Show me your toons Yea Forums

Show me your toons Yea Forums

Attached: 72344-4-1451626441.jpg (1920x1080, 505K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that armor is cringe as fuck bruh


this board is for videogames, not cartoons.

Attached: stop sexualizing women.jpg (1080x1920, 186K)

Thinly veiled tranny thread

Attached: 62CBF770-6C7B-412B-812E-D5F3CF107097.png (3808x3384, 349K)

Seeing all these women I can't have make me depressed

She's pretty. Keep posting.

Attached: enb 2019_05_20 09_24_33_81.jpg (1600x900, 304K)

I'm fairly sure you should be seeing panty-lines somewhere.

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2019.03.03 - (1920x1080, 3.85M)

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What are some good hair mods other than apachi skyhair or whatever its called?

Not if she isn't wearing any.

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Attached: guess the khajiit gender - ESO.png (639x781, 937K)


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Attached: RobinM.jpg (400x240, 40K)

Amazing user, thanks.

Happy to help, check out for more mods recommendations

that's kinda cringe bro...


Attached: 97778-1558149663-405682658.png (1080x1920, 2.08M)

Hey, /tesg/-lite , still hungry for attention from uninitiated? Cringe. Go back to di**rd.

>big jacket for cold
>tightest pants you could ever wear without being naked

What the fuck
I bet from the front you can see her camel toe.

Attached: 1476350984365.jpg (617x462, 34K)

i hate how smash killed fan art of non-default robin.

Attached: swag.jpg (700x700, 303K)

Summer starting early this year eh?

Attached: 1555509648376.jpg (1440x900, 999K)

Holy shit those are some saggy tits

Attached: SlimHappygoluckyGardensnake.webm (1920x1080, 1.17M)

Attached: 67b[1].jpg (600x450, 78K)


If you wanted to create the most disgusting bitch ever you got it bro.

Why is THE FUCKING FURFAG the best character in this thread.

Yall niggas should be ashamed

Hot tbqh


Because that's elder scrolls online and you can't mod that game the same way with skyrim.

Attached: Screenshot48949.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

Furshitter detected

Attached: 1553635039067.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2017.10.22 - (1920x1080, 2.14M)

I always try and mod my game like this and break it every single time

Just like intended

Why is every OC that comes out of this site just a vapid shallow bikini slut?

Is Yuih still on tumblr?

Attached: yuih3.jpg (1280x720, 291K)

As much as I fucking hate over-modded Skyrim, i have to say that looks fucking good and bangable.

he moved on to twitter i think.

cuz makes my pp hard
but armored girls also makes pp hard

Attached: TESV 2015-03-23 00-35-41-58.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

>tumblr flips out and goes full on "muh safe space"
>literally everyone abandons it
>it's irrelevant in under a year
Like clockwork.

So why not just watch porn? Why go through all the effort to make that shit only to not even actually play the game, instead opting to take garbage screenshots to post on Yea Forums so everybody can tell you what a pretty girl you are by proxy of your self-insert waifu?

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2017.10.23 - (1920x1080, 3.49M)


Attached: 154305871001487.jpg (480x360, 19K)

post elven whores

The effort makes the payoff better.

>not even actually play the game
But I do
>just because you do one thing means you can't do the other!

Attached: 1359765624744.jpg (500x333, 124K)

where da gyarus at

Attached: MonsterHunterWorld_2019-05-14_17-08-12.png (791x792, 745K)

>the absolute state of skyrim body type creator

i get off on making my own lewds. also i play the game.

Why get a wife and get married? You can just go be a cuck and watch others get it on instead of doing it yourself. Retard.
Why do any hard work? Just have someone do it for you.
Why learn or study when you can just cheat?

Putting in the effort into something and succeeding gives an extra dopamine rush.


Attached: 1515694426494.gif (212x225, 90K)

That's fallout 4, notice the Power Armor Glove to the right

So you're saying autistically handcrafting a waifu in a video game (to post on Yea Forums for other people to jerk off to, who's the cuck again?) Is equivalent to getting married and having a wife in real life?

>So why not just watch porn?

Because playing with a sexy character is more fun. It's really totally different from just watching porn.

More please

Attached: 1528221341885.jpg (500x375, 16K)

But thats not what he said, all he did was state examples. aren't you supposed to get out of school in June?

are you pretending to be retarded or is the bar really this low for shitposting.

Yeah, still kinda sad that I lost this character but it's no big deal.

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Attached: 20171214234933_1.jpg (1366x768, 211K)

Consider therapy for your mental illness.

she better not have a dick

Should think about recreating and making her a follower.

Attached: 20171214231808_1.jpg (1366x768, 239K)

Is it just me or did modding slow down significantly lately?

Attached: Shadows on the wall.webm (508x722, 1.61M)

skyrim is 20 years old already

She has an average sized mace

Recreating is easy enough but I've tried making a follower way back (not this character specifically) and it was a dumb process.

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Attached: TESV-2015-02-06-08-38-11-65.jpg (1280x800, 197K)


Attached: Norn.jpg (423x807, 47K)

>that pube fuzz

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How come Skyrim's muscle girls look nice and Daz's don't, when the later are more detailed and arguably better proportioned?

I like your toon user

Attached: SoulcaliburVI_2019-05-16_05-22-32.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

Uncanny valley, Daz shit is more realistic, but not realistic enough. Stylization/idealism is a lot more pleasing to the eye than flawed realism.

Go back to /vg/.

Let me stuff my head in there and die

Attached: COUGH COUGH.jpg (970x542, 84K)

literally obese fuck off

literally every day walking to work and every lunch I see a dozen women like this

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Attached: D6Iz6ZMW4AAyKMD.jpg (1920x1080, 281K)

that's a big axe

god damn muscle girls have really been doing it for me ever since I started working out. Like this right here is perfection. Not too muscle-y shes just right

Attached: 1558274696116.jpg (1000x1000, 78K)

She does a lot of choppin'.

Attached: SoulcaliburVI_2019-05-16_05-20-42.jpg (1920x1080, 293K)

>not "show me you're toons"
one job

It's like she's wearing nothing at all! Nothing it all....nothing at all

Here's my Conan Exiles lady

Attached: 20190315084916_1.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

any good gyaru jav actresses out there? finding this is one of my fetishes lately

Attached: DDDA-2017-01-02-15-28-13-10.jpg (1280x800, 180K)

you're all gay

Attached: 55_1.jpg (1920x1080, 426K)

>you like women?
>you're gay

Attached: 1536277308037.jpg (644x500, 39K)

one of the only ones I know is "moka"
I think she also has another name though

Attached: 43e52df726b8b24ca38c884f5a27a8b2.jpg (815x1719, 109K)

Attached: cheirola.png (730x370, 734K)

Which armor mod is this

if you like women go out there and fuck a real one, fatass gaylord


>shilling for reality and 3DPD on the Yea Forumsirgin board

newfag detected post discarded

Attached: 1426409963749.jpg (1920x1080, 857K)

This women will have didgusting legs later in life. Full of blown arteries and shit.

i guess you're gay since you're here with us instead of fucking women, sweetie

i'm fucking your mom and your grandma right now kid

but you're gay, why would you be fucking women

cause your mom is so ugly she looks like a dude

sure thing

Attached: perry1.png (567x940, 1.22M)

Here is my Inaros

Attached: Warframe0355.jpg (1600x900, 1.09M)

so you admit you're into dudes

you should feel ashamed for posting this

Attached: 1558242316873.jpg (279x312, 19K)

FINE I'll reinstall skyrim

still trying to fix the neck seem, but it is going to be hard because I have to do the body textures by hand because CK doesn't support body overlays.

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Nice norn

Attached: divinrev.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

only if they suck dick as good as ur mom

well said gay boy

it's shit, fuck inaros and anyone who plays it!

I never liked calling them "toons"... to me it always sounded like people were ashamed of using the word "character" because it was too nerdy or something, am I a moron?

I think you need to get a brian moran

Laptop Oldrim character. Her name is Emilie

Attached: 20190519184124_1.jpg (1920x1080, 586K)

Me on the right, but I wanted to give props to the cute fucking Giant over there.

I mean that's definitely the same impression I got, yeah.

Attached: nicegiant2.png (658x750, 1.25M)


That looks like an upstanding citizen that will be a great mother, will surely not age like milk due to drinking heavily and drug overdose.

People still play Mabinogi?

is fo4 fine?

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.17 - (2560x1440, 834K)

toon sounds 100 times dorkier than character, that's why we laugh at people who say toon to begin with

she looks like she fucks black guys

She's not cute, stop trying to force that meme.


Attached: ec577ff23bd9ad27defff324ebc2c597aa7375b5.jpg (1920x1137, 470K)

I really miss it. A lot of artists that I followed on there had started getting into more fantasy things like DnD, GoT etc and starting doing a lot of sketches and art for their characters, including a fair amount of nsfw art. The Tumblr purge really killed the momentum and a lot of them either took a break back in January or left for Twitter. It was pretty easy to insulate yourself from all the crazies that people think of when they think of Tumblr. Just art, memes and shitposting.

Attached: 20190507234825_1.jpg (1440x900, 462K)

I always supposed this board saw it as dorky because of those who tried to "not be uncool while doing things nerds do", like playing your fucking character in vidya, which for us are more pathetic than the people they thought was pathetic... am I making any sense? I haven't had my meal yet

>ctrl for talking

Attached: 1536170835276.jpg (842x792, 81K)

Prime breeding factories

I think she is
also what meme

Sadly yeah, but I actually quit about four months ago or so. I would have come back for the server merge, but they decided not to include Alexina in it, so I'm fucking done until further notice. There's outrage in the community so maybe it'll change, but this is Nexon we're talking about.

Attached: christmasdress.png (1356x876, 1.54M)

I might come back once they add an east coast server for Florida and New Yorkers like they did with Maple Story's El Nido.

>am I making any sense?
Not really

Any mods to make dungeons less shit?

Because you said toons, I'm not gonna bother going into skyrim and taking a pic of the snow elf char I just started recently.

You clearly don't have a snow elf toon.
You're just salty

pretty please?

let me put it this way
what a "nerd" is saying using the word "character":
ingame avatar
what a "not nerd" is saying using the word "toon":
>ingame avatar, but lol, it's not like I care about it, I'm not like those nerds, it's just a thing xD

based fellow inaros chad

Attached: 20190520105221_1.jpg (437x977, 134K)

Posting best mommy.

Attached: wvvSXQY.jpg (1920x1080, 1.55M)

Was this Todd's intention

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This kind of begging and reverse psychology will not change the fact that OP is a fag.

Yeah I stole the face what of it, wanna fight about it gayboy

Attached: Your tricks won't work on me.jpg (825x855, 659K)

>Steal the face
>Call it your own

Attached: 1528246697763.png (435x435, 253K)


That one of mizzbonjovi's? Love her stuff.

Which tattoo mod for skyrim has womb tats? Asking for a friend

Attached: TESV 2019-05-17 19-21-21-69.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

isnt it ntr if you make a female and then she gets raped by an npc?

Not if every male npc looks like you.

Not if you self insert as the woman


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Attached: oh yes of course.jpg (1920x1080, 439K)

shut up zoomer

yeah because people like you are posting this garbage.

Attached: osrs.png (367x418, 183K)


Only garbage here is your tastes famalam

Heavily modded skyrim in which every female character looks like a bimbo is peak virginity.
What do you even do? Just play the game like normal? Or do you just take screenshots of them to post in threads like the DoAX3 virgins do?
Won't tell you to have sex but just go watch porn or something.

>u all virgins!!!!
>the only healthy way to see a beautiful woman is in pornography
Could you project any harder?

Better late than never

Attached: 2018_07_24_23_13_12_825.jpg (1920x1080, 544K)

>watching porn
Kill yourself cuck

>the only healthy way to see a beautiful woman is in pornography
No one said that, retard. What was said clearly struck a nerve, though.

>literal your mom jokes
Holy shit it's not even summer yet


Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2019.03.05 - (1920x1080, 2.07M)

i'll never understand this retarded false equivalence.

Attached: skyrimss.png (1536x864, 1.89M)

Attached: gw100.jpg (1920x1080, 288K)

Stick to /vg/, trannies, and keep working on that mod that lets your character dilate

kok syks

Attached: Koikatsu-2019-05-12-00-02-13.png (2560x1440, 2.96M)


Attached: 20181121134133_1.jpg (1920x1200, 390K)

What's with your tranny obsession?


Any good spear mods Yea Forums?

How do I stop making abominations

He's in mmo heaven now.
>in the arms of an angel.mp3

Attached: 1476818390177.png (482x788, 635K)

Okay thats legit goddess material

Attached: 20190514041941257.png (1600x900, 1.96M)

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Attached: 20190514042230159.png (1600x900, 2.18M)

find a cute girl to copy
set the assets that seem closest to them like hair and that shit
move sliders until it kinda looks close
then move sliders so that its cute because 3d womyn are shit
call it oc because its now cute

>wildstar is still dead in this reality

Attached: C8A4FD08-9BBA-4131-B5BA-4F30F39D485D.jpg (447x881, 147K)


Attached: ffxiv_03122019_221728_506.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

Downs face

Very cute

>/ so everybody can tell you what a pretty girl you are by proxy of your self-insert waifu?

you're a retard holy shit, you think self-insert is the only mindset to have with this stuff?


Attached: 1546964595985.jpg (2560x1440, 2.14M)

It hurts

Attached: Logan_Stenbuck.180626.221236.png (1920x1080, 3.22M)

Attached: 20181217074141265.png (1920x1080, 2.93M)

Gets earlier each year

>cuts your arm off in one swing

Attached: 233860_20181217150524_1.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Cool dudes>Thots

Attached: DS3 Hero.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

My fucking futa mod broke and I don't know why. REEEEEEE


Attached: draggo, king of crustaceans.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

fucking nice user I love these kind of elves


Attached: 233860_20181217151318_1.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

>want to play ultra degenerate modded skyrim and fap til my dick falls off
>too much of a brainlet to understand all the complex mods
its not fair...

Attached: sorrow.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Why don't you guys just go to /aco/ and post all your stuff there?


Attached: 1558025172335.jpg (1680x1050, 471K)


>shit tier
>self inserting

>low tier
>making joke characters

>mid tier
>making characters with some thought behind them

>high tier
>making characters with a backstory

>god tier
>making fully realized characters complete with backstory, goals, motivation, personality quirks, etc

>elder autismo god tier
>writing short stories about your character

Attached: 102500_2013-12-23_00031.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

>dense bush of untamed pubic hair spilling out of a tiny g-string
Based and kunabotopilled

Attached: 1548584560231.png (217x190, 55K)

>try to get sex mods working in new vegas
>only the nude mods works
>kill trudy and bend her over a table
>weep while I fap to her ass

Why tho


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My toon and her stand, [Peacemaker]

Attached: 230410_20180422191141_1.png (1920x1080, 3.21M)

>absolute garbage dogshit tier
>making characters just to make your pp hard

>want to play ultra degenerate modded Bethesda games and fap til my dick falls off
>too much of an autist to make characters that feel out of place
curse my immersion autism
at least there are some nice armor mods out there

So they can get attention from Chad

Best one in the thread imo. Is there a set?

Attached: 20190515105007822.png (1600x900, 1.68M)

For attention

Attached: imagineNoMore.png (700x901, 574K)

Attached: 367500_2016-01-26_00002.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)

Imagine if she actually sharted.
What a nightmare.

Sorry about the bad lighting

Attached: enb 2019_05_18 11_22_12_13_thumb.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

And then she will complain that men stare at her. I don't understand women.

She wants chad staring at her, not incels like you.

Attached: ME3 commander stalin.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

Tired of trannies and trapfags ERPing

i think i got some more saved

Attached: 58669-2-1412312246.jpg (1920x1080, 1.41M)

No one's erp'ing though.


Chad's not going to want her because Chad probably has 6 women that are 10s a phone call away. Chase wouldn't waste his time on someone that looks like probably a 6 at best.

Attached: 58669-1-1412315713.jpg (1920x1080, 1.13M)

haha, crazy right? Imagine her doing a big brassy fart and then suddenly getting hit in the face with warm liquid. The stink of it would probably cling to your nostril hairs for days and she'd be so embarassed haha

guild wars 2

Attached: gw149.jpg (1920x1080, 493K)

You'll actually find more ERPers in gacha and online game (FFXIV, overwatch) threads

Attached: 58669-2-1412311991.jpg (1920x1080, 1.44M)

Attached: ScreenShot0059.jpg (1920x1080, 554K)

The fact you didn't realise it was already summer a fucking month ago makes me believe you've only been on this board for a month. Kick rocks faggot

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2018.11.29 - (1920x1080, 1000K)

>those proportions

Attached: 95300a0875d2adbb41875fcae95dec8dd3542c3f_hq.jpg (768x1024, 47K)

I like Dragon's Dogma

Attached: DDDAJourney-final.jpg (2350x1800, 2.28M)

Rate my Geralt self insert

Attached: 2507F1B7-DD67-4BAC-8A1D-5273070A106E.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

>ginger hair

Attached: 1448616636879.jpg (495x480, 43K)

Why ruin it.

What the

Literally soulless.

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Attached: gallery_234440_60_9870.jpg (1288x792, 104K)

Good thread.

Attached: Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Screenshot 2019.05.19 - (1920x1080, 3.78M)

Fuck off haar

Well that isn't very nice.

Attached: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Screenshot 2018.11.29 - (1920x1080, 1.48M)

What are you looking at, you nord scum.
Do you want another night of tears or something?

Attached: enb 2019_05_20 19_57_06_68.jpg (1920x1080, 1.84M)

Despite all the problems Wildlands has I still enjoy it.

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2019-5-17-12-35-8.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

Fuck you nigger

Attached: enb 2019_05_18 11_26_48_69_thumb.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

Attached: TERA_ScreenShot_20161222_130140.jpg (1920x1080, 2.07M)

Man that game dropped off the map so fast I forget it even exists.

Attached: 20190201010345_1.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)


Wildlands is surprisingly fun

Attached: raifu with waifu.jpg (1920x1080, 966K)

>getting tricked by the subcontracted marketing videos of a shit mmo

Wake up retards


Attached: 1503124660206.png (444x600, 76K)

Had to do some work outside. Late thanks!

Yeah, been playing it and kind of looking forward to Breakpoint.

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2019-5-14-23-26-9.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

Generic, do you guys even try?

Why, when I can have someone suck my dick and namefag all day?


holy shit, you guys are pathetic

Honestly, you have to have a mindstate of a child to on ironically think this way.

Anyway, here is mine.

Attached: bad3d48885318dea331cd49c8585359960640dcd9b18b03438e78ea9252011b3.png (1834x790, 1.34M)

That face on the left just says, "Why."

I wish I took pictures of my secret world characters, you could look pretty damn cool.

>tfw you don't play porn games to fap anymore, you just play them to try to break the game
It's an abject kind of autism.

Attached: Untitled.png (747x761, 66K)

Slutty Argonian thief everytime.

Attached: 1548503378756.png (1646x994, 3.77M)

>tesg tumblrtards avatarfagging here
how sad

Have another.
Game glitched the camera into the chopper here.

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2019-5-14-23-49-21.jpg (1920x1080, 343K)

Wildstar was great though.

Looks actually cute.

That term is only if you're playing Toontown

Of all the things posted ITT, this was the only one to make my dick twitch.


I knew I smelled something

so how does GoT end?

It's just her "i'm not cute" expression.

Attached: sametbh.png (1665x1080, 2.95M)


Well I like deadpan characters, so there.

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2019-5-16-22-2-29.jpg (1920x1080, 319K)

too fat or nah

Attached: ass.png (1080x1920, 2.99M)


Nah, that's pretty good.
Is that FFXIV?

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2019-5-10-4-38-42.jpg (1920x1080, 965K)

ass is fine
tits look terrible, just looks like a giant blob

I don't play anymore but i'll throw in my latest

Attached: ss+(2019-03-07+at+01.52.31).jpg (622x583, 133K)

what armor mod?

Attached: Mass Effect™ Andromeda (62).jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

BLESS armor pack


Attached: Dragon Age™ Inquisition (14).jpg (1920x1080, 192K)


Attached: d8fe0bd785467a59f91be9486e3b2f38.png (367x645, 334K)

what's with the long face


the fuck is a toon?

Attached: 1557508094193.jpg (959x713, 82K)

Attached: gw089.jpg (1920x1080, 871K)

Makes my 'tism twitch. I haven't jerked off to a porn game in years, sadly, I just go crazy watching the numbers rise and fall.

Attached: Untitled.png (373x438, 21K)

It's funny how a simple silouette can be more enticing than the thing making it

Attached: Tomboy Lala.png (1920x1019, 2.47M)

>flat feet

not sexy, how will you wear high heels?

also is this DoL?

No, that game does not appeal to my autism.

Damn thats yours? I've seen her posted a bunch, she has a very sexy back user

>AAA studios will never EVER do this archetype justice
Realism was a mistake.

Attached: dark.jpg (850x736, 81K)

W-what is he going to research with that dragon?

Attached: 20171002183225_1.jpg (1920x1080, 140K)

what game then? looks fun to live out trap fantasies

Attached: 1558312015406.png (750x1000, 655K)

now post your own body type so I can laugh at you, fat fuck


Attached: clearly-better-suited.jpg (1470x738, 234K)

Attached: TERA_ScreenShot_20170915_171525.png (853x995, 1.55M)

As if the morbid obesity and sagging boobs wasn't enough you had to go and smear the body in tattoos too


Attached: 1375435917533.jpg (600x600, 103K)


How dead is the game nowadays?

Attached: ScreenShot10.jpg (1920x1080, 664K)


NA is a ghost town, EU has like, sub 10k

the only race that people play are elins for obvious reasons.

Attached: TERA_ScreenShot_20170915_171532.png (689x927, 1.18M)


Attached: 1465966088852.jpg (211x211, 20K)

mods? also nice pics have any more

Attached: ,, reverse shadman.png (797x620, 682K)


Attached: Dwooooooo..png (337x415, 121K)

>those stains

Can you actually play as a female character as well in this game?

Well fuck. Was recently thinking of trying to get back into it again.

Like always. I also played as an Elin.

It's just yoghurt.

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Lilith's Throne, you can play a biological female and grow a dick or whatever you want. There's a lot of furry bullshit, but you can turn it off or stick to cat ears or whatever you want to do.

jesus christ i remember you

your elin was ugly as sin

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post video/webm/link to more

don't talk shit about my elin :(

Attached: 1554052750466.jpg (1462x2000, 246K)

your elin was ugly, sorry dude.

Not bad.
She got a dick?


but she needs the armor to protect from monster attacks

Attached: armor is important.jpg (960x1632, 462K)


God bless

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it was fun up to the point where the game just became frustrating once you entered tier one.

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Looks pretty interesting. Thanks, user.

>all this bitching and moaning at anons liking some big titties and asses in their games
Are we being raided by tumblr? Who else could be such whiny cunts?

Attached: 1513906255536.png (750x730, 470K)

Does she like to be dicked by big muscle bound dudes?
Yeah, I'm playing tier one mode now.
Shit is frustrating as all hell.
I hope Breakpoint doesn't pull this shit.

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Just get the mods for it from the usual places or it's kinda lame.

>somebody saved my image

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Nice context user.
Stan loves Wendy

>Only reason I ever got a LL account was to go to his conversion thread and nut to his waifu
Shame the SkyrimSE version isn't as good.

>it's another "Skyrim autists think anyone gives a shit about their blow up sluts"

You sure seem to be mad about them.

>Shame the SkyrimSE version isn't as good.
it's getting there, most mods don't get converted because of asshole mod authors

Attached: eSkyrimPhysics test (1).webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

Those pants are too tight. Looks bad, man.

>Doesn't leave footprints in the sand
Bitch ain't real thicc

end yourself

Attached: 89475.jpg (1920x1080, 338K)

god i wish that was me she's laying on top of

>Bitch ain't real thicc

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition 2019.04.13 - GIF.webm (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Can you save character appearances in this or do you have to memorize all your slider positions?

>"I like leggings. They're comfy and easy to wear!"

Now my penis becomes the awakened penis

Attached: 228.gif (300x314, 2.91M)

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition 2019.04.13 - GIF.webm (1920x1080, 1.12M)

That Dante is looking /fa/ as fuck. First time I've seen a pawn wearing a monocle and didn't get the urge to Brine it.

Memorize. I took screens.


Attached: 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Old1.jpg (400x386, 37K)

Attached: eSkyrim (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

I play her on City of Heros. No one plays villain so I play alone, it fucking sucks.

Attached: 1535127145382.jpg (592x1200, 82K)


that's Skyrim SE, and the body is Touched by Dibella

Attached: 2019-01-09_3 (1).png (1166x656, 1.17M)

NCSoft brought back CoX?

Nah, it's a private server. Go check out /vg/ bud.

Do her boobs bounce around as well?

no, You'd need armor and body that were both physics compatible

Attached: eSkyrimDance.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

I'm guessing you mean, F95. Not really sure how to navigate that place though.


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How many mods would I need to do that? Is there a decent choice of armors?

Id say you have strange taste in women but it isn't around here.

>How many mods would I need to do that?
The armor
The body
and the physics mod that supports the body and armor

Attached: Skyrim.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

Why does that word trigger people so much?


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Any recommendations?

what game are you playing?

Whichever one has the most armors compatible with the physics.

..gonna add this to my "weird shit i saw on Yea Forums" list

>Whichever one has the most armors compatible with the physics.
then the older version of Skyrim
/tesg/ has a huge guide to modding it

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Would bone

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Rate my Fashion Souls.

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>playing as a girl
Is there a stronger indicator of virginity?

Attached: gw316.jpg (1187x1002, 487K)

Post feet

>Not lewd desert sorceress set

Kid can say goodbye to his teeth

thread needs more girl abs

Attached: PURE.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

Okay guys, I want to do it. I've been sitting on Skyrim: SE for years now and haven't even launched it let alone modded it. I want my unrealistically sexy girls. Where do I start?

>more girl abs

Attached: 20024-1537648438-199727745.jpg (2244x2100, 1.94M)

Yes, ma'am. I need you to strip and prepare for a full-body examination.

>I want my unrealistically sexy girls. Where do I start?
CBBE or touched by dibella

Attached: enb2018_9_29_21_19_09.jpg (3840x2160, 1.29M)

I would join you senpai. Just need to break through the limbo that is character creation. I've spent so much time but have yet to settle on a look that I like. Creating the perfect powerslut is hard.

Does fallout 4 have them too?

Damn, what's that from user?

>asshole mod authors
>not the Creation Club constantly changing memory addresses around to break SKSE every patch


you can roll back your updates and never have to deal with CC updates

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How does he eat?

nice, what's the physics mod for fo4 then?

puts plugs in.


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I use these

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Does it still only have a vanilla conversion and some bad swimsuits from mmos?

only good posts in this thread
anyone that refers to their characters as toons for any other game deserves to be shot

People probably don't even remember you can play Robin as someone about Lissa's age

nah, it has plenty now

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>all the tesg rejects maing a Yea Forums thread because their thread is either slow or just down right trash
>forget to mention that they're the reason tesg is slow or trash

games like tes and fallout usually stay relevant with each new release, /tesg/ is slow because skyrim came out 8 years ago

Attached: Fosworn.png (1576x886, 2.06M)

>that stance

Tesg is slow because the namefags chased out everyone with their faggotry then wonder why there's only like 3 people posting in the thread over several days.
It's probably one of the worst threads on /vg/

I miss her bros.

Attached: Noodle_Sweetsprout.171124.185334.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Hunter, DK, Lock and Gobbo before the trashfire that is BFA

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Just saw like 3 new swimsuits

That UI is fucking awful.

If anything, it was the namefags that were chased out from all the shitposting.

Going to hazard a guess that you're the guy that screeches about "discucks" and got banned recently.


Cute warlock

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How much ERP did you get up to with that slutgobbo?

looks like meghan fox

This game is pretty.

Attached: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands2019-5-20-16-23-35.jpg (1920x1080, 464K)

none, im not good at any of that stuff

She's dead, Jim.
I remember liking Wildstar at launch, kinda bummed I never spoent any time with it.

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Isn't that from the doujin where a boy attends a school full of futanari and ends up getting fucked by the entire class including the teacher who has a haircut like major from GitS?

can you post card?

Good catch.

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muh fucking dicc

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What's the name of it? Let's play with so and so? I went looking for it the other day but it's been decades since I fapped to it so I forgot the name.

Nearly there. I had exactly the same problem last time i looked for it.
Let's Play with Kaoru-kun

Holy shit, this thread is still up.

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What game?

Hoes are hypocrites that didn’t have dads in their life to set them straight. They are just bullies who shamelessly use their sexual availability to shame others; just disgusting people

Why the fuck do you faggots say this? This shit and rolling when the stats do not change, fucking idiots.

I wasn't expecting to meet such refined connoisseurs in this thread

You like anime?

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.05.07 - (1920x1080, 3.67M)

thanks bud

Pubes and armpit hair are the thinking man's fetishes.

thanks for reminding me kurtzpel is f2p now.
>have to pay $3 to unlock all customization

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>Being surprised that NCSoft kills games faster than EA kills studios
City of Heroes, rest thine soul.

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You can go prone in Fallout 4?


Don't try to understand how women think, understand how they feel based on what they want and don't want, there you go now you are more able to understand women.
Consistency and principles are for men, there's no point ever using this on women, for example, you could show a woman that she is inconsistent on something she feels strongly about but to her what she is feeling is as real as anything else, if not more so, about what she perceives.
So you could show her hypocrisy in her reasoning but her feelings are not in conflict, they are very clear in fact, so therefore she has no conflicts and frankly she is right, because she is not gauging things on the same framework you would as a man.

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how do you get a job looking like that?

my old orc toon
haven't opened skyrim in ages

Attached: orc1.jpg (1080x1920, 1.06M)

Man's a walking gloryhole, he could probably earn a bit somewhere.

do people still play this game?

>implying his job isn't sucking dicks

I'm pretty sure this guy is gay, because aside from giving 3 blowjobs at the same time there's no use for this

I wouldn't let that freak anywhere near my dick

Might pick up Fallout 4 off of G2A one of these days.

No one cares about your filthy fag dick, gaytron.

This. Women's understanding of the world is based entirely on emotion. If dressing in such a fashion makes them feel empowered, then there is nothing "wrong" with how they dress, it just makes them feel confident.
However, if a man is more aggressive in his attempts to gain her attention, in her mind she is more attractive due to her newfound confidence rather than her ass hanging out. Finding out that the man is more attracted to her due to said ass and not her confidence creates the "wrong" feeling and as a result she rejects his advances.

Sure, game's getting a new major update as well.

More pics/link/mod info please user

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Femanon here, in all honesty we do it for attention, try and put yourself in a pretty girls shoes, imagine anywhere you go literally every guy stares you down with sex gaze, it's kind of thrilling/boosts your ego, sometimes i like to dress slutty and just go walk around outside to tease guys, its kind of a turn on knowing they all want to fuck you

at least use some subtlety my man


Made for bbc

You need to go outside for a while, son.

Can you stand the test?

Attached: katalina.png (1630x917, 1.91M)

I love sagging breasts and hairy poons
Just like real life

I will not accept this word unless it's motherfucking toontown

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Guys why the fuck I'm rangebanned from posting pictures?

You tell us, what did you post before to warrant it?

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these gw2 characters are making me want to start playing it again
is it still alive at all

Nothing because of this fucking 100% ban. I can't even make threads because it needs a picture.

Fucking cunts.

What pube mod?

all I know is they fired like 200 people from their studio

>Cellphone user

that could be a good thing
i remember gw2 having a lot of shit devs

Both on cell, uni computer, and pc. God I want to skewer that jap gook.

Eh. The way they did LOD kills it for me.

I guess this will do.

Attached: ffxiv_dx11 2019-05-19 11-24-00.png (720x1280, 1.17M)

this looks like a fucking second life avatar

I wish. SL is stuck in like 2012 graphics wise.

Attached: succ.png (884x1024, 955K)

Why does that filename say ffxiv when it's clearly not?

Gw2 is more fun when its one of several games you play rather than the only game you play.

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Maybe if you use trash anime avatars

Naw, SL avatars look great when you aren't a trash anime avi.