Living the dream or living the meme?

Living the dream or living the meme?

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>has billions upon billions of dollars
>can say anti-trans and anti-gay shit on twitter and get away with it
He's living the dream

Living the meme dream.

definietly living the dream.

too bad that he is msierable not realising how good he has it.

worthless figure

hes just the average normie rich. neither hardcore in a funny way or creative.

He's too angry and psychologically damaged to enjoy a life of luxury.

People who constantly whine about gays and trannies unprompted usually have some sexual issues of their own.

Imagine being rich, and still fat...
Like notch, if you're reading this just fucking lock yourself in a room with water, some broccoli, beef jerky and diablo 3

Go dilate

fucking new money. classless.

>t. fagboy starving for the cock

I'd say he got blackpilled by /pol/ so not sure if enjoying it at full potential

sshh don't say that name in this board
the Reset Era posters get angry

about 70 million of that is because of the location, what a nice fucking house.

I’ll take the sexual issues over the 40% suicide rate


He's a faggot. If I had his money I'd travel the world.

he could be living the dream
but he's too much of a fucking /pol/tard with issues to live it.

My only problem is no cute conservative bf

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So fill me in on the QAnon shit and why this dude believes it.

>no new games with endless funding and no need to pander to anyone
>no custom mansion
>no purchases of websites
bet the fat fuck doesn't even have a suit of armor

>force your shit down everyone's throat constantly
I think its about time you joined the 40%

he's living proof that money can't buy happiness

how can you have millions of dollars and still be a loser


In some cases just living.

Russia is pushing hard against gays and transexuals, and you and I both know you just parrot whatever their paid bots tell you to parrot.
Nobody wants to hear about them, but you need to keep mentioning them here because you're told to. What an obedient boy.

>it's the russians!!!!
>why is nobody listening to me!?

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He has such a trash personality not even his riches can get him a gf

>wahhh blame Russia
>Wahhhh blame Blumpf
>Theyre not taking me seriously wahhh

Kill yourself as painfully as possible

I really miss when americans knew russians were the enemy. /pol/ loves russia and israel now. What the fuck happened? You all just want to be contrarian?

>/pol/ loves russia and israel now.
>/pol/ is one person

poltards don't deserve happiness

He paid peanuts to the people who actually developed and maintained the game. Fuck him.
If I were him I'd pay them at least 25% of the deal MS gave him.

did I say it was one person? Did I imply that? Use your brain.

imagine being so obsessed with 000000.1% of the population that just likes to say offensive shit

Sounds like a severe case of russophobia to me.

>be an intelligent self made man
>make millions from selling your idea
>try to be a celebrity
>because you are a fedora nobody talks to you at your own party
>retreat into your massive mansion by yourself
>become a typical consipiracy theory retard

normalfriend get out now before you dig your own grave

I have been here since 2004. I am just not a retard. By the way; you're here forever.

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Thats exactly what you implied you fucking mongoloid shit.

the only one who made minecraft popular was him
nobody else did shit, he hired jeb and such but that's just polishing his golden turd

>>retreat into your massive mansion by yourself
we all know that this would happen to 99% of the regular posters on this site

Russians and mutts are equally enemies of the world as all empires.

I bet you say "but not all men!" when women say men suck.

Imagine becoming filthy rich and then just turning into some bitter recluse who sits in his mansion and gobbles up shit like Qanon larp. I’m not gonna feel pity for someone who decides to fuck their shit up like that themselves, but I feel utterly confused by such a waste of possibilities.


But women definitely suck

God I wish I could be a rich NEET

>/pol/ is the evil racist bigot
>and they love china, russia and israel
>fuck i just hate all of them so much! those fucking racists!

He could be living the dream but he isn't.

>>make millions from selling your idea
he made billions

>the only one who made minecraft popular was him
I think you mean the only one who made minecraft popular was Yea Forums when he literally advertised the alpha of the game here.

Hi Markus

who are you quoting? I do hate /pol/ though. Because they aren't funny. Racist shit used to be funny and have some thought put into it. Now it's just FUCK NIGGERS! HAVE SEX, t. INCEL, GO DILATE. It's all so boring.

I wish I was rich and had no friends. Right now I'm poor and have no friends.

to save trillions

Money makes attaining happiness easy by removing most mundane sources of stress, but it’s still not a guarantee, especially if you are that type of person who refuses to be happy. If someone wants to stay as recluse despite having enough money to do any life change imaginable, then what can you do?

notch types like a passive aggressive teenage girl on his twitter

>buy this overpriced house obviously just to flex his wealth
>wtf how come everyone around me is only here for the money?

he got discouraged when his two games, cobalt and scrolls, were failures. he knows minecraft was a massive fluke

Hasn't he basicially destroyed his ability to have normal human relationship by moving to a place where he barerly knows anyone and just showing off his money?

>everything i dont like is a bot
you know they have pretty good medication for schizophrenia nowadays?

He's the living embodiment of Yea Forums
The fact that a Yea Forumsirgin made the most popular game of the 2010s is fascinating

yes he bought the most expensive property in los angeles when he could probably buy a castle somewhere else

yeah. If I was rich I'd buy a house in a nice neighborhood, but not a gigantic mansion in near seclusion and far from stores and shit like him.

Keep pretending on how special you are with your niche sexuality you fucking faggot.

id just buy a shit ton of land and live out in the boonies. would be awesome.

God you're still here tranny?

>Move to a place filled with the Super rich and those that leech of them
>Surprised when everyone is a gold digger
I can understand not wanting to live in Sweden, but there are so many other options

I can't believe a real person typed this out and hit send. Yeah man you did something. epic.

>Be billionaire
>Do nothing but waste your life being an incel

Living the meme, he lost even when he won

fuck all the ungreatful mojang employees. waaahhh boohoo notch only gave me a few hundred thousand dollars as a gift for managing minecraft’s facebook page for a year

Americans and women are deplorable and deserve nothing

His posts on social media seem pretty sad, living alone in a huge ass party mansion. If I had his money I'd buy a house far away from people in the woods and pay whatever it costs to get a good internet connection and food delivered there.

If your ultimate goal in life is spending your time shitposting on twitter you're either underage or are a manchild.
The "omg I wish I could say shit in front of teacher/specific person and get away with it" dream is a 12yo kid fantasy.

how often do you think he gets crazy minecraft kids showing up at his mansion?

that's because cobalt and scrolls were basically minecraft but with employed artists, he could hire an ACTUAL dev team, staff them with fucking kojima and icefrog, and let them go to town

Why not?
Have someone 24/7 waiting to drive you wherever you want.

>Living the dream or living the meme?

My vote goes to meme.
He doesn't sound happy? He's got all this fuckin' money, but he's spending it on stupid shit that doesn't make him happy, he throws parties for people he doesn't know or is friends with, and he spends MASSIVE amounts of money on shit he couldn't possibly care about?? I don't understand why he wouldn't just use his INFINITE MONEY to fund his own actual tastes... Whatever they may be? Does he have hobbies?

Keep in mind if I had Minecraft Billions of Dollars I don't know what I'd do with my money either, but I wouldn't be buying no fucking 85 million dollar house in fucking California that's for god damned sure.

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I’d also imagine that being a unsocial game dev isn’t probably gonna solicit any extra positive attention from your neighbours up there. I mean, when everyone’s rich in a place like that, in their eyes Notch is probably just that one weirdo neighbour of the community.

>insects creep you out?
>You must secretly want to fuck mosquitoes.

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>but I wouldn't be buying no fucking 85 million dollar house in fucking California that's for god damned sure.
damn straight, I would build a wizards tower with secret tunnels and shit

I fucking wish user, he's living the dream of just shitposting all day and with billions of dollars.

I'd actually buy a castle in Scotland or Ireland so I can preserve and/or restore them.

The Hills dont have a "community." everyone there is unsocial, thats the entire point of living there.

money can't buy social skills or charisma.

Honestly that would drive anyone insane, it's so barren and lifeless not to mention all that white looks tacky, plus im sure those candies are bad by now

It's a psyop. I highly doubt Notch actually believes that shit, but he probably got pressured by the CIA to perpetuate it.

We live in a clown world.

Notch is living the clown dream.

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he probably only said it because it makes people insanely mad. he also said he likes it, not because he believes everything about it, but because it gets people talking about interesting subjects.

You tell me what you would do if you had a billion dollars in the bank. It's hard to comprehend for us plebs who dream in the millions.

If I had that much money I wouldn't buy a mansion. I'd buy a yacht and a private jet to get around in comfort but what's the point of having a huge house other than to show off?

People having different preferences on one or other gender creeps you out? Well, I guess that's not so far-fetched, considering that most of Yea Forums actually creeps out immensely at the sight of different opinions that don't correspond their tastes.

Fantastic analogy, imbecile.

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somebody cutting their own dick off is pretty disturbing, yes

If I had all that money I'd secretly hire the best assassins around the world and put a massive bounty on my head. Now that makes for an exciting life.

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Be it or not disturbing, the point is your analogy is extremely dumb, even more when the fact you're lumping homosexuality with transexuality, two completely different concepts and meanings.

im not the same person, but okay, this whole anonymous thing can be hard i guess

Well, apologizes then. You could have said before that you're not him, and I would not bother you then.

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>gets to live the NEET life but without the financial problems
sounds bretty good desu senpai

Hope this man buy out nippon icchi.

Go dilate.

>freedom is for children
empty husk of a human

children have close to no freedom, though. like how do you even get as wrong as you?


get a father figure you mentally diseased homosexual / tranny

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This, ya gotta be clever otherwise it seems less like having fun and more like you're unironically angry on the internet.

This guy gets it.

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he's not going to beat Minecraft so why bother?

I'd purchase some land in bumfuck East Coast USA and start myself a comfy, federalist-style plantation.

This. Just look at sjw pedoes, or conservative anti gay fags being outed every other day.

>hogwash garble as insightful as a typical /biz/ crypto larper
>interesting subjects

I dunno, he seems really miserable and lonely, unlike say, fellow autist like toady

>spends 16 a day shitposting on Twitter
living the nightmare

This. I deplore Russians, but anglos is a far bigger threat to Europe right now, wiping out our culture and making us jump at their command. I'm willing to see USA burning and hand over their role to Russia, or even China. No way those two can be anywhere near as horrible as Anglos had shown us over the past century.

You know, it's kinda sad people let notchs plagiarism and outright theft slide because he's /ourguy/ to some kindred fat autists, when we have daily threads about how this or that indie faggot stole or plagiarized something.

>No way those two can be anywhere near as horrible as Anglos had shown us over the past century.
oh my sweet summer child

Living dream after looking up how batshit his ex-wife is and threatened to kill their kid over facebook.

No, I'm sick of the rape burgers and their minions bongs and kiwis has done to Europe. Russia and China is a shitstain, but at least a sane shitstain. Death to America and all anglos.

>Is a millionare
>Is depressed
>Has to resort to Redpills to be happy

He is living the meme of dreams

out of all the places to live, he choose LA.

>Russia and China is a shitstain, but at least a sane shitstain.
russia is a brutish poor oligarchy but they're pretty okay otherwise, but china is a soulless automaton shithole more jewish than the jews, which murdered its own intellectual class, worshipped peaches, killed all the sparrows, attempted to forge steel in their backyard, cannot exist for more than a few hundred years without genociding 10% of the global population in a civil war, has no culture, steals everything, produces nothing, implemented reddit upvotes in real life, poisons the air, shits on the streets, worships marx while producing superbillionaires, has trash soup and trash bridges and paper shredder escalators, and so on and so on

Either ways both is far more preferable to the subhuman anglos and their eternal circus of craziness. If a war ever breaks out, I will side with the ones killing anglos.

If I had his money I would most likely do the same, fuck working.

How can you write the latter half of that post and pretend you're not describing your own shithole, mutt?

Anyone have the greentext that tells the story of divorce between him and his batshit crazy ex?

t. 50 cent army

I don't speak your anglo subversion memes, mutt.

Did he get sad when he realized no woman will every truely love him because he's a beta male?

Go dilate. You colon flesh wound stinks.

Another innocent man ruined by /pol/'s cheeky satire because he was too gullible to tell redpill jokes from facts. When will we stop these witty monsters?

chink chink chink
you are the eternal stink
go drown in gutter oil

Nice try John, but I'm an actual high white nord. Your superior in every single thing. Try to write like an adult next time, muttboy.

China will rule soon. The West is dead.

I am a superhuman hyperborean and I can use my third eye to identify you by your degenerate chinkshit genes you retarded faggot

>Lives in California
No wonder he's depressed

Hmm, looks like the fragile mutt ego got shattered by the realization everyone hates his vile corruptive warmongering nation

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What makes u think that makes him happy?

Ironic, since north scandis grow depressed during winter due no sun

100% of patients prescribed antipsychotics are worse long term than the control that was never medicated at all.

>everyone who sees the chinese for the subhuman menace they truly are is american

>Poland: Russia

The eternal Polack, hhahah

See, now your doing your little anglo coping by pretending I love chinks and ruskies, when I stated that they're terrible shitholes, yet a bit better than the mutts.
But you don't care, your programming has set you on "destroy discussion, preserve ego and Israel!"

You know that time in Animal Crossing you tried out your brand new action replay and went WOW A BILLION BELLS AWESOME
You upgraded your house and bought a ton of stuff but you just dropped the game a week later.
You suddenly go from having goals that require your time to nothing. The brain needs a goal or a limit, and that's when it gets active and you can be happy.
Having a billion bucks can buy you a lot but that's the problem. You never have a limit and the goals you try to think up fly by fast.

I can think of a lot of shit I want to do. Notch's fault for not having any hobbies.

You'd die in your sleep or after eating/drinking something. Doesn't sound very exciting

And you'd burn through it all in the first year dude. That's the point I'm making. Not to mention, you'd stop wanting to do much if you ended up with depression like him.
And yes you can be a bilionaire and depressed.
Sure you can buy ketamine and get the best therapy but why would you? You wouldn't think you had a problem. You got no reason to be depressed, or at least thats what everyone tells you.

>No longer have to worry about surviving or basically anything that requires money
>Can spend my time however I please, probably mastering a craft
Wtf I'm an agrarian serf now.
>And you'd burn through it all in the first year dude.
Not everyone masters an art like painting or music in one year, Leonardo.

only if your goal is buying things and nothing else
wanna climb everest? Can't buy that shit, need to plan and move your limbs for that. Wanna be an artist? Can't buy that shit, need to practice. Wanna build a school for orphans? You need to plan the project. Want to destabilize a country? You need to plan like hell. Want to make your dream home? You need to actually figure out what your dream home is.

Whenever there's a line at the Dilation Station we always get posts like these. Sad!

lole caught ya, dumb vatnik

Finnfag here, spring/summer sun depresses me more than winter darkness ever could.

Nice try but I actually got it from /pol/'s euro thread, where I posted my hatred towards you filthy mutts

This shit is too complicated. I vote that we criminalise sodomy again so we can hang every homo and tranny in the nation.

>wanna climb everest? Can't buy that
You haven't seen how bad everest is these days? It's like a line at fucking disney world. Old people are paying sherpas to carry their shit for them and the summit is so crowded you have to take a deli ticket and wait your turn.

>get btfo when your chink screaming didn't work
>but he's a slav then, must be!
Kek at the desperation from this burger

Spend one month as a working class chink and I promise you, you will come crawling back to the mutts and their jewish overlords. The way the chink government conducts itself is a kike’s wet dream, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Ruskies are based though.

Living the dream as a meme.
Still a fat miserable fuck who can't even get into shape or into a relationship AFAIK.

Holy shit the state of anglos
>we're just as bad but our masters are good so you need us slaves more than the free chinks not annexed by them


Isn't he depressed or something?

You and Notch have a lot in common, you're like a poor version of him

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>A bunch of stinky irrevelant countries are afraid of our big floppy dicks

>Japan sees China as the biggest threat
Never change you crazy nips

>India afraid of Muzzies
wtf I love Indians now?!?!?

>Canabros looking out for us
Based maple guzzlers

Your banter has gone far enough you roofuckers
It would be emus for them if they were telling the truth

>yet a bit better than the mutts.
I don't think Russia having the highest suicide ratio in the world supports your claim

That's just shit you burgers make up when visiting scandic countries. You go "oh my gosh I'd get sooo depressed if I had to spend most of the day in darkness without sun, I don't understand how you people can tolerate this" and then you proceed to project your vapid suffering onto the entire nation.

Winter is great and -20 C is preferable over +20 C any day

t. Finn


well it does happen if we don't eat enough vit D

Finns aren't human so it makes sense that the sun scares you guys.

I dont mind gays, i just fucking hate when they show their bullshit, i dont fucking care, why the fuck they think people care?

He said scandis, not mongol-sami mutts

>That comfy feeling when you leave work at 16:30 and its already dark

Where the fuck? I get out of work at 6pm and its almost dark. I think is bullshit because you dont wanna do anything at night

With that money, he could travel anywhere and fund pretty much anything. Instead, he spends his time on Twitter about useless topics.

>typical /biz/ crypto larper
i dont know what that means
well at least i dont have to read their bullshit delusions

wait but sami have darker skin which would mean they get less vitamin d from the sun and get more depressed in the winter. can you make up your mind?

The weak are right to fear the strong

Legit. I browse /pol/ and sometimes have wet fantasies if black bvll plowing me and my wife.

Should have gone to Malibu instead, at least you get a nice ocean view

>Literally won't stop talking about mosquito genetalia
It's an obvious red flag

you know that buying an expensive house can actually be a good investment if you know what you're doing, right user?

you don't sound very smart with your money user.

>This shit is too complicated. I vote that we bang every homo and tranny in the nation.
Fixed it.

wow, faggots are brain damaged

Russia does not push against homosexuals but rather passive about it. They just dont promote it
Transexuals are mentally ill and should not be supported

>browsing /pol/
fuck no wonder this board went down the shitter.


Absolutely living a dream

>create one of the most important and iconic games in history
>be a millionaire
>never have to work again

I wish I was like him, I strive to be

Yea Forums and /pol/ has the biggest overlap on this site, they're also the most popular boards

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Iconic purely for the treatment of autism maybe, but I wouldn't call it important. He simply lucked out. Right place, right time sorts thing.

Also, he's not a millionaire, he's a billionaire. Huge fuckin' difference.

god damn it so that is why this board went to shit, fuck.

Either way he's got more money than he knows what to do with, the greedy fatstain.

hey, you know how sometimes people talk about how gamergate was used as a recruiting tool for the nu-right? they're completely right

and yet he can't even get into a meaningful relationship
goes to show money isn't everything

>hey, you know how sometimes people talk about how gamergate was used
Literally no one talks about this outside butthurt trannies. No one in the real world even knows what the fuck gamergate is

No, the reason this board went to shit is the reddit invasion that happened between 2011-2019

have sex

i mostly see it from terrorism and extremism researchers t b h. but sure it's just dem es jay double Us d00d

Yea Forums was always shit. ask ANY board on this site to list the worst boards and Yea Forums is in the top 3 for everyone. its a retarded board for people who want to feel superior for playing a certain video game. now i know this is repeated here often but just think it through for a minute. people who want to feel better about themselves for playing a video game.
there is not a single board where people would spazz out emotionally half as much as people do here when they compare their plastic boxes. Yea Forums was always shit, maybe it was different kind of shit without /pol/ and trannies but in the end it was always shit and no one with a brain took it seriously

i never said it wasn't always shit, it's just gotten significantly worse.

You mean the muslims in Europe? what kind of "terrorism and extremism researchers" care about gamergate? Is this a joke?

Overpriced hollywood property is the opposite of a good investment you shit eating moron

I'm fairly sure you're being trolled mate, though I wouldn't put it past crooked journos to spin it as extremism. Only thing extreme is the lengths they'll go to avoid criticism

> Is this a joke?
not really. i'm involved in that line of work.

like goddamn id at least try to make my own country for the lulz

based Iraq, Morocco and Tunisia

This made a lot of people angry just looking at all those replies, good job user, you outed their insecurities.

This thread sure is video games!

>not just paying ppl to do shit for you. if you cant find human capital it's your own fault

>americans calling anyone mutts

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you don't get
no one gets it
I saw the horrors of gamergate
I was there
I saw the oppression of gamers
I saw how they struggled
I fought along side them
I shitposted unto the wee hours of the night until my mom had to start slipping sleeping pills into my bag of tortilla chips
but I was a warrior
and gamergate WILL go down into the history books
long live gamers
fuck sjws

Show me the data then. Stop making up shit you want to be true.

Maybe people are just appalled at how off-base he is. Why isn't that a possibility?

there is nothing more embarrassing than unfunny people trying to be funny mate

>millions of dollars
>no friends
>sits on twitter all day arguing about pointless shit all day

what a waste

underaged won't get my subtle humor, that's understandable, it is a /pol/ thread after all.

youre just not funny man

Imagine being this poster for just a second. It won't grow back, yknow.

rent free

I did not follow gamergate that closely but the way I remember it was basically
and literally no one took them seriously no matter how hard they tried to push it everywhere. This whole "gamer" thing was invented entirely by them in the first place.
The funniest thing is I don't think there is any actual women who cared about this shit >pic related

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Neither girls nor touhou posters play games. This is a FACT.

it started out as a funny way to fuck with some retards. eventually some people cared too much and started genuinely thinking video games journalism matters at all.


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Amazing to think a simple pixel game led to this. Follow your dreams my fellow /zoomz/

The sun is genuinely good for you and your mind, you retarded snow monkey.

it depends on your skin tone. you would know this if you werent a retard.

not really, I'm probably bisexual to an extent since there are a few good looking dudes I'd fuck and I've been with one, once. I still don't support garbage like pride parades or enabling mentally deficient loners to become self castrated hormone taking losers

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Winters are pretty comfy, but if you have a long commute and have to get up when it's pitch black out in the morning, then have to spend all day indoors and then it's pitch black again when you're going home it tends to get you down after a while.

e-celeb board when?

Sexuality is a meme. You just have slight perverted tendencies.


/trash/ is exclusively for pone porn

His wife left him, he has no friends, he has zero desire to ever do anything with his life due to being financially secure and eternally depressed. The only thing he does nowadays is bitch about things on twitter.

That sounds like a prison of mind to me.

no it's super based

>lmao le based /ouguy/ amirite xd?
Hang yourself retard nigger.

Female never double dash

imagine being a billionaire and still being fat as shit. this lardo has no excuse. he could hire a personal chef to cook him as much meat and green veggies as he could possibly eat, 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, and he would be thin as fuck. but no chubby fuck puts a candy store in his house.


Would legit hate to live in a house like that. So open, so sterile. White everything. Not comfy at all.

Livin' la Vida Loca

I'd buy a yacht that has a runway for my private jet

All that shit he can't enjoy in his miserable lifetime because he'll probably OD, die of a heart attack or suicide.

Monstrous levels of envy.

imagine all his 'friends' that come over