>sequel is objectively worse than the first game
Sequel is objectively worse than the first game
american history x had a sequel? asking because you are always posting this same image
Nah. I'd be down for that though.
Based problem officer? guy
the one true name for him
Coolface was never funny.
pepe and wojack posters are just closet trannies lol
shufflin shufflin
this thread just got TROLLED
Yes, yes. Well done, coolface, well done. HOWEVER
The next phase in the 2020s will be meme nostalgia. Maybe a bit of porn nostalgia, too. Screencap.
>final boss theme is a remix of the main theme
Fuck me, when did the internet lose its soul?
Trollface zoomer
>people defend it because it was their first game
Other way around faggot, only newfags who get their knowledge from KYM and ED say otherwise
I miss when trolling was an art
when creativity stopped being advertiser friendly
The soul never left, this was just a year ago
>an art
you fucked up
2008, like everything else, The recession did a number
Did I?
this is beautiful, user
hell yeah motherfucker
I didn't like troll face all those years ago but it's oddly comforting now
Do not bring him back, he will become a /pol/ meme like all the others.
Yeah. I'm thinking he's back.
>muh /pol/
Christ I swear I have seen more posts complaining about /pol/ than I have any posts relating to /pol/
Are we bringing back trollhead?
No retard, it was always trollface before someone tried to turn it into cool face. If it was recognized as such, then the face wouldn't have taken off as a means to troll people.
Are there any games that feature epic subversions of established tropes?
Lurk at least two years before posting.
Trollface was originally nameless
'trollface' came from template threads because the template would always end in "Problem?"
'coolface' came from the same template threads, but not from the template itself but just a popular edit.
fucking Dark Souls 2
Forgot to add
Kind of like how people argue wojak versus feels guy, or pepe versus sad frog.
that was this weird spinoff
Quick, we pretend it's 2012.
What's going on in this thread?
the reboot was superior
rip lyl
epic win
epic fail
dark souls 2
Row row fight the power!
I can't wait for the Minecraft adventure update! I bet hunger and enchantments will make the game better than ever.
What is bioshock 2?
FUuuuck dude I remember seeing this when it first popped up from that rainbow tylenol meme
Jesus crist almost 10 years ago
Dragon age 2 is shit.
That happened in 2011
I'm original newfag and I called it trollface
Who /2009/ here
Why is this shit so much funnier than wojak and Facebookfrog?
Fuck off newfag
This picture is amazing on so many levels
>Minecraft was comfy kino for one year and then dogshit for eight years
Where does the time go
u mad?
I joined literally 2 weeks ago and I'm not going anywhere. Seethe harder.
It has soul
Because it was from the times before most of oldfags left Yea Forums during GG shitstorm and they had genuine sense of humor.
Who remembers the filter for 7?
Imagine a world where Depression Quest was never made
But can you triforce?
>tfw you will never check those doubles ever again
When social media started to affect people's careers.
It's simpler
/pol/ is the new Yea Forums, so obviously you will.
/pol/ was better when everyone was just laughing about the absurdity of the world, but the world became too absurd and now its just filled with self-loathing jews and blacks
Best timeline
Everything that offends me is pol here
No! Where is pepe and wojak the mascots of Yea Forums!? They are supposed to be posted in every thread! Reddit tranny resetera...uhhhh what other buzzwords are hot these days? I need more because i cant come up with a proper rebuttal.
I've been around longer since you were born child
>/pol/ is the new Yea Forums
Actually Yea Forums is the new Yea Forums. In fact, I don't know why I even still bother with this shitty board.
/pol/ is even fucking worse somehow though.
I agree, I left Reddit for this?
you'd still be a newfag even then, retard
Say no more
Both are adopted by sites and people that had no idea to its origin and both are horribly horribly overused. Difference is trollface and the like are disowned for the most part while pepe and wojack and still used and I hate it. And its not for a lack of OC people still make it its just non of it is ever adopted.
Yea Forums has been Yea Forums with video games forever. that ain't new.
Regithreads are the only good thing about Yea Forums now prove me wrong
itt: coping boomers refusing to move on
le have sex leincel
why do you keep posting this? did you just find out about it?
Soulless, here's the true home
lol u mad zoomer?
I guess if you're a total faggot that'd be true
And it's all the same garbage
>Refuse to move on
>Facebookfrog is literally a decade old reposted shit
he mad
>tripfag thinking he's superior to anyone
they are
as proven by their spamming of trannie wojak recently
Please do not sabotage a good thread by having an opinion as a tripfag
You got the snickers one?
It's virtually a fresh meme after nearly half a decade of disuse.
I used to have a folder filled with all the mock trollfaces before my hard drive failed. I had pretty much every well known variation including some of the more rare ones, but now theyre gone sadly
Feam Tortress 4
>this is the kind of people whining about pepes/wojaks non-stop
Really makes me go hmm
You will always be a newfag
user NO!
where did that picture even come from?
some guy just typed up "ugly nerd" on google and you rolled along with it, didn't you?
Should I be like the chads that bitch about trannies,jews,and blacks 24/7 while claiming anime is white?
Who were you trying to speak to during your autistic fit of rage?
Kingdom Hearts 3
>pepe/wojak whiners are ugly tripfags
>pepe/wojak posters are facebook users
Clearly, the patrician side is to not play, as usual
No but you should leave
>muh pepes
>muh wojaks
>you fucking facebookddit gooberlection /pol/fugee tourists don't understand the TRUE meaning of OC unlike us enlightened Yea Forums oldfag meme connoisseurs
>*makes a rageface comic derivative #5312 that dies off after half a week of aggressive forcing*
>muh pepes
>muh wojaks
Rince and repeat
Nice edit that you will force into every thread
u mad?
every one of these pictures are the same, they have the same purpose
>lol this is you, therefore I don't need to actual refute your argument, you're just
That only one that springs to mind is Crisis 2.
I guess I keep lucking out and finding the sequels of the games I play to be a step up.
2019... I am forgotten...
>Sequel is objectively better than the first game in every single aspect
>but in the perfect way where the original isn't obsolete and still a classic
op is saying wojaks are the worse sequel to ragecomics
And thank fuck. It was maximum cringe.
How do I respond to 'u mad?' without sounding butthurt? Seems impossible. Maybe we can all learn something from these ancient boomer memes.
This were the highest form a meme could take before dying.
now this is a wall of text I can get behind
>How do I respond to 'u mad?' without sounding butthurt?
You don't. Just mute/hide and ignore (and report if it's justified). This has always been the ultimate victory against le epic trolls and trash talk in general. They want those (You)s. They want your salt. Not giving them means you've won.
Reminds me of DMC3 jester
It's time to go back.
>>> reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu
>Tripfag is retarded
The fuck is this?
>frogposters STILL MAD that their spotlight got momentarily taken by fapbait
poor fragile amphibians
O RLY? brb, gonna try this...
edit: OH SHI-
Had to run to the mods they hated and insulted to get it to stop. Nice one.
This has already happened, we all know how it will play out.
>Some guy keeps trying to force something that is supposed to """kill""" pepe and wojak
>later some people start to follow him
>after some time whatever they were trying to force is almost completely forgotten
>they start to sperg out blaming wojak and frogposters for the failure of their brand new maymays
u mad?
What about timesplitters 2
or SoulCalibur?
fightan and racing games in general?
u mad bro
Yea Forums really is the last bastion of Yea Forums
>completely forgotten
Apparently not considering that guy still being triggered over Bowsette.
le have sex xD
I'm gonna assume this is bait considering SC2 and TS2 are the best in the series
No More Heroes 2
"coaxed into a snafu" is still one of the most amusing things I've ever read.
That is my point exactly OP is a faggot who has never played these games, else he wouldn't be spouting like we wouldn't find out.
have sex
like a clockwork
keep crying wojakshitter this time well succeeded in kicking your shit out of this board.
ITT: Newfags calling Newfags Newfags
Really nigger? You dont see the 15 threads a day we have about trannies? I never seen any community or individual talking so much about gay shit as Yea Forums these past months.
mass efect
Old Yea Forums/Newgrounds/SomethingAwful/YTMND/Gaia memes
90s Japanese proto-memes and net characters
>t. newfag
Modern Finnish memes
that's not going to fucking happen your redditfrog is dying soon
based Yea Forumsnons
>you will never read junji ito together with Yea Forums ever again
Keep coping you fucking frog posting piece of shit. If i saw you with a pepe shirt on the street i would fucking beat you to shit.
>unironically defending frogposters
how embarrassing
It's funny how fast Yea Forums went to shit in the last 2 years.
The internet has been good to Pedobear/spurdo
Most memes are run into the ground
They hate you for telling the truth.
Look at all these angry replies.
Perhaps just maybe it’s trannies making them to to try to get people to like them by making anti tranny threads
Also it’s obvious there’s a ton of trannies they keep making those how do we end transphobia in gayming or those tranny YouTuber or whatever threads
Fucking retard
>IT HAZ TO BE /pol/ I swear
Fuck off
have sex is from 4chans wrestling board you seething simp.
Why are you still salty, man? Did your mom see Bowsette porn on the family PC and beat you with a crucifix or something?
i've noticed that every time something gets a lot of replies, someone always says this
those are started by trannies
>thread not even about console wars
>sony still wins it
Yea Forums is the rare exception where it was the moderation that turned the board to shit, rather than the community like every other board. Most of the people who made Yea Forums great are still there, but they get banned now for doing the things that used to make Yea Forums great while the mods open up the gate for mexican shonenshit generals, erase board culture because "spam" and kill sfw loli because "muh advertisers"
They even tried to ban nudity like breasts and ass too, but Hiro stepped in and told the mods to fuck off.
There's good sides though like how wojaks and pepes specifically get deleted and banned quickly, retarded blog threads and attention whores get banned, recc threads get banned, obvious newfags still get banned.
It's almost like a different website from the rest of the boards.
forced meme is still forced meme, back to facebook my newfriend
I miss the fucking faggot
Which ette was best? Many say bowsette, many say booette. How about chompette?
who is that?
Johnny Redundant