantasy
>wanting people to stop fighting is being cunty

>I think it's important to share the faith everywhere we go

Sounds creepy if you ask me.

They care inasmuch as people let their religious beliefs interfere with the secular world. It is because religious people care so much about imposing their faith on others that those others are forced to care.

muslim teammates always throw grenades at me while shouting allahu ackbar down the mic

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Well there's this guy who is the only good game reviewer.

You guys understand that this is true to an extent, right?

No but you can do it religiously or built a religion around it just like commies did around "giving your possession away is good for you".

>It is because religious people care so much about imposing their faith on others that those others are forced to care.

Except atheists are pretty much the only ones to cram their beliefs down others throats where I'm from.

see You're wanting people to be a miserable reactionary like yourself, stop lying. Hence why you pick fights with people who have different conclusions than yours.

If I can show just one person the light, I'll have made the world a small amount better. Though I don't actively do this anymore, it's a waste of time. I just saw this thread and thought it was funny, a thinly veiled shitposting thread

Fuck lawniggers

His Nekopara review is gold

except /pol/ is full of LARPagans who think christians are the same as jews

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In retrospect, would you rather someone that had information that would definitely save your life share that information with you or callously refuse to share that with you?

I don't pick fights, I defend my position and try to explain it in a non-hostile, non-threatening way. I'm neither of those guys so don't associate them with me. I would just like people to stop fighting over misunderstandings of the past.

I remember video about one guy trolling in CS:GO like this. He was also doing jokes like "Great job, you can become my second wife now" after somebody defused the bomb.

Now that's a lot of projections.

This is just a dumb meme from gamergate. They like her because their only standard is whether or not the review is "objective" or not, and she gives a separate score for Christian content in a very performative way, so as far as gamergate is concerned it's the very height of quality, regardless of the actual insights into the game or indeed any other subjective considerations that are not explicitly separated from the main review. Probably also helps that it's a Christian website and gamergaters are contrarian channer teenagers. And that it's a grill.

Jews are christians with a few extra steps. Prove me wrong. Protip: you cant

christians were worse if you want to side with pagan. Inquisition actively destroyed anything pagan in Europe. They completely lost their history due to christian doctrine.

>giving your possession away is good for you
That's from the Bible, not the Communist Manifesto. Marxism is based on empirical observations.


jews came first
christians are jews with a few extra steps


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That's because "where you're from" is reddit.

If you reject the facts in this pic about why you need to be saved by Jesus, you will definitely be in Hell after you die. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO HELL

Attached: enGeneral.gif (467x240, 22K)

You have that backwards

I remember there being a christian server for dod:sa, these guys were the biggest faggots I've ever seen, they would literally ban you from saying heck and freaking and such.

Christians are the biggest cuck faggots, when I think of a devoted I think of a closet faggot that's doing everything in his power not to be a cocksucking faggot and a fudge packer.

>"Great job, you can become my second wife now" after somebody defused the bomb.

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Most other religions thinks that way and Im tired of agressive Jehowa Witnesses preaching so think about it. You dont have to be fanatic you know. By simply being good man you do more good than telling everyone around about whats your religion.

It is your everyday little choices makes you good person. Or not. Never forget that.

>muh hell
Doesn’t exist if you’re a nihilist

This. Christianity is just judaism but not evil nor greedy.

>proceeds to pray for his favorite sports team to win the playoffs

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>that effort to shit on something long dead
what mental illness ills you?

It is you that misunderstands the past and who is making baseless presumptions (begging your conclusions), but I sincerely hope you are being honest about wanting to avoid confrontations rather than trying to weasel out of former provocative claims you've made.

It's plenty of both

here's some facts about the past

Attached: Essential Evidence for Resurrection-1.jpg (2550x3300, 988K)

In fact I think anti-Semitism is just Christian projection. I never heard of a Jewish inquisition, or seen a synagogue as rich as the Vatican.

So we don't know what created the universe and everything in it. We don't know if there are creatures outside out universe. With our life and with math we cab estimate that since there is so much space and chance that this is other life in the universe. With that in mind there must be a big change of life outside our universe since the universe is like a container. So theoretically god has a high chance of existing. There could be a god for god since something doesn't come from nothing there has to be some sort of action to have an effect.
You anons can believe whatever you guys want but at least use logic.


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Reality (Hell) is true whether or not you delude yourself about it. Don't go to Hell

What commies did was placate stealing your shit for the greater good of society is okay. In reality high society lived it up while avg citizen had trouble to feed himself. Marx didn't do better than the bible does in the church - it got willfully interpreted and used as a tool to steer the masses.

sports are in the bible, vidya isn't

checkmate atheists

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Now this one just kind of confuses me because it's asserting 'facthood' on essentially the back of a single book. 'Multiple sources', sure, all in the same hardback. I couldn't get away with this shit on a uni paper.

I hope personal frustration is not the typical way you judge whether something is true or not. One final thing: God loves you and wants you to be saved, even if you lied, stolen, or hated anyone: Acts 16:30-31

There is no "outside" the universe
Your analogy of a container is flawed because containers in our world do have insides and outsides, but our universe encapsulates everything in our physical reality without anything outside

>god has a high chance of existing
Probability is measured by dividing probable outcomes by total possible outcomes. There is no way of measuring what you speak of, because there are possibly infinite possibilities of what might exist outside the universe, and also infinite of those possibilities involve no god

>I can't read...
If you had the balls to read that, you would've found out that anti-Jew/Christian contemporary Roman historians accounted that these things were true. Also would have found out that 99.9% of historians consider Jesus and the Bible to have legitimate true historical claims about them.

cringe and oldfagpilled

Jesus escaped to Japan though and his brother took his place on the cross.

>Also would have found out that 99.9% of historians consider Jesus and the Bible to have legitimate true historical claims about them
That doesn't mean they find everything about Jesus and the Bible to be true. It just means that there is at least 1 claim made in the Bible or about Jesus that can be said to have historical basis.

A man having once existed to have gone by the name of Jesus of Nazareth is not evidence that there is a god. It just means these stories were historical fiction instead of just regular fiction

Hell is not reality desu

>Inquisition actively destroyed anything pagan in Europe. They completely lost their history due to christian doctrine.
And that's a good thing!

I'm aware that there's a vague historical basis for the New Testament but it's a big leap from historical fanfiction to 100% established fact, is my point. I could write a book that features modern events too, but it wouldn't automatically make everything I wrote in that book an accurate account just because it crosses over with history in certain areas. There's also no actual citation of sources in what's claiming to be an academic argument. I'm not asking for perfect MLA or something in an infographic but christ, there's a reason that academia makes such a fucking point out of making it easier to cross-check and dive deeper into a topic. Because right now it's operating on the level of 'dude trust me'.

If there's even a possibility that God (a maximally great Being) exists in one possible universe, then God definitely exists in all universes, because He being maximally great means that He is omniprescent. Therefore, God definitely exists.